[COLOR=DarkRed]Elena lived alone. She had for a while. It had not always been that way though. Before, she lived with her family on her farm. They, being poor farmers, had many children and never gave time to Elena much.
Being ignored by her parnents and family, she rode her hores out past the hills one day, to lay about. This is when she stumbled upon her abilitys. She was able to create and manipulate fire. Being of magic, it was a spark at first, draining much energy for what she did.
One day she grew to tired for the lack of ill attention and respect, that she threw the house into flames, blacking out. Upon awakening, she found the house destroyed, as well as the people. Any animals had either died or run away frightend.
After that moment, she strived to work on her powers and grew to be a thief and bounty hunter. Going after treasures of the world. But the only thing she really wanted, was someone to love.[/COLOR]