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Chibi Tifa

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About Chibi Tifa

  • Birthday 08/09/1989

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  1. [QUOTE=roymund]PS! Shippo IS A GIRL!! Look at it! Season 2 Shippos in the lake taking a bath w/ Kagome! Season 3 Same thing but also with Sango. And the Subtitled version constantly refers to her as Shippo-chan and Inuyasha-sama! Why do the american versions all get screwed like that?!?!? Sorry, just a personal peeve.[/QUOTE] Umm.. if shippou is a girl then why in the episode "the stone flower and shippo's first love" does he fall in love with a girl named satsuki. And the thing with Kagome taking a bath with shippo, in the show Detective Conan, Racheal who is about kagome's age lets conan(who is a little kid... er in a little kids body) take a bath with her. im not sure about the shippo-chan thing, though. Anyway, The inuyasha game looks great, too bad its so hard to find now. Does anyone know where i can find it? Can you fight with shippo, that would be cute! I was waiting for an inuyasha game. their going to come out with another one only in an RPG style(i heard it in new type magazine) their chibi- looking too.
  2. Their finally going to show the anime this fall, only problem is it's going to be on the foxbox and 4kids is doing the dubbing (4Kids... the definition of evil), which could mean another poorly dubbed anime. I saw the opening and they made their own theme song for it that isn't so bad (it sounds like the shaman king opening). I think we all saw this coming, they replaced Sanji's cigarette with a lollipop (yep.. theres ol' Sanji, lighting his lollipop). I wonder how their going to cover up the guns in the part with the navy. Theirs alot of drinking in the series too so, just like they did in Digimon, their probably going to magically change beer to soda. Funimation would definitly do a better job on it. Lets just hope they release uncut DVDs. Who knows maybe it will turn out better than it looks.
  3. I'm waiting on reyquaza even though I already caught latios (of course i wanted latias and thats why i bought ruby instead of sapphire, but no latias is caught in sapphire only :grumble: ) But I got an ecard pass or something to an island where you can catch latias if you have ruby, but you can only go there once so i'm trying to win a masterball from lilycove. I do like the new pokemon but I wish they left in more of the old pokemon, they didn't even put evee in it.
  4. I am completly against Miguzi. I still don't like the concept of "american made anime" totally spies is probably the worst of them, its basically a bunch of girly girls whining about their clothes, hair, and boy problems and it has a plot that never thickens. Code Lyoko might have done well if it hadn't taken so much from digimon, gave a proper first episode, and didn't end the same way every episode (and again the plot never thickens), I don't even see a plot in teen titians, all I see is random ideas taken from other anime and a bunch of poorly draw anime facial expressions slapped together. In all these shows they take the basics from anime and never give a deeper meaning behind it. You may say Im only saying bad things about them because their american made but I don't hate all american anime I think jackie chan adventures is a good example of an american made anime that was very well made. It has a plot that deepens throughout the series and unlike miguzi shows Its actually really funny. People who like miguzi please don't flame me im just trying to express my opinion. oh yeah I think "Miguzi" was supposed to be "Mizugi" which means swimsuit.
  5. Fooly Cooly was short but sweet! If you look behind the insanity then you'll see it has more meaning than you think, besides I don't think it's supoosed to make much sense and it's incredibly funny. How could anyone not like alien girls pointlessly smashing people with guitars. :laugh: It's definitly one of my favorite seris.
  6. Some people just don't get the point of anime, they never see the "deeper meaning" behind it. I've given up on trying to convince my friends that anime is not like the "cartoons" their used to. And most anime that comes here turns into a fad for little kids. So many people here like anime only because its a fad.
  7. The best system, in my opinion, was the Sega Dreamcast. It had the best games like power stone and Marvel vs. Capcom. It also had the first 3-D sonic games. *sigh* for five years I was cut off from the video game world because my brother overdid it on playing them all the time so it was taken away from the both of us and then I won the Dreamcast in raffle and all was right in the world :D .
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