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Everything posted by Wavemaster Tsuka
OOC: Ok, [b]if[/b] we were still doing levels, I would have no idea what level Kazu's pokemon'd be. In the game right now (Ruby) mine are only level 32ish and I have all but the last badge (I think they're so low since I trained around 8 pokemon evenly...now I'm only training 6). In the RPG, since time is all...erm, wierd, then how long people trained can go into question. That would also effect levels. Yeah, this is before the above post...and after sorda. ------------------------- Kazu leaned against the wall. At first only as a relief for a pain in his side (stupid Eevee), but later out of curiousity. "No, it's not! I'll help you get you're family back! I promise you that, Katai!" Carter shouted. [i]Seems like everythings wittling down to us versus team Rocket. I seem to be the only one without a past with them... My past, I just used to live with father, wondering when mother would come home, knowing she never would later, and wondering what had made my beloved mother, the one I had knew since I was only a small baby, dead. I knew Father knew, but he would never tell me, saying 'It's too much for you to handle. Even right up to the day I left... And father, he's not too 'goody goody' either. Sending out people, even [b]me[/b] at times, to dig up information about certain people, and what pokemon they had, so dad could take them! I even remember--[/i] Kazu's thinking was interrupted by Katai walking out the door with a first aid kit in her hand. Not noticing that she had kept talking and was walking out, Kazu started scrambling for an excuse to be there. [color=darkolivegreen]I was just relaxing my side, on the--that wall right--erm--over there, you see, nothing out of the ordinary, as you can tell.[/color] [color=darkorange]Kazu, you're a terrible liar.[/color] Katai said those words, and was off, with an 'I'm urgently needed' kick in her step. [i]My memories aren't important, now at least. I'll go with them to Team Rocket. But Mother...I can just tell...If she had died a reasonable death, like an accident or in her sleep, his father would have told me. But no, it must have been something worse.[/i] [color=darkolivegreen]Even if I have to do it all alone, I'll find out how. [i]After[/i] I go with my friends.[/color] Accepting that they were his friends, he walked up to Katai. [color=darkolivegreen]Katai, I overheard what you told Carter.[/color] [color=darkorange]You've overheard it once before, what's so special now?[/color] [color=darkolivegreen]Well, Carter seemed to want to help you. Don't get me wrong, I still want to accomplish my goals too, but may I help you when the time comes?[/color] [color=darkorange]I think that would be ok. I need to be off healing Aura's pokemon. ...Is there a reason that Aura isn't here? Josh![/color] -----Passage of time to after post above this one---- After the two red lights had finished appearing, there was a Silcoon and a Ralts. [color=darkolivegreen]Gotta love my catching. Well the Silcoon, he evolved while we were fighting, I wasn't going to catch him at first, but it seemed that he liked, me. So well, I was going to trade for a Zigzagoon or Zangoose, but I was too attached to my own and they seem to be common around here. Why the long faces...and why's my bag open? Oh please, tell me they--[/color] [color=darkorange]Some thugs...not sure who tho, came by and started looking in your bag. We were about to stop'em (Pokeballs in hand and all!) when they took the orb in hand and SCRAM! They were gone...[/color] [color=darkolivegreen]We're in some serious--Forget talking! Where'd they go![/color] "It's too late" Everyone chimed.
After logging off for a while, and getting back on, Kazu was in the root town Mac Anu, reading the event message. "Cherry blossum festival? I'm in!" he said quietly, and warped in. He saw many people he had seen before, but he knew none of them. Kazu just sat by a sakura tree, waiting for something to happen...
[color=darkolivegreen]So, Katai. That Satoshi guy, is it really...[/color] Kazu trailed off, but Katai seemed to understand. [color=darkorange]He can be trusted now. I hope so anyways.[/color] With those few words, they continued training for a while, until Kazu got board of it. [color=darkolivegreen]I'm off to beat Surge. Be back in a sec.[/color] Walking through the doors to the gym, Kazu noticed that there was no special arena, unlike the last two battles. [color=darkolivegreen]C'mon! Did the League run out of money by the time they got to your gym? This's lame![/color] "I'll pretend you said 'I'm here for a badge' and get on with it, ok?" Lt. Surge said with a small smile. "It'll be a one on one. Choose." [color=darkolivegreen]Fine then, I choose you! Maple![/color] [i]If I remember right...grass is good against lightning....or is it resistant? Whatever, they're practically the same[/i] Kazu thought. "Go, my Raichu" [color=darkolivegreen]Maple, use vine whip! Leech seed too while you're at it.[/color] "Raichu, use Thunder. Bring'em down! Thunder wave!" After all of the attacks were finished, there was a seeded half-dead Raichu (Maple had trained a lot) and a paralyzed half-dead Ivysaur. [color=darkolivegreen]Maple! Razor leaf![/color] "Raichu, it's coming from all sides. Use thunderbolt in all directions!" [color=darkolivegreen]Too late, Mr. Surge. Now for that badge of yours?[/color] "Yeah, here it is. Now SCRAM!" He said loudly. [color=darkolivegreen] Katai, I won. (Who's up next?) How do you get to that training place again?[/color] [color=darkorange]That way, I think.[/color] She pointed, and Kazu rode there on his bike, leaving anyone who would follow behind.
"Umm..., you! Hey, how do you go to a field?" Kazu asked a random person. "Why are you asking me" said the person, happening to be a blademaster. "Well...erm..I don't know. But pleease tell me!" he pleaded. "Fine, I'll take you to a field. But pay attention, I won't do this again" the blade master was a bit angry, and a little happy to help. He went up to the gate, and told Kazu "Ok, now go into the gate menu. You can do that right?" "Ok, now what" was his response. "Now, pick the keywords closest to the top of your list..." the blademaster, which Kazu now knew his name as 'Kiichi' After following his instructions, Kazu said "Bursting Passed Over Forbidden Ground" With that, a loading screen appeared. After they appeared in the area, it was a flatland; only one or two hills could be seen in the distance. Looking around, there were little statues and moving vegetables. "What the--" Kazu started. "Mandragora. You use them to make Grunties. Little things to ride on." Kiichi said. "Now follow me into the dungeon." After explaining all of the basics, Kiichi and Kazu went back to the Delta server. While Kiichi logged out, Kazu didn't.
[color=darkolivegreen]I'll go first, Maura. Go and train if you wish, though this won't be long.[/color] "Later" Maura said, and was gone to catch up with the others. "Well then, trainer. Ready to battle? It'll be a series of two one on one matches, in my water arena." as Misty continued her talking, in a speechlike manor, an arena, with tiny islands of land poking out of a vast amount of deep dark blue water. "As you can see, there are little bits of land, so you could use any Pokemon, but I wouldn't recommend it. So, chose your Pokemon now." [color=darkolivegreen]Well then, let us pave our path! Go Maple![/color] "Fine then, I choose you! Staryu!" Misty released her Pokemon, and almost instantly started commanding it in battle. "Staryu, tackle attack! Go for the side!" [color=darkolivegreen]Maple! Quick, vine whip! Grab the staryu on your left![/color] As if the creature understood his words, the Ivysaur, with little delay, turned to his left side and shot out two long strings of vine. Wrapping each one around a different arm of the Staryu, Maple started to squeeze the Staryu. "Staryu, tackle! Get free of the vines!" Misty commanded. And as she said, the Staryu shot across the room, out of the Ivysaurs reach. [color=darkolivegreen]Ok...I've got this! Ivysaur, jump to the island north of you! Now, use vine whip to latch onto it![/color] The Ivysaur was now in midair, around arms length away from the Staryu. The Staryu, almost fainted, almost had given up all hope. [color=darkolivegreen]Now, tackle![/color] Using gravity to its advantage, the Ivysaur knocked the Staryu out of the air. [color=darkolivegreen]Now, I'm going for the gold! Go, Butterfree![/color] "I choose you, Starmie!" Kazu had been thinking over a thought he had as soon as he saw the arena. [i]Now, if I use stun spore, for example...wouldn't it mix around in the water? All I have to do is get it in the water, and I'm gold![/i] [color=darkolivegreen]Butterfree, stun spore, and aim for the water! Now poison powder![/color] "What-- the water! These waters are also used for shows! How dare you pollute them! Starmie, tackle that thing out of the sky!" Misty commanded. [color=darkolivegreen]Butterfree, dodge it![/color] But Butterfree didn't dodge it in time. It fell rapidly, without a chance to get up, into the tainted water. [i]No, it's all over... My trap worked against me... Wha--[/i] [color=darkolivegreen]Yes! You're ok![/color] "Your Butterfree is immune to its own poison. That let it live. Now, please finish this up, today's been busy, and it isn't over yet" Misty said, with a hint of delight. [color=darkolivegreen]Butterfree, do as you wish. I want you to win.[/color] "Fine, Starmie, do what you want" Misty said. First, Butterfree continually tackled the Starmie, and the Starmie tried to tackle back, but missed. Then, Butterfree knocked it into the water, and with the poison and paralyze, Misty surrendered. "I'll say, you're a good trainer. You're almost close to Josh--" Misty had said something wrong, and she knew it by the look on his face. [color=darkolivegreen]AYYYHH!!![/color] When he met up with them, Kazu found them training. He suddenly said something. [color=darkolivegreen]Hurry up! We need to catch up to him! If you all hurry up, we should find that guy soon![/color] "You know you just spent well over an hour battling the [i]second[/i] gym leader, with a type advantage? [i][b]You[/b][/i] need to hurry up." Katai said, and Kazu just let his anger out during his training, while the next person hurried to the gym...
The halls were quiet in the school in which Kazuki went to. There were only a few murmurs and a line in front of a stand. Wondering what it is, Kazuki walked up to the stand. He read (and also quietly said aloud): THE WORLD The worlds largest MMORPG! A classic, fun game of dungeon crawling, chatting in the servers, and many different mysteries! Only for the ALTIMIT OS. [i]"So this is that game everyone's been talking about... it's the next best thing, or at least that's what it seems... if only I had enough money..."[/i] Kazuki thought. With nothing to do, and no game to play, Kazuki went through his day normally, until he got home... (OOC: I edited this, I rushed it earlier...) "Welcome home" said his mother in a dull fashion "And how was your day?" "Fine." Kazuki said, trying to be brief with his mother. She obviously had something else that she wanted to say. "Kazuki, how would you like it if I got you a new game?" said his mother. "It'd be very nice of you. You seem odd, what's up?" Kazuki said shortly. "It's just...well I thought it'd be good to combine that gaming hobby of yours with socializing, and well...I couldn't think of a better way than with an online game. How's that?" his mother said, and thought [i]"Maybe now he'll be better off.."[/i] "Well, I guess I'll try it out now" Kazuki was looking forward to playing. Taking the goggles and controller out of the abnormally big box (for a game at least), he weighed them for a second. Then he began the installation of The World. After that was done, he had to decide on a username. "Uuh...erm...How about Kazu? It sounds spiffy, for a short version of my name at least..." And then he typed Username: Kazu Password: ****** Soon on the screen was The World Mailer- New News- New Audio Accesories Data After reading his mail and pretending to read the news, Kazuki logged into The World. He was amazed at the opening of the game, and soon was in the Delta server root town. After gawking at the graphics, Kazuki looked over at a small group of people.
Real world Name: Kazuki Ichigawa Gender: Male Age: 12 Description: He has short straight brown hair, and ususally wears jeans and a shirt. Short Bio: Younger than all of his friends, he seems like a bit of a misfit. With a few friends, he has what he needs to survive. With a mother and father that work for businesses, he has a bland life. He was introduced to "The World" by his mother, who thought a life online could only help his social failure. Personality: Quite a bit shy and a bit quiet, he seems to back away from most people. In the World Name: Kazu Gender: Male Class: Wavemaster Level: 1 Description: A male wavemaster, ala Tsukasa and Elk, except with green everywhere. Has blonde hair. Basically, [URL=http://img39.photobucket.com/albums/v121/Gaudoguardian/hack.jpg]this.[/URL] Use [URL=http://img39.photobucket.com/albums/v121/Gaudoguardian/kazuki.jpg]this[/URL] if you have a slow connection, or want to see a smaller pic. Personality: Quiet at times, and talkative at times. Is confused a lot, and lost most of the time. Also a rare-item hunter.
[color=darkolivegreen]I'd guess I'm up now, eh? Go! Pidgey![/color] "Fine then, I send out Mankey" Josh said, and he sent forth his Pokemon. [color=darkolivegreen]Pidgey, use quick attack! Stay in the air![/color] "Mankey, avoid that Quick Attack! Jump and use low kick" Josh commanded. [color=darkolivegreen]Pidgey, swift! Go as high up as you can, and use swift and run around all disoriantated![/color] "Mankey, destroy the support the support beams on their side of the bridge!" Josh commanded. [i]No! If he destroys the beams, then the bridge'll collapse![/i] [color=darkolivegreen]Pidgey! Gust! Stop him![/color] It stopped the Mankey in midair, making him fall into the river. He still accomplished one thing, destroying the support beams. Drowning, Josh returned the Mankey. [color=darkolivegreen]The bridge is slowly collapsing! Think we should hasten the battle a bit, ne?[/color] OOC: The bridge will collapse soon. The fights need to be done faster, or we're all magikarp food.
Once they had reached Pewter (for like the 32nd time) Kazu finally thought he was ready to take on Brock. [color=darkolivegreen]Ok, wish me luck. Woah, spiffy statues![/color] Kazu, looking more at the details than at the main arena, noticed a man staring at him. [color=darkolivegreen]And you are?[/color] "I am Brock, the gym leader. And you are?" said the man [color=darkolivegreen]Kazu, soon to be champion and seeker of YOUR badge[/color] "Well then" (What a moron! Hah, champion! In his dreams!) said Brock, "There will be two matches, one Pokemon in each match. You choose the Pokemon before the match starts." [color=darkolivegreen]Fine. I choose Pidgey first, then Maple. Go Pidgey![/color] "I'm ready then. Geodude, go!" Brock replied. [color=darkolivegreen]Pidgey! Take flight! As long as you're in the air, he shouldn't be able to hit you! Now, use gust, make that rock fly around![/color] The Geodude, helpless in the mini-tornado, couldn't escape. Pidgey just used a few more gusts, not allowing the Geodude to attack. Geodude fainted. "Nice, I guess" said Brock "Now, Onix, go!" [color=darkolivegreen]I hope you saved the best for last, otherwise I feel sorry for you! Maple, go! Maple vine whip! Restrict his movement, and slice him with them. He should die soon.[/color] Almost as soon as the battle started, it ended. "You are a worthy trainer. Take this badge. Now, young trainer, go--" Brock paused. As soon as the Badge was in Brock's hands, Kazu snatched it and left. All before Brock could finish his first sentence. [color=darkorange]How'd it go?[/color] [color=darkolivegreen]Fine. Brock's a pushover. I'm ready.[/color] With his first badge, and an easy battle done, they left.
[color=darkolivegreen]Eat MY dust![/color] Kazu started running as fast as he could looking for Carter. He had barely caught up with Katai when he literally ran into Carter. Sprawled on the ground, only a little dizzy, he saw Katai laughing. [color=darkorange]At least I'm not the only one who falls a lot.[/color] [color=darkolivegreen]Woah...where are we?[/color] [color=darkorange]Oh come on, I'm not that dizzy and I hit a tree![/color] [color=darkolivegreen]Well I haven't made a habit out of it... So anyways, when do we go to the next town? Can we stop at Pewter city for a little bit, I haven't fought Brock yet.[/color] Kazu, still a bit dizzy, waited for a reply.
[color=darkolivegreen]KATAI SAKURAI!![/color] [i]Not like there's a better way to get someone's attention[/i] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hi Kazu![/COLOR] Out of nowhere, at least it seemed, Katai was ahead of him. [color=darkolivegreen]Sakurai, Katai, whatever you wish to be called...hrm what [i]do[/i] you want to be called? Anyway, I have decided that I would go with Carter. More of my goals can be accomplished on his path, and, as Rorohiko said himself, he can do it alone. And what about you, Katai Sakurai?[/color]
While Aura was in the gym, Kazu decided to train. [color=darkolivegreen]Maple, tackle! Caterpie, string shot! Maple, leech seed! Caterpie, tackle![/color] Even though they were attacking a tree, they were still tiring easily. Kazu finally decided they were ready for an actual Pokemon. When he found a Pidgey, he thought [i]it's perfect![/i]. [color=darkolivegreen]Now's your shot! Maple, Caterpie, ready for action?![/color] Maple tackled the Pidgey The Pidgey used sand attack on Maple Caterpie used string shot [i]Hopefully that'll help keep it from running...[/i] Pidgey used gust on Maple Maple then used leech seed and tackled the Pidgey one last time... Then a thought struck Kazu. [i]A flying Pokemon! I could use it for travel when it grows up, and it could be useful in battle![/i] [color=darkolivegreen]Pidgey, you're mine! Pokeball![/color] After a mere two shakes Pidgey broke free. [color=darkolivegreen]--WHY--[/color] Maple tackled again Pidgey used gust Maple, almost fainted looked at Caterpie Caterpie looked back, and it seemed they were working together [i]Heh, language of the mind[/i] Caterpie and Maple used tackle at the same time, and Caterpie followed with a string shot. [color=darkolivegreen]Perfect! Now you're REALLY mine! Pokeball![/color] After three shakes, Kazu had his doubts. [i]If he breaks out, I don't know what I'll do![/i]. Finally, it was caught! [color=darkolivegreen]WHAM BAM THANK YOU OLD MAN! Now just to find the Pewter Pokemon center...[/color]
Wanting to catch some Pokemon of his own after seeing Sakura (Katai) catch a Beedrill, and Aura with her Ghastly and Houndour, and now Carter with his two water pokemon. While they were in the area, Kazu wandered off into the Viridian Forest. Hoping no one had seen, he looked around. Suprisingly, there were many Pokemon, much more than he could imagine, for the forest that is. He looked around...[i]a Caterpie! Perfect! Butterfrees are known for their beauty...and battling. It'd be perfect for my team![/i] [color=darkolivegreen]Maple, go! Tackle him! Try to avoid that-- No, not there![/color] After a while of coaching his Bulbasaur on, he finally thought he was ready to catch him. [color=darkolivegreen]Caterpie, you're mine! Pokeball![/color] After a few shakes, and to what Kazu seemed like an eternity, the Pokemon was caught. At a loss of words, and with a memorable experience, Kazu's first capture was done!
[color=darkolivegreen]Katai, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like--[/color] As Kazu said it, he saw it was too late. She'd already left. He had tried to not let his ego show, but now he didn't care much. To be the best, or to help these people. It didn't really seem like a choice now, if he didn't help (or try his best) there may not be a world to be the best in. Not like he couldn't catch some Pokemon along the way. It seemed to him that two groups were evoking, though nothing was too clear now. The loss wasn't that bad anymore. It seemed fine for now, at least. Kazu waked up to the others. [color=darkolivegreen]So, correct me if I am wrong. What I understand is this: Rorohiko is going to find Jirachi. Correct? And Carter is going to Vermillion. Correct? Either of them are willing to let anyone go with them. Correct?[/color] And as Kazu awaited a response, he thought [i]So, it seems that the group is splitting. Seems.. interesting.[/i]
[color=darkolivegreen]That's it! You're the one who knowingly battled me with a pokemon double my level! I'll rematch you later, jerk[/color] Kazu, still angered by his words, swore that he would beat him later. He couldn't let his path to be the best trainer ever be blocked so early, by such a...guy.
[color=darkolivegreen]Ready to give up yet?[/color] Bulbasaur, almost dead, was hoping he would say yes.
[color=darkolivegreen]Well, picking on Pokemon weaker than yours is something even I wouldn't do. I just got him yesterday, and yet you expect him to fight on par with your Mankey?[/color] Bulbasaur got hit partially by the scratch. [color=darkolivegreen]Bulbasaur! Tackle![/color]
Bulbasaur got hit dead on, but got back up and tackled again.
[i]Who does this guy think he is![/i] Kazu thought. Bulbasaur ready to battle, Kazu stepped up. [i]The little guy hasn't trained much, but I know I can do it. I WILL beat him.[/i] [color=darkolivegreen]You'll regret this! Bulbasaur, tackle![/color] OOC: Do we have to use the only the moves they would have learned in the game? I don't want to have to use Tackle the whole time -_-...not like I'd use growl.
Running out of the forest, unsuccesful in his search for Katai, Kazu was suprised seeing Katai running past him. He walked into the lab, and saw everyone. [color=darkolivegreen]What's with her? First she runs off into the forest, and now she ran off again! Seriously, all of this chasing has tired me...I'll be back.[/color] And so Kazu left, riding his bike to Viridian City. Aside from a few Rattata and Pidgey, nothing really bothered him. In Viridian he asked himself [i]Should I train? Or should I call it a night? I guess I'll buy some Pokeballs and sleep at the inn. I shouldn't get too far ahead of those amatuers...[/i] With quite a smaller wallet, and some Pokeballs, Kazu slept. OOC: Yes, I edited it a bit.
[color=darkolivegreen]So, this Bulbasaur is mine?[/color] Kazu, still half exhausted from the trip, looked into the eyes of the Bulbasaur. [i]What should I name you? Should I name you?[/i] [color=darkolivegreen]Maple. I'll call you Maple. Seems like a good enough name... So, these items, these Pokemon...things of legend, exist? Things only heard of in fairy tales, you expect me to believe them so easily? Well, truthfully, I think you're all nuts.[/color] Kazu turned and scoffed, and then started to leave.
Kazu glanced at the clock in his father's office, and, to his suprise, it was already eleven. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Father, please excuse me. I should be leaving now, or I'd be late getting to Oak's lab. Do you have an extra helicoptor I could take?[/COLOR] [COLOR=SlateGray]Why do you need to go to Oak's lab son?[/COLOR] [color=darkolivegreen]You may not have realized, but it's time for me to get leaving. On my journey, I mean. To be the best, you know?[/color] [color=slategray]Well, it must have slipped my mind. You'll have to ride your bike then.[/color] [color=darkolivegreen]From Saffaron to Pallet? That'll take me--![/color] A lady in a red business uniform walked into the room, and whispered something in Kazu's father's ear. [color=slategray]I need to go son, you can make it. Don't forget about our deal[/color] [Color=darkolivegreen]Always about the deals, tsk. I don't see what's so special about that...what was it again?[/color] Kazu, using his knowledge of where the routes connect (which he picked up on his dad's business trips), and his new bike, managed to make it to Pallet only thirty minuites late...
name: Kazu Yotsuga age: 12 Pokemon dream: Best Trainer Ever starter: Bulbasaur description: Around 5 feet tall, with short, wavy, silvery hair, and a bandana that looks like a pokeball. Wears normal jeans and purple/green t shirt getup. Dark green eyes. short bio: A powerhungry boy, who can't stand failing. While he isn't the smartest person on the block, he has ways of accomplishing his dream of becoming a Pokemon Master. His father is a corperate executive, who isn't there most of the time, and his mother died when he was four (though the cause was unknown). Aspiring to become a pokemon trainer, and acting on his dad's words, he headed to Pallet town all the way from Saffaron City. personality: Snobby, a bit rude, and willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish his dream.