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Shi no Tenshi

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Everything posted by Shi no Tenshi

  1. I guess I'll post my creations as well. [url]http://violaceous.atspace.com/pixel/art.htm[/url] Alternatively, you can remove the 'art.htm' part and view it in frames, but I'd prefer a focus on my artwork rather than my website in this topic ;D Comments? Suggestions (apart from re-photograph blurry work)?
  2. lmao. Really. I have never encountered any stereotypes at any educational instution I have ever attended. It may seem impossible but it's true. Or maybe I lack the stereotype gene that allows me to be prejudice against a person before I talk to them simply by labelling their clothes. I suppose some people tend to follow trends more than others do, but that's simply personal taste rather than fitting into another level of society. But I'll play the game - I love art, computers, music, reading, writing, socialising, shopping (where it is appropriate), movies etc. I don't like sports, but I do like running, roller skating and cycling. My hobbies include chasing cats and hopefully collecting degrees. The clothes I wear is anything I goddamn please, ranging from modified ripped to crap clothing, all black Lolita corset outfits, neon colours, things from charity shops, things from high street fashion shops, pink, dresses and skirts, low-cut tops... the list goes on. I guess that makes me a super-hyper-geeky-preppy-gothic-punky-nerdy-elite-super-stereotype! Hurrah for originality. The only thing I do stereotype is chavs - mainly because they are the sort of people who collect ASBO's and prison sentences, and are eye-contact aggressive. I have met some decent people who call themselves chavs, but I tend to keep my distance (I know from experience).
  3. It's another one of those boring websites that has millions of active members for absolutely no reason! It does offer some entertainment, like interviews with bands and such, but usually I go to their official website or fan websites I grow fond of. In my opinion, it is another popularity contest. I joined for the same reason, I was reffered by a friend. I had fun personalizing the frontpage, then got bored because I didn't know anyone, and the morons that added me just wanted my avatar as a decoration on their page. It's much funner to socialize in real life.
  4. Shi no Tenshi


    The minute I saw this topic title, I thought 'It's the Final Countdown!' Memories of being in London and listening to it on the coach, much to the dismay of some scenecore kids that would have preferred to listen to some indie band. We've had some good times.
  5. Despite what you say, it's still a cartoon. A cartoon that may contain some modern issues, but portrays them in a way that doesn't constitute as being challenging. You're taking it way too seriously for something that is hardly worth fighting for. Well then, I suppoes it's [i]tragic[/i] that such a profound cartoon has been dubbed badly and Matt Groening shouldn't have tried to expand his horizon's into a country where changing the Simpons would have meant basically creating a new cartoon. Besides, I'd like to see the Simpsons deal with those issues you mentioned above the same way Nan Goldin deals with them.
  6. And the earthquake and numerous terrorist attacks occuring in the middle east up to today. Those people are facing a winter without shelter, and I can't help thinking how lucky we all are to have the commodity of a computer and even internet! I second that blessing ChibiHorseWoman.
  7. haha! When I saw Love Actually. That was an aweful film. And the thing is it was an admirer of mine that took me to see it and I could tell he wasn't exactly enjoying it either but I didn't want to leave cause he paid. Damn chilvarous men. I suppose my mother's pratical jokes are also mean. In retrospect they're hilarious though. For example, she once announced to my brother and I as we were coming home from school that the cat had been run over. It's only when we started crying she told us she was joking... I can't really think of much else. Being at a restaurant and not being hungry is also annoying, but that can apply to anyone!
  8. Just saw it today. I have to say I'm pretty dazed from it still, damn that was a long movie. Apparently it's extremely similar to the original, including Kong's mannerisms and Anne's image. I really needed to pee halfway through, but I couldn't bring myself to get up and go! The dinasoar animation was excellent (both of them ;3) and the detail on Kong like the teeth and fur was just flawless. Very funny how the film could almost be a trilogy in itself, the voyage, the island and the city. I could analyse it further, but my head grows weary and dinner's ready.
  9. Hunny, art is Jeff Koons. It's Louise Bourgeous. It's Nan Goldin, Arthur Rackham, Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Francisco de Goya, Frida Kahlo, Hannah Hoch, Nobuyoshi Araki, Klaus Oldenberg, Roy Lichenstien, Lucian Freud, Jackson Pollock... no I didn't have to Google to get those names. Art has nothing to do with it. Granted there is work from a department of illustrators, designers, choreographers and such - but that's not the point. The point is that I could repeat previous essays I have written about the definition of art, I can bring in the definitions of Kant and Hume and we'll be here forever whilst you sit there and look up these names in Wikipedia as I spit them out. Art is something that makes us re-evaluate our own opinions as individuals and as a public. And not in the sense that perhaps some people can learn that bonding within a family is indeed a good thing as they do with the Simpsons. How dare you compare Jackson Pollock's art that expresses angst over the horror's of the Holocaust, stating the impossibility of creating something so pure when something so evil has taken place, to say with Homer's angst over the last doughnut being eaten? I myself am a fan of the Simpsons. Sure I'm not fanatical about it, but I do enjoy watching it. But in no way would I compare something as crudely animated as the Simpsons to say, Ghost in a Shell (which by the way has metaphorical imagery and philosphies I don't even think its fans understand). As for One Piece and that lot, I wouldn't know. I don't watch them. And even if I did watch them and figure that they were badly dubbed, yet again I wouldn't care. Why? Because people are watching it, people are being entertained by yet again something cheaply produced to please the masses. I've at least seen adverts for One Piece - what monkies did they have to beat to draw something as badly stylised as that? If the makers of such anime even cared about their creation, they would ensure that it was properly dubbed and translated. For example, name one Hayao Miyazaki that's been badly dubbed. No? I didn't think so. Why? Because his animations are blissful productions that challenge the viewer both aesthetically and mentally, and he would not allow a bad dub to destroy this image (even if it meant keeping the same bad ending for Howl's Flying Castle). [/rant] On another note, never challenge my respect for artists. I wouldn't be doing a degree in art if I didn't believe in its artists.
  10. Just go into a hairdressing website and try sketching out real hair first. Rather than trying to draw what you think you see, draw the light and shade and texture so you might end up with a picture were the hair seems to have a hole in it where a light spot blends into a white background. You don't need to master the technique of drawing realistic hair, but it will give you ideas and will warm you up for when you translate this into a manga style. You can also research different manga characters and look at how they draw hair. Eventually, you'll be doing this in your own style but search for images from very different mangas, print them out, and trace over them to learn techniques. For example the FLCL manga characters have choppy hair outlined by thick lines, whereas the Angel Sanctuary characters have softly shaded realistic hair! Now you've done some research and practicing, you move onto the real thing. Draw out your character and quickly sketch the shape and length of the hair. Once you've done that start adding detail where the dark shades will be, light shades and strands that may fall across the face etc. The healthier the hair, the more difference in colour between light and dark spots and visa versa. For example, a blonde anime girl might have the mid-tone hair colour of yellow, and the light spots will be an almost white cream colour and the dark will be a very dark mustard colour. Experimenting is the one thing I strongly recommend. One day it'll all fall into place.
  11. I usually just get chocolate and alcohol and take it with me when I see friends (no money haha! hurrah for cheap champagne from ASDA!) I don't mind buying for guys, I get my male friends either cheap toys, action figures or spirits. I know I'm getting driving lessons. It's the only thing I want, but I'm sure I'll be getting a DVD or a music CD as well. Not sure which one's though... The guy I had for Secret Santa loves the classic Sonic games, so I got him a Sonic plushie that says quotes from the silly little teevee series Sonic X *lol* I love it when he says 'As long as there's somewhere to run... I'll be happy!'
  12. Please. There are better things to get passionate about. And yes kids are gaining from it because it is fulfilling it's purpose of being a form of entertainment. Who cares if they aren't learning the true values of being an American? Even if it's no longer the characters, it's hardly a substancial show that follows a consistent story line - so why bother getting annoyed that in some country that you don't live in, some viewers will be watching a badly dubbed version of the Simpsons (which I'm sorry to say is not an art form as much as it is a modern classic).
  13. ROFL! You've made my day. When the title came up and the chorus sang 'The Shamshoons', I burst out laughing. Soda is my favourite edit. I think it's incredible just how broad the Simpsons branches out. But it is rather unusual to choose a show that would require so much censorship to please it's audience - why not something simpler (without being patronising)? Not much else to say on the matter, it doesn't bother me. Kids are gaining something from it, so I don't see the problem, if anything I find the dubbing rather funny. Now if you excuse me, I need some Soda...
  14. Talk to the girls you like? It really is that simple. Most people won't even acknowledge you exist until you ask them how their day has been. Being yourself is a good thing, as well as being honest. Most things either pan out or you get a new friend. Either way you can't loose.
  15. [quote name='passionate slay']no one thinks being apart from one another can be romantic?[/quote] Absence makes the heart grow fonder - true. But personally I like physical affection as well, not craving hugs when I'm on the phone ;3
  16. If it's not too late I'd like a go. I love FLCL, so something with Naota or Kanti shouldn't be a problem at all.
  17. Cause secretly we love them. Apart from those who live in very secluded areas of the planet, everyone knows the lyrics to Baby One More Time. Besides, it always seems appropriates to start singing that Lady Lump song as a way of breaking the ice on a date.
  18. Funnily enough, I hate being romantic, but my boyfriend loves it. He cooks me dinner, breakfast, lunch... er... he cooks a lot. And often takes me for walks, but usually its to calm me down and get rid of some of my energy rather than to hold hands and kick stones. I gaze at stars... with drool coming down the side of my mouth. Then I start talking about aliens. Deep joy! My idea of a romantic evening... watching our film, Evil Dead (MMM BRUCE CAMPBELL *DROOL*), eat a takeaway or help him cook something, shop in Camden (my favourite part of London - the sort of place you can get magic mushrooms, so you get the picture), go out to the pub in the evening (have a pint of Festive Pheasant mmmm) and I'd say make love on the beach, but I'm scared of doing that sort of thing in public places (I just love the smell and sound). Perhaps there would also be a visit to the Jerwood Prize in London or a stroll through a local art gallery in Portsmouth (the Aspex is limited but intresting, hurrah for Panda Man!). Ice cream would have to be involved at some point. And the weather would preferably be hot and crisp. We've done all these things (except doing the do on the beach) already, but not on the same day. I've got plans to make now ;D
  19. I'm only just old enough to drink, but have been doing so since I was about 13 (hurrah for cultural differences within Western society). The point - it really isn't that amazing. Especially on your own. Or to drown sorrow (as I've heard sorrow knows how to swim). Personally, I believe that posting those sort of topics here is useless. This is just a way to seek attention as a cry for help. We can't help you, we don't know you in real life. We can only offer advice that is pendant on you taking it. Get off the computer, go outside and have a hard think about what you are going to do to solve these problems rather than seek sympathy from online strangers. Seeing a counseller would be advisable and there's no shame in it (and a counseller is better trained to help you than a bunch of concerned teenagers at a forum). How peculiar that I post this and yet I drunk a quater of a wine bottle last night for absolutely no reason other than I was thirsty, didn't want water and there was nothing else ;/
  20. Mine is a song title. Simple but effective I suppose. Just where I was listening to some Maddonna, and thought that the title itself was catchy. Besides it connotates a sweetness that is intolerable or even sour. Not exactly descriptive of my own personality, but I like metaphors ;D
  21. Download a trial for either Jasc Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Photoshop. Once done, either layer your image and set it to 'Darken' or 'Multiply' or create a new layer and trace over your original lines with the line tool. Then just go to the bottom layer and add the shading, deleting whatever goes outside the line. That's just a basic sort of outline, try Google for some tutorials (it helps when there's images telling you which buttons to click and whatnot). I'm terrible at teaching people about software, I tend to overcomplicate. Seeing as they're only trials, they will run out but I'm sure there's free programs out there. If all fails and you can't purchase them you could accidently use some shareware to incidently aquire photoshop or paint shop pro for the convenient price of nothing.
  22. Mika-chan from Angel Sanctuary vs. Yoda from Star Wars The angel of war against the master of agility, how can I resist? Haruko from FLCL vs. Neo from The Matrix She does the whole slow-mo dodge all the bullet's thing, so why not...
  23. I'm living that life right now. No financial aid, no money from my parents. It helps that I'm at home for a year but I pay for my tution myself. This is apparently a 'free' course but I've paid about 500 pounds so far which is nearly double in dollars. And that's the 'free' course... next year I will be in a full-fledged course where I will need support. I know it's different in the UK but the concept is the same worldwide. I suppose if you have anything such as dyslexia or any other physical condition or learning disability, you will get some support money for it (at least I'm going to get money for having chronic asthma). On another note, I find Corey's post rather insensitive considering Attimus only asked a question without adding hyperboles to seek attention. Yes, we all get by, but it can be daunting when you're just about to go into these sort of situations.
  24. Shi no Tenshi

    The Crow

    Yeah, it was strange how he died onset. Someone accidently loaded a gun that was meant to be empty for the shoot where he's on the table in front of those gang members. It's an entertaining film, rather sexy too. I also like the soundtrack a lot despite it being riddled with 90's angst. The concept was rather good, the imagery well thought out. Reminds me a lot of how comics are set up actually, in terms of colour schemes and frames. The graphic novel itself is also rather good, but the film is better as I find the artwork rather basic and sketchy. In a nutshell, it's a good film. It entertained me, thus serving its purpose.
  25. Same as Grave Yard - I wouldn't say it's fate but I found Cowboy Bebop accidently on Adult Swim. It's still one of my favourite series. Apart from that I really don't get into anime on teevee anymore cause it's all too young for my taste. I prefer talking to people about what I like and getting reccomendations.
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