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About Ashton

  • Birthday 06/16/1987

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    Look at FF X
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  1. My wrost nightmare...I think it was about six months ago. I was walking around in circles of a white room, and Brittany Spear and Barney come out of nowhere. (Don't ask.) So I pretend to hide by covering my arms, and they talk about taking over the world with their songs and show tunes. Suddenly, Barney stabs Brittany with his so called "teeth," and pulls off his head. Surprisingly, it's really Bill Gates in disguise. He says, "I'm going to destroy the one thing I started in the first place, and let all internet lovers everywhere crumble in misery! Mwahaha!" So I come out of "hiding," and Bill Gates decides to slaughter me. Everything goes black after I say, "Well this sucks." And then I wake up. XD
  2. I got back from vacay, and I'm going to go with other people to this weird party for the fireworks. I hear they're going to try something very dangerous, so I'm always up for that. Not to mention that there'll be brownies galore. I mean, I know I can't resist a table full of brownies. :D Other than anything else, I think I'll see my buddies there and crap like that. And go swimmin'. *Shrugs*
  3. [FONT=Times New Roman]Daisetsu lied on the ground; he had been shot in the chest. What one of the male Demons had done was exasperating. Daisetsu was losing life fast. And as he closed his eyes, they only re-opened to see his whole life flash before himself. He knew the end would soon near, most likely by any minute. "DAISETSU!" cried out Harukichi, and she flew instantly over to where he was, as the three Demons smirked in amusement. Sydney, Azurel and Hana remained where they were, as to keep on full guard; though they themselves were also shocked. Daisetsu was looking up at the sky as more rain began to fall. And in his view at the next few seconds, was Harukichi. She had dropped her spear next to Daisetsu's side, along with grasping his arm. Tears had already filled her eyes, and they ran down her cheeks in pain and sorrow. Her eyes trembled greatly, and Daisetsu could feel her hand shaking greatly on his arm. Most of his blood was around him, though neither of them seemed to notice. "You can't die," she whispered Harukichi. "Not now...I can't let you...I-" But Daisetsu lifted his hand weakly in his last actions, to stop her from what she was about to say. "I know...how you feel, Harukichi..." he sighed, and he dropped his arm to his side. He looked at her with an emotionless expression. "You all stay strong. You know I'm...not going to make it." He swallowed as he then looked into her eyes, and she then looked surprised. "Your eyes," she said in shock. "They're so blue..." She stopped herself, and looked up in the sky to the small light that became bigger. The light reached the ground, becoming the form of a body. And there was another spirit. Her hair was ankle-length, and a grayish brown. She wore a white, long dress with a white hooded cape. Everyone in the area was completely still, amazed and confused. Daisetsu looked upon her with his eyes half-closed. He could feel his breath become shorter. [I]"Goodbye, I'll see you guys later...."[/I] He smiled weakly, and that smile faded as he closed his eyes...and silently sighed his last breath.[/FONT] ~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Ok, it was fun being Daisetsu. I had a great time.
  4. [SIZE=1]OOC: Went on vacay, sorry. I'm posting while I've found a pc.[/SIZE] [FONT=Times New Roman]Daisetsu flew slowly about with the other Angels, looking at the disgusting sight of all the bodies. He felt his stomach become extremely knotted and twisted, and he thought he could puke for all his remaining days. "It looks as though this place has been abandoned," said Hana quietly. "I don't see any Demons around this area." The five of them went through the Kingdom, but the Kingdom Circta was bigger than the others they had encountered before. Soon, they were on roofs of buildings, examining the areas from below. On the outskirts of the Kingdom were a few other buildings scattered about, mostly small and blunt. Nothing was mobile, all was still but the soft breeze. Because the stench of the dead bodies was uprising, the wind made it worse, and Daisetsu coughed and gagged a bit. He didn't feel right, as if something were coming, and he could not explain what.[I]"Why do I feel so cold? It feels like I could be gone any second now...This isn't how I want to be right now."[/I] Daisetsu clenched his fists in anxiety as he watched the other Angels look about the outskirts, then back to the inside of the Kingdom. And as he did so, he too watched the area. Nothing moved, nothing made a sound. All was silent and immobile but the wind, and Daisetsu could hear himself breathing. He became strangely stressed, and he felt something through himself; he thought of himself and the safety of the others. Everything flashed through his mind, and he felt completely insecure. He clenched his sword tightly, and the wind blew through his hair. [I]"It's...probably just the smell of the dead bodies...Yeah, that's gotta be it. I can't feel this way now. I need to concentrate." [/I] And so he did, his right hand shaking a bit out of weariness. And as they all stood there on seperate roofs, scouting about for any signs of Demons, they did not know that three skilled Demons would come for them soon. And Daisetsu would soon know that his feelings weren't just a coincidence. Something would happen that he would least expect, and the other Angels would surely be shocked as well.[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Times New Roman]Daisetsu's breathing was labored as his wound in his right shoulder pained him more. He watched Azurel fly over and take a bow and arrow, and then shoot at the Demon. Seeing that Hana and Sydney were okay and appeared to not struggle under any illusions, Daisetsu flew over to Harukichi and touched her arm. She flinched in response, about to swing her spear at him, though he had stopped her in time. "Harukichi, it's me- Daisetsu. Come on. You can get out of the illusion, just try." "I...I don't know how to try, that's the problem!" replied Harukichi, as Azurel, Sydney and Hana were keeping the Demon busy with attacks. Harukichi remained motionless, as if she were a doll- no meaning to move on her own. Daisetsu had to help her somehow, but all he felt he could do for now was pull her a distance away from the battle happening. He guided her as if she were a child, to an alleyway nearby. He squeezed her arm softly, encouraging her. "Keep trying," he said, and all she could do was blink numerous times. Daisetsu checked around the corner and looked up, so that he could check on the others. Every time they attempted to hit with an arrow or swing with their sword, the female Demon would move a little to the left or right, dodging each shot. She looked as if she were dancing in the air, for she had no wings. Turning around, she noticed Daisetsu, and made a blade from her dark power. She instantly threw it in his direction, and Daisetsu barely missed the sharp object that was aimed for his head. "Dammit!" muttered Daisetsu. He checked one more time again to examine the Demon as she continued to dodge the other Angels' attacks. [I]"Where's her weakness? She's got to have one, eveyone does..."[/I] Daisetsu looked back to Harukichi, who was now shaking her head furiously and rubbing her eyes. And at that moment, Daisetsu thought of a way to defeat the Demon. "Harukichi," he stated. "You need to stay where you are. I'm going to go out there with the others and try to kill that *****. Try and get out of the illusion, alright?" And with that, Daisetsu flew off a bit into the air, leaving Harukichi where she was; he hoped this would turn out in their advantage. But all they needed was a weakness from the demonic female. But they didn't know that the Demon's weakness...was right under their noses.[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Times New Roman]Daisetsu was more ready than before to fight this female Demon; she spit at them all, and had a blade of darkness ready for the five. At first, everything was motionless, but the Demon then broke the silence again. "I wonder how you can deal with me," she said, smiling deviously. She pointed to Daisetsu. "I guess I'll deal with you first, since you have quite the mouth upon you." And with the snap of her fingers, Daisetsu could only see darkness about his vision. "What the HELL?!" yelled Daisetsu, as he looked around frantically. But it was as if the Demon had blinded him for good, though it didn't last for long. He could have been able to see, but as he looked down, Daisetsu saw his body slaughtered. He heard the voices of an eerie choir, and stared at himself. The Demon had created an illusion, and Daisetsu thought the illusion was real. He thought his flesh had been torn every which way, along with dark blades inserted in every other wound. The imaginary blood had gushed and drizzled, and Daisetsu's eyes widened. [I]"How can I not feel any of this?"[/I] he asked himself, and clenched his teeth in confusion. "Daisetsu, watch out!" yelled Harukichi, but Daisetsu didn't see the female Demon throw her blade at him. Daisetsu then felt real pain, and he clutched his shoulder. As he looked down again, the illusions of all the horrific wounds had dissappeared, leaving him to only see the real wound in his right shoulder. He remained on his guard though, with his sword still in his right hand as he took the blade out of his shoulder. "So now you've experienced my advantage," said the Demon, laughing in delight to her handywork. She created another blade of darkness, and held it between two fingers. "Watch out!" warned Daisetsu. "This ***** can make you see things that aren't true!" As Daisetsu looked at the other four, they all stared upon the evil one, and Hana instinctively shot an arrow at her head. But as if the Demon were ten times faster, she merely leaned her head to the left, and the arrow was missed. The Demon the created another long blade of darkness, one in each hand now. "What ever could be the matter? Am I the best you've battled so far? Of course, I'm the last Demon you'll face- I'll be the one to perish each and every one of you." And she smiled as Daisetsu winced in anger and agony.[/FONT]
  7. CLOWNS! OMG, those guys scare me. I remember the circus...I can't even talk about it without reliving the horror. :( Their painted faces! Their laughter! It sickens me. *Shivers* I'm afraid of clowns, yes...I just wanna take a hammer and... :bash:
  8. [FONT=Times New Roman]Daisetsu watched Hana help Azurel a bit, and then took a look at the street. There were at least five bodies scattered in the distance, each in their own blood. The stench of the rotting people was in the air, and Daisetsu gagged a bit. But there was no time to take a break. Another female Demon could be hear in the distance as she shrieked in fury. "You killed my sister!" said the Demon, as she shot an orb of ice at Sydney. Because Sydney's back was turned, Daisetsu jetted over and knocked her out of the way, and the shot was missed. The Angels prepared for another battle. [I]"Damn!"[/I] thought Daisetsu as he readied himself for another attack against the Demon. The Demon fired another ice orb, and Harukichi ducked. Sydney dove over to the Demon as she aimed her sword, and stabbed the Demon in her left leg. The Demon roared in return as Azurel came and sliced her thigh. Hana's arrow was stopped by the ice orb that the Demon skillfully shot, though Harukichi flew behind the Demon and thrust her spear through the Demon's body. The demonic female hissed in pain as she saw her own heart out on the point of Harukichi's spear; she hissed one last time, and was then impaled on the spear. Harukichi shook the Demon and her heart off of her weapon, along with the blood. Daisetsu then turned around to the sound of one more Demon jetting over to him. Though this Demon was quite stupid, for Daisetsu only held his sword like a bat, and swung. The Demon didn't realize how fast he was going, and he tried to stop before he was too close. "Too late, bastard!" yelled Daisetsu, and the Demon was cut in half, his guts and blood spilled onto the ground. "Was that it?" asked Sydney. "I think so...only three." answered Harukichi, and they paused. "So then where do we go now?" inquiried Hana as Azurel pointed with his sword. "We go to the mainland." The sky was becoming gray from the sun that was about to rise. Daisetsu took in a deep breath as they all flew off towards the next Kingdom in Vain- Cruelna. And while they flew in silence, Daisetsu could feel the lives of people being taken as the sun was just peeking over the ocean. And with their speed, the Angels reached Cruelna, their next goal for peace. "I can feel it," whispered Daisetsu. "They're definately more Demons here...." And he gripped his sword tighter as he spoke.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Times New Roman]"We're right here! Stop shouting, dammit!" yelled Daisetsu, coming forth with Sydney, Harukichi and Hana. They all had their weapons, as the Demon Makalai was dodging their attacks as if they were all in slow motion. Daisetsu lunged at him from behind with his sword, attempting to slice the Demon's body in half. But before Daisetsu could even reach a few feet in front of Malakai, the Demon turned around to aim his hand at him, and he shot an orb of darkness at him. Daisetsu didn't realize quick enough, so the orb hit him in his arm. Daisetsu shouted out in pain, grasping his torn arm; blood gushed out immensely and made a numbing sensation as his blood drizzled down and onto the ground, making the grass wine red. As Malakai was just about to launch another attack to pierce Daisetsu again, Sydney came behind him and tried to attack. But as fast as she was, Malakai sensed her and dodged in time. "Damn!" said Sydney, aggrivated over his speed. "Why can't you hold still?" "Why can't you be faster?" answered Malakai with a grunt. He then shot another orb of darkness out, and Sydney dodged it. Hana then shot an arrow at Malakai as he faced Azurel. The arrow landed in Malakai's back, but the Demon merely tuned his head to examine his wound. "Oh, look at that," he said, chuckling. He glared at Hana, his flame eyes burning more. "Do you think that your arrow hurt me?" He laughed insanely, sounding like a maniac. But the laughter was shattered with a first cry of pain. Daisetsu looked in amazement as Harukichi had stabbed Malakai's palm right through. He had not noticed her in all his amusement, thus he became distracted. The blade of Harukichi's spear went straight through his hand, where his power was. She withdrew her weapon, and flew backwards a bit so that she was ready for his next attack. Blood dripped from the hole in his hand, and he clenched his fist to alleviate the pain. With Malakai still distracted, Hana shot another arrow- this time to hit his right eye. Blood gushed from the flame eye, and the roots of his eye popped and sizzled. The Demon cried out in pain as he groped for the arrow and immediately took it out. One of his evil, deathly eyes were gone now; in replacement was a gaping, bloody cavity. Blood ran down his shadowed face and over his black cloth. Before anyone could attack him anymore, Malakai spoke. "You Angels may be strong, but heed warning of what's to happen. It will be certain that we Demons will kill each and every one of you. With my power gone for now, I'm in no position to go any further." He laughed suspiciously. "But try to stay in good condition- I want to kill you when you're at your best." With that, Malakai faded away; the Angels remained where they were. Daisetsu then looked back at his upper arm, which was just cut by a small chunk. [I]"It felt like he took off my whole arm..."[/I] thought Daisetsu. His hand was red with his blood, still gripping to relieve some pain. He then landed on the ground, and tore off his right sleeve. He wrapped his wound up, and wiped the excess blood on his hand, onto the grass. He picked up his sword again, and watched as the other Angels landed on the ground with him.[/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Times New Roman]Daisetsu was now asleep, dreaming after the burning, paralyzing pain he was put through. He remained still on the new ground he lay upon. He was dreaming about his former gang, and when they had beaten him up. At first, the dream started out with him as a small boy, playing with his toy gun and wearing his over-sized bandana for fun. But then that vision faded, to leave Daisetsu to see himself in a fighting position. Many shadows cascaded upon his body, as the gang had real guns, ropes and knives to beat him up with. In the dream, the teenager looked around frantically for someone- his friend. He then saw his dear friend lying on the ground, in his own pool of blood. And when the teen looked back to his former gang allies, they were gone; only the weapons and tools remained in the air. They were as if they had a mind of their own. This is how the dream ended as Daisetsu snapped awake instantly, sitting up on the freezing ground. "****!" he said, realizing he could speak once again. He saw the other four of his new friends on the ground by him. Azurel had already gotten up, and was puking. Daisetsu came over by him, and put a hand on his shoulder. "Are you ok?!" asked Daisetsu with fear. Azurel just nodded as his sickness began to subside, and he gestured his hand over to the girls. Harukichi and Sydney were both sitting up slowly, staring at the new area all of them were in. Hana was still asleep. The air may have been warm, though it seemed cold at the same time. Daisetsu walked over to them both. "Are you two alright?" Harukichi nodded as Sydney spoke. "Yes, I'm fine...But where are we?" It was foggy a bit as well, and not much could be seen from where they all were. Azurel came over to the three that were awake, Hana still sleeping. Each one of them had on a different kind of suit, and all of them had wings. Though Harukichi's wings were on the back of her head, and not on her back like the rest of them. And as Daisetsu glanced at her, Harukichi seemed as though someone had punched her in the gut, for she looked greatly shocked and bemused. Though she wasn't the only one; they all were. And Harukichi answered Sydney's question with her own inquiry. She spoke as if she were trying to tell something, slowly. "What's more important is...what are we doing here?" And after Harukichi asked that, everyone paused; all was silent.[/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Times New Roman]Ashton was now with the other four, his body being pulled out from earth for no reason. Or so he thought. As the spirit had finished his speech with the word "Angels," Ashton felt a surge of pain start up at his head, then spread all the way down to his feet. He silently scremed in pain as he thought to himself, over and over. "What the ****?! What the ****?! What the HELL is going on now?! My body feels like it's going to burn!" He felt the pain surge through him; it felt as though someone were burning his insides. Everything hurt as if there were no tomorrow. But the pain was then concentrated to two spots on his back, and that was when his white, feathery wings sprouted forth. As the grew outward, the pain increased. The last thing Daisetsu saw from the pain, was a new suit he was wearing- a hooded silver shirt, with one long sleeve, silver pants, black boots and one black glove. He fell asleep into his own pain.[/FONT]
  12. Hmmm, interesting. Well as school related, I really enjoy hard classes. I take as many AP classes as possible. I mean, hey- regular classes, I find boring. Thus boring means sleepy. Hence, sleepy means failing. *Thumbs down* Uber bad. In other news, sports are good. I do track and soccer to keep me and my six pack good and going. *Strikes a pose* XD I like soccer because it...hold on...GOOOAAAL! Ok, where was I? Oh yeah. I like track, just for the excercise. Gotta have a healthy heart!!! *Sings motto* 'Cause nobody can say no, to Honey Nut Cheeios! :smirk: Well now, food is something I'm definately into. But who isn't? I mean, I'd have to say my FAVORITE food is a tie between alligator and scallop. Hey, it may sound uber weird, though they are actually pretty good. Hmmm...*thinks hard* I'd say that I really enjoy writing. But I've only started to write. Now if you wanna see someone who likes to write, ask my big OB sis Eli. *Whispers* She's now writing her 17th book. Mercy! Anyway, I definately like extreme rides. If a roller coaster is 200 feet high and goes 60 miles per hour, backwards, floorless and on you're lying on your back; then I gotta say I'll be riding it. ~~~~~~ The only thing I'm NOT really into is....*drumroll* TV. I've lost interest in the tube for some reason. Maybe because it's just me. I wonder if anyone else feels the same way...Oo Oh well.
  13. [FONT=Times New Roman]Daisetsu wondered where Akio was, considering he hadn't come back yet. "It should have taken him only a couple of minutes to get the damn ball," muttered Daisetsu. He then saw the nearby streetlight come on, and realized his lagging at the park had led him to deep trouble. When he was still in his former gang with Akio, they all would always stay out after the streetlight came on. And that is why his parents demanded that he now be home before the night set in. But if he were to ever be out after dark, he would be in major trouble. This gave Daisetsu serious problems at that very moment. But somehow, he felt as though it didn't matter tonight. After a long and deep thought, he shrugged his worry off his shoulders. He looked around the area. The one named Sydney was walking over to where Azurel and the newly introduced Harukichi, who was holding Azurel's small dog, petting it gently. Seeing Harukichi, he smirked; he to walk over to where they all were, but something caught his eye. [I]"What the hell?...Oh." [/I] There was a girl in the tree he had walked by. He looked up and saw her looking at Azurel, Harukichi and Sydney with an observative expression. [I]"She's hot too, hehehe." [/I] thought Daisetsu, being the flirtatious guy he was. He couldn't help it. It was apart of his personality. He called up to the girl in the tree, with her colored pencils and sketchbook. "Hey, babe! What's your name? Why don't you come down there, you look awfully lonely up in that tree!" Daisetsu called out, grinning.[/FONT]
  14. Man, all I ever remembered about my childhood was....wait...I do have something...>.< I remember in kindergarten, I brought my St. Bernard and Boxer in for show and tell. The St. Bernard's name was Dane, and the Boxer's name was Blue. Hehehe. Well anyway, they both weighed something mighty fierce, and I showed them to the class. Let's just say that in the end, five kids wound up crying because of a "missing" two cats, a parakeet, and two fish. Don't ask. -.-;;;;;;
  15. [FONT=Times New Roman]Daisetsu was sitting on the curb, at the end of his street; he was waiting for his friend Akio to meet him. He dribbled his soccer ball with his feet while sitting. He wore a light blue shirt, with white knee-length shorts and black sneakers. He wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Damn, it's hot. Even for the evening." Soon, five minutes had passed- then ten, and then fifteen. "Where the hell IS he?" muttered Daisetsu aloud. Then, he heard footsteps behind him, and swiftly turned around. "And where were you?" questioned Daisetsu to Akio. "We were supposed to meet here twenty fricken minutes ago!" "Shut up," said Akio, sort of smirking. "You know good and well you like to be early for things." Daisetsu stood up and held the soccer ball against his side. "Well, you ready to go then?" Akio held his smirk as they walked to the park, the sun soon to set. It wasn't until they almost reached the park that Daisetsu noticed Akio still smiling. "...Hey," said Daisetsu as he raised an eyebrow. "What's up? You're awfully cheerful today." Akio looked at Daisetsu innocently, like nothing was wrong. "Nothing," he answered, shrugging. "What if I just felt like smiling for once? Have you ever thought of that?" Daisetsu just scoffed, and they were then at the park. Everyone seemed livelier today, though the elders were leaving as some kids were being picked up by their parents. Daisetsu then felt a small amount of dissapointment as he frowned. "Great, the sun is almost going to set," he said to Akio, kind of mad. "We may be too late to play, and I have to be home by the time the streetlights come on." Akio grinned, making Daisetsu greatly confused. "We can still play for awhile. Come on, you've lost your sense of risk." said Akio, and Daisetsu just rolled his eyes. "Oh please," teased Akio. "You're scared to lose, huh? I am the greatest of us two, after all." Hearing this, Daisetsu ran to the small grass area that he and Akio always played in. Akio followed as Daisetsu dropped the soccer ball, and kicked it over to Akio. They passed the ball back and forth a bit; each time they recieved the ball, they became faster and kicked harder. That's when Daisetsu saw her- a blonde sitting on a bench, alone. Her hair was extremely long, and her eyes were golden brown. She looked very bored, as she had her head on her hands, and was watching the remaining kids making horrible sand castles. Daisetsu was so distracted, he never noticed Akio kick the ball back to him. Thusly, the ball hit Daisetsu swiftly in the knee. "****!" shouted Daisetsu, grabbing his knee and yelling at his friend. He continued to yell. "Why couldn't you have just missed me, or saw me standing there?!" After that, Akio answered back with smart replies. "Well, I for one thought you were ready to recieve the damn ball. Then when it was coming towards you, I even called out your name. You need to chill." Akio shook his head as Daisetsu grunted. Daisetsu then smiled like nothing had happened. Realizing that he could show off to the unkown blonde, Daisetsu stood upright again and played harder than before.[/FONT]
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