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Everything posted by Hell'z_KiD

  1. Needless to say..but I don't like gays..And I am not saying this to start trouble. Yes there are some gay people who can't help but like the same gender ,but now days most people just wanna be gay it's like a trend with people. and I don't believe bisexuality exists, It's 1 thing to be gay and like only one sex, but both? Bisexuality seems like a made up sexuality just to have fun at like orgies. (Sorry if I offended you, just my point of view on it)
  2. I am not sure why I continue to love someone actually I have been hurt too many times to care anymore....but yeah I guess you could say I am addicted,heh...
  3. erm... yes anime characters..are drawn attractive..but I mean..they're still just a cartoon.. o.o' I like anime because the animation of the fight scenes are better than most other cartoons and story plot.
  4. [QUOTE=TOTALIMMORTAL][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed] As much as I'd like to deny it and wish it wasn't true, what was once punk is now honestly dead. I consider myself "punk" but most people probably wouldn't deem me so because I don't exactly dress like all the other people who do think they are. I listen to Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, and of course, Punk. But this isn't about me. I think music keeps changing too much to stay popular with the times, and that's not what music should be about. And especially not Punk Rock. Punk Rock used to actually mean something back in the day, people either loved it or hated it. Now it's actually a [B]FREAKIN CLOTHING STYLE[/B]?!!! :flaming: I hate that. Way too many kids these days wear a Misfits shirt or something and haven't even heard a single song by them. Punk is sure as hell not about popularity, but thanks to places like Hot Topic, everybody's got a freakin studded belt and a Ramones shirt. Hot Topic is the Anti-Christ to what actually used to mean something. As much as I love Punk Rock, I can honestly say that places like Hot Topic, and those stupid "pop" punk bands like Good Charlotte, have brought about the demise of punk. Bands these days just keep becoming less and less musically talented, and more and more sing-along. Does anybody feel the same way as me, that punk has become way too popular and means practically nothing anymore? I wish it weren't so, but Punk Rock is either Six Feet Under or somewhere close to it.....[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Punk isn't dead my friend......It's just ruined and discarded...
  5. Honestly...most real goths aren't always rude,upset...And I don't think they worship the devil..or wicca. People are getting goth confused with annoying pop punks, and sorry to say this..but people that say they're goth on this board aren't goth because..I don't believe a real goth would be on this otakuboard O.o' sad reality. And I don't think "Satan" really cares if you sacrifice guenia pigs for him,I mean come on, almost anyone/anything could kill guenia pigs.Sacrificing doesn't work because you can't own someone else's soul, it only gets you a 1 way ticket to hell.
  6. I played the guitar a lot before,mostly when I was depressed..(which was all the time) But later I got interested in other things,and forgot about playing, I guess I should start again.
  7. Venom I guess , because he's like one of those evil guys that keeps coming back..,no wait ... that's Scorpion,but Venom is stronger and such.
  8. Songs that creep me out....Are all the songs by Brittany Spears.
  9. You can only believe what you think is true..,in my opinion love isn't real, just something people say a lot.
  10. Vampire Hunter D is better than Hellsing in my opinion, Vampire hunter D is an awesome movie,I think Hellsing was a little cheap..,Bloodlust is more serious.
  11. I don't really care about the whole blonde hair and stuff....If she is a goth then that's good enough 4 me.
  12. 1. Ninja Scroll (the movie) 2. Vampire hunter D (the movie) 3.Rob Zombie's "House of a Thousand Corpses" ( The movie was completely awful..,but I kinda found it amusing )
  13. Why do I go to the movies? Hmm...well...let me see..."To watch movies I wanna see" -.- there's really no other reason I go....
  14. Probably one of the disney movies..because it was so awful...those movies honestly have too much tragedy for a cartoon.
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