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[color=darkslategray][size=1]Don't die on me! Anyway, the pic's a little big, but here we go. [url=http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/1066/iwontdie2uq.png]Clickable links are your friends.[/url] [b]Words:[/b] The angel has spread it's wings [b]Colors:[/b] Black, silver, grey, white.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1] Richard was the first to stand up. This was all that he was good for, so even if he did get hit by something, it wouldn't be too much of a loss to anyone. All he needed were his leather, fingerless gloves. Pulling them out of his pocket, he jammed them on, all without a word, a grunt, any sound. A shade in the darkness, a fly on the wall. [i]And if the sun comes up, will it tear the skins right off our bones?[/i] One vampire charged him. Too easy. He lead off with a spin kick, knocking the vampire down and breaking his neck. Bending down quickly, he plunged his hand, coated in the essence of demon, into the stomach of the vampire. He pulled out a rib, breaking it off from the cartilige. [b]"So...hesitant to accept it?"[/b] The nightwalker underneath his foot laughed. Richard ground his foot into the creature's stomach, making it groan. [b]"Accept what?"[/b] Richard didn't need to say much. Those two words were all that were going to be spoken from him for a while. He slammed the leather boot down on the creature's stomach, breaking all of the vampire's ribs, crushing his diaphram slightly. [b]"That you'r-r-re...s-s-s-pecial, Richie..."[/b] Richard's eyes went wide. He recogonized that voice. [b]"Fuck you."[/b] It was one of his old childhood friends. Leonard. Richard's foot rose and fell again and again, staining the floor with the entrails of the vampire. Still he spoke. [b]"Your mother and father raped you, beat you, and did it every day when they found out you were special. Hell, they even did it twice a day, every day. Didn't they, Richie boy?"[/b] Richard's face didn't even move as he smashed in the face of Leonard, and then drove the bloody rib in his hand through Leonard's heart. After taking out a few more, Richard met one that was at least a mediocre challenge. In the end, Richard had the vampire lifted up off of the ground, listening to him. [b]"Oh? Kalei's being held there...yes, she is. I hear that Mailk wants to have you all...a personal collection of wakanda heads. Such pretty trophie-glragh..."[/b] Richard threw him to the ground, having killed the vampire. However...Katima had one coming from behind. The recently deceased vampire he had just stabbed with his fingers had a jagged katana. Genuine forge. Picking it up, Richard flew through the air, knocking the vampire down and pinning him with his feet. Richard grinned then, his canine teeth large. A nasty scar was visible on his left cheek, starting at the top of his forehead down his eye to his chin. It was usually masked by his hair. But not this time, as a purplish hue floated off of him, whisping his hair and clothes up. He grinned, and grinned as he pressed the blade into the vampire's heart.[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] Yes, Richard is very creepy. ^_^
[color=darkslategray][size=1]In that hotel, Richard was alone. He had broken off from the group, and taken to holeing himself up. It wasn't anything new, he had always prefered to be alone, since he had discovered his powers. He had been shunned and beaten for having them, by his mother and father, by those he had called friends. So he never took to talking to anyone more than they had to. His expression was through combat and...music. One thing he had never forgotten was his guitar. An acoustic and eletric, it was his axe of choice so to say. As Richard leaned against the wall, running his hand through the snow white hair, he pulled the guitar from his back. His fingers strayed down to his pocket, pulling out a pick. He didn't have an amp or his distortion devices, or anything. So it'd have to be a soft meloldic song, like Stairway to Heaven. Instead, he chose a song that he loved to death. [b]"Another turnin point, a fork stuck in the road..."[/b] The soft twinge of his heartstrings matched the simple chords of the song. Today had been too much. Seeing Katima, Kalei missing...he needed an outlet. Most considered Richard to be a bit of a jackass and stuck up, seeing as how he never talked to anyone. They just wouldn't understand. No one would ever understand. Never, ever. And that probably was an opinion, nonetheless an accurate opinion. A knock on the door disrupted him. Closing one eye, Richard stuck the guitar underneath the bed he was sitting on, and told them to open the door, that it was unlocked. In through the door came someone asking if he wanted anything. With a simple shake of his hand and a polite "no thanks", Richard was again alone. However, he had an idea as he heard a clash of drumsticks on symbols. There was a band of humans that had been traveling. Maybe he could ask them to borrow an amplifer and some headphones. Anything. Carelessly, he flipped over the stairs, and then grabbed a piece of the railing as he fell. It had been a long fall down, but the building was big. It would of still been a few seconds before he had been a stain. Conveinently, he had landed at room 203. Right under his room. Richard pulled himself up over the metal railing, and then knocked on the door. [b]"Who's dere?"[/b] Someone spoke from inside, half drunk. [b]"...Upstairs neighbour."[/b] [b]"Come to tell us off fer playin' our music?"[/b] [b]"Opposite. Have an amp to spare, possibly some other equipment? Including headphones."[/b] There was the sound of footsteps, and a rustle of clothing. The man must of been nude. The deadbolt disengaged, and Richard stepped in. A rough half hour later, Richard was plugging everything everywhere in and then with an eletric click, he closed the headphones over his ears and began to play. In this time, Richard would ignore everyone but Katima and anyone carrying an important message. This was his time. His quiet time. His alone time. [b]"And if the sun comes up, will it tear the skin right off our bones?"[/b] A small rap on the door, a delicate rap, didn't register. A louder knock alerted him, but the thing that got his attention was the Dark Flame Chain that snaked under the door. Richard tore off the headphones, and used a tendril to open the door. [b]"...Katima."[/b][/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Zaraki [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Trade:[/b] Shaman: An adept in both the blade and the elements, he relies heavily on both to get his job done. Has an unbreakable bond with nature. [u]Gauntlets:[/u] Zaraki has been training in hand to hand combat for a year, nearly two. He's not exactly a grand master with the gauntlets he wields, but they get the job done. One has a blade connected to it, with a bar to grip in hand, as to level it. [u]Senbokuzen:[/u] What appear to be petals flow from his hands, but are in actuality, many glowing, small blades. They fly forward at high speeds, ripping things in their paths to shreds. [u]Hyakurai:[/u] With a clap of his hands, and a little time and focus, a huge lighting bolt strikes the earth, sending ripples out. However, it leaves a heavy toll on Zaraki when he uses it, and is not able to use it for at least 12 hours. [u]Hyournimaru:[/u] Zaraki's metal gauntlets become coated in a thick and jagged layer of ice, and every strike slows the foe down until they cannot move. However, they are very heavy and hard to lift. [u]Hizeme:[/u] Several tendons of fire spread from Zaraki's fingertips, and wrap around the target, allowing him to slam the object or person around, while the fire does it's own work by burning away the object. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img324.imageshack.us/my.php?image=render401ru.png]Zaraki.[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Zaraki, in short, is a dumbass and a hardhead at first glance. Brash and reckless, most are disuaded to join with him. However, if you stay around more than five minutes, You'll be able to tell that Zaraki is acutally intelligent and kind. However, he loves to play stupid just to toy with people and watch their reactions. Zaraki can never turn down a challenge, or not save someone in need for that matter. [b]Still Life:[/b] [b]"What's so funny about peace, love, and understandin', huh?!"[/b] Zaraki deilivered a sharp kick to the man, knocking him back. He flashed forward, holding the blade of his left gauntlet forward, as Zaraki grabbed the neck of the man he had just kicked. The firelight from the fireplace licked at the air, reflected on the cool steel of the metal gloves. [b]"What in the hell is so funny about it? You wanna answer me, yah raving freaking idiot?"[/b] The man crashed to the ground, sending up plumes of dirt and dust from the hearth. Trickles of blood and snot leaked from his nose, and he looked about ready to cry. Softie. Having a strong sense of judgement about this kind of thing was in Zaraki's nature. [b]"I'll give you once chance, before I kick yer *** straight to high heaven!"[/b]Zaraki looked like a sort of malignifcant demon in the firelight, as shadow draped the finer features and the red tendrils of his tattered cloak licked the air, like a snake's tounge testing for prey. He quivered. [b]"I...I don't know! It just...I...err...wanted to fit in with the other guys!"[/b] What a lame *** excuse. But since he answered, Zaraki would have to be truthful and let him go. Bending down, his strong and calloused fingers wrapped around the cloth of the man, and Zaraki threw him out of the building. Peeling off the sweaty metal and cloth gauntlet, Zaraki lead his fingers through the fine, misty white hair of his. What a freaking day. [b]"Oy! I'm here, old man."[/b] Zaraki yelled, stepping into the house. When no answer came, he yelled again. [b]"C'mon, yeh old fart. Don't make me pick you up and drag you out here to see me."[/b] When his father didn't answer, Zaraki half smirked. He did this too often. Setting the dusty metal gloves on a table, he went through the house, looking for his family. He was a combatant, but he was also a good kid. However, this was something that he'd never be able to forgive. [b]"From dehumanization...to ar-ar-arms...production...For the ben-benefit of the natio-n-n-n-n-n-n!:[/b] The steady sound of the letter N became a low humming sound. Dry, husky and caked with filth, the voice rang through the humble abode, filling Zaraki's pained ears. [b]"Necromancer..."[/b] He breathed, and ran back to the table, throwing on the gloves without a second thought as he ran. How did the man find them? The necromancer, sorcerer of bone and blood? How how [i][b]how?![/i][/b] No time for that. Zaraki needed to be focused on the task at hand. In a chair made for the poor, sat his father, arms limp and painted with the slighty rusted color of blood. He looked up at his father, lips still moving while his body remained dead. [b]"Dehumanization...production...benefit..."[/b] Was all that the hoarse cadavaer was able to whisper any more, as the body began to lock and freeze with the ravages of death and time. His eyes wandered. Zaraki saw the rest of his family, strung out upon the room like a demon's christmas decorations, complete with entrails and the yellowing insides of those he called family. An angiushed cry rang out, and then the whispers stopped. What the hell happened to the oncoming rigours mortem that should hold his father dead? The Necromancer may be long gone, but his creation remained. The dead body of his father raked his flesh with unnatural strength, fingernails taking away what God and his parents had given him, flesh and bone. It would heal, thought Zaraki as he spun, delivering a glancing blow to the rotting cadaver of his father. Battle-locked, Zaraki finally knelt on his father, bladed gauntlet raised high. Pinned under Zaraki's knee, all his father could do was whisper. [b]"What are you doing, my son?"[/b] [b]"Succeeding you, father."[/b] After the blow had been dealt, Zaraki gathered his things. It was time to find and kill that necromancer, but first, he'd have to study the ways. The ways of the Shaman.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Alright. Not too good, but meh. [IMG]http://img391.imageshack.us/img391/1470/paintyourtarget5la.png[/IMG] [b]Words:[/b] If You Want To... [b]Color Scheme:[/b] Darker colours with a brighter red.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Alright, made it on a whim. There's no image though, all abstract. [IMG]http://img394.imageshack.us/img394/3530/motivation8al.png[/IMG] [b]Text:[/b] Freedom of Choice [b]Colours:[/b] Keep it around colors like red, blue, purple, green. Basically, the ones you find in a 12 pack of colored pencils.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Alucard [b]Nickname:[/b] Deucalion (Named after the son of the greek god that gave the gift of fire.) [b]Race:[/b] Vampire [b]Age:[/b] The young age of 178. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Powers:[/b] Alucard, being the brash and young master of the Fire Clan, uses the power of flames to great extent. Able to make it into any shape and form, and writhe his body in the said flames. Alucard spreads it like a disease in battle, with his quick and powerful attacks, leaving everyone scorched and burned. One of his more prided powers is the ability to use the blood of any prey and magnify the intensity of the fire with just one drop. Many other powers of fire have yet to be unmasked, as Alucard has rarely, if never, needed them. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y48/UnbornLordXion/Babes%20and%20Bishies/K.jpg]Alucard.[/url] [b]Weapon:[/b] [url=http://members.tripod.com/ice_clan_dragon/pics/Humble2.jpg]Ragnaros.[/url] A reddish glint always lines the surface, and is most times bathed in flame. Alucard named his blade on a whim, as he found it in a tourist shop in central england. However, Ragnaros is rumored to of been forged in the Underworld. [b]Personality:[/b] Brash, cocky, and strong, Alucard is a joker and a warrior first and foremost. The grin is never far from his lips, and his hands aren't far from his weapon, and that's the way Alucard's learned to live his life. His mentality is that you should enjoy what time you've got, and worry about consequences later. When not fighting or dealing with matters of the estates, Alucard is enjoying using his looks to seduce other vampires and sometimes human women. Even though he can be kind, no one has seen it much, or ever, really. [b]Character Snippit:[/b] [b]"Get outta here, yeh dumbass. I don't need someone to tell me that one of my lieutenants just got 'is *** kicked by a coupla' humans."[/b] Alucard was in a....bad mood. In a incident later that evening, a group of self proclaimed "vampire hunters" had ambushed and killed one of his lieutenants. That did [i]not[/i] happen easily. Krass had been a leader, not a follower. He shouldn't of died so....easy. Maybe these punks were stronger than Alucard had thought. No matter. Every little maggot died easy when they played with fire. [b]"Ey, wait a moment. I want yeh to send a messenger-hell, why don't you go?-to tell these punks 'dat if they play with fire, they'll get burned."[/b] The young fire adept looked shock, and pale. More pale than normal, really. Alucard's useage of english led many to believe that he was stupid, and his orders, if possible, even dumber. However, he had been somewhat of a bookworm, and had done well in his schools. He just played dumb to watch everyone else's reactions. Back to the moment, the vampire nodded. Alucard's Fire Clan members were all older than him, but none tried to challenge him for a right to lead. As the fire adept left his sight, Alucard fell backwards into his chair, and flipped over the back. The gleam of fire was always in his eyes, and a devious smile on his face. Craining his neck to the side, several bones cracked and crunched, and Alucard began to stretch. Back in his human life, he had taken several types of fighting, and what humans today called gymnastics. Back then, he hated it. Now, Alucard loved it. The absolute freeness and well, excitement of twisting and bending, and when fighting, dodging the enemy's blows. He started out with a few aerials, stretching his legs and torso out. The air hissed and slid back together as he landed on his feet. Alucard kicked off his shoes, and then ran forward, doing a couple of cartwheels and a back handspring. This was easy stuff now. However, an interruption didn't allow Alucard to get any farther into his routine. A blast of fire and screams that were human in definition roared towards him. Backflipping out of the way, Alucard growled and grabbed Ragnaros. He spun it expertly, and a wheel of flame appeared around Ragnaros, as he swung it forward. An inferno in the shape of a hyrda's head twisted and blasted through a vampire hunter, leaving his stomach contents exposed to the air. He fell, dead. Alucard grinned and danced back and forth on his feet, as the same adept from before yelled. [b]"I think they got the message, sir!"[/b] Alucard's laughter rang through the halls, and then he shifted his weight onto his right foot, and his eyes glowed a deep red. Fire spurted from his palms, and wreathed his body in flames. Seconds later, there was a loud explosion outside, and a magnificent and horrible creature arose from the fire. Infernal. Green flames licked it's boulder-crafted frame, and it lumbered forward. The fat stone fingers picked up a human, and smashed it between the stones, the sick crunch of bones and guts delicious to his Clan's ears. Several of them ran under the large beast to catch the droplets of blood that flowed down. Alucard joined them, and started another blast of fire, as several drips intensified the flames even greater, and the clan members had to back away. The group of 10 hunters were surrounded as a ring of fire lept from Alucard's fingers. It formed in to a dome, and began to press down and inwards, trapping them. He walked through the flames unharmed, and looked at them. Armed with crossbows and other vampire-slaying weapons, they were in a state of pure [i]fear[/i]. Backing into the flames, every so often Alucard would dart in, grabbing one of the unwary humans and draining them, or throwing them out to his clan members. Soon, one was left and Alucard let the flames that made the dome twist into his Infernal. The malignficant beast roared it's approval. Her weapon in ashes, she defenseless, Alucard approached her. [b]"When ya play wit' fire, you'll get burned. Y'know why my nickname is Deucalion, littl' lady?"[/b] She shook her head. She was eager to live. Young blood. Strong...and seemed to have a love for fire. [b]" 'Cause Duke's dad was the Greek god dat gave humans dah give of fire. Now, littl' girl, tell me. Yah didn't come here to fight meh, did yeh? Yah wanted sumthin' more. Maybe...to be turned?"[/b] Alucard moved his hand to her face, stroking the soft and tanned skin of her face. She didn't flinch, but nodded. And then, he took another vampire into his ranks. [b]OOC:[/b] Someone can play as this newly-turned vampire if they want....^_~[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]While listening to My Chemical Romance in my free time at lunch, in school, I thought of something. The album, [i]Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge,[/i] is a story about a man who must kill 1,000 evil men to bring his dead lover (Helena) back to life. Here's the thing. I was sort of hoping to expand on it, and his exploits. Maybe change a few things, but use the songs and stuff of their two albums for the basis on the plot. Ideas, comments, etc?[/color][/size]
[Color=darkslategray][size=1]Richard simply cracked his neck, putting his hands in his pockets. Several more slinged down from the treetops. He didn't need his fists, his feet would do the talking. For now, at least. His Wakanda sense seemed to tell him where it all was. Without a word, the one leaping for his back was kicked out of the air, and pinned to the ground. No one made a move as Richard drew his lighter and a cigarrete from his pocket. Quietly, he lit it. Taking a few puffs, he then grabbed it and shoved it to the vampire's face, the ashen embers burning the pale white flesh. Then the fight seemed to resume, as if a movie had been paused. Richard's boot was on the vampire's neck, and even as the creature squealed and clawed at his leg, he pressed down and muttered. [b]"May god redeem thee for thy sins."[/b] And with a quick jerk of his foot, broke the vampire's neck. Richard snapped a bone from the soft flest, and drove it through the creature's heart. He had forgotten, however, about the bottle of whiskey had been drinking. It lay on the curb, forgotten. Two vampires were trying to sneak around and attack Ena from behind as she fought with another. Richard's only sound was a disgusted sigh. Quickly, he dashed at them, and kicked the first in the stomach, snapping and breaking several ribs, one puncturing the heart. Richard took the other's arm, and then wenched it back, breaking it in several pieces, the ulna popping straight out of the flesh. Without missing a beat, Richard took the bone, and drove it through the bastard's heart. [b]"Ena, watch your back."[/b] Richard said, coldly. He made his way to the whiskey bottle, wrapped in a brown paper sack. Richard picked it up, and placed a mark of the shadow on it, and Siphon Life would take effect on all those that were caught in his next attack. He took a drink. Then, holding it in his mouth, Richard drew the silver lighter with a black dragon snaking up the side, and flicked it open. The shadow-filled liqour swirled around harmlessly in his mouth, and then he started the flames, and the whisky shot out like a flamethower, catching the flame and spreading throughout the rest of the vampires. They were also afflicted with his favourite skill. Richard began to fall to his knees as tendrils of darkness shot from their burning bodies, and the siphoning of whatever life they may of had began to take place. His eyes rolled up into his head, and soon, they fell down to the ground, charred and lifeless husks. Richard then fell to the ground, too much life-power flowing in his veins. [b]"Ena. Blade."[/b] She knew what that ment, and threw him a hunting dirk. Shuddering and gasping, he slit his wrist, and the crimson blood began to flow onto the ground. As soon as all of the excess blood and life was drained, he stopped shivering. Richard cleaned off the blade, and threw it to Ena. [b]"Let's go."[/b][/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]"Women..."[/b] Renjin sighed, disgustedly. All those deaths of humans, who they were allied with, and not even one damn thanks. Again, he spun Demonic Embrace, and attached it to his back. He wouldn't be talking in a good mood. Killing was always a drain on him, leaving him socially and mentally inept for conversation for a few hours, at least. As many trees as he had destroyed in his life, he still loved nature. Renjin pulled a red silk band out of his pocket, tying it around his forehead and across his eyes. Nature springed up all around his vision, the Shadethickets moving boulders for smaller animals to get through...nature, the only thing that seemed pure of heart at that moment. But as always, not everything is pure. A few of the Furbolg Shamans marched out from their wooden dens, holding rather crude but malicious staffs and even more malicious intent. They weren't shamans, exactly. More like...voodoo users. The three pulled out one totem each. A Searing Totem, an Earthbind Totem, and a Frostwind Totem. This was bad. Very bad. He could take on normal enemies, but Furbolg Shaman were tougher than...normal. And these totems were deadly. He had one chance. Take out the totems and then get the shamans in one fell swoop. Like a forest creeper, Renjin slid up a tree trunk, blending in with the purple and brown bark. He cracked his neck backward, looking on the walking bear voodoo makers. He snaked up farther, and grabbed a branch. He pulled his blade across his back, and began to strip the branch into a fine point. Fire writhed his arm, and it caught the makeshift spear on fire. He had grabbed the Hunter's Bow, and it was laced across his back. He made two more, and then docked them in the notch. They writhed in flame, licking the air and carrying to the high heavens. Renjin pulled back. A little more. The flames were teasing the bow's metallic string. Renjin let go. The three arrows slammed into the Furbolgs, driving them mad. They crashed over the totems, flailing around, rather crazily. Renjin replaced the bow, while grabbing Demonic Embrace. From the tree he lept, and went to battle with the corrupt Furbolg bears. A slice, a firey shine, and three dead bodies later, it was over. The blue flames twisted around Renjin's form, only his eyes visible in the calming inferno. There were several daggers and other such things, such as cash on the Furbolgs. Renjin pickpocketed them, and sat down in their den, a nearby fire roaring and crackling it's death throwes at it extinguished. He reached out, and touched the flames to life. [b]"Days fade and nights grow...but we don't go cold."[/b] Renjin stood, the coat of blue fire shrugging itself from his body. Renjin made his way back to the hotel, and slipped into his bedding until dawn rose.[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] Revelation, Sean, you're booted. Sorry! I guess it'll only be Alliance on this quest...oh, I think there are a few more that should be booted. If you haven't posted once, you're booted. Sorry. Also, we'll need to start heading to Ironforge.
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Renjin sighed, and closed his eyes. [i]Damnit, Kirra...you [b]are[/b] drunk.[/i] He had followed her out of the bar, the merry laughter and talk easily filtering into what Kirra had been saying. And as they left the inn, Renjin had followed out the window, sliently. His eyes gleamed a deep red, with white in the darkness. It was so familiar...and useful. He lept from tree to tree, watching the humans - the tree destroying bastards - try to entice her. And probably rape. What a corrupt world nowadays. A rouge, a mage, a warrior and a hunter. At the hunter's side was a raptor the size of him, rather dangerous. As he listened to their conversation, he knew he'd enjoy it when he got to beat them into a pulp. The little hints of innuendo that Kirra's intoxication probably walled out. Renjin's anger grew and grew, until they stopped in a rather shady part. He knew what they'd try to do now. Overpower her and get her down, tie her up, and have their way with her. Most humans disgusted him. Renjin's ears caught a howl of pain and agony from the warrior, and the dagger embed itself next to his hand. Renjin pulled it out, and then leapt down as they all went to attack Kirra, mustering what they could on what short notice. The rogue had dissapeared, but Renjin saw the dagger near Kirra's back, and the pink flesh of a human hand. The rogue didn't keep his hand for long. As blood laquered the floor, they looked all around. Renjin smiled inwards, and pulled out his sword as they took to punching Kirra, having fallen back into her drunken haze. She swayed in the direction of the punches. If there wasn't so much punches, it would look like she was dancing, or swaying in the wind. But no, the sway and bend was from the punches and kicks. Renjin couldn't take it. He tore Demonic Embrace from his back, and leapt down from the tree, smashing the warriors head in, and down to the floor. The human was dead on inpact, Renjin having snapped his spinal cord. He ground the bone and flesh into the ground, and then looked at the three. He held up three fingers, and then they fell to the ground, overcome by Curse of Agony. Pain gripped at them, tearing and rending and slashing in a slow and painful manner, but they ignored it. A bolt of fire fizzed past his head, and he grabbed it, transforming it into his Immolation spell. [b]"You human swine! You fuckers don't even have 'nough guts to ask a woman what they're doing. You think it's all seduce and rape. You make me [i]sick.[/i]"[/b] He spat, and rushed at them. The combined power of the licking flames and the gripping pain was too much for the raptor, and it launched it's self at him. Renjin was ready, and spun with a kick, slamming his foot into it's head, leaving it near death. He didn't care if humans were on their side. These people right here...were plain rotten. Soon, he dispatched of them, and looked at Kirra. She was on the ground, bloodied and bruised from the onslaught that had made her dance. She looked up, eyes caked with dirt from her fall. [b]"Kirra. You alright?"[/b] The flames twisted and danced away from his body, leaving him untouched by fire. He held his hand out for Kirra, and she grabbed it. He pulled her to her feet. [b]"I'll be..hic..fine. Thank your, Renjin."[/b] She looked up at him, her hand still in his.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Renjin turned to her slowly, taking a rather hearty drink of whatever had been in the glass. Renjin hadn't bothered to ask. He set it back down and started talking. [b]"I was thinkin' Tailoring and Enchanting, even though you already got tailoring."[/b] [b]"But who's gonna cook?"[/b] Apollos spoke up. Renjin turned to Apollos and Narote, and took a long and careful think. He didn't want to cook, he knew that much. He didn't have any...love for the culinary arts. He actually had a lot of skill in it, his father had been professional chef. Before he went off to war, because he was also a Druid of the Claw...and in the final battle on the hills of mount Hyjal, had been one of many to sacrifice himself in the onslaught of the undead. And then after that...cooking seemed so bitter in flavor and taste. After a time, Renjin brought the drink back to his lips. It took a lot of normal liqour or a medium amount of strong to test Renjin, but this...was exponetinal. His cheeks were already slightly red, mismatched against the dark blue of his skin. He looked at the group, and was struck by an idea. [b]"Howsabout we all take a cooking class or two? Learn a little more in each city or somethin'."[/b] Before he heard anyone, he finished off the liqour. Whatever that was, it messed with your system. And that's exactly what he wanted right now, wash down all those memories of his father, the war, and just get [i]drunk.[/i] He set the glass back down, and thought to himself. [i]I suppose while I'm in the company of Kirra I wouldn't wanna do something...stupid. Yeah, stupid.[/i] However, he ordered just one more drink. [b]" 'Nother glass of whatever your brought me before. And what do y'all think of my idea?"[/b] The goblin nodded, and grinned. He'd had the same feeling as Renjin once, and understood. That was the time when his father had blown himself up with a new product.... [b]"I think it's a raht-hic. I'm sorry about that."[/b] Kirra was slightly red in the cheeks, more than this ale would of caused her to be. Renjin figured she was blushing from the hiccup. [b]"I think it's a good idea."[/b] Apollos nodded, and even Narote agreed. Mildly surprising. Suddenly...he didn't feel like being down here. It happened sometimes, Renjin being pushed to the brink of sensory overload when everything was a little too new. Like someone poisoning him, kissing him, giving him an antidoe, getting her house blown up, meeting two men of the light, finding out that several captiol cities had been destroyed, and that your's was next. [b]"I think I'm going up to the room...G'night, guys. Just a little too much all of a sudden."[/b] He smiled to show that he was alright, and stood up, leaving the half finished glass on the table with a small [i]Clink![/i] He grabbed one of the sets of the keys from his pocket, and handed them to Kirra, before walking up the steps and into the 2nd floor, where he found his room. The door opened quietly, and he shut it again. Renjin sighed, and took off the headband, throwing it to the side. Renjin then stipped down, ready to go to bed. Thank god there were two. However, as he was walking into the restroom, to take a shower, he saw that Kirra was int he doorway. She was quite flustered, and he was quite embarassed. [b]"Kirra....! Please, knock next time..."[/b] Renjin kept his cool, making sure that he pulled himself behind the doorframe, poking his head around. [b]"I'm sorry, Renjin...I was coming to make sure you were alright. Not walking in on you..."[/b] She still had a rosy tint to her cheeks. She was probably tipsy...and some humans down on the first floor might take advantage and try something. Renjin grabbed a pair of raptorskin scale pants and threw them on, along with a purple mageweave shirt. [b]"Kirra, you might wanna get to bed. I mean, there's a lot of people down there that might..."[/b] The whole moment was rather strange and foriegn.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Renjin took his seat next to Kirra, not paticularly hungry. His eyes trained intently on nothing but the eyeband that masked them, he blocked out all contact with anyone then. Sometimes a little more dabbling in these dark arts were required, even in a place where it would be considered stupid and dangerous. Sometimes, if Renjin looked hard enough, he could tell what was going to take place in the future. For now...just ripples lept across the eyeband, bits of fire, shreds of skin, a death here, a killing there. It was all too omnious and Renjin was...unsatisfied. A tap on the shoulder, a rather agitated tap, brought Renjin back to the present. Using two of his slender digits, he pulled the eyeband up to his forehead to see Kirra looking at him. He could just tell that she was still angered at the Paladin. The right side of his mouth tweaked into a smile, as if to say, [i]don't worry, i'm pissed off at them too.[/i] His hands found a small glass of water, and the glass of water found his lips. It had obiviously not been from the Moonglade River, as it was laced with an old and musty taste, as if it had been there for a long time. Too long for Renjin's taste. He set it back down, the soft clink the only sound besides the occasional bustle of the cooks. Speaking of cooks...he had been meaning to get a job sometime. Maybe talioring...and enchanting. It sounded like a good mix...make your own cloth armor and enchant it to your specifications. He then spoke up. [b]"ALright, if we're going to be travelin' together, we better speak to some people in Darnassus here. Trainers, more paticularly. Learn some cooking skills for the road, maybe some skinning so we can get some money, ecetera. I've been thinking of tailoring and enchanting-"[/b] Renjin was interuppted by a snort from Apollos. [b]"Talioring? I mean...I may be a man of the Light, but I'm not going to refrain from mocking you. Are you a nancy boy or something?"[/b] Renjin's fingers twitched, once, twice, but he stopped himself. [b]"Listen here, and listen good. I may not be able to wear all the fancy plate and mail and leather, but that's because it hinders my spellcasting. Cloth armor is fine with me...and that's what talioring does. Cloth and wool and Felcloth and Mooncloth, mageweave..."[/b] Renjin didn't mention Shadowcloth, in case Narote got all holy and stuff on him. Renjin wasn't exactly known for his tollerance. [b]"So...what are we going to eat?"[/b] Narote spoke, and Renjin for once, agreed. Where was the food? A small chef - a goblin, no less- came out, holding several trays with his incredibly strong hands. The soapstone tray full of the 4 man group's food was hovering by Kirra, so she grabbed it quickly and set it down, still slightly agitated, but not nearly as much. He couldn't blame her, that dumbass paladin just wiped her house - No, home; - off of the face of Azeroth. To avoid confrontation, each of the people grabbed their food and Kirra replaced the tray on the side of the table where no one was sitting. Everyone looked at Renjin. His plate was full of vegtables and the like, no meat. Renjin almost laughed. [b]"Darnassus ain't exactly famous for their meats. Try some of it and you might see why I only got fruits and vegtables."[/b] When no one made a motion to speak or try the meat, he spoke again. [b]"So...what are you all thinkin' of taking up as your professions? If you don't already 'ave some."[/b][/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] Go see the just posted Underground thread for innate knowledge on professions. ^_^
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Welcome to the underground thread for Warcraft: Cry of the Warsong. Here you can find a summary of the character's travels, info on Class Trainers, info on Profession Trainers, and much more as the RPG progresses. [b]Capitol Cities:[/b] [u][i]Ironforge[/u][/i]: The capitol city for Alliance, this is where your Class trainers are. This is the only Dwarven and Gnomish city that still stands, and is the main base for Night Elves, Humans, and whatever Dwarves and Gnomes may still be around. [u][i]Orgrimmar[/u][/i]: The captiol of the Horde, this is where Class Trainers are, also. Again, main base for Horde, the central of commerce. [b]Class Trainers:[/b] At times in the RPG, there will be times when the whole group goes to a Capitol city. During these times, you might want to take a visit to your Class Trainer, to learn new skills. This will require much creative energies, and try to be original. Ask me if you need some ideas. [b]Profession Trainers:[/b] Simply put, these people teach you how to do certain things, like mine, blacksmith, cook, skin, work leather, talior, etc. Here is a list of what professions there are, and you may choose two. Enchanting Talioring Blacksmithing Herbalisim Alchemy Leatherworking Skinning Cooking Fishing Engineering Some of these may go hand in hand, like Mining and Blacksmithing. [b]Professions:[/b] Alchemy: The Alchemist mixes herbs in order to generate potions with a variety of effects. A player can create healing, invisibility, elemental resistance, and mana potions; oils to coat weapons; and much more. Alchemy is useful to all character classes. Melee fighters can use alchemy to create buff and healing potions. Spell casting classes can use alchemy to create mana potions and related buffs. Alchemy is a fun Profession where you can create potions for yourself, sell them to others, or give them to your party members and friends. Alchemists are well loved when they hand out potions. Blacksmith: Blacksmiths take bars of metal from miners and work them into finely crafted arms and armor. There are many unique weapons and other armaments that cannot be found on any of the vendors or monsters in the game, but can only be created by blacksmiths. Blacksmiths can create weapons, mail armor for Paladins or Warriors, and trade items. Blacksmiths can construct special sharpening stones that can be used to temporarily improve weapon damage. They can also create several items that are used as ingredients for other Profession recipes, such as Enchanting. If you plan on being a blacksmith, you should probably already be a miner. Miners collect ore and smelt ore into bars to create the majority of blacksmithing items. Blacksmith recipes often include jewels, which are found in a variety of places. Typically, most blacksmiths buy or are given rare jewels from other players. Some blacksmithing recipes require leather, which you will need to buy from a skinner. Blacksmithing is great for Paladins or Warriors, who can use the skill to create their own equipment. It is also good for making money by selling weapons and armor to the classes that can use them. Cooks: From Beer-Basted Boar Ribs to Giant Clam Scorcho, there is no recipe too obscure or odd to avoid notice from the Chefs of Azeroth. Food is used in the game to heal players out of combat, so they can get back to fighting as quickly as possible. As you're traveling around the world, you'll notice that you often receive pieces of meat, which, instead of being sold to merchants, could be used to create food. Food should become very important to you. You can buy food from merchants, but the food gained through cooking is nearly free and it is actually much more effective. Cooking is also a great "flavor" secondary skill because you can entertain players with the funny and interesting dishes you can create. Hand someone some Gooey Spider Cake, Giant Clam Scorcho, or a Curiously Tasty Omelet and you'll see what we mean. Enchanters: Enchanters use their magical formulae to grant permanent augmentation to weapons, armor and other equipment. Enchanting requires the use of special ingredients that can only be gathered by disenchanting magical items. Using these ingredients enchanters can make items more powerful. Enchanting is a higher-class Profession, thus requiring more work than most Professions. The enchanter does not generate items directly from the skill, but instead makes existing items better. To attain higher levels of enchanting, enchanters often must repeatedly cast enchantments on their friends equipment, sell enchantments to other players, or offer free enchantments. Another challenge for enchanters is gathering magic items to disenchant in order to gather the required enchanting reagents. Additionally, enchanters must also work with other Profession masters to create a few other reagents required for enchanting. Engineer: Engineering is used to assemble metal and stones into parts needed to make explosives, guns, scopes, bullets, mechanical dragons, aquatic helmets, and more. More than any other Profession, engineering products require several steps to be completed. Bombs and Dynamite are the bread and butter of the engineer's creations. Many engineering recipes require a lot of different parts before the item can be created. This will require more space in your bags than other Professions. Engineering is a very fun and creative Profession. You can create all kinds of wacky things that are fun to use and also entertain and amaze other players. If you plan on being an engineer, you should probably already be a miner. Miners collect ore and smelt ore into bars to create the majority of engineering items. Engineer recipes often include jewels, which are found in a variety of places. Typically, most engineers buy or are given rare jewels from other players. Some engineer recipes require leather, which you will need to buy from a skinner. You will need to find a lot of other odd ingredients for your recipes that might need to be purchased from other players. Some items can actually be fished up with the fishing skill or found from monster drops or treasure chests. Fishers: So, you want to be a fisher? This is acutally a very profitable class. Using a Fishing Rod and some bait, cast your line and get ready to reel it in! You may find fish, or even armor or weapons. Quite possibly even treasure chests. Some fish you cannot eat, but people in your group may find them useable for their Professions. Herbalists: Herbalism is an almost necessary requirement for Alchemy. You're going to find herbs all around the world, so why not get this skill and take advantage of it? Alchemy is a great skill that allows you to generate all sorts of instant and temporary potions to improve a character's effectiveness. Leatherworkers: This Profession allows players to work various leathers and pelts into leather armors as well as patches integral to the creation of higher-level, metallic armors and enhanced weapons. Leatherworkers are responsible for creating leather items for leather wearing classes: Druid, Hunter, Shaman, and Rogue. While the Paladin and Warrior can wear leather, they won't typically wear it unless they have nothing better at the time. Miners: So you want to be a miner? Mining is an exciting Profession used to gather materials for blacksmithing or engineering. However, you dont need those Professions to be a miner. You could simply collect resources and sell them to blacksmiths and engineers. You're going to find these spots anyway as you travel throughout the world, so why not cash in on them? However, most people combine mining and blacksmithing or mining and engineering. Skinners: Skinning allows players to gather leather and hides by skinning animals. Leather and hides are used for leatherworking. Leather is also used for some blacksmithing, engineering, and tailoring recipes. Taliors: Tailoring allows players to cut and weave various pieces of cloth into armor, bags, shirts, and other cloth items. Tailors are responsible for creating cloth items for cloth wearing classes: Mages, Warlocks, and Priests. They may also occasionally make items for other classes interested in wearing cloth, if the items are especially appealing. All seems pretty appealing, no? [b]NOTICE:[/b] Anyone who hasn't posted at least once by wednesday [b][i]will[/b][/i] be booted. I can't have 4 active people and the rest just watch. Contact me if you are unable to meet this requirement, and we may work something out. Have fun![/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Renjin was still surprised at what Kirra had said. [i]Intriuged...pssh. She could of just asked me to come with her, damn...[/i] Renjin's hand found it's way to his headband, and he pulled it back as the two men of the Light came forward. His eyes were fearsome to behold, white with a red ring like a firey circle. However, seeing as these two seemed battle hardened, he figured it wouldn't phase these...hardened holy men. [b]" We've found something.... something that might interest you..."[/b] Apollos said. Renjin just glared, at no one in paticular. Suddenly he spoke. [b]"Well, get on with whatever it is."[/b] Renjin's voice wasn't exactly gruff, or exactly kind either. It was more of an expaserated melody of the two. Apollos pulled a note from a pocket, and threw it to Renjin. He caught it, and unfolded it. [b]"Plans to attack Stormwind, Thunder Bluff, Gnomeregan...Teldrassil, Ashenvale, Ironforge, Undercity, Orgrimmar?! This makes no bloody fucking sense...that's every main race on Azeroth...besides the Naga and Blood Elves."[/b] Renjin was stressed. Ashenvale was a Hippogryph away from here, and it was next on the list. However, they'd need to stop in Ironforge to gather supplies and information, and possibly help. Renjin's hand found his pocket, and he slipped the note inside. [b]"Then we had better leave...for Darnassus first, that's the only city on this Light forsaken island of Teldrassil."[/b] Renjin could feel his hand catch fire, ready to engluf his body in flame and attack something or someone. Kirra was too close, so he forced himself to settle. Renjin was, however, annoyed at Narote's words. Teldrassil and Nightsong woods were far from...Light forsaken, though Renjin's veins coursed with a semi-latent demonic power. Perhaps they needed to be educated, and Renjin's growing anger at the destruction of the peoples across the world fueled his want to fight. He lept onto a balcony, maybe five feet off of the ground. He stood, and one fingertip had a sliver of blue flame on it. It spread slowly. [b]"Alright. If I can beat Apollos 'ere, you have to stop calling it Light forsaken. It's no such thing, you humans, who have encroached on our forests. Maybe you need to redefine your prospects of light and darkness and see that without light, there can be no shadow. And without shadow, there is the obiviously the abensece of light. Our powers sustain each others. You holy crusaders...you even out nothing. You disrupt the balance-"[/b] Renjin leapt down, his whole body sparking into blue flames as he grabbed Demonic Embrace from his back, striking for Apollos. He barely managed to parry Renjin's crushing blow, and a bit of the cloth on him was singed. [b]"-You disrupt the balance of nature. Indulge me in your strength and knowledge of the Light. If you want to win, you better start learnin' the propeties of balancing the world."[/b] Renjin struck with an increased fevour, attacking, doding and weaving. After a while, he spoke again, without a trace of sarcasm or rudeness. It was a pure, undiluted question. [b]"Tell me, o' holy paladin. Does god's Light blind us or lead us?"[/b][/color][/size]
[center][color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Richard [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Wakanda [b]Position:[/b] Wakanda [b]Ability:[/b] Richard controls demonic energies. In example, those that enchance and destroy. Richard has gained these powers through a rather selfless act, and controls many demons and their powers. [u]Siphon Life:[/u] With a masterful strike, Richard places a mark of Hell on the target, and their life begins to drain into him at an alarming rate, healing himself and killing the target. Can have multiple active. [u]Summon Infernal:[/u] Richard calls down an Infernal, or boulders animated by a demonic spirit into a humanoid form. It causes a large amount of damage in the area it was called down from, and lives for five minutes before crumbling into the earth. [u]Shadowform:[/u] His body is covered in darkness, rendering him invisible and able to embue his punches and kicks with the angiush of those around and in Hell. Only lasts a short period of time. [u]Demonic Roundabout:[/u] Richard's ultimate move, it starts out with a roundhouse kick, and another, and more until Richard starts spinning on his left foot while kicking at impossible speeds, this move can render the target blind, deaf and dumb for their entire life, which wouldn't be long afterwards. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/3971/k3nc.jpg][color=darkred]Richard[/color][/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Richard is a self serving, quiet and sometimes rude person at first glance. Most have shunned him when they found out about his sacrifice for the darkness, as he loves to call it. So naturally, Richard pushes those away, prefering to keep himself to himself. However, if he wouldn't push away, everyone would find Richard a rather shy and kind man, willing to lend a hand. Good luck getting that close to find out, though. [b]Character Snippit:[/b] [i]He just stood there, dumbfounded. I looked at him. Was he stupid, or really damn [b]stupid[/b]? I'm Wakanda. He's vampire. He's dead now.[/i] Richard kneeled upon the corpse of a vampire, and pulled a cigarette from his pocket. With a flick of his fingers, a light was in his hand, and the flame lit the small little stick that contained lung tainting tobacco. Richard took a puff, and then blew it out. After every vampire...a smoke was good. His boot grinded into the back of the vampire. The little crunch and squish of the rotten flesh that wanted to infest and defile everything in it's sight...the crunch was slightly satisfiying. Knowing that that was another human that wouldn't be turned. For now, anyway. He stood up, and reajusted his black jacket, cleaning a bit of blood off of his stomach. It wouldn't come off so easy. [i]Again and again with the staining...just like on the mother I found last. Bloodspattered angel. Too bad, she was nice...gave me food and a bed to sleep that night after a vampire or three jumped me. Can't really remember. She paied for it in the end though. They got her. They always get her. [/i] Richard brought his hand up through the white hair, stained with the ichor of undeath that was on the vampire, and the faint scent of formaldrahyde. Formaldrahye...beginnin' of the end. Mark o' the vampire. Another run through of his winter white hair, Richard stepped out of the small little warehouse. Again, his hand found it's way to his pocket, and drew out a small tin. A tin of Altoids, raspberry sours. Richard's thumb pressed down and the small metal tin popped open soundlessly. His long dextile fingers found one of the candies, and Richard's fingers found his mouth. The sour taste of the purple candies were satisfying, and without an apperant reason, he drew his lighter again. [b]"Syonara, you sons of bitches..."[/b] A flick, a flame, and it all went down. The humans had set it up perfectly. This warehouse, a blood bank for the vampires in the most literal sense, had been covered in a fine layer of gasoline by several humans that had run into vampires and was in debt with Richard. The corruption was all in flames now, an acrid odor finding Richard's nostrils. He didn't mind. As long as it all didn't exist, Richard was happy. So happy. His one skill was deadly, and it wasn't his people skills. A vampire wasn't too happy with this development, and sprung out at Richard. His left hand shot out, and he slapped a mark of death on the vampire. Siphon Life began to take place, and the vampire thrashed. Once, twice, and it was dead. Richard returned his hand to the black shirt, and then began to button it up. Not clean, and far from unstained, he left. Richard found Katima sitting out in the coold midsummer wind, her pink hair fluttering in the wind. He sat down beside her on the curb, and spoke. His first words in over three days. His voice...was so hoarse. Coarse and dry, it still sounded as sweet as everyone told him it was. [b]"What's a fine girl like you doing sitting all alone?"[/b] Richard would never confess it, but he had a deep affection for Katima. He might confess it...if the time was right. If the time was right.[/color][/size][/center]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][i]That Kirra...[/i] There was a burning feeling inside of Renjin's stomach, which he pushed down. It felt like he was burning to a crisp from the core of his body out. He picked up his blade, and set out to find Kirra before whatever was in that poison took place. [i]I knew I was hot, just not this hot...[/i] Renjin smiled to himself again at the joke. Even in times of war you needed a sense of humor about it all. He opened the door, and started to run, using branches and trees to launch himself faster as the growing pain in his stomach erupted again, more painful. Over a branch here, under one there. Over a river here, in one there. Dodging and weaving, Renjin made his way, as the wildfire of the poison spread through even his hair. He got sick of having to jump or lean over the branches, so as long as he was hot, he'd let the world feel it as he cast Immolate. The trees burned around him, so he didn't have to deal with all that ducking and weaving that most Night Elves did. Renjin cut down a large branch and kicked it into the river, getting it out of his way. He came upon the Hunter's Hall, where the Sentinels and Shadow Hunters made their home. However, Kirra was not there. Droplets of sweat banged on the floor, as loud as drums to Renjin's ears. He wasn't so sure that it was just ment to be uncomfortable, his insides felt like they were going to burn to cinders. [b]"Then where can I find her?"[/b] Renjin's voice was rather laboured as he kept his anger and pain out of it. The night elf woman looked at him, and said flatly. [b]"Why should I tell you?"[/b] [b]"Because she's poisoned me, and my insides will probably burn to a crisp. Do you wanna be responsible for me dying, just by not telling me where she is?"[/b] [b]"Oh really..."[/b] Renji lost it then. He grabbed Demonic Embrace, clearly aggrivated. [b]"Yes, really, damnit! Tell me where she is!"[/b] Renji roared, electing a few looks from the women that were in the hall. There were only women in the Sentinels and Shadow Hunters. After a minute, the woman he shouted at gave up. [b]"Check the Nightsong Forest, at 23, 83. Just head north for a bit, really..."[/b] She seemed beaten. Renjin left his apologies and restrapped the blade to his back, igniting himself again as there was another burning pain in his stomach. [i]That tricky little sonuva...[/i] The thought drifted through Renjin's mind as he cut away a brach, the rest turning to cinders. Down went a few more branches until he saw a small bulding that looked like a miniature Hunter's Hall. He guessed it was where Kirra was. Not bothering to knock, Renjin's foot met the door as it crashed open. Kirra sat inside, her legs crossed up on a small table as she sat in a wooden chair. She gave him a glance and a smile. [b]"Glad you could make it...Renjin."[/b] [b]"You put some sort of poison in my body, I have to deal with some stuck up girl in the Hunter's Hall, hunt you down, and that's all you've got to say?!"[/b] [b]"Hmm...yes. I think that is."[/b] Another rocket of pain lurched Renjin as he gripped a nearby chair, leaving finger indents. [b]"Can I have the damn antidote at least...?"[/b] [b]"In a minute...First, you've got to do something for me."[/b] [b]"Oh great..."[/b] Kirra stood suddenly, a smal vial in her hand and a devious smile on her face. [b]"Just...gimme a small kiss. If I like it, you get the antidote. If not...your insides will become powder."[/b] [b]"That bartender-"[/b] [b]"Told you that it wasn't lethal? He lied."[/b] Kirra's slender digits twirled the vial, and she pretended to drop it, then grab it. [b]"So where's my kiss, demon boy?"[/b] Renjin sighed, his head burning and sweat a fine layer on his skin. [i]Give her a kiss. It's not like you don't wanna.[/i] Suddenly, Renjin put one hand on Kirra's face, and gave her a kiss, as her hand opened up, revealing a vial filled with the antidoe. He grabbed it, and pulled away from Kirra to take a drink of it. His insides began to cool off and he felt normal. [b]"I know that you did this just to get me here....so why am I here?"[/b] Renjin asked.[/color][/size]
[b]Sign ups are closed for all but Revelation.[/b] The RPG is up, check it out. I command you too. ^_^ Have fun.
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]"...And then the mage started firing off a few frost bolts, but I managed to dodge 'em..."[/b] Renjin stopped to take a drink of his beverage, a pint of Dwarven Stout. Next to him sat Kirra, a girl he had just met that day. He was telling her of what had happened earlier, while buying Kirra a few drinks. He had a purely innocent reason for doing such, though if she had wanted to go back to his room, he might not argue. Though, he probably would, seeing as how he wanted to be portrayed as a gentleman, as he was. [b]"Oh? is that so...? Do you think that impressed me as much as you hoped?"[/b] She was pretty much on the dot, but the mournful sound of axes on wood rang through Renjin's ears. He stood up, and pulled the dark blue eyeband over his eyes, enhancing his perceptions of combat.The Dark Ritual had done more for him than he had guessed... [b]"I smell...Orc."[/b] His hand strayed for his blade, and he picked it up, jumping off of the barstool. With a slight grin, Kirra followed him out the entrance as she grabbed her weapons, finishing off the contents of the glass quickly. Renjin was already at the first of the filthy Horde, a Troll Rouge. The rouge vanished from normal sight, but Renjin's demonic sight wasn't fooled. He wrapped his hand around the woman troll, and whispered something in her ear, then tore a deep gash through her pale blue stomach, the red flowing on blue like a cascaphony of contradiction, like white on black, something that should never be mixed on a body. With Demonic Embrace, Renji ripped another gash, on her throat as she fell from his grip. With a flick of his hand, Renjin unhinged the blade, and spun the blood off it. [b]"Kirra...glad you could join us. The Horde has made a move on Teldrassil...as you can see."[/b] He nuged the body with his foot. It was already cold and stiff, going through advanced rigor mortem. She looked down. [b]"Not bad. What'd you say into her ear again...? 'I'm sorry you had to see this'...?"[/b] Kirra had the same slight grin. She pulled a small knife out of her pocket and threw it behind her shoulder, taking out a Tauren Druid as the walking bovine's throat was cut through and it staggered before hitting the ground. Renjin and Kirra both realized....they were surrounded. At least 10 each, all battle hardened enough to make the trip across the sea to invade. Renjin's hand strayed upwards, pushing up the mooncloth eyeband. The fading smile became a growing smirk. [b]"Eheheheheheh...stupid damn Horde."[/b] Renjin flicked his wrist, and fire spread from a small cut, washing over his blade, and englufing his whole body. Kirra, who was right next to him, was not affected. The Trolls, Orcs, Tauren and Undead, however, took a step back. [b]"You dumbasses play with fire and you're gunna get..."[/b] Renjin's body threw itself forward, launching off a Curse of Agony, and slicing off a limb, watching it fall to a ground. The Undead grabbed the flailing, rotting and burning arm, and threw it at Renji, spitting on his feet. [b]"Stupid Night Elf....we're not so soft skinned."[/b] With that, Kirra and Renjin were both thrown into battle. A few minutes later, the Sentinels had managed to get the rest of the Orcs down, but Renjin's hand found it's way to the undead's pocket. He pulled out a chipped and torn piece of paper, and his eyes fell. The Dwarves and Gnomes...had been totally wiped out. Along with the Tauren... --- [b]"So...Stormwind fell..."[/b] Kirra said, she seemed somewhat sad, actually. [b]"Yeah...I thought that we had a detatchment up there. My father was there on a pillgrimage for his mining company...my mother for an alchemest class..."[/b] He took a long, steady drink before ordering another one. [b]"Sorry."[/b] Renjin looked at her, and smiled. He lifted the eyeband. [b]"I dunno if you mean that, but thanks."[/b] [b]"Yeah, I ment it. What, doubt me?"[/b] [b]"You know that trick you played on that "Stupid male that was really gonna get it?"[/b] [b]"Yeah, what is it?"[/b] [b]"That was me."[/b] [b]"Oh, was it...?"[/b] The conversation carried on. --- The destruction should be enough to give anyone to post about.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray]][size=1]As he walked, Hauken inched his blade out little by little, as he had put it back in it's simple leather sheath. A rustle and crunch of the ground ahead told him to take some sort of action, he didn't know if the others had noticed the two guards walking patrol, one with a jian, and one with a simple spear. [b]"Isn't our job to wack the guys that are around the castle and stuffs?"[/b] Hauken didn't really bother to keep it quiet, and Tetsuya looked down at him with a hint of a smile. [b]"Yes, it is."[/b] [b]"Great...'cuz Hyourinmaru is gettin' a little restless."[/b] With that, there was a rustle of leaves, and when Tetsuya looked back, Hauken was gone. About 30 feet up, Hauken had dispatched the guards. Picking up the weapons, he pickpocketed a few throwing knives off of one, and a key off of another. [b]"Never forget to pickpocket the enemy. They ALWAYS have somethin' useful."[/b] Annouced Hauken, Hyourninmaru strung across his back causally, as hs swing the rather rusted key from the small loop of leather it had been tied on. Tetsuya and the others were a bit dumbfounded as Hauken's hand slipped into his pocket, pulling out the stolen throwing knives. [b]"Now how many do we got her-"[/b] Hauken was cut short. [b]"How did you get all the way up there in a split second?"[/b] Hauken peered upwards at Fayth. [b]"I told ya guys...my father had a technique."[/b] He was rather annoyed, and tried to figure out what would be fair to do with the throwing knives as Fayth spoke again. [b]"You never said what it was."[/b] [b]"Displacement Step. The moment of the body's eneriges to a different spot seen or transversed already in the user's mind."[/b] For a small bit, Hauken sounded more intelligent than most had probably thought him. He held up two knives in between his fingers, and offered them to Fayth. [b]"Everyone gets two, use 'em, retrieve 'em, and don't lose 'em."[/b] He really didn't care if he seemed bossy or demanding or not, he knew that if they lost these, they lost a good chance for stealth. Not many would know how to use them effectively, so he spent a few minutes showing the basic grip technique. He was a master of thrown weapons along with his Hyournimaru. [b]"Alright...we all ready to sneak in, bash whoever the hell we need to bash, and get out with group one?"[/b][/color][/size]
[b]OOC:[/b] Quick note: No more Alliance, unless your character is Dwarf or Gnome. I need some more Horde, at least 2 more.
[color=darkslategray][size=1][i]Ah, young one...so powerful at...such a subtle age.[/i] Fenrir spoke, huffing and panting. Hauken was still in his fight, while a battle was ready to rage outside. [i]Yeah, yeah. You've said that a million damn times![/i] Hauken had his Hyournimaru slung across his shoulders, one hand gripping the sharkskin hilt, the other resting on the blade, limp. He knew that something was getting ready to go outside, as the cool wind whipped inside. Slowly, Fenrir began to pace. [i]Do you know why this place is so hollow and cold?[/i] [i]Because yer name means Ice Ring?[/i] [i]No. You still haven't forgiven yourself for your parent's deaths.[/i] [i]What am I, some stupid protagonist that has a troubled past and doesn't forgive himself until some cruical plot point?[/i] [i]In essence...yes.[/i] [i]In essence my ass![/i] Hauken was slightly annoyed. He wanted to get to the battle that was outside, but he couldn't leave until he defeated Fenrir. So he better get some gas in his ass and start going. Without a word, Hauken displaced the energies of his body, and reassembled them behind Fenrir. [i]Sorry, doggy. Time to put you down![/i] With a strike, Fenrir fell limp, his great hunter's eyes turning towards Hauken. Everything seemed like slow motion, as Fenrir's muzzle grew into a grin. [i]Ah...you had 'nough courage to do the Displacement Step that your father taught...good. You've earned my namesake, now. Carry me well, Hauken![/i] With that, Fenrir faded into whispers and droplets of white snow that quickly melted. The cold winds kept tearing at Hauken's suddenly chilly flesh, and he was transported out. Hauken found himself with a group of other people, Tetsuya, Tomoya, Fayth, and Rieur. His hand running through his hair, several snowflakes fell out, along with some earth. To get it all out, he gave a quick runthrough and shake of his white hair. [b]"So, anyone wanna tell me what the [i]hell[/i] we're doing?"[/b][/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Renjin Forestwalker [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Race:[/b] Night Elf [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://www.blizzard.com/inblizz/fanart/ScreenShot.aspx?ImageIndex=245&Set=0]Renjin. He only has one armblade.[/url] [b]Class:[/b] Warlock [b]Weapon:[/b] Demonic Embrace: Contrary to it's name, Renjin's blade is quite simple, if unique. Most Warlock skill themselves in daggers or staves, but Renjin prefers the blade. [b]Spells:[/b] Immolation: Renjin's magicks catch his body on fire, doing damage to all those near him. Curse of Agony: A crippling curse comes over the enemy, doing a large amount of damage over a large amount of time. [b]Personality:[/b] Renjin, dispite his choice to become a Warlock and use demonic powers, is a very self sacrificing person. He's serious, but kind hearted, and will help out someone in need of help. In battle, his demonic powers mostly take control, leading him to be even more steel willed and battle oriented then even the most hardened warriors. Away from battle, he won't talk much, but has a rather playful spirit. Which, like most "Playful spirits", gets Renjin in trouble. Renjin isn't an achoholic, but he enjoys his liquor, and pretty women. He's never been in a relationship too long, as he was either taken away from them, or they wre killed. Renjin doesn't try much anymore, as everyone he's been close to has been killed by the Scourage. [b]Character Snippit:[/b] [b]"Damnit..."[/b] Several Orcish Mages were in front of him, ready to blast him. Most warlocks hadn't done melee, but Renjin knew the purpose of balancing the melee and demonic powers. Holding his hand out, it caught fire, spreading down his body in a blue flame. Renjin ran forward, avoiding the cool blasts of ice and the warm blasts of fire, and the crackle of Arcane magicks. They cried out, not expecting this. One managed to get his staff in the way of the arm blade, but the other two's throats were ripped out, splayed across his Demonic Embrace. After a bit of hand to hand combat, the Orc was kneeling on the ground. [b]"Alright, tell me! Who plans to attack Teldrassil?!"[/b] Renjin's eyes were firey, his body flaming, the Orc burning up. The crackle of skin, the sick burning sound melded through the trees, and the Orc answered. [b]"Lord....Thrall didn't...want to have us hurt you...Night Elf bastards. The Forsaken thought differently..."[/b] The mage collasped, and the flame extinguished from Renjin. He flipped the corpse over, and shut the Orc's eyes, a final tribute. [b]"I'm sorry...I didn't know the Forsaken's grip was so tight. May the spirits of the forest guide you to your next life, brave Orc."[/b] Renjin picked up the small bit of gold he was carrying. 1 gold, 23 silver, 38 copper. Not a lot, but a welcome addition. The dead had no use for money. But Renjin did, and soon he rose from his kneeling posistion, heading off for the local tavern. Opening the door, he tied Demonic Embrace to his back, fishing out a few coppers. [b]"Gimme some Ironforge Dwarven Stout..."[/b] The bartender nodded, fishing out a glass and the liquor. There was a woman in the ashwood chair besides him, quite cute, with beautiful dark blue hair, just the shade of his. Rather quite, actually.... Renjin took a quick swig of the Dwarven Stout, and smiled his smile. [b]"What's your name?"[/b] He asked. [b]"Kirra...you?"[/b] She had a slightly sly smile on his face. Many men must of done this. However...he was the first Night Elven warlock that hadn't been kicked out. [b]"Renjin. You're one of the Shadow Hunters, ain't ya? That special divsion of the Sentinels."[/b] [b]"Yeah...and you're a Warlock. I'm surprised they haven't kicked out outta Ashenvale by now."[/b] Her smile belayed her words. He rather liked her. [b]"Just luck and the fact that I haven't summoned an infernal down. So...luck and common sense."[/b] [b]"Hmm...so that's it?"[/b] [b]"Of course."[/b] Renjin bought her a glass of Dwarven Stout, as he finished off his own. Orc Hunting had it's uses, as he told her of what had happened that day.[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] Excellent sing ups so far. I'm really glad that this worked out the way it has! Continue to give me the great quality you all have.
[color=darkslategray][size=1][center]Warcraft: Cry of the Warsong It has been 4 years since the epic last stand of the world of Azeroth, in their dying minutes as they stood united against the Burning Legion, and the devouring will of the undead Scourage, lead by the once holy, but now defiled Arthas, the Death Kinght. 4 Years ago, the Burning Legion invaded once again, Sargeras the Titan and his Eredar Warlocks, -Archimonde and Kil'Jaeden- came to reap the immense magical energies found in the Eternal Well. However, they had been beaten once, returned to the Twisting Nether. And again, it seemed time for humanity to join forces with those that might be able to help. Including the Night Elves, a proud race of the forest, and the Orcs, once thought to be mindless savages, now distinguished as a proud, Shamanistic culture from Draenor, a planet far away. On the hills of the Eternal Tree, Nordrassil, the final battle-or so they hoped- took place. In the end...in the end, no one won, really. Archimonde was defeated, but the Scourage, started by the Burning Legion, still remained. Still lead by the once Paladin, Arthas. Still hellbent on taking the world. However, things did not go as planned. Each of the 8 races tried to go about in peace, but when the final assumption took place, right under their noses, and the Lich King was returned to glory, all seemed lost. Now the eight races began to rally armies, striking at the other. They were once again, divided into the Alliance and the Horde. One seemingly pure, the other seemingly evil. But from each sides, there are heroes. Small and meager right now, but will rise in the ranks of world, and come together in one purpose, regardless of race. Stop the Lich King, lest they be turned to his unholy will, as walking and rotting cadavers. As the undead.[/center] --- Alright, I realize that might of not been what you expected from the title, but it'll all make sense when it starts. Basically, the world of Azeroth, home to many different creatures and races, is under attack. By Arthas, a Death Knight that managed to fuse with the Lich King, who ultimately took the Burning Legion's attack into his plans. So...onto the sign ups. Feel free to PM, MSN, or AIM me with questions on anything. [b]Name:[/b] Olden-ish. [b]Age:[/b] 15+ [b]Race:[/b] Undead (Forsaken, out of the Lich King's control.), Tauren, (walking bovine. Need I say more? Haaaaard hitters.) Orcs (Everyone's favorite, hugely muscled greenskins!), Trolls (And not the spammer kind. The kind with tusks and blue skins. And the Jamacan accent. Yah, mon.) Humans, (See; Self.) Dwarves, (The second smallest people in the RPG.) Gnomes, (Techinological ankle biters.) and Night Elves. Choose one. [b]Gender:[/b] Male or Female. Yes, Undead have genders... [b]Appearance:[/b] Picture or a good description. I imagine that anyone besides human is going to have to do description, but whatever you can find is fine with me. [b]Class:[/b] Warlock, Shaman (Horde Only), Paladin (Alliance only), Warrior, Hunter, Mage, Priest, Rouge, Druid. [b]Weapon:[/b] Something simple, and realistic. A mage isn't going to be carrying a tower shield and a sword. I'll list Class Proficentcies later. [b]Spells:[/b] You start with two spells. Be creative, and have them pertain to YOUR class. As the RPG progresses, there will be trainers in each captiol city to teach new spells and skills. Warriors and Rouges don't know magic, but they have special battle abilites, like Rouges are masters of poison and stealth, Warriors are proficent with every weapon known to the peoples of Azeroth. [b]Personality:[/b] 1 paragraph, at least 5 sentences minimum. How does your character act in and out of battle? [b]Character Snippit, or Biography:[/b] Here, you can either wow me with your innate tale on how your character got here, or get straight to the point and gimme a snippit. Your choice. Any length, but the more detailed and full, the better. --- [b][i]Factions:[/b][/i] [u]Alliance:[/u] Humans Night Elves Dwarves Gnomes [u]Horde[/u] Orcs Trolls Undead (Forsaken.) Tauren. --- Alright, now I'll list class stuff. [u]Weapon Profiecenty:[/u] Warriors: No limitations. Can use every weapon. Warlock: Limited to daggers, one handed swords, wands and staves. More info upon request. Paladin: All weapons avaiable. No limitations. Shaman: Everything but two handed weapons, such as two handed swords or maces. May use staves. Rouge: May duel wield, limited to 1 handed swords and daggers. Druid: All but two handed weapons and swords. Hunter: Can use every weapon besides maces and swords. Also has more proficentcy with Guns and Bows. Priest: Staves and daggers. Mage: Staves and daggers. [u]Armor Proficentcies:[/u] Warrior: No limits. Warlock: Cloth armor. Paladin: No limits. Shaman: Up to mail, no plate. Rouge: Cloth and Leather. Druid: Cloth, Leather, mail. Hunter: Cloth, leather Priest: Cloth Mage: Cloth. --- [u]Class Descriptions:[/u] Warriors: Masters of hand to hand combat, these people excel from fist to fist to sword to sword. Good for those that don't exactly have physical training, like Mages. Warlocks: These bad boys use Demonic Magic, and their powers stym from Shadow and Fire magicks. They can summon an array of demons, and enslave demons for a short period of time. Paladin: The Holy Protectors, they are a warrior and a priest rolled together. Shaman: The Jack of All Trades, master of none. The Horde Shaman can heal wounded allies, fight hand to hand, and cast with the best of them. Rouge: They are masters of poision and stealth, able to vanish right from an enemy's sight. Lovers of cloak and dagger techniques. Druid: Almost a Shaman, they have a more distinct line, able to transform into animals, and fight melee, or stay and cast. Priest: The healers, these holy people also dabble in shadow magicks, able to do damage as they heal. Mage: The routine spellcaster. They fight with frost, fire and arcane spells, and as long as it's not melee, the opponent doesn't stand much of a chance against a Mage. --- Alright, that's it. Sign up. Questions? PM, MSN, or AIM. Magical letters.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][i]Run run run! Turn! No, go that way! He's gonna get the stee-Gagh...![/i] When Michael opened his eyes, he was watching something through colorblind eyes. He tried to lift his hand as he saw someone get hit with an arrow, but he couldn't. He was in the body of a Timber Wolf, a tall, proud and majestic animal. He could only watch, so Mike relaxed, and thought of the power that he had...Tyfli...ng... His thoughts were cut short as the timber wolf dashed to the side as another corpse careened past, crashing into a bail of hay, where blood blossomed in a sick but almost beautiful way, the way that poetry sometimes flowed from his hands onto paper...a message in crimson. That thought was cut short as a huge blast of fire ran past the wolf's head, the back of his tail singed. Michael felt a deep sort of pain in his lower back, and guessed it was part of his Tyfling powers. Or something else more arcane. A man on a black horse, draped in a black cloak. A wave of some masochistic energy ran off of this man, or whatever it was. He looked at the timber wolf, and grinned a smile that would kill roses that bloomed from the ground nearby. Michael desparately willed the wolf to follow the horse. The hoofs slammed into the ground, kicking up dirt. Luckily, the timber wolf with it's brown and white coat, followed, lost in the dust. Mike had no problem seeing through the eyes of the creature as it followed the Rider. To a scene that Mike could of gone his life without seeing. A small cottage in the middle of a clearing. Bodies cleaved in twain, spilling the story of their lives onto the grass in a sad, and in no way poetic way. The stares of death burned in the wolf's eyes, as it gently nuzzled the black rider. It was obiviously tamed, the wolf, as it had not taken to eating the corpses. This must of been it's owners. That became obivous as the wolf's nose crinkled up, and it grolwed. Leaping for the black rider, the vision faded for a while, as the rider batted it away with his blade, knocking it unconsious. It would wake up soon.[/color][/size]