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Everything posted by Meggido

  1. those stills look really great. I'm now tempted to see if I can find the game online and buy it. I'm still processing the end of the series in my mind and want to watch it in a marathon to better process my opinions though I though the ending was great.
  2. wow that trailer was bizarre. no idea what's going on but maybe I'll check it out when it's released.
  3. I must say moving away from the thematics I didn't see that ending at all. It was extremely sad and was a direct contrast to the Miyako/Hiro ending. I'm going to go wipe my eyes a little bit and collect my thoughts and probably discuss it properly after. However I agree it was great that the novel was a direct link to Chihiro's experiences.
  4. I'm interested in a bunch of movies that are coming out this season. The first being the Kara no Kyoukai movies. So far there's two this month and one next month coming out but there is supposed to be a total of seven movies. These movies are based around one character but is set in the same world as Tsukihime. This is actually based on the novel of the same name by Type-moon. The other one is the .hack//GU movies. A total of three movies which as far as I know are being released this month and 1 January and the final February. As the games don't look like having any chance of release in Australia this is the closest I'll get to the story. I'm also looking forward to Persona since I've only heard good things about Persona 3.
  5. ep 10 seemed to be [spoiler] the end of the Miyako/Hiro/kei arc but I could be mistaken [/spoiler]. It seemed to move away from that artistic style that is prominent in the first 9 eps and return to you basic anime with a few extra's thrown in. The [spoiler]countdown of Miyako's phone card was well done and set up the suspense really nicely[/spoiler]. I found it interesting that this one also didn't alternate between the different arcs like the other eps and maybe that will hold for the last 2 eps as well.
  6. So I've been watching this recently since the release of the last 2 eps not so long ago. I'm only up to ep 22 but the twist are amazing. It's absolutely breathtaking and though I know I have to stop watching at the moment so I can sleep I can't help but want to watch more. I'm not usually one for mecha series unless they're sending up the whole mecha thing (i.e. Sousei no Aquarion), but this has me completely enthralled. I see why people like these series, the factional politics just keeps getting better and better. Still 3 eps to go in this series for me but already looking forward to season 2. Edit: well just finished watching the series and I may as well keep being somewhat vague. After the last ep my head is just screaming at me. It wants answers when there are just questions. I don't think Lelouch ever really thinks outside his direct goal and in some ways it hampers his decision making. However that wasn't really a problem with me since the series just seemed to improve as it continued. I've actually looked elsewhere for answers such as the manga but that's even less helpful as I wouldn't be surprised if it's based on the anime at the moment. I may as well finish by saying the cliff hanger will have me watching at least ep 1 of season 2 and if it continues on the roller coaster it ended on I'll be caught up for however long it goes for. Edit 2: Coming 2 months since the last time I reposted and edited this. anyway here's a link giving an apparant date of spring 2008 for season 2. [URL="http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-12-06/new-code-geass-tv-series-confirmed-for-spring-2008"]http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-12-06/new-code-geass-tv-series-confirmed-for-spring-2008[/URL]
  7. I'm still yet to see an English sub of the last ep but I've still seen the whole series.One thing is though that were currently showing this at my anime club and while I do enjoy it the second time through I'm one of 2 people in th club that likes it. Everyone else say it's boring and all i say back is that a) they fail to see what it's trying to achieve and b) they have no care for romance/drama. We're also showing Nodame cantabile which also seems to be flailing when it comes to our members like/dislike. yet all the action/gory stuff is loved. But enough about that back onto RxJ. I think the ending suited the anime nicely. it was a real change and in some ways up until the last two eps was progressive of Shakespeare's own work. We started off very much with the romantic tragedy and revenge concepts but we finish with the forgiveness concept (at least in the 2 main characters) that was prevalent in his plays for the Whitefriars playhouse. It's not until the last two eps they we see the tragedy unfold, in some ways it's not so much tragic like the play. I'm still waiting for the english sub though to better formulate this idea.
  8. I like the way you've brought up that idea of the closed world because it's then interesting to see what characters choose as their main option. Hiro for example seems to be one who chooses to shut himself up more than reach out. It's possible that this may be an after effect of the Chihiro accident but also as a byproduct of his job as a mangaka. he states in ep 6 that [spoiler]he prefers to sleep on sundays rather than doing things with others[/spoiler] and thus pretty much is choosing to close himself of from others. I think Miyako is the opposite. She has forcefully been drawn into that solitary world and she is trying to break out by reaching towards Hiro. I think the end of ep 7 is the first real sign we really get of this, though either ep 5 or 6 also made mention to it. However she's trying to break out of the solitary world by moving towards someone who appears to be more inclined to retract into a solitary world. Chihiro would then be the interesting case in this aspect. As you said Dagger, Chihiro is the only person who can't exactly choose to reach out or retract into solitude. Like Miyako she seems to be forcefully introduced into solitude and I think this is where her story parallels herself. Like the girl on the island she doesn't have anywhere to go. Her own deficiencies stop her from being able to break out of that solitary world. Though it could be said she is reaching out to Renji, she is forcefully returned to that world of solitude by the simple fact she can only remember him by reading about a past self. In this way, to her Renji could only be fiction, something created in the same way the [spoiler]Boy in the pictures painted by the girl in the island is created by her the painter[/spoiler]. I'm going to think this through a bit more as I had a few more points but they seem to escape me at 20 past 1 in the morning. XD
  9. I must say that ep 7 was probably the most heart wrenching,overpowering, dramatic eps yet. The effects when Renji comes to his realisation and of the whole Miyako section was enough to drain me completely. Again the animation effects were great, I especially liked the "kiddy" style of drawing during the Miyako stuff. I was genuinely teary when they [spoiler]revealed that little bit of Miyako's past and why she doesn't want to disappear[/spoiler]. My impressions of both Kei and Miyako changed during this ep, and it was hard not for that to happen. What do you want to start with on thematics Dagger? I mean ep 7 just has so much to work with in itself while the series has some thematics that run right through while it appears others are just within an episode.
  10. give me a few days to see the ep and I'd definitely be up for a theme discussion. I've been out of uni for 4 weeks and have been dying to analyse the themes in something.
  11. I absolutely love the artwork in the show...it keeps distracting me from the actual storyline. In ep four when Kei was talking about the world as black and white and the show itself was devoid of colour for that scene. Then showing MiyaMiya we are returned to colour. It's those sorts of things that surprise me that I love about this show. the same with the end of ep 3 where [spoiler]Chihiro was talking about disappearing from people's memories[/spoiler] and she slowly fades out from the picture.
  12. [quote name='Raiyuu']And I thought this latest was an incredible chapter. (Apart from Tesla's stupid released form.) I've been wanting to see what's happening to Rukia and Chad for ages now. I'm anticipating [spoiler]nick-of-time saves for them too - but until we find out how on earth Kenpachi ended up in Hueco Mundo, I can't speculate who'll turn up[/spoiler]. Not to mention: 'King of the Kill'? Brilliant chapter title. Best one for a few months.[/QUOTE] I'm going with the idea that at least [spoiler]Byakuya will be there as well. This is mainly because of the fact that ages ago Rukia stated that Renji and her were able to get to Hueco Mundo with Byakuya's help. I'm guessing that Byakuya got a small team together and went to Hueco Mundo. So glad Kenpachi's back though. [/spoiler] That's a captain that you can't help but enjoy seeing in action.
  13. I'm a little behind. watched the first ep last week but not having played the game I'm not sure whether there are 2 separate stories or 4 separate stories being told. I must say though that I really like the artwork. I wasn't expecting some of the effects they used but once they did I was really impressed. I'm going to watch it even if it's just for the artwork but hopefully the story will make more sense to me as it progresses.
  14. Got the game 2 days ago. Already got one of the [spoiler]ores you need to craft the phantom sword[/spoiler] and still playing strong. I love the puzzles in this game whether it for bosses, random mobs, or just every day dungeon puzzles. I must say so far I was [spoiler]not expecting the way to do the imprint puzzle. That had me stumped for a good 5-10 mins, same with a friend of mine[/spoiler]. This game just continues to impress me though and I can't wait to see what lies ahead.
  15. I'm with Des on the first ep. Was kind of a recap without explaining anything for those who hadn't seen the first series. However I must say I enjoyed it mainly because it allowed you to get use to everyone's personalities again. For me I saw the first season almost a year ago so the reminder was well welcomed by me.
  16. I've still got to wait a week for Phantom Hourglass to be released in australia. I'd be spending my time replaying through Wind Waker if it wasn't for the fact that I was playing so much already. Anyway got my copy pre-ordered at EB which I almost never buy from now as their are cheap places but for pre-ordering I get a nice metallic Zelda DS carry case. As long as it's not made for the slim DS I'm all set. XD
  17. Surprise move by Gonzo as the have requested Funimation act as legal representation in the fight against fansubbing groups. I'm posting this here because the anime in which this is related to is actually Romeo X Juliet, so maybe there is a licensing agreement in the works. source: [URL="http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-09-28/gonzo-halts-romeo-juliet-fansub-with-funimation's-help"]ANN[/URL]
  18. woot finished in the top 5. Thanks for some good fun The Mask
  19. If you look up the last major discussion took place back in january so most people probably are up to the most recent eps. Anyway I'm finally glad the series is continuing to move forward. Next week sees the beginning of the next arc and I just can't wait to see [spoiler]Nell[/spoiler] in animation.
  20. Sadly this will probably also affect Australian releases of those shows as madman gets the licences and dubs from the American companies rather than the japanese companies :S
  21. Well been a while since I saw an ep of this but I was finally able to see episode 20. Firstly in answer to your point about Ophelia Dagger. No she has never said what she is and apart from Monatgue's comment [spoiler]about her being his gardener[/spoiler] we don't have any clue. However after this ep I'm really interested to know what she is. was it just me [spoiler]or did her hands look like they were bark?[/spoiler]. I'd also tend to agree with your second hypothesis regarding the ending Dagger. Especially since the old unknown guy [spoiler]tells Romeo that he must take on Juliet's burden. Though he believes it's convincing his father to stand down I believe the connotations lead towards the ending. Also there are two trees keeping the land alive and the first already appeared to be dead. With ep20 it looks like Escalus is dying as well[/spoiler].
  22. Yeah I actually think the series is good in terms of fan service for those who enjoyed the games. My only disappointment with the series is that we don't get Virgil and we don't get Devil form Dante. I was so sure that in the final ep [spoiler]with the big boss battle type thing happening that Dante would have to pull out his devil form to win however it wasn't quite that good[/spoiler]. However I'd recommend it as long as you go into it not expecting much in the way of character development outside the games, and a lot of fan service. The overall storyline which is not revealed until the last two eps (yes there is a very thin string of continuity running through the whole thing) has some really good moments, and the fight sequences are fairly top notch. All I'd really ask for is a anime of either the first or third games though :S
  23. Currently back to playing [B]Dragon Quest VIII[/B] thought I'd go back to playing that since I never finished it...and started again ages ago since I gimped my characters with skill point distribution. Sadly I haven't even finished the monastery area. Also still playing [B]Final Fantasy XII[/B] and [B]Shadow Hearts: From the New World[/B]. [B]Rogue Galaxy[/B] comes out in Aus tomorrow so that's going to be very high on my currently playing list when I purchase it.
  24. [quote name='Chiyasha'] Then its manga came out. Worse, its DMC3 manga. HELL--- the story is not the same!!! The mood is not there at all!! It's just dreadful and boring to read.[/QUOTE] Ummm...the anime is actually a completely separate story from any of the games and any of the manga. As has been discussed before it actually comes between the 1st and second games. Also I highly recommend not holding it to the first episode since it does slowly improve. The DMC3 manga as I've heard either comes after the game or before the game. I'm not positive which I heard but that's the main reason it's not the same story.
  25. [quote name='Tombstone'][COLOR="Navy"]Apparently I'm missing something here, but more than likely I'll have to wait for the explanation. [spoiler]I thought former espadas had 3 digits. If Nell is a former espada then why do she have 1 digit?[/spoiler][/COLOR][/QUOTE] If I remember rightly wasn't it the [spoiler]former espada that were still recognized as living only had 3 digits i.e 100 onwards. As for Nell you have to remember that Nnoitra said that he snuck up behind Nell, bashed her over the head with his Zanpaktou and then threw her out of Las Noches. So since she was probably assumed dead she did not lose her number like Grimmjow did when his number was cut off him and given to Luppi, Nor was she given a number over 100. [/spoiler]
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