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Everything posted by Wavemaster Tsuka
RPG Pokemon Full Revolution vol. 1 [rated L and V]
Wavemaster Tsuka replied to Brooklyn's topic in Theater
"Might I ask you the same, if you're so tough?" Tsuka replied confidently, "It's rude to ask another's name without introducing yourself." "Just quit your 'rude' act. I'm Karia" "I'm Tsuka. Nice meeting you, I guess." Tsuka wasn't sure whether to be happy to meet her or not, but he just pretended to be a little bit of both. "Well, ready to battle?" Karia reached for her Pokeball containing Plum. [I]What's her deal with battling?[/I] Scott thought to himself. [i]If Tsuka knows what's good for him, he'll decline...[/i] Tsuka grinned.[i] A battle with another trainer? Sounds... perfect.[/i] "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Tsuka replied as he reached for the first Pokeball on his belt. -
RPG Pokemon Full Revolution vol. 1 [rated L and V]
Wavemaster Tsuka replied to Brooklyn's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][FONT=Verdana]Hesitantly, Tsuka threw the Pokeball from his belt. Out came the Bulbasaur, looking happy to be outside. "Bulba-saur!" it said enthusiastically, and seeing the Pidgey, readied for battle. "Erm...so what attacks would he have?" Tsuka thought aloud, and without waiting for an answer, yelled "Solar Beam attack!" What he got wasn't quite a solar beam. It was more like a blank stare from Bulbasaur and a stiffled laugh from Scott. "Try a tackle." Rin replied encouragingly. "Bulbasaur, tackle that Pidgey!" Tsuka tried again. The Bulbasaur hopped onto the Pidgey, startling it. "Ok...How about another tackle?" But before the next move could go through, the Pidgey countered by blowing up a small wind. Not startling by any means, but enough to blow Tsuka's Pokemon back. "Are you ok?" Tsuka asked. "He should be fine." Rin replied, still being patient with the newbie "The Pokemon should be ready to catch now. They are weak here, after all." "Oh...ok" Tsuka threw one of his Pokeballs, and after only two shakes, the Pidgey was his! [/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][FONT=Verdana]Just wanted to put my imput... I personally don't like that idea much. It's not quite fair (or fun) for the people who weren't in the other roleplays. Rorohiko (correct me if I'm wrong, please) is different; that's probably the character that he uses for most/all Pokemon-type-things. Though I guess bringing Kazu back...nevermind :animesmil [/FONT][/COLOR]
RPG Pokemon Full Revolution vol. 1 [rated L and V]
Wavemaster Tsuka replied to Brooklyn's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][FONT=Verdana]Tsuka looked toward Scott, and decided to try to get to know him better. "Hello..." Tsuka said, looking at Scott. Scott shot the boy a disturbing glare. "What do you want?" Scott replied. "Um... what Pokemon do you like" Tsuka asked, just trying to make conversation. "Um... any Pokemon would be fine. The Pokemon does not matter. I'll take whatever is left." He paused. "It's the trainer that matters, not the Pokemon." "Are you sure? I heard that certain species of Pokemon were stronger than others..." "When I battle, the type and species doesn't matter. As long as I enjoy myself, and win of course, then the type has no effect. It's in my blood. I have seven Pokemon masters in my family's blood line... Why do you care so much?" "I just wanted to get to know you better. You want to be a Pokemon master, right? That means we'd at least be traveling together for a little while." "Hrm...I guess. Just stay out of my way."[/FONT][/COLOR] -
RPG Pokemon Full Revolution vol. 1 [rated L and V]
Wavemaster Tsuka replied to Brooklyn's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][FONT=Verdana]Seasick, Tsuka stumbled off of the odd Gyarados-shaped ferry. "I don't think I'll be doing [i]that[/i] again anytime soon." Tsuka muttered aloud. The boat attendants were guiding the crowd into the nearest town, which Tsuka decided (using his map) to be Viridian. "I was supposed to go to Pallet, right? Or was it Pewter? Bah! I'm lost already..." "Going to see Oak, are you?" asked a middle-aged man who looked to be well-traveled himself. "Y-yes! How did you know?!" "I remember when I was a boy, going to see Oak my first time. You'll need to go to Pallet Town, which is south of Viridian. You should be able to get there easy enough." "T-thank you." Tsuka didn't notice he was stuttering until it was too late. "[I]Oh well, I'm already in Viridian[/I]" he thought to himself. Then he checked his watch... "It's 3:20 already?!" Tsuka exclaimed, and broke into a run toward Pallet Town. While he wasn't exactly a fast runner, Tsuka wasn't slow either. He ignored any people or Pokemon that would have slowed him (including stepping on a particular Pidgey, which ended up causing Tsuka quite a few cuts and bruises). Moments later, he arrived in Pallet town . Low on breath and holding his side, Tsuka walked into the only building that could have possibly been a lab. "Hello," an aid greeted him with a fake smile and signaled to Oak. Two trainers looked up, but remained sitting idly. Oak, whom was easily distinguisable by his age and authority, turned from the other trainers. "Hello, you must be another one of the new trainers. If you'll just wait for other trainers... Please, take a seat near Rin and Rorohiko." And so Tsuka sat, silently, facing away from the other two. Edit: Argh, I know it's a bit late to edit, but I noticed that I used the name from my character in other RPs. Sorry ^^ [/FONT][/COLOR] -
Wavemaster Tsuka replied to Brooklyn's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][FONT=Verdana]Ok, I'm back. You don't mind if I join this one to, do ya? Name- Tsuka Kazuki Age- 14 Description- [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23110&stc=1]Here[/URL], or just see the attachment. Bio- Tsuka started his Pokemon career when his dad enrolled him in the local Pokemon Academy at eight years old. Living in Goldenrod, his family consisted of just his father, whom was an employee of the radio company. While Tsuka was happy getting an education and living in the "big city", he had an urge to see the rest of the world. Fourteen and Pokemon-less, Tsuka traveled by ferry (from New Bark Town) to Kanto. And so it started... Tsuka enjoys traveling. He enjoys it enough to leave behind everything he owns just to travel to Kanto. Tsuka's school smart, but has absolutely zero common sense. While he hasn't ever been in a true Pokemon battle, he at least knows the basics from school. His favorite type is grass, but instead of being a grass exclusive trainer, he tries to keep a decently balanced team. Tsuka also wants to see all of the Pokemon that exists. He has a special interest in rare Pokemon, but just isn't lucky enough to catch any that he might see. You might imagine his enthusiasm once he finds out about the PokeDex... Starter pokemon- Bulbasaur Starter from Oak- Bulbasaur [/FONT][/COLOR] -
Before Mr. Jamason had walked off, they handed him a booklet. Inside was the layout of the hotel. ---
Sorry for the inconvenience, I didn't start it until now. Roleplay started!
OOC: This's the first RP I've made, but I hope that it'll turn out good. BTW, the murderer can be ANYONE, but if it's a PC, I'll send them a PM, ok? ----- It was an average day at the Clearwater hotel. Not many visitors had checked in that day, and the employees were looking foreward to leaving that afternoon. "Friday's always seem to be the longest" complained the female employee at the desk. "Suprisingly we're quite empty today. Of course, it's still mid afternoon, but still. Usually there are at least a lot of reservations." a male desk worker replied. They had nothing else to do, as the lobby had just them and one person who seemed to be waiting for someone. "Well anyway, what're you going to do with your money. It is payday after all." the female person was trying to strike a conversation to make the time pass faster. A few hours later, they saw someone heading for the door. "A customer!" they shouted in excitement as someone approaced the door.
OOC: Sorry for not posting much --------- Looking around, Tanji looked for something to do. With nothing else to do, he sent out Chikorita and Ivysaur. "Hey, why don't you two train against each other?" Tanji asked excitedly. He hadn't seen a battle in years. While the Chikorita looked excited and was jumping around, the Ivysaur turned his head away and paid Tanji no attention. "Oh c'mon Ivysaur, why don't you like me?" Tanji said sadly. "When dad used you, mom told me that you were his most loyal companion. But now you refuse to work with me?". Truthfully, Tanji never expected Ivysaur to obey him, but he hoped it would happen anyway. The Ivysaur had a name before Tanji got him, but he could never remember it. "Fine. I'm just going to keep both of you out of your Pokeballs. Maybe Kin was right." Tanji also had another reason to keep Ivysaur out; he might grow into liking him. Chikorita was rubbing against his leg, while Ivysaur was a short distance away looking away from him.
Ok, I'm starting it now.
Ok, unless someone can think of another way, I have two options. The clue will be shared with EVERYONE, or acquantances will not be able to find clues. Those're the only two options that I think would work. And for the second, I think I'll hand draw a map of the hotel and scan it. I'll encorperate it into the story (don't ask how, I already have a way), and either post links to it or do an image tag, whichever. I'll try not to make it too detailed, that way it doesn't load slow on old computers (for whoever uses one). I'll start it tomorrow (and PM everyone, just in case they forgot about it) if no one else joins by then. If someone else joins, I'll start it as soon as I see that they have. Deal?
1-2 more people and I'll start it...just not enough now.
"Johto, gotta love the place" Tanji said exhaustedly. Walking in the outskirts of Blackthorn, he looked back on the trip there. "I wish dad's Pidgeot had made it through the depression, then getting from Celedon to here would've been simple. All of mom's talking about how it could get almost anywhere in no time..." Tanji commented to himself while putting up his PokeGear. Walking into the city, Tanji walked over to the arena. Watching the match, Tanji wasn't excited. "That's [i]too[/i] unfair..." he commented to anyone that would listen. He saw a small group of people, and overheard their conversation. "So, these dark trainers..." a small boy said. "Dark trainers? Sounds dangerous." Tanji said, mainly directed toward the small boy. "What are they?"
Kazu, looking out on the beech, spotted a group of Lapras. One thing caught his eye, one Lapras that was unconcious. It was drifting toward Kazu, and letting his Pokemon love take over him, Kazu swam out to it. "What're you doing? Oh!" Katai exclaimed seeing the Lapras. [color=darkolivegreen]If I get it onto the beach, could you help it?[/color] "Is that supposed to be a question (Duh I can!)" Katai said. Kazu couldn't pull the Lapras by himself, so he used Pidgeot to use gusts (on the water) creating waves pushing it to the shore. While Katai was trying to nurse it to health, Kazu was looking for a wound, or something. It wouldn't just pass out by itself. Then he saw a lot of marks on its underside. [color=darkolivegreen]Tentacool stings burn pokemon, right?[/color] "Yeah, so that's what I think it is. I've done all I can. It should wake up later." Katai looked relieved at being done. [color=darkolivegreen]We can't just leave it here! Plus I've always wanted one! Please!?[/color] "Why're you asking me, not my Pokemon." Katai said. [color=darkolivegreen]I would let you go, but I think you'll like being with me! Pokeball![/color] Without a struggle, the Lapras was caught. "Wha...Kazu! Katai don't leave!" Unmenia had woke up. "Let's get out of here!" Katai was finally ready to leave.
Name: Tanji Natsuo Age: 10 Gender: Male Pokemon with you: Chikorita, Ivysaur Starter pokemon: Chikorita Personality: Quiet, but tries to makes friends with people that seem trustworthy Bio: His dad, who was trying to be a pokemon master, died when Tanji was young, leaving nothing but his Ivysaur to his child. Leaving his mother when he finally was old enough (in her eyes) to leave their town, he set out to try to set the world straight again. Description: Medium height (for his age), with silvery hair. His hair is wavy, but not long, and grows upward. He wairs a green shirt with a black vest over it, and black shorts. His eyes are a dark green, almost black color.
I'd post it. IE: "As they were walking, *insert character here* saw something peculiar. Pointing it out to everyone..." you could probably imagine the rest.
With Croconaw down, and Butterfree almost down, Kazu decided which one to use next. [color=darkolivegreen]Go Maple![/color] "Go, Mightyena. Bite attack, now!" Unmenia said as the Pokemon came out with a flash of light. [color=darkolivegreen]Use Razor Leaf![/color] Kazu was semi-startled by the fact that he used a dark pokemon ("Team [i]Aqua[/i]...Duh!). Thinking through all of the battles he saw, he tried to form a good strategy. Then one came back to mind. He resaw it in his head. A trainer, loosing in a battle against a Houndoom, decided that his Bayleef should use vine whip to keep the mouth closed. In doing so, all of its fire attacks and the bite attack were all stopped. Thinking he couldn't know much better attacks than bite, he thought it was worth a try. [color=darkolivegreen]Maple, use vine whip to hold the mouth closed. Follow up with leech seed and then multiple razor leaves![/color] Seeing Kazu's strategy layed out now, Unmenia had a small chuckle. "Good plan, but you think I'll just [i]let[/i] you keep him from attacking? Mightyena, sand attack! Good, now tackle!" Unmenia commanded slightly angrily. The sand, blurring the Maples' vision, made him loosen the grip on the Mightyena. Breaking free with the tackle, the Mightyena made the match (almost) turn around. With Maple with three-fourths of his HP, and Mightyena with only half of his, the match continued. [color=darkolivegreen]Ok, Maple. New strategy. Poisonpowder, and now sleep powder![/color] "You call [i]that[/i] a strategy? I call it pathetic. Mightyena--" Unmenia boasted. Unmenia had spent a little [i]too[/i] long boasting, as by the time he was done, his Mightyena was asleep, seeded, and poisoned. Without a way to wake him up, Unmenia waited until it finally woke up. With only a few HP left, the poison knocked it out immediatly. "So you got lucky, twice. I'm ready now." Unmenia grabbed a last pokeball and readied the field. Since his last couldn't survive on land, they battled in a water field. Without really telling Kazu, the conditions changed. He threw the pokeball. Out came a small pirahna-type-creature. "Carvahna, ready?" Unmenia seemed determined to win. [color=darkolivegreen]Go, Pidgeotto! Gust![/color] Causing a mini whirlpool in the water arena, the gust seemed to help. With the Carvahna dazed, it was open to attack. "Snap out of it, now!" Unmenia yelled. [color=darkolivegreen]Pidgeotto! Multiple quick attack![/color] Obviously the pokemon knew what it meant, as it suddenly started to quick attack the pokemon from all directions. After a few seconds, the pokemon stood on the ledge of the arena, all bruised and scraped. [color=darkolivegreen]What? Why are you hurt![/color] "Obviously you've never battled one of these before. Their mere skin could kill a pokemon if it was attacked enough." Unmenia was gloating of his knowledge that Kazu didn't know. [color=darkolivegreen]Fine, Pidgeo--What? You're...evolving![/color] The pokemon had turned a bright white color, and was steadily changing shape to that of its new form. Getting larger, the pokemon finally stopped. It was now a fully grown Pidgeot! [color=darkolivegreen]Thanks, lady luck! This is just what I need! Pidgeott-I mean Pidgeot!--[/color] "Carvahna, bite." Unmenia said boredly. [i]How can he be so enthusiastic over something so small?[/i] With the bite, the pokemon fainted. [color=darkolivegreen]Go, Maple. Let's finish what Pidgeot started. One razor leaf should do it![/color] "No, bite! Don't lose!" Unmenia commanded the Carvahna. "You're good. You won. Things would've been different had I used [i]my[/i] pokemon, however." Unmenia boasted again. [color=darkolivegreen]If you say so.[/color] Just remembering his fear for this person, Kazu slowly distanced from him again. Waiting for Katai to do something (anything), Kazu quietly stood there.
Okies, I thought of this idea when I was thinking of how to get a Detective Conan roleplay to work. Here's the idea. A group of people, all with different reasons of being here, just happened to be in a hotel one night. The Clearwater hotel, not far from a very popular beach/vacation spot, is located in Florida. The hotel would seem like any other, until the unthinkable happens (Yes, happens, and I'll explain in a second). A murder, and since everyone was there at the time of the murder, no one could be allowed to 'just leave'. Your people would live life normally, up until the time of the murder. Now, after that, your person would be trying to solve the mystery (either for your own reason, or to just get out of there and on with their life). You'd have your character do some actions, and if you saw any clues, I'd PM them to you. Ok, now there's something that I haven't quite figured out yet. Who the murderer would be; a person on the roleplay (though that would sort of make one person just trying to cover his/her trail), or a person that's a NPC type thing. As in not controlled by anyone. So could you please tell me what you think it should be in your post. Now, the rules. 1. You can't make clues up. I'll know what's where and I'll PM them to you. 2. If we have a person on the RP be the murderer, you can't tell people that you're the murderer. 3. You can't go arround accusing everyone. And to finally solve it, you need at least one piece of solid evidence. Ok, here's the signup sheet thing. Name: (self explanatory) Age: (also self explanatory) Acquaintances: (people with them) Reason for being There: (reason for being at the hotel [vacation, etc] Personality: (way they act) Description: (how they look or a picture) I'll basically be all of the NPC's (basically making them a player character, but oh well. You should get the idea.) and I'll narrarate and stuff.
Kazu, fumbling through his Pokeballs, Kazu grabbed three of them. Knowing what they were (Maple (an Ivysaur), Butterfree, Pidgeotto), he chose the second of them, Butterfree. [color=darkolivegreen]Butterfree! Go![/color] The words echoed in the small room. "Fine, go. Croconaw." said Unmenia. [color=darkolivegreen]Butterfree! Absorb![/color] Knowing the type advantage, Kazu was manipulating his grass attacks. "Croconaw, use Bite!" Unmenia said. [color=darkolivegreen]Butterfree, fligh up high[/color] Kazu was seconds too late, as the Croconaw had Butterfree in its jaws. [color=darkolivegreen]Butterfree! Use confusion! Get out of his grip![/color] Obeying like a Pokemon would, Butterfree shot across the room. [color=darkolivegreen] Good, follow up with a poison powder![/color] "Blast it away with water gun!" Unmenia commanded. Only a little water was left after the powder was gone, and it didn't harm Butterfree in the slightest. [color=darkolivegreen]Butterfree, let's finish this. Gust, and follow up with poison powder.[/color] Using the gust to spread the powder, it hit the Croconaw and poisoned it. [color=darkolivegreen]Butterfree, Absorb. Just continue using absorb a lot.[/color] "Don't just stand there, Croconaw! Use Water Gun! Follow up with bite!" Unmenia commanded. [color=darkolivegreen]Butterfree, finish it now![/color] Knowing it was weak, and using its Absorb attack one last time, Croconaw fell over and fainted. "Fine, you won this time, but next, I think otherwise. Choose your next Pokemon." Unmenia said in a harsh tone. ---- OOC: I can't finish it now, I'll finish the rest later. The Pokemon he has are: Mighteyena Croconaw (fainted) The unevolved form of Sharpedo. EDIT: Messed up in the HTML...
After logging back on, Kazu waited in the root town for a while. Trying to find some rare items, he tried on the staff again. "Looks spiffy" he said. After buying some health potions, he went to a dungeon alone. Barely coming out alive (only living using elemental hits with the staffs he has), he decided that next time, he'd go with a party. Just standing around, he was looking at all of the items for trade on passerbys. Waiting for something that caught his eye, he sat and waited.
Appearing almost out of nowhere, Kazu stepped near everyone. With everything happening so fast, Kazu needed to take a break. Resting, trying to reorganize things in his head (with help from others), he finally understood everything that had happened. [color=darkolivegreen]And now we're here, on this path. Now what? Do we even have Jirachi? Whaddya know, we do.[/color] OOC: Since I have no clue where we're going next, I guess that's all folks.
After trying on the staff, and seeing he can't use it, Kazu put his other staff back on. "Thanks, Aku." Kazu said. After that, Kazu's mother called for dinner. Logging out abruptly, saying goodbye to everyone in the field (more like yelling, but oh well). "I guess I should start actually doing something in 'The World'. I want to know about the Twilight incident, but I guess I'll learn in time..." Kazu spoke to himself as he was turning the computer off.
OOC: How about Maura and Carter go searching for the people with the orb, while Kazu and Katai go into TR? They both seem important: finding a person that was missing and getting back an orb needed to save the world. Ok, so one's more important, so what.
OOC: Yes, you basically hit the nail on the head. I didn't mean by powerhungry he had no heart, he just had a great desire to be the best, and would do everything possible to do that. Get it? -------- Shaking a little, Kazu sat on a bed. He wasn't shaking of fear, not fully anyway, more of anxiousness. He felt if he waited any longer, then Aura could be under their controll. Like Josh. [color=darkolivegreen]I've never been closer to a group of strangers in my life[/color] Kazu muttered to himself. With a Ralts and a Silcoon, he wanted to train, but there was no time. Eating a last peacefull meal, with all of his pets with him, a question popped into his mind. [color=darkolivegreen]So, what do we do once we've found them? And Maura and Carter, do you think they could stay out of trouble long enough?[/color] "What's that supposed to mean?!" Maura asked in a semi offended (not much) tone. [color=darkolivegreen]Never mind, so is it time?[/color]