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About CloueX

  • Birthday 01/01/1985

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  • Biography
    a lesbean, a raver and a good friend
  • Occupation
    a writer

CloueX's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. Gail jumped out of bed and walked into the bathroom.Wire was takeing a shower."Hmm hey babe you going to the club with me tonight?" she peeked in at her love."Ya dont you have a gig there to night/" she said "Ya its going to be great our first real gig im soo pumped up but......ya know what would make me even more pumped up?"she smiled and jumped in the shower with Wire. Gail grabed a towl and wraped it around her."No not for you." she grabed Wire towl and hit her with it.They laughed and got dressed. Gail put on her outfit as Wire walked into the liveingroom."So do you wont anything befro we leave?"she asked."Besides you..."she smiled."How about a few pills." Wire tossed her a red pill case filled with speed.Gail opend the bottle and downed about 5 of them."What some?"gail asked."Always."she smiled.They both smiled at each other.Grabing her cell they both mad there way to Gail motercyle.They jumped on an sped off to the club. Parking in a spot they both got off."Wheres your bass?" Wire asked. "Oh i think Gene has it with her." Walking in they both went to the bar."Ill be right back in need to go take a piss."Wire said."Hey bartender can i have two MGDs."she waved at Razor and he passed her two beers."Thanks." takeing a swig Gail looked out at the crowd.Things began to swirl and change colors.She laughed as her trip began.Wire came up behind her laughing too she kissed her on the neck."Beer she asked."with a smile."sure."she said and laughed.They both sat and drank while a band played in the background.
  2. that would be cool i dont mind at all. i was kinda hopeing someone would.
  3. Name:Claire"Gail" Waters Age: 18 GenderFemale Description: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/46-2.htm]click me![/URL] Talent: plays bass and sings for a band called Reckroom souls right now Gail is a stripper at D's bar. Bio: Gail grew up with her drugie mother who was never home. Gail would find her moms pain pills and pop those. But than she started to find new things better things. She snorted mescalin and acid. Once overdoseing one speed and aicd all at once she ended up in someones basement. After becomeing a drugie like her mom Gail started to exsplore her sexualty seeing that she was more into girls than men she found a someone who had a passion for a false reality as she dose.Her name is Wire and they fell in love.
  4. GUNG-HO GUN- Name: Alane waters Nick-Name: Baou Age: 25 Gender: female Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/33-6.htm]click me[/URL] Weapons: baou uses a long black ingraved bowstaff. Power: Baou can change the dencity around her makeing it easy for her to move around if she makes the dencity low or make it hard for others to move. also she can crush her enemies but theres a down side to this if Baou makes the dencity around her low or hight she sufers from pain in her body that can only take so mucu after a while if she uses her power to much she could just crush herself but most of the time she dosnt let her enemy live that long. Personality: Baou loves death and veiws it as a gift. She loves bringing others the gift of death. if she dose not think someone is wearthy enough to be given the gift of death she leaves that person cripled and weak so that they may sufer the rest of there lives. Baou is waiting for someone to bring her the gift of death but has yet to find anyone that can grant her wish. she normaly keeps to herself and is very smart. she dose not like to be around others or work woth others, becasue she dosent like knowing others give the gift of death to the wrong people. Also she has a deep respect for Knives and wish as her gift for surving him that if she can not find anyone to give her the "gift" that he would. Bio: Baou remebers little of her past and being young. One memory is that she is sitting next to her mother and she is crying. Holding her mothers limp body in her arms she cant figure out why she's not moveing or why this happend to her. She than latter sees that her mother has been given the gift of death and is happy for her. Now she works for knive and brings death only to those that understand it and deserve it. She is not afraid of it and welcomes it every fight asking that the gods let her be blessed with this gift. Now she prepares to bring the gift to somemany lucky people.
  5. Clou watched as the kid sat down and fell asleep. She glared at him."I wonder what he's thinking."she thought. Slideing closer to Aeomni she says."Hey do you know that guy that just won the last match?"she asked." Oh who Matt...ya he lives in our village."she said."Ive never seen him befor."she said a little jelous that Aeomni mit actually like him."So what are your fellings for him....not that its any of my concern its just he keeps on stareing over here."Clou questions.Aeomni looks back at Matt."Well im not sure i can say."she said looking at her feet.Laughing Clou puts her arm around Aeomni."AHAHAHA men who needs em any ways?"she says and withdraws her arm.Aeomni stares down at her feet.Clou turns her eyes to the fight and watchs as it continues on.Becomeing bord she looks up to wear the dark lord is sitting.His dark red eyes glare into her's he says to her in her head."I know what you want......i can give her to you if you win this tournament and work as one of my assassines."he says "How do i know i could trust you and besides you cant force someone to love another person."she says."Oh but magic can my dear little lady i have great faith in you your true power lies withen and is dorment because you let you emotions get in the way."he says."No thats not true im only looking out for myself."she lies."Oh no see that is what i mean....hmmm i think next time you fight i will give you a little test, the taste of blood can change ones mind."a smile creeps across his face."HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DONING?"she yells but the Dark Lord dose not anwser.Leaning back Clou looks at Aeomni."Im only looking out for me."she says in her head.She looks away now and at her feet.
  6. Ohhh this looks like fun!! OB Character Name/Codename: CloueX/Karen Kasumi Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance:[URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/11-4.htm]click me[/URL] Personality: I can be a little quiet at times but i love to chat if im in the mood. I get along with men ok some times. Im quiet the femanist. I get along with girls far better (maybe its just because im a lesbean) its easy for me to trust them.sorry fellas. Im outgoing and very laid back.Normaly when something needs done around the house it takes me about a mounth to even get started on it.At times I can be a push over. History: I just joined a few weeks ago.Ive been in one good running post Titan Tournament. Also i started my own and got at least five people to join and then when i started it I only got 2 people to post. Also now im in this post which seems like alot of fun. Movie Morph: Karen Kasumi from the moive X. Movie Morph Character Name: Karen Kasumi Movies: X Gender: female Appearance: [URL=http://clampx.bravepages.com/images/r.jpg]click me[/URL] Powers: she is a firecaster. she can control fire.(DUH) Annoying Quirk: She feels that she must always be the first to face danger. Stereotype:A loner but easy to get along with Personality: Karen Kasumi is a lovely, kind, self-assured woman. However, on the inside, she is very lonely. She seems to believe that she is the most "expendable" of the Seals and if there is danger she should be the first to face it because no one would cry for her if she were to die. Karen is a "firecaster" and has developed a friendship with Seiichiro Aoki. Even though she finds herself attracted to him, she respects the fact that he has a family and decides to protect Aoki for their sake.
  7. Hope you like them and fell free to add any coments. Dark hearts light up the streets turning them into lanes of sorrow Fear and pain walk at night Filling in bars and dark alyways Pale faces cry out for help While death rapes thier souls Killing love with hate So bright in thier eyes Shine the crys for release Will hope die in thier hearts When love and pain are all apart Of life and its leasons to reach the end With one finall blessing Or will sin send the falling Into these streets again. ps(im not christean(sp) just in cause the poem made you think that.) Love I wish you were here My love my dear I long for a kiss But there is only bliss I feel all alone But then you come home I hold you so tight As we sleep through the night But then i awake to a misery It was all but a dream a fantasy. -to my love forever and always Brandi. Murder There is a secret that i must hold Until i grow cold,withered,and old But wait Its to late Ive gone to the grave My soul yo cant save You gave me a kiss That i always must miss This secret I hold Must now be told Of the life that i stole Now i must pay the ultimate toll Im bound with these chains My home forever in flames. ok im done. :D
  8. Clou sat next to Aeomni as the battles ended she was getting very nervous."NEXT CLOU VS.LANE." Clou's stomach did a flip as she stood in shock."Well it had to happen sooner or latter."she said.Looking at Aeomni."Good luck i know you can do it."she gave her a thumbs up.Clou gave a weak smile and jumped up onto the ring. "OK THE BATTLE WILL BEGIN........NOW!"yelled the man. Her challenger was a frail bodied boy about the age of 13-14. A smile appered arcoss his thin face. Clou gathered her energy and let it flow through her. Her eyes glowed a light green she waited. The boy's body begain to morph, each part getting bigger and stronger."AHAHA come her little ***** cat."said the boy in a deep voice. Her charged after her, she gracefully jumped above him,when all of a sudden a giant hand grabs her foot and slams her into the ground. The boy gets ready to hit her again."THOR A SHE!"yells clou and thousands of thorny vines rap themselves around her.The boy steps on her and quickly withdraws his foot. Stumbling back a few steps clou jumps up.The boy throws a powerful blow at clou's head but she ducks under it and comes up with an uppercut."Ahh you pack a little punch but your on your last live kitty."the boy smiles.The boy grabs clou and begins to crush the sheild, it falls apart."hay where did she go?" the boy said to him self. Sitting neatly on the boys head was a black tabby cat.Jumping up clou morph back and comes down on the boys head with a axe kick. The boy stands there, than falls to the ground."He seems to be knocked out lady's and gentlemen."says to ref. The crowd dose'nt go as weild since he is only knock out."THE WINNER IS CLOU." he says. A roar of YAA AND CLOU CLOU gose throught the crowd as she steps off the stage. "Your not to bad." says Aeomni. "Heh for a sec i thought he had me but speed matches over power."she says and gave her a warm smile. Clou takes her seat next to Aeomni as the next battle gets ready to begin.
  9. Clou stared into Aeomni's eyes. Blushing slightly Aeomni says"What will we do if we have to fight?"she frowns "Im not sure......i dont think i could fight you but if we do please dont hold back on me."she said "Because i wont hold back on you."she said looking at her feet."I know we will just try our best and maybe we wont have to fight each other."she smiled. Clou looked around the room."There sure are alot of men here only a few girls hmm but some of them look pritty weak and a little to proud of them selves(sp)."Clou says."Ha alot of egos are going to get hurt here."Aeomni and Clou laugh. several (sp)people stare at them."I bet there all thinking why are they talking to each other."Says Clou."Ya just because we have to fight dosent mean we cant be a little friendly."Aeomni says."Hmmm ya and its not like we had a choose we're all in the same boat."They are silent for a while.Clou stands up and begins to streach."the tournament's going to be starting soon."she thinks in her head. She streachs out a little more. "Im going to warm up ok." clou says. She walks over to a near by wall. Closeing her eyes she sumons to her the power of the forest and lets it flow through her body. She opens her eyes and looks at the wall."HAAAAA." her fistest blow through the wall like it was paper."oppps."she says. Looking at her knuckls which are a little red she turns around.Many eyes glare at her."What are you all staring at.....never seen a girl punch through a wall befor or what?"she snaps.Leaning against the wall she slides down and sits.Aeomni sit next to her."you seem a little upset....is everything alright."she asks."Ya its just what if i dont make......what if i die."she says."I promised my mom i would come back to her but right now things are looking a litle tough, i mean there are alot of people here.....will we get to rest or will the fights go on and on?"she says"I know im stronge but to have to fight and even kill people who are here not from there own choosing but the dark lords and to have to live with knowing that i mit have to dissapoint a mother waiting for her suns return."she continues."Some of these kids...thats what they are kids young as 13."she says."I dont think the dark lord would pick a kid that couldnt handle themselves."said Aeomni."I dont think many other people think that alot seem to be looking out of just them selves."she said. They sat in silence as the tournament came ever closer.
  10. Clou looked up at the city gate. "Finally im here."she said. "Look at all these people how they have fun when others must suffer!"she said to her self.A young man walked up to her."You must be in the tournament."he said with a smile on his face."Ya so what if i am?"she said glareing at him. "well i can take you to the castle if you like."a toothy grin spreed arcross his face.Clou thought"hmm i really dont know my way around."she said "Sure that would be great."she said. He lead her down a dark ally way."why have we stopped?"she asked the man smiled."AHHHHHHHH." shane punched the man with her eyes closed."HOW DARE YOU!"she ran out of the ally way her face hot with embaressment(sp)another man walked up to her."Can i help......"he was cut off."NOOOO I DONT NEED ANY MORE HELP!"she yelled and jumpud onto a near by roof.She bolted across the rooftops still a little red from what that man had did.She srugged it off as she junped down and stood in front of the caslte gate. Now placeing her goal ahead.But Aeomni crossed her mind."i wonder where she's at right now."she sighed and walked up to the gate."Name."said a man."Clou im here for the tournament."she said."Right this way."the man lead her to a small room.Right when she entered she saw Aeomni."Hey Aeomni i was just thinking of you."she smiled and Aeomni stood up and ran to her."These people are sooo up tight i was getting a little nervous....im glade you showed up!"she smiled."Ya how come noones talking?"she asked."I dont think anyone wants to get to know each other."she said.They sat down, talked and laughted.
  11. Shane tried to get up but she was still a little shacked up."Wow take it easy" said Tamara. Helping her to her feet shane gave her a smile."What happend anyway?"asked Jim. "Im not sure what happend......i fell asleep under this tree than....."She trailed off, not wanting to talk about seeing Kathy die again."It really dosent matter dose it?"she said."Well how about the cut on you cheek?"he asked her. "I must have done it by aciddent(sp) when i was sleeping."she glared."Are you sure i cant help?"he said. "No ill be alright!"she yelled, and turned to her car to get aher first aid kit."Her let me help you with that."said Tamara.She whipped the blood from her face and put some alchoal(sp) on it."Owe."said shane."Opps sorry."Tamara said."Its ok it just burned a little."shane smiled."There all done."Tamara said."Ok so do you guys think we sould go in or wait for the others?"shane said. (sorry this is short i hope the others start posting)
  12. Clou woke up early that morning, olny two more days till the tournament she packs her things and heads fro home. When she arrives her mother is sitting at her post normally where clou works. "Hello mother....I need to get a few things befor i leave for the city."she says with a smile.her mother just keeps working. Shane walks inside and to her bedroom. Packing a few cloaths she takes a last look at her room, than walks to the kitchin. Lookibg around shane sees a small food packadge laying on the small wooden table a note was laying next to it. "Dear child i hope you the best of luck, and i wonted to repay the favor i hope you lke hte bread i made and these some dried meat and cheese.Gods bless you. Signed the old man. Shane knew who it was and smiled, but she was a little dissapointed that it wasnt from her mother.Sighing she puts the food into her pack.Walking back outside she tries once again to make peace with her mother. "Umm i must be going now I mit not see you ever again......so i guess this is goodbye."she says tears falling from her face again."her mother looks up at her and begins to cry."I never ment to hurt you child." getting up she hugs her very tight."I love you no matter what you are or what you do.......please dont die out there i dont know what i would to if you did."she said.Clou embraces her mother hug and forgives her."Its ok mother i will be back even if i dont win i swear."she kisses her mother."But now i must be going."she smiles."Yes i know and befor you leave i want you to have this."her mother hands her a green pendent. Holding it in her hands Clou feels a sudden charge of power. She puts it around her neck.(thsi is the pendent of emotions when clous emotions run hight the pendent glows bright green and when in battle it can be used as an attack but only when shes feeling really really emotional.) With another hug to her mother Clou beigns to set off for her adventure.Knowing that her mother dose not hate her gives her even more confedince that she can do her best and try to win.
  13. (umm since no one signed up for edward he will not be in it) Shane looks around as she steps from out of her car.Being the first one there she walks up to the front gate....."Locked." she says. Moveing back to her car she pops the trunck and pulls out a par of wire cutters. Going back to the gate shane forcefully breaks the lock open, and pulls the gates open, She jumps back into her car throwing the pair of cutter's in the back seat.(HINT HINT) She slowly pulls up to the clock tower eyeing it as she moves closer, Finally she stops next to a big weeping willow. Gettint out she looks at the great big mansion, her eyes wonder to a big oak window, she gasp, She could have sworn that she just saw a figure standing in the window. Thinking that its just her mind playing tricks on her she takes a seat under the big oak,not wanting to go in by her self. Slowly she drifts off to sleep. (DREAM 1) Something wakes her up, its dark now and no ones there yet. Looking up she sees that her cars gone and the the Clock Tower is lit up. She pulls her self to her feet and walks over to th front door. She begins to reach for the handle when the door opens by it self. She walks in and the great hall is lit with candles. Steping on the beautifull red carpet she looks up to the top of the steps. Standing ther is her wife dressed in a long flowing black gown, smileing she geasturs(sp) for her to come. Tears fill Shanes eyes and she runs to her, but befor she can reach her a tall figure from out of the shadows apeers behind her. Shane stops to look at the thing, its wearing a mask sumilar to the Scissormans. Frozen shane tries to move her legs and tries to tell her love to move but cant. The figure pulls a string and all of a sudden something whips arcoss the room and when she looks up her loves head is laying on the floor. "AHHHH NOOOO!" she yells and falls to her knees tears fall from her cheeks. "HAHAHAHAHAAAAA." the thing gives a crazy laugh and comes down the steps after shane with a par of giant scissors. Shane moves to her feet, and the scissors just nip her cheek. Running for the door shane here a voice. "Shane......Shane......wake up its ok."says someone. Ok there we go, start a comeon in. whoever posts first has to be the one wakeing me up. oh and were she got cut at shows up in real life. :laugh: :devil:
  14. Ok this a new story im working on and i thouth i'd post it here see what people have to say. I have the first tow chapters done 2s short but its supossed to be. Ok well im open for comments too. Purpose Ch.1 Escape? Have you ever wondered what your lifes purpose was? Well i have lots of times the question has crossed my mind."Why am i here." Luckly for me that question would be anwsered. Well i guess i should start from the beging, the day my life changed forever. "Ok boys you know the drill!"yelled sargent Kaster."We are looking for a young english female,5'10about 115 lbs long black hair also a small tattoo on her right wrist." the sargent held up a peice of paper with the small tattoo on it, the smybol was a 10 point star. "I need a clean sweep in and out, dont you dare let her out of that building, we need to get her befor they do.....MOVE OUT!"He barked. Shane threw down her jacket and headed for the freezer.Peering in at the bare ice box she pulled out a four cheese pizza. Ignoring the instrutions she pops the pizza into the oven and sets the timer for 50mins."Moms home tatty ." Shane says stareing at her six foot bowa sonstricter.Opening the cage shane drops two beaty eyed mice into her pets cage."Dont look at me like that, you know i dont get payed until next friday."shane says strokeing her snake. She frowns and shuts the cage. Sheding her cloaths shane hops into the shower. The warm water splashes around her almost makeing her drift off to sleep.Shane jumps in surprise as the stove alarm gose off. Grabing a towl shane heads for the small kichten. Opening the oven and pulling out the bubble cheese cake she turns around and says"Pizza's.........done?"stareing back at her are 4 masked men whit atomatic rifles pointing at her head."Well if you wonted some you could have just asked." shane says sarcasticly. Thinking fast she throws the scolding pizza at the man on her left. He yells in pain, bolting for the door shane grabs her jacket. She flees down the hallway and narraly misses the elivator. An old little lady gives her a bewildered look. "Hmm its a bit nippy in here."shane admits. "Next time i go somewhere i really should rememeber to put some cloaths on. "she says giveing the little lady a toothy grine. Dashing out of the elivator shane bursts through the front doors."HALT OR WILL BE FORCED TO SHOOT."yelled one of the masked men.Looking around Shane dodges her way into an ally. Close behind her are the four men."STOP"he yells shane tries to run but its to late. One man fires a sleeping dart into her neck. Shuddenly the ground comes crashing into her face, and she falls into a dreamless sleep. Ch.2Lab? Gasping for air shane awakes on a sleek steel table.Tubes and needles sticking out from her in all directions. a voice from above calls out."Mis. Waters stay calm, we're not going to hurt you." the room fades in and out."wheeere ammm i?"she says words slurring.Perceing her left forearm A thick needle injects a clear liquid into her vains. And once again she drifts off into nightmere.
  15. ok people im opeing the post today so lets try and keep it gpoing YA! hope you all like it and fun! :D
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