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  1. I think were to smart for our own good, monkeys are only that little bit differant then us but their main goal in life is to survive and reproduce to keep their species alive, we have all these things to do and goals to do this or that and sometimes other people get in the way and people get mad and things start to happen over ideals making war. Religion is another big part of war, just cause people think differantly... oh well...
  2. Ahh.. themes, i'm not sure which are my favorite either. I mainly really like the Slayers themes, my favorite is the beginning of Next...I have that on order at the moment ^_^ and i also really like the opening theme from Knights of Ramune and Maze, just cant help but liek them, also Night Walkers opening.. ahh i'll drop it at that
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]I have become interested in it ever since I saw a trailer for it on one of My gundam DVD's. It looks great. Based on what you have all said I beleive It would not be a waste to go out and purchase one of the DVD's and see how I like it. [/B][/QUOTE] I promise you it wouldnt, its one of my favorites int he collection i have. Its paining me so much that i have to wait to the EscaMovie to be released on DVD before i can see it -.- Oh well
  4. Name: Jadess Age: 152 Gender: Female Race: Elf Pristess Group: in the band of merry elves Appearance: Long black hair with green eyes,her skin is light and pale and she is very tall. She usually wears white dress with ebon grey robes. She looks about the age of about 28, her pierced ears come delicately to a point. Powers: Light Healing to others, Low Flight and can put up a aural sheild for protection. Conjuring: Can summon certain things with the use of the Gem
  5. gya.. -.- i was asking who like Escaflowne? Cause i'm wanting to find a Esca Rp site or something, and maybe just to talk about *shrugs* dunno..
  6. Name: Jade Age: 13 Year: 4 House: Slytherin Animal/Pet: owl Descrip: Tall, has black hair that goes slightly past her shoulder, eyes are a dark green, fair skinned
  7. ok i think that the death sentance is alright but why do it with torture? isnt death enough? i mean no life, not brwathing, you..forgotten. what elkse could be as bad? i know some people may really deserve it, but maybe i've never really been in a situation where i thought someone needed to be tortureed in their death, or to die at all, i guess my veiws will change as i hear more.. whatever, death is alot tho, thats what i have to say:smirk:
  8. And dont forfet KoRn!! *swoon* lmao
  9. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! NO NO NO!!! NOT THAT DREADED QUESTION!!!!!!!! ahhhhh! girrrrrr...... boy bands suck, not just boybands all POP bands suck, including the loners like Bitnay SpeArs (country hick accent there) and all da others(acent there too). Hmmm...i think i'll just someit up..NEITHER!! BOY BANDS SUCK! ok...i shall go back to listening to Slipknot now......
  10. i've heard things from people saying they think its going to be the next ww, world war 3
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