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  1. *nods* K. Sry...Um, the thing is though, the other sites that I use don't seem to work on MyO. They just give me a thing that say "this img is hosted by whatever" but they don't show it. Know of any that work?
  2. :confused: Ok...I have loaded this attachment and linked to it. The problem is, it doesn't work at times. It just shows up as a box with an X in it. I know I used the right code and linked to it correctly. Does anybody know why this is happening?
  3. [font=Courier New][size=2][color=blue][b]Anime should be allowed. It is all on how the parents raise the children...I'm not saying that it should be banned. It just needs to be on late enough so that younger children are not up to watch it...I think everybody has the right to watch anime...[/b][/color][/size][/font]
  4. [font=Courier New][color=royalblue][b]It's true. If you let a younger kid watch something violent or has profanity in it, then they copy it. But, for those of us who are older it is fine to watch anime. They can't ban anime from just a few of those studies. Notice how they seem to do them on the younger children. If they did the studies on older they would notice that violent shows do not affect us. It has to do with how the child is raised. If they are 3 yrs old and watching something violent, then they might copy it. But as I said, older kids know what is right and wrong. They will know not to copy the violent acts. They can't ban anime...You have the right to watch what you want. Anime is just a form of enertainment and poses no threat whatsoever to those who are responsible enough to watch it...[/b][/color][/font]
  5. Some ppl are curious to learn about their race, so they look it up in history books to see what their race accomplished. Otherwise though, she should not make a big deal about race. We are technically an equal soceity. You aren't seeing the differences in restrooms anymore for the different races or such. I honestly think there should not be a difference in treating the races differently. It's not right. EDIT: Oh, and in reply to the ppl having to learn English. I don't think they really have to. It may make things easier to speak English if you live in a part of town where everybody speaks English, but you're not forced to. Plenty of ppl speak both. And in other cities, there are neighborhoods where only ppl that speak Spanish live. You can speak whatever you want to.
  6. [font=Courier New][size=4][color=blue]Uploading from a PC. But the thing is, I want to put the image on my MyO website. Do I post the image here then and then link to it, or can I just upload the img from my PC and get it to work on the website.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=4][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=4][color=#0000ff]so will this work if I insert an img here, and then link to it from here? If I am doing this wrong, plz tell me. [/color][/size][/font]
  7. [font=Courier New][size=4][color=blue]I know it is possible to upload an image somehow. I can't find out how though. Not an avatar, but just a regular image. I can't get it to work. I've been using angelfire as my image uploading site, but that doesn't work. Could you please help me?[/color][/size][/font]
  8. [font=Courier New][size=4]Personally, I think they destroyed the movie. I loved the books, but the movie was just sort of blah. They had to leave so much out. If you didn't read the books you wouln't know who Padfoot, Prongs,... were. It just seemed like they skipped too much in the story. Also, they skipped several scenes where Sirius was supposed to freak out Harry.[/size][/font]
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