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About Oceanborn

  • Birthday January 2

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    I am. Pity for me.
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  1. I put up a long post about having seen some kinds torture a kitten to death some days ago, but I just thought the details would be clearly too much for a you. (haveaniceday?) :sleep: It's about six o clock in the morning! Me sleepy! :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :animestun :animeswea :animeknow
  2. Well, *I wanted to drop this by before James-sama's idea*, but I remember a rare set of original japanese 101 smileys which I really loved, just in case the OB ones won't be too good or won't be done at all. [url]http://forum.anilab.ru/index.php?act=legends&CODE=emoticons&s=[/url] .<
  3. I am yet to discover a worst fear. I actualy try to abuse feelings, so... No, I don't think I have one right now =3. Any suggestions? Neither life nor death is something to be feared, my family... I don't care for them, really; my friends... I have the kind of relationship with my [i]real[/i] frineds that we wouldn't fear another's death or something; heights, vermin, sharp objects... boring. Darkness... My windows are made so that I have no light in my room whatsoever, and I turn it on only when I really need it, I mostly live in darkness that way... What else can a human being fear? :animeswea
  4. Nice here Noodle, i was a kinda forced Christian as a kid as well... For now, I keep faith solely to my proud omnipotent self and am planning to take over this puny reality with my 00ber band. :catgirl: I wear an upturned cross amongst my amulets and stuff though. It was handed to my by a good friend and it scares these [i]Christians[/i] away greatly as well. I used to wear a christian cross but I took it off some months ago again since I really didn't want to have it on me as a sign of that religion. :animesigh I am not going to blatter through the whole topic, I moved away from my folks and have a dialup now T_T >>;; , someone defined [i]religion[/i] here? I thought of this, what is religion actually? Something you believe in? I believe in my music, some of my frineds, a lot of other things. o.o *puzzled look*
  5. Herz ist es, mein Liebling. Also, I remember this topiv coming up for the zil'd time already. About the third for the past two years for sure xD Also, I am Russian. >__< \o\ /o/ xDDD /=__+""V
  6. Thank you Dante-sama T__T Ialmost had a sheer heart attack reading through this. Also, sbrebaby, you are something. Having a katana left is extreme luck, I used to do kendo but I had to drop it since even if I had the few thousand bucks you need for a good katana, I'd spend them on a new lec' guitar anyway, lol. >< I advise kendo for starters. The art of Iaido is usually considered advanced if you are a total newbie. Goggle "Kendo". There are world/international/local/anything organizations for kendo. I mean, you'll be able to find something kendo nearby. Also there are lots of web literature on the subject. :catgirl:
  7. *whips Killer7* Bah. That was about the first anime with a tragic plot I loved more than Eva... Top list, very good. Pity they scanlated the manga only up to ch24, now, can't wait to see whether they will make any difference with the anime in the end. The TV ending was really nice, though. 9.5/10.
  8. [*almost offtopic*] Kamuro-san, you generalized it all too good >.< ^.^
  9. Don't you think it's your own life? If you want to end it, nothing should stop you. I had my issues *looks at his cut wrists* but I personally didn't really think it was worth it. But, in my opinion, if someone wants to commit suicide, they should be given freedom to do it. It's one's choice, after all. My mother tried to commit suicide a few times, too [well, long story]. I was pretty much a kid the last time it happened [I was about 13-14], so I didn't think of anything better than to call [our analogue of] 911. She was really heavilly sliiting her wrists around at that point and even with that managed to kick some fuss to the medics; anyway, they drove her away to an asylum for a few months, and she returned a nice person. She never has any kinds of these thoughts now, she doesn't drink at all [that was a ~problem too], she has success in dropping smoking, she holds an orderly life. That sucks =_=. I had a really fun later childhood hitchiking over the whole Europe, some years living in Switzerland, all without ever a visa or something - nice memories, it was pretty crazy and sweet. Now I see a mechanical person with an abused past who only comes to work and gets from work, rarely saying hello to me, and sitting all her free time off in ICQ chatting with guys from those 'find-a-partner' sites. If I told her that some 3 years ago, I would be seriously kicked and laughed at. And at nights, I hear her cry. Pretty loud. Other than that, we live in a nice house and stuff. I just finished school and happened to enter a pretty prestige uni last monday, whee. Now I'm going to shoot movies like my whole family did and probably become an uber cool rocker if my band *kicks lazy ***holes* won't be such a bunch of do-nothing-good crappers, all hail JRock. Don't know why I wrote this, anyway.
  10. Should I throw in more links? I'm not really sure how much the mod-sempais shalleth tolerate it >>;;
  11. I'm scanlating Shinobu Kokoro Wa, it's a nice one. Wonder if it's sold anywhere, though. Mentioning Fake, Ringfinger and Gravitation, you never should forget Love Mode. Usually these are put as the pop yaoi classics =P Check out, say, sakura-crisis.net for a plenty of scans, if thou bother, and then stalk around the forums asking for much much more fine yaoi scanlation group sites. There's a rumor out here that every single released yaoi is instantly scanlated, that it is, so let your bandwidth burn up. ^_~ Also, I almost mentioned this, but ask about yaoi at yaoi forums. Not that I care, but they should give thou a much better advice. Yeah, and there are things far worse than yaoi [least but not last evil, bloody and gory yaoi ^^], so your mom should be rather relieved. ^^ PS, I was in the local pirate store today. They had Fake the DVD there. It had a stamp: Depicts alternate lifestyles. 13 Up suitable. [something like that]. Seems like the Rainbow Army marched its way and yaoi is no more 18+. Iseth? O.o Funny.
  12. [b]A:[/b] - But 'the pillows', that they did. Easy question ~_^. [b]Q:[/b] - Say... Yohji, Aya, Omi... Am I missing someone here, my children? Please name the fourth [hint=>] assassin!
  13. Hmmph. I don't remember really any emotions strong enough to be worth of remembrance. *thinks* That sounded somewhat gay *thinks* *adds* In the very asexual content of the *****n' word. *thinks more* Whee, I'm emotionless. Geez. What a hollow and tungsten life haveth I been leading up to this very day, having not haveth a single great emotion. Lol. *concludes* Therefore, the greatest possible emotion I probably had was the wonder of the astonishing truth of me having no emotions. Ouch. Right here'n'now.
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