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Everything posted by Engel

  1. [color=darkslategray][size=1]In a small spring, the sweet smell of boiling, hot water rose. In that hot spring, was a Shinigami. Taichio of the 3rd Division, to be exact. Akuma. Arms spread, eyes closed, and body relaxed, he let the warm flow of water drift and bubble, as lazy as a springtime breeze. The two long groups of his hair, entwined by what seemed to be a white bandage, drifted carefree across the stone floors above the spring. Akuma heard footsteps. Opening one amber colored eye, he saw Sakura and...Utamuro. He didn't like the guy much, or his fighting style. He had to respect him though. While not exactly...graceful, he got the job done. Before he was in sight to them, as they laughed and walked, Akuma got up, and threw a white kimono on with a cherry red, intricate design running up the sides, on. [b]"The hot spring is yours."[/b] [b]"Where ya goin-"[/b] [b]"I don't like company this early."[/b] Was all that he would say. That was true. He'd been awake, maybe five minutes. Taking a small drink from a pitcher, the sweet, slightly flavored with the faint taste of strawberries, filled his mouth. He filled a cup sitting by, and retreated from the pools. [b]"Lesse...I died in 1695...so that would make me how old today?"[/b] Akuma spoke to no one but himself. No one knew it was his birthday today, and he didn't really care. Or, it wasn't that he didn't care, it was just that he figured, no one [i]would[/i] Before they were out of earshot he spoke, [b]"Today's my birthday, Utamuro, Sakura."[/b] And soon, he was back in his chambers, the drinking bowl of strawberry flavored water still in his hand. Pulling a strawberry from the pantry, he squeezed the juices out over the water, and drank. [b]"Happy 300 to me."[/b] Akuma lay down on the floor, hands behind his head.[/color][/size]
  2. [color=darkslategray][size=1]Ikraugi had made his way through the grounds, to his own room. Blades with him, he took them to the Crystal Fountain, on the Cleansing Grounds, and washed the blades of the...unworthy blood. All the time, he said nothing to no one. His robe clung to him lightly, comfortable. Ikraugi produced a cloth from one of his inner pockets, and cleared off the water and remnants of the staining blood. Sheathing the blades, he made off to the place no one knew he'd have enough heart to go to. A special place, where autistics came when orphaned or in severe need. Stepping through the door, he pulled off his robe, and his weapons, and stood in his street clothes. Orange hair swept the air, naturally that way. People regarded him with a strange look when they didn't know him. They were so...stale. They had a definition of japanese too...confined for him. Black or brown hair, brown or green eyes. He had orange hair and blue eyes. It disgusted him. Diversity. Dig it. Ikraugi sighed, [b]"Oy! I'm here."[/b] Every day, after everything, he came to help these children. They were fond of him, even if they were indifferent, quiet. He loved the dearly for that. They didn't judge, pressure, or hate him. They only regarded him as an equal. They were just like him, only more severe. One kid looked up. He had no name but Randal. They had called him Randal Six, because five other Randals had come and gone here. They didn't look for orginality here. That was obivious. Ikraugi smiled at Randal. That was something few saw. For the record, Ikraugi has only smiled 10 times in his whole life. Not a lot to smile about. Especially for him. After a while, an annoucement brought him to the debrefing room, where Jace was. He was mystified.[/color][/size]
  3. [color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Shikyo Akuma [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Rank:[/b] 3rd Squad, Captain [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img129.exs.cx/img129/6105/albel10zp.jpg] Akuma. Just replace those with Shinigami robes.[/url] Akuma's right arm is wound in a white bandage all the way up, and on his Shinigami robes, there are several symbols in white. Akuma's hair is white, as well, and ends in a deep red. Most speculate that its from a paticularly nasty fight with a Menos, where the blood stained his hair. The bleach never did get out the red at the ends. On his hands and ankles are metal cuffs from his imprisonment at one time. He lost his temper when a fellow Shinigami killed one of his squad members in a training duel. They had to imprison him for a while, and he wears those cuffs to remember his sin, albeit rightous, should of never happened. [b]Personality:[/b] Akuma lives up to his name. He's got a short fuse, nasty temper, and a fondness of brutal language. Most of the words that come out of his mouth, however, are at the enemy. He doesn't refrain in any aspect. Sometimes, in his honesty, you'd wish you'd never met him, if you've angered him. But that's what makes him a great captain. He can make split descisions, be ruthless, and has no pity for the Hollow, no matter who they once were. Akuma's never been good at social conversation, or conversation of any kind, really. An iron wolf, many would call him. [b][i]Zanpakutoh[/b][/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] Akuma's Zanpakutoh is bland, really. Just a run of the mill old sword. He loves it that way, because they never see it coming. [b]Name:[/b] Tetsu-Okami (Iron Wolf) [b]Shikai Call-Out:[/b] Usuwara, Tetsu-Okami!i! (Grin, Iron Wolf) [b]Shikai Appearance:[/b] Tetsu-Okami becomes totally different. The Zanpakutoh becomes a metal gauntlet that covers the entire arm, and ends in five, long blades in the finger. It forms over his right arm. On the shoulder, there sits a trophy, in the shape of a Hollow's mask with a cleave in it. Rumor is that Akuma fashioned it himself. [b]Shikai Power:[/b] Akuma's Tetsu-Okami becomes encircled in a cleansing fire, and the tallon blades become alight with an incantation; "Hi no Shiren!" (Trial By Fire) And the blades will leave scorching burns that ignite into full flames when they strike an enemy. [b]Bankai:[/b] "Konpaku rippuku!" (Soul Rage). Tetsu-Okami spreads over his chest to his other arm, and several serpentical eyes form along the gauntlets, and the blades become an extra half foot longer, (Bringing them to 2'6) as the edges grow serrated. [b]Character Snippit:[/b] [b][i]Run, worm! Run for your pathetic, drained life! Run, maggot, or feel what you've done to countless spirits and flesh![/i][/b] Akuma ran after the oversized, black and grey doglike Hollow. A grin formed on his face. The metal collar, with the two little segments of chain clinked together. Many Hollow realized that this would be the last thing they saw. That, and the fine steel of his Zanpakutoh bearing down. Zanpakutoh. Hard. Smooth. Thin. Death. The Hollow jumped back as him, as he turned away. A feint. Akuma held out Tetsu-Okami, one hand on his hip, as the souless maggot wreathed himself upon the blade. A fine ornament. Akuma twisted Tetsu-Okami, then drew it out of the shadowflesh, and brought it down on the creature's boney, demented, clownlike face. [i]Filithy maggot. Your blood stains my robes...[/i] The Hollow twisted in dying agony, much like a bug caught in pesticide, in the final moments before the chemicals seeped into every pore. That Hollow never hit the ground. [i][b]What was once a maggot has become food for the maggots.[/i][/b] Akuma, grim faced and covered in the drying blood of a Hollow, Akuma wiped the blade on the grass, the green mingling with the dieing red. Like that of the sunset as the skyscrapers the jagged, serrated blade, and the low mountains the hilt, the wreathing ball of flame known as the Sun set down behind the metropolotain blade. Time to return to Soul Society. It was unfortunate. Such a lowly maggot for the Taichio. He wanted more. He heard something snap. A quick, dull, faint sound. He felt his stomach knot up. He grinned. Hollow Bait. Some fool must of thought it was money. At least, this should make it so Akuma could have some fun. They pooled from a massive crease in the sky. Piles of them landed around him, sensing his incredible spirit energy. Akuma leaned back against a tree, casually. [b]"Come, worm food. The hole in your chests ain't as large as the emptiness of your brains, I hope."[/b] Akuma drew Tetsu-Okami. [b]"Usuwarai, Tetsu-Okami!"[/b] The blade seemed to melt they wasted no time jumping at him. Akuma seemed to glide from the tree, taking them down without any visible weapon, his hands still at his side. [b]"You filthy maggots! Do I really have to fight you all night long, or can I convince you to go home to your twisted, sick, Menos mother?"[/b] Akuma glided past a Hollow with several sharp spined talons raking for him, and it fell dead. No one could see his Tetsu-Okami armed hand move. Nor his other one. He jumped in front of a hollow, with a twisted, demonlike bone face, with yellow eyes, and a gnarled look to spare. He laughed. [b]"Way of Binding 99!"[/b] The hollow's arms snapped behind its back, restrained. Akuma put his knee on its back. [b]"You sonuvabitch, you ate a child last night. I saw you. You know what?-"[/b] Akuma grabbed it by the bony face, and slammed it into the ground. [b]"You shouldn't of been filled with grief and anguish. You should of called out, "Shinigami, help!" I would of sent you on to Soul Society peacefully. Now I have to kill you to do that."[/b] Akuma's blade went in the back of its skull. He pulled out his tallon hand as the thing dissolved. A midnight of fighting awaited. [/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=darkslategray] [b]Name:[/b] Ashisogi Jizou [b]Age:[/b] Presumed 23, doesn't remember birthdate [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://koti.mbnet.fi/~hakkis/bm/kuvat/f-n016.jpg]Jizou[/url] The purple is silver, the yellow is a deep red on his clothing. [b]Weapon:[/b] Jizou has a pair of metal gauntlets, which he's named Steel Tallon, that goes over arms, all the way. It ends in a bladed, tallon like grip. He also can use his katana in a pinch. Jizou prefers to use...the edge of his tallons, not the Spirit Energy. However, he has a destructive force over the Spirit Energy he can fire. He doesn't wish for the cost of unnessicary human losses, which mostly happens when he releases that energy. [b]Alliance:[/b] Quincy [b]Title:[/b] Quincy Steel Tallon [b]Personality:[/b] Jizou is cool, collected, and an egotistical bastard. He's confident, and for good cause. His enemies are "maggots" or "Worms", or something else that happens to pop into mind. His taunting is firsthand, and many people that he's faced and defeated would like to slap him with a fishing boat oar over and over. Jizou doesn't go overboard, though. He is cold, calculating and selfless when the time comes. [b]Character Snippit:[/b] [i]Hmph...that's unfortunate. The little itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout...[/i] Grinding his teeth, and rubbing his hands, he stared at the creeping feature, manfested from a local hospital paitent that had died due to a hospital massacre 20 years back. It was spiderlike, but with ten long, slashing appendages on its multi-segmented body. Jizou knew this person. It was his brother. The cool steel of the gauntlet was harsh to the touch, but inside it was warm, the cloth underlay just right. Jizou didn't like his task. His first Hollow, to be exact. Jizou doesn't know much about himself. His birthplace a mystery, all files of his birth and life extiguished. He had forged himself some, to get into schools. He moved to Japan at birth, where his mother and father fell to an invisible wraith. Revenge is a dish best served cold. So cold, as twenty years. Leaping into the air, the metal on his fingers slashed the night sky, rending and tearing at the air. He moved past the onslaught of the Hollow, avoiding the pincers, the tallons, even the toxic waste Jizou presumed to be bullets from his death, coated in the medical waste that came from his bedside. He didn't wish to find out. All he wanted to do was one simple thing. [b]Slay.[/b] One of the long, spiked fingers met dense Hollow skullbone. He sliced through it, leaving a small gash. The mask fell off, in one place. His brother, long gone, reared in pain. This left a chance. Jizou took it. With nine more fingers, he sliced his once sibling down, in repent for his mother, father, and all those it had killed. Jizou wiped Steel Tallon on the grass. He walked on. --- ~Deucalion~[/size][/color]
  5. [color=darkred][b]Kitty:[/b] Ayia....I'm a sucker for classic rock, as your's seemed to be themed around. The drab, dark, [i]bleakness[/i] of it all, is actually quite impressive, and captivating. I don't especially like the "Music-Take a listen" part, the whole font style and such doesn't stick with the classic rock mode. Very good, however. [b]Sean:[/b] Buddy, ol' pal...I love the somewhat dark palate of your colors, even as they vary, it still gives it that sort of "Just look" feel. The sheet music idea was good, bonus points. >_> A bit grainy at times, you still managed a fusion of old, classical music, and the dark undertones of today's culture. My vote....[i][b]Sean[/i][/b][/color]
  6. [color=red][size=1]Axl smiled, pounded lightly on the bartable, and ordered two drinks. He gave one to her, kept one to himself. It was soon down his throat and gone. He ordered another. [b]"Axl, babe. Axl Low."[/b] Pushing back some of his long hair, matted with dust and sweat, he grinned again. He looked into her eyes. They seemed to pulse with an inner fire. He knew she had the same type of elemental powers as him. Fire. He looked also at the chain around her waist. Well...mainly the skin that was showing. [b]"Heh, I doubt your little chain could do anything compared to my [i]kusari gama[/i]."[/b] Axl took it out from his beltloop, swinging one of the sickles around in the air, the air slicing with a sharp sound. She seemed unfazed by it. [b]"Your little plaything there...such a fake."[/b] Axl, being drunk, got a little mad. He let fire flare off the [i]kusari gama[/i]. [b]That[/b] got people to back away. [b]"Hows about this. We have a little fight. I win...get to take you out on a date. You win, you getta do whatever."[/b] Axl backed away from her, swinging the sickle ends in the air.[/color][/size]
  7. [color=darkred][size=1]Sol gruned, and didn't turn. He did however, launch of a wave of firey destruction from Fuuenken, in her general direction. He didn't want to be followed. She seemed persistant, as she narrowly avoided it, and threw something metallic at him. Sol let a grin seep through. Turning around, facing the metal projectile, he put his left hand on his hip, and let Fuuenken, the Fireseal blade, rest on the ground, his hand on the hilt, so that the hilt was diagonally pointed at her. [b]"Outta my way, punk."[/b] Sol told her gruffly. Now wasn't the time for distractions. Pulling the large sack of weapons off of his back, he let the Jinki set down on the ground, as he eyed her. [i]Not bad looking.[/i] Sol grinned. Made it even better. Gears were his favorite prey, even though he was one himself. [b]"I do not understand what you mean by the word, 'punk.'" She responded. Sol tilted his head down, brown hair covering his eyes. One of them shined with a reddish light. [b]"I forgot how fucking stupid Gears were."[/b] Sol had slowed down the grenade in order to make that comment, and so he leapt into the air, throwing his right leg out, kicking the grenade out of the air, back at Re.[/color][/size]
  8. [color=red][size=1]In the Fallen Angel Inn, sat a British heritige young man with long blond hair, and a bandana. He was drunk, to be straight. Drunk with happiness and scotch. And some rum. And vodka. Axl Low wasn't a man to drink, but tonight was a good night. He had taken out group of still loyal to Justice Sub-Commander Gears. Sitting next to him was a man named Virtue. A Sub-Commander that had broken away from Justice. Axl was here celebrating with them, having consumed several different types of hard beverages. But Axl had a high tolerance, and it would take much more to get him drunk. [b]"Did good today, killed a few o' thems Justice's Gears. My kusari gama has limitless range, so they never stood a chance."[/b] Axl said to no one in paticular, mostly to everyone around him. His kusari gama was looped through his beltloop, the metal sickles shining softly. Axl patted them with his hand, and went back to the beer he was currently consuming. [i]Wonder where Sol went...just upped and left. Oh well. I was hoping to learn Tyrant Rave, Version Alpha...oh well. When he gets back.[/i] Axl tipped his beer back, the last of the contents pouring down his throat. He set the bottle down with a small clunk, and sighed. It was too quiet. Not even the occasional banter was loud. They needed some music, so Axl got up on the stage. [b]"Anyone got a mike, two guitar players, a drummer, and a bass player?"[/b] Several people came up, and soon Axl had a ragtag band together. Tying the bandana around, smoothing out his long blond hair, going over the music, Axl went into a rather unknown song for this time period. [b]"Welcome to the Jungle, we got fun and games We got everything you want, honey we know the names We're the people that can find, whatever you may need If you got the money, honey we got your disease..."[/b] The song carried on for about another five minutes, and with a symbol clash, from the tools that had been invented long ago, the 1987 song by Guns N' Roses ended. Axl was drunk with another thing now. Pride. He stepped off the stage to cheers.[/color][/size]
  9. [color=red][size=1][b]OOC:[/b] Taking on another character. Just cause I can. =P [b]Name:[/b] Axl Low [b]Age:[/b] About 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nationality:[/b] Britian [b]Faction:[/b] Unaffiliated [b]Personality:[/b] Axl's a show off. He's flamboyant, a know it all, and a showoff. And the women love him for it. He jokes around, but gets deadly serious, especially against those who do wrong things, like drugs. He'll tell who he defeats, if he respects them, how to get better. Axl's also got a firey side, and his anger flares easily. [b]Physical Description:[/b] [url=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y50/YamatoVergil/FalcoonAxl.jpg]Axl Low[/url] [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Axl loves his modified kusari gama to death. His kusari gama has two sickles, attached by a chain, instead of one sickle, and a weight at the other end. [b]Innate Magical Ability:[/b] Fire [b]Preferred Jinki:[/b] Ekitoku (Increasing Fevor-Axe) [b]Bio:[/b]Axl grew up in the slums of an english town. He took to patrollling the streets, keeping order and peace for the neighborhood. With his supernatural strength and compassion, he managed to clean up the entire town by the age of twenty, without a single casuality. Here's the clincher. Axl Low is from the twentieth century. In the middle of a gang fight, Axl was caught in a time warp, and sent into the future. Axl had to get home, no matter what. So he entered in the first tournament of the Sacred Knights, for the ultimate prize. The ability to go back home. However he lost, and had to stay in the future, and create a new life. Rumors of another time traveller caught Axl's ears, though. He went by the name of "That Man". Axl has a deep distrust, but he persued rumors, which lead to Justice. He knew that Justice was the mortal enemy of all that lived. Maybe...if he destroyed her, he could go back home.[/color][/size]
  10. [color=darkslategray][size=1]I should of looked at this thread earlier...^_^; I really like the artwork in here. So, I'm going to comment on your latest piece, like it or not. [b]Crucifix:[/b] For your second CG, I'd have to say good work. I'll agree, the edges are a bit grainy, and sometimes uneven (If just by the smallest mark...). But if you don't focus on that, and the art inside of it, you'll see that you did a great job, especially with the texture, and the hair. Good choice of colors too. [b][i]Overall Rating:[/b][/i] 7.8/10[/color][/size]
  11. [COLOR=Darkred][size=1][i]'When science goes to far, and the wolrd teeters on the edge of distruction, who do we blame? We can only blame ourselves.'[/i] [b] [Center]Guilty Gear: Rebirth of Outrage[/center][/b] [b][u]Magical Science[/b][/u] In the early part of the 21st century, scientists discovered a new source of power, which promised unlimited, pollution-free energy for all. It was labeled ?magic.? There were four types of this magic, based off of the primal elements of nature: Fire, Lightning, Wind, and Water. These were the elements officially recognized as being part of Magical Science. However, there was a fifth element, the element ?Ki.? Very few people had the ability to use it, most of who were of Asian descent. The abilities and powers of Ki cannot be duplicated or harnessed by machine; so while Ki is one of the types of magic, it is technically not part of Magical Science. In the years after its discovery, Magical Science quickly proliferated, becoming the ultimate technology. The old technology?the crude machines that raped the earth and threatened to turn humans into nothing more than fleshy cogs in a giant machine?was banned by most of the world, labeled as ?Blacktech.? However, Magical Science would end up unleashing a horror upon the world that eclipsed anything ?Blacktech? had done. [b][u] Gear Project[/b][/u] The original purpose of the Gear Project is unknown, lost in the fog of war and the shadows of time. These Gears were supposed to be a means to further evolution?in that they are not themselves a separate species, but an altered one. An existing being can be transformed into a Gear by binding Magic to its DNA, or those Gears can be created from scratch. Gears can be created from any animals, be they lions, whales, dogs... or humans. In 2016, the first true Gear was created. A scientist by the name of Dr. Frederick Angheiz, an American, was turned into the prototype Gear. Afterwards, the Gear Project mysteriously shut down, its researchers and facilities vanishing overnight. The now-Gear Frederick disappeared, and his exact fate is unknown (at least as far as official records go). The Gear modifications imbued Frederick with enormous, seemingly infinite power, as well as stopping his aging process. However, shortly after Frederick?s disappearance, stories began to circulate about an extremely powerful and skilled bounty hunter who seemed to appear from nowhere, as suddenly as Frederick had vanished. And all thoughts of Gears were dispersed in the silence following the Project. [b][u] Outrage[/b][/u] Among the head scientists on the Gear Project was a man known only by the name ?That Man.? In 2073, Frederick received word that the United States of America was restarting the Gear Project, in secret, headed by ?That Man.? When Frederick learned of the reborn Gear Project, he began work on a massive Anti-Gear weapon: the Outrage. The only person who knows what the Outrage is truly capable of, however, is Frederick himself; its creator has been the one person to see it in its true form. The Outrage was created in eight separate parts, the Jinki. Each of these Jinki, or tools, was designed to amplify the magical powers the user possessed. The eight Jinki are: Fuuraiken (Thunderseal Sword?Thunder Element) [Sword] Fuuenken (Fireseal Sword?Fire Element) [Sword] Zessen (Stopping Fans?Wind Element) [Fans] Senga (Flashing Tooth?Water Element) [Sword] Ekitoku (Increasing Fervor?Fire Element) [Battleaxe] Kojouhaku (White on the Lake?Water Element) [Trident] Senhoshiken (Thousand-Star Sword?Wind Element) [Sword] Getsu no Kuroi (Black of Moon?Thunder Element) [Whip] However, the Outrage?s true potential is unknown, as it has never been used in its ultimate form, save once... [b][u] Justice[/b][/u] The purpose of the new Gear Project was different than that of the original. This time, the purpose of Gears was not to provide a means of furthering evolution?but to act as bioweapons. In order to ensure that the Gears would follow orders, they were designed to have no free will, to run on instinct, to be completely obedient. The production model Gears?those that were mass-produced under the program?were successes in this regard. They would obey without question, not caring about themselves or about any aspect of life other than fighting. However, they were just production models, all the same, all inferior to the Perfect Gear that had come before them. This Gear was named Justice. As the first True Gear, Justice possessed more power than practically all the rest of the mass-produced models combined. The power of Type 01, as she was code-named, was absolute. Yet Justice was different from the mindless puppets that came after in more ways than sheer power. Whether this was intentional on the part of ?That Man? who created her, or whether it evolved within her naturally is unknown, but it is a fact that Justice came to possess free will. She was the first Commander Gear, the most powerful. The Command-Type Gears would be able to give the lesser Gears around them some semblance of free will, to direct their power towards certain ends. Through her power, Justice transformed some of the more powerful non-production models into Sub-commanders. They too had a form of free will and could control the many lesser models, yet they were but relays in a chain. Justice had the power to create them all, and she had the power to control and override them all. Without the Sub-commander Gears, normal Gears would relapse into their obedient state; without Justice, the entire chain would collapse. Whether Frederick knew of Justice?more specifically what she was capable of?or not is also unknown. It is clear that Frederick, wielding the Outrage, attacked the research facility in an attempt to kill ?That Man.? The Outrage?s one and only use was here, where it delivered a powerful, near-fatal wound to the newly born Justice. The attack failed, and the Outrage was split into the eight Jinki once more, which came under the custody of the United Nations. Yet Justice did not escape unscathed. The immensely powerful attack weakened her so badly that she only survived through the aid of a powerful, mechanical battle-suit, which she wore from that point on. That battle-suit would become a feared and hated image in the mind of humanity from then on. Justice rallied all the Gears that had been created, and led them in rebellion against humanity. And thus began one of the darkest periods in human history?the Crusades. [b][u]Crusade[/b][/u] In the year 2074, Justice?s forces struck quickly and powerfully, unleashing their might upon an unsuspecting world. Their first act of war was to attack the island nation of Japan. Those few who witnessed the carnage and survived to tell the tale were forever scarred, unable to put those horrible images into words. Japan was all but obliterated. The cities fell to the might of the Gear onslaught, crumbling into burning rubble. The few Japanese survivors were placed in camps, to prevent the extinction of their race?which had been all but wiped out already. That initial, crushing attack will always be remembered as the most vicious of the Crusades. Humanity was unprepared for the tide of war, and they were overwhelmed. Yet the humans refused to succumb without a fight. Resistance sprang up, eventually forming cohesive groups that warred against the Gears. By far, the most famous of these groups is the Sacred Order of Holy Knights. It was founded in 2113 by the legendary blademaster Kliff Undersn, who is the only non-Asian to fully master the use of Ki. At a young age, he had been saved from a Gear attack by an amazingly skilled anti-Gear bounty hunter. Kliff resolved that he would one day save people in need like the mysterious bounty hunter had done for him. So he created the Sacred Order to fight the Gears. And the Crusade continued, a cycle of destruction. No one was left untouched by the sorrow of the great war. Kliff Undersn?s stepson, the Holy Knight Tesu Undersn, was captured during a raid... he was never heard from again. Yet the now-aged swordsman refused to let the despair overwhelm him. The war raged on... It was the year 2174. If there was good news for the human side, it was the presence of two new powerful warriors in the Sacred Order. One was the young yet brilliant swordsman Ky Kiske, the Frenchman who even at the young age of 14 was appointed as Kliff?s second-in-command. The other was the enigmatic, taciturn former bounty hunter who went by the name Sol Badguy. [b][u]Ky and Sol[/b][/u] If there was one thing that the young Frenchman despised about Sol Badguy, it was his nonchalance. Ky himself trained and studied the use of magic for hours upon end each day; it was through these rigorous exercises and his own considerable talent that he managed to attain his impressive power in battle. The blond teenager was highly charismatic and intelligent, a master strategist?those qualities, along with his loyalty and morality, were what caused Kliff to select him as his successor. While Sol was no less intelligent than Ky, he simply didn?t seem to give a damn. The bounty hunter frequently bordered on insubordination, rarely following orders. He never trained, never sought to increase his power. But what infuriated Ky Kiske more than anything else?even though Sol never studied nor trained, even though Ky worked daily to become a better fighter... Sol was always more powerful. Whenever the two fought, Sol would inevitably end up walking away, leaving a defeated Ky on the ground. Sol never took him seriously, which caused Ky?s rage to build. Since it was the most official faction representing humanity in the Crusades, the United Nations gave the Sacred Order two of the treasured Jinki?the Fuuenken and the Fuuraiken. Kliff Undersn wielded the Thunderseal until his retirement as the head of the Holy Knights. The ancient swordsman received the massive Dragonslayer blade, and passed the Fuuraiken as well as the leadership of the Sacred Order to the then-16-year-old Ky Kiske. Shortly after the leadership passed to Ky, a fight between Sol and the Frenchman escalated past what was considered normal for a training duel. That night, Sol Badguy left the Sacred Order, taking the treasured Fuuenken with him. Sol Badguy The theft was not a theft per se, however. Sol Badguy was merely stealing back what was rightfully his property in the first place. Shortly after his initial transformation into a Gear, the scientist Frederick took to wearing a band on his head. This band contained a device known as a Gear Cell, which suppressed Frederick?s Gear form, allowing him to remain in a human state. It also sealed away the vast majority of his power, yet he was still far beyond any other, even in his sealed state. Sometime after the beginning of the Crusades, Frederick took on the name Sol Badguy, and devoted his life to the hunting down and killing of all Gears. It was he who had saved the young Kliff Undersn, and it was he who had been recruited by the same Kliff Undersn into the Sacred Order. With the Fireseal Blade, which he himself had created in the first place, Sol Badguy left the Holy Knights. [b][u] The Fall of Cliff: Testament[/b][/u] One of the problems with the Gear forces, as Justice saw, was that they lacked true free will. The Gears took orders from the Sub-Commanders, who in turn took their orders from Justice herself. If any major change were to take place in a battle plan, it would have to come directly from Type 01. While the Gears had the advantage in terms of sheer battle power, this lack of versatility was one of their biggest weaknesses?one that led to several defeats. To remedy this, Justice decided to create a new class of Sub-Commander Gear. These Gears were either created from humans who had been captured, or were created using genetic data gathered from corpses of fallen warriors. These Gear/human hybrids had power far greater than that of the normal Sub-Commanders, as well as possessing greater free will than any other Gear save Justice herself. If there were a flaw in this plan, it became readily evident. Several of the new hybrids rebelled, breaking off from Justice?s forces and forming their own faction. The ultimate goal of these rogue Gears was the destruction of Justice, yet they were not averse to attacking humans?and humanity rarely held back, even against the Gears not allied with Justice. While the presence of this new faction troubled Justice slightly, the Queen of Gears still had many of this new breed of Sub-Commander Gear on her side. One of which, her right-hand man, had been created from the captured Holy Knight Tesu Undersn?Kliff?s son. This new Gear, who went by the name of Testament, became almost as feared as Justice herself. When rumors of Testament reached the ear of the ancient blademaster, Kliff knew that he had to stop what had become of his beloved adopted son. Ky Kiske found out about what Kliff was planning to do, and set off to assist his former master in any way possible. Although he was utterly unconcerned with either Ky, Kliff, or Testament, Sol Badguy realized that this was the best time to strike at Type 01. And so, the five warriors?Ky Kiske, Kliff Undersn, Testament, Sol Badguy, and Justice?converged on an ancient battlefield. [b][u] The Fall of Cliff: Grave [/b][/u] What purpose the monument served in the days when Japan was a living country is now unknown. After Justice?s forces swept through the city of Kyoto in that initial onslaught, however, its purpose changed. It became a tomb. The endless stairs that climbed up to the scorched sky were still stained with blood, were still scarred from the battles that had taken place there. Nothing lived in that godforsaken path to hell, which made it a fitting place to die. It was there that Kliff Undersn, the strongest warrior humanity has ever known, met his adopted son in combat. Testament was Justice?s second-in-command, and had every ounce of the power that would be expected as such. The battle was fierce, forcing both parties to call upon every ounce of their courage and strength. Forces that cannot be explained with mere words shook the sepulcher. The battle raged for the better part of a day, with neither of the two gaining the upper hand. However, in the end, even the might of Testament succumbed to the power that Kliff held within. The powerful Gear fell before the man who had been his father... and yet, Kliff spared his life. The aged warrior had not seen the desire for humanity?s destruction on Testament?s face. A burning pain lurked within the young Gear, the power of Justice?s command. Rather than kill his adopted son, Kliff turned his sights on Type 01 herself, who had been watching the entire battle from the top of those battle-scarred stairs. Kliff and Justice had fought sixteen times over the course of the Crusades. They were equally matched in power. However, the master swordsman was weakened from his fight against Testament... There, upon the tomb that led to the scorched skies of heaven, among the ruins that were once a city of hundreds of thousands... Kliff Undersn fell. [b][u]Meet Again[/b][/u] Maddened with grief over the loss of his mentor, the young Ky Kiske charged Justice, yet even the brilliantly skilled swordsman was no match for the Queen of Gears. Ky?s final, desperate, Ride the Lightning was interrupted by a powerful energy blast from Type 01, and the young knight was downed. Yet the current that young Kiske had channeled had shorted out the battle suit that Justice had worn?and the control along with it. Before Justice could kill the unconscious human, though, she was stopped by a figure from the past: Sol Badguy. Then, she shed the armor in which she had been trapped in for a century, and the Angel of Death spread her wings. The full-power Justice was easily able to defeat the Corrupted Flame, however, as the bounty hunter knelt at her feet, Type 01 realized that his power, too, was sealed. With a swift blast of electricity, Justice broke the Gear Cell on Sol Badguy?s forehead, releasing the Perfect Flame once more? Type 01 met her prototype on the battlefield. After an eternity of combat, the Angel of Death was victorious over her demonic counterpart. Yet before she could finish the job and kill Sol, she was interrupted by a stranger, an elegantly dressed man smoking a pipe. The man, calling himself ?nightwalker,? halted all of Justice?s attempts to wound him, yet did not retaliate. He informed Justice that this was not the final battlefield, and it was not the final confrontation between Alpha and Omega yet. Justice retreated from the Grave. Likewise, Sol staggered to his feet, intending to kill the ?nightwalker.? However, the old man retreated, leaving Sol with a simple haiku. The next to awake was the knight Ky Kiske, who had watched the entire fight from a semi-conscious haze? realizing that Sol was a Gear, he climbed to his feet, lurching at the wounded Sol, intending to kill him. Even in his weak state, Sol was able to defend himself from the wounded Ky. Sol left the young boy with the message that he alone was the hope of humanity. He alone was the hope of the world? and then Sol left, and Ky promptly passed out. [b][u]Aftermath: Dizzy[/b][/u] When Ky Kiske awoke, there was no one around him. There was nothing living around him, and there was nothing dead around him. Even the body of Kliff Undersn had mysteriously vanished. Despairing, Ky managed to stagger back to the world of the living... Justice, under the cover of the fog of war, had retrieved the unconscious body of Testament, as well as the corpse of humanity?s greatest warrior. She returned to her hidden sanctuary, where she proceeded to nurse her own wounds as well as those of her second-in-command. Justice constructed a new armor based upon the one she had previously shedded, except without incorporating the Gear Cell into the design. She harvested genetic material from the body of Kliff Undersn, and used that material?combined with some of her own DNA?to create another Sub-Commander Gear. This one, unlike all the others, contained some of Justice herself. So as one might expect, the new Gear was impossibly more powerful than any other?save Justice herself. This, Justice?s ?daughter,? also had true free will. She was not merely a Sub-Commander, she was, like Justice, a true Command-Type Gear. Justice named this new creation Dizzy. Dizzy?s first act was an attack on the most heavily defended structure in the world?the United Nations. The sight of the winged Gear shrugging off attacks that would have killed practically anything alive will forever be burned into the minds of those who survived. In that attack, the six Jinki still in the possession of the United Nations were lost. They were scattered across the globe. Thankfully, none of them fell into the hands of the Gear forces... Ky Kiske returned with the Fuuraiken and the Fuuenken that Sol Badguy had left behind. They are absolutely necessary to ensure the survival of mankind. [/color][/size] ~~~ [color=red][size=1] In a quiet drove, away from civilization, sat Sol Badguy, nursing his wounds. He was fed up. That Knight, Ky Kiske, had taken his Fuuenken, thinking it belonged to the Knights. Wrapping a gause bandage around his left arm to stem the slow bleed, he pondered what to do. Applying medical tape to his arm, the flexed a few times, and leaned back. Sol knew what to do. He had to go get Fuuenken back. That was the start. Then...the others. Justice was weakened. Testament was near death. Kliff...was dead. Sol was weak too. And that "Nightwalker"...with the simple haiku. That really aggrivated Sol. Standing up, he loosened the Gear Cell, then took it off completely. The Corrupted Flame was Perfect again, just for a minute, as the wounds snapped shut. Quickly, he put the red headband, with the words "Rock You" on it, back on, resealing his Gear powers. Back to the Courrupted Flame. Walking to the entrance of the cave, he grabbed the sword that he aquired in substitue for Fuuenken. It was a rectangular blade, similar in design to Fuuenken. It had a fraction of its power, however. Sol's firey innate ability was the only thing that had awoken it in the first place. The words, "Fuck You", were in a slash type writing, the same look as on his headband. Pushing the door open, into the barrens, Sol went on a midnight theft, stealing back those that were rightfully his. --- [b]OOC:[/b] Alright, its up. Sol went to get the Jinki, and now has all of them. Plot's moving kind of fast, you thinking? Well....tune in and find out. When a certain, ENOURMUS event occurs, everyone will find out their Jinki. Post. NOW.[/color][/size]
  12. [color=darkslategray][size=1]In his room, sat Kauybe, fingers running down the neck of his current love. His guitar. Eyes closed, he strummed out a few chords, before opening his eyes again. He sighed, and got up, slinging the red and white Gibson, imported from a small factory in America, on his back. The Japanese remakes just didn't cut it for Kauybe. Going down the stairs, careful not to bump against the wall with his guitar, he simply walked out, ignoring breakfast, his family all asleep again, leaving him to his musical self. Kauybe sighed in part disgust, and partly faking care. Closing the door behind him, he pulled out a small cellphone, and called up Zeos. [b]"Wanna get together for a little practice?"[/b] [b]"Eh. Heading to Bunto's."[/b] Zeos had grunted. [b]"Feh, go then."[/b] Kauybe laughed into the small piece of voice technology, as Zeos hung up. Kauybe began calling everyone that he thought might want to practice. When he was done, he realized he hadn't told them where to meet. Quickly, he called everyone back. [b]"Uhh...meet me at...umm...My father's garage. There's plenty of hookups there."[/b] Snapping the cellphone shut after the calls, Kauybe headed for his father's standalone garage that he sometimes used for practice, as his guitar swung lightly on his back, the neck still high in the air. Kayube didn't care if someone else had told them to meet here. They'd come anyway.[/color][/size]
  13. [color=darkred][size=1]Alright, everyone. I must say, I love the sign ups so far. I'm leaving the sign ups open 'till monday. I'd like everyone who hasn't completed your sign ups to get them done by then, also. But overall, everyone is looking good so far. I will also update this on monday, before starting it, on who has a Jinki. Remember, even if no one else has your Jinki, you might not get it. [u]Jinki[/u] [/color][/size]
  14. [color=darkred][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Sol Badguy [b]Age:[/b] Over 150, but his aging process has stopped. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nationality:[/b] American [b]Human or Gear:[/b] Gear [b]Faction:[/b] Neutral right now, but definately for the destruction of Justice. [b]Personality:[/b] Sol's an iron wolf, born to be alone. He's cold, unforgving, and a frank bastard at times. Doesn't give a care about anything but the destruction of all Gears. This train of thought serves him well, but damages his social play greatly, as everyone shrugs him off as the sterotype bounty hunter. Sol never practices at anything, and is lazy when it comes to trival matters. Even when he was still human, this now Gear was still cold, but at least he had mercy. Sol has a hidden sense of compassion, mostly for for Ky and Kliff, which explains why he's saved their lives a couple of times. [b]Physical Description:[/b] [url=http://www.binaryculture.net/images-content/e3/ggisuka_sol.jpg]Fuuenken can be seen in his hand.[/url] [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Fuuenken [b]Innate Magical Ability:[/b] Fire (His Volcanic Viper and Tyrant Rave have slaughtered many Gears.) [b]Jinki:[/b] Fuuenken (He automatically gets it.) [b]Bio:[/b] [b]"Why the hell ya wanna know, punk?"[/b] Is what he'd say if you went and asked him yourself. I suppose its to keep the horrors unbeknownst to this generation. Or because he doesn't like conversation. Or because he just wants you to bugger off so he can listen to [i]Queen[/i], his favorite band, in peace. So I'll tell you. Sol started out as Dr. Fredrick, the head scientist on the Gear project, the first installation. However, he was also the volunteer to undergo the Gearifcation process, I guess you could call it. It sealed enormus power within his body, but made him something that both man and animal hate, but revere. So he broke out. After wandering for a while, he started work on a 'Gear Cell', to keep his enormous power in check, and keep our once Fredrick in a human state. After his 'death', rumors of an extermely powerful Bounty Hunter sprang up. It looked like Fredrick wasn't quite done yet. Fredrick fashioned a new life. He was now Sol Badguy, bounty hunter extrodinare. He made much money this way, but enemies too. Everyone has enemies, but those who had something with Sol, they didn't make it out alive. No one did. Sol Badguy, the Corrupted Flame, was a path of destruction. However, when the second Gear project started up, he knew he'd have to go fix it. Lightly speaking, that is. So our brilliant Sol began construction on the Jinki, the weapons designed to become Outrage. And so he launched and attack on Justice, that failed in one part. But weakened her greatly. Years later, he was recruited into the Sacred Order, but Kliff Undersn. However, things between him and Ky forced him to leave, taking back his Fuuenken. He continued to work as a bounty hunter, before going to fight Justice. Sol lost the battle, and his Fuuenken. He vows to get them back from Ky, and strike down Justice, to end this war. [b]OOC:[/b] NOT EVERYONE WILL HAVE A JINKI! So don't plan on it, and make sure you like your weapon. Sol automatically gets it, even though Ky took it back to the Order. A midnight raid, in case you were wondering. The sign ups are great, but I'd like to see a few Gears out there! C'mon![/color][/size]
  15. [COLOR=Darkred][size=1][i]'When science goes to far, and the wolrd teeters on the edge of distruction, who do we blame? We can only blame ourselves.'[/i] [b] [Center]Guilty Gear: Rebirth of Outrage[/center][/b] [b][u]Magical Science[/b][/u] In the early part of the 21st century, scientists discovered a new source of power, which promised unlimited, pollution-free energy for all. It was labeled ?magic.? There were four types of this magic, based off of the primal elements of nature: Fire, Lightning, Wind, and Water. These were the elements officially recognized as being part of Magical Science. However, there was a fifth element, the element ?Ki.? Very few people had the ability to use it, most of who were of Asian descent. The abilities and powers of Ki cannot be duplicated or harnessed by machine; so while Ki is one of the types of magic, it is technically not part of Magical Science. In the years after its discovery, Magical Science quickly proliferated, becoming the ultimate technology. The old technology?the crude machines that raped the earth and threatened to turn humans into nothing more than fleshy cogs in a giant machine?was banned by most of the world, labeled as ?Blacktech.? However, Magical Science would end up unleashing a horror upon the world that eclipsed anything ?Blacktech? had done. [b][u] Gear Project[/b][/u] The original purpose of the Gear Project is unknown, lost in the fog of war and the shadows of time. These Gears were supposed to be a means to further evolution?in that they are not themselves a separate species, but an altered one. An existing being can be transformed into a Gear by binding Magic to its DNA, or those Gears can be created from scratch. Gears can be created from any animals, be they lions, whales, dogs... or humans. In 2016, the first true Gear was created. A scientist by the name of Dr. Frederick Angheiz, an American, was turned into the prototype Gear. Afterwards, the Gear Project mysteriously shut down, its researchers and facilities vanishing overnight. The now-Gear Frederick disappeared, and his exact fate is unknown (at least as far as official records go). The Gear modifications imbued Frederick with enormous, seemingly infinite power, as well as stopping his aging process. However, shortly after Frederick?s disappearance, stories began to circulate about an extremely powerful and skilled bounty hunter who seemed to appear from nowhere, as suddenly as Frederick had vanished. And all thoughts of Gears were dispersed in the silence following the Project. [b][u] Outrage[/b][/u] Among the head scientists on the Gear Project was a man known only by the name ?That Man.? In 2073, Frederick received word that the United States of America was restarting the Gear Project, in secret, headed by ?That Man.? When Frederick learned of the reborn Gear Project, he began work on a massive Anti-Gear weapon: the Outrage. The only person who knows what the Outrage is truly capable of, however, is Frederick himself; its creator has been the one person to see it in its true form. The Outrage was created in eight separate parts, the Jinki. Each of these Jinki, or tools, was designed to amplify the magical powers the user possessed. The eight Jinki are: Fuuraiken (Thunderseal Sword?Thunder Element) [Sword] Fuuenken (Fireseal Sword?Fire Element) [Sword] Zessen (Stopping Fans?Wind Element) [Fans] Senga (Flashing Tooth?Water Element) [Sword] Ekitoku (Increasing Fervor?Fire Element) [Battleaxe] Kojouhaku (White on the Lake?Water Element) [Trident] Senhoshiken (Thousand-Star Sword?Wind Element) [Sword] Getsu no Kuroi (Black of Moon?Thunder Element) [Whip] However, the Outrage?s true potential is unknown, as it has never been used in its ultimate form, save once... [b][u] Justice[/b][/u] The purpose of the new Gear Project was different than that of the original. This time, the purpose of Gears was not to provide a means of furthering evolution?but to act as bioweapons. In order to ensure that the Gears would follow orders, they were designed to have no free will, to run on instinct, to be completely obedient. The production model Gears?those that were mass-produced under the program?were successes in this regard. They would obey without question, not caring about themselves or about any aspect of life other than fighting. However, they were just production models, all the same, all inferior to the Perfect Gear that had come before them. This Gear was named Justice. As the first True Gear, Justice possessed more power than practically all the rest of the mass-produced models combined. The power of Type 01, as she was code-named, was absolute. Yet Justice was different from the mindless puppets that came after in more ways than sheer power. Whether this was intentional on the part of ?That Man? who created her, or whether it evolved within her naturally is unknown, but it is a fact that Justice came to possess free will. She was the first Commander Gear, the most powerful. The Command-Type Gears would be able to give the lesser Gears around them some semblance of free will, to direct their power towards certain ends. Through her power, Justice transformed some of the more powerful non-production models into Sub-commanders. They too had a form of free will and could control the many lesser models, yet they were but relays in a chain. Justice had the power to create them all, and she had the power to control and override them all. Without the Sub-commander Gears, normal Gears would relapse into their obedient state; without Justice, the entire chain would collapse. Whether Frederick knew of Justice?more specifically what she was capable of?or not is also unknown. It is clear that Frederick, wielding the Outrage, attacked the research facility in an attempt to kill ?That Man.? The Outrage?s one and only use was here, where it delivered a powerful, near-fatal wound to the newly born Justice. The attack failed, and the Outrage was split into the eight Jinki once more, which came under the custody of the United Nations. Yet Justice did not escape unscathed. The immensely powerful attack weakened her so badly that she only survived through the aid of a powerful, mechanical battle-suit, which she wore from that point on. That battle-suit would become a feared and hated image in the mind of humanity from then on. Justice rallied all the Gears that had been created, and led them in rebellion against humanity. And thus began one of the darkest periods in human history?the Crusades. [b][u]Crusade[/b][/u] In the year 2074, Justice?s forces struck quickly and powerfully, unleashing their might upon an unsuspecting world. Their first act of war was to attack the island nation of Japan. Those few who witnessed the carnage and survived to tell the tale were forever scarred, unable to put those horrible images into words. Japan was all but obliterated. The cities fell to the might of the Gear onslaught, crumbling into burning rubble. The few Japanese survivors were placed in camps, to prevent the extinction of their race?which had been all but wiped out already. That initial, crushing attack will always be remembered as the most vicious of the Crusades. Humanity was unprepared for the tide of war, and they were overwhelmed. Yet the humans refused to succumb without a fight. Resistance sprang up, eventually forming cohesive groups that warred against the Gears. By far, the most famous of these groups is the Sacred Order of Holy Knights. It was founded in 2113 by the legendary blademaster Kliff Undersn, who is the only non-Asian to fully master the use of Ki. At a young age, he had been saved from a Gear attack by an amazingly skilled anti-Gear bounty hunter. Kliff resolved that he would one day save people in need like the mysterious bounty hunter had done for him. So he created the Sacred Order to fight the Gears. And the Crusade continued, a cycle of destruction. No one was left untouched by the sorrow of the great war. Kliff Undersn?s stepson, the Holy Knight Tesu Undersn, was captured during a raid... he was never heard from again. Yet the now-aged swordsman refused to let the despair overwhelm him. The war raged on... It was the year 2174. If there was good news for the human side, it was the presence of two new powerful warriors in the Sacred Order. One was the young yet brilliant swordsman Ky Kiske, the Frenchman who even at the young age of 14 was appointed as Kliff?s second-in-command. The other was the enigmatic, taciturn former bounty hunter who went by the name Sol Badguy. [b][u]Ky and Sol[/b][/u] If there was one thing that the young Frenchman despised about Sol Badguy, it was his nonchalance. Ky himself trained and studied the use of magic for hours upon end each day; it was through these rigorous exercises and his own considerable talent that he managed to attain his impressive power in battle. The blond teenager was highly charismatic and intelligent, a master strategist?those qualities, along with his loyalty and morality, were what caused Kliff to select him as his successor. While Sol was no less intelligent than Ky, he simply didn?t seem to give a damn. The bounty hunter frequently bordered on insubordination, rarely following orders. He never trained, never sought to increase his power. But what infuriated Ky Kiske more than anything else?even though Sol never studied nor trained, even though Ky worked daily to become a better fighter... Sol was always more powerful. Whenever the two fought, Sol would inevitably end up walking away, leaving a defeated Ky on the ground. Sol never took him seriously, which caused Ky?s rage to build. Since it was the most official faction representing humanity in the Crusades, the United Nations gave the Sacred Order two of the treasured Jinki?the Fuuenken and the Fuuraiken. Kliff Undersn wielded the Thunderseal until his retirement as the head of the Holy Knights. The ancient swordsman received the massive Dragonslayer blade, and passed the Fuuraiken as well as the leadership of the Sacred Order to the then-16-year-old Ky Kiske. Shortly after the leadership passed to Ky, a fight between Sol and the Frenchman escalated past what was considered normal for a training duel. That night, Sol Badguy left the Sacred Order, taking the treasured Fuuenken with him. Sol Badguy The theft was not a theft per se, however. Sol Badguy was merely stealing back what was rightfully his property in the first place. Shortly after his initial transformation into a Gear, the scientist Frederick took to wearing a band on his head. This band contained a device known as a Gear Cell, which suppressed Frederick?s Gear form, allowing him to remain in a human state. It also sealed away the vast majority of his power, yet he was still far beyond any other, even in his sealed state. Sometime after the beginning of the Crusades, Frederick took on the name Sol Badguy, and devoted his life to the hunting down and killing of all Gears. It was he who had saved the young Kliff Undersn, and it was he who had been recruited by the same Kliff Undersn into the Sacred Order. With the Fireseal Blade, which he himself had created in the first place, Sol Badguy left the Holy Knights. [b][u] The Fall of Cliff: Testament[/b][/u] One of the problems with the Gear forces, as Justice saw, was that they lacked true free will. The Gears took orders from the Sub-Commanders, who in turn took their orders from Justice herself. If any major change were to take place in a battle plan, it would have to come directly from Type 01. While the Gears had the advantage in terms of sheer battle power, this lack of versatility was one of their biggest weaknesses?one that led to several defeats. To remedy this, Justice decided to create a new class of Sub-Commander Gear. These Gears were either created from humans who had been captured, or were created using genetic data gathered from corpses of fallen warriors. These Gear/human hybrids had power far greater than that of the normal Sub-Commanders, as well as possessing greater free will than any other Gear save Justice herself. If there were a flaw in this plan, it became readily evident. Several of the new hybrids rebelled, breaking off from Justice?s forces and forming their own faction. The ultimate goal of these rogue Gears was the destruction of Justice, yet they were not averse to attacking humans?and humanity rarely held back, even against the Gears not allied with Justice. While the presence of this new faction troubled Justice slightly, the Queen of Gears still had many of this new breed of Sub-Commander Gear on her side. One of which, her right-hand man, had been created from the captured Holy Knight Tesu Undersn?Kliff?s son. This new Gear, who went by the name of Testament, became almost as feared as Justice herself. When rumors of Testament reached the ear of the ancient blademaster, Kliff knew that he had to stop what had become of his beloved adopted son. Ky Kiske found out about what Kliff was planning to do, and set off to assist his former master in any way possible. Although he was utterly unconcerned with either Ky, Kliff, or Testament, Sol Badguy realized that this was the best time to strike at Type 01. And so, the five warriors?Ky Kiske, Kliff Undersn, Testament, Sol Badguy, and Justice?converged on an ancient battlefield. [b][u] The Fall of Cliff: Grave [/b][/u] What purpose the monument served in the days when Japan was a living country is now unknown. After Justice?s forces swept through the city of Kyoto in that initial onslaught, however, its purpose changed. It became a tomb. The endless stairs that climbed up to the scorched sky were still stained with blood, were still scarred from the battles that had taken place there. Nothing lived in that godforsaken path to hell, which made it a fitting place to die. It was there that Kliff Undersn, the strongest warrior humanity has ever known, met his adopted son in combat. Testament was Justice?s second-in-command, and had every ounce of the power that would be expected as such. The battle was fierce, forcing both parties to call upon every ounce of their courage and strength. Forces that cannot be explained with mere words shook the sepulcher. The battle raged for the better part of a day, with neither of the two gaining the upper hand. However, in the end, even the might of Testament succumbed to the power that Kliff held within. The powerful Gear fell before the man who had been his father... and yet, Kliff spared his life. The aged warrior had not seen the desire for humanity?s destruction on Testament?s face. A burning pain lurked within the young Gear, the power of Justice?s command. Rather than kill his adopted son, Kliff turned his sights on Type 01 herself, who had been watching the entire battle from the top of those battle-scarred stairs. Kliff and Justice had fought sixteen times over the course of the Crusades. They were equally matched in power. However, the master swordsman was weakened from his fight against Testament... There, upon the tomb that led to the scorched skies of heaven, among the ruins that were once a city of hundreds of thousands... Kliff Undersn fell. [b][u]Meet Again[/b][/u] Maddened with grief over the loss of his mentor, the young Ky Kiske charged Justice, yet even the brilliantly skilled swordsman was no match for the Queen of Gears. Ky?s final, desperate, Ride the Lightning was interrupted by a powerful energy blast from Type 01, and the young knight was downed. Yet the current that young Kiske had channeled had shorted out the battle suit that Justice had worn?and the control along with it. Before Justice could kill the unconscious human, though, she was stopped by a figure from the past: Sol Badguy. Then, she shed the armor in which she had been trapped in for a century, and the Angel of Death spread her wings. The full-power Justice was easily able to defeat the Corrupted Flame, however, as the bounty hunter knelt at her feet, Type 01 realized that his power, too, was sealed. With a swift blast of electricity, Justice broke the Gear Cell on Sol Badguy?s forehead, releasing the Perfect Flame once more? Type 01 met her prototype on the battlefield. After an eternity of combat, the Angel of Death was victorious over her demonic counterpart. Yet before she could finish the job and kill Sol, she was interrupted by a stranger, an elegantly dressed man smoking a pipe. The man, calling himself ?nightwalker,? halted all of Justice?s attempts to wound him, yet did not retaliate. He informed Justice that this was not the final battlefield, and it was not the final confrontation between Alpha and Omega yet. Justice retreated from the Grave. Likewise, Sol staggered to his feet, intending to kill the ?nightwalker.? However, the old man retreated, leaving Sol with a simple haiku. The next to awake was the knight Ky Kiske, who had watched the entire fight from a semi-conscious haze? realizing that Sol was a Gear, he climbed to his feet, lurching at the wounded Sol, intending to kill him. Even in his weak state, Sol was able to defend himself from the wounded Ky. Sol left the young boy with the message that he alone was the hope of humanity. He alone was the hope of the world? and then Sol left, and Ky promptly passed out. [b][u]Aftermath: Dizzy[/b][/u] When Ky Kiske awoke, there was no one around him. There was nothing living around him, and there was nothing dead around him. Even the body of Kliff Undersn had mysteriously vanished. Despairing, Ky managed to stagger back to the world of the living... Justice, under the cover of the fog of war, had retrieved the unconscious body of Testament, as well as the corpse of humanity?s greatest warrior. She returned to her hidden sanctuary, where she proceeded to nurse her own wounds as well as those of her second-in-command. Justice constructed a new armor based upon the one she had previously shedded, except without incorporating the Gear Cell into the design. She harvested genetic material from the body of Kliff Undersn, and used that material?combined with some of her own DNA?to create another Sub-Commander Gear. This one, unlike all the others, contained some of Justice herself. So as one might expect, the new Gear was impossibly more powerful than any other?save Justice herself. This, Justice?s ?daughter,? also had true free will. She was not merely a Sub-Commander, she was, like Justice, a true Command-Type Gear. Justice named this new creation Dizzy. Dizzy?s first act was an attack on the most heavily defended structure in the world?the United Nations. The sight of the winged Gear shrugging off attacks that would have killed practically anything alive will forever be burned into the minds of those who survived. In that attack, the six Jinki still in the possession of the United Nations were lost. They were scattered across the globe. Thankfully, none of them fell into the hands of the Gear forces... Ky Kiske returned with the Fuuraiken and the Fuuenken that Sol Badguy had left behind. They are absolutely necessary to ensure the survival of mankind. [/color][/size][color=royalblue][size=1] Jeez, still here? This is why I haven't been posting much lately, so sorry. But, now for the sign ups. Name: Age: Gender: Nationality: Human or Gear: Faction: Personality: Physical Description: pic or good discription Weapon of Choice: Any weapon but projectiles Innate Magical Element (Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning): Preferred Jinki (Human only): One of the ones listed Bio: Explan in detal what happened to your character. Ok, PM me if you wish to be a premade character. I'll post my sign up somtime later. [b][u]Factions:[/b][/u] Zepp There are some who believed that Blacktech was not innately harmful. With the outlawing of that technology, those people founded the floating continent of Zepp, the one place in the world where Blacktech is still used. They maintain a mostly friendly relationship with the planet below, yet are not averse to looking out for their own interests. The leaders of Zepp are President Gabriel and his student, the massive warrior Potemkin. Formerly a slave soldier, Potemkin?s incredible strength was instrumental in allowing the group led by Gabriel to overthrow the previous dictatorship of Zepp. Standing with Justice: Potemkin has left, so they need not worry about joining Justice. Currently sided with Jusice. The Jellyfish Pirates When his father was killed by a Gear when Johnny was a young boy, the child swore that he would take care of any orphans, he would ease the pain of those who suffered. As an adult, Johnny founded the Jellyfish Air Pirates, a rather infamous criminal organization. Yet the label of ?criminal? is far too harsh?as Johnny and his crew have rarely been known to kill, and even then only when necessary. Johnny takes care of any female orphans the war has produced... The leader of the Jellyfish is a man who simply goes by the name Johnny. One of the last few masters of Iaijitsu swordfighting, Johnny sees himself as a chivalrous pirate. It has been said that he is a womanizer, yet his loyalty to his crew is unsurpassed. Standing with Justice: Currently trying to kill Justice The Assassins' Syndicate As the name indicates, it is a syndicate of assassins. It was founded by Slayer centuries ago, and continues to this day. Its current leaders are Zato-1, and Venom. Zato-1 is a man who traded his sight for the power to control shadows?one of the Forbidden Magics. However, the shadowbeast?named Eddie?threatens to overwhelm his body and to take it for its own. Zato?s right-hand-man is a British assassin by the name of Venom. After Zato disappeared, Venom took over, intending to hold the Syndicate together in Zato?s name no matter what. Standing with Justice: They are supporting and helping Justice The Sacred Order of Holy Knights The most famous of all the factions, they have been the ones on the front line against the Gears since the beginning of the Crusades. The warriors of the Sacred Order have few equals among the ranks of humanity. They are currently led by the French swordsman Ky Kiske. After the fight against Justice, Ky?s injuries should prevent him from fighting himself? but he fights anyway. He is a brilliant commander, charismatic and well-liked. He normally wields the Fuuraiken, but in his current state, he is looking to relinquish it to anyone who he feels is skilled enough to wield it. Standing with Justice: Currently trying to kill Justice Renegade Gears Composed of the Sub-Commanders who went rogue and betrayed Justice (as well as any other Gears that joined them) this group has no affiliation either with humanity or with the forces of Justice. They approached Sol Badguy after the fight with Justice, offering him a chance to join them. Sol reluctantly joined, realizing that they would be able to get him closer to Justice than any of the human factions would. He is their current leader, but has gone missing, his whereabouts unknown. Standing with Justice: Currently trying to kill Justice [/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] I-No is saved for Imi, and the Senhoshiken (Thousand-Star Sword?Wind Element), for Sakura. (The user)
  16. [color=darkslategray][size=1][center]The demon that Phoenix was rushing was soon right at his face. With two bullet holes in the back of its head. Behind the demon, now on the ground and twitching in a horrifiying way, was Ikraugi, a slight smirk on his face. He brought his unique Shotgun Sword down on the demon, severing its head. It stopped twitching. [b]"Rushing blindly. Not a good factor, Phoenix."[/b] Ikraugi sheathed his Shotgun Sword, and drew his katana, blending into the dark background with his midnight black clothes he wore just for this. The world was dark, damp, and horrible anymore. Might as well fit in. [b]"I thought you were farther away then that..."[/b] Phoenix muttered as he took out another one. Ikraugi sighed. [b]"I move fast."[/b] He narrowed his eyes at a slight ramp, and ran for it, jumping off at the end where it was no longer existant. He drew his Shotgun sword again, in his left hand. Ikraugi rained heavy shots down on the demonic crowd, crippling some. He'd have to conserve his ammunition. As his acent turned into a decent, he held his katana, the handle red with an eternally blood drenched red sharkskin, the blade dark and dripping with the putrid blood only temporary. Ikraugi held it at an angle, along with his other sword, and beheaded a few demons. He came behind one of them and kicked one to the ground, and snapped its neck with his foot. He turned around, swinging his katana, and head was flying over others within a matter of seconds. Ikraugi leaned against a wall, resting for a moment. Four demons ran at him, but he leapt off from the wall, grabbing a lead pipe before his ascent. He landed behind them. The end of the pipe went into one's head, and Ikarugi's foot into another's stomach. He smashed the end into the demon's teeth, busting and breaking them. The lead pipe found a home inside of the demon's stomach, through its mouth. Ikarugi let go of the pipe, and ran at the crazed, and in pain, creature. He jumped into the air, his foot flying forward, into the stomach of it. It crashed through many more. As they were dazed, Ikarugi drew his special blade, and charged them, blowing brain matter and stomach contents away. [b]"Happy entrails..."'[/b] Just because he was silent didn't mean he didn't love battle puns. Killing a few more, he ran at one, and stabbed it through the spinal cord, making it fall limp on his blade. [b]"You should watch your back better..."[/b] A demon was rushing him from behind, but he did nothing. [b]"Or have someone do it for you."[/b] Ikraugi's left arm shot out, the shotgun blade digging into the demon's stomach, blood leaking off of the creature's back. He blew a hole in it, and it fell to the ground. Still many more to clean up. Just another day in the dandy life. He looked at Jace, a ring of 8 demons circling her, and two more leaping from high buildings. His eyes narrowed as he ran for the same ramp he had used before, now higher from an explosion. Once again, he was in the air, and two bodies weren't. Ikarugi soon followed them, as he landed on the head of one, and stood on its head for a while. [b]"Hello."[/b] Ikarugi said to Jace, and cut his stand from under his feet. He fell to the ground silently, killing two more.[/color][/size][/center]
  17. [color=darkslategray][size=1]Suicide is a personal thing. Its how you feel about the world, and how you feel that they feel about you. Its all about how you feel, I guess. But it's also selfish, because there are, no matter who you are, some people who care for you so much, that the loss of you is devistating. I guess I'd know. See...I tried it once. They say death is a beautiful thing, but I didn't think it would be so...painful. I guess I thought of it as a release from all that tormented me. See, I was sitting in my room, with nothing but my stero on...and I saw my box cutter. I always liked sharp things, so I began messing with it. Then...I guess I sorta saw something. The door swung open, and a guy with black clothes was standing in the doorway. And his face...woah...you don't want me to tell you about it. And at that time I had a drug addiction, right? My little joint was sitting next to me on the bed, and so he picked it up, and took a deep puff. I just looked on in horror. [b]"Come on, Alex...you know its beautiful over here...just grit your teeth and cut..."[/b] The next thing I knew there was red on my arm, and black danced around my vision. And then, as darkness fell over me, I realized.[b]"I'm so damn stupid..."[/b] 2 days later I woke up in a hospital bed, a white gause pad on my arm, taped down with medical tape. My girlfriend came in. [b]"That was a stupid thing to do!"[/b] But she cried, and she cried. --- Now its a few years later, right? Yeah...well the only reason I saw that ugly guy a few years ago was because...yeah, this is farfetched, don't believe it myself....I'm a half angel. And I heard of others that are like this. I think something big's gunna happen. --- This is, I think...a new twist on your classic depressional RPG. Basically, we're all half angels, right? This allows us to see demons, like Alex's encounter with Death himself. And all of them, however, are sucidial. They all think this is just one big nightmare, which pushes them closer and closer. Question is, will they snap? --- [b]Sign Up Sheet:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 14+ [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Apperance:[/b] A picture or detailed description will do fine. [b]Powers:[/b] You're an angel. Angels have powers. Simple, no? Just describe them. No uber "I kill Death in one hit." Stuff. [b]Personality:[/b] Dark, dank, and damp is how we like it in the hole. However you can put up a cheery mood. Don't really care, just give me a paragraph. [b]Bio:[/b] How/why did you attempt your suicide? Give me at least two paragraphs.[/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=darkslategray][b]Name:[/b] Renku Ikraugi (First name last) [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Angel Parent:[/b] Raphael - Mercury (Fallen) [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://nitro2003.free.fr/bleach/img/images/ichigo%2001.jpg] Ikraugi[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Ikraugi is a strong willed, quiet guy. He doesn't speak much, and when he does, he's stubborn. However, he's a very loyal compainion who will stick around till the end. He doesn't question orders, but follows them. However, Ikraugi won't follow them blindly, he aways thinks about it first, unless its someone he absolutely trusts. Ikraugi's the assumed oddball, but no one knows, as he hardly speaks. [b]Short Biography:[/b] When Ikraugi came into the world, he was a newborn without any sense of what he was going to become. Weak, small, insignifcant at that time. He was orphaned from birth, his mother slaughtered by demons a month after he was born. A newborn, alone and afraid, had to fight for his right to live. By a miracle, he managed to make it to his teens unscathed for the most part. But then, his whole life ended again, as his world shattered, into the gang rivalries, he was in the middle of something that would leave the abomination of human lives. Ikraugi wasn't taken into any gang, and for that, he was glad. Alone, at the age of thirteen, again his life the same as when he was born. Ikragui never really got over his fighting lifestyle. He had trained with his massive sword from the age of four, barely able to take its heft. Now, he could cut anything with it. At the age of 15, one of the youngest, he was accepted into the Hunters. [b]Weapons:[/b] A unique [URL=http://ultimefantasy.free.fr/images/Yazoo.jpg]sword[/URL] with a long, large blade, with a shotgun barrel at the end, for an explosive finish Also has a [URL=http://www.mwart.com/images/p/Katana_Dragon_Katana_Red_Snakesk_AM146474_1281.jpg]katana[/URL], for close range, and has a pair of red leather gloves with a flaming skull on the back of them for hand to hand, his favorite style of combat. [b]Trademark Clothing:[/b] Ikraugi keeps to Japanese tradition, no matter how dead most people from that culture are. He wears a black battle robe, with a black headband, with a wave pattern on the edges.[/size][/color]
  19. [CENTER][b][color=darkslategray][size=1]Name:[/b] Jokuni Kayube [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Sign:[/b] Rooster [b]Instrument/Job:[/b] Lead Guitar, Backup Vocals [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://nitro2003.free.fr/bleach/img/images/ichigo%2001.jpg]Kayube.[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Kayube is a wild gun. He's a trickster, always getting himself into different types of mischef, be it violence, or just all around stupidity. He doesn't take orders very well from anyone besides Zeos. Kayube even takes Zeos' personality traits above and beyond, to the point where its almost dangerous. [b]Character Snippit: [/b][b]"Get your butt down here, Kayube!"[/b] His father yelled from the top of the stairs. He groaned, and sat up, itching his head, rubbing his eyes, to get himself up. Kayube went to his closet, picking out a shirt and pants. If he wore something [i]inapropritate[/i], his father wouldn't stop yelling until Kayube fell asleep again. With a loud, obnoxious sigh, Kayube went to brush his teeth. Soon, he was stepping down the stairs, still groggy. He hadn't gotten uch sleep from the night before, and still had a few bruises that ached. No one asked about it, as they silently ate. Kayube laughed to himself, if only they knew what had happened, they'd probably be yelling or cheering. He liked his family that way. With a still silent repose, he got up, grabbed his stuff, and walked out the door, without a word. When he entered the school gates, he groaned. [i]So long...At least Zeos' is here.[/i] Ruffling his orange hair, Kayube slung the bookbag over his shoulder, and walked to the doors, right hand out, pressing on the cool metal. It swung open with a creak. [i]They need to fix this place up.[/i] Kayube sighed again. He hated keeping his...overactive personality under control. But one more [i]mishap[i] and he'd be suspended. It'd be his fourth suspension, and after four, your don't come back. [b]"This sucks."[/b][/color][/size][/CENTER]
  20. Welcome to the underground thread of Predator: Abomination. Here you can see the Yautja Hiearchy, Prey, and rules of the Hunt. The humans must follow the Rules of the Hunt if they are to work with the Predators, because the Yautja pride honour above all else. The humans have also adapted some of the Predator's weapons to their use, seen in the Weapons section. ~~[center][size=1][color=darkslategrey] [b][i]Yautja Heiarchy[/i][/b] [b]BAD BLOODS[/b] Criminal Yautja. They are highly crazed and violent and break all of the laws. They have no honour and absolutely no respect. [b]NON-HUNTERS[/b] Yautja that never participate in Hunts for health reasons or for sheer cowardice. They are looked upon with disgust and are often ridiculed. [b]UNBLOODED[/b] Young Yautja who are trained in the skills necessary for professional Hunting. They will only become Blooded once they have successfully completed one Xenomorph Hunt. Before becoming Blooded they must have their hair braided. The process is incredibly painful, and involves the burning of the Yautja scalp. If the Yautja shows any pain throughout the procedure he will not Hunt. [b]BLOODED[/b] Yautja that have passed their tests and are fully - fledged Hunters. They partake in all of their Clan's Hunts and are not very experienced. [b]WARRIORS[/b] Violent, respected Hunters who break away from their Clans to Hunt alone. They have high-tech weaponry and are very skilled. [b]HONOURED[/b] The Elite Hunters of Yautja society. They have earned hundreds of kills and own the wonderful Naginata - a prized weapon. [b]ELDERS[/b] The greatest Hunters. They have participated in thousands of Hunts and are highly experienced. They are highly disciplined and try to discover new fighting techniques. They are very skilled and own thousands of trophies. [b]ARBITRATORS[/b] Yautja police that consist mostly of ELDERS. They uphold the law and deal with BAD BLOODS. ~~ Yautja society is based around the concept of the Hunt. The Hunt decides who is strong and who is weak. The Hunt is incredibly important. As the Yautja are a nomad race, never settling down, the concept of the Hunt suits their society well. Hunts are done in packs - with an Alpha Warrior as the leader. The Alpha Warrior decides the actions of the pack and it is his responsibility to ensure the survival and victory of the group. With each victory comes many trophies (skulls) and with trophies comes honour. The more honour a Yautja acquires, the more respect he will obtain. Honour is a very important part of the Hunt. Like the Bushido Samurai of Japan, and the Paladins of Europe, honour is a fundamental part of etiquette. The Yautja follow strict laws for the sake of honour - No hunting of weak prey (prey that cannot defend itself properly), no hunting of unarmed prey, no hunting of injured prey and no hunting of intelligent prey. Of course, the laws vary between the different Clans. [b]Clans[/b] The Yautja species is divided into Clans. Each Clan is different in its own way, obeying different laws, using different weapons, hunting differently. There are thousands of Clans in the Yautja species. War between the Clans is very rare though - as the Yautja aren't a warring species. Some Clans however can go 'bad' breaking all the laws and breaking away from the main Clan (as in the entire species). The Yautja have been known to take in worty enough humans to hunt with them. [b]Renegades[/b] Bad Hunters are extremely dangerous. They have very little honour, and break all the rules. They steal weapons and do as much as they can to rebel against the other Hunters. One such Bad Hunter was a Yautja called The Black Hunter. He was incredibly evil and was the bane of all the Yautja for many centuries. Bad Hunters are generally referred to as 'Bad Bloods' - Hunters of little honour, and no respect. They are considered less worthy than prey. [b]Prey[/b] Yautja prey consists of xenomorphs (Aliens) and humans. The Yautja trophies are the actual severed skulls of the two species. There are lots of strict rules concerning the hunting of humans - and some Clans forbid actually hunting them. Xenomorphs are always hunted, no matter what. Many Yautja have perished hunting xenomorphs, the 'bugs' as the humans call them, are incredibly dangerous. The Yautjas will not hunt unarmed, untrained, or unworthy humans. Only those who have the skill and precision among humans are marked for kills. ~~ [b][i]Equipment and Weapons:[/b][/i] [b]Mask / Bio Helmet[/b] While on safari, the Yautja wear distinctive headgear which serves multiple functions. The basic Mask worn by lower class warriors offers protection during combat, and houses a respirator which provides (or supplements) a breathable atmosphere. It is also capable of being used underwater similar to scuba gear. The higher-class Bio Helmet performs the functions of the basic Mask, but also contains other devices. It can filter through five visual settings: Infrared, Ultraviolet, Thermal Imaging, Low-Light Amplification and Air Density Pressure (movement). The visual setting may also be modified for X-rays and Microwaves, with a built-in Magnetometer and a Geiger Counter. Housed within the helmet is a targeting and tracking system for any shoulder-mounted weaponry, with an extensive array of surveillance equipment - including a Waveform Analyzer which can imitate previous words spoken to it in an effort to communicate with alien life forms. [b]Body Mesh / Padding[/b] This is a basic 'wire' mesh, worn under a warrior's armour. Apart from providing electric-generated warmth, it is actually a component of the camoflauge device's citcuitry which allows cloaking of un-armoured body parts. Although, as the mesh is seen being worn by most Yautja even when cloaking isn't necessary, it seems they were designed as 'jumpsuits' meant for casual wear in their crafts - the closest they get to flight suits. [b]Armour[/b] Offers protection where the Yautja needs it the most. Light and maneuverable, but is still vulnerable to heavy strikes. The ceramic plating is composed of a totally foreign compound (like other Yautja materials) and can be chemically treated to resist acidic Xenomorph blood. Ceremonial Armor is usually reserved for the upper classes and the elders, only found on the leader of the team. This interchanging plate armour is somewhat clunky, more for show than heavy-duty defense. [b]Camouflage Suit[/b] The camouflage is the ultimate in stealth technology. By bending light waves around the wearer, the suit makes them practically invisible. However, it doesn't grant true invisibility. An alert opponent would be able to notice the heatwave-like shimmer, especially noticeable when the wearer is moving. The suit does not function well (if at all) immersed in water, and may be ineffective in enviroments saturated with material surrounding the wearer such as fog, rain, or dust. Only mounted weapons are effected by the cloak. This includes concealed weapons like retracted wrist blades, collapsed spears or other weapons kept hidden by backpacks and so forth. Once extended or revealed, the weapon is visible. [b]Wrist Blades[/b] The Wrist Blade is the weapon of choice for most Yautja. Twin blades (or occasionally triple blades) with jagged double edges and sharp enough to tear through bone, are effective against large and small opponents. Using the Wrist Blades show Yautja pride, because they prefer melee combat fights - face to face. The blades range from anywhere between 12 and 18 inches long and are retractable from a wrist gauntlet on the arm. They are forged from an unknown alloy which is almost unbreakable, but not totally immune to acidic Xenomorph blood. [b]Shoulder Mounted Plasma Caster[/b] The Shoulder Cannon is a mounted and lightweight weapon capable of firing multiple long-range energy burst of charged plasma. It is controlled via the targeting system in the helmet, and tracks with the head movement of the firer. It can be used with the Laser Sight to increase targeting capacity, and is fired either by a mandible-controlled trigger in the helmet or by the forearm-mounted control panel. [b]Medikit[/b] Though not a weapon, the medikit is an indespensible Yautja hunting item. It contains enough supplies to staunch blood-flow from bullet wounds, or even cauterise a lost limbs. While short on pain killers, the kit is highly effective. The medikit includes surgical blades, a crystallised-medicine burner, medicine dispensers, an emergency breather and surgical hypodermics. [b]Spear Gun[/b] The speargun is similar to a sniper rifle and can be fired from great distances, instantly killing victims. It can also attach their flesh, like a nail-gun, to a wall or solid area. It is the perfect silent ranged weapon, capable of firing multiple projectiles at opponents. [b]Gauntlet Plasma Bolt[/b] This is undoubtably a retro-fit weapon installed by the warrior, as the weapon's use has only been recorded once. His choice was a Wrist Gauntlet projectile - either some type of self-propelled rocket, or more likely a plasma energy bolt. This was the only remaining projectile weapon left after the warrior's Shoulder Cannon was disabled. [b]Naginata[/b] The Naginata is part weapon, part ceremonial trophy, of many different types and designs. It is a beautifully plated and encrusted pole arm with double-ended cutting surfaces, an image of honor and demands respect when brandished. Each end is a super-sharp collection of blades causing devastating damage if struck upon a hapless victim. The blades can flawlessly cut through almost any substance and also has a conducting field which allows it to be cloaked when in hand. When the weapon strikes, however, it becomes visible. [b]Ceremonial Dagger[/b] The Ceremonial Dagger is a relatively new discovery, associated with the Blooding Rites of young Warriors. Its primary use is to remove the protective layer of skin of a Xenomorph, but could also be used as a close-contact weapon if need be. The Blade itself is made of either the bones or the 'resin' of a Xenomorph, making it resistant to their acidic blood. [b]Net Gun[/b] The Net Gun is small and usually reserved for ambushing a group of prey, when entering a major combat area and the temporary incapacitation of a subject is necessary. The net gun is not a projectile weapon, instead launches a web of razor-sharp wire powerful enough to propel a target to the floor/wall and pin them there, viciously cutting into the flesh. If the target tries to struggle the damage increases, and this keeps up until the subject is released or is killed. The net can also release on a trigger from the weapon. [b]Combat Staff[/b] The Staff (or Combi-Stick) is a self-powered telescoping spear that is merely one meter at its shortest length, but extends by two meters at each end. The combi-staff makes a formidable weapon for close range attacks, due to its length customisation. It can also be thrown, to puncture through a target. Made of nearly unbreakable alloys, sharpened tips on either end produce electrical charges as it slices through any surface. [b]Smart Disc[/b] One of the most advanced pieces of equipment carried by the Yautja, the smart disc is internally powered and can be held in the hand, or thrown at an opponent. This device is capable of cutting through most substances with its devastating razor edges, and is powerful enough to cut through multiple targets with one throw. Computer-controlled gyros guarantee that the disc returns to its wielder, but if it becomes embedded in a solid material it can be returned by the push of a control-panel button. [b]Shuriken[/b] Another advanced piece of technology, very similar in characteristics to the Smart Disc. The Shuriken is carried and transported as a flat circular device, but the push of its surface transforms it into a multi-pointed, sharp edged throwing star. Also like the Smart Disc, it is self-charged by an internal power supply. The Shuriken can be thrown at an opponent, or used in hand-to-hand combat if necccesary, cutting through many substances with its many razor edges. When thrown, internal computer-controlled gyros (or possibly a remote homing device) returns the Shuriken to its wielder. ~~ Now that you've got the knowledge of your tools, use it.[/color][/size][/center]
  21. [color=darkred][size=1][center][IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y50/YamatoVergil/Pred.jpg[/IMG] Silent and deadly, the way of the Hunt, as it is decreed by the Clans. Do not kill without reason or honor. Kill only those worthy enough, such as Kiande amedha / Pyode amedha (Humans and Xenomorphs.) Take only what you will need. Stay out of sight, no matter what. Do not endanger the Clans. Do not attempt war with other CLans. Only kill worthy Pyode Amedha, those who have fought. These rulesare the decreed by the Elders and The Arbiters. [b]"Don't speak of it! Not in this base!"[/b] The general laied his glass of scotch down, drunk with revenge and alchaol. He looked outside the bulletproof window, to see the carnage that had just been reaped moments before. The men were just dead, on this metropolitan world, the women and children slowly following. The said base was a battlecruiser, from the planet of Mhar Seah, an affiliate of Earth. The heat pulsed from the engines in the rear of the massive fightercraft, a beacon as clear as a light in darkness for whatever had killed these poor men and women. All life on this once thriving planet had been extinughsed in a massive, catacalismic moment. [b/] "I've seen all I need to. Let's go, make the jump out of orbit as soon as possible..."[/b] The marine commander said, chewing on the end of a cigar. Soon, the [i]Aquilis[/i], the Battlecruiser, was back in the void of space. The sight of what he had seen had sobered him from the heavy scotch. Little did he know, Humanity had seen what had made the creatures that created this...death. And only once, on friendly terms. It was known as the Predator. [b]"Kiande Amedha Chiva Dtai'k-dte sa-de nav'g-kon dtain'aun bpide."[/b]The Yautja spoke to the Elder, the clicks issuing from behind a combat mask, where a sensor was continuously scanning the room. [b]"No need for our language, Honored one. As long as we are among allies, we may use their lanuage."[/b] The Elder told the one he had called "Honored." It was a compliment, and a recognition of his social and combatorial standing. [b]"So, the Unblooded are prepared for the Xenomorph Hunt? Good....I hope more pass then last time. Do no forget, if one of them...perishes, its their blood on your hands, Chal'khit."[/b] The elder concluded, grabbing his [i]Nagatina[/i] or Honored's Spear, and pulling himself up. The wire mesh was strung across his chest, impregnable by many sharp objects. He had seen a thousand more hutns than the Honored one standing before him. Several Marines stood by the doors, heavy C-14 Gauss "Impaler" Rifles in hand. [b]"Lower your weapons. Like when we last came to your Earth, a hundred years ago, we fight together now. Against something that I agree, should never have been created. Our lust for the perfect Hunt went awry...."[/b] The Elder trailed off. He was the only Elder that was like this, peaceful, but furious at the same time. It looked like there was going to be a long and hard war ahead...[/size][/color][/center] ~~ [color=darkslategray][size=1] Alright, so this is an RPG with Predator in the title. That automatically makes it awesome. Basically, there is a mystery. What killed an entire planet in such a short time? How? The Predators (Yautja, in their language.) might just have the answer to this, and so they have sent a Clan, the Steel Kill, to aid the Humans in their endevors. But as the Predators have hunted Pyode Amehda (Worthy humans) in the past, so why help us? ~~ [b]Sign Up Sheet:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] If you're going as a Yaujta, then make it alien. For humans, pretty wide spetrum. [b]Age:[/b] The Yautja are able to live longer, so an Unblooded (See upcoming Underground thread for Yautja Hiearchy) would be about 30 earth years. 18+ on humans. [b]Race:[/b] Yautja (Predators) or Humans [b]Gender:[/b] There are female Yautja who hunt, so feel free to be one of these. [b]Rank:[/b] I will list the Yajuta's ranking in the Underground thread. For humans, we'll be using the Army style (Private, Seargent, etc) [b]Appearance:[/b] There's a general rule for Yautja; all Unblooded will have NO dreadlocks seen on those who are Blooded. I'll find a picture of a Yautja for you to see. [b]Weapons:[/b] Humans can have Predator weapons, but don't get all of them, and no Human gets the Plasmacaster. However, their standard issue "Impaler" Gauss rifle is just about as strong. I'll list the weapons and descriptions for the Predator weapons in the Underground thread. Both races may have other weapons, from melee to ranged. [b]Equipment:[/b] All Predators and humans have the helmets, but the human's are modifed to fit their head. The visors have four visions, Weapon Targeting & Zoom, Thermal Scan, Neural Scan, and Tech scan. These are useful, the Neural gives combat info, and the tech tells about the enemies' weapons. You can add some more stuff, this is quite a fun topic to be on. This is very wide spectrum, PM me with questions. [b]Biography:[/b] Yautja: Have/how did you become Blooded? What are some of the Hunts you've been on? Human: How did you get to your current military rank? What have you done in your life? ~~ With out further delay, let the Hunt begin...[/color][/size]
  22. [color=darkslategrey][size=1]Hmmm.... [b]N64:[/b] Superman 64. Horrible game, what's the point? As everyone else has said, its just so horrible, it gave me more nightmares than [i]Jacob's Ladder.[/i] And I nearly wet myself when I watched that movie (I was eight, I think.) [b]PS1:[/b] Well, I'd have to say, out of what I've ever played, is [i]Armored Core.[/i] It just really didn't grab me, the combat was sort of random, and the customization menu made no sense to me. Oh, and [i]Star Wars: Masters of the Teras Kasai[/i] or whatnot. [b]PS2:[/b] Well, I'd have to say this is easy. Devil May Cry 2. It was BLAND, Dante seemed like a walking corpse. I choose to pretend it doesn't exist. More may be added later.[/color][/size]
  23. [color=darkslategrey][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Zeratul Khrass [b]Age:[/b] 43 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Home Planet:[/b] Jabiim [b]Affiliate Order:[/b] New Jedi Order [b]Rank:[/b] Jedi Master [b]Class:[/b] Jedi Weapon Master (Combat Focus) [b]Lightsaber:[/b] Double edged lightsaber. The hilt is curved for a better grip, in the Dueling style. The blade has an emerald colored blade that shines in the darkest light. Zeratul has added various new crystals to his Lightsaber, increasing the beam output, the ease and grace, and the length. [b]Lightsaber Style:[/b]Ataru [Form IV] [b]Force Powers:[/b] Master Battle Meditation, Force Wave, Master Valor, Force Redirection, Advanced Lightsaber Throw, Force Immunity [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=8&pos=10] Here.[/URL] Combat has grizzled this middle age man, leading to his whiteish hair. He also sports a black vest made of Shyrrak scales, and a grey Jedi robe, instead of those clothes seen in the hologram. Zeratul is holding the lightsaber of a Jedi he met on Korriban, on a trip to the descreet, but demolished Sith temple. [b]Biography:[/b] Pending Padawan Learner. [b]Personality:[/b] Zeratul was a raging youth once, who couldn't control his emotions. However, time has changed that, with the scars of war embedded into his mind. Zeratul is rational, and keeps a level head. However, he can get strict with his Padawan, but its all in good sport, as he usually is kidding. Zeratul has a sarcastic side he doesn't really show, as he must show a good example for those he has sworn to teach and protect. He doesn't mean to be so masochistic, but that's just the way he comes off, different from other Jedi. [b]Other:[/b] Zeratul also keeps a blaster or two by his side, for the times when he just can't use his Lightsaber. Sometimes he has a blaster in one hand, his lightsaber in the other, with just one of the sides extended. [b]Final Question:[/b] Brilliantly done, Gavin. I think it leaves a lot of room for the person to customize, because the age spectrum is wide, the ranks and classes are varied, and well, overall, you did a great job.[/color][/size]
  24. [color=darkslategrey][size=1][b]"Uhh...wha? Umm...alright..."[/b] Spence was hesitant, but went with. [b]"We can't exactly go into their room, so let's go to mine, ok?"[/b] He asked her. [b]"That's fine with me."[/b] Alice smiled. She held several articles of clothing in her arms. He grabbed the eletronic key from his back pocket, swiping it down the way of the magnetically locked door. It unlocked with a click, and opened with a push of his hand. She followed him inside. He sat down on the bed, near the bathroom. Alice went in, and came out, with a different dress on each time. When she was finished, she came back out in the last one she had worn. [b]"Which one do you like the best, Spence?"[/b] [b]"I like the second one, really."[/b] He told her, leaning his head forward to rest on his hand. [b]"Thanks, Spence."[/b] Alice gave him a quick, tight hug.[/color][/size]
  25. [color=darkslategrey][size=1]Spence had to jump back from the door to avoid being hit. He laughed. [b]"No love for me?"[/b] With a small smile. He didn't mind, So he leaned against the wall, waiting for them to finish hugging. He stepped up to the door, but didn't make any motion. [b]"Its good to see ya, Steff, Alice. I don't know you, but now's a fine time. The name's Spence."[/b] He held out his hand, still leaning against the wall. The guy gripped his hand. [b]"i'm Robert."[/b] Spence smiled, and went over to Alice. He gave her a long hug, and a kiss on the cheek. [b]"I missed you guys. Can we come in, for a bit?"[/b] Steff nodded, and they both got out of the doorway. [b]"After you, Rob."[/b] Spencer motioned with his hand and a bow. He followed them in, closing the door with a small click, the eletronic lock fastening. [b]"So, you guys getting ready to go, or what?"[/b][/color][/size]
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