Shi no Tenshi
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Everything posted by Shi no Tenshi
Religion, science, poetry, art- anything which keeps my mind in gear. I suppose music as well, my favourite bands being Bjork, Duran Duran, Dream Theater, The Eels, Fuel, Ladytron, Muse, Nightwish, Placebo, System of a Down, The Offspring and The Pillows~ so quite a range really. My passion at the moment is design and writing, cause I'm re-designing my room to industrial and I am currently writing a novel.
Hmm. Maybe you could take a word from some important dialogue? Mash/Dally = talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions I don't know- those are just sketches, I'm no good for romance. Seems you already got a name anyway.
I don't really fear death. I fear the cause of death, and then it really depends on what it is. Cause if I get hit by a car I don't really have time to stop and think about it. If someone was hovering over me with a knife, I'd be worried they'd maul me first. I've faced death too many times to fear it. The first five Easters of my life I was in intensive care cause I wasn't breathing (to do with the pollen increase). I've gotten better since then but sometimes I wake up to find I haven't been breathing for a while. Last summer I spent the night at a friends house who had dogs. The room I was in was dog-free. When I woke up I had to be rushed to hospital. The nurse then begged me to never do that again. I didn't mind that I'd nearly killed myself, but what scared me is that the nurse didn't tell me off, she pleaded me. This makes me sound really depressing and diseased- I'd like to inform you all I lead a happy, healthy life xP Although I despise religion it is because I am angry for what it has done to Jesus' and God's image. I am still a strong believer of God, even if I don't think Heaven is really a 'place'- cause that would be ******. So I suppose I am not afraid of what comes after death, actually, I'm looking foward to it ;] (Note: I am not suicidal either x_x) The only thing which I actually have a phobia of is decay. It frightens me to an abnormal extent. Which is why I would like to be cremated rather than anything else. Well I had my say, and I think I suceeded in sounding like an attention seeker of sorts. "Death is not the end, but merely a transition." - Dream Theater
[url]http://www.namenerds.com/[/url] Unusual names and such, as well as common names. [url]http://spitfire.ausys.se/johan/names/[/url] Fantasy name generator. They are so weird I usually fuse the name with something else to make it sound cool. [url]http://www.sunsite.ubc.ca/LatinDictionary/HyperText/latin-dict-full.html[/url] Merging Latin words is also cool, it gives the effect of something being old and you can also give the named object a meaning. Good luck.
I used to be a child prodigy. I had above average intellegence and cognitive development. Then it all went downhill. Goddamnit. Now I can hardly count to 10. My first childhood memories- my VERY first one is waking up in my crib and thinking 'Wow, this is the first day I'll start remembering things'. That is really weird. Other ones include beating my brother, watching my cousin run into a wooden pole and going to see a shrink. I liked the shrink, I got to play with lots of toys in a sandbox o_o I also remember computers! I was about six or seven, and I remember going onto the computer to play games and mess up the system files. My dad had to re-install Windows all the time xD I also remember taking the paper which had those hole-y borders and taking the borders off to use them as stencils. My dad used to get angry cause the printer then couldn't grip onto the paper. I remember Sega Genesis. And Sonic! I still think Sonic is one of the greatest hero's ever. I also remember a science fair project (this was back in the States) where I did a project to see what dissolved bones the quickest. That was a great project.
Anime Best and worst anime(s) and why
Shi no Tenshi replied to Chibi Devil Me's topic in Otaku Central
FLCL! It's perverted and the characters are amazing. They aren't typical stereotypical anime characters (although more serious anime fans may disagree with me) plus the insanity is hilarious as well as engaging. There is a deep message underneath it all, mainly about growing up and what is really means to be mature. Naota reminds me a lot of myself when I was smaller- and Haruko reminds me of myself as I am now xD I know it's not really a series but Spirited Away also caught my attention. It was beautifully constructed and it had a clever plot. It reminded me of Alice in Wonderland- innocent yet perverted, cute yet disturbing. The characters are fantastically designed and most unusual. -
Mine's got a home-baked background featuring the lovely Mamimi from FLCL (which is downloadable from [URL=http://wallpapers.theotaku.com/wallpaper.php?id=924]here[/URL]), my WMP skinned to look like Quicktime and a WindowsBlinds skin (forgot what it's called).
That's pretty cool- I'm partial to minimalism ;D I'll check you out on deviantART, by the way, I'm ~riskypixie on there.
Summertime and the living get's lazy
Shi no Tenshi replied to Doukeshi's topic in General Discussion
The only thing I do in the summer holidays: 1. Get bored 2. Get depressed 3. Eat like I'm feeding for ten marines 4. Wonder why people find it necessary to type their post in -23 font- I can hardly read the font I am currently typing in (Is pratically blind) Which is why I'm getting a summer job and perhaps taking up some summer courses. I'm actually happier when I'm learning and doing something constructive. I have issues with time x_x Sometimes I go off to the States or Spain for summer (Spain is cheap- the wonders of living in the European community!) which annoys me cause I go with my family. I'm sure it'd be funner if I got to go to the art galleries and student quarters of the place, but ah well. -
Personally I can't sit down to watch one episode of this stuff cause it drives me nuts, but the character designs are really cute. It's got a nice anime meets Western style to it, and I think it works well. I think most has already been said- you're pretty good. All except that green background for Beast Boy. And Starfire isn't bad either- I think it could do with some cg-ing to give it a polished look though. Or next time work in smoother pencil or watercolour pencils. Personally I prefer ink and watercolour, but that's just me, you do whatever you fancy.
I don't mean to penalise anyone, but I would just like to know why most people write angsty, depressing poems? I'm not questionning whether it's what the author feels or not. Do you all think it has something to do with being teenage and moody or is it some sort of trend in the writing world? Personally I write about anything but emotion. Then again, on most of my poems I look back and wonder what the hell inspired me to write something so confusing. Sometimes I get weird beatnik university students saying I'm some sort of poetic prodigy, but I fail to see it x_x Anywho, ignore my anecdote!
Tattoos, piercings, body mods
Shi no Tenshi replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Mage15']I'll be the first guy in my group of friends to get one. But I bet they'll freak out and stuff, lol....but I'm really into the idea of getting a navle (sp?) peircing :) [/quote] LMAO, my boyfriend says he wants his belly button peirced just to scare the girls xD Like one of those scenarios where one goes 'Who's got their belly peirced?' and a whole buncha girls show them off. Personally, it'd scare me, but he looks good with anything. I bet he would even look good in drag (I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!). -
I have seen bits and bobs- nothing substancial. I love the taboo and such. The Christian mythology is what intruiged me- the only original thing is the storyline! I've got a book all about Christian mythology, and it's fascinating. I have read loads of manga by Yuki Kaori- Bloodhound (very good), Boys Next Door (very very good with yaoi on top), Kaine (wow- my favourite), Cruel Fairytales (twisted, twisted, twisted) and some of Gravel Kingdom (fantasy like- very unlike her and I wasn't very engaged but it's good), all of which I have enjoyed thoroughly. The art is also pretty good, although I prefer Kouyu Shurei. They do Alichino, which is another beautiful manga and can be found fully scanlated at [url]http://www.sakura-crisis.net[/url].
I don't like them. But I respect them somewhat for introducing me into the alternative part of music- as well as Limp Bizkit and Korn I must admit *shakes head*. Their songs do get repetitive and often bore me. I was into them a good two to three years ago (they've been around for longer, but I can't remember when their first album came out >.o), but now I am into stuff which is very elite for it's genre, which annoys me cause I can never find music to match my standards! No matter, Chester used to be alright looking, but I don't even know what he's like now.
I don't like CKY, and for the record I don't like HIM. I've seen Jackass, and there's nothing I love more than unnecessary stunts. They're idiots willing to destroy themselves... and I like it, even if I don't particularly sit down to watch it.
I'll be common and say Johnny Depp. He's an amazing character actor- always willing to do anything including humiliate himself to fill the part. He's also sexy, and I've had this statement confirmed by both girls and straight guys. I like watching films- so I suppose it's odd I don't really like many actors/actresses in particular. I'm not much of a celebrity person - They leave me alone, and I respect their privacy.
Pleasant, I wouldn't exactly call them, but ah... [url]http://www.smallprint.co.nr/web/visual/artwork.htm[/url] Things I draw (mostly doodles) [url]http://www.smallprint.co.nr/web/visual/showcase.htm[/url] Things I create using my cute 'i go'
Cute stuff. I'm ~riskypixie
Teenage Tortures (Note: this may get mostly girl related)
Shi no Tenshi replied to kenshinsbabe's topic in General Discussion
You don't change overnight. It's a very long process which can carry on, long after your teen years. Puberty can hit you as early as 8 I believe, and as late as past 14 (can't remember the exact ages). Hormones make you moody, but I think the whole teenage thing is so hyped, kids feel they are changed. As we get older, we demand more, which is what being a teenager is basically all about. Don't try and grow up too fast, enjoy the easy life while you can is what I think ;] -
Tattoos, piercings, body mods
Shi no Tenshi replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[url]http://www.deviantart.com/view/7521909/[/url] [For non-deviant users- You'll have to click the download arrow beneath the thumbnail and copyright] That explains it all. I would love to get lots of peircings and maybe a tattoo or two, but I don't have the money for one, and my parents are very uptight about that sort of stuff. Tattoos and peircings look cool, but when you try to get in somewhere fancy or go to a job interview, people form the wrong kind of opinions. They're cool for the moment, but not for life. If I could though, I would get two peircings on my top ears, and a third on my lobe, the upper bridge of my nose (it would be hard to wear glasses o_o), left and right bottom lip and my collar bone. I'd also get tribal wings on my back (my own design of course). The only problem with tattoos and me is that I would probably get bored of it easily. A henna one sounds like a good idea. My friend has her chest peirced and it looks great. My boyfriend used to have his left bottom lip peirced but his parents said he had to take it out or he couldn't come inside the house. It would look good on him too- bless. Body mods - no way. I don't like the idea of having your bodily image altered in that way. It's not natural. -
Problems::warning !!(due to the maturity of this thread)
Shi no Tenshi replied to Emme888's topic in General Discussion
First off, I'd like to say I've done a year of psychology, so I can offer a little bit of professional advice. I am not trying to stick you to a text-book case- plus I might as well start off with an intelligent post ;] Sorry if I'm just regurgitating what your counseller said x_x Let's clarify. Anorexia is where you [i]want[/i] to loose body weight- in your case to look like a typical waif. Bulimia is where you wish to maintain your weight because you have an [i]intense fear[/i] of gaining weight. I am not saying you must stick to one, people are much more complicated than that, but if you are able to figure out which one you are most likely to be then it will be easier to help you. [b]Marijuana is an addictive drug, contrary to popular belief[/b], even if not highly so. It causes anxiety which will not help your current mental state. It is also extremely unhealthy- much like cigarrettes. It leaves fat deposits in your arteries. I think it would be best to either try and give it up giving your current state, or if you can't, join a help group. Hey, I actually have smoked some pot. And skunk. It's not pretty. Pot makes me feel sick to my bones, so I don't talk or do anything. I just sit there and wait till I puke. That always overrides the happiness it's meant to bring ;/ When I had skunk, nothing happened. Then I woke up and the room was spinning. I thought I woke up in a carousel. I had to call out for help from my friend. So no more of that for me x_x Other than seeing a counseller, which is a good thing you have done for yourself, I suggest taking up new hobbies, getting a job or hanging out with some 'clean' friends- not necessarily ditching your other ones, just taking a break from them. They'll understand if you are going through a bad patch, and I'm sure they'll be supportive. Joining art classes involving life drawing may be good. I take art, and it has taught me that the human form is beautiful, no matter how skinny, fat, short, or tall it may be. I used to be very self-concious, and used to hide my form underneath children's baggy clothing. But now I feel much less aware of how I look, and it's made me a lot happier. Telling your boyfriend [i]was[/i] a good idea. It's a mature situation, and if he couldn't handle it, he is not worth it. A lover should be supportive even if they can't help you. Don't place the blame inside of you. Act as you naturally do. Better people will see you as a person suffering from anorexia, rathen than as an anorexic. Good luck, hope you feel better soon.