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Shi no Tenshi

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Everything posted by Shi no Tenshi

  1. Heh, for those of you that got upset, I'm not dissing the show. Like I said, it's the first time I watched it and I wasn't paying attention - I don't doubt it when you say it's good. I don't know, I've never really watched it properly haha. Yeah now I know the gimmick with the robot, half of it doesn't seem so confusing... sort of *lol*. It explains why he was yelling 'BROTHER!' half the time (what is it with blood related anime characters yelling out BROTHER or SISTER to gain their attention? come on, he has a name... even if I never caught it XD) I'm glad I made some of you laugh, I couldn't leave something so delightfully strange go to waste. I may watch it, I may not. I'll have to see if they repeat the series, the concept of Alchemy is actually something that intrests me. And for the record I'm a she ;D
  2. I watched Full Metal Alchemist for the first time last week, whilst on my laptop and not paying attention. The result was a mish mash of misheard dialogue, dodgy misconceptions and a storyline I'm pretty sure I made up. Don't take offence to this - I know I didn't. [U]FMA Random Episode[/U] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1](note from r2vq - this will spoil Episode 12 of the series)[/SIZE][/COLOR] [spoiler]The introduction was scarily like Pokemon, I actually thought it [i]was[/i] Pokemon until I heard the theme tune (which was surprisingly catchy - I liked it). Slightly dissapointed because I wouldn't get a dose of the gayboy, his rat and his companions the ginger girl and lecherous teen, I decided to look away and play with HTML on my laptop. Enter scene with three people in a room and a gargantuan robot. As far as I know, they seem to be running away from someone. Whilst they panic a little boy grows a random giant tree to block the door. Drool starts to fall out of my mouth as I wonder why would they need to run away from anyone when this kid seems to be the King of the Ents. Then I loose interest... Something happens, then something else happens. Then I'm sure someone dies, and the blonde guy with the cool red coat decides to ditch his friends and run off with the giant robot. Tosser. Later I find that the robot actually speaks, and in the voice of a young boy or Michael Jackson - I couldn't quite place my finger on it. This conversation takes place in another tree, another Lord of the Rings moment. I expected the tree to walk along and for the blonde guy to have an Irish accent (which would have been more appropriate seeing as FMA is meant to take place in Europe... I think...) I like Irish accents. I then overhear something about placenta's and then red water. This catches my attention for a short while (purely out of disgust) and as far as I know a fat man explains how they distill placenta's into red water which is some sort of life substance with the potency of gun powder. The story is taking a turn, now the man has a gun that runs on periods and theres not one tampon to be seen (or woman... except for some kinky dominatrix that resides in a cave where the red water flows... I don't want to know what that was about). The period gun is destroyed eventually and they try to kill the fat man - but to no avail. He escapes though a very convenient trap door. Or something like that. More red water scenes. More red water... ah yes, then the dam that held the red water breaks (I wasn't aware there was a dam....) and the Ent King makes the trees absorb it. Ew. End of the episode... it felt like 10 minutes was dedicated to saying goodbye and cathing a train as well as the Ent King and his older brother musing about their flawed father... who did something so terrible I can't remember.[/spoiler] [u][b]THE END[/u][/b] I'm sure this is more amusing to those of you who watched the episode. Please don't try to explain it to me, I'd rather live in blissful ignorance.
  3. Hey I liked Pokemon. I still like Pokemon. Not on the same level I did when I was a younging though - it's sort of on a 'burst-out-into-theme-tune-at-uni' level & 'imitate-Arfenhouse-Pikachu-voice' level. It's all in good fun, I never have regretted falling into a fad because at the time it entertained me (and in the case of Pokemon, still does XD). I don't really keep up with current anime. I like the anime I own.
  4. Brian Molko is an intresting fellow. I wouldn't say he's hot, but I think he's a very beautiful guy. I have a few albums by Placebo, it's the sort of music I can really get into or can really bore me. Depends on my mood. I love the songs 'Special Needs' and 'Nancy Boy'. Their videos are intresting too...
  5. [quote name='Katana][SIZE=1][color=royalblue]It's been rather dreary. So I was glad to see Shi no Tenshi's bright piece...with GREEN![/size'][/color][/quote] Ahhh, thank you xD I personally don't like doing dark graphics - colour is my friend. I love how you used your hand (I'm assuming your hand!), and the colour scheme is great. Can't go wrong with shades of blue & orange.
  6. [url=http://xs67.xs.to/pics/06065/snt.png]your hand in mine[/url] Sorry about the wait - I've been [i]really[/i] busy lately. Anyway, everything on that graphic is 'handmade', mostly with scanned images of reciepts, photographs of my drawings & handwriting, me & my man, and that font that says 'your hand' is made by yours truly. The only thing I didn't make is the typewriter font to the far left that says 'do you want to be free?'. Continuing the type from Athena's was a challenge ^^; And I blame this style of collage on my new typography book. It's too sexy.
  7. My favourite artists - particularly Egon Schiele at the moment. If not, I usually go read my comics (Tank Girl usually makes me want to draw, it's so colourful and imaginative!) or set up a still life and paint from that. Even talking about it makes me want to pick up a paintbrush actually! It's been so long since I painted...
  8. Nice one. I love doing wordplay from time to time, too bad they're in real life rather than on msn, so I can't really recollect. I did one before about Chinese food and partying - saying I was going to 'Wok the party' - lol, that's the only phrase that's stayed with me from that conversation. Aperture money where your mouth is. rofl.
  9. Mostly anything by Molly Hatchet or Dream Theater. 'The Journey' is a particularly good one by MH, and I really can't think of one for DT off the top of my head. 'The Way it Used to be' is my favourite song by them, but I can never remember if there's a solo in there somwhere.
  10. I was setting a mood talking about the whale. Many people are saying that it has brought to our realisation the fact that we as humans are abusing the seas and not doing enough. Not much to do with the whale, but rather what impact it had on people - how people grew attatched to a creature that otherwise would not have caused them concern. I suppose juxtaposing an anecdote was too much of a mind bender, eh?
  11. A few days ago a bottle nosed whale was found swimming around in the Thames River through central London. They tried to carry it out to sea on a barge but unfortunetly it died about twenty minutes ago. I don't think a lot of people realize that the ocean is the lungs of the Earth, and that the sea does the same thing to our atmosphere as plants. On a whole we're destroying the Earth and it's only a matter of time before it bites us all in the ***. What do you think about the worlds current treatment of the ocean and its creatures? Do you think more should be done to 'save the whale' or that perhaps there are bigger issues at hand in todays world?
  12. Well, you might just be at a lost if you only listen to what's 'on the radio' rather than what you might enjoy. Accidently download Limewire. If you need a link, just Google it.
  13. I don't think many 16-17 year old's are politically aware, and those that are fall into a minority. Come to think of it, I'm not sure many legal voters are politically aware either... As previously mentioned, teens already have a lot on their plate, nevermind the future of their country's/state's/island's foriegn policy.
  14. Bands that I like that are instrumental, with a hint of techno - Explosions in the Sky, Godspeed you Black Emporer (East Hastings is orgasmic), Ladytron, Bjork (heavily recommend Joga/Hyperballad/Isobel/Play Dead), Muse (the album Hullaballoo, as for songs Bliss/Space Dementia/Gallery), Air (the album Moon Safari), The Eels, Portishead (everything you can get your hands on - try the album Dummy), Prodigy, Madonna (Candy Perfume Girl/Sky Fits Heaven/Frozen - more dance influenced if you're into that sort of thing), Moby, Massive Attack and perhaps even Placebo (try Sleeping with Ghosts, it's a more electronic album). Dream Theater is a good one, but I'm not sure if I'd say I listen to them because of their techno influences - definately worth checking out if you like fast guitar riffs and insane drumming drawn out into a long orchestral piece. Metropolis is a good song, as is Peruvian Skies. Ok, better than good... it's bootylicious. A friend of mine is into a guy called Kid Koala, who is a hip hop artist that scratches turntables with violins. I've heard some things and they're mind blowing, so check that out too if you can.
  15. Haha, I really don't listen to this sort of music, it tends to grind my brain to a pulp. The only song I like by them is Nymphetamine because it's sort of a one off where they used a more 'normal' female vocalist so the song resembled Nightwish. It's a good song, but I don't think it summarizes them as a whole, from the snippets I've heard.
  16. Some of it was pretty good, even though it was slow in parts. The script was well written, laced with dark humour and the storyline picked up when she finds a 'job'. Unfortunately I never get to watch teevee, it gets hogged by my television obsessed family, so thirty minutes a week would be too much to ask for ;D On another note, isn't it a Canadian production?
  17. [quote name='Raquel']Well, unfortunatly, I'm utterly font deprived. If anyone can enlighten me as to where some of this may be aquired I'll... Er... Say thanks?[/quote] And thus God stepped down from the Heavens, and boomed "The search engine is thy friend." search criteria 'free fonts' + Google = 1001fonts.com, sharkshock.com, fontfreak.com, free-fonts.com...
  18. I'm in the anti-Comic Sans group too. I read in a typography article that it was a font that desperately wanted attention, was overwhelmingly nice and cried alone. I laughed. My writing font of choice: Sans-serif, 1-3pt letterspace, 10-8pt size. For essays I tend to make the font a little bigger, for legibility of course. Titles vary according to what I'm writing about. What I use in graphics is another story... [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c325/riskypixie/fonts.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] A few of these fonts were used in my fanzine for FLCL, they just sort of stuck heh. In this book I'm reading 'Stop Stealing Sheep & find out how type works', there are some gorgeous fonts. See if you can look up F Moonbase Alpha, Insignia, FF Erikrighthand and Reporter. And I too will be downloading that Cocaine font ;D
  19. [quote name='Judgement']I really like to watch anime on Adlut Swim, but someone told me that to be a true anime fan you have to watch it in japanese w/english subtitles. They also said that you can't watch it in english first, then japanese. So do you have to watch it in japanese to be a real fan?[/quote] Of course my son. And you must also integrate Japanese lingo into your everyday vocabulary - replace yes with 'hai' and sorry with 'gomen'. Try to contort your face into Japanese smiley's like these '^_^' and '-.-;;' in order to express emotion in the style of the true otaku! Fall over when embarassed and pretend it never happened. I would give you more insight on the secrets of being an otaku, but I must update my Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon/Dragonball Z/Inuyasha/Card Captors fanfic, before my rabid fangirl readers get deprived of yaoi-incest-mpreg goodness. (I couldn't resist)
  20. Nice! I really want a tablet and it looks like you're having fun. Look forward to seeing more.
  21. Heh, yeah the key word is 'trying', *lol* I don't know the first thing about graphic design, I only know what's fashionable in the graphics industry and how to produce graphics, but my heart is telling me to draw up a blank image and challenge the idea of the pixel. I could write an essay on the complications of translating fine art into graphics and ways to overcome it, trends and such, but I doubt anyone would read it ;p I do believe composition is the correct word - the balance of light and shadow is very uneven and not in the 'purpose with purpose' sort of way either. I will re-edit it when I have the time and put more thinking into what I want from it as a composition rather than what I can do by layering it. I might slice up the image too, try and make it appear more graphical by introducing more conventional elements (er, it sounds fancy but I'm not too sure what a conventional element would be) Time for research methinks.
  22. Put Meatloaf and Elvis in a blender - rock and roll, pure and simple. My favourite songs are 'The Journey', 'Take Miss Lucy Home' and 'Never say Never'. Every song they do has a mind-grinding solo, and for every semi-boring song they do, there's at least ten incredible ones. Any fans (or haters) out there?
  23. Lots of people seem to have little art portfolio's posted on here - so hey why not? I already posted a link to my full and up to date (so to speak) portfolio online located at my website (my banner is a link). The title is based on a quote my tutor said to me which was that I am a "painter trying to be a graphic designer". I think it has an edge to it. I do a variety of work ranging from photo realistic still lifes (when I'm bothered) to crazy little cartoon creatures. In the end I smash it up and turn it into a graphic I can use on my website. Here's a recent one. I made my sig and av set from it, and it's simply a layering of close up's of one painting I did about a year back. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c325/riskypixie/merged.jpg[/IMG] I know it's rather grainy looking, I blame the photo quality as well as the painting being quite sharp in colour and texture. Some con-crit would be appreciated because I need ideas to spark me off!
  24. Gorgeous set, very elegant. You can't go wrong with a black and white contrast. The avatar is flawless, but the banner has hints of jpg-ness where the ribbon is and it pixelates. [b]8/10[/b] I'd give it full marks if the image quality were better (I find png the best) ;D (just to clarify my current sig and av set were made from layering close ups of my still life paintings)
  25. It's difficult to bring art into such an arguement, because as you provided the statue of David as an example, I will provide Egon Schiele, Gustav Klimt and Nobuyoshi Araki as examples. Egon Schiele has portraits of naked preteens, masturbating girls and many things that if they were in another context would be considered pornographic (even peadophilic). You look at his work and you realise that beyond the mental breakdown ball of angst he is that he does have an extreme amount of talent, his approach to negative space is dazzling. Gustav Klimt's paintings are equally if not even more stunning. Yet they depict women having orgies! Even better his most famous painting 'The Kiss' has a man and a woman metaphorically making love - but it is the women who is recessive, the man who is dominant (as is suggested in porn). Nobuyoshi Araki is a card. Don't look him up if you're offended by mere nudity, or even hardcore pornography. He does a lot of bondage, gagging and such yet there are messages in his work, many of them empowering women and portraying them as dominatrixes or potraying the aftermath of rape victims. I cringe about the gargantuan sizes they blow his prints up to (especially as there are usually a number of spread legs) but I can also appreciate the artistic side (at least). Funny thing is his models say they feel 'fulfilled' once they have their photo taken by this man. And oh yeah, he's banned in Japan (I wonder why). How is it different to porn though? I think it's merely in the context it's been put into. I find this very relevant to the topic, so feel free to discuss ;p
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