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    raye rei1

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  1. try [url]www.fanfiction.com[/url] you might find it there
  2. the thing is anything animated is almost always as seen for children. People who aren't aware of anime think of it as cartoons=kids, in reality some of it is not for kids and can be really dark. So putting the movies in theaters will not generate a whole lot of interest amongst the casual movie goers.
  3. tokyo mew mew :D i'm looking forward to watching this series. I hear it's being dubbed, i think it was 4 kids or funimation. Someone like that, i remember seeing a petition to have them bring it out subbed and dubbed.
  4. what i'm trying to say okibi is start off with unpredictability, :) I mean if the news is reporting all these grizzly murders then wouldn't the cops be out in full force trying to catch the killers? And zombies aren't particulary smart so where would they have been hiding? You could start the story with a outbreak during the middle of the night by a umbrella/mystery person who wants to sabotage the umbrella company or is seeking retribution against the town, etc. There's different ways to achieve the story, just try to think of it from the girls perspective ;)
  5. okibi your idea isn't bad, just a bit predictable. When i suggested what i did it was because it would make things interesting. Why is she in an empty classroom for instance? How did she get there? This is resident evil so there are going to be people who are doing things for there own reasons. and there are going to be people caught in these messes like the girl in this story you mentioned. It tends to make a story more fun to read if the suspense is built up.
  6. i would recommend real bout highschool, full metal panic, love hina, peach girl for romance and excel saga is funny and weird :D
  7. I think it would be interesting to have the girl wake up in an empty classroom and hear some weird moanings and shuffling outside. Then work from there :D
  8. Just wondering how do you put a link on your my otaku page to your fanart? Some users have it at the very bottom of the page. So i don't think it would pe done in the add post section, i can't figure out how they do that. Can anyone help?
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