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Everything posted by CloueX

  1. Hi eveyone i would like a banner with Adora on it and i would like it to say Sorrow and my name CloueX, also if you could make sure you dont use something thats simaler to my avatar. If you cant do that than i would except any other war of gensis banners! much thanks and ROCK ON!!
  2. Name: Clous (no last name) Gender: female Race: Vampire Age: 1000(looks about 30)Im not sure how far back the shang dynasty was. Alliance: tact bio Skills: She has hightend sences, very fast, she has a speacel power given all vampires do, she has the power to freeze certen(SP) things like humans cars bullits ect. but not magic. can handle a sword quite well too dosent like guns. Tools: A pair of red sunglasses to block bright lights, long red bladed sameri sword, throwing stars. Description: She is about 5'10 slim but muculer(SP) very pale skin. She has long flowing black hair and a few bangs hang over her face.Her eyes are blood red and seem to glow at times. When she wants to she can make herself very atractive. she has a scar acorss her left eye. wings that are conceled within her self and only come out when needed. She wears pin-striped pants, dress shoes, a white dress T (her boobs bust a little from the shirt) and black suspenders which cross in an X at her back. A black hat and leather gloves. Biography: Befor she became a vampire, she was the noblelest(sp) sameri in the shang dinasty. She left home for training around the age of 13. Her master was Lee Yang, he trained her very hard and made her respectful and polite. One night after training Clous went to gather water for her master, while at the well she herd master yell and ran to see what was the matter. When she went into the doegoe there was a creature with glowing red eyes and long teeth, it sank its teeth stright into Lee. Clous let out a scream and grabed her sword,but the creature had vanished. Ather that day she trained hard an vowed to find the one who killed her master. One fateful night she did. the two battled for hours, but then the creature struck her down. Seeing that she was very strong he changed her into one of the damed, and left her to her new life. Since then Clous has not seen that man since that day and is still looking. Althouth she used to be a sameri she has only respect for herself and of course her boss. She gets very angry when people dont obay the rules, but usealy she can keep her cool.
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