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Everything posted by Nathaniel
Name:Ronin Lovelace (Lovelace was all i could think of) Village:Konhom Age:17 Abillities: Rain of Wrath-Only used if dieing at the end of battle, drains most of enemy life(does not work on undead) Pentacle of Albatrad-Only used when enemy is knocked out for a few seconds, if he [I]"coincidenticly"[/I] has chalk in his pocket, draws a pentacle on the ground and summons a genie, will severely drain his life but the genie will fight for him. Teleportation-can quickly go a short distance undetected,dodge [U]some[/U] enemy attacks(if attack is a pshicic he will still be effected, or if the attack is fast,like a thunder bolt or something, it will still hit him) Fire ball-name says it all Weapons: Two magic daggers Appearence: Looks like human InuYasha with shorter hair :D Bio: He was trained to be a magetik knight, but ran away from his master(with his master's daggers ) a trained himself constantly waiting for his chance to be in the tornument. Personality: Loner, ever since he ran away he was the only one he could trust.But he's only friendly to those he thinks he can trust or those close to him.
Manga New Manga Idea. Please tell me what you think!
Nathaniel replied to goldengriffin's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=goldengriffin][B]This is just a basic beginning to my manga I'm creating. Any questions about the anime, such as their ages and such I will post later. Hope you like this beginning introduction.[/B] ?Grandpa, do you know where the big Egyptian book is?? Lyn asked as she looked through several books on her grandpa?s large shelf. ?You tell me.? Her grandfather said turning around. ?You?re the one who arranged them Lyn.? ?Aw man, where is it?? Lyn said to herself, but something happened to catch her eye. A brown book, worn from age, read at the top ?Golden Griffin Clan? and at the bottom was a small picture of a gold griffin. Surprised to see this odd and fascinating book she had never seen before she race out of her grandfathers study and to her room. ?Did you find it Lyn?? Her grandfather called out as he noticed her running with a book in her hand. ?Apparently so.? Closing the door behind her, Lyn jumped up on her bed and opened the book. Inside were many different things about this Golden Griffin Clan. Every word was clear to her as she read about this clan. Of course, Lyn had always been a quick study. Ever since she had been taken out of school in the second grade and home schooled she had learned very quickly. The home schooling made it easy for her parents to travel to the different parts of the word in their expedition. But it was mostly because she was a helper of her grandfather. Helping him with his work in Egypt would help her to become a good archeologist as well when she became older. In looking at the book she was now reading, she had begun to think it might just be a fairy tale or perhaps a myth. The griffin clan, as the book described it, was a clan of people, but of people who were could become griffins. In fact there was one time that they were all just griffins. But Lyn wasn?t able to finish the rest of the page as her grandpa knocked on the door. Lyn quickly slid the book in her black and yellow backpack, grabbing it as she did, and ran towards the door. ?Mr. Hemps, I hope your findings will be a lot more promising then last weeks,? Mr. Boss said. He was the vice president of the Carlton Museum in England and head of the archeological dig in Egypt. ?I trust your grand daughter will show equally as promising effort in her work today hmm.? ?Yes Mr. Boss, me and Lyn will work very hard in order for this museum to be a hit,? Lyn?s grandpa said anxiously. ?I do hope so Shisho, I do hope so,? Mr. Boss bowed and began to walk down the hall towards the doors going outdoors. ?Good day.? Lyn and her grandpa just stared as he exited the building, wondering if anything they did would ever satisfy his high standards. ?Lyn, do you have everything ready for the archeological dig today?? Grandpa Shisho asked. ?Yes grandpa.? Lyn said happily as they made their way toward the door to outside. Upon arrival everyone greeted both Professor Shisho and Lyn. And soon they began their dig. ?Professor! Professor!? Yelled a man in a dark tan colored shirt and pants. ?I think I may have found something!? The professor and his helpers ran quickly towards the direction where the man had found something important. ?It appears to be an ancient form of jewelry,? The professor said, holding the jewelry. ?But it seems to be almost new, as if it were made just yesterday.? Everyone stared in amazement at the piece of golden jewelry. The jewelry had obviously been someone else?s who had just buried the treasure as a prank. But for some reason Lyn had a feeling about the jewelry. She didn?t know why, but it seemed almost like she knew where it had come from. Usually when one of her grandpa?s helpers had found something ?important? they would sit and talk about it for hours. These were the times when Lyn just kept to herself and found something to do quietly by herself. She preferred finding things that were awesomely extraordinary and then finding another. Maybe if her grandfather didn?t take so long to find out how exactly something works he would get more of his job done. Lyn began digging, hoping to find something she could show her grandpa so he would turn his attention her and not the findings of one of his students. ?In discovering you are learning and in learning you are growing. So there for, my dear, you are growing each time you are discovering and in this matter you will always be discovering.? Lyn?s grandfather?s words always seemed to be right there in her head when she needed them most. Lyn kept on digging, trying her hardest to find something, anything she could find. No luck, she was unsuccessful in her searching. And worse was that her grandfather and his crew still hadn?t finished looking at the piece of jewelry. Lyn decided she might as well read some more of the book she had gotten from her grandpa?s study. But she would need somewhere quiet to read, away from the loud conversation of the crew. So very quietly and cautiously Lyn walked off to a sandy hill and looked over head to see if she could find a place to sit and read. She began to walk down the hill on the other side, but suddenly lost her footing and rolled down the hill. Oddly enough she didn?t stop going down hill from their. She kept rolling, and rolling, but this time she fell down a narrow hole into a large pit below, leaving her unconscious for a few hours. She awoke later that day dazed and confused, wondering where exactly she was. She tried to get out of the rather large pit many time, but each time resulting in failure. ?Oh, how will I ever get out?? Lyn asked herself. ?I need a plan. I need some way I can get out of this? Lyn suddenly realized a large tunnel leading somewhere. But where exactly? Eager to get out of the pit and possibly up for a little adventure, Lyn took a match from her backpack, and using the little light she had from the narrow opening at the top of the pit hole, took out a flash light and began to make her way towards the tunnel, hoping, as she took each step, it would lead her back to her grandpa. ?Where in the world does this tunnel lead?? Lyn asked herself as she walked along the tunnel, tearing cobwebs out of her way. ?You?d think it would have stairs to get up and? Ahhhhhhhh!? A huge spider about the size of her hand came crawling towards her as she leapt in the air and screamed, hoping no body heard her because then if they found her they take her as a fool and an amateur who didn?t know what she was doing. The spider ran off just as quickly as it had come and Lyn continued her journey down the dark tunnel. It wasn?t long before she came to a large door with a giant picture of a griffin and a human. It looked suspicious, but Lyn was willing to take a chance if it meant getting back to the surface. Lyn put her hand on the vine covered door and felt a strange aura coming from the door, but still determined to get out of the dark tunnel she pushed as hard as she could and soon found the light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately this tunnels light just happened to have a city connected to it, a really big city, filled with people and? GRIFFINS? Lyn couldn?t believe her eyes, was this the ancient city of the Golden Griffin Clan. She began to walk out into the city and down a street. The city was covered by a thick stone wall that surrounded it in every corner. But despite this the cities streets and shops seemed to be spacious and full of life. Except for the fact that the people were all wearing ancient clothes of Egypt and were either all human, half human and griffin, or full griffin. ?I never would have thought that this city really existed,? Lyn said to herself as she walked down the street. ?I guess the book was right, but now how will I get back to the surface? Huh, I wonder why their not wearing modern clothes. And if they?ve lived here for centuries, how do they get food? The book never mentions that. I guess the use the hole I fell in and fly out of it. Hey! Maybe I can ask one of these griffins to fly me out of here through that hole, they seem friendly enough.? Lyn walked towards a tall man who happened to be talking to another equally as tall man and asked very politely ?Sir, I was wondering if you could help me by flying me out of this city?? ?What? Are you not a griffin?? Asked the man with a confused look on his face. ?I ah....no of course not.? Lyn said with a smile. ?So can you help me?? ?Oh we can help you alright!? The man said sternly. And then aggressively he grabbed Lyn and began to take her towards a large building. ?Hey! Let me go!? Lyn said loudly. ?I didn?t do anything.? ?Quiet human!? The man yelled loudly as they entered the large building. They went through a large hall and then through huge doors that led to a large room filled with people. And at the end of the room, a lady ,maybe five years older then her, sat in a large chair wearing a white dress and golden jewelry along with a head band she wore in her red headed hair that had a topaz jewel in the middle and in the back was golden feather-like ears looking almost like a griffins, as if they were her own. ?My Queen, we found this human in the city,? The tall man said as he threw Lyn to the ground in front of him. ?Apparently she found her way in some how.? ?Hmm....? The Queen thought as she played with her a strand of her red hair. And then thought to herself. ?This girl must be special in some way if she was able to find a way to get in her, even my most skilled warriors could not penetrate the walls that bind this city, and my priests have given up trying to find an exit. She must be exterminated or who knows what could happen to this city. Hmm...Maybe I can make this a bit interesting.? ?My Queen, what should we do with her?? Asked the soldier. ?Take her to my bother,? The queen said aloud. ?Let him deal with her. He always seems to scare off every girl he meets and he shouldn?t have a hard time getting rid of her. Give him my orders and he?ll know what to do. In the mean time, get the girl dressed in something clean, I don?t want her dead body looking like we just killed some peasant girl.? ?Yes Queen Akila, we will do as you request.? The soldier said. And taking a scared Lyn with him, along with other soldiers so she wouldn?t get away, they made their way towards the wardrobe room where Lyn would be dressed by several servants into a fashionable, ancient dress and jewelry. They then dragged her to the brother of the Queen Akila?s room and threw on a large white rug. ?Stay here, your executioner will be here soon.? Said one of the guards with a grin as he left the room. Lyn just stared nervously at everything in the room. What was going to happen to her? One moment she was excited about finding this place and then the next she felt like was going to faint. Suddenly a great wind came in from the window, and with it a figure who seemed to have flown into the window with great black and red wings. Lyn gulped as the figure walked towards her, revealing his face so she could see it more clearly. The face, tough and cold, showed no signs of kindness or of letting her go. And his jagged brown hair seemed to tell her he was an assassin and a criminal. As he stared down at her with his dark brown eyes she felt more scared then ever and almost felt the need to cry. Sensing her fear the boy lighten his face and dropped her backpack in front of her, the one the soldiers had taken away from her when they sent her to the wardrobe room. She stared at it meekly and then back at the boy, who was now kneeling down beside her holding the golden griffin book in his hands. ?This book,? The boy said in a calm manner. ?You can read it? Every page?? ?Um...Yes.? Lyn said softly, still very scared. ?Hmm.? The boy thought for a moment as Lyn just stared clueless at him. ?How would you like to join me on a quest? I know you know how to get out of here.? ?Um...I ...I want to go home,? Lyn said with a scared look on her face. ?What! Listen, you?re the only one who knows how to read this text,? The boy said in a steady voice. ?I need you to navigate for me. You?re the only one who can do it.? ?But I?m not suppose to be here, I want to go home.? Lyn said to him as she began to cry. ?I know you must miss your family, but if you want to return to them you must follow my order and become my navigator. I promise to release you once we have gotten the item I desire.? The boy said sternly. Lyn looked away and wiped her tears off her face. ?It?s either that or I will be forced to kill you.? ?Okay, I?ll help you.? Lyn said nodding her head. The was a knock the door as the boy called for the person to come in. ?Niu, are we all set for the quest?? Asked a boy about the same age as Niu. ?Almost, this girl has agreed to be our navigator.? Niu said standing to his feet. ?We just need to go into town and get the necessary supplies for our journey.? ?Hi, I?m Jabari.? The boy said as he held out a hand to shake Lyn?s. He wore a head band patterned in a triangle design that held up his black hair along with a robe-like jacket almost the same as Niu?s. ?I?m guessing your not a griffin. What is your name?? ?Lyn Hemps.? Lyn said as she stood up and shook his hand. ?Hey Jabari! Don?t be getting any ideas about her.? Niu said sternly. ?And I hope your not think about taking your little girlfriends on our quest.? ?Of course not.? Jabari said smiling and waving his hands in the air to signal he was telling the truth. ?But I don?t see why you?d make such a big deal about liking Lyn, unless you got dibs in her. Besides, girls just naturally love me.? Any Comments? Please let me know what you think.[/QUOTE] 1 thing, why mr.boss.Yeah he's obviosly a boss but don't you think you you can make that a little more original, the name i mean. But other than that you got yourself an awsome story! -
:babble: It's wierd it seems like I'm the only one in OB that like A.M.G. :stupid: That sucks..... oh well................ :eek:
I'll be Kietro. *wakes up :sleep: to find a giant demon standing on his bed*" AHH! oh that was just my Inu Yasha poster....." I don't know what to write, it's just starting, and yeah.... so far so stupid :wigout: These are some of the characters(some i didn't put in, obviously): Belldandy: Urd: Robot thing-y: Celestine: