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Everything posted by Meggido
You my dear sir obviously didn't see Conqueror of Shambala. But then again it wouldn't matter since this series of FMA has nothing to do with the original.
took a quick look at the first few minutes of the raw. first (quick) impressions: 1. Love the Op, 2. not so much a fan of Roy's new voice, 3. I'm interested in seeing what gets kept from the first part of the manga that was in the first series. It's interesting the for an anime based on the manga the first ep is something that doesn't appear in the manga at all. Well for some reason I'm hoping we get the Rose stuff again even though that was the original introduction to Ed and Al so it's highly unlikely to happen. Looks like a sub has already been released and only 6 - 7 hours or so after airing. Sadly it's from the one group I have little faith in after starting with them on Macross Frontier and Tales of the Abyss only to see them stall indefinitely.
I'm about ready to give up on Bleach...the series has become too predictable for me and not in a good way. The fact that I'm predicting what will happen weeks in advance (and many of my mates will tell you I am) is just a little sad. I saw the ichigo going to [spoiler]Hichigo against Ulquiorra (ok maybe not Hichigo in the true sense but same diff). I saw Ulquiorra being extremely overpowered only to get beat down by Hichigo. I saw Ichigo losing control of himself leading to him stabbing Ishida and almost using Cero on Inoue, and I saw Inoue having a break down.[/spoiler] What I'd really have like to have seen which would have been completely out of left field would have been Inoue completely losing it and seeing this darker side that Ulquiorra hinted at before he started his battle with Ichigo. I wanted her to be something other than a whiny, annoying character but I guess I expected too much.
he means it's against forum rules to give that sort of info. I'm waiting for a decent sub to come out for this since the comments I've seen regarding the only sub so far have been fairly negative.
2 days 1 hour until the first episode airs in Japan. Not that I'm counting down or anything. Actually one thing I'm interested in is whether they will keep Greed's (the first one) death the same as in the manga. [spoiler]I mean in the manga Greed is dropped into some sort of boiling substance and reduced to his basic form. In the manga (at least the original release) he was pinned to a crucifix when he is killed while in the translated release this became a big square stone block[/spoiler] If they keep this the same in the anime I'll be very pleased but I expect if it is that once a dub comes out it will be changed again.
Hopefully Graces will be superb and be extremely popular. I'm still waiting for the pal release of Vesperia which should be about June and because of apparently poor sales in the US and Japan Symphonia 2 is not getting a Pal release. The Tales of VS however sounds awesome. thank god for no region encoding on handhelds.
heh. Actually I was at the convention that it was announced and was absolutely stoked.
Some good news for Australian FMA lovers. [url]http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2009-03-30/2009-fullmetal-alchemist-debut-gets-australian-simulcast[/url]
I think even anyone who hated FMA should check out the new series since it's based of the manga which imo is very much the superior storyline. ALready mentioned series I'm going to check out are [B]Full metal Alchemist 2[/B], [B]Pandora Hearts[/B], and [B]Phantom ~Requiem for the phantom~[/B] Other series I'm going to check out: [B]Asura Cryin'[/B] - Guy haunted by a girl who was his childhood friend is the basic story given however the picture on anidb suggests that there is more to it hten that. [B]Hayate no Gotoku 2[/B] - this is a tentative as I hated the first season because it had no direct plot like the manga but was rather episodic. I might check this out to see if it actually has story plot this time. [B]Senjou no Valkyria: Gallian Chronicles[/B] - Based on a game and one that is very popular. Not owning a PS3 I haven't had a chance to check out Valkyrie chronicles but this I will. [B]Tears to Tiara[/B] - Another game to anime adaptation I want to check out. This could be good or could be as bad as Utawarerumono. I'll probably have to check out more for reviews for a magazine I write/edit for but these are the main seven that I want to check out properly.
watching that trailer I'm thinking I need to go back and read some of the earlier chapters of the manga. for one I don't remember and alchemist who could use ice based abilities but then again it's been about 2 years since read the early stuff.
Well I absolutely loved the GG games I played #reload and ^core I think the other was. This looks quite interesting and depending on how it turns out I might actually end up getting it. Just depends on whether there's going to be one of those rare Aus releases.
This topic is actually really quite interesting because it allows for a broader range of discussion and I don't just mean in the approach to the more known characters. This could also bring out some interesting talk about the manga characters who will probably become more well known once the second series begins of the anime. I also think that some of the characters are portrayed differently in the manga then they are in the anime. For example I think Ed and Al progressively get stronger and less whiny as the manga progresses, while in the anime they started at one point (before the flashbacks) and then sort of continues along that same style. Actually one of the characters that I really find interesting in the manga is the "true" Pride. He is a lot more scheming, vile and evil than Bradley is and I think it's actually a really nice change at the same time the Homunculus for the most part personify their sin a lot more accurately (not that greed, envy, lust and gluttony didn't already). In particular I believe Sloth is now the very personification of the sin his name suggests however as proven in recent chapters this can also be contradicted quite rapidly.
2 days till this comes out in Aus. The main SF game I use to play was SF2 at the arcades and so it's been a really long time since I've played one. At the moment I'm not really sure whether to buy this on x360 or Dawn of War 2 for PC as they both come out on the same day. Sadly even with trade ins I'll only have money to really buy one or the other.
[spoiler]Death the Kid[/spoiler] is probably my favourite character in the series. his Soul resonance is awesome [spoiler]and his obsession with symmetry makes for some hilarious scenes especially late in the series when he's following someone[/spoiler]
Well it's not the official season 2 but at the moment it's the closest thing were getting. This series is apparantly a spin-off gag series that will be a number of short's released online. sources: [url]http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=5335[/url] [url]http://www.haruhi.tv/[/url] At first I actually thought "great season 2 finally"...that was until i did some searching on ANN and found what it was about.
Picked up an import copy of this from my local import store today since they finally got it in. I've been waiting since the US release (in fact currently listening to the A-side OST that came with it) and I must say that only a few hours in this is shaping up to be one of the best persona games (hell best rpg's) I've played. I loved P3 and am gonna love this. I've heard however that Persona; Trinity Soul acts as a link between P3 and P4 (even though being set 10 years after the end of the first game and 9 after the start of the second) so I think I'm gonna stop P4 for a little while, finally finish the last month and a half of P3 and re-watch trinity Soul.
Watching that new trailer I'd have to say that the new protagonist seems to be a lot more in control of things than Fayt or even Roddick. If that's the case we might see a refreshing change to Star Ocean rather than the hero drawn into something they couldn't control. Who knows but it might stick to the same methods. Still can't wait for this.
I'm so glad that this was actually licensed especially with the early C&D notices before there was a license in the US. I've seen about 3/4 of the series and have aboslutely loved it so far. The thing is that it'll probably finish before the manga has.
I'm impressed with the story. at least on the surface and from the first few hours it looks like the game has a lot of depth in terms of the story. I haven't played it much but it has me really intrigued. That's the good part, the bad part leads to why I haven't played it much. Basically Square did a horrible job of using the Unreal 3 engine. The load times are horrendous and frequent, even between event changes in cut scenes and starting a battle. To further top it off the game doesn't even flow well in battle with occasional lag as the game loads itself. This can probably be fixed by loading the game onto the hard drive but I haven't tried that yet. The final thing is rendering issues. While a cut scene is occurring it can take as long as 30secs to a min for the graphics to completely render. This should be instantaneous and seamless at least in theory but this is far from the truth. Reviews I read said this can be fixed partially by installing the game onto your hard drive but not by a significant amount.
Sangome has mentioned most of the major points but I may as well cover some aspects. [spoiler]Noah II has become operational which could mean two things. Either they gathered the data they needed from Yua and Taku or they've started early. I wouldn't be surprised if the scene with Yua and Mia (who turns out to be one of N.O.Z.O.M.I.'s henchmen) was really just to unlock her power and to gain data on her. The guy says himself that they never mentioned she was a giglomaniac which means they'd been watching her even if just for a little bit. It also wouldn't surprise me if the scene between Taku and delusion Nanami was something set up by N.O.Z.O.M.I. as well. On another note it could be a delusion set up by Shogun to get Taku out.[/spoiler] Onto Nanami however. [spoiler]It seems like a partial deviation from the pics I've seen of the game. (may I also say this is confirmed in the episode preview for 11) Rather than having her hand dismembered from her body it appears rather that through a delusion created by Noah II she believe that her hand has been cut off. The preview of episode 11 shows her hugging Shogun (Taku) with her hand still in tact and with her precious bangle.[/spoiler] I'm not really surprised [spoiler]that Suwa was a member of the church of the Divine Light or whatever it's called after ep 9. Once we discovered the nurse was one of them the opening where the two of them are shown together sort of made me believe that Suwa was in the same boat.[/spoiler] I'm just going to start theorizing here. [spoiler]Rimi mentioned that everytime Taku has a delusion it is killing the real Takumi (Shogun). That explains the dried husk that Shogun is. But is it not possible that every time Taku has a delusion he is absorbing a part of Shogun into himself. He stated himself that he has all his childhood memories and his memories of his time with Nanami. Is it possible that his delusions are not just killing Shogun but drawing these memories and such into himself. In this way by the end of the series (or by Shogun's death) that will leave Taku as the real Takumi. This is leaving me with two possible endings. The first ending is what was shown right at the start of episode 1 with Rimi killing Taku, basically fulfilling her warning that she may have to kill him if he keeps having delusions. This seems a bit hard to accept right now though as she wants to do it to save Shogun as well as Taku, but from game pics he awakens which has been hinted at will kill Shogun. The second ending is just something that I'm unable to consider right now. I doubt it would be a sort of happy ending though as this anime screams complex, emotional ending all the way.[/spoiler] end my crazy messed up theories. XD
Firstly I must say [spoiler]God damn I want them to hurry up and save Nanami. However the trailer for next week suggests that they don't have to. I'm not sure but speculation on my behalf suggests she may be released so N.O.Z.O.M.I. can try and get their hands on Taku.[/spoiler] Secondly lets move onto this ep. Lots of revelations for Taku, as well as for the audience. [spoiler]He finally discovers Rimi is a giglomaniac and to an extent what involvement he has. I'm sure that equation hasn't appeared yet in the series but it forms such a core basis now. I wonder how N.O.Z.O.M.I. got their hands on it. It's also interesting that Sena and the ending suggests that with the creation of that equation the world split down two or more paths (reminds me of Chrono Cross)[/spoiler] Also a couple more revelations about Sena and Ayase. [spoiler] Ayase torture at the hands of N.O.Z.O.M.I. (speculation on my behalf) suggests that maybe Nanami has been put through something similar all so they can get data. I'm also not sure which 5 they've got data from. While Taku is definite for being one they haven't analyzed I believe Yua might be the other one they haven't obtained data from. I first thought Rimi or Kozue but then it sort of clicked since Yua seems to be flying under the radar. The other thing is that I never suspected that Sena's father was the guy with the end of the world sign. It sure makes things a little more interesting though. Will Sena get her revenge?[/spoiler] The final thing is the revelation at the end [spoiler] Shogun and Taku are one and the same? O.o That was a surprise and I assume that comes from the divergent paths in time. At the same time It explains why Rimi is so attached to Taku and to Shogun. They are the same person so her feelings reflect on both. However I wonder what she means when she says worse things will come if he awakens. While she doesn't want Taku to awaken, Shogun wants him to. This also opens more questions about how Taku is involved with the New Gen murders. Is Yua's original analysis in ep 2 correct?[/spoiler] On a final note does anyone know if it's possible to get the phantasm songs from ep3? I found the 2 from the game but they're completely different to the ones in the anime. I just loved the sound and want to get a hold of them.
I loved he first two season. I didn't even know there was going to be a third season but that is awesome news. Can't wait to see what it's about.
[SIZE="1"]I'm counting down the days till this actually comes out (mainly that involves looking for it to appear on the top 10 list of gamefaqs PS2 games). I plan on going down to my local import store in the next couple of days to see if they've got it in.[/SIZE]
Firstly I must say that Taku really got on my nerves in this episode. I don't have any idea why but he just really seemed to irritate me. Maybe it's just his over the top self-defeatist atittude. Secondly I want to refute your first point Shinmaru. The detective is not in fact a [spoiler]Giglomaniac. This is simply because he can't see the sword until Sena real-boots it, at the same time when she disappears after destroying the Nozomi technology he is unable to see her leave.[/spoiler] You've covered most of my points Shin but I'm really wondering about Rimi. [spoiler] We still don't know what he relationship with Shogun is or to that extent why she is hanging out with Taku. However I do suspect she has some sort of feelings for both Shogun and Taku. You could tell she was trying to hide something when she suggested she termintes Taku.[/spoiler] My other query is about Taku's [spoiler] and to the extent of the ending Nanami's relationship to Norose. He knew Taku's name without i even being mentioned in front of him and at the end he says "I never suspected that you were a Giglomaniac." There is definitely something a lot deeper there. I can kinda confirm that the one held is Nanami simply because I've seen pics with her on that sword. I hope they save her soon because I feel sorry for her being a test subject for that bastard Norose.[/spoiler] I've noticed a couple of what I think are pics from the CG set of Chaos; Head going around and there's one particular image that has me kinda disturbed and worried about the series. I was searching for chaos;Head wallpapers at the time. [spoiler] This pic is of Nanami hugging her Di-sword but her right hand seems to have been cut off. I'm so hoping this doesn't happen in the series but with the way things are progressing I can see that it might actually happen.[/spoiler]
[SIZE="1"][B]World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King[/B]: In my opinion probably Blizzard's best expansion. BC was just horrible and didn't even compare to vanilla wow but wotlk has really taken this mmo up a few notches. Even the normal dungeon bosses are a lot more in depth and a lot less of a tedious tank and spank fight. Favourite Dungeon is Draktharon, favourite boss is Heigen the Unclean. Learning to "dance" was quite fun. [B]The Last remnant[/B]: This game seems mainly to be marred by technical issues. I would have thought that being a square game they'd have tried to iron out issues with the Unreal 3 engine so as to create a smooth gameplay experience however this is not the case. The game occasionally suffers from lag or slow graphics rendering and is plagued by excessive loading times. Every time you enter a battle, a new area, a new cutscene, even occasionally when a cut scene changes location you have to go through load times. Other than that the gameplay and storyline are quite fun. I've got a ton of other games I'm about half finished like [B]Lost Odyssey[/B], [B]Eternal Sonata[/B], [B]Blue Dragon[/B], and [B]Persona 3.[/B] just not enough time in the day.[/SIZE]