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Everything posted by InuyashaLvr

  1. Hey guyz! me again! lol Newho I was just writin to say I found out good news..... I get my braces off November 16! Yyyyaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!! Wish me luck u guyz! Oh and "used to be sepphy" ur so cute! hehe! JOKING! ahhh leave me alone ^^ BWAHAHAHAHAHA :D Ok I'm leavin! Peace :D
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]wow dude!!!!! u look so pwetty! lol JK! I've got em too u guyz... I've had mine for almost a year and a half now.. But.. I GET THEM OFF IN A MONTH! YEAH! lol. You pplz without braces just dont even know the pain and agony of braces! lol. plus ur kinda cute! lol *runs away* WEAR UR RETAINER MAN! lol :D Peace! ~vanna~[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]I'm kinda confused.......... but I'll help all that I can!But I'm a natural blonde, so being confused comes easily to me! lol :D PM me with any info! Good Luck! Hah! Im only 14 and I can spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! (off Mary Poppins) hehehe lol ^^ :laugh: [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  4. InuyashaLvr


    [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]Alright.. I'm not gonna take this.. First off.. It's InuyashaLvr. Get it right. Second... How in the hell did I prove your point? I felt offended by your respond so I answered with anger! what do you expect???? third... I have a question that I want you to answer. How do you know if adam and eve or the garden of whatever is true? you weren't there? ALSO! WHICH ONE IS GOD????? GOD OR JESUS? YOU'VE JUST SCREWED YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU REFERED THEM TO BE THE SAME PERSON WHENCE FORTH YOUR BIBLE SAYS THEY R TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE![/COLOR][/SIZE] EDIT::: what a coward......
  5. InuyashaLvr


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]WAIT A MINUTE!!!!!! You make non-christians seem like stupid incoherrant idiots! Just because we dont believe in "one man that does no wrong" doesn't mean were idiots! No offense but I think it's a little obserred to believe that a man who DIED can come back whenever he likes! It makes no sense! "Hey God! How was it down underground?" "Awww.... 7200 years flew by!" DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE? Plus we dont damn ourselves! ALSO! How do u know if you're going to heaven or hell? Just because you are a "chrstian" doesn't mean your going to a great place after death! You have NO way of saying where you're going to or not going to go!!!!!!!!!! wait... I'm sorry about that.. it was really uncalled for.. but it's true... you dont have to write something like that because it makes us seem like complete idiots who want to condemn oursevefs to hell... and it's not true![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]It looks awesome! can't wait to get it! lol. My friend has DDR2 and pad, but I'm still saving up to get one... I dont know about you guys but I LOVE the song Ghosts on DDR2. Plus Heaven is really awesome on heavy! but.. lets just say I haven't quite mastered that yet ^^ lol :D [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  7. InuyashaLvr


    My friend and I are wiccan.. We've been studying on it for 2 years now We don't try any spells or anything. But we're considered 'Duotheists'. We believe in a god and goddess. A male and a female that keep our world in order and strengthens us. Alot of people think we are witches... There IS a difference!!!!!! Wicca is a religion, a belief, while witchcraft is nothing but a senseless act of magic. Also.... Many of you think wiccan is satan worshipping... it's not.. I have to clearify this.... The only points of similarity is that both use the sign of the five point star. But santainism, places two points on the top. Wiccan places two points on the bottom. Also... both religions perform rituals with a cirlce on the floor or ground. One more thing... Santanism and Wiccan both support magic. But wicca's are limited to very positive magic. Otherwise know as "white magic', while santanism supports 'black magic'. O.k.... sorry if I rambled.... But I really wanted to clear my head...thanks for taking the time to read this! *-. Savanah .-*
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Well.. alot of people have different opinions....correct?Well.. I want to voice mine... "goths" are not devil worshippers.... some may not believe in god but they do believe in a higher power... goths arent always depressed or walk around like they're dead... just because they are a little different, doesn't mean they are idiots... also... if gap owns anyone's soul ,may they all have a quick painless death! lol jk :D I know alot of you probably won't agree with me, but I've benn "gothic" since I was 7... I don't believe in god or the devil.. but I do believe in a god and a goddess... I may wear black, but I do smile and I do laugh! :laugh:
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Well... I though I had posted in thins... But I'll do it again for fun and so more people will see! ^^ My name is Savannah. (I hate my name..... so my nickname is Vanna) I live in Tennessee,USA. I'm 14 and a freshman in highschool! YAY ^^ I dont exactly have a job yet.. although I need one.. But I'm trying to get an application from Krogers or MacDonalds! lol. But I do help my father mow yards in the summer! So fun! and u get a great tan! lol. But yeah..... That's me in a nutshell for ya'! *-. Savannah .-*[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][I][COLOR=DarkRed]Well.... I really hope I'm not just like Inu-chan! lol. I dont wanna kill neone! Unless of corse it's Kikyo and Kagome *plots revenge* BWAHAHAHAHA *cough* sorry. But I usually sign my name on my posts... well sometimes... But the main reason I picked InuyashaLvr as my screename is because I am an obsessive fan! hehe ^^ I've been a fan of Inuyasha for about 2 or 3 years now.. One of em! lol. Well..yeah... that's my answer! :D Evil Kiyko and Kagome Killer, :devil: *-. Savannah .-*[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=2][I][COLOR=DarkRed]O.k.... I really have to argue with you on this one kenshins babe. First off.... making fun of or putting someone down because they are younger than you is dispicable and rude.... Sure all of us do it everynow and then, but try not to over exxagerate such a small thing... Second.... MAYBE just MAYBE their having trouble! You could help them. I've been in the band for about 4 years now, it's not very easy when you first start out, and it takes a year or two to get used to everything am I not right? We're you a little confused when you first started? Third... TECHNICALLY you're a younger kid... so am I... but I am a freshman in highschool... So next time.... think of a better title, cause' it kind of puts all of us down. Sorry if I sound irrational, but I don't think this is right. You're younger than alot of us on here, and technically you fall under your own title... thanks for listening to my consitant blabering... *-. InuyashaLvr .-* [/COLOR] [/I] [/SIZE]
  12. [B][COLOR=DarkRed]hey! i'm just writing to say... dude... you are WAY too young! see, I'm only 14 too, but I mean come on! Sure I know we're all gonna think about it sometime,but that's mainly because of our "sexual hormones" or whatever you wanna call 'em... but no offence or anything but right now you just sound like a horny little freak... sorry to say so..... well that's my opinion.... sorry if I offended anyone... EDIT: P.S. by the way... i've been dating my b/f for about 2 months and we already know we're in love and we wish to save our virginity. and i know alot of ppl are going to disagree with me when I say in love, but I'm telling the truth. I really want to marry my b/f when I get older... wow... i sound like an idiot now.. well newho. dude, i went out with one guy for 3 years, and i wouldn't have sex with him. that's the only reason we're still not going out. so..again....you're too young, and believe me.. you're girlfriend needs to slap herself... she must be really stupid to wanna have a child at 15.. sheesh...[/COLOR][/B]
  13. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]Ummm...Hello? I never knew that this RP cancelled? Is anyone going to post?It's a great RP and I don't wanna see it die this way! Come on people!!!!PLEASE???? -vanna-[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]Hmm... Days that scare me... #1::: Definately next Wensday. Mainly because I have to regeister for high school, and it's two story building. O.o I'm going to get SO lost! lol. #2::: The day I met a clown...I don't exactly know why this scared me, but I've never been able to get near a clown since...hate them..so freaky... Well that's basically it! If I think of anymore I'll post em'! -=-=-=-=-=-=- STAY ON TOPIC PEOPLE!lol :D [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  15. [B][COLOR=DarkRed]OCC: OK OKOK! Sorry sephy! dont bite my head off!! [CENTER]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/CENTER] Kat walked into the living room and turned on the tv. She plopped down on the couch with her ice cream, and started watching he news. "Tonight we have had a series of break in's" said a reporter. "It seems to be two female suspects, and three males. All around there 20's. We have reason to believe that one of the suspects is Ryu Hanz a thief worth $30 million!They were last seen in this car and van. Bounty hunters get looking!"Kat jumped up and threw her ice cream on the couch. "Damnit damnit damnit!" Kiyo yelled as she pulled on her over coat and boots. "Sasuke!I will catch you!! You..you bastard!!!"Kiyo ran out the door,locked it and headed toward her car. She got in and slammed the gas. In no time she was on the main highway and looking for any sign of them. She soon saw the van in the parking lot an pulled in next to it. She saw two women talking and rolled down her passenger side window. BJ and Melody looked alarmed at the sight of the car. What if it was Valentine? "Have either one of you seen Ryu Hanz or Hayshi Sasuke?" a woman's voice said. BJ lowered her head and looked into the car."Uh uh. Nope and seen nobody by those names!Sorry lady!" she said acting stupid.Melody nodded her head.Kat made a grunting noise. "O.K. Thank you anyway ladies." BJ and Melody nodded and waved as the car squeeled out of the parking lot. "Phew! That was a close one!"BJ said as she turned around to face Melody. "Why'd you lie to her BJ?" Melody asked. "I...I don't really know Melody..."BJ said as she lowered her head. Both of the ladies got into the van, and drove away back to Jack's place. [CENTER]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/CENTER] OCC: Sheesh Sephy! Breath man! I posted! lol. How's that?[/COLOR][/B]
  16. InuyashaLvr

    Loves Program

    [B][COLOR=DarkRed]OCC: hehehe poor vase!lol [CENTER]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/CENTER] Kiyo,Shaun, and Steven headed for the skate park. When they got there it was around 9 AM and it was completely silent. Shaun grinned and on his skate board ran towards a quick jump and landed perfectly. Kiyo gave a big thumbs up and headed off to a rail on her roller blades. Steven sat there for a minute then headed off with Shaun on his skate board. "Hey guys?" Kiyo asked as she landed from the rail, "What do you think this is all about???" Steven landed and skated to Kiyo. "I'm not exactly sure but we'll find out soon!" He smiled and looked at Kiyo with assurance. Shaun stopped skating and looked at Kiyo and Steven. "Hey Kiyo?" "Yeah?" "Ummm...I know I shouldn't really do this..But what was your dream about?"Shaun asked nervously. Steven glared at Shaun and looked back at Kiyo.Her face was so pale, and she looked as if she was going to break down and cry. Kiyo wiped the tears from her eyes and sat down. "I....I was in a lab....I think... and there were these contianers...or capsules or something...and I looked in them....and ..and..." Kiyo lowered her head so her hair would cover her eyes. "Everyone was in them....Steven...Naino...Julia...Me...You...." Kiyo burst into tears. "It was so scary Shaun! It felt so real!" Steven picked up his skateboard and walked over to Kiyo. "It's ok! Everything will be ok! Don't worry about it! Hey I know! Let's go meet Julia and Naino at the pool! You'll completely forget about it! Promice!" Steven smiled trying to help Kiyo. Kiyo laughed, "I must look like a complete idiot!" "No!!! Kiyo we've known you since we were 10! We know how funny you are and how crazy you are!" said Steven joking around. "And.. We know when you're telling us something seriously. And we know when we should listen!" said Shaun as he walked over to Kiyo. "C'mon! Let's go swimming! I call dibs on the diving board!" yelled Shaun as he put one of Kiyo's arms around his shoulders and Steven put the other one around his. Then they both pulled Kiyo all the way to the pull on her roller blades falling almost every two seconds!When they finally got to the pool all of them had tears in theie eyes from laughing so hard. [CENTER]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/CENTER] OCC: Hope it's ok! :D [/COLOR] [/B]
  17. InuyashaLvr

    Loves Program

    [COLOR=RoyalBlue]OCC: wait up! lol [CENTER]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/CENTER] [I]Kiyo heard Steven yelling at Shaun for hitting him, and she quickly jumped up knowing what was probably about to happen. Naino landed on Kiyo's palet with a thud.[/I] "Danget! How do you move so fast???" Naino asked raising up while holding the back of her head. "Dunno, just insticnt I guess." Kiyo replied in a sleepy voice. [I]Kiyo headed up stairs to change. She put on a wife beater and black tie and some flared blue jeans the almost completely covered her tennis shoes. She plodded back down the stairs and went to the kitchen only to find no more poptarts.[/I] "OK! NOW SOMEBODY'S GONNA DIE!!!" Kiyo yelled from the kitchen. [I]She ran and tackled Shaun to the floor holding his arms back and sitting on top of him.[/I] "O.k.! Who ate my poptart???" Kiyo said. "Oppz!That was yours???" Shaun asked in a mocking vioce."Don't worry! We have another box hidden in the cabinets!" Shaun said as he laughed. [I]Kiyo got up and dragged Shaun to the kitchen by the ear. She let go, and he went to the cabinet and pulled out a box.She took a poptart and threw it in the toaster.Shaun stood beside her.[/I] "Hey...about last night... Are you ok now?" Shaun asked with concern on his face. [I]Kiyo stood still for a minute and looked at Shaun with tears in her eyes. She shook her head and tried to hide the quiver(sp?) in her voice.[/I] "Y...Yeah. I'm fine." [I] Kiyo pulled her poptart out of the oven and sat down in front of the window to eat it. Everyone looked at Shaun and he nodded his head. They hadn't told Kiyo about the letter yet.[/I] "Hey Kiyo, you remember that letter?" Kiyo nodded."Well we got another one." Julia said. [I]Kiyo turned around quickly with half of her poptart sticking out of her mouth. Her face went pale. She took the poptart out. [/I] "So....w..what'd it say?" She asked with a mouth full. "We're going to go see them. Thet're gonna pay us money for it! We can save up enough to get some good gigs for the band!' Shaun said. "Yeah! We can even buy new microphones and stuff!!!" Steven said excitedly. [I]Kiyo smiled hidiing her nervousness and turned around and looked at the window.[/I] "Ummm.... Kiyo??? What was in your dream that freaked you out so bad?" Naino asked out of the blue. [I]Kiyo froze and started cring. Julia walked up to her and put her arm around her.[/I] "It's ok! You don't have to tell us! Don't worry about it! It wasn't real!" Julia said as she glared at Naino for bringing up the subject. [I]Kiyo knew it was a dream...But it felt so real....There was no way she would be able to forget about it.[/I] [CENTER]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/CENTER] Hope its ok![/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]OCC:: BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *cough cough* uh sorry! Hairball! (=^-^=) lol jk! [CENTER]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/CENTER] [I]Katsune ran down the streets to the flashing police car lights.[/I] "W..what.... happened???" Kat asked through gasps while knealing over trying to catch her breath. "A young man, around 20, stole some valuables, bread, and some money." One of the policemen said. "Damnit!!! Sasuke!!!! Ugh! I could've caught him!" Kat yelled. [I]She walked down the street towards her apartment mumbling to herself the whole way.She unlocked her door and walked in. She threw down her jacket and bag on the couch, and walked towards the shower undressing on the way.[/I] [CENTER]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/CENTER] [I]Hayshi woke up to Ryu singing in the kitchen and dancing around like a lunitic.[/I] "La de dum!Singing in the rain!" Ryu sand as he twirled around to see Hayshi laughing."Hayshi! I...didn't know you were awake!" Ryu exclaimed as his face turned bright red. "No...wonder..you idiot!!!Your singing...woke...me..up!!!!! Hayshi yelled through laughing. He fell to the floor with tears flowing down his cheecks. Ryu got mad and through a piece of bread at him. "You know.. You could be a little bit more respectyive Hayshi!!!!!!" yelled Ryu. "Oh! I'm so sorry!! Next time I'll clap!" laughed Hayshi. [I]Ryu stomped off through the apartment and slammed his bedroom door. "What an idiot!" thought Sasuke as he laughed to himself.[/I] Hey Ryu, I'll be back later!" yelled Sasuke as he walked out of the door. "Yeah ok! Whatever..." Ryu yelled. [I]Sasuke ran through the alley and pulled his cap down over his face so no one would know who he was.[/I] "Sir! Excuse me!" Hayshi heard from behind him. [I]Damnit! They know who I am! Stay cool! Don't freak out! Hayashi told himself as the officer came up to him holding a picture of Ryu.[/I] "Have you seen this man???" "No sir, I'm terribly sorry but I haven't." Hayashi said in a low grumbly voice. "Well, thank you anyway!" said the officer while tipping his hat and running to the next person one street. [I]Sasuke turned around and ran as fast as he could to the alley. He ran through the door and locked it behind him...[/I] "Ryu?????" Hayshi yelled while he caught his breath. "What?? What's wrong Hayshi???" Ryu said as he ran out of his room. "They have... a picture.. of..you!!!" Sasuke said through breaths. [CENTER]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/CENTER] OCC:: Hope it's ok for the first post in here! ^-^;[/COLOR]
  19. InuyashaLvr

    Loves Program

    [COLOR=RoyalBlue]OCC:: Sorry if it's a little long, but I was bored and I wanted it to be good! ^-^; [CENTER]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/CENTER] [I]Everyone stared at Naino for the longest time, waiting for her to explain it. But they soon heard Naino's heaving breathing, and knew that she was asleep.[/I] "What do you think it's about?" Shaun asked while he stared at the ceiling. "I don't know...maybe Naino will tell us more tomorrow..." Julia said as she rolled over to face Shaun. "Hmmm... Oh well! Let's get some sleep and think about this in the morning with a clear head.. Night!" Steven said as he shifted under the covers and fell asleep almost instantly. [I]Kiyo sat there still propped up watching the movie and everyone else.She didn't know what the letter was about exactly but for some reason, it seemed familiar. Kiyo glanced at Julia...asleep...Steven...asleep...Naino..asleep...Shaun...[/I] "Hey Shaun?You awake?"Kiyo said as she stared at Shaun's back. He rolled over. "Yeah....Kiyo?Why do I feel like I know what that letter is about?" Shaun asked with a confused look. "I...I don't know....I feel the same way...." Kiyo said at almost a whisper. Shaun reached over and touched Kiyo's leg.His hands were so warm and caring at that moment, Kiyo wished she could always feel Shaun's touch. "It's ok. We'll find out something tomorrow! I promice!" Shaun smiled, "Now, I command you to go to sleep!!!!!!!" Shaun yelled. "SSSSSSHHHHHHHAAAAAAAUUUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!" his mother yelled. "Oops! Forgot! Sorry mom!" Shaun said as he rubbed the back of his head. Kiyo laughed and slid under the covers as Shaun came up to tackle her. He sat on top of her and laughed. "Ha! Pinned ya!" Shaun said while laughing with Kiyo. Shaun got up and went back to his spot and covered up. "Night sis!" Shaun said. "Night!" Kiyo whispered as she snuggled in the covers and turned the T.V. off. [I]Kiyo has always liked Shaun, mainly as a brother, but still a little bit more than a friend. She envied Julia whenever they hugged or kissed in front of her. She usually just walked away pretending to go get something. She tries not to show it, but sometimes it's to hard... And she gives into flirtiing. But never in front of Julia, she couldn't do that to her best friend. Kiyo laid there for a little while before dozing off into a peaceful dream about the movie....Her dream suddenley took a turn. She was in some kind of lab, with containers. She walked up to a container... SHAUN!! No! What is this??? She ran to all the other containers to find Naino, Julia, and Steven! She ran to a corner crying and covering her face. What is this place? What's going on????[/I] "Kiyo!! Kiyo! Wake up!!!!!" Shaun screamed as he shook Kiyo who was screaming. "What's going on?? Julia said as she rolled over. Kiyo woke up with tears fllowing down her cheeks and Shaun standing up over her. "Kiyo? Are you ok???" Shaun said with concern in his voice. [I]Kiyo looked at Shaun and burried her face into his chest. Shaun wrapped his arms around her and held her close.[/I] "It's ok Kiyo! It's ok! It was just a dream..." Shaun whispered as he rocked back and forth with Kiyo in his arms. [I]Kiyo fell asleep in Shaun's arms and he laid her down and slept next to her to make sure she would be ok. Naino, leaned over to she if everyone was asleep.[/I] "Yep.. Thought so.. Oh well..." Thought Naino as she looked around at everyone.SHe rolled vack over and dozed off...[/COLOR]
  20. InuyashaLvr

    Loves Program

    OCC:: Sorry I'm late!lol! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [I]Kiyo, and the rest of the gang headed toward the living room.Everyone was still arguing over the movie, and Kiyo was getting upset.[/I]. "HEY! SHUT UP!!!!!" Kiyo yelled over all of them. Everyone went silent and Kiyo smiled. "Thank you! Now, that I have your attention, how about we watch 'House on Haunted Hill'?" "Yeah! Awesome Movie!" Naino exclaimed as her face brightened at the name of the movie. "Eh? What's that?" Steven asked. "You've never seen House on Hauted Hill??? Well, then... That settles it! Everybody sit down, and I'll put it in!" Kiyo said. [I]Kiyo reaced into her bright blue backpack (which she always carries around), and pulled out the movie. She put it in and sat down on the couch with everyone else. She took a pillow from Steven and got comfy.[/I] "Hey!Mine!" Steven said as he fought Kiyo for the pillow. [I] He finally gave in and gave it to her. Kiyo stuck her tongue out and laughed. Steven punched Kiyo in the leg lightly.[/I] "Alright everybody! Mom's making pizza!" Shaun yelled from the kitchen as he was walking toward the living room. "SSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" was the only responce he got from his friends. [I] He laughed quietly and started walking toward them. He walked past the front door and saw someone run by the window.[/I] "W-what the f..???" [I]Shaun ran to the door and opened it to see who was outside. But no one was there! He shook his head thinking he was seeing things. He walked back in he house and locked the door. As soon as he turned around there was a letter lying in front of his feet. He picked up the letter and opened it...[/I] "Shaun?? Are you coming? Hurry up! This is a good movie!" yelled Naino from the living room. "Yeah... I'll be there in a minute.... " Shaun said quietly as he read the letter. Julia gave Steven a concerned look, so Steven got up to go check on him. "Hey man, you ok? Steven asked as he saw Shaun's face. "Read this..." Shaun handed the letter to Steven. Steven stared at Shaun with a confused look, then read the letter. [I][B]Dear Mr.Glacier, Mr.Yugo, Mrs. Aquarius, Mrs.Hatsune, and Mrs.Wantanabe, We are scientist from the national cooporation of D.N.E (Dawn of the New Era), and we need your help......[/B][/I] [I][CENTER]To Be Continued...[/CENTER][/I] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hope I left you guys at a nice cliff hanger! If it need changes PM me!
  21. Thank you both sooo much! I really appreciate it! :D
  22. well... I basically know only 3 words... Kawaii, Konnichiwa, and Arigoto (I don't even think I spelled them right) Oh well! I really want to learn so I'm trying! lol. Bye! ~vanna~
  23. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]can me join?can me can me can me???lol! well! here we go! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name:: Yuki Aiymeshe Age:: 17 Gender:: Female Race:: Elve Class:: Knight Element:: Air Appearance:: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/43-6.htm]~clicky me~[/URL] Weapon:: Yuki uses a large katana, about twice her size, called the Hotumu by her mother. It was blessed by the priest in her small village and Yuki's element air, can be passed through the sword as a very strong attack. If she doesn't want to use her katana, she either uses her element or picks up whatever she can find. Bio:: Yuki is from a small elvish village where she learned to battle when she was around 5 years old. She looks very young, but don't let that fool you! Her parents were killed by the darkness, so now she sets out to destroy anything to deal with it. Personality:: (hope you dont mind me adding it ^^) Yuki, is very smart and intelligent, though she doesn't show it until talking about fighting. She's a cluts, and shes always talking and getting on people's nerves. But she's very kind, funny, and sweet. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- hows that?[/COLOR]
  24. [quote name='Harry']...I can't think of anyone that's been best friends with their ex...[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=2]Well... It can happen! Two of my ex bfs are still my friends! They've actually turned into more of brother figures now! It's really awesome if you do keep a friend after a breakup, because you get closer to them! :D Good luck with the whole bf thingy. Me personally wouldn't go out with his friend until me and my bf were settled and still friends. But if you go after his friend a.s.a.p. after the break up, sorry to say but you're f***ed up!!! Well..Yeah... I'm done..[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE=DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms] If he'd been in front of me, I might have hit him. Gahhh... They continued going out for a month and a half, for reasons completely beyond me.[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=2]I would've killed him right then and there!!!! Why in the world did they still go out???? :eek: There is absolutely no reason any girl or guy should change themselves for another! Sheesh! What's wrong with people theses days? O.o;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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