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About 17yamcha

  • Birthday 12/29/1986

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  1. i want to say.........i need to say....is that i really didnt think much about the terrorist attack....... but tonight i heard one of my freinds b/f and best freind was killed.....and i creid.....but also i realized some thing.....you are going to kill me for saying this.....the terrorists tehy died beliveing in waht they belived....there not bad....... tehy died beliving in what they thought was truelly right..... can u blame them for that? what is the true criminal to this heinus crime is when......when people.....*cries* when they teach the younger generation that people of differnet belifes.........or race....or opinion are wrong and bad......because that is wrong.....everyone has a opinion that helps anotehr person.....and what makes are world work is when people can give differnet opinions....so i want to say dont only blame the terrorists balme the people that drilled them in the belife taht other people are inferior to urself.....taht is the true crime......this is what i belive.....people mey hate me......but this is what i belive in and will stand up for this.....even though others might think i am wrong
  2. tleannef^^ thats mine^^
  3. be my freind thread like hell i'll do that :eek: thats not my style^^ i do things my own way^_~ and that in cludes puttin up my womans activists ****^^ -_-they didnt get it at my last board...and anyhow i've got tons of freinds^_~ but sadly there like all guys-_-i need gurls to talk to-_-and anyhow i just wanted to chit chat sooooooo there u dummys^^ i put up odd topics like calling a admin gay.......and another putting up womans activist stuff....*thinks.......*and calling people cowards...........but still everyone luvs them^^ yup yup^_~*chattter*..............*mummbles*this not good im..................really bad*faints*...........
  4. i start the 6th though it officially starts the 7th^_~
  5. i gave up on grammer long time ago because its hard for me to typer fast and keep my grammer..............i do write well and i do have to get ready for school so i'll try to get my grammer back up^^it'll be hard you know^^i got in a habit^^
  6. a right and a wrong dont aways balance each other out u made the example taht a kid made a breakfas but messed up teh kitchen.....if he/she cleaned up the kitchen it would then be ok......if someone killed someone else and then saved someone they still have killed someone and life cant be brought back. in this cas eit doesnt matter that u saved a life.......that was good but u still have on your concuence(what ever)taht u killed sumone and no matter what u did ad all the rights u did someone is daed because of your actions.........did taht make sence or was i rambling-_-
  7. im gonna go there^^ when im older^^
  8. i was just wonderin why people here really arnt that freindly..........
  9. i was asking for help.....and i dont care that u made my warning go up.............i care taht u made my freindz go up.....and i dont have a reason to hate (infact i dont hate anyone^^) just be angry at anyone set goten cuss u dint do nuthin^^and i think what u did was really mean goten and now my freinds are pissed......-_-and tahts not good.........and whats wrong woth being hyper......now im sick from eating to much-_- :( and what will befall me next is undertermained-_- cuss i fell real shitty.............remind me to not eat chocolate to extreams......i dont feel well*runs to the bathroom*oohhhhhh*nasty sounds can be heard.....*
  10. ssjgoten u r a muther ####er u know that u made my freinds really angry so dont even think biout postin in my threads you jack@$$ and i didnt know i had to look at my e-mail its a junk mess i never check it and i have over a 150 unread messages so shut the **** up oh k u jack@$$
  11. i alreadt posted in intros^^and im really hyper i was just saying since im a newie here people should be nice and respond to my thread^^and by odd and twisted i didnt mean gross-_-im not that way..............**** him............hurntin my freind...*mumbles.......*
  12. hi im really hyper*jumps up and down* im a new member and as new member i demand taht people post odd and twisted things here^^
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