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Shi no Tenshi

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Everything posted by Shi no Tenshi

  1. Actually I find this forum to be one the most tame one's I've ever been to (which I can sort of understand as many members here are young or keeping it all ages). Apart from that persocomblues covered it quite well.
  2. I can see where she's coming from, and I like to see when people stand by what they believe so strongly. However, her children are not part of that life, she had no right to enforce her views by endangering her children. They have a right to their own life just as she does. Guess we can only hope that she's willing to be more protective over the child that she's been left with.
  3. I'm dating a nice guy. He's also my best friend. I usually do those listed things and more to him, but there's a balance and we're pretty happy with it. Gah, besides I'm not the sort to rant about gossip or try things on in the store for hours. I am guilty of being a flirt and leading guys (and occasionally girls ._.) on. I can't help it, I don't like giving guys the wrong impression, but flirting is healthy and fun. Understandably, there's also a time and place for flirting and I can't figure out when that time is - apart from the obvious like someone's funeral ^^;; And I agree with sakurasuka - the bad guys are always good looking ;D
  4. Ah yes, these sort of things seem to happen to me on a daily basis. Only the other day we were all dancing to random Chinese rap of which the lyrics consisted of 'I'm from China, and I'm gunna knife ya!' as well as 'I killed ten people with a frying pan!' It's funny when white people try to be black, but even funnier when Chinese guys try to be black. Gotta love the texts we send Dan when he takes the day off uni. Things along the lines of 'You're not in cause you're gay. We all think you're gay. Especially Lil. Love, us. xxxxx' Speaking of spontaneous hilarity, anyone ever heard of Tourrette's guy?
  5. They're ok, as far as my taste in the genre goes. I'm more into more subtle and sinister blends of it such as Ladytron, Air, and I'm sure Goldfrapp has some influences if they aren't electronica. Granted, The Prodigy has some lovely heavy basslines which is great for dancing! But I feel that most of their songs sound the same ;/
  6. You say you've just started - if it were me, I'd break it off until I knew more about this guy. If you're having trust issues this early on it isn't worth it because you'll wind up getting hurt.
  7. Usually when I think of punk I think of Siouxsie and the Banshees. Even though she is more well known for the creation of goth music rather than punk rock.... ^^;; Feh. Punk music gets own my nerves whether it be the Ramones or Avril Lavigne, I bloody hate them all (for their music... not personally). As for labelling - who cares? People can call themselves what they like, they can call me what they like. I know what I am, I'm pretty secure and confident with myself. I make friends on both sides of the spectrum - those that like to follow certain trends and those that don't. And despite people saying they're different - everyone conforms. Non-conformity would be going outside naked (but even that's conforming to nudist values). To be a non-conformist, you'd have to do something radical no one else has done, like rebel against lemur lorry drivers.
  8. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]I, admittedly, did not do the Google search for the meaning of his works. Rather, I sort of dismissed it as strange. [spoiler]A girl with breasts that are larger than her head looks deformed, and the milk coming from them makes the figure very odd. As for the guy ... *shudder* it looked ... painful?[/spoiler] So, I'm definitely not a fan of him, but to each his own.[/size][/QUOTE] I didn't exactly mean opinions in terms of taste. I meant more discussing the distortion of anime and chinese slavery (perhaps even the true definition of an 'otaku'). This one's pretty good (and short): [url]http://www.indexmagazine.com/interviews/takashi_murakami.shtml[/url]
  9. [quote name='ominous-aura']Personally, I don't like it when guys cry period. If they do, it should be for a very good reason, like someone close to them passing away. I don't think a cartoon is a good reason for a guy to cry. I've never cried watching anime and I'm not some hard core, tough chick. I think it's good for a guy to be OK with crying, but not at the drop of a hat.[/quote] I feel the same way. Personally, I think it's weird to cry about a completely fictional scenario, besides, there are plenty of other ways to display emotion and sensitivity rather than crying over an anime ;D The things I usually get teary about are those horrific disaster's in the news - like that earthquake and those people who are bearing the winter with nothing but the clothes on their back.
  10. [url]http://www.takashimurakami.com/[/url] Don't click if you are sensitive to things of a sexual nature. Now that's cleared up - what are your opinions? I'll post my views once people have replied, for now I'm just curious :> Oh yes, and do search for an interview with him on Google, it will give you insight on the message of his work.
  11. I have an account there (my username is fkt) but I don't really update it. It's not a place I generally like, because whereas it's good that I can share my paintings and upload them easily to show my friends technically it's not really an art site. It's not really teaching people anything, or making people re-evaluate their opinions and views, and those pieces that do are usually swept under the carpet whilst paint scribble number 1473920 gets daily deviation. I just feel that talent compliment's any messgae in art, and often at da they over-glorify pieces that have a message but no technique (or themes that are often repeated). My two cents ^^;;
  12. I'd have to say Nazareth. It's great when a band does a little bit of stand up comedy rather than just expect the audience to entertain themselves by thrashing around. Besides, I got to appreciate the music without the addition of sweaty preteens and flailing 'rock on' hand symbols. Oh yes, and I was right next to the speaker ;>
  13. Lol. It's a cute show and the theme tune is catchy. I won't weep over it being cancelled, but I really don't see why they should, as it seems to be a popular show.
  14. Actually I rather dislike my current username mainly because it was one I came up with when I was about 13 and stuck with so I'd remember it, and it narrows me down to the 'anime lover' stereotype(which isn't bad, it's just that I'm not exactly as much an anime love as I am a lover of other things!). By the way, I believe Shi no Tenshi means 'Angel of Death' - which would be cool, but I don't speak a word of Japanese so I can't really say! I have a long history of user names! [B]scientist [/B] was one of them I used in chatrooms and such. I rather like it; I used it to represent one of the several roles of an artist - the explorer and experimenter. Another is simply [B]art[/B] because I love art and it's also ambiguous in that it really doesn't tell you much about me at all (in terms of gender, age, preferences, etc) And [B]fkt[/B]. It's just a stupid little phonetic pun, but I like it for its simplicity. As for old names... [B]propaganda[/B] was one I was into for some time, when I was doing a series of melancholy graphics where an image would include the idealistic life depicted in a propaganda poster in contrast with the reality of the people who wish it were so. Hm, I also went by the name of [B]punkazz[/B] which was slightly controversial of me as I believe all forms of punk music are gay (no offence to punk enthusiasts, I just mean the music ;> ). Now I look back and think it was pretty melodramatic to name myself after something I dislike just to start up arguements with the weaker-minded internet species oo;; Ah well, that was a long way back! Can't remember my other user names! I think there's been an assortment of song related names, but my memory is like a sieve -.- (also please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors, I keep writing funny so I can gear myself to write this novel I'm working on --;;)
  15. I have a good little job in a small chain of paper and craft stores. I get paid 5.20 an hour which would be nearly $10 over the pond. I love the people I work with, and all I have to do is sit there and drink tea in the warmth. The customer's can be shirty but it's hardly ever and they generally tend to be nicer when it's busy at christmas :>
  16. Yeah I was into Dada Art a long way back. If you really like Dada Art you might like some of Duchamp's paintings on glass - they're fantastic. I also like Hannah Hoch - german dada artist has some great typography in her work. As for movements, I find I like German Expressionism a lot. It's the one genre where I can say I pretty much like all the work! Emil Nolde was an awesome painter, but he also believed in the more extreme Nazi ideology ;/ I should probably get some of my paintings up - the influences that this movement has had on me is really obvious in some of them ^^;;
  17. Any artists you look up to because of their style or technique? There's a few I like, all for different reasons... Photographer: Nan Goldin - she's spontaneous and sexy. Capturing transvestites on film has never looked so good. Painters: Dorothea Tanning - my favourite surrealist. Simply because I love the imagery in her work. Frida Kahlo - more because of who she was rather than what she accomplished. Egon Schiele - don't look him up if you're sensitive to images of a sexual nature. Angsty and bold, and it's intresting to see where his life melts onto paper/canvas ;3 Gustav Klimt - extremely art noveau but it's not gay! A million colours in one skin tone and the people still look real - how does he do it? There's also a couple of illustrator's I like and whatnot. I suppose I also like some anime styles - for example the artwork for Lain. Then there's FLCL, Blue Submarine 6 and such, simply for their animation and sometimes the illustrations made for them.
  18. Woohoo! The two bands that always sprung to mind when someone mentioned goth music was Siouxsie and The Cure. So I'm not as musically dumbfounded as I thought. Although, I think David Bowie falls under almost every category in existence. To tell you the truth, I think pop can be very misunderstood (I'm not actually bothered to research this topic because this is only my opinion but ah well). I always thought that pop was short for 'popular' (thus Pop Art), so that pop music is something formulated by the people who listen to it and buy it. People who are disgusted by pop should check out Madonna's Ray of Light album - it's a sweet blend of electronica and generic pop music, as well as what seems to be some post rock/ambience and trip hop influences. The song 'Candy Perfume Girl' is a song that definately demands a listen.
  19. I'm in England so the system's a little different. I graduated from senior school 2 1/2 years ago and to tell you the truth no one there really intrested me, I've only kept contact with a few lovely people, one of which has moved to Wales, the other is going to Austrailia soon, and the other is in the Navy so I don't see much of him! I graduated from college this year and that was slightly more saddening. If it weren't for the fact that I was pissing myself with excitement about uni then it probably would have been worst. I've kept it contact with a lot of people from college, but distance is breaking the relationships up. As for now, I'm in uni doing a short course in art. I'll be getting a diploma next year (pretty soon actually) and I've bonded with a lot of people but I've only known them for a very short time! All this, and I've never had a graduation ceremony!
  20. [quote name='Sandy']After going steady for a little over six months, I've noticed that a little break does wonders for the sex - especially if you keep your hands off yourself during the break (which can be extremely difficult at times). ;P[/quote] I completely agree. About six months back, I had the same problem and some time apart did the trick. It also gave me time to breath although it wasn't necessarily a temporary break up. Overtime I believe couples get accostumed to each other, and something as simple as buying new lingerie can spice things up. God bless Ann Summers... Having long sessios of foreplay is fun too. It's fun to build up to the moment, as well as sexy!
  21. I'd be a sexy housecat. The reasons are simple. Free food, free warmth and people to wait on me paw and foot. All I'd have to worry about it when my next nap is and if the neighbour's cat is peeping over my fence. As for demon... I'll pass.
  22. Pokemon, Dragonball... etc. Haha, I had fun at the time though. Don't knock Speed Racer, he's great! Not as great as the Wacky Races though... which isn't even anime but there you go.
  23. Shi no Tenshi

    Linkin Park

    I can't stand them. I liked them for a little while when I was about 12 or 13 but it soon faded out. They seem very repetitive after a while, their lyrics seem very pressed and neat i.e. not very original although it is hard to make something original nowadays, but still it's nice to hear something otherwise angst in music. I think it'd be cooler if there was no rap and a little more industrial. And maybe someone with an intresting voice cause Chester doesn't really grip me. Of course that would be turning them into a somewhat different band to suit my tastes but oh well. My parents like them. heh I like their video's though, they've made good videos from the very start of their career up to now. I watch them on mute, lol. The video for Crawling and the anime one (Breaking the Habit?) are pretty cool. And the Papercut one has Nightmare on Elm Street influences (methinks) so it's cool. And of course the computer generated one is awesome (In the End?). Can't remember the others.
  24. Oh that's alright. I just get peeved when people take up requests when they know someone else has already taken it up.
  25. I thought it was kinda rude to take someone's request if someone else was working on it ;s Anywho.
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