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Shi no Tenshi

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Everything posted by Shi no Tenshi

  1. Yes it seems odd that an anime image was used. It's like using Bugs Bunny to represent the USA. It was poorly done, perhaps they were on a tight budjet >_<
  2. I'm 17 and an watch hentai :E Personally I don't see what's wrong with it, or the concern about the age limits. It's not real, it's not even real people. So no one is humiliated and because it is obviously anime everyone knows it's not real and therefore not possible. Tentacles make me laugh that's for sure. I usually go to the online comics. They tend to have some sort of storyline, even if its focus is rampant sex.
  3. I come on here if I have spare time. Being in college has given me more free time than I can handle. But I'm always hanging around with my friends or doing some form of work. My university course is based around the internet so I'll probably spend a lot of time in online communities. Or making them.
  4. Well here is the catgirl. Who now looks like a hippy squirrel o_o The colours are bright and varied... I have a thing about colour. You've been warned. [url]http://www.smallprint.co.nr/images/art/catgirl.png[/url] Nya. I like how the skirt came out. ;3
  5. Hehe, my friend has the DVD. It's morbidly hilarious, but then again I have a bit of a twisted sense of humour. I like the ones with Flippy in them- especially since I love army related content.
  6. Pretty cool. I think it would have more justice done to it if it was cg-ed. If you don't mind, I'd like to have a shot :]
  7. [quote name='Dagger IX1]Shi no Tenshi, please keep in mind that this thread is part of the [i]anime[/i'] forum. ;)[/quote] Damn, I never read where people stick these threads. Just pretend they are anime (wouldn't be surprised actually). The only anime I could really say I didn't like the ending is the one for Angel Sanctuary. It ends at the beggning of the manga, which is dissapointing because it doesn't allow all the characters to make an entrance or for the plot to develope.
  8. Right... The ending of Van Helsing dissapointed me so much I felt embarassed in the cinema. The film in itself wasn't that great but the ending just destroyed it completely. [spoiler]Faces in the clouds? That was weak. And Frankenstien floats away on a bloody raft... come on...[/spoiler] The ending of Lord of the Rings was too long. [spoiler]Not really a spoiler methinks, but ah well. I wanted Frodo to die.[/spoiler] I can't really remember any more.
  9. Is this the sort of thing you wanted? Tell me if you want anything changed or if you want an avatar to go with it.
  10. Weeeee! I'll do it. Haruko is my idol. Give me a few hours and it'll be done.
  11. [quote name='wrist cutter']I think once you take out the trash the first time, you'll be pretty good at it the rest of your life without doing it on a weekly basis. Most of the chores parents make you do (unless they make you pay bills or something) are mostly just brainless tasks.[/quote] Well obviously taking out the trash is not something which requires brain power or skill. Things like cooking, ironing and using the right detergent in the tub so I don't keep tripping over my toes are things which I may need to know when I end up by me onesy. Lest I plan on hiring a maid and a cook for the rest of my life which is highly unlikely. REAL housework is harder than most people think. And you kids complain about taking out the ******* trash.
  12. I love spiders. I can't believe people are afraid of them. They are very influential in paganism, and have a lot of symbology so I'm fascinated by them (as with anything that has a controversial history). I don't fear death either. I'm just anxious about the way I will die. If it's terrible, painful and excrutiating, then yes, that's a bit scary. I am paranoid of the unknown. I am very fanatical of knowledge and being well informed, so that which is I do not understand and am not able to research and therefore understand scares me. Paranormal events and so on. ESP, not so much because I consider myself a bit of a clairvoyent (sp?) and I sometimes feel I have elevated senses and besides, it has already been shown that the human mind is an incredible device. And then I am obsessed with God, so I feel I know enough to not have a phobia of him/her :] Now then, time, that freaks me out. Not really the passage of time, but when people have time lapses like in that film "The Mothman Prophecies" or people who have supposedly been through alien abductions. I don't give a **** if a moth is trying to eat you or if an alien has probed your ***, but the fact that time goes missing, back and fowards... that sends shivers down my spine. Decomposing also creeps me out. I want to be cremated.
  13. Of course there are different types of love. Philios (brotherly love/friends), eros (sexual/romantic love), storge (innate/instinct/love for a child) and agape (spiritual love). I discuss eros love at my website in a blog entitled "Warning - Excessive Stupidity" [[url]http://www.smallprint.co.nr][/url] (sorry for the plug, I thought it was appropriate x_x) Other than that I haven't much to say because I fell all those types of love. Eros is the one which is confusing me a lot lately because I can honestly say I love my boyfriend (in the sense that he is someone whose company I enjoy and I like what he has to say and who he is) and I do feel a sexual and romantic bond, but I don't think it is a firm and deep set love. I guess we're only just scratching the surface cause I refuse to believe we are deep within a passionate relationship three and a half months down the line :]
  14. I always do things bearing in mind that: 1. It will help me learn skills that I will need when I leave home. 2. I am returning the favour to my parents for supporting me. 3. It gives me something to do, rather than spend it doing nothing in front of the PC. (I REFUSE to watch TV!) It does annoy me when my brother doesn't do anything to help around the house. It annoys me when my dad does nothing to help around the house. It annoys me when my mother thinks she has to do everything around the house then bitches at us cause we do nothing. Bloody well ask and we will x_x Point is, no family is perfect just be thankful for what you have. Now, what pisses me off with reason is when I'm told to do something and the reason is "Cause you're a girl". I am a firm feminist (not extremist x_x I believe in equal opportunities for men and women) so it really screws me over when I'm told to do things cause I'm a girl. I do things because they are my responsibility or as a favour, not because of my gender. When I get told that I don't do whatever it is they asked me to do, which may sound overly sensitive but I'm just like that ;P
  15. I always used to be an 'outsider' up until I went to college. I always worked by myself, and I was pretty happy being by me onesy. In college, I have no idea who are the 'in' and 'out' group. There are social groups, as there is everywhere, and conflicts of interest, but nothing popular I suppose. There are the people who like to follow the fashion (which are preps- that is such an American word ;P) and then the people who don't (which are the alternative people, or the sporty people, whatever). We all tend to get along alright, no one is particularly mean to anyone else. I don't follow any trends at all. In fact I shop in charity and cheap stores cause they are good value for money. If I see something I like and I have the money I get it. If I see something I like in GAP, screw everyone else, I'll buy it. Same with Hot Topic, New Look, Cyber Dog, whatever. More than once have people told me "It's hard to put you into a stereotype cause you dress differently every day!" There is this one girl that thinks she is all powerful and godly, but no one likes her xD We get complaints from the preppy people about her and visa versa. United by our hate of one person ~ that is funny. I'm not much into labels. If someone likes to label themselves goth or punk or prep, good for them. I may not like the idea cause the way things are changing today the true meaning of what it is to be punk or goth or whatever is becoming meaningless, but I won't put up a fight for it. I never really feel like an outcast because I am very much still a loner. My mother says she can see my growing up to be a rich lonely Scrooge and I actually can't see myself prooving her wrong.
  16. Try other mediums such as ink pens, using paintbrushes and such. I think the most used style for manga nowadays is black ink using either micro pens or paintbrushes. Of course there are several different sorts of styles. I particularly like the style used in the FLCL manga, it's very un-anime like. E.g. [url]http://www.atomictoy.org/dump/flcl.gif[/url] The syle in Naruto has lots of lines which add some sort of sketchy depth. E.g. [url]http://dav.leb.free.fr/mangas/narutoa.JPG[/url] Yuki Kaori has a very different approach to a lot of manga artists (the most similar I've seen is that used in Alichino). It's much more detailed and has more realistic aspects. E.g. [url]http://www.comiku.com/anime/ky/kymanga/cain03kafka.jpg[/url] Try copying other people's styles. I cannot stress this enough, it is really a miracle way to get better. Print out pictures of anime characters and trace over them. This will help you learn new ways of drawing certain features you will be able to incorporate into your own pictures. It will also help you get the hang of anatomy and how it works in different poses. Find several manga and anime artists with similar styles. If you need help with this I think I may be able to help. How to draw books are good as well. I highly recomend one called "How to draw manga" by Katy Coope. Try sessions where you just draw things without thinking so much about proportion and shape and see how it turns out. Think outside the box. That's the whole point of anime. Strange body shapes and such, it has to be intresting. Check these people out, and note how they use certain anatomical rules. [url]http://eikuu.deviantart.com/[/url] Very slender, spindly looking things. Kinda evil too. [url]http://interverse.deviantart.com/[/url] There is not definite shape in his gallery. His characters are extremely intresting cause of that. [url]http://kiriska.deviantart.com/[/url] She has a very strong and odd style. I think the faces are her trademark. [url]http://neuntoeter.deviantart.com/[/url] Very minimalist. Good luck.
  17. if it hasnt already been said, legend of zelda. any of them. i thouroughly enjoy those games- not so complicated it'll cause a hernia, and not so simple you can piss on it and win. its got a pretty good storyline too.
  18. ah yes, the elusive ff.net. i've written the beggning of fan fictions but i don't like to post till they're finished, and since they are just hobbies they can take years to finish since i usually go back and change things.
  19. It's fake. Absolutely. It was a load of rubbish too.
  20. I reckon if you can lick it, it's real. But seriously, I see things in black and white, so I'd say we are very real and that our life is ambiguous (i.e. I don't believe in fate or destiny). Heh, I wrote a poem about this sort of thing once- It was about an invisible friend and the narrator is trying to find out which one of them is real and which one is make believe. I'm terrible at these sort of questions.
  21. It's probably already been said, but you have to watch all the episodes to figure out the theme. I guess the aims of the anime is to come across as wacky, fresh and deviously sexy. I thought the main theme was about growing up and what it really means to be mature. It's surprisingly deep but it's the type of anime that doesn't demand deep thinking :] If you watch it a few times some of the things in there will hit you right in the face. Good good stuff. Hopefully I'll get the DVD or manga soon- they both are excellent. The manga is kinda trippy though- looks like Jhonen Vasquez meets anime. Which is kinda funny, cause in reality it's Vasquez that has major influences from FLCL :]
  22. Anyone from FLCL, they always do something to crack me up. And although it's not anime things like Spongebob and Zim make me laugh too.
  23. [url]http://www.deviantart.com/view/8118751/[/url] Yay.
  24. Most anime characters annoy me, but I'm annoyed easily. I guess in particular anything from Sailor Moon, DBZ, Inu-Yasha, whatever you name it. I suppose it's either the compulsive friendly or cute behaviour, the ability to save the day no matter what, the dimness of the characters or just the overall stereotypical character model they follow. x_x gah!
  25. [QUOTE=Deedlit][color=#009966](This is my own opinion, and I do not intend to go against anyone else's beliefs.) I think that most people who are scared of death are either 1.) worried about what their death will do to their loved ones, 2.) unsure where they're going in the Afterlife (if they believe in one at all. I guess the thought of someone being "Nothing" would be a little unnerving to them.) , or 3.) they're not sure if it's their "time" to die. Maybe they think there's still alot of things they have to do or set right. There could be more reasons. Heck, there probably [i]are[/i] more. It just depends on what's going on in the person's mind, I guess. Then again, maybe some people can't draw the line between [i]dying[/i] and [i]death.[/i] Yes, I'm scared about [i]how[/i] I die. No one wants a long, painful, torture-like death. Heh. I'd prefer something quick like an instant poison or just a large lightning bolt to knock my lights out then and there. But as for death itself, I'm not afraid. Sure, I'd have my regrets. Maybe I will die in a car crash before I go to college. Oh well. There's not much I could do about that. :p But death's not a bad thing. Anyway, that's my two-cents worth.[/color][/QUOTE] I think that sums it up nicely for me too :]
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