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Everything posted by Meggido
I find it interesting that last month they announced a new Code Geass anime. It'll be Lelouch and Suzaku again but it's not certain whether it'll be a sequel or a alternate take on the series. My guess is it'll be an alternate take just because it's Sunrise.
not just an update of the appearance they're also changing the combat system. It's apparently not an exact remake but rather a re-imagining (that's the word being thrown around) of Lufia: Rise of the Sinistrals. I wasn't a fan of the gba version of Lufia instead preferring the two snes games.
AS far as I know the series starts with .hack///SIGN. I don't think anything's been released that comes before that. Chronologically if I recall the order is: .hack//SIGN .hack Games (4 games from Infection - quarantine) .hack//Legend of the twilight Bracelet (anime/manga) .hack//ROOTS .hack//GU (3 games on PS2) There's a few light novel series and such but I'm not sure where they fall.
series I've been checking out so far this season: [B]11eyes[/B] - For some reason I'm thoroughly enjoying this after 2 eps. I keep looking at the way it's portrayed and such and going "this is how chaos;head should of been handled", yet I really can't put my finger on why that is. There is just something in that drags me in. [B]Darker than Black 2[/B] - From 2 eps it seems to start off slower than the original series. It doesn't seem to have the same charm as the original series and I'm also not a fan of the new look Hei. I'm hoping they explain what happened to him in the 2 year gap between series. [B]Kampfer[/B] - gender bender series are becoming a guilty pleasure of mine and this is just continuing to fuel that. I think it's quite funny especially the situations the main character is currently finding himself in. [B]Seitokai no Ichizon[/B] - I'm actually enjoying this. As a light hearted parody series it does it's job well imo. I love Lucky Star but I'm finding this to be a lot more enjoyable and a lot more comedic. [B]Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu: Purezza[/B] - season 2 of a series I enjoyed first time round. Starts off less comedic than season 1, kinda on the same note as season 1 ended. :( [B]Kimi ni Todoke[/B] - For me this series just doesn't seem to translate well from the manga. While it is well made it just doesn't have the same impact on me as the manga. [B]Sasameki Koto[/B] - I wasn't sure what to expect from this but it is decent. It is very heavy on the drama just from episode 1 and it'll be interesting to see how it plays out. Other stuff I'm yet to check out that I'm interested in are [B]To Aru Kagaku no Railgun[/B] and [B]Fairy Tail[/B]. I'm also witing on the [B]Shakugan no Shana S[/B] OVA that starts getting released near the end of the month.
Anime Anime Out of Context (image heavy)
Meggido replied to The Spectacular Professor's topic in Otaku Central
Lol Desbreko. I've been finding that bakemonogatari has heaps of those moments that can seem bizarre and odd when taken out of context. Hell there's quite a lot that seem that way when left in context XD -
What this has me intrigued with is what people's reactions are going to be (specifically those who hadn't read the light novels) when they discover how mundane the ending to the arc really is. The thing about endless eight is it has the potential to build up to something big and then tear it all down in seconds. But yeah it took 8 eps and next week will either be a completely new arc or one of the old eps. From what I've heard the originally announced 14 new eps is now only going to be 12, eight of which have been completely wasted on Endless eight so if it's true only 3 new eps to go.
well we've been trolled up to 8 eps. I can't believe that they decided to take the eight part literally and give us 8 episodes of Endless eight. Anymore and I'll give up on the haruhi anime completely and stick with the light novels.
[quote name='Shinmaru']For serious. It's bad enough that essentially the same episode has been repeated ad nauseam, but it is also pushing back the point that the series will begin [b]The Vanishment of Haruhi Suzumiya[/b], and that is just unacceptable.[/QUOTE] I didn't mention it before but the sites I read the information that I posted above from basically said that it is all but confirmed that the [B]Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya[/B] (or vanishment if you'd prefer that) will not feature in the new episodes that are currently airing. Edit: looking at the wikipedia entry for the episode order/synopsis there is in fact going to be a 7th episode of endless eight. "when will the torture end" *cry*
Out of general interest, what are people's opinions of the Endless Eight arc which has so far gone on for way too long? Myself I thought it was clever at first and enjoyed the fact that the 4th of the eps reminded me of K-On however it's definitely gone on too long. I think KyoAni is just looking to destroy whatever reputation they've built up. It's also a little sad that Yamakan (the original haruhi director) is apologizing for the direction it's gone even though he's not a part of the project and hasn't been a part of KyoAni for some time. The most annoying thing is that ep 2 was the 15,498th cycle which is when they break the cycle in the novels.
I'll agree with Miss Anonymous. I actually think GU was more superior than the original games so if this is just as good then it will be a good way for it to end. I remember that at one stage there was news of their going to be a .hack mmo in Japan but I have no idea if it even got of the ground.
[quote name='Miss Anonymous']I would actually say the manga is based off the game. XD CC2 has done this before, with the G.U.+ manga and the G.U. games.[/QUOTE] How long before GU or for that matter .hack//roots was G.U. + serialized in magazines? Just asking out of interest simply because the manga for .hack//link has been serialized since back in 2007, though I can't seem to find information on how regularly. The fact that there will be 30 characters who can be invited to your party is awesome, though the fact that you can only have a party of 2 kinda sucks.
Sweet a .hack game based around the recent manga. I've only read a few chapters but I was enjoying the .hack//link manga. be interesting to see what the games like.
What I'm currently playing is: [B]Tales of vesperia[/B] Currently up to the Heracles. Loving this game however my only fault is the fact that only 1 character can really heal. Karol has a healing spell and I think one or two of the other characters but they're pretty much useless compared to Estelle. [B]Ghostbusters[/B] I don't usually get games based on movies but this is like being on crack. Awesome oneliners. A completely new script that makes reference to the original films, and sliming all the ghosts you want XD
Since I'm still watching so much from the last season as well as the random eps of Haruhi season 2 when they air. I'm probably only going to pick up [B]Spice and Wolf [/B] season 2. however the synopsis of [B]Bakemonogatari[/B] has piqued my interest from the synopsis and [B] Canaan[/B] may be interesting though I haven't seen a synopsis.
Finally got this when the pal release happened, and been playing it for the last 3 days. I must say I'm loving every minute of it and thanks to the bonus board the game isn't the slow grind that Star Ocean 3 was. The one thing I'm finding annoying though is that every time I get a new character they're seriously under-leveled compared to the rest of the party though it's fairly easy for them to catch up. [spoiler]I'm currently level 32 on Edge with everyone else except Meracle between 30-32 and I just landed on Roak. When the mentioned the Nuah earlier on and now with landing on Roak I'm really glad that Square-enix has tied the game in well with the originals. Getting to see Roak in it's full luscious 3D environment has me stoked.[/spoiler] So far I haven't had much trouble at all with bosses or enemies (though being crit and watching half my bonus board shatter always leaves me crying with the amount of setup I do to get it how I want it) and I can't wait to see the harder difficulties.
I must say that the new metroid looks very impressive. the change to what seems to be 3rd person action would be from the team ninja perspective following their success with ninja Gaiden but it'll be interesting how it alternates between that and 1st person shooter. However the biggest announcement for me today on top of a new[B] Jak and Daxter[/B] game and a few other handheld announcements was the anouncement that we are finally going to get a new [B]Golden Sun[/B] game. Been waiting for this for ages as I'd say that Golden Sun 1 and 2 were arguably the greatest RPGs on the GBA. What irritated me about the new stuff was that FFXIV will be another online game. I'll probably only get it if it's either no monthly fees or they introduce a game card system which the first didn't have (as far as I remember).
Looking at that list of returning characters I'm actually wondering where this fits in with the overall series. My guess is probably between Trials and Tribulations and Apollo Justice but I'm just taking a guess. I want more closure to the original series since Apollo Justice went and crushed the closure I had after Trials and Tribulations.
Out of what's been shown so far the only things that really have me interested are the information that a new [B]Front Mission[/B] game is in the works and rather than being strategy they've taken a different style to the series which should be interesting. [B]Modern warfare 2[/B] is the other one since I enjoyed the first modern warfare game. I'm iffy about the new MGS because while I enjoy the series I hate Raiden as a character and the first news I saw said he was the main character. I'm sure there will be KH 358/2 days and Birth by Sleep info but who knows at the moment. I'm already spoiling myself by getting a taste of 358/2's style since the *** release (can't wait for english release) but I really want to know more about Birth by Sleep.
So there's a little more to Dagger's post then was explained originally. While the stations are re-airing the original 14 episodes of Haruhi Suzumiya in chronological order that is only the half truth. The full facts is that with the original 14 episodes being aired they are also airing 14 new episodes intermingled with the old. This is confirmed with the recent airing of episode 8 of the "re-runs" which is the first new episode made season 2006. The Episode "Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody" wasn't part of the original 14 episodes, and raws are already floating around youtube. Here's a link for some extra news: [url]http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2009-05-21/new-haruhi-suzumiya-anime-episode-airs[/url]
In terms of RPGs I've found quite a number of them since they are also my favourite type of game (specifically JRPG) so here's a few of my recommendations. [B]Lost Odyssey[/B] probably the best JRPG I've played recently with an interesting stoyline, great characters, good gameplay mechanics (not just in battles but for learning skills as well), and even visual novel elements. Over 4 discs it has some of the most magnificent cutscenes I've seen to date. [B]Eternal Sonata[/B] is considered somewhat of a Kiddy JRPG because of the style of graphics but it's actually a lot better than it seems. Once you get past the mix of good and bad voice acting it's quite enjoyable. And the battle system is a twist on the real time battle systems used in games like Star Ocean. [B]Infinite Undiscovery[/B]: I haven't had much chance to play this game yet. The story is a little bland however I think the gameplay mechanics are a lot better than [B]The Last Remnant[/B], at least from my short play. If square had wanted to truly make a great game they'd have taken the gameplay mechanics from this and the story from [B]Last Remnant[/B]. [B]Tales of Vesperia[/B]: I'm still waiting on a release of this myself however from what I've seen it's been rated as highly as [B]Tales of the Abyss[/B] on PS2 and that was definitely a great game. I'd also second Korey's suggestion of [B]Blue Dragon[/B]. This is basically all the RPGs I can think of apart from the 2 you're already planning on getting (I'm still yet to play bioshock myself). If I can think of any others that I've missed/own I'll post again.
I'm wanting a Tales of Hearts avatar/banner set to replace my RxJ one which I've had way too long. here are the pics I can provide. [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v482/shorty246/wallpapers/shing.jpg[/url] [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v482/shorty246/wallpapers/innes.jpg[/url] [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v482/shorty246/wallpapers/hisui.jpg[/url] [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v482/shorty246/wallpapers/kohaku.jpg[/url] What I'm after is a avatar with either just Shing or Shing and Kohak and my username. As for the banner I want all four characters on it as well as the Tales of Hearts title used in the pics. If you need a smaller version of the title I have another wallpaper with it so just ask and I'll post a link. Thanks in advance and I'll give due credit to the person who makes it.
Looking at it, it seems to be a very promising game. The story itself looks to be outside the main story line that encompasses the other 4 ace attorney games. This will probably sate my hunger for another phoenix wright game until the next in the main story comes along. I want to know what happened to a few of the characters after Trials and tribulations (an extended period, we know the short term).
All the Articles I've read state that this game is ranked almost as highly as tales of the Abyss (which fans rank as the best tales game). Sadly I'm yet to confirm this first hand as I have to wait till end of June at the earliest for a PAL release.
Shooting yourself in the head will summon a powerful being that has strong physical attacks and special magical attacks - persona 3 (ok yes they're not real guns) You're never weighed down by your inventory no matter how much you are carrying - almost any rpg or mmorpg You can lift a world with particles (or fonons in this instance) - Tales of the Abyss
For me the memorable soundtracks were the [B]Metroid Prime[/B] Series on GCn and Wii as well as [B]Persona[/B] 3 and 4 on PS2. Particularly the 2 Openings (Burn my Dread and Pursuing My True Self) and 2 endings (Kimi no Kioku and Never More). Honorable mentions definitely go to [B]Chrono Trigge[/B]r (even got a few tracks as my mobile ringtone) and[B] Ocarina of Time[/B].