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Everything posted by Oceanborn
- Errr, manga. Since I live here in Russia I don't have a lot of printed manga. That is covered up by an (prepare to say *~sic!~*) over 100 Gb archive of mangascans, over half no more on the net due to US licensing and the like ^^. Yeah, I'm scanlating manga into russian as well. I used to have a huge collection of comics but I don't buy ém anymore simply because I was worked up (I work in the cinema ;p) and skipped ém for abot a month+, that after three years of non-skipping the series, so I somehow felt no use buying them. - Errrrrrr, anime. Well, that's partially why I'm here on OB and yeah, I also happen to have quite the collection. - (goes reads the thread) Yeah, sleeping is good ;p. Although I rather happen to not to sleep for 2-3 days and then sleep out for 20+ hours. He-he. - (lists further thru th. thread) Cola. Also energizers. I'm drinking Cola even now (*sip*) ;p. Helps to hold through in my lifestyle. I mean continuous non-sleeping. OK, then there go also guarana drops & pills, selected chinese tea 9I just happen to have a great chinese tea store near my house), coffee. Bzzzzzzzzzzzt.
:confused: Hmm? Doesn't anybody really own the Hawks' Scanlation? I mean, Gatsu-dono and Co worked on them for quite the few years. So, anybody read the [b]20[/b] volumes?
A Gibson 1961 EP Zero, an origami foldup instructions scan for an EVA model and heirship over this dam' world (MWUHAHAHAHAAA!!!) ^______^
Lemmethinklemmethinklemmethink. Well, at this point, moi most great and meaningful hobby would be my lec' guitar, which I already have for around a year and which was my Big Dream for quite a while. I am right now also watching Naruto and FMAlchemist (which are definetely a hobby, at last for taking that much of my free time). While not whatching Naruto, FMA, (to be honest also) X, a-big-collection-ofAyumi-Hamasaki-videos, Gantz and a few other animes which I can't even remember now since I have so much and got so many to watch ^^; listening to music (well, I've got over 1000 CDs at my home, which would be quite a collection, not to mention the huge OST/AST/J-muzax archive on my PC. Theeeen, I also do draw, although I'm almost not posting to my account since I have no sacnner and scanning at my dad's home (the parent's 're divorced) is a bother since I rarely see him (now that I think of it, I do have a few friends which do indeed have scanners, so I guess I'll be bugginig them next week with that.@_____@) And yeah... Chibichou-neechan, I wonder if there are any origami foldup scans at the Net? I'm really too lazy to get some books to the subject at our local book store (although I rather like the hard ones, isntructions to which are hard to get... And thinking them by yourself out does take time) For example, we had a local Anime Con this year, and at that con we had an Origami Con, and, well, I managed to see a model of EVA-01 which I was totally obsessed of.. I really did use to practice origami quite a lot in my childhood days...
[QUOTE]"A good fighter is one who seeks a peaceful route instead of the violent one. Those who seek glory by shedding blood are no better then plagues, and those who gain glory by defending what they believe in are rivals of the gods themselves."[/QUOTE] Well, you're partially right and you're partially wrong. See, I personally do not pick fights with people, and I AM (to my own luck probably) either speak my way out of the bully guys or just get away from the drunk ones. Now, there's no use in "sheddding blood" by yourself, but what if, say (hmm you're training ,so let it be) 7 idiots get to you ands try to get money from you or simply pick a fight AND you see no way to talk out or run away? (there's always one though, but such talking requires a dam' clear head and a snake's tongue, which is not always abot me 'cause I almost don't use too sleep which in turn lets me usually be the Sleepy Glitchy Me), dam' I lost the sense again but it is that, there are situations where you have to fight. It is no that you're gaining glory defending what you believe in (although for your personal self, it is); it is that you _defend what you believe in_. (note for Vi: Err, you're living in a harsh world. Go start training some -jutsu, learn to speak out your way or at last get yourself some fast legs and a nice psycho to not blame yorself for running away. Are you a girl? Then go get yourself a nice boyfriend who WOULD be almost all muscles. It's IMO dumb, but it helps.) and there am I back again... Well, you have to fight your way through and stand by your opinion, even if not through direct force. You do. Because the other way is just changing your personality all over regret, and, well, (quotes HIS master) "One shouldet live his life with no regrets, defending his opinion even with the sake of his own life~~" (something like that ^__^) If you're all about being bullied, then don't runaway, stand by your opinion and well, you'll probably be samshed a few times, but then, in the end them dam' punks 'll slowly start respecting you, because the world they live in (I talk about usual bruteforce punks) is a world of force, so it's kinda like if you're not afraid, then you're already strong. The hell. .//logout
Well... , Yet kissing is simply kissing, mon ami. I dunno what else to add here, especially something not already said. Oh, and about staring. There's a difference, you can simply stare/glare at here with a dull look and there goes a romantic glance in th. eyes, I s'ppose that the atmospheres may be really different. An easy high-school way to get yourself a girl is simply to hang out on her on a party. I'm graduating this year and I can remember a whole lotta parties with the entire class together. _At last_ - some really big birthdays, when some guy/girls invites almost everyone at the party/ some Halloween (Happy Halloween BTW!)/New Year parties, then there are usually some parties held during any possible vacations just because of the lotta free time 'n stuff 'n stuff 'n stuff. That's one simple way. If you're easy with this (which I doubt because of the post itself), you can simply confess love. That's one way everything could be helped out... Or completely broken down, because (judging a usual girl) it has to be kinda romantic, so you hafta either be natural at these things, either plan out and arrange that. Ans yes, you could always get here some nice flowers. Red roses are pretty pop, but the're a sign of love 'n stuff after all... ^^. Maybe she likes some special flowers... Like orchidae or something... Dunno! Whatever, this was a long one.
Does anyone have eyes that change colour????
Oceanborn replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in General Discussion
Mine do periodically. Usually variants of green to gray... to blue... Seen that somewhere here... From now on it's a pretty usual thing for a human. -
Am 1 really going to be the first? Anyway, cheers from St. Petersburg, Russia. ^^ Currently hanging out @ The Lounge, Recoverin' my PC bit-by-bit from the main 200 GB un-back'd-up HDD crash Mourning about this existence being a total nonsense, Looking forward to the 69 Eyes concerto at 2.10 right there at us, Umm, typing this. Living. Playing my 'lec guitar. Getting Chobits scans as a part from the recovering-my-HDD story. Currently downloading vol 03. Chobits aren't licensed in Russia, and probably won't ever be. (So it's even kind of legal). Also looking forward for the server where I use to get english GANTZ scans to be alive again. Translating GANTZ into russian as a part of the russian Mangaproject team. Not knowing what am I doing here (that was the main one, I guess.) @_@
Tss. Now that I returned here, this topic is pretty larger than I considered it to become when I was postin' it. Anyway, I never told that I consider myself as a true Goth.^^ The topic I wrote was about the way I understand goth'ness. Oh well... Yes, I dont think there is a way to define the word "goth". I a pretty much same story with punks at another forum. Historically, punks were funny guys, who just absolutely didn't care for this world (aha, that's where Underground starts). That's all, the whole words for the punk movements were "Hell, just f**k up with that crazy planet - what's so nice about it?" Now, back there (Did I mention I'm re-telling an another forum conv?) the usual answer to the definition of the world "punk" was "Same as a skinhead, they wear grinder boots, get themself drunk and then go out beating everyone who isn't plain white. (skin color @_@) If they don't find anyone like that, they just beat the next poor guy who had the unluck to be in their near vicinity." That's kinda the summary. I wonder how, I wonder why - Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky - And everything I see is Just a yellow lemon tree... And I wonder. (c) by Fools Garden.
I remember recieving a PM lately. The content was something like that: [quote name='let that be anonymous']i like black metal and don't believe in religion....if you are a true goth you will not believe and god and jesus and worship satan and the anti-christ....well tell me what bands you like :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: a word of advice images are deceiving hahahahaha :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:[/quote] That was my answer... And I kinda liked it. So I decided to let it become a thread. Anyway, any objections, thoughts to add to... Another in-thread question - What do you consider as gothic music? I can remember Lacrimosa, The 69 Eyes; Bach, Mozart. (Hereby the text. ) A true goth doesn't worship neither Jesus no Sataniel. Whether does or does not believe in gods, he doesn't have the faith to worship any because of his negation of such a feeling. A true goth neglects everything you would mean as happines or fun. His soul may be filled with sorrow, pain, sadness; although, ideally, one doesn't care abot feelings for feelings are nothing to care for. A true goth, in fact, doesn't care about this world at all. The world is nothing to care about for a goth for a goth is not someone to be cared of by this world. A true goth loves Darkness. A satanist loves Evil. While that is, in fact, _the_ difference between the two, some may succesfully combine these dogmas. This doesn't make them being true goths. They still stay satanists.
Ah, did anything change at all that it did? Anyway, speaking does help, no da ^_^ It's just the way of speaking^^!
Aramaki's the main character gal, Am I right? Maybe... How do you want it to look like?
Yeah, Turkey-sama's right... Anyway, see, it all differs from the point of what you mean as 'real anime'. There is a hellish lot of anime styles (Clamp/Chobits, Hellsing, FLCL - they look all so different...) Just try to get that feeling of animesh'ness...^_^... And remember Hayo Miyazaki. When he was young, he tried really hard, but all of his drawings were pretty lame (yo, no offense you Miyazaki fans out there!) as what he did were mainly copy-offs from the anidrawings he liked. In the end of it all, he burned all of his paintings which he did trying to draw-off from his favourite masters and invented his own style of drawing anime. And now, he is the infamous Anime Master. So, learn from his example. ^_^ (yukk... You did understand what I meant here, did you? That was rather wigglish written :wigout: )
The head is maybe a bit unproportional... Still nice, I like your style.
Well, I wouldn't call m*self a great anime artist... Still. - A question: can you draw something beside anime? If not.. Well, study a bit on drawing humans, anathomy and stuff, because pictures are mainly usually ugly because of some weird proportions or strange drawn faces and stuff. - If you're not into like studying, try copy your famous anime/ manga drawings, I learned to draw that way (BTW, many bishujo games have really good in-game graphics^_^!!!), eventually you'll become seeing where which limb should go and stuff. @_@ Well, guess I was not much understandable, but anyway, Wish Ya Luck! ---- Dixi
Gomen kudosai... I wasn't sure so I asked about it... By the way, I see you deleted the attachment? How is then the signitaure left? I wonder. Or was it the sig link? Oh, sorry, sorry, I'm just bothering everyone inclyding muself and thyself, Oh Ominpresent One! ^_^
[font=Tahoma]Well... I don't have a serv right now to upload a sig banner... Is it OK if I upload it here and use the link? Is it possible to upload a banner anyhow (not via link use, but from the PC)? Hints? Thank you.^__^[/font] By the way, the manage attachments button doesn't work under Opera. Do I have to switch to InetExplorer each time or is there any cure for this@_@?
[quote name='Dan L'][/quote] Hmmmm. Well, it's not like I'm asking questions out of nowhere, it's reather like I'm typing my thoughts down^_^. That's the chaotic way the appear in my ill head. Anyway, I do not really care for all this. I started this post out of nowhere because I was bored and actually had nothing to do. I wanted to add the remark it's usual littlesense philosophical chitchat, but considered not to do it as the post wouldn't look serious at all. Uh-oh. The way you speak I'm beginning to remember Dao. [i]A Completely Wise One doen't really care abot the way of things going on, he lets them flow their way.[/i] Hmm. Well, it's really easy not to care. As long as it's logical that I'm not going to change the way of things (at last typing this down in the forums), I think there is really no much use to somehow care. (I'd type alot more, as usual, but I'm in a rather non-philosophic mood right now, so it's no use in throwing all these dumb arguments at each other. For crying out loud.) /quit, '11_beeBCK.
Hmm, I'm playing for two years and I'm more like into speedy stuff. Yngwie Malmsteem, Sonata Arctica and stuff. Lol. Well, it's fun. (wides yawnly) Yo, that's it! Yo, I'm c001,man, yo! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: ./31337! qzx_r00t!82. ^_____^ -------------- Ye ol' geezer. (I imagined myself, a 15-year old geezer. RoFL(>< )( >
Is it really fun? The cutest manga I know yet are Chobits. I can get Onegai! Teacher in the web, but as I'm sitting at a 33.6k modem (did I mention that somewhere?) it'll take a few days(I guess) to download th' stuff.
And, yeah, I am an atheist (kind of. I'd rather say, I have my own believings, and I stay out of confessions). So here we go a little more^_^. No offense. ... In that case, what is God? Deus? Is God something we truly believe in? Do we believe in ourselves? Are we our own Gods? Is God somebody(-thing) allmighty and powerful? What is almightiness? The possibility to absolutely create? The Human also can create; while time passes, the Human learns to create better and better. Is God the a final stage of evolution of one being? Is God something incomprehensible? God thought out Humanity and let Humanity thought out God? Is God a word that has a meaning, and which may be the meaning, if it's not something to understand. What does it understand? A Higher Power? And, by the way, God is not the only god thought out or believed by humans. Yes, words are here to have some kind of meaning; they are for humans to communicate with each other. God is incomprehensible? What could I say? Humanity is (oh, not again the type of thoughts... I'm going in circles) evloving, understanding things which were not to understand before. Therefore, at some point, humanity shall understand Godlikeness? Deus ex machina? A God Created? What would then be a difference between the Demiurge and one who has become Demiurge? What is a body? A material shell? Organs, blood, stuff? What does it exist for? To prove for us that we are (existing)? To wield our mind? What does a mind consist of? Protons, neutrons? Is a mind matherial? In that case, can you learn to create a mind? An arificial mind? Huh-oh, nowadays it sounds too much of sci-fi. (BTW, my dad is working in a science university... A few month ago we had some smart chitchat, he mentioned that efforts are positive in creating neuronets - that's actually AI, only at the real point it's smartiness is not really much more than of a cell. And I'm too lazy to go on on that, but anyway.) Fewww, I'm kinda tired of typing and doing wired-up logic combos. Anyway, here I am^_^!
What is this reality. Is it, where we do exist? What are we to exist? Is it me making me who I am or are that the others which are making me who I am? It is me making me who I am and the others making me who I am. Then, what is the difference between me and the others? What is describing me as a person, as Me, as someone to be created and as a personality to grow?
Oh yeah, and [i]no offense[/i] just in case. I do not care much about religion, but here are some pts o' view anyway [quote]Religion should have nothing to do with friendship.[/quote] Well... I guess this topic has some sense. I am actually holding a few Allister Crowley writings in my library and I remember myself beeing scolded and my mom almost crying that I'm a queballist. Well, I amen't ^_^. I was actually interested in that stuff around year ago, but I didn't found it that much of interest/fun because higher Queballah consist of actually two things: a) High-level math formulae, which is boring, b) Some kind of faith in it, and looking at the usual self-devoting rites, I considered it rather 1)boring, 2)somehow dangerous, at last some of them. Mr. Crowley lived back in the end of the 19th century, when, for example weed ^_^ like opium et caetra was meant to be really good for health, so there is a lot of things (Grrngh. As long as I started typin' it... Reaches the bookshelf) Aha, should we say, Liber 0 VEL MANVS ET SAGITTAE. Blah blah blah.. Stand in the position.. blah blahh... Well, should we say "'In both practice types, everything except the image and the name of the practicants' God should dissapear from his imagination; the longer he shall recover his usual consciousness, the better." blah.. blah.. blah... pentagrams, herbs, blah, blah.. "6. And shalt the practicant reach his limit (when he already cannot fight, his tongue willet be all bitten and blood willet stream out of his nostrils), shalt he fall into the darkness of unconsciousness, and then, when time passes and he becomes himself again, shallet he write down everything he saw happening, oh yes, write dowb everything he saw happening." Well, scaaary?^_^ I don't find the stuff that fun, interesting or somehow useful (These are the base high-level rites in which the 'practicant' should speak with 'angels and demons and beasts of vary' - very interesting (not really) ), so I kinda dropped it. Actually, I'm not into it, so is there any use saying 'Yo, he's BAD just when I sometimes tell something non caring about religion (You know, I have a friend who is absolutely sure that Jesus Christ is an alien and he didn't really die'n rise up-to-the-stars, but just flew home. Call that weird. He oftern proudly adds that Elvis was an alien to,
I did. It's wonderful. Anybody read the manga?
Is that OKay with quality et caetra? If yes, I'll have 5-6 more coming up and we'll have a Hellsing cathegory, which I'll frequently add something to. ^_^ -- Best Wishes /Ocean ---------- Uff. Seems I had Opera errors, yeshhh, INetExplorer is awfully lagging but, well, it works, which is an important issue! Yess, is that (Look at The First Sentence):wigout: :wigout: