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Everything posted by jynxthehero201

  1. "Storm and the rest of my pokemon are strong. Watch.",Yume siad She pointed to a tree not to far away. "Thunderbolt.",she said. Storm let out a strong thunderbolt and the tree turned to ashs. Storm stood proudly.
  2. Yume was acting like a little girl. She was bouncing up in down and driving storm insane. "That was so cool...I wish I had a Gyarados and it was that strong..."and she went on...(me- :sleep: )
  3. "I don`t know...about a year ago when Storm here my Raichu was a Pikachu was following me,like a lost puppy.I kept him as my own pokemon.I just used a thunderstone on it.I still have to figure out why it is blue and silver.",the girl said. "I forgot...my name is Yume.",she added.
  4. "Well that name suits someone coming out of the shadows.",the girl said. A Raichu that was a wierd color came out of a pokeball. It was blue and silver.
  5. I`m sorry...I`m not good at spelling though.
  6. The girl looked at Anizaki confusingly. "T.R....Team Rocket.",she said now remeebering. Her brother was in Team Rocket before he became a Dark trainer.
  7. Name: Sarah Age:14 Gender: Female Element: Earth Appearance: Black hair,green eyes,baggy black shirt,baggy came jeans,and combat boots. She has a scar on he forhead, and she has a blue stone pendent and a gold ring with a emerald in it. Personality: Bubbly,hyper,and fun to be around. She loves to help others and make friends. She is easy to be come friends with and she acts like a six year old. Biography: She is Japanese. She came here to help find her three year old brother. She works hard to try to find her brother. He is the only on left of her family other then her. When she was younger a theif robbed her house. She tried to stop him,but when she did he used a dagger and cut her on the forehead lightly.
  8. ((made ups okay,but need mains also)) form: name: age: apperence: personality: weapon: species: ``````````````````````````````` Name:Jynx Age:15 Apperence:black hair,green eyes,baggy black shirt,came jeans,combat boots,black dog ears Personality:silent,serious,cautious, Weapon:Sword Species:Half Dog Demon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jynx was walking in a forest looking around cautiously. She had her sword ready to attack anybody that enev though they could kill her. She sniffed a wierd scent of a person she didn`t know in the forest. HSe ran towards the smell to see who it was.((somebosy needs to be the person she runs into.))
  9. Name:Shy Weapon:Sword her father made named Theif Maid Apearence:black hair,green eyes,baggy black shirt,baggy came jeans,two purple dots on her forehead,and a scar on arm. Age:17 Hieght:5'7 Wieght:180 Wish:To wish her father was still alive.
  10. A girl with blonde hair and green eyes was walking around the city. She heard the eight year old talk about the dark trainers. Her brother was one...she hated her brother for it. She had on a baggy blue shirt and baggy came jeans and combat boots. She had a Richu on her shoulder. She walked over to the two. "Dark trainers huh? They find strong trainers and brain wash them. If you don`t battle them...they try to kill you...I can help protect you...",she said all of asudden walking up to them.
  11. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]One day Zelda was walking in her garden when the clouds became completely dark. There was loads of thunder and rain. She ran to the Temple of Time to see that Ganon was standing there with the Triforce. He grabbed Zelda and they disappered. Impa and Link need help from others to find Ganon and save Hyrule and Zelda. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ form: name: age:*15-30* species: main weapon: magic:*three to six magic abilities* apperence: postion:*like what you are like archer or mage or something else heck even hero of time or heroine of time for all I care* special power:*only use when fighting bosses* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ name;shy age:17 species:Sheikah main weapon:Two handed sword magic:dins fire,cure,and farores wind apperence:waist long black hair,emerald green eyes,baggy came jeans,baggy black shirt,black boots,and two purple dots on her forehead. postion:warrior special power:Explosion*explodes water bosses* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everybody is going to take turns playing the boss...they make it up and tell when its dead. [/FONT][/FONT]
  12. Name: Shy Nicknames: Herione of Time and Jynx Age: 17 Gender: female Appearance: blonde hair,red eyes,necklace with blue glowing stone,blue tunic,and brown boots Weapon: two handed sword with a treasure chest on the blade,her father made it for her when she was 14 Weapon Name: Theif Maid Fighting Style: a new fighting style her father made for her called Satugi Personality: She is a happy hyper girl. She likes to fight people alot. When she gets bad her attitude changes to an evil person. Reason for Seeking Soul Edge/Bio: Wants to use it to tell the people that killed her parents.
  13. Name: Shy Weapons: Theif Maid*a sword that her father made for her when she was 7* Magic: summoners dead sheikans spirits,can read minds,control people,and copy others powers. Race: Human ,sheikan Age:15 gender:female
  14. [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]I`m recruting a group of specialy skilled people to get the Triforce back from Ganondorf or as I call him Ganondork. I need the following: 2 Wizard: 2 Swordsmen: 1 vampire: Your get some stuff if you need it if you sign up. I`m a swordsmen also,but we need 2 more. Tell me what you want and what you are so I can get you the right thing. ;) *the weapons are fake* [/SIZE][/SIZE]
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