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Everything posted by Oceanborn

  1. [QUOTE]JPEG's don't move. GIFs do[/QUOTE] I know. It just wouldn't save itself as an animatied GIF [QUOTE]only a gif can be used for a moving picture[/QUOTE] You mean the source? Well, than thanx sir! I'll go change the format straight away. I really didn't knew it @_@ Welll, let's try. (Logging back in after a while) Nope. Well, it lets save itself as a GIF. As an image-only one. No animation. Hints? 13 layers, 13 frames and I'm at the edge of giving up tht idea 'cause ~300 kbytes is a real lot for just-a-banner, but well... Still any hints? Thanx?
  2. There is a real lot of people I thought 'bout, but as my first thought was Asuka drom ShinSeiki Evangelion, I'll leave it that way. Best girl personality - I lll0ve it! :tasty: Speaking about. Mamimi from FLCL because of. (I just kinda like the way she is... Yeah, Smoke More Weed People!^_________^) Merle from Tenkuu no Escaflowne for being REALLY cute! Kawaji! ^_^ :tasty: :tasty: 'nuff!
  3. Uploading from your PC or from an mm, internet link? Anyway, under the field where you'd type a message is a graph 'Additional Options', in there, find 'attachments'. That's one way. The other is just to give a link to the image, using: [img]http://link/image.jpg-or-whatever[/img], there's a button displayin a little image of some kind of mountains under the 'color' graph which is above the field where you type the message in, got it?=))))))) ---------------------------- He COULD have made it at least roughly understandable
  4. I do not really care (come to think of it, I just don't think of it=)), but well, anyway I'm rather to believe that we all gonna die someday so the heck? I'm also not particually religious (call that not almost at all... WELL almost because come to think of it, I almost never think of it ^_^) And YES that doesn't mean that if some weird-(beepcensored)hole shalt stand before me with a huge katana and trying to kick my (beepcensored)ss, I'm going to think 'Oh yeah that's destiny'; that's not the point, it's just, death is not something to really worry about as long as you don't have to worry about it, yo. Come to think of it, we(me 'n' m' friends 't schoo1) also had a funny speech 'bout dying in dreams and what it's about. I particualy died a lot of times, I can remember myself being slashed (with some sword type), fallen down from the top of something high, having drowned, killed by a tiger, being choked, suffocated in vacuum and call that a nice mind (that are only the ones that I remember without specially concentrating on remembering). I may suggest that I'm rather accustomed to death that way=)) More topics? OK, what do you think of all that after-death blah-blah-blah? Like, heaven-hell-anythink. The most thing I like from what I heard is reincarnation 'coz it sounds really funny (not that I truly believe in it) but actually my easygoing mind may think that the most logic think coming after death is _n0thing_ (as long as you died^_^) just because it's meant that way, hmm? Like mind vanishing. Hmm. Dreamsdreamsdreams SweetDreamsArtMadeOfThis What about nightmares? I sure have had a lot, and I myself consider them rather as fun, because, well, it's kinda adrenaline-stuff to wake up just the moment before/after you died or in some scary situation, call that _tasty_! The One says: -------------- Dixi (which, according to the Romans, roughly means 'I said my words'.)
  5. If I give it a shot, is that a specific vampire or some Hellsing-AnotherWorld-D-Dracula-Anythingelsedunno stuff? Chocobo, you say... Well, I have pictures of chocobos, but... Not a single clue what that would look like... Maybe a blu' sky with a close-up on a chocobo somewhere in th right... ...! You know, if you're lucky and I'm not lazy... There was that attack in Final Fantasy 8, Chocobo fire :devil:. If I take a nice screenshot... I'll think over it. ---------- Ans there he was, the Oh Weird One.
  6. Actually I'm still learning ImageReady (I mean I'm kinda at it... A few weeks, that's it... But usually gif animating somehow seemed to work), and I was trying to do a banner. I picked up some optimized jpegs (14 JPEGs with Final Fantasy logos@_@), assigned a layer to each one and frames per levels - as usual. Now the question. Why the dam' it won't save it as an animated gif but only as a static image??? Any hints? BTW, these were my first tries which I used as avatars. Anybody wanna 'em? I mean, if anybody wants this Alucard/MMLich ava, you can take it @_@ ---- Me sleepy...
  7. That actually /was/ the doc' she needed, huh? As long as she's okay it's okay for her, so I don't see any sense. That onw was easy to persuade anyway. (yeah... And Emme, you aren't reading this thread anymore are you? You aren't) So whatwasitalkingaboutyeahthepeopleareeasytopersuadenowadays (And that was the day he was banned for offtopic, laziness (dunnowhy), weirdness (as long as it's me) and unreadable 40-letter words. Dezoxyribonucleopsylobicinepolietilheneglycoleamphetomine.
  8. So... Are we... Gonna? ----------------- And I wonder...
  9. BTW Thanx for the link J, because I tried but really didn't manage to read all of them. Is there any chance (Suggestion!) to make some short rule list in the future? See, I lost myself within the lots of chapters and subchapters. Really ///@_^*
  10. Hmm... I'm a great fan of FinalFantasy game series and I wanted to do a sig banner with something like the game logos flatting from one to another, and now that I think of it, these are at last 14 layers (FF1-12, X-2 and Tactics, not even thinking of the two anime series, GameBoy releases, special editions, add-ons et caetra) Now could you give me a hint at the approx. banner size limitation? Wonder if it'll work, 14 screens are already a lot of space. And I don't want to let my banner load 2 hours (I myself am sitting on a 33.6k modem@_@) So, any hints/moderator opinions?
  11. [QUOTE]I feel that people should have the right to decide if it is their time to go in certain instances. I am against suicide as the "easy way out", but I am for euthanasia for those who have a medical condition where it is the humane solution.[/QUOTE] Yepp. Sure! See, when it comes to euthanasia, whether you're in condition to think it over or nor, it's still [I]your[/I] decision and [i]you[/i] suffering. As long as you feel [i]that[/i] bad, you should have the right to say ''stop, that's 'nuff''. As long as I remember, euth is also OK in Sweden.
  12. FLCL because it's FLCL. Really. Evangelion for the wondeful plot and the angst atmpsphere, while prefering End of Evangelion for the ending 'cause it's really fantastic. Escaflowne for being the most amazing fantasy. Chobits for being really nice and kawaji'ish=), Clamp roolz. Hellsing for the immense style. The Jazz Nosferatu 4eva! The manga's also cool. Miyadzaki (dunno how you'd spell his name in english... really) for his amazing movies and, yeah the retrostylish Lupin III series=) (not to forget, for sure, Mononoke, Chen no Tihiro Spirited Away et caetra... Laputa, too!) (I almost fell down from my chair when I saw Yubaba for the first time ^_^ And yeah, his people-drawing style is amazing, too, pretty different from the usual ones) And lots, _lots_ more.
  13. What in the world is a treyflip? I thought I'm a walking now-it-all about tricks since I walked through *all* the Tony Hawk's Pro Skaters (beside a bit skating mself) and, see, there are a lot of tricks in there.
  14. (*cough*) (*coughcough*) Aye! -------------- Bows and quits.
  15. Summer=Boredom Boredom=Summer =>Lots of free timenothing really to do
  16. So shall it be. The Aura Summoner has arrived. Name: Tonoko [U]Age[/U] : 19 [U]Appearance[/U]: Short black hair, an asian, red leather. (... not the last clue why I made her that way... But I let be.) Calm black eyes (Call that 'deadly calm') [U]Personality[/U]: Usually pretty quiet... Intelligent, but keeps her thoughts on her mind. [U]Bio[/U]: Unknown. She never tells of her past. Apparently, she comes from an almost unknown clan of Summoners that don't just rely on ghosts (Soul Dagger training) [U]Class[/U]: Aura Summoner [U]Ability[/U]: Can call forth strong spirits that get stronger in time. [U]Speciality[/U]: Speak with spirits (communicate either with the souls that haven't been returned or are deceased or with the spirits she has called upon), form soul dagger (see weapon description), manipulate spirit dagger (like kinesis, works only at the dagger as it is her main weapon - except the spirits) [U]Weapon[/U]: Soul Dagger. A ghostly-looking blade which she can form and manipulate with at will (she also seems to have been trained with it pretty well) ------------------------- OOC: He did ^_^ Thanx. Yeah, a few changes on the names (Soul Dagger), nothing in general.
  17. Well, I am Mlkuth anyway, but I still haven't uploaded a thing... See, I am drawing on plain paper=)) And - with a plain pencil, black-and-white, so to say. And as long as I don't have a scanner I can't find any time to scan 'em at my father's (he's living pretty distant... I stilll visit him almost every week. Yes, this time I won't forget it. Scanner, UR awaiting M!)
  18. I used to skate a lot... But now that I managed to absolutely _devastate_ my board (wasn't an ultra decent one anyway) I'm just going to buy one. I started skating about a year ago... And I wasn't actually really training, so I can ollie, kickflip, (pop)shove it and mannualling. Oh, yeah the grinds. 50-50=)), sometimes managing 5-0, but faar from perfect. Well, summertime's comming, so I look further to traaaaaain! :devil:
  19. So may it be //////(^_^)* (Well... Actually I had Wednesday night, too... I just somehow thought that it's already Thursday in USA.)
  20. Well.. Lemme take a look. As long as I'm male, guys fall out (although I actually do not care much... It's just that I seem comfortable with girls) For the most of it, it doesn't matter as long as she's interesting and not totally ugly Hair, eyes, everything - it depends on the type. If short busty hair and a total bunch of piercing looks okay, I don't care; (what about piercing -yeah-it-was-discussed-I-didn't-read-it-anyway-as-long-as-I'm-new-here-Hi! - It may look fine on a lot of people, some look just like garbage no matter how cool they're tattooed or what anyway) Yeah, I'm flooding. More to the theme. Hair: rather mm... long, brunette? Eyes: -deep-=) Anf yeah, forget the brown hair, I actually love green eyes although I somehow haven't noticed alot these times around. Smart. Well, she doesn't need to know the whole damp in the history- -logy -graphy books. You may not now a lot of stuff and still be an interesting person. Learning helps to develop your brains, for sure... Anyway, not totally dumb. Just interesting. Interesting is the keyword and as long as I'm a human my mood is constantly changing=> therefore I can't say much to this. I'm philosophying again? Kickme. :eek: Nice eyes Interesting person Not totally obsessed by something (Religion, for the case. I've seen people. Not that I'm totally unreligious, it's just that I was grown up in a totally religious family and it was booooring, so I rather don't care) I ended up typing a lot of absolutely useless junk. Hmm... Weird.
  21. I think that I... hmmm lemmelemmethinkoverit. Let it be Mamimi from FLCL (I'm actually male, but the heck) She's the most passing one. Maybe sometimes a little bit of Rei (hey, where are the guys?)... And remember, at night I turn into an invincible evil stylish jazzy Alucard! :devil: (Smiles devilishlly showing the oversized fangs) Not really. Rather quiet and calm. I am for I am what I am. Useless, Childish, Spoiled, Senseless, Corrupted, Alien Never knows best...
  22. Hmm... See, I studied a lot on psychology /back there/, and that (sounds somehow weird) makes it rather complicated to give an answer. (reads the thread through) It's around Thursday. How was it? The only dumb idea that flows through my dizzy head (Don't kill me!) is what if you post a picture of yours? Not much sense, but I still guess that you could see from other's people reaction that what you think is mostly imagination... Therefore, it could change the way you think @_@ Night
  23. [quote name='Queen Asuka][color=crimson][size=1] and have been anxiously awaiting for the manga to be brought over the US since then[/color'][/size][/quote] Huh? It's been a while since it has been translated by fans... I've read it... Lemme guess.. A year ago... Think it was translated even sooner...
  24. Rather joking... Still, pretty dramatic and enough action... Just guess everyone has seen it a hundred times already...
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