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  1. no i like them alot though the 1st ones transparent looks a little messy but its ok ... but the one im useing now looks great :D
  2. thanks that looks great are they both trasparent? ah don't worry about that i might be able too but thanks alot.. but if you have any more ideas on them i will be glad to use them :D
  3. i wanted to know if anyone could amp up this two images for me in anyway to make them cooler and much better :D so please and thankyou [img]http://img38.photobucket.com/albums/v118/sogetsu/another_sig.gif[/img]
  4. hey i don't have any good programs so can someone help me with somthing i wan't this image to be transparent [img]http://www.fftrealm.com/upload/1088311505-013_cloudadventchillen.gif[/img] but if you could add some other cool stuff to it like some kind of border thing .. maybe even animated it would be even better for me also i would need this image to be 90 by 90 at most and then another one with a size that would be best for here if anyone can do this it would be great .. one last thing i would also like the name "Strife" on there if it will fit right.. thanks
  5. sweet man could you make me a avatart to match it that is 100x100 pixels.. that would rock man
  6. hey that looks cool could you make some for me too only use AC pics and a bit darker background.. that would be great and i would be useing it for another fourm so could you make it is Strife on there that would be great
  7. oh that is really coom man i like the colors alot .. how did you manage it? also i see no one wanted to try the cloud strife one :P oh well... i am very happy so thanks alot :D
  8. hey that looks really cool and i hope someone trys the others out for me too :D.. anyone :P
  9. hey everyone can someone make me a sweet avatar and sig of vash the stampede and make the pic fit this quote "He's a crazy man who's not afraid of anything. Even though he's been scarred from head to toe, he well always be there."or a sig of cloud strife with some cool effects :D thanks btw you can e-mail the images to [url]www.cloudy_mind88@hotmail.com[/url] if you wish and thank you to all that do this for me i am very greatful
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