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Everything posted by InuyashaLvr

  1. [quote name='Chris']well, i was being sarcastic, but i guess i could try that out . . .[/quote] [COLOR=Magenta][I] I'm just telling you what I think would be right. Be sarcastic all you want, but if it's true you can still try it! (=^-^=) just next time, please be more clear on wether or not you're telling the truth. alright? Good luck Chris
  2. ran away crying into a dark void when all of a sudden the others heard the ogre scream and run back being followed by a......
  3. laugh and dance with joy! yay!!!! so everyone dance in pink lacy undies untill...
  4. [COLOR=Magenta][I] Ok...Say you like someone alot, but you're to scared to say anything about it. Well, that's why I'm creating this thread. I guess to kinda help people out with this kinda stuff. Oh, if there is already a post like this, I didn't see it, and Im terribly sorry!!!! Please forgive! (=^-^=) Anyway, I'm kinda going through this, so I'm going to be looking for advice to. But please, anyone who has advice write it down! Because I know I'm probably not the only one going through this ;) Well, good luck everyone! so yeah...Im done :babble: :p :D[/COLOR][/I]
  5. the ballerina ogre came back to life and bought fuzzy pink underwear for everyone!!!!!!!!!! george said he was NOT wearing to underwear and the ogre got mad and........
  6. ouuch! I bet that haircut was painful :twitch: lol. thnx fer tellin me pawn!!!I needed to figure out cause I may get my upper ear pierced for my bday. well...my older bro has his tongue pierced, and he said that it really didn't hurt except for eating the first couple of days.but i dunno. wait.. do guyz find tongue peircing attractive? fer some reason i've been wanting to get mine pierced..but my dad would literally try to kil me...so yeah.....im done
  7. [quote name='Pawn114']I have my left ear pierced, bottom and top... amazing how many people thing that they hurt... a pinch, tops. And Inuyashalvr, I find it all depends on who has the eyebrow piercing, it just looks right on some people, off on others.[/quote] I've always heard that getting the top of ur ear pierced hurts like crap! that's the main reason I haven't gotten one yet. :twitch: true, see i know a woman at my work that has her eyebrow pierced and it looks gret on her, but then one of her friends did it and it looks horrible. so yeah...im done... :babble: :p
  8. well lets see.... [COLOR=Magenta][I]Best:: duh! Inuyasha! It's romance :love: ,commody :laugh: ,horror :eek: ,and everything else put into one! If only the relation ships weren't so cofusing...O.o; ;) Worst:: hmm.. I would have to say FLCL. the only reason is because I really dont understand it..Ive seen it on Adult Swim, and it confuses me REALLY bad.... :) so yeah....im done[/COLOR][/I]
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta][I]weeellllll...... I have my ears pierced normally, but I really want those upper peircings , u know at the top of the ear.newho.I've always wanted to get my eyebrow pierced...I know I'm gonna have to wait a while before i can do that, but I'm curious,do guys even find that attractive?Or do they thinks its gross? *curious* O.o? newho, when i turn 18(dad's laws lol :rolleyes: ) I'm gonna get a dolphin tattoo on my lower back. but, when I turn 16 I'm probably gonna get my belly button pierced or something like that.so yeah..ok im done... :babble: :p[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I]
  10. [I][COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]hmm...lets see. when did I learn about sex? was it the third grade?yep third grade..*sighs* I had friends that knew a little more than they should've and they completley just explained it all to me. O.o; WooHoo good for me. Newho, I asked my mom about all of the stuff they told me and she completely freaked! :eek: boy..I'm never doing that again!lol :laugh: periods......-_-; why r we cursed with such things???I had my first about a year ago, and I'll never forget it..We were in Super Rama( me and mom) and all of a sudden i got a REALLY bad stomache cramp, I bent over and my mom started laughing. I said there wasnt anything funny about it, so she came back with a smart comment "Now, do u remember all of those days u laughed at me??hahaha pay back!" good lord was she right...... tampons...hate em cant stand using them! I had to once cause i was going swimming, and it bothered me the whole time. I didn't even wanna swim...the way i learned?hmm.. I know this may sound gross but I walked in on my best friend once while she was putting it..u know..in her, and she went on and taught me how.good thing cause it really sux to run out of pads!lol :D so yeah...there u go... but what i dont understand is why girls have to go through all of the pain!! We have to give birth and have periods, but what about guys? basically the worst thing they can get is a hemroid, and maybe B.B. if u dont know what that is, its blue balls, they get really turned on then they dont do anything about it and it hurts them...bad...well thats what my ex boyfriend told me it was,so if im wrong guyz excuse me... PMSing SUX!!!!! I wanna go on strike against PMSing :cussing: stupid,freaking,moco,periods.....ok im done![/SIZE][/COLOR][/I]
  11. having a religion that worshipped pink lacy underwear the ogre screamed then......
  12. a witlle bitty clown car which was already full of clowns! the ogre sat there smooshing the clowns with half of its body hanging out of the car when........
  13. eating everything it already had in the buggy. the poor little ogre sat in the middle of the isle crying and eating marshmellows and whipped cream.people started getting mad cause the ogre was taking up the whole isle so they called.......
  14. fruity pebbles, XXXL underwear, 15 gallons of milk, and strawberries and whipped cream! when the ogre arrived to the fruits isle, it realized that Wally-World was out of strawberries. The ogre screamed with furry then.......... ^^^ i would hate it if wally world ran out of strawberries *tear* :( i feel srry for the ogre
  15. [quote name='wrist cutter']Most people (and especially hormone driven teens) don't know the difference between right and wrong.[/quote] not true. I don't mean to argue, but im a teen and I do know the difference between right and wrong. Sure we dont always go about our right and wrongs the right way, but we're still learning and it may take us time, true. but we're getting there. so dont put all of us down.
  16. went to wally world and bought toilet paper!!!!!!! Me went around the corner and ran into dragon warrior who then.........
  17. The so called "sexy" :smirk: dragon warrior jumped out to protect George. He pulled out an orange and threw it at the ogre, then the ogre turned around and....
  18. George and everyone else started to walk throught the woods until george had to pee, he went behind a large bush and....
  19. hmm...lets see.... Im 13 and ive been an out cast since i was...hmmm.....6? yep 6. Through my whole life, Ive been picked on and teased by MANY people. Including my family. It hurts...alot...but i found out something a couple of years ago that helped me through middle school.. They're all just jealous! The only reason people talk about us is because they think we're getting to much attention from people they know! I know I know... she's 13 what does she know? well, sorry to burst your bubble, but Ive gone through my whole life being call anorexic by my family and friends, my own father said I needed a boob job,and I've been called toothpick since I was five or six years old. Now, Im about to go to high school, and I'm scared to death! But I'm going to stand up for myself, because I know the truth and I'm not afraid to face them! So anyone who actually took their time to read this and understand what im going through, or are about to go through it, stand strong!!!Dont let people push you around. Stand up for who you are! Outcast or Incrowd! Do what you know is right! -vanna- Edit: Whoa lava lamp, gettin a little cocky aren't ya? :rolleyes:
  20. go and play chicken in the middle of the highway!!!! all of a sudden....
  21. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Well, I guess the main reason I like anime, is because it can take you somewhere you've always dreamed of. Like to another time area, or to a place with demons, vampires, etc...Well I guess that's it! Bye![/COLOR] :D
  22. I've been playing acoustic for about 3 months now (taught myself), and I'm getting an electric for my bday (july 3) woohoo! so close to my beautiful electric!!!!YAY!!! :D
  23. well, my dear wierd club membe :p r, i understand exactly what you mean! I always have to do everything!!! But now that my father's going through a divorce, I'm going to be the only kid living in my house. So now I'm going to have to become like a super hero or something!!! ahhhhh! :eek: I'm going to have a GREAT time, no??< sarcastic well I've rambled enough. :babble: Bye!
  24. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]well, let's see... my name kind of gives it away doesn't it???lol. but yes my favorite anime character is.....[/COLOR] :eek: [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Inuyasha!!! Mainly because, of course he's a hottie! :tasty: plus he's a sweet and caring guy, even if he trys not to show it. He loves kagome, :love: and protects her with everything he has!!! I sure wish that there were real guys like that![/COLOR] :rolleyes: [COLOR=Blue]well this is my favorite anime character, and why! hope ya liked it!![/COLOR] :D
  25. Well, many people still consider me a child, but I wanted to put some things anyway.Umm, I think it was in the third grade, I had on four-wheel-skates and I was skating over an electric fence.Well, I thought it was turned off...Boy was I wrong.My wheels got tangled in the fence and it shocked me about every five seconds.OOOWWWW!! It took about 10 minutes for my friend's mom to get the skate off of me, because every time I got shocked, it shocked her through the shoe laces! Talk about some pain right there! lol. :laugh:
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