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Everything posted by adempton

  1. I think you're absolutely right, it [I]is [/I] absurd. Being gay, I know what it's like to not get accepted by religion-heavy people and families. But from what you've described, you've been shunned for merely liking candles and sharp things? I can think of a few worse things!! >_< Honestly though, if a friend isn't your friend anymore because they found out you like to scratch designs into candles, they were never a very good friend to begin with, and you can likely do better. (Although I guess you could have asked to use their candle before etching stuff into it? ^^; ) And if a friend's parents don't allow you to see your friend in their house, see the friend outside of their house. It's extremely silly if that person stops being your friend because their parents disapprove of you reading a book, regardless of its contents... (you know, as long as it was appropriate). I consider that broadening your mind, but I guess they're crazy. o_o Some people have very controlling parents, unfortunately... Sorry you had to go through stuff like that! :(
  2. I enjoyed all of this series while holding onto the idea that if it were made, it would be one of my favorite RPG's of all time. The magic concept in this one seemed great, and I would have liked if they delved into it a little more. [quote name='Dagger IX1]The whole [spoiler]"Wow! They had awesome technology thousands of years ago!"[/spoiler'] thing can be found in a huge array of novels and video games. [/quote] It's interesting that you mention video games here. While this is true, I was thinking of the video game thing ever since I saw how the fighting and magic were executed earlier on. It's kind of funny though because if this were a game before an anime, I would have thought the same thing. I guess you can say this about many different series' but Scrapped Princess just [I]screamed [/I] "video game" to me. Shannon/Raquel/Chris made me feel like "I must control these characters!" And the appearance of [spoiler]mecha[/spoiler] would have added a little spice at the end of the 'game' :) All in all though, I enjoyed the anime. It wasn't my favorite, but definitely a good watch. ~adempton
  3. Ooo, ooo, anime boyfriend?? This one's pretty easy: Shindou Shuichi from Gravitation! Why? Because he's adorable, hilarious, extremely talented (I'd so go to all of his concerts :love: ), [I]sensitive[/I], and [B]loyal[/B]. And the pink hair actually suits him! I want my own Shuichi!! *yanks him away from Yuki*
  4. I find Fujisaki Akari from Hikaru no Go to hit my buttons. She has an obvious crush on the main character, Hikaru, who is almost always painfully uninterested. I don't remember seeing her do anything except irritate those around her, especially Hikaru. And near the end of the series, [spoiler]when Hikaru actually says a couple of nice words to her for once, it felt like he was just being friendly because he was in the mood. And to shut her up :P[/spoiler] I feel that she was an overall waste of screen time in the series! Boo Akari!
  5. I just wanted to post this without the intention of being annoying or obnoxious. ^^; Everyone always says 'girls like shounen-ai/yaoi, boys like ...' well, het relationships or yuri or whatever. And of course shounen-ai is gay oriented stuff. But besides straight people enjoying their own genre/theme/'whatever it's called' of anime, gay people like the appropriate stuff too. I mean I like it all, whether it?s about girls or boys, but my reasons may differ. I'm a gay male and I'm admittedly obsessed with cute shounen-ai/yaoi pairings. (Waya x Hikaru anyone? ^_^) Real gay anime fans seem to be a rarity on boards I've been to... but I just wanted to say for everyone who doesn't consider it (from what I've read, at least Dagger IX1 does) there are [I]real [/I] gay fans! We're here too! *waves arms around* Other than rabid fangirls! (But I love you rabid fangirls, where would we be without you? ^^) And honestly, I loved general anime going into it. I think years and years ago the first thing I watched was the dub of Sailor Moon. That was my intro to anime. Heck, I even liked Pokemon. It's not like I got into anime because I knew yaoi stuff existed. Discovering shounen-ai/yaoi/yuri... (ugh, I'm gonna abbreviate that to "gay stuff") was just a wicked bonus. I remember when I was younger, I accidentally discovered a shounen-ai manga, and I was blown away that something like that existed. And I found it immensely difficult to find anything else like it, or anyone else that had ever heard of the word "yaoi" (maybe my search engine skills were lacking, but I couldn't find a dang thing!) I'm extremely happy that anime has sort of evolved (and is still doing so), including more gay themes and relationships. Sure, I'd love for more anime like Gravitation to appear, but as long as anime like Kyou Kara Maou shows up, I'm happy! And of course, I'm not completely one-sided either. One of my favorite anime of all time is Naruto, which is extremely action-based. I don't [I]need [/I] the shounen-ai, I just enjoy it. (A lot ^^; ) And of course, things would be quite a bit less exciting for me if it never existed.
  6. (Hi, I'm new!) I also very quickly fell in love with this series. I can't wait for 7! It has just enough shounen-ai suggestiveness to keep me satisfied. ^_^ (Oh and Wolfram is gorgeous.) All of the little jokes are perfectly placed. [spoiler]Actually in the beginning when Wolfram's mother said "the men must be all over you" or something to that effect to Wolfram, I literally moved the slider back and re-read what she said.[/spoiler] Little things like that make me think "too good to be true!" or "did they actually say that??" since it's way more subtle than something like Gravitation. In a lot of anime I find myself annoyed at the basic female character approaching my favorite bishounen, and spoiling my shounen-ai fantasy :mad: But Kyou Kara Maou's atmosphere is just right. I want the [spoiler]engagement[/spoiler] humor to continue! Or perphaps progress. :D ~adempton
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