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Elena Tsukashi

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Everything posted by Elena Tsukashi

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name[/B]: Sharit [B]Age[/B]: 21 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Appearance:[/B] 6'1 with long bangs, with longer white hair ties back in ponytail. Right eye red and left eye blue. Light brown cargo pants with white sleeveless shirt, under a lighter brown vest. Black goth boots. [B]Weapons[/B]: Does okay with sowrds *fasination as a child* But uses throwing knives and a whip he stole from a leather shop. Likes fist. [B]Biography:[/B] Was an agreessive child and then got into being a goth and wiccan. Became really into magic and one day, killled family after becoming enraged and used witchcraft to cover it up. Became really good in magic and a theif, but got bored of the goth, and lightend up, and used a hidden spell to prolong life.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]Elena lived alone. She had for a while. It had not always been that way though. Before, she lived with her family on her farm. They, being poor farmers, had many children and never gave time to Elena much. Being ignored by her parnents and family, she rode her hores out past the hills one day, to lay about. This is when she stumbled upon her abilitys. She was able to create and manipulate fire. Being of magic, it was a spark at first, draining much energy for what she did. One day she grew to tired for the lack of ill attention and respect, that she threw the house into flames, blacking out. Upon awakening, she found the house destroyed, as well as the people. Any animals had either died or run away frightend. After that moment, she strived to work on her powers and grew to be a thief and bounty hunter. Going after treasures of the world. But the only thing she really wanted, was someone to love.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]I found it very attractive when two guys are kissing. Kinky[/COLOR] ;)
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DimGray]I guess we should restart it. If we get more on it that is.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. Name:[COLOR=DimGray] Blank[/COLOR] Age:[COLOR=DimGray]1000 But is precived as 16[/COLOR] Gender:Female Favorite card(s):[COLOR=DimGray]No preference[/COLOR] Bio:[COLOR=DimGray]Blank I a wanderer. As far as she knows she has no parents. They were killed by a renagade gange when she was little. When she was 15 she was told that she is an alien, and if she proves herself, she can return to her home world. She has taken up Duel Monsters in hopes of finding clues to her past and keys to her future.[/COLOR] Description:[COLOR=DimGray]Rather tall. Long silver hair. One red eye and one blue eye. Sleeveless shirt with 2 belts, and pants with belts on the legs. Logger boots with more straps. And a sleeveless black trench coat.[/COLOR] Millenium Item(Optional): [COLOR=DimGray]None. Only to obtain some.[/COLOR]
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