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Everything posted by InuyashaLvr
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]hmm.... do sizes matter? I hate it when guys only go out with girls for there breasts. I'm not afraid to admit this, I don't have big brests and I really don't want them!I mean yeah I have a B size, good enough for me! :p Basically the so called "popular" girls all have big boobs. Whoopity Freakin Doo! Yeah, I don't care if guys do look at girls breast but cmon, "Oh my god, Brian. Look at her boobs. They're like SO big!" lol. sorry but that's how some guys act! and I can NOT stand it!!!! Plus I feel sorry for girls that have really big boobs! Like Jessica Simpson(not really that big) [QUOTE][I][COLOR=Magenta]My boobs are too big!!!! -Jessica Simpson playing golf with Nick -[/COLOR][/I][/QUOTE] lol. ok well I'm done!!!! :D [/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]Hmm... good female singers you say?Well.. I have different categories!! Some have a song out beside them because thats my favorite song that they sing! lol(=^-^=) Rock:: Amy (Haunted) - band- Evanescence Pop:: Beyonce (Naughty Girl) Jessica Simpson (Take my breath away) -dumb as a rock, but I love her voice- Lillix Group (don't really know any of there songs, but oh well, they are pretty good) Country:: Reba M. (Somebody) Gretchen Williams (Redneck Woman)[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]hmmm... yes.... we need a story, but I would love to join! (=^-^=) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Name:: Kiyo Age:: 14 Fur:: Silver Gender:: Female Appearance::[URL=http://www.boyis.com/html/download.php?id=1478&sort=1]-human form-[/URL] I couldn't find a good wolf form picture, here's a description anyway! When in wolf form, Kiyo's fur is A silver color that shimmers in the moonlight, hey eyes glow a baby blue, which seem to look straight through you, into your soul. Personality:: Kind, sweet,funny, clumsy yet very flirty and cute. History:: Parents were killed by hunters when she was 11. She's been living at different places since then. She doesn't remember anything else before her parents were killed. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well, I hope that's ok! If not pm me and tell me if I need to change anything! Thank you!!! ~vanna~[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]Shesshomaru, that was sweet! I wish I knew alot of guys like you! lol. Anyway, guys... o.k. not trying to be rude or anything.. but did you by any chance read the threads title??? STRICTLY GIRL TALK... hmmm... I wonder if that means anything??? :rolleyes: well guys, if you dont like what we're typing DONT COME! duh! get it right the first time! :D Sorry if I offended anyone! :) [/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][I] Any kind of bullying sucks!!!!!! I mean come on! Don't you agree??? My old Middle School actually had to take Bullying classes, because there were so many fights!!! I remember in seventh grade, I had my own bully. I had just moved in with my dad, and I sat in the front of the bus because I didn't know anyone. Well next thing I knew, *THWACK*, I got smacked in the back of the head with a full bottle of white out... Ow... Well... we became friends.. blah blah blah... then she went to highschool, got pregnant, killed her baby... great for her... I dread going to highschool this year, because I know I'm going to get pushed around, and I'm scared to death... Owell... O.k. Well I'm done rambling! Bye! ~vanna~[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][I] Well... Let's see... I can't take your poll. I can't stand either Bush or Kerry! Neither of them should be our president! That's why I wish someone would rise up and beat both of them!!! Reasons why:: Bush... Hmm... What is there really to say about him? Ah! I know something!! WE'RE KIND OF AT WAR! Yes. That'll do. He has the power to stop this war, and he won't do it!¡!Doesn't he know how bad of an influence it is? Guess not... He's still killing many innocent civilians of Iraq, and our own men. Yeah! He's a GREAT guy! right... Plus illegal usage of anime in one of his ads! I mean come on! I know it's not that hard to go up to an anime compony and say " Yes, may we please use a picture of Wolfwood off of Trigun in one of our ads?" there is even a thread about that on otaku! Search for it! O.k. Enough about him... Kerry... Hmm... Well lets see... For one, he doesn't want to support our troops! I know they shouldn't be over there, but while they are at least give them something to stay alive with! Do you not agree? Plus, he's so for tax raising! I may not have to pay taxes, but my parents do, and I know it's hard on them! Plus, again he's for raising gas prices! I mean come on! They're only two bucks a gallon! I'm so sorry my parents aren't rich Mr. Kerry!!! So yeah... I'm only 14, so I can't exactly vote. But I wanted to voice my opinion. Whoever actually takes the time to read this, thanks! Do you agree???Well, I'm done! Bye!!! ~vanna~[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]Well, I'm not sure about the cheese thing, but I have heard of it! Anyway, my mom told me milk is supposed to help you sleep and have good dreams. But I wouldn't know about the dreams, because if I drink milk before I go to sleep, I don't remember my dreams! lol :laugh: Oh well! Good luck on finding out!lol :D ~vanna~[/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]I think the word " Giglabooga" :eek: is hillarious!!! I usually say it when I'm tongue tied or just really mad! lol. Try it out sometime! hehehe :D So yeah..i'm done!!!! :laugh: [/COLOR]
OCC: Kawaii!!!!! Hiroshi a wampyre??? :eek: AYahhh!!! Gimme a minute to catch up, I've been out of town!lol :laugh: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hiroshi and Kuroichi run and jump out the window. Kuroichi grabs Hiroshi's hand with tenderness and helps her get used to her new body and speed. [I]Daki... I did love you... but Kuroichi showed me a new way... I'm sorry... Rest in peace my dear friend...[/I] thought Hiroshi as she was running with Kuroichi. "Are you ok my love?" asked Kuroichi with a hint of concern on his voice. He cleared his throught knowing that he had shown a sign of affection. Hiroshi smiled and her eyes shimmered. "Yes Kuroichi, I'm fine!" Kuroichi smiles and they keep running toward the woods. But Kuroichi was harming himself. He was letting his guard down because he was watching over Hiroshi.Kiyo was following them, along with Eve not too far behind. "How could she let him kill Daki?????" whispered Kiyo with tears flowing into her eyes, blurring her vision. She wiped away at the tears and kept thinking of Daki. Eve came up beside Kiyo. "Are you ok?" "Yeah... I'll be fine. Just give me a minute."whispered Kiyo. "You know, it's not your fault he's dead.It's her's." "But I could've saved him!!! I could've jumped out and blocked it!!!!!"screamed Kiyo. "Hush! It's not your fault! You have to understand that." "I can't right now... I just can't..." Eve put her hand in Kiyo's for support and they flew toward Kuroichi and Hiroshi in silence.Kiyo plotted revenge......[/COLOR] OCC: Sorry it's not much, but it's all I could come up with. Sorry :D
[quote name='Gelgoog Pilot']AND SHE LIKES PLAYING VIDEOGAMES MAN! How often do you find girls who like videogames that much? I sure wish i could find one heh.[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]heh?¡?¡ :confused: I luv video games!!!! Sheesh! Alot of girls do! At least I think they do... Oh great I just made a complete idiot of myself... Wonderful.. Oh well... I'll live... :o Anyway, SephirothX go for it!!! You two are great friends and even if she did say no, it wouldn't effect your friendship! :) Good luck![/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Ahh... Me in a nutshell you say? It's eating me! :eek: lol. Just playing. Anyways, I'm a soon-to-be freshman (Woohoo!Gonna get lost in the highschool!It's two floors! Whoo Hoo! lol :laugh: ) I live in Tennessee,USA. I play flute, keyboard, and acc. and elec. guitar. ummm... I'm 14... and thats me in a nutshell>>> :help: Well... not many people live near me... :( *tear* well... I'm leaving! bye! :wave:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Can I join? Can I join? Can I join? huh?huh?huh?lol :D sorry. Anyway, I would love to join! Here's my profile -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Name: Kiyo Age: Unknown somewhere in late teen years. Appearance:[URL=http://www.dreamworldstudio.net/artwork/gall_oekaki/tamashii31.jpg]This kind of looks like her! ^-^[/URL] Gender: Female Race: Elve Side: Heroes Weapon: A katana called Shitomu, and a magical bow and arrow. History: No one really knows anything about Kiyo because she usually just shows up out of nowhere. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ok! Well I can't wait until it starts! :D [/COLOR]
Unauthorized use of anime image in Bush campaign ad?
InuyashaLvr replied to MillieFan's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Magenta][I]I say, if they did illegally take the picture duh! Sue them! otherwise I dont see why it's such a big deal. but I do agree with Harry on the Macdonalds thing. I know someone that got a second degree burn from their coffee. I dunno if they sued or not but I know that Macdonalds is WAY out of wack.Even though I do love their new Big Dippers! lol. Getting off topic! I'll shut up now > -
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]OCC: hey people! new to joining, but I hope my post is ok! If you know anything I should change or fix please pm me!thanks! hope you like!Oh yeah! almost forgot! I put a profile for Kiyo Aiame in the recruitment area! :D "You idiot! They're getting away!" hissed the Lycan. "Damn you for messing with me you stupid Lycan!" yelled Kuroichi as he ran through the streets after Daki and Hiroshi. [I]Kiroichi thought to himself, It's funny how they think they can hide from me!Don't they know I can smell there blood from miles away?What fools![/I] "That bastard!Does he really think he's going to kill them?Not if I get there first!" murmured Fas to himself, then chased off after the Wampyre. Daki and Hiroshi ran through the night as fast as they could until they could run no more.Daki fell to his knees holding onto his sword. "Daki!Are you ok?" "Y-yes.I'm fine" He tries to stand up, but falls to the ground this time, without getting up. "DAKI!!!!" screamed Hiroshi. "Here kiddies!I smell you!" Laughed Kiroichi as he started running toward their scents. Hiroshi grabbed Daki by the hands and dragged him behind a dumpster. "Daki?Please wake up! I can not fight this Wampyre on my own!Daki????" Hiroshi started crying. Not by the fact that she would have to fight, but because of Daki. [I]Do I have feelings for this man?How?I've only just met him?[/I] All of a sudden Kiroichi threw the dupster down further into the alley.Hiroshi screamed and held on to Daki. "Please, please wake up Daki!" whispered Hiroshi. "You fool! He'll die in a little while," smirked Kiroichi, "Oh look!You're all alone!My my, how bad for you!" Kiroichi picked up Daki and threw him near the dumpster.Daki moaned as he hit the ground.Hiroshi screamed as Hiroichi picked her up by the neck and held her in the air. "Die human!"bellowed Kiroichi. Hiroshi struggles then notices Kiroichi's grip has become loose. She crawls out of his reach and watches Kiroichi fall to the ground.He has a knife stuck in the center of his back. A girl behind him takes the glowing blue sword out and slides it into a case on her back. "Are you ok?" asked the girl in the dark. "Y-yes," coughed Hiroshi,"What about Daki?" "He'll be fine.Come, the Wamprye will not be down for long." Hiroshi jumped up and walked with the girl to Daki. The girl took off her jacket and let her wings unfold.Hiroshi gasps.The girl picks up Daki then turns around. "Give me your hand." Hiroshi hesitates. "Do you want to die???" yells the young winged girl. "No..." "Then lets go!" Hiroshi takes the girls hand and they soar into the air.Hiroshi watches the girl while they are in flight wondering where she came from.They soon land in a forrest where Hiroshi has never been. "W-where are we?" "The Forrest of Light" whispers the girl, "Come on, my cave is near by.." Hiroshi follows the girl into a lighted cave and watches her lay Daki down on a soft pallet of what looks like feathers. "Stay here, and I will go get some herbs for your friend. DO NOT LEAVE!" says the girl as she slides her jacket on covering her wings."O.K.?" "O.K." whispers Hiroshi,"...wait! What's your name?" The girl staes at Hiroshi and suddenly her face brightens. "My name is Kiyo...Kiyo Aiame." Kiyo smiles and walks out of the cave and dissapears from site. "Hiroshi?" Daki manages to whisper. Kiroshi runs to Daki's side and starts crying. "Daki! I'm so glad you're ok!!!!" Daki raises his hand and touches Hiroshi's face. "Where are we?" "I'm not sure, the only thing I know is a girl name Kiyo Aiame...and she had wings!!!" "Kiyo???It can't be....."whispers Daki.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta] I wanna join! (=^-^=) lol.Here we go! :D -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [B]Name[/B] Unknown...Goes by Hieta [B]Age[/B] 17 [B]Gender[/B] Female [B]Race[/B] Elven/demi-god: Kalaus's aid [B]Bio[/B] No one really know's about Heita's past, except that her parents were killed by mercenaries, when she was 7 years old. She started fighting around 11, and has grown much more powerful over the years. She becomes one of Kalaus's aids because she feels like they are brother and sister because she has gone through the same things he has. [B]Weapons[/B] Mainly uses Bow and arrow, or a large sword called Shitomu. [B]Description[/B][URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Those%20Who%20%20Hunt%20Elves,%20Elf%20wo%20Karu%20Mono%20Tachi&p=5&frpg=1&f=#pic]~* Hieta *~[/URL] [B]Gifts[/B] Hieta is blessed with the gift of light, which was given to her by her mother, the elen queen. Well I hope I can join!!!Thanks! :D ~vanna~ :)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta][I]hmm.. well Inuyasha has some pretty catchy tunes like "Dearest", "Fukai Mori", and "My Will" cowboy bebop, I love "Real Folk Blues" ummmm..... I like a song off of Witch Hunter Robin..but I've gone blank and cant think of its name! lol sorry :D[/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=Magenta][I]hmmm lets see...[/I] [B]Lion King[/B] [I]who didn't cry in this movie?¿? When simba was trying to wake up his dad...and he wouldn't move..and he laid down ...beside him....waaaahhhh :bawl: [/I] [B]Fox and the Hound[/B] [I] I just couldn't take it....[/I] [B]Titanic[/B] [I]I was sitting in the movies with my mom and I started crying. She told me not to cry, "it's just a movie" she said....five minutes later she was bawling. :rolleyes: [/I] [B]Pay It Foward[/B] [I]omgosh! I watched this at school one day, and my friend Lindsay and I started bawling right there in front of our whole english class! :( so sad.... well thats it![/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=Magenta][I] hey! I was hoping you guys might let me join? I know I'm kind of late, but I'd really appreciate it!¡!¡! Anyways, here's a bio just incase :D Name: Kiyo Aiame Age: Unknown. Looks around 16 or 17 Species: Human/elve : Hunter (East) Gender: Female Height: Around 5'6" or 5'7" Weight: Around 110 lbs. From: Unknown Personality: very kind and funny, yet has an unspeakable anger inside of her. But no one knows why. Very secretive, doesn't give much info on her past life. Appearance: Rather lean, not very muscular, Brown hair which reaches to her lower back when let down,and silver-blue eyes which seem to stare straight into your soul. usually wears skirts and an over coat to hide her wings. Her wing span is about 5 foot long on both sides. [URL=http://www.dreamworldstudio.net/artwork/gall_fanart/moonjala_novpe.jpg]~*Kiyo Aiame*~[/URL] Bio: Kiyo became a hunter 3 years ago, no one really knows why, but we do know it involved Wampyrs. The rest of her past is unknown. Gifts: Kiyo has the gift of wind. Weapons: Kiyo mainly uses a katana about the same size as her called Shitomu, which glows bright blue when a wampyr or a Lycanthrope is near by. She also uses two daggers with the symbol of death carved in the blades.[/COLOR][/I]
Writing Poem: Pawn (Warning, somewhat disturbing/mature content)
InuyashaLvr replied to Pawn114's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=Magenta][I] Chris, there's nothing wrong with the style you write. :) It's actually something alot of people can relate to! It's really awesome! Keep up the good work! :D :wave: ~vanna~[/COLOR][/I] -
[I][COLOR=Magenta]OMGosh!!!! Thank you so so sooooo much! you dont know how much I appreciate this! I love it! Totally awesome! :D Thank you thank you thank you!!!! :D :D :D[/I][/COLOR]
Art Imi's fanart, the originality amazes me....
InuyashaLvr replied to Ezekiel's topic in Creative Works
kewlies!!! #1 hmmm....I like his hair and tail! But other wise, I dont really like him. I'm not trying to be mean, but I don't. One thing is... I dont know why... :confused: #2 he's so kawii! :love: I love his hair and his clothes! Only thing I see that could be a little differnt are the eyes. (=^-^=) :D #3 I do believe this one is the best out of all three! Totally cute! :love: Keep up the good work!!! :D -
[I][COLOR=Magenta]Thank you so much! I love it! I finally figured out how to put it in my signature. Thank you SO much for the banner Turdle! You will be credited! :D Edit: Ok...I know I'm getting annoying but Turdle, do you think you could make a matching avatar? I'm sorry for being such a nuisance... Please dont kill me! ^-^;;;[/COLOR][/I]
not really but i kinda wanna get it to say stalker of a secret crush or something really cool. I cant think of anything else
[COLOR=Magenta][I] hey everyone! :wave: I need some help. I dont have any good Paint workshop thingy ma jigger so I cant make any banners. But I REALLY want one. So if anyone doesn't mind helping out a fellow otaku member, I was wondering if someone could make me a banner? If you dont wanna help, that's perfectly fine! :) But thanks anyway! :tasty: §omeone'§ §ecret §talker, :tasty: vanna[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=Magenta]EDIT! ahhh! didnt see the request thing!!!can a mod plz move this there? I'd really appreciate it! Sorry for the mishap!!!!! (=^-^=)[/COLOR][/I]
problem! I like this guy *cough* is a member here *cough* :p But I've never met him, and I'm not saying any names because I dont know if he likes me or what so yeah...*gives confused look to everyone* :confuse2: what can I do? I'm lost and have no idea. Even though I've never met him, he's really sweet and around my age. Do you guyz think that there's any chance for me getting this guy? :confused: help!plz!