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[color=darklslategray][size=1][b]"I like the Beatles, too, along with Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, My Chemical Romance, etectera."[/b] Spence laughed. The Beatles were good, just not ones he got to listen to every day. He took off his sweatshirt, and ruffled his hair. [b]"I'll be in the shower, man. I'll be out in ten to fifteen minutes."[/b] Spencer stepped into the restroom. He stripped down, and went under the slightly warm water, washing off the dirt and grime from the day. In ten minutes, he was out in faded black cargo shorts, with a white Champion Athletics shrit. His blonde hair was combed down, over his eyes. [b]"So, you know Steff?"[/b] [b]"Yeah, I suppose you do, too."[/b] [b]"That obvious?"[/b] Spencer laughed. [b]"I'll go check on the girls, alright?"[/b] [b]"Sure."[/b] Spence grabbed his iPod, turning up the sound with a spin of his thumb, "Hang 'em High" by My Chemical Romance filling his ears. [b]"Shotgun Sinners, wild eyed winners, got you in my sights..."[/b] Spence muttered, as he pushed the door open. They had left it ajar, just ever so slightly. [b]"You guys ready?"[/b] Spence called into the room.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Like many people, I've decided to post a thread containing my banners and possibly avatars. [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y50/YamatoVergil/Samurai1.jpg[/IMG] I was tinkering around with Layers when I came across several cool gradiant and texture ajustment features. The font used here is Cheapsake Fill, which can be found at datfont.en [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y50/YamatoVergil/Angry1.jpg[/IMG] This was just some random tinkering with light, texture and shadow. I like the font, but I don't remember which one that was.... [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y50/YamatoVergil/Clotheyed1.jpg[/IMG] I used some very fine, light texturing on this one, with a red overlay. I think it kinda conveys anger, from the bold, large font to the red color. Tell me what you think.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Seith Cemetari [b]Age:[/b] 58 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Class:[/b] Jedi Master [b]Lightsaber:[/b] A red, Dual Setting Double Bladed Lightsaber. (So sue me, Sean. And red isn?t considered evil back then, because no one knows about Force Choke, Lighting, etc.) [b]Force Powers:[/b] Master Battle Meditation Master Valor Force Wave Master Revitalize Force Immunity [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=8&pos=10] Replace the Lightsaber with the one mentioned above.[/url] [b]Biography:[/b] The black boots clacked on the cool steel floors, that were painted red with the blood shed from the last fight. A Lightsaber ignited, sending out a single red beam, followed by another on the other side of the hilt. It didn?t hum like the others. The man had put a sound dampener on the blade, to stop that unwieldy hum that alerted anyone he was supposed to rescue or fight. Three more Lightsabers ignited, each bending and twisting. He knew that they were the newly formed Lash Sabers. [b]?Out of my way, I need to speak with your?leader.?[/b] The man with the red Lightsaber said calmly. Their only response was three bending and flexing blades swooping for his arms, legs, and torso, their masters left behind. [b]?You shoulda made it easy on yourselves.?[/b] The red Lightsaber went to setting two, the shorter, more focused beam. The man sent it sweeping, blowing away the blades, catching them on the handles, shorting them out. [b]?You fools. You?re not Jedi or Sith. You?re those who managed to get Lightsabers and don?t know how to use ?em.?[/b] The man said gruffly, With a flick of his finger, they were sent flying into the walls behind them. He continued into the throne room. There, a protection job had turned into an assassination job. When the man got back to the Jedi Conclave, he wasn?t punished. He was given another assignment, much more important. [b]?Master Seith, you are to escort Blu Lithium. As the head of the council, you are the most fit for this job.?[/b] Was all that they would tell him. He had to take it from there. [b]Personality:[/b] (Sean, buddy, JedI do have personalities. Heh.) Seith has been brash from a young age, but over the years, has learned to keep that under control. He?s got good head on his shoulders, and is a fairly nice man, but even at his age, he?s still got the strength of ten JedI Masters- literally.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]After giving Steph a hug, Spencer pulled away from the group. He went over to his car, parked in the grass. [b]"Who wants some music?"[/b] He asked. He soon heard Sean yell out, [b]"Play something to fit the mood, bro!"[/b] Spencer laughed, and with a click, the song "Homecoming" by Green Day began playing. People, music, get some food and it'd be a party. Spencer walked over to Sean, and shoved him with a laugh. [b]"Learn to stand up straight before coming to a reuinon like this, man."[/b] He smiled as Sean recovered his balance. He gave Sean a quick hug with a pat on the back. [b]"Good to see ya, man. I'll have to fly down sometime, visit."[/b] Sean nodded, looking around, his eyes relaxed. Spencer began to walk away, to go to the next person to visit, leaving Sean with a copy of Green Day's newest CD in his hands. He came up to Jamie from behind. [b]"You alright, Jay?"[/b] With a soft nod, she gave a broken smile. [b]"Just fine."[/b] Spencer gave her a soft hug. [b]"Good. And yeah, you can be the one to do things like this."[/b] With a grin that show just how serious he was, which wasn't very. He began to look someone else to talk to, letting everyone else socalize.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Jake Morken [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Alliance:[/b] Eliminators [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=18&pos=10]This body[/URL] [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=18&pos=8] This guy?s weapon[/URL] [b]Weapon:[/b] See above picture. Dark Hand: This five fingered bladed gauntlet was made with a special mixture of silver and black carbonite. The result made it extremely strong and sharp, and fits formely over the hand. [b]Extra:[/b] A white and red Skyline is his form of transport, outfitted with many racing tune ups. Jake also keeps a Sig Sauer hidden, in his Skyline. He also loves music, so has his red and white guitar in the back of his car, that he can use as a bashing weapon if needed. [b]Personality:[/b] Jake can silent and deadly when he wants to be. He doesn?t speak much when he?s concentrating, like if he speaks, his thoughts will escape. He babble a mile a minute when he?s happy, which isn?t often. He?s got the aura of a leader around him, but he doesn?t like to put it to use, as everyone he?s ever known has died in some way or another. This cold demeanor can keep many people guessing at what he?s thinking. Even if someone saved his life, he would most likely repay them with a thank you, and leave quietly, back into the shadows where his prey lurks, like?rodents. However Jake is most routinely deadly serious, honest in work, truthful with others and devout in his morals. A firm believer in justice, eternally trying to help those weaker than himself. At the same time, he possesses a fragile mind that quickly erupts when he encounters anyone who breaks his rules or disrupts his order. In other words, he has a hard time dealing with freedom, a fact he has yet to realize. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Jake combines Jeet Kune Do, Manji Ninjitsu, and Do Dan Do to create a melody of fighting that he believes contributes to his success in hunting his prey. Manji Ninjitsu requires a blade, so Jake takes one of the sword sized talons from his gauntlet and uses it as a blade in his left hand, slashing and thrusting with his right. He?ll always fight fair, no matter the circumstances. Jake also has Cryokinekis, the ability to form and control ice. He uses this when he needs to attack from a range, or needs another weapon. [b]Character Snippet:[/b] [b]?Where?s my gauntlet??[/b] Jake asked himself, straightening out his hair in the mirror. The black thing of death lay on the padded footstool. He straightened out his clothes, put on some cologne , and grabbed the black weapon. The intricate designs were like pathways for the blood he had to spill. It was his duty to protect those who were weak. Defenseless. He slipped it on his right hand, blue eyes shining as the black metal glinted into his eyes. The cool steel was firm and hard against his skin. He used his long talon to brush a hair out of his eyes. It left a small trail of liquid fire, which dribbled down his eyes and down his face. He let it be. Jake stepped out to the curb. He had received an assignment to hunt down a vampire. It was a weak one, but one he had met before. Last time?he didn?t have his weapons, or his experience. Things would be different this time. He slipped into the car, taking off the metal gauntlet. That certain vampire jumped him then, teeth growing outwards. Unfortunately for the vampire. Jake?s hand was on his guitar. He pulled it out of the back seat, and slammed it into the vampire?s face. With a cold look, he told the vampire to get up. [b]Fighit fair.?[/b] Jake got his gauntlet on, as the vampire pulled out a Glock. Jake bowed, as bullets streamed for his head. He sliced the bullets out of the air, digging his talons into the ground. Ice spread from them, flying forward at the guy. [b]?Next time, fight??[/b] Jake sent a spire of ice upwards, through the vampire. It was impaled, as it squealed with pain. [b]?Fair.?[/b] Jake ended it quickly, with a stab to the thing?s heart. He pulled out a white cloth, and cleaned off the darkened blood from his gauntlet. With a prayer, he walked away, getting his guitar and himself back in his car.[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] You could call those vampire/wolves Vampaneize.
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Jake Morken [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://nitro2003.free.fr/bleach/img/images/ichigo%2001.jpg]Jake[/URL] [b]Broken Personality:[/b] Jake's a quiet guy, but when he talks, he can be a sad son of a *****. He takes the blame for things he doesn't have anything to with, as he feels like he's the root problem of everything going on. His only recluse is writing and music. Jake's not one to use cusswords. Or, that's what everyone assumes, as he never speaks anyway. Several scars are on his wrists, from things he won't talk about to anyone, not even himself. He keeps a razorblade in his top drawer, which he claims is for protection. [b]Incident:[/b] "When was it...sixteen years ago, I think?" He said to no one in paticular, hand on his head softly, fingers rubbing his forehead as if trying to coax out the thoughts. He finally remembered, and spoke to himself softly, even though there were many other people in the room, who would and could hear. "Ah, yes..." He thought to himself. Thinking back was painful for him. Flashback "Mommy...? Get up mommy...you got work today...mommy...?" Jake stared at the limp figure on the bed, several small baggies around, damp with some sort of liquid. And a syringe. "Mommy, did you get bit by something? Mommy, wake up." Jake looked at the syringe. Something malevolent was inside of that syringe, a memory that he'd forsake for a long time. He looked at the end, the liquid mixed with a red substance. "Mommy...don't put the syringe in ketchup...it can't suck it up..." Oh, how foolish he would realize he was. He was only three, but he knew things that he shouldn't of. "This isn't funny mommy...mommy..." Jake climbed up on the bed, and shook her shoulder. When she didn't wake up, he flipped her over, a huge effort. He tumbled from her and the bed. But soon, he was back on his feet, and immedately he wished he wasn't. Mommy was dead. A needle in her right arm, eyes black, filled by her pupils, still trying to suck up the nonexistant light. She had red marks on her ankles and wrists. A length of chain was on the other side of the bed. "Daddy! Something happened to mommy!" Jake managed to stumble to his father. He worke a sick grin. "Mommy's sleeping, son. I made her sleep for a long time...and now we're going to have some fun..." Screams issued from his bedroom that could be heard by the neighbors. [/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Defeat. Misery. Chaos. The land was engulfed in The War. There was no name for it. It was just?The War. Everyone knew it was a gigantic war, taking from China to America. Of course, that?s not what they were called back then . This was the era of war, when written words were just coming into format. This was the time of angels and demons. The time when corruption and purity could be defined by one action. Save them, or let them die, or just?massacre them. However, a new threat had been unveiled, the fighting of the Angels and Demons halted. A new entity had come from the sky. It called itself ?The Overmind.? A light that shifted with shadows glimmered faintly in the sky the day the Overmind had come. However, this ?light? was only a cruel aberration of what the true Overmind was. A cruel beast, the shackles placed on it long broken. It told the people of this?crude era that it was the entity they called ?God?. They didn?t know better. Like cows being herded into the slaughter. It told them to build monuments in the Overmind?s name. They built monuments through the stone that they had on the earth. These actions angered the Angels, and God himself. He sent his three Archangels to deal with this??God.? Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. They descended to the Earth, but were soon defeated. The Overmind had control over the peoples, who rose against the Archangels, a single word from the Overmind sending them into false accusations that led to death of the people, and the momentary defeat of the Archangels. The Archangels knew that this would be a hard task indeed. The Overmind had changed the people, not only spiritually, but physically. When they had attacked, they had grown wry, muscular limbs with huge, untamed claws that maimed the Archangel?s holy flesh. It seemed the Overmind had done something to them. Drastic. Most likely Genetic Engineering. So, Heaven was forced to form a pact with Hell. Ever since the Overmind had taken over, anyone who had died didn?t go to either place, nor the place?in-between. They rose to a different plane. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael chose Belial, the Fallen Angel, Archimedes, the Hell Medium, and Baal, the Demon Prince. This is their fight, aided by a few humans who have resisted the Overmind, and have been granted powers. Those are the lucky ones? [b]Sign ups:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Something oldish. [b]Age:[/b] 15+ [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] Make this correspond to what you are, demon, angel or human. Demon and Angels can have human forms too. [b]Race:[/b] Human, Demon, or Angel. PM me about anything else. [b]Weapons:[/b] Keep it in the really OLD times. Swords and stuff, no M4s, AK-47, etc. Two max. [b]Powers:[/b] What powers you got? Keep it under control, peeps. Things like Pyrokinekis, Cyrokinekis, etc. [b]Biography:[/b] Two paragraph minimum. How have you lived your life? In detail, please. ~~~ Reserved Spots: Michael: Empty Gabriel: Empty Raphael: Sieg Belial: Empty Archimedes: Empty Baal: Empty ~~~ Sign ups are now open. Sieg.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]OOC:[/b] Computer problems suck majorly. That's all I've got to say, :animeswea [b]IC:[/b] Spence walked outside to the garage, where the one thing he prized above all else he had was. The grage door swung open, and there lay a beautiful car. It was a Skyline, one of the most expensive cars in the world. He had it tuned up quite a bit, taking all the money that didn't go to the rent for the building, or to the foods and stuff that he needed. It had a beautiful white and red paintjob, the main body white with a red vynal. The vynal was a design of several Iridonian Tribe symbols. The design was a curving, crimson T, with a scar looking X. Spencer got in, the self warming seats a comforting reminder of why he had tuned up his car. Soon, he was at the Shipyard, where he loaded his car onto the dock. [b]"If you give this car a scratch, I'll make you pay out of your own pocket, puls enough to buy me a whole new car."[/b] The guy nodded as Spencer gave him the keys. He had a backup car waiting for him, and he was soon seen with the top down, the white iPod headphones in his ears. He hooked the iPod upto the car's stero system, and soon sent the music flowing out across the road. [i]And I'm Not Okay I"m not Okay I'm not O-fucking-Kay ah ahey Forget about the dirty looks The photographs your boyfriends took You say you read me like a book What if the pages are all torn and frayed? I'm not Okay.[/i] He pulled into the airport, the online ticket already prepared for him. He was soon on his flight, where the food was still crappy as always. He soon landed. Spencer had a car waiting outside the Airport, as he took off. Soon, he was at the whole thing, where he saw Steff, Kelly, and Anne. He smiled. He had gotten into his Skyline earlier. He began blinking the lights, which were a crimson red. The hydrolics he had in his car began bouning up and down. Spence got out, a smile on his face. His hands in the sweatshirt that he had gotten a year ago. [b]"I missed you guys!"[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkred][b]Name:[/B] Spencer Charles Erikson (Prefers Charlie or Spence) [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] (Feh, I only have a long ago one...shite...here we go, Mr. Description.) Charlie has a tall, strong build. He stands about 5'10, with a Track and Field teammate's body. That's basically strong and fast, for those who don't know. Charlie's hair is a sandy blonde, which he usually either spikes up, or just combs it down, over his eyes. His eyes are a steely, but colbat blue. They seem to mist over when he's in thought, or just bored. Charlie just has to smile and they'll light up. They've seemed dim lately, no one really knows why. He's suffered a broken nose in the past year, but no one can really notice anymore, as its been reset. Mostly he's wearing his white Carrol Wrestling shirt, from when he had taken wrestling a year back. Black pants or shorts, its usually what he wears. Sometimes he'll settle for some blue or white cargo pants, but usually he's a one suit guy. He's got a darker complexion from spending the year in the sun, most people have just gotten used to it. Overall, he's not too bad looking. [b]Character Snippet:[/b] [b]"Jesus freaking Christ, man!"[/b] Laughed one of Charlie's friends. [b]"Why did you fall of your own freakin' house?"[/b] He said again. Spencer rubbed the bumb under his Carrol Wrestling sweatshirt, wincing slightly. [b]"I was cleanin' out the gutters, bro."[/b] Spencer waved his fist at them, in mock anger. Why did he fall off his own roof? Oh well. As they started walking backwards, Spence separated from the throng. [b]"Gotta go check my messages and stuffs. Eat some damn food, freakin' hungry."[/b] They all nodded as Spencer opened the door to his house. He set his iPod Mini down, pulling out the earphones. He turned it to 'Helena' by My Chemical Romance, and began to surf the next. It was a great life, being able to live alone, hang out with the guys, and go to his job. Clicks came from his keyboard, as Spencer logged onto Otaku[b]boards[/b]. Several PMs popped up, so he pressed OK and then Cancel to bring him to his inbox. Mostly just stuff for "What was up" and that kind of stuff. However, he clicked onto Steff's PM. Soon, he pulled away, excited. Before he knew it, he was buying his plane ticket online, and was half packed.[/color][/size]
[color=red][size=1]Four thousand years before the Galactic Empire, chaos and strife ruled the known galaxy, from the war scarred planet of Telos to the Graveyard of Malachor V, where countless bodies orbit the planet, ships ripped in half by the final fight of the Mandalorian Wars. From the battle of Malachor V, only one Jedi returned to face the judgment of the Jedi Council for going to war. His punishment was exile, to wander beyond the Outer Rim, to travel with none, to never stay in one place too long. His Lightsaber was stripped of him. From the screams of the Jedi and Sith, he was deaf to the silent call of the Force. Exile was his only option, or imprisonment, since Jedi never executed. For years, he wandered the planets. A disturbance in the Force pushed him back into the chaos. On the Republic ship, the Harbringer, the Exile stayed. A small ship, the Ebon Hawk, was being attacked by a Sith warship. The Harbringer was attacked, and occupied by Sith Assassins. The Exile managed to reach the Ebon Hawk, and escape onto the nearby mining facility of Peragus II. From there, he met two allies, his Utility Droid, T3-M4, and a respectable scoundrel, Atton. Together, they managed to escape Peragus II, but were pursed by Darth Sion. He lost them in the now exploding planet of Peragus. When they reached Telos, several more mysteries began to unveil. Our heroes were taken into police custody for the explosion of Peragus. Our hero, the Exile, chose the Czerka fraction on the war for control of Telos' restoration funds. They seemed more respectable, but in the end, he ended up siding with the Ithorians, a strange group of aliens. However, the Ebon Hawk had been stolen. For his service, the Ithorans let him take a shuttle down to the planet to discover what had happened. After a turn of events, our group met a Zebrack Weapons Tech by the name of Bao-Dur. He had served under the Exile in the wars. After a few more events, they stole a new shuttle, heading down to the Polar Ice Cap. They were ambushed by there HK-50 Assassin Droids, out for a bounty. When they were defeated, the Handmaidens, a sect formed by one of the last Jedi, Atris. However, she blocked them out from feeling the Force. The Exile's mentor thought that strange. Her name, Kreia. The Exile was sent on a mission. He had to gather the remaining Jedi Masters to the ruined Enclave on Dantooine, to hold a Council, a decision which would save the known galaxy. However the last of the Handmaidens, simply called The Handmaiden, had stowed aboard on Atris' command. The Exile began his journey to planets like Nar Shaddaa, Dantooine, Korriban, and also Dxun and Onderon. After a while, a Sith Assassin, Vistas, had snuck onboard. The Exile struck her down, but spared her. They began to have a close bond, and so did he and Handmaiden. However, at the Council, The Exile's nature was revealed. He was a wound in the force. He had over three thousand Force Bonds with Jedi in the Mandalorian Wars. On Malachor V, when they died, the screams that echoed from the Force had deafened him to the Force. It had opened a rift inside of him. He would draw on the power of the Jedi and Sith around him, no matter what. He had to die, according to the Council. However, Kreia intervened. She showed her powers, killing them all instantly with a Sith power no Jedi could fight against. The Exile had been knocked out. When he woke, he knew where Kreia was. Malachor V. After fighting through the Ravager, and destroying Darth Nilhlus, he destroyed the ship, The Ravager going down in flames yet again. Soon, the Exile had destroyed Darth Sion, and Darth Treya, who was Kreia. He had dominion over the Dark and Light side. He meditated on Malachor V in memory of those that had served their, in the wars long ago. At last, the general, the Exile, got up. He spoke his name. "Cain Sotestu. The General of the Dead." His title fit. He rejoined his crew at the Ebon Hawk, leaving for areas unknown.[/color][/size] [center] ~~~[/center][color=darkslategray][size=1] Cain's hands on the throttle of the ship, he lifted it off the greaking and collasping planet of Malachor V. His crew was waiting onboard. As the planet went Supernova, Cain brought the ship into hyperdrive. He set it on autopilot, and went to go speak to everyone. He assembled them into the Conference Room, which was basically the passage into the hallways of the freighter ship. A Holoprojector sat in the middle off the room, several planets shifting views. Bao-Dur, Atton, HK-47, T3-M4, G0-T0, Handmaiden, Vistas, and Mandalore. That was his crew. However, the ship was soon attacked, as Sith boarded the ship. Led by one man Cain thought he'd never see again. Darth Sion, formerly Uthar Wynn. Cain had laid him to rest. It seems that Kreia had a stronger hold on him than he thought. [b]"I have come for you, Jedi."[/b] Cain had heard that back, so long ago. He wasn't afraid. [b]"I have killed you time and time again. Last would of been the last, if I had not destroyed Kreia. You shall be broken, lifeless, and torn."[/b] Cain ignited his lightsaber, the purple and red blade humming. Sion iginited his own, single red lightsaber. Cain waited for the charge, as Sion circled. Sion lashed out with a Life Drain, but Cain leapt in with his Lightsaber, slashing with one end, bringing the other end up and then down. Sion blocked both ends, slashing at Cain's stomach. Cain parried easily, and looked in horror. The blood of his comrades ran through the grill of the ships, slain by the Sith Marauders. He had to work not to grow angered. However, he let out a massive Force Storm, destroying the Marauders. It was him and Sion once again. He kicked Sion in the stomach, and leant above Sion, holding down his Lightsaber hand, Cain's lightsaber above Sion's neck. [b]"Your time in this world is over, Sion. Rest in peace."[/b] Sion's eyes, the blinded one, and the red one, closed. A smile crept along his lips, and he whispered. [b]"Thank you...for freeing me from Korriban..."[/b] Cain's saber slashed through Sion's flesh, cutting through his larynx. Cain got up. A Sith Assassin had set the Ebon Hawk for self destruct. Cain sought him out, and used Force Crush, to destroy the assassin. Thinking fast, he boarded the Sith ship, which was completely empty. HE pulled away from his dead comerades, tears running down his cheek. He wiped them off, and no more came. These weren't the nameless Jedi he knew on Malachor V, the first time. They were...friends. Cain steered the ship away from the Ebon Hawk. As he read the logs, he found the coordinates for the planet Cousaunt. He set the course. The ships name was the Ravager. How could this be? He had destroyed this ship long ago...no matter, the captain of the ship was dead. Cain sat back, the hyperdrive activiating as autopilot kicked in. Cain leaned back in his cot, eyes closing. He better find a new crew.[/color][/size]
I'm in the market for a new avatar. One of Sieg Warheit, from the Playstation 2 game, Chaos Legion. Just a simple picture of his face, no text invovled. Such a simple request, eh? Yeah, I know. I just can't get mine to work whenever I try to upload them. Enough about me, though. Go on, make the avatar!
[color=green]Johnny had brought her back to the army base, leaving the church behind. He talked about his life, and what the group as a whole should do next, from the NASA facility to beyond. He was glad that she had agreed to come back with him, and that she had agreed to try being with him. Johnny heard of a crash, and saw a massive angel like thing fly away, so quick he thought it was a bird. When he got inside, Cassie had found a brick, with a little rope. [b]"Someone must of tied a bird onto this, and threw it through the window. Damn hoolagans."[/b] Johnny smiled the last part. He cleaned up the debris, putting the glass into the trash can, which he then emptied. His stomach rumbled. [b]"Ugh, I'm hungry....what should we do, eat and go to the base, with everyone else?"[/b] Johnny asked, walking over to the refridgerator, swinging open the door, putting his head inside, browsing around. He didn't really find anything, so he grabbed some stuff from the cabnets. Most of the stuff in the fridge was old, standard army rations. [b]"I guess so. What did you find in the fridge?"[/b] Cassie asked, sitting down on a chair. [b]"Just some spoiled army rations. Rations are never good, nontheless spoiled. Don't ask how I know."[/b] Johnny laughed. He pulled out some stuff he had brought from Cassie's house, and soon started preparing the food. About twenty minutes later, he had made angel hair pasta with parmsan cheese, and several roast beef sandwiches. When they finished eating, he got up, and asked, [b]"Ready to go?"[/b] Cassie nodded softly. Johnny started out the door first, holding it open for her. He started to exercise his control over the skies, making the air hard, and together underneath his feet, leaving the breathing air alone that was above. He began to run up the air stairs, Cassie following hesitantly. He smiled. [b]"Its alright. Just trust me."[/b] She nodded. He took her hand, right above the NASA base. Soon, he was falling through the air, with Cassie's hand in his. Their fall began to slow, as the settled down on the ground. Immediately, signs of carnage was appearant. What they would find inside would be...intimidating...[/color]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Cain Sortestu [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] Cain's features have been hardened by war and battle scars, but that doesn't mean he looks like a mangled corpse. I suppose we should start at the top. He has short, dirty blond hair. His face is hardened by war, scars laced into his face along with creases. Cain has deep blue eyes, with a golden ring around the outsides of the color from a disease he had as a child, Kaiser Ring Syndrome. He's built strong, and he's about 5'11. His garments are black Sith Master standard issue clothes, with added armor underlay, and a Dark Jedi Master Robe. However, this doesn't mean he's fallen to the Dark Side, but the council had tried to kill him, so he wishes no connections to them for now. His hands are dextile and tough, but soft to the touch. [b]Weapons:[/b] M2 Anassai Carbine Disruptor Rifle-This rilfe has been modded beyond belief, making it the single most powerful blaster in Cain's arsenal, ever. It can tear through shields and armor, and can disrupt Lightsabers for a short while. Lightsaber: Cain's lightsaber is the double sided lightsaber. The color crystal is a unique one, a red core color with a purple outline. He can take apart the Lightsaber, and make it into two in a flash. [b]Side of The Force:[/b] Neutral (In between the Light and Dark) [b]Skills:[/b] From being in the Mandalorian Wars, Cain has experiences with weapons and demolitions. He can disable, recover, or sneak past mines like second nature. He's also a master hacker, or as he puts it "An expert computer analyst." [b]Force Powers:[/b] Cain can pick an enemy up in the air, and crunch in its airway, slamming it against the ground. This is called Crush. He also can use Battle Meditation, to give his allies an added strength boost.[/color][/size]
[color=green]Johnny listened to her quietly,absorbing what she said. [b]"Cassie, I'm not trying to mess with your emotions. My own emotions are messed up right now. I have feelings for you. Cass, if I didn't really care for you, I wouldn't of tried to find you."[/b] He told her, eyes glanced down, quietly. [b]"I don't care! You should be with Kefira, you kissed her first."[/b] She retorted. [b]"Didn't you hear me before? I said that I was confused. I thought you were with someone by the way you walked, and how calm you seemed with me, without any clothes, on your doorstep."[/b] He spoke again. [b]"Should I leave you...to think about what I've said?"[/b] Johnny asked. She didn't respond, so he opened the door, and walked out. Johnny leaned against the wall, and slid down it. He began to think of what to do, and why she freaked out on him. He stayed there for a while, eyes closed. He was, seemingly, drugged into an unwakable stupor. However, that broke when she called him back in.[/color]
[color=darkslategray][b]"Didn't hit you, I hope? And you have to get good at two on two battles, that's a standard format in the League Championship."[/b] Shin motioned to Metagross for an attack. It sprung forward, claw hardened like unbreakable iron. [b]"Metagross, Iron Claw!"[/b] It was too late for Salamence, as it had tried to figure out the attack before Shin had said it. Metagross' claw raked across its stomach. It slumped down, fainted. [b]"Return, Salamence..."[/b] She said wearily as the light drew the fained, large body of the dragon into the Pokeball. Metagross looked at Shin as if to say: [i] Not too bad of a fight.[/i] [b]"Metagross, return. Let Milotic and Dragonite fight it out."[/b] The ball drew the iron made pokemon back into the ball with a hissing snap. As another unpredictiable move approached from Shin's Milotic, he smiled. [b]"End it, Milotic. Constrict to Body Slam!"[/b] Milotic had wound around Dragonite's body. It squeezed tightly, and slammed it down into the ground. The giant pokemon fainted as she took it back. Soon, Milotic was back in the pokeball too. [b]"Not bad, but you need to stop using prefrences against pokemon that your favorite are weak against."[/b][/color]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Shin had kicked most of the debris out of the air. His pokemon were realtively unharmed from the attacks. [b]"It'll take more than parlor tricks to defeat Metagross and Milotic. Blizzard!"[/b] Milotic twisted forward, snakelike body generating ice. It lanuched it from its pores and out its mouth, the shards of ice striking down on the field. Salamence was weak to this, so was Dragonite. Ice and Steel, along with Rock, were his friends against dragons. Salamence was striken by one in the claw, the others melted by a firey eruption from its mouth. It's teeth gnashed. Dragonite was chipped in the wing a bit, not too serious. [b]"Metagross, time for it. Steel Claw!"[/b] Metagross teleported around, then struck from a southeastern angle at Salamence's hamstrings. His claw managed to tear the tissue, cutting in deep. However, Salamence retaliated with a Hyper Beam, which disabled one of Metagross' legs. [b]"Not bad. But I was champ, once."[/b][/color]
[color=green]Johnny couldn't do anything about it. He sighed, half in disgust at himself. He had to find her, before she got shot or something, a farmer thinking she was a coyote or a wolf. But he only had his panda form, which wasn't all that fast. His eyes stared to the ground, he began to search for her in every nook and cranny. As he did this, whispers and murmurs rose in his thoughts, about the power of the shamans, over Earth and SKy. It took a while, but Johnny decided to try to exert some control over the clouds. He stared at a group of them, his mind willing them together. They clashed, forming a dark raincloud. Johnny was, at the least, surprised. Now for the earth-based stuff. He looked at a group of stones, willing them into a manlike figure. They fomred together, shaping into dusty, but straight, bricks. They built a small, stone man about three feet high. He realized he could have sentries in the clouds themselves, and golems on the ground, searching for her. He built several more golems, animated them, and sent them off in four directions. He willed part of his collective mind into the clouds, creating a bond with them, gaining eyes in the sky. Johnny sent them sailing out in all directions, in search of her. He began to walk more, looking where he hadn't seen the golems and clouds go. After a while, several golems had came across the church. The now white streaks of sirrius cloud told him that Cassie was up there. Johnny ran as fast as he could, making a storm appear over his head, to cool him down. He ran until he was at the doors, which he flung open. The golems had become two that were his height. [b]"Father Merrin! Where is Cassie?"[/b] He asked, the golems outside the door. His stride was heavy, like his back was weighed down. [b]"She is in bellfry. I do not think she wishes to be disturbed."[/b] [b]"Father, I am one of the group she was talking about. This is [i]urgent[/i]."[/b] [b]"Alright, but...just be gentle with her. And how did you know about this, John?"[/b] [b]"My friends in the skies told me."[/b] Johnny thanked the Father, and ran up to the bellfry. He opened the door gently. [b]"Cass, its me...Johnny."[/b][/color][/size]
[color=green]Johnny's hands shivered as she became more depressed. He felt so angry at himself...and so guilty. He closed his eyes. He opened them again, looking at her, curled up. [b]"Cassie...I'm sorry for asking you. I thought, you were so beautiful, that someone would of had feelings for you in the past, like I do now. Feel free to yell and scream at me all you want, I deserve it."[/b] Johnny opened his arms as a gesture of defeat, signifying open blows. [b][i]"I don't wanna scream...I feel so confused now..."[/b][/i] The voice in his head was softer this time, like a gentle breeze across a cool southern plain. [b]"Cass, you have to understand. I thought you were with someone else, so I naturally moved off. It was the way you acted, the way you walked, the way you held yourself. Its like an enternal war for me. Who do I choose? Kefira or you, Cassie? I don't really know, I..."[/b] He trailed off. Johnny asked her to do something. [b]"Could you change back? I'd...like to try something."[/b][/color]
[color=navy][size=1]Shin saw Toji stricken down. This fueled his rage even more, and his blows became more precise and deadly, though they still didn't do much of anything. He would fight until he fell from exaustion or death, no injury would stop him. He began feigning his opponent, goading him into his circle of attack. His legs sweeped at the nightmare's face, striking only the nightmare's claw. Sweat dripped from his hair, pulling it down, and spiking back up as he kept striking. He knew his legs or his health would fail him, and then the other would be gone too. He kept fighting to give the others time to flee, or help in some way. Several more strikes, legs were burning with cuts and bruises, and plain exaustion. He looked at Toji again, to see him with a silver light around him, in a semi concious state. Two others had the same light, one with a ring, the other, a mask. Shin's fighting ability gave on a little longer, enough for him to pull away, before being cleaved in half by the monsterous weight of the sword like claw. He knelt on his left knee, right knee up. He stood up shakily. His hands seemed to be pulled out from his control, and they were thrust forward. His hands were bathed in a silver light, which spread across his whole body. Silver threads leapt from his fingers, entwining into silver metal. It formed...a blade. It was a katana, with a silver wave pattern on the blade. The hilt was black snakeskin, with a single, wide and long thread of red silk wound once around it. It felt so familiar, he had it for so long. It was time to forget the 360 of attack he thought he had, and take up his heritage, and strike down the shadows with the tainted light of the silver.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]I decided a nice spar would be in order, but I have no one to spar with, currently. So, I have started this thread, really, to find a challenge. [b]The Backdrop:[/b] The city buzzes with life in the day and night, from shopping malls to nightclubs. Pedestrians run in the streets to their jobs in this bustiling city of Indianapolis. The streets roar with high powered cars, the exaust fumes polluting the air you breathe. However, most have grown used to it. In the malls after closing time would be the perfect place for a fight. If not for the security guards, cameras, and the obvious signs of store disturbance. However, several fighters have heeded the challenge, some on friendly basis, others on more...deadly basis. But nonetheless, it should be fun. [b] The Rules:[/b] 1. No Goddmodding/Cheezing 2. No Killing Blows, Or Beheadment. (Unless you have agreed on this.) 3. You can have powers in this, just not too extreme. 4. Fight fair, but feel free to use low blows and other stuff. I just mean no "My guy lunges into your stomach, slicing out your innards." 5. No spam, (Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages): No posts like "OMG j00r going 2 die u bieach." 6. Like everywhere else, have fun. [b]The Sign Up Sheet:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Don't care, just give me what your character goes by. [b]Age:[/b] Wide spectrum on this topic, just not too young or old. [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Apperance:[/b] A picture or description. [b]Weapon:[/b] Wide basis here, three max. [b]Skills/Powers:[/b] Give me what your person can do. [b]Reason for Fighting:[/b] Give me a reason for accepting the fight. Hope to spar with you soon, [b][i]Jian[/i][/b][/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]Shin caught Emi as she stumbled. He smiled at her quickly, then went over to the nightmare, grabbing its neck. He used his momentum to swing himself forward, landing on the thing's neck. He beat on its skull like a drum, and slapped it on the back, laughing in spite of the danger. [b]"Dah dah dah...this is like those things you see in some of those movies that we had to watch, ya know, with the broncos and the guys on top of 'em? I bet this snarly guy,"[/b] Shin's fingers rapped on the monster's skull. [b]"Could rip most of 'em to pieces. But me, I ride it like a kid does a dog."[/b] Shin kept doing this, until it irritated the nightmare so much, that it took its arm, and formed a saber with it, slashing at him. He ran up the thing's skull, and jumped off, kicking it squarely in the nose, watching the blade cut into its back. [b]"Dumbass, you shouldn't cut yourself with blades and other sharp objects."[/b] Shin taunted again. He kept taunting so it would attack him, whil Lai got in her attacks. He smiled as he had no weapons of any sort at the moment. He ran forward, and lept into the air, his legs propelling from the left side to his right like a helicopter blade, smashing into the thing's face. Blood leaked down his legs from the block of the creature. However, the cuts were shallow, and the nightmare hadn't blocked all of his kicks. Shin went in for another assult, the sun shining on his face fiercely, his features distorted by a look of rage and laughter, which was a paticularly odd expression. His legs leapt into the air, torso and arms following. Shin's feet smashed into the creature's chest, and his front half flipped forward. He grabbed its arms as he went forward in a perfect front flip, pulling its arms over and above its head, wrentching it to the ground.[/color][/size]
[color=green]Johnny sighed, lost her, and went back inside. He was such an idiot. He went back to cleaning, abesntmindedly. Johnny stopped cleaning. He closed his eyes, and realized what he had done. Passing out on her doorstep, blood covered and wounded, being a nice guy, he...was leading her on all along. [i]God...I'm a jackbag...[/i] he told himself, hanging his head. He cleaned off the windows, and as he went to the last one, he saw Cassie sitting outside, shoulders shaking, as if she was crying. He could only barely see her as a speck on the horizon, but he knew it was her. She must of heard him, but she showed no signs of notice. Johnny had to wage an internal war on himself Go talk to Cassie, and yelled at or maybe just bitten. Or just stay away, let her have her time, and talk to her when she was ready? He decided to talk to her now. The screen door slid open. The cleaning supplies were set down. Johnny stepped out, biting his lip. He walked to Cassie, who was in wolf form, and quite a far ways away, and sat down next to her. However, she just moved away. Johnny went to her again, and she just stopped there. She looked up at him, the fur around her wolf eyes matted with tears, eyes bloodshot. [b][i]"Why...."[/i][/b] She asked, eyes closed, tail still. [b]"I don't...know why, Cassie. It was impulse...."[/b] Johnny told her, and smacked his head on a nearby piece of wood, Why in the hell would he say that? [b]"Cass, I've got feelings for you...and for her...I just thought you didn't want to know me that well. So..I went to Kefira. I'm sorry."[/b] [b][i]"I didn't...I was asking myself....why I saw you kiss her, but still have feelings..."[/b][/i] [b]"Cass...? You..."[/b] Johnny asked, tentively.[/color]
[color=navy][size=1]Shin heared screams from the yard, and saw signs of battle and blood. As he professed in this kind of thing, fighting, he'd go see what was up. He let his legs carry him with swift finesse. He had been on the Track and Field team at a time, but gave that up. As Shin rounded the corner, he saw more blood, and something...unnatural. He felt a sort of inner fire burn inside of him, like he had to fight it. The sight of the people under distress kindled that fire to greater heights. He had to fight, it was in his blood. He forgot any kind of weapon. [i]If you have a weapon, you limit your mind to that one weapon. If you have no weapon, you're thinking 360 around the guy, thinking about how to use your hands and feet, shins, your head. Your head is the general, so let it command.[/i] Shin reviewed what he had learned over the years, as it all flooded out of that section of his mind, the primal mind, where his survival skils were stored. However, he remembered. [i]The best style is no style, like quicksand, able to flow and form around your opponet. The best form is no form.[/i] Shin, with this in mind, stood in front of Toji while he recovered from his kick. [b]"Nice kick, man. Just make sure that he doesn't come back at you faster."[/b] Shin told Toji, as the [i]thing[/i] got back up, its heavy form of attack switching to light and powerful. It rushed at him. Shin threw his leg out in a straight kick at the thing's kneecap, which bent inward. It crumpled, then got back up, like nothing happened. The shadowy flesh reformed. [b]"Bring it, fucker. I speak English better than Japanese, but I also speak Kickassenese."[/b] Shin taunted the nightmare, and it switched back to heavy. It swung a massive claw at Shin's midsection. He jumped up, and landed on the claw. It sweeped at him again. [i]Time thrust...[/i] Shin's hand slammed into the nightmare's stomach. [i]To Stop thrust![/i] The nightmare pretended to stagger backwards, but sweeped through part of Shin's stomach with his massive claw. Shin held his stomach, then leaned up. He'd need some help.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray]Shin leaned against the boat, his Milotic softly swimming in the water beside the boat, as he waited for the boat to take off. He released everyone else. Metagross floated in the air, its psychic powers easily manipulated its own body. Shin remembered when he had been the Leauge Champion, the fame on his shoulders. It was a year ago when he lost his title. He had been defeated by a fault, one of his Pokeballs jammed shut, the one with Metagross, his most powerful. He had still beat the guy almost, and if Metagross would of been out, he would of pounded. But no, he had to have it jam. [b]"Bullshit..."[/b] He spoke aloud, thinking of the memory. [b]"What?"[/b] Maki asked. surprised. [b]"Just thinking of when I lost the championship...my Metagross' Pokeball got jammed, and it wouldn't open. Still almost won."[/b] [b]"Shame."[/b] She said simply. [b]"Wanna battle? Just a friendly one, to test the skills."[/b] He asked her, looking at Metagross and Milotic. [b]"Sure. I'll use...Salamence and Dragonite."[/b] She beckoned them forward. [b]"Metagross and Milotic."[/b] Shin ruffled his blond hair, the clothes flowing on his body gently as the wind rose from the passing of Metagross.[/color]
[color=green]Johnny smiled at the comment. [b]"Yeah, I guess you better, heh."[/b] [i]Not that I mind...[/i] Johnny felt like slapping himself in the face with a butcher knife. [b]"I think I have more powers, but I just haven't discovered them yet. Whenever a thunderstorm passes by, I feel like its part of me, when earthquakes happen or volcanoes explode, I feel like part of me is ripped away. Like...I've got a primal connection with the Earth."[/b] Johnny looked into her eyes, his blonde hair running down his head, light blue shirt with a tie on his chest. [b]"That's strange...I thought everyone would have only one power."[/b] She looked back at him, and Johnny felt a smile edging on his lips gently, then realized...it wasn't a smile. It...was a kiss. [b]"Yeah...maybe..."[/b] Johnny went on, and leaned into her, his arm around her neck already. His face was closed to Kefira's, his breath cool, his blue eyes gentle. He felt her lean in, and for a single moment, felt her lips touch his. His lips were hot, and when he pulled away, were hotter. [b]"I...I I'm sorry..."[/b] He looked at her apologetically, wondering how heavy his arm seemed on her shoulders.[/color]