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Everything posted by Meggido

  1. let's see if I can build up some conversation again. With the manga on a 5 week break currently I thought I'd ask people their opinions on the latest chapters so far. what do people think about a) [spoiler] Chaoji being a compatible innocence user and what do you think it may be,[/spoiler] b) [spoiler] General Cross' appearance and the fact he has two anti-akuma weapons, [/spoiler] and c) [spoiler]the Millennium Earl's appearance at the end of the latest chapter? [/spoiler] Well anyway my opinions on the above questions. a) I think that [spoiler] Chaoji being a compatible innocence user seem to be more circumstantial, more of a let make sure everyone's safe a little longer so as to introduce General Cross.[/spoiler] So far there doesn't seem to be any other point, at least not yet. b) ok [spoiler]we all knew that General Cross would probably be awesome with all the build up that we'd been getting but I wasn't expecting him to be anywhere near what he is. I love the fact he has 2 weapons as it sort of shows that he is as powerful as we'd been led to believe. The fact that they are two different types is nice, and yet i found his entrance somewhat unusual with the skeleton thing.[/spoiler] c) as for the last point. A nice way to end the chapter and yet it kinda feels like we may be getting close to the end of the manga. there also hasn't been any mention in a while about [spoiler]The 5th Noah who disappeared or defected even though the anime is giving it's own rendition of who the 5th Noah is.[/spoiler] Maybe we'll find out soon in some big twist of fate.
  2. 1. Full metal Alchemist 2. Pokemon 3. Eureka Seven 4. Chrno Crusade 5. Naruto (so not 100% sure on this)
  3. First manga...well I can't remember which one it was exactly but it was either X by Clamp or .hack//The Legend of the Twilight Bracelet. I know I had read the .hack series at a friends place before I bought it and then I only bought the third which is the main reason I'm not sure if I bought that before volume 1 of X.
  4. [quote name='Revolver'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Hey, I love Naruto, but I'd never drive myself to cosplay and fanboy...ism? The're at the landof tea or something. As for bleach it's good, but get's boring within the Soul Society/Rescue Rukia arc. Ya' now what's funny? [B]COOTCH[B]ki. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I kind of agree that the Soul Society arc was a bit boring but when it broke from the early section of those eps into the actual battles against captains and lieutenants it got to be more exciting. It is similar with the current Vaizard arc and may be similar with the Hueco Mundo arc soon to follow, however I'd say Naruto has had similar boring moments in the non-filler story arc. I watch both Bleach and Naruto. Didn't even bother with the fillers for Naruto however I did sit through the Bleach filler arc mainly because there was a storyline, though a fairly poor one at that. I must say though that the majority of people I know who like either of these shows generally have an interest in the other as well. One of my reasonings for Naruto being more popular though is that it has been out for quite a while longer than Bleach so that fan-base was already fairly substantial when Bleach began. However I was having a talk with a friend who is a Naruto fan but only semi-enjoys Bleach. he said that his biggest problem with it is that the power distinction seems to be thin, similar to the way DBZ was. the sort of I'm now the strongest being around, oh look suddenly a new enemy has appeared and I don't stand a chance without months of trainning. That's his opinion thoug and I probably haven't expressed it well.
  5. Big games I'm waiting for...and this may seem a bit behind but I live in a PAL territory so that's my excuse
  6. 2007DigitalBoy is right. Even though her name is part of the title Haruhi is not in fact the main character of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. The lead role is Kyon and everything is told from his perspective. But then again stranger things have appeared in the results for this...like Naruto for comedy. However not a lot of new anime (like last 2 years) has appeared in the results either :P
  7. hmmm definitely a hard one. Even the romance animes I have have male leads. 1. Sailor Moon 2. Fruits Basket 3. Chrno Crusade 4. .hack//SIGN (that's kinda a spoiler though :S)
  8. [quote name='Aceburner']As well as... ALL the other FF's, he's only the series's composer is all!:animesmil [/QUOTE] He didn't do the soundtrack for 12...and not sure about 11 but I never count that anyway. But damn can't believe I forgot to mention [b]Dragon Quest VIII[/b]. I love that game and still putting lots of time in it as I'm no where near finishing it. Another suggestion would be [b]Rogue Galaxy[/b]. From the creators of the [b]Dark Cloud[/b] games this game has a very animeish feel to the graphics. though I still have to wait 2 weeks for an Aus release, I thoroughly enjoyed the [b]Dark Cloud[/b] series, so this should hopefully live up to the same standard if not be better.
  9. I've heard/read some very good things about Odin Sphere. However being in Australia we get done over bad when it comes to having some of the better rpgs released. I've heard about half a dozen good ones we have never got. Can't help you on th other though.
  10. I have to say that there's probably only a few games I've played for 100 or more hours and then again there are probably a heap that fall around the 80-90 hour mark. Anyway [B]Final Fantasy XII[/B] can't possibly escape since I've probably done 100 hours and I'm still yet to finish the storyline. I haven't even touched the surface when it comes to the sidequests either as I've just spent a lot of that time levelling characters and unlocking licenses. [B]Final Fantasy X[/B] - I'm not sure why I have 100 hours in this game but I've played it through at least 3 times and even though I can't stand some of the characters I keep going back. I put it down to probably being the fact I still have never finished all the bonus quests or defeated all the dark aeons. [B]Pokemon Diamond[/B] - 130 hours and still rising. I was at 100 hours before I finished the main quest and started on the meta-game. I'm now breeding up my first team while finishing of little areas that were unlocked by getting the national-dex. Not to mention playing Ruby again to get pokes onto diamond. [B]World of Warcraft[/B] - ok more like 100 days rather than 100 hours. played this for 2 and a bit years and quit back in May. Sadly enough I may end up going back once the new 10 man instance is released. [B]Guild Wars[/B] - Didn't put nearly as much time into this as I did World of Warcraft as I only played it for a year and then a lot more casually. I got about half way through Factions campaign and then quit because I was behind and all the groups doing the missions were for the bonuses and were very elitist. Those 5 are probably the most significant though I probably do have a few others but not that I can think of the top of my head. I know games like [B]Star Ocean: Till the end of time[/B], [B]Shadow Hearts: Covenant[/B], [B]Kingdom Hearts[/B], and a few other rpgs are floating high 80 hour marks.
  11. 10th of september is the release I'm able to get from websites but stores are sometimes more accurate. I'm just disappointed that the GU series isn't getting a european release at any foreseeable date simply because I loved the ROOTS anime and though the first series of games can be tedious at times I do enjoy them.
  12. lmao...from top score to 0. anyway: 1. The Philosopher's stone 2. Alchemy 3. Automail 4. Homunculus 5. transmutation circle
  13. I'd say get the first .hack game if you want to give them a try but don't feel committed to getting all of them. I'm still somewhere in the 4th of the first series. Definitely get .hack//GU though as it is the superior. I haven't played it myself due to no PAL release yet but from what I've seen it's a lot better. If you do play GU you might want to check out the anime .hack//ROOTS for a little background but that's purely optional.
  14. I heard that the air date was supposed to be announced at a press conference like two months ago but then I didn't hear anything about it after that.
  15. [quote name='PWNED']I'd consider against La Pucelle, It's fundamentally pretty weak compared to the Disgaea games. Of course, Disgaea is top-notch [/QUOTE] Well La Pucelle was their first PS2 game so it's only fair that Disgaea which was their second would be better. I have to say though that Makai Kingdom which was their 4th doesn't seem to hold anything over the others except that it seemed to be quite a bit easier. Been a while since I played it but it's the only one that I finished as it felt fairly quick.
  16. You said you've played the Disgaea series. Do you mean just Disgaea 1 and 2 or have you also played the other Nippon Ichi games? If it's just Disgaea then I'd highly recommend Phantom Brave and La Pucelle Tactics. Makai Kingdom which is the other game is good but no where near as good as the other 4 games.
  17. Is there even knowledge of when Haruhi 2 is going to start or is it still hush hush?? Anyway series I'm looking forward to are EF, Genshiken 2007 and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles: Tokyo revelations. EF mainly mainly because I seem to find some of the better anime stories in shows that are based on ero-games but normally without the hentai aspect. Genshiken 2007, because I have seen series 1 and the OVA and just want to see how it completes itself. I've been reading the manga but even in that I'm not yet finished. Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles: Tokyo revelations is a 3 ep OVA that focuses on the arc of the manga surrounding the [spoiler]release of the Syaoran in the tank[/spoiler]. Probably one of my favourite arcs of the manga as it is also the major crossover with the X characters.
  18. give me time to catch up :D Got episode 18 ready to watch and my opinions on that will appear as an edit on this post...probably. Anyway I've seen titles for up to ep 21 Sadly AniDB doesn't have the names for 22 and 23. way things are going Romeo X Juliet might finish in time for EF in October since I only watch a few series at a time. ------------------------------------------------------------ Edit: or more like repost of first bit :P anyway not much to say about ep 18 so I may as well just go on to talk about ep 19. [LIST] [*][Spoiler]Willy's play takes an unexpected turn in which we see the rebirth/return of the Red Whirlwind.[/spoiler] [*][Spoiler]Juliet's motives are no longer the wishes of revenge as we found out in ep 17 but now are the wish to see the birth of a new government[/spoiler] (I guess). [*][spoiler]We find out the reason for the original birth of the red whirlwind as well as how Curio obtains his scar.[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]The revolution begins with the Red Whirlwind as the figurehead rather than the Capulets.[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]Benvolio and Cordelia finally get a show in after being missing for a little while.[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]The Red Whirlwind is unmasked to the general populace and to Montague.[/spoiler] [/LIST] On another note the preview for ep 20 looks like [spoiler]Romeo returns to neo-verona to confront his father and Mercutio.[/spoiler]
  19. [quote name='Tallgeese-'] How is Pokemon not superpowers? How often do you see yellow rats shooting electricity? [/QUOTE] Mainly super powers are associated with people rather than creatures. I'd say the main reason people (or at least myself) consider pokemon as not having super powers is that you don't see say Ash doing something impossible...i.e. flying without the aid of something.
  20. seen the first series and enjoyed it. haven't seen the recent version of the anime, but I'm reading the manga. There's also a live action series that has been announced that Supposedly starts in October. Interesting thing is they announced the female cast back in early July but they're keeping who will play Negi hush hush.
  21. I actually can't wait gor this to start being aired as I enjoy watching anime based on ero-games. They just seem to have a lot more depth to the story at times. I was talking to a friend who said that story based ero-games or at least Type-moon games seem to have some very in depth stories.
  22. yay finally got top :P ok lets see for this one. 1. Black Lagoon 2. Genshiken 3. Nodame Catabile 4. Pokemon 5. Welcome to the NHK 6. Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien 7. Neon genesis Evangelion (can't forget this...giant mechs and until the movies no real special powers)
  23. 1. Tennis 2. Grid Iron (American football) 3. Baseball 4. Soccer 5. Basketball 6. Archery Funny thing was I was having this conversation about there being almost no sport not shown in at least 1 anime with friends at anime club today.
  24. I guess for me, being someone who got into anime late in life, I wasn't really isolated so much by it. However I was isolated by a lot of other things. Primarily the first was a horrendous nick-name that followed me from primary school straight into high-school and still to an extent haunts me now. But apart from that I was mainly isolated because of the fact I played videogames extensively and was an avid reader of many books, especially fantasy. The fact that I played sport constantly and am actually fairly decent at some of them never clicked with people but instead that classed me as a nerd or a geek. It was extremely difficult to make friends and I don't think during 13 years of education I had any "real" friends. When I got into uni though, my hobby of videogames and anime has actually opened up new doors for me. Joining the anime club at my uni has actually got me some proper friends, and in a lot of ways improved my own social skills.
  25. Ah ep 17 finally. I have to say that the opening segment before the Op was quite intriguing. Having [spoiler] Willy stress over the fact that he is unable to create just a love story rather then a comedy or a historical tragedy. Considering William Shakespeare's love stories are either comedy or tragedy.[/spoiler] As for the revelations kinda reading spoilers hurt as I was just counting them down as the came. I do have to say though that the pacing of the ep was nice. Also [spoiler] this has to be the first time we've seen Mercutio not as smug as he usually is. Such a nice change of pace and good to see him on the receiving end of something bad.[/spoiler] I do have to say however that in terms of Tybalt [spoiler]if the show is anything like a Shakespearean play, we can expect something bad emerging from his want of revenge leading into tragic dealings. Always seems in Shakespeare that revenge leads to tragedy.[/spoiler]
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