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Everything posted by Meggido
We finally get a decent amount of Kozue with the latest ep. Been a while since I posted here but I had to do a catch up of eps 5 and 6, and after all the explanations in eps 6 and 7 I think my brain needs a complete reboot. It seems weird that the series will only be 5 more eps or so because there is so much in this series it could almost have been slightly longer. And we still have yet to see 3 Di-swords at least. On the episode though we come back to episode 3 and the explanation [spoiler] the Taku is able to make things happen as he wishes it. However unlike previously where it could have been just seen as delusional, this mixed with his conversation with the 2 Ayase's suggests there is a lot more there. But it seemed like Ayase was pretty okay after landing in the flowerbed but next thing we're shown is her being rushed into hospital. I'm hoping nothing bad happens to her, not from the fall but other reason.[/spoiler] I also believe that [spoiler] Taku is on his way to being able to obtain his own Di-sword. Just simply when he was getting beaten up by the 3 guys it seemed that his own Di-sword began to materialize. On another note with that incident the hoodlums said they were paid to beat up Taku so I wonder if it was Shogun in an attempt to get Taku to awaken.[/spoiler] The final thing that has me interested is the N.O.Z.O.M.I. group. [spoiler] We see a lot more of them in this ep after they'd been hinted at in eps 3 and 6. But while we are offered explanations on Giglomaniacs and Noah II we don't know what their real plans are or for that matter who they are. There is also this church that Sena mentioned that has me confused and pondering. And what is it that these packages (whatever they are) are headed too?[/spoiler] Sadly not much Rimi this ep, but more Kozue next ep. I think Rimi and Kozue are the cutest girls in the series XD. As for next ep preview. [spoiler] looks Like Kozue, Sena and Taku will launch an attack on the N.O.Z.O.M.I group, but what is with the "evil" guy also having a Di-sword?" Hopefully it's answered next ep. I mean with 5 eps to go things will have to be given answers and conclusions made to various aspects (i.e. how the other 3 girls come about there Di-Swords, especially Taku's sister.) in some way. I'd hate for a cliffhanger conclusion to the series.[/spoiler]
This one's a Prequel to all the previous games Matt. The reason for it being the final (kinda tentative since I read that they were gonna announce a PS3 only SO) is that SE3 kinda rounded off the whole franchise. The ending was really quite obscure yet it reminded me of series like Trigun and Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 in which the final villain has been defeated but there's no real answer to what's next. Apparantly in japan the ending of SE3 had fans torn regarding their opinions of the game. In some ways finishing a series with where everything began is a nice way to round things off (now if I could just get my hands on SE3 again....I stupidly traded it in).
ACtually the swords even in a sci-fi is explained quite thoroughly in the Star Ocean lore. There's a law amongst the advanced races that there will be no introduction of technology beyond the capabilities of society of an under-developed planet. This includes interaction if possible. The games are usually set on fantasy style planets that are more in the medieval ages thus to fit in with the Law the characters use swords. However this Law is usually broken as you progress further through some of the games (especially in SO3).Rarely in an SO game do you see guns or laser weapons.
Another game I can't wait for but will again probably be delayed for Pal release. I've actually started playing the PSP release of the original Star Ocean in preparation and can't wait for the second's re-release.
I don't know why but even though Luke has sort of become whiny and all I find Tidus from FFX to be more whiny. However while his arrogant self lead to much comedy, I found it less tolerable in Japanese compared to his whiny stage. Maybe it's just the way voices were used between the versions. Out of interest Magus (great name change btw) you're playing the english dub of the game right?
Luke I didn't really mind with his mopiness maybe because it didn't seem so bad in Japanese. Jade was the character who started to get on my nerves towards the end. Especially with his sarcastic but sometimes witty undertones. There were times where he was particularly funny and others where he just grated on my nerves.
[SIZE="1"]I'm highly interested in P4. While I've yet to complete the last2.5 months of P3 I have left I'm eagerly waiting for P4. Just out of interest what's the exact release date for the game in the US since I'm having to import? It gives me a date to focus on when I go down to my local store that imports certain games from the US legit.[/SIZE]
Manga Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle [Warning: Spoilers]
Meggido replied to Aya_Fujimiya_42's topic in Otaku Central
So latest chapter of Tsubasa and we are confronted with [spoiler]what it really meant by frozen time in the ruins. Sakura when she was being engulfed by Fei Wong's curse or whatever it was.And next chapter will probably see the beginning of the next round of Syaoran Versus Syaoran.[/spoiler] After this chapter though I thinking that maybe the reason that Sakura is "soulless" is primarily because of the fact that she is frozen in time. I can't really think of how to explain this right now, but when I do I might come back and explain it if I remember. -
One thing I found interesting about this game is the fact that what is considered the hardest boss in the game can only be accessed on a New game + file. I love the final battle costumes for everyone I think they were better than their normal. Anise's was particularly funny as it also dresses her bear in the same costume. Anyway with What Dark said, if you ever need help Phenom I'll be happy to pop open my save file.
[quote name='Shinmaru'] EDIT: And welcome to the thread, Meggido! :)[/QUOTE] Thankyou XD Anyway I just watched the ep again because I always find something I missed on second viewings and noticed a few more things that piqued my interest. The first [spoiler]is after Rimi's visit and just before Taku visit's the hospital again. There is a short sequence in which he wakes up and types shogun into a site on his comp. I'm wondering whether this was him searching shogun or whether he was sleepwalking and typing in shogun as a log in name. Sadly I can't read the Japanese on the button he clicks after typing it in.[/spoiler] The second is [spoiler]The bangle he gets with the fake Di-Sword and gives to his sister. Apart from the fact that it made a deal of because it's kind of a gift from him to his sister I think there is something more to it.[/spoiler] I'm probably overstating things and reading to much into it. However I kind of got the same feeling when reading the manga. On you're point about not trusting Rimi, Shinmaru, I'd have to agree [spoiler]that we have not infact seen her true self just yet. However I don't think she's as two faced as Yua was. However I'm sort of interested to her tie in with the staking and how it will be explained at the end if at all.[/spoiler] My own opinions on rimi though again come from the 2 chapters of the manga where a little bit more has been revealed about both Yua and Rimi than in the anime. manga spoiler(yet to come in anime): I'm interested in [spoiler] what Rimi did to Yua at the end of Chapter 2 to make her pass out and her mysterious words of "I must protect Taku". Also interested in how this will come about in the anime.[/spoiler]
Looks like ep 4 has given an official introduction to all the female characters now. I was really suprised [spoiler]when Taku had his whole delusional sequence in which he met Shogun. It seemed completely otherworldly. I'm also interested in seeing what his talk with the cops leads to. Whether they just think he's crazy or if they actually took some truth from his outburst. [/spoiler] I was hoping to find out this ep but looks like I'll have to wait. The ep 5 preview had some interesting stuff[spoiler] like Yua entering Taku's cubicle at @Cafe while clamping his mouth shut with her hand[/spoiler] I've also checked out the 2 scanlated chapters of the manga which changes the order of events a little. From 2 chapters [spoiler]the Vampire incident has occured and the reason Yua is obsessed with the New Gen murders is revealed. Taku also see's a music vid of Phantasm rather than going to a concert and it's some what a hallucination while watching the vid in which he's told to search for his Di-sword.[/spoiler] I've become really hooked on this series. To the point that I want to get my hands on the game but that's probably going to be a little difficult. I also love the music in episode 3. I'm hoping a OST is released for the series once it's complete because I want those songs. XD Does anyone else think that the ED song is a little out of sync with the series mood? While the lyrics could fit I find the tune catchy but a bit out there for the show.
That was probably one of the things I found annoying. With Symphonia I could buy my finished level with Grade but in Abyss it's not possible. I'm probably going to play it through again so I can see everyone's second Mystic arte and also so I can try out the harder difficulties. I really want to play it on Unknown and finish it so I feel like I've accomplished something outstanding.
I got Lucky and only saw the dreaded game over screen once after losing to the final boss on my first try. sad I did only see it once because I discovered with that that certain bosses allow you to see a skit if you get gameover. (and playing an undubbed version all skits were voiced for me)
I'm scratching my brain to try and remember for you Phenom since I only played recently. I actually refuse to use a walkthrough for my first playthrough on tales games which leaves me to figure things out myself but I have a habit of forgetting. I really can't remember the bit about Elise getting shot down but its her mother that gives you the message about Dist wanting to challenge you to a duel in Keterburg. [spoiler]Jade then makes some harsh comment about letting him freeze[/spoiler] Anyway before that I think I did go straight from Baticul to Daath. However if you've seen the scene with Trietheim are you trying to go to the Oracle headquarters from inside the cathedral or outside? I just did a skim through of the story synopsis (glad I bought it for 5 grade since I had some to spare) and it says that after Baticul [spoiler]that I went to Grand Chokmah and talked to Peony about the peace treaty and lowering the outer lands.[/spoiler] Looking at the guide that's not mentioned and may be what you're missing. Edit: I'm so sad that namco region encoded Tales of Vesperia. There have been a few games on X360 that weren't region encoded (like Lost odyssey) but no luck this time. Gotta wait for like Feb or March for the Pal release.
That is one scary Minori. Well looks like I'm going to fall a little behind while I wait to see which group GG's translator for this series moved to after they dropped it.
I wasn't really sure to expect coming into Toradora and for me the first episode left a lot to be desired. But being me I always give a series 2 or 3 eps so it has a fairly decent chance in my books. Well the second ep sealed it for me as I found it absolutely hilarious and have stuck with it since. I don't know why but I seem to be enjoying series where the girl beats the crap out of the guy. XD
With Full metal Panic just make sure you're not watching the Fumoffu series since that's a spin off that's purely comedy. The first and second series (second raid) have a fair amount of action in them and are a little less about Sagara fitting into high school life. 12 Kingdoms I don't know much about because I've only seen the first two eps and there wasn't a lot of action in them. As for Gundam 00, I hate Gundam with a passion but at the end of showing 00 at my club I didn't mind that series so you'd probably enjoy it.
[SIZE="1"]I noticed you said you were playing Tales of the Abyss, Phenom. have you started to check out the anime for that. There's currently only 5 eps (only enough to wet the appetite) however it is a great adaptation so far with only a few changes to help the story flow in anime format.[/SIZE]
Manga Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle [Warning: Spoilers]
Meggido replied to Aya_Fujimiya_42's topic in Otaku Central
I actually liked the way they've finally linked Tsubasa and Holic together in a more concrete manner rather than similar characters and Yuuko as the go between link. It is also explains why Watanuki has been plagued by spirits so much throughout his life. Everytime I think I can guess what's going to happen in this series Clamp just seems to throw in more and more twists. It always keeps me interested. Out of interest how bout making this both a Tsubasa and holic discussion topic since the two stories are becoming so interlinked. I wouldn't be surprised if Watanuki has some sort of impact in the final confrontation with Fei Wong when it comes about. -
So with the new series I thought rather than making a new thread I'd revive the old one. So far I've only seen the first ep of A Tale of Melodies, but I've watched it twice from 2 different groups releases. With the menclave release I noticed the recurrence of some names in the scenes regarding Himura's past. The first being Amamiya, a teacher's name and Yuuko's last name, and the second being Hirono, the girl who was drawing her own nude self portrait. If I remember these names also were related to Miyako and Hiro in the first series so it'll be interesting to see how it ties in directly. As for the second story I was kind of amazed that it was focused on Kuze. But then again I didn't really expect a second story at first. It does make a lot of sense to have it though. I didn't realise Mizuki was the girl infatuated with kei in the first series either until she mentioned it. XD In terms of animation it seems to use the same aesthetics as the first season so I'm really interested in seeing how this pans out and what new effects they use.
I actually love the tales games to bits, and go out of my way to check out the related anime. I loved the short anime adaptations of Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Symphonia and so far Tales of the Abyss is no different. I'm also playing the game currently and it's amazing how accurately portrayed it is in the anime. Even the short symphonia one (god may we please get a sequel) had to change stuff around to fit it's short time span.
[B]Vampire Knight Guilty[/B] - Ep 1 picks up pretty much where the first season left off. However it seems like this is where the slight changes from the manga begin. Sort of to fill in the discrepancies between the end of the anime and the same scenes in the manga they've changed the first ep to fit this. I'm kind of a purist at times so this annoys me but I'll stick with the series through to the end. [B]Toradora![/B] - Ok I picked this up to check it out originally. After 2 eps I'm sticking with it.I'm not suprised that it seems to move as quick as it is. I haven't read the light novels but the manga also based on the light novels moves just as quick, however it did flesh out the basketball scene a lot more than the anime. [B]Tales of the Abyss[/B] - Can't wait for episode 3. I've actually started playing the game alongside watching the anime. I'm such a Tales fan XD Still have to watch Clannad After Story ep2 (yay), and waiting on 1 of two groups to release EF ~ A Tale of Melodies. I don't mind chihiro but after they released some dodgy encodes/subs for World Destruction and Sekirei which I watched last season I wasn't too pleased with their work.
I was amazed at how many groups actually picked up tales of the Abyss. I spent days looking out for just Osu's subs after ep 2 aired in japan because they were the only confirmed group originally. AT the moment I'm watching Shinsen's subs simply because I'm still annoyed at GG for how freaking huge their file size was for the last ep of Macross Frontier (unless Shinsen stalls like they did on macross) . But both are generally quality subs. I also checked out Toradora! ans Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka. The latter actually made my laugh a lot more than the former but at the moment I'm going to check out a few more episodes of both before I make a final decision on either. Clannad After Story is the last one I've checked out so far and it seemed like the first ep was just to reintroduce all the characters. I'm praying for no more random Fuka interruptions during this season because that got on my nerves towards the end of season 1 after her story was over. I'm still waiting on subs for Vampire Knight Guilty and EF ~ A Tale of melodies.
[SIZE="1"]what I'm interested in: [B]Clannad: After Story[/B] - Loved the first and I've been waiting for the sequel since they announced it at the end of the first season. [B] Tales of the Abyss[/B] - I love the Tales series of games and I loved the Tales of Symphonia OVA even if it was unfinished. I'm just hoping this will live up to my expectations. [B]EF ~ A Tale of Melodies[/B] - Short Ova they I don't know what exactly it's covering but I enjoyed the first series not just for the story but also for the artistic style of animation used. Hope this is somewhat similar. [B]Vampire Knight Guilty[/B] - The second arc of the Vampire Knight story. I was so disappointed when this was split into 2 separate anime seasons with a break between but now I've got what I was waiting for. XD[/SIZE]
Yeah the second half was a kind of a let down. I mean after the whole misunderstanding regarding the Shiina and Yuuto incident I was hoping for a lot more in that sort of area. I mean it was obvious that Shiina liked Yuuto so for a romantic comedy you'd have expected a lot more regarding a sort of rival. It would have been a great place for a lot of cliches. Then again I reckon we should have been given more than 12...even if it was 1 or 2 more eps.