Chibi Devil Me
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Anime Battle of the Pairings (Canon/Yaoi/Yuri/Cross-Series etc)
Chibi Devil Me replied to Patronus's topic in Otaku Central
:smirk: Well... [U][I][B]Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon & Vash the Stampede from Trigun. [/B] [/I] [/U] Don't give me that crazy look! I know that "opposites attract", but not ALL the time. They both like donuts, both beleive in "Love and Peace!", both have their share of secrets. :rolleyes: That was just the simularities. Vash has this dark past that he doesn't want to talk about- Usagi's good with getting under people's skin and she can help Vash get past his past. And Usagi is a little too nice- Vash has had to be mean to get through sometimes. (Episode: Diablo) And while it doesn't have to be a romance... [U][I][B]Rei Hino from Sailor Moon & Inuyasha from Inuyasha [/B] [/I] [/U] They both have those sky-rocketing tempers and both will jump into action to save their friends. Did I mention that they also have these certain friends that get on their nerves 24/7? (Usagi- Shippo) I have some many more romances/friendships, but I really shouldn't. I wouldn't have enough room! :p -
Anime Which ANime Character do you dislike/ Like the Least
Chibi Devil Me replied to Chocobo Gene's topic in Otaku Central
[U][B][I]Kagome and Kikyo[/I][/B][/U]. But since they're the same person- Kagome. Kagome is always happy and peppy and cheerful. Doesn't she have STRESS in her life? And things ALWAYS go her way. How come that doesn't happen to me? Maybe she gets her way with Inuyasha because of the "Sit!" command, but still. It scares me how she's never in the background. I mean the show IS the namesake of Inuyasha. Shouldn't HE be the main one? So far, Kagome's at the top of the list. But, along down the road, there's... [U][I][B]Mamoru Chiba/Darien Shields[/B][/I][/U]. First off, I don't like traditional pairings. That includes Mamoru/Usagi. And since Usagi/Serena is my fave, you get the picture. Also, I don't like guys who go around throwing roses... (EXCEPT KURAMA! :love: I LOVE KURAMA! *super huggle*) Mamoru just seems so boring to me. I mean, REALLY! And did I mention that it seems to me, and maybe others, that Mamoru seems to love Chibi-Usa/Rini more than Usagi? That's my opinion though. [U][I][B]Relena Peacecraft/Darlin[/B][/I][/U]. Why, you ask? One, she hangs on Heero, who's my fave pilot in the whole world. (:love: Heero!) Two, well, one was my basic and most true reason. Did I mention she STALKS Heero? Doesn't she get it? :flaming: -
Hmm... OOO! Cowboy Bebop: The Real Folk Blues! Spike DIED in that episode and I was crying like a maniac. :bawl: Julia died too and I don't really understand what was wrong with Faye- other than she didn't want Spike to leave. I don't know what happened to her or Jet. I think Ed found her home. Oh, well! It was still a good episode.. One that I will NEVER forget.
Well, my mom isn't very fond of Anime. She says they look like they want to kill someone... :o *grumble* Mothers.. My dad doesn't even know what Anime is! :eek: But, my mom probably doesn't like it because I watch Adult Swim on Cartoon Network and she sees the [Adult Swim] label. I guess that's why. *shrug*
Anime What anime has the most effect on you?
Chibi Devil Me replied to Panda's topic in Otaku Central
[B][U][I]Sailor Moon[/I][/U][/B]. Right off the bat. #1. Why? Because Sailor Moon introduced me to the whole category of Anime. I started watching it everyday. Since then, most of my time was trying to find tapes so I could tape the episodes, rather than eating Cheese Puffs all day. :o Hehe... Well, there is more, but Sailor Moon is the main one. -
All right... I get it. But still. That's not fair to people who watched the dubbed. Some people can get offended by that. And I mean Offended. I know some people like that. That is what caused the so-called "War" over the dub. We know they changed it. That's also know as "Widening the Horizens", too.
:rolleyes: I'm new to the boards and I tried to resist this urge... Curiousity got the best of me. I don't think there's another one like this, but anyway. *waves* :D I started this because I noticed there are so many Anime series out there, some I don't even know. So, here you can tell about your fave Anime and why it's your fave. I personally like Sailor Moon and Trigun the most. Sailor Moon because well, one it's the first anime I ever watched! Basic reason. Trigun because Vash is in it! Also because I just happen to like western like things. It IS set in the middle of nowhere, right? I also like Gundam Wing, it's got machines and bishounen! ^___^ There's also Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh, DBZ, etc. The list is too long!
First off, I have realized that people tend to get Shounen-ai and Shoujo-ai mixed up with Yoai and Yuri. Shounen-ai and Shoujo-ai is like... the light side to their counter parts. While Shounen-ai and Shoujo-ai is soft kisses, meaningful hugs, dancing together at balls, and hand-in-hand walks in the park. Stuff like that. Yoai and Yuri is the darker side. They tend to interveined with... graphic material that usually doesn't do their counter parts ANY justice...If you catch my drift. They are usually filled with adult themes and little children are push out the room when it's mentioned... usually. But, that's just my opinion... Which I thought... ANYWAY! I'm just going blah, blah, blah, aren't I? :blah: Oh, well.
:) Me and my friend, Devin are obsessed with Inuyasha! She more than I, but that's not the point! We both believe that in the end, Miroku and Sango will get together and Inuyasha will admit his feelings to Kagome. She says that Sesshoumaru will eventually die. *cries, hits Devin* He can't die! I know he won't. Because if he does... I'LL DO SOMETHING DRASTIC! [B][I][U]VERY DRASTIC!!![/U][/I][/B] Devin: *backs against wall, scared and holding head in pain* Oh no. She's at it again. Someone call the Nut House!
Yep! I do plan on following up on Case Closed. It's a great series. Like Sailor Moon, this series is caught in a tight spot. Alot of people don't like the dubbed. I have one thing to say- OH, WELL! No offense, but you guys are blowing this way out of common sense. Just because you don't like the dubbed, doesn't mean you have to blow it up in everyone else's faces. You're acting like babies. This doesn't refer to all Dub-haters, just the ones that can't stop talking and flaming the dub. Anyway, I, on the other hand, didn't see the first ep, but I saw the second on up till now and I like the series. A lot.
Anime Who is the best anime character, in your opinon?
Chibi Devil Me replied to King Vicious 2's topic in Otaku Central
My fave? Well, my fave Male Anime char place is currently being fought for. It's either Vash the Stampede from Trigun or Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing. My fave Female Anime char is Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon. Why Vash? Because we both love Love, Peace and Donuts! Mm, donuts... :tasty: And he's funny!! Why Heero? Emotionless, quiet, trigger-happy guys are always sexy! :love: Why Usagi? I'm kinda like her. I'm clumsy, I like to eat food- non stop, and we both like Manga (comics)! -
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
Chibi Devil Me replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
I identify most with Haruka/Amara/Sailor Uranus from Sailor Moon. We're both the boyish ones in our groups and are calm, cool and collected. That is, unless we get mad! :) -
Anime Dating Anime Characters: Would You?
Chibi Devil Me replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Otaku Central
OOO! That's an easy question! There's a list of 'em! [U]Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing[/U]: Why? Because. He's one of those emotionless glaring guys. Glares are sexy. And guys who seem emotionless usually turn out to be very emotional! [U]Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha[/U]: Why? Same reason as Heero. And did I mention that he's hott? Well... He is! [U]Vash the Stampede from Trigun[/U]: Why? Because... We both love donuts! And he's just naturally kawaii and funny. What more can you ask for? I'm pretty sure there's more, I just can't find my list! Oh, yeah! [U]Trunks from DBZ[/U]: Why? I don't think I need to explain this... All you girls, and.... others, know what I'm talking about! [U]Bakura from Yu-Gi-Oh[/U]: Why? One word- YUMMY! Sweet, emotional guys are hott too, ya know! There's more, but I think I'd end up filling a whole page if I continued... *blush* *thinks of Heero, Sesshoumaru, Vash, Trunks, and Bakura* *drool* Ah.... Don't ya just love 'em! -
I know what Omar Harris means. So many people, regardless of others, have a hate towards the dubbed Sailor Moon. I also was introduced to Sailor Moon that way and I don't understand what they have against the dubbed.