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Everything posted by Meggido

  1. Name: Marat Moogle: no Tribe: Selkie Gender: male Appearance: Wolfie Hometown: Tipa Family Trade / Parents' Occupation: Alchemist Brothers / Sisters: 1 sister: Robin, 1 brother: Falcon Final Fantasy is my favourite game ever. i hope this is fine
  2. in no particular order 1. Linkin park 2. Blink 182 3. Living End 4. Sum 41 5. Muse thats my top five but i love so many other bands it is a diificult pick.
  3. my favourite character would have to be Paine. very intriguing background story which develops as the game does. the main thing i love about her are the witty and sarcastic comments she makes throughout the game.
  4. Films that made me cry. let me think. i would say: Bambi - as with all five year olds. Schindler's list - that was a brave man and some i can't remember.
  5. Hey, i'm new here, having been introduced to this site by a friend. as u can see my name is [COLOR=DarkRed]Meggido[/COLOR] :devil:. my interests include videogames, reading books(fantasy), playing hockey(grass) and watching movies/TV/anime. i hate being a newbie. this is the second of these forum sites i've joined and unlike the other it is a bit more complicated. can people give me some ideas of how to work on the different sections i.e. adventure arena or battle arena. Before saying look at the stickies. i did and they did not make much sense to me.
  6. i never heard the whole of the Epitaph of the Twilight only the bits from the dvd series and the first game. it is very unusual but so is the whole series which just makes it completely awesome. in the first game Skeith is only phase one so does that mean you fight other phases during different parts of the game i.e. phase 2 half way through game 2?
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