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Welcome to Star Wars: A Wound In The Force, Underground. You can ask questions on the RPG here, and I will be posting information on Workbenches and Labstations, along with Journal Entries for the main group. [b]Lab Stations:[/b] Lab Stations can be used to create Medpacks, Stimulants, Grenades, Various Spikes and Tunnelers (for security and computer hacking) , and Mines. These are usually in facilites like a ship (every freighter class and up ship has at least one Lab Station), or a Med Bay in a building. They may also be somewhere like the Jedi Enclave, and the Sith Academy. These are valuable. [b]Workstations:[/b] Workstations are the most useful station in the game. You can increase the powers of your things here, and build new items. You can use this to change the color, Deflector Lens, Energy Crystals, and other things of your Lightsaber, and other weapons. [u]Other Points of Intrests:[/u] [b]Non Jedi:[/b] You also may be a non Jedi. You can request the sign up through a PM. [b]Weapons:[/b] The Lightsaber spot on the Sign up Sheet will also include other weapons, like Vibroblades, Blasters, and other stuff, like Gammorean War Axes and Fighting Staffs. [b]Credits:[/b] These are used to buy things from item merchants. You must include your credits at the start of each post. Everyone begins with 2000 Credits. [uThe Questions[/u] Now you can feel free to ask the questions you require.
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Shin Jaumai [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://model.otaku.ru/images/kiske01.jpg]Click[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] To most, Shin is cold, calculating, and ruthless in battle. His skills are great, as he has been training from the age of 7, three years earlier than should be allowed. However, most don't stick around after getting smashed in by his Metagross and Salamence. In his last four years of training, he's never had to go beyond Salamence in a fight. If you do, however, stick around with Shin, you'll find that he's kind and well liked. He explains that battle is the only thing he lives for, his parents killed by the Legendary Pokemon, Groundon when they were in Blackwater City. From the day they died, he vowed to capture that Pokemon, and train it until it served him utterly. His goals have changed a bit, to simply looking for a good challenge and a few friends. [b]Pokemon:[/b] Metagross, Salamence, Milotic, Zangoose, Alteria, Flygon. [b][i]Metagross:[/b][/i] Level: 78 [b][i]Salamence:[/b][/i] Level: 75 [b][i]Milotic:[/b] Level: 72 [b][i]Zangoose:[/b][/i] Level: 69 [b][i]Alteria:[/b][/i] Level: 69 [b][i]Flygon:[/b][/i] Level: 69 [b]Extra:[/b] None, that's why the levels are so high.[/color][/size]
[color=green][b]"So how are you, Kefira? Didn't know, you passed out pretty fast back there."[/b] He smiled, but was confused. Why would she ask about Cassie and him? Unless.... [b]"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks."[/b] She smiled back at him. [b]"So...why did you ask about...Cassie and I?"[/b] Johnny asked nervously, biting his lip on the inside. [b]"I...I don't know...I...uhhh..."[/b] Her cheeks were covered with a red blanket. Johnny's own were tinted with that scarlet tingle. [b]"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of asked."[/b] He spoke quickly, leaning his head down, so only his hair was visible. [b]"Don't worry about it, Johnny. You had a right to ask."[/b] She replied. The kittens mewled. [b]"Did I tell you how I went... a little crazy over the people who were abusing these little guys?"[/b] She seemed to want to change the subject. [b]"Well, no, I don't think you did. We've got time before anyone else shows up, so go on."[/b] He smiled. She began to tell what happened. [b]"Wow...I know how you feel."[/b] Johnny explained his own story. [b]"So there it is."[/b] He smiled grimly.[/color]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Sychrah Ishthorin [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Mandalorian- Sychrah looks human, like all members of his race. However, they are more combat ready then even the most trained human, Jedi or Sith, normal or enhanced, could ever be. Sychrah is no exception, with the strength of his race hidden by his lightly robed body. He does not use the Mandalorian Battle Amor. [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://model.otaku.ru/images/kiske01.jpg] Sychrah[/URL] [b]Alliance:[/b] Unknown, his ultieror motives are allied with the Sith and Jedi, though. [b]Side of the Force:[/b] Sychrah is decendant of the one Mandalorian Sith Lord. He takes on the Dark Side heavlly, but respects people who use the other side. [b]Class:[/b] Guardian [b]Powers:[/b] Drain Life Battle Meditation [b]Lightsaber/Weapons:[/b] Sychrah uses a single, red colored lightsaber in respect to the great duelists. He has another Lightsaber, which he uses in a tight spot. [b]Bio:[/b] Sychrah was raised on Dxun. He studied the way of the Echani battle arts, as well as the Mandalorian He trained with the Jedi, known as the Exile, and his other, some who used the ways of the Jedi also. He managed to defeat the Exile once, in Vibroblade combat. The Exile gave him a Lightsaber, and told him to come along. He was delivered to the Council, newly assembled, and began his training, the first offical Padawan in 5 years. Sychrah used his powers for whoever he saw that needed help. The Sith, when they were taking the world of Malachor V, fought against him, and fell. However, he was stripped of his greater powers by the council, and left with only his Lightsaber and two powers, Drain Life, and the revered Battle Meditation. He had been training on the Sentinel, fighting against the crew members who also used the Force, when the Sith struck his ship down, and he was forced to take the Alpha Striker, a small class fighter on board, with several soldiers. He followed the pods to his home, Dxun.[/color][/size]
Request Knights of the Old Republic II Avatar and Banner request
Engel replied to Engel's topic in Creative Works
Thank you, Ozymandius Jones, its wonderful. And to why people never pick Luke, well the Dark Side people usually are stronger and well, they look cooler. Heh. -
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Star Wars: A Wound In The Force (M-VL poss.S) The Republic battleship, the Sentinel, was under heavy Sith fire. The enemy swung around, firing two proton topedoes. One flew off into space, the other struck the Sentienl's shields, disabling them with a glow. The battleship began to be assulted with any turret the Sith ship could spare, as Republic fighters came out from Hyperspace, firing on the Marauder, the Sith Warship. However, the shields held strong, and the Republic fighters were soon destroyed. [b]"EVERYONE TO THE ESCAPE PODS!"[/b] The captain of the Sentinel roared, as the crew felt the ship being torn apart. The airlocks were released, two docked ships already autostarted, the navicomptuer booting the Hyperdrive system in the Ion engine. Several took these ships, the others to the escape pods. As the final pod was fired off, the ship exploded, sending the on-board crew members flying into the cold space, freezing them. All of the pods landed on the jungle moon of Dxun, which orbited a nearby planet. The Mandalorians soon found them, and took them to the Main Camp, under the care of Mandalore. Several among them were Jedi....and possibly a Sith Lord... ~~~ [b]"What is the status of the Sentinel?"[/b] The captain of the Marauder asked calmly. [b]"Several escape pods have been released, and have landed somewhere in the Onderon system. We will continue to search for the crewmembers, but the ship is gone, along with any Fighters."[/b] The Tactical Advisor spoke, his heavy silver armor, which was standard issue for the Elite Guard, weighing on his shoulders. [b]"Good. Lord Nihilus will be...pleased. If that's possible..."[/b]The captain seemed to have doubts on what his Lord even was. He knew that Jedi were the only that stood in his Master's way of consuming the galaxy into his ravenous hunger...but what, or who, could drive such a force? He saw his Lord destroy Katarr, but...it...was impossible. He simply...made it into space dust, no bodies, just ash. Just ashes and lightsabers, burning in space, the owners burned into obilivon. ~~ [b]"The Exile has grown strong, even Darth Sion has been defeated, who walked the blinded path, seeing only the darkness. ."[/b] A member of the reinstated Jedi Council spoke. [b]"The anger that emnatates from the Dark Side blinds our vision into the future."[/b] Another spoke simply. The Exile stood in front of them. [b]"Exile, you are hereby recognized as a Jedi Knight, one of the greatest. We...we had no place to sever you from the Jedi after the Mandalorian Wars. But to serve Revan was wrong. You understand this."[/b] The Exile nodded. Why couldn't they just call him by his real name, Zurel Arraff? It seemed a bane for anyone to speak it anymore. [b]"We have a job for you, Zurel."[/b] Zurel snapped to attention. [b]"The Sentinel, a Republic Warship has been destroyed. Several survivors have made it to the jungle moon of Dxun, near Onderon. You must retrive them, they are Jedi. Your ship, the Ebon Hawk, is ready for departure."[/b] Zukel-Narra Serroco told the Exile, who bowed, and took his double bladed Lightsaber in his hand, walking off. [b]"The Staff Lightsaber...it is for those who have anger in their hearts."[/b] One spoke, as Zurel left. [b]"His blade is virdian, a mix of silver and green...tainted white and the earth. At least, he does not wear the Red."[/b] The council nodded in agreement. However, they trusted Zurel Arraff fully. The doors slowly closed. ~~~ Sign ups: Name: Keep it spacey Age: There aren't going to be 10 year old Jedi Weapon Masters runnin' around, so keep it within your common sense. Gender: Male or Female. However, some spieces are indistinguishable, so you may put "Unknown" for different races. Race: Now, you should of played or watched some of Star Wars stuff if you've read this. You've got Humans, Zabracks (Darth Maul), Trandoshans, Wookies, Weequays, Twi'lek....lots of them. Choose carefully. Appearance: Picture or a good desciption. Alliance: Sith or Jedi? Remember, some of the crewmates are Sith... Side of the Force: Light or Dark? Choose carefully, it will set your path in motion, guided by anger and hate, love and devotion....death and destruction. Class: There are three starting classes. The Guardian focuses on Lightsaber training, the Sentinel on both Force and Lightsaber, and the Counclars on Force. However, even if fighting a Guardian, don't underestimate their control of the Force. Force Powers: List two. Nothing too strong, just like Heal, or Shock, or Disable. Contact me if you need some suggestions. Lightsaber/Weapons: Single Blade, Two Single Blade, or Double Bladed. You can upgrade these at Workbenches. More on this will be on the upcoming Underground Topic. Your character is also armed with a Battle Rifle and whatever arments he or she brought. Bio: What has your Jedi done in his life? Tell us, not too long, though. At least two paragraphs. [i]If you wish to be a normal, non Jedi character, contact me.[/i] ~~~ On with your sign ups, and may the Force be with you.[/color][/size]
Request Knights of the Old Republic II Avatar and Banner request
Engel posted a topic in Creative Works
I'm going to get to the point now. Or eventually. Or now. Anyway, I would like an avatar of any dark, evil Sith you can find with my name on it. For a banner, just try to make one that matches with the avatar. Some text would be nice, but is not nessicary. Thank you, Jian. -
[color=green]Johnny sighed, looking at the ground. His mood went from happy to depressed in a matter of seconds. [b]"Well, I guess we go to the NASA Base near here. I can recall laboratory instruments and stuff...and that's the only type of place near here. I can't be seen too much, regarding the whole...."[/b] Johnny trailed off. He stared at the screen, the blood seeping from the wound, the knife so cruel... He got up, and grabbed everyone's bowls. He took them to the sinks, and began washing them. His rough, calloused hands worked across the dishes with a washing towel, the water hot and refreshing. It gave him time to think. Johnny thought about many things, from what to do to why he would do it. Every possible seniaro flashed through his mind, from his death, to finding out what happened. He closed his eyes, hands still. [b]"Everyone, we need to go to the NASA base. Now. If we just sit around, we'll never find anything out. We've used our powers in the public eye, things are going to get suspiscious. And, well, according to everyone, I am, simply, dead."[/b] Johnny laughed, hollowly. This ment he was cut off from sociity....only these other people who shared his predicament were there. Small world, and its still fucked up.[/color]
[color=green]Johnny blushed as he saw the blanket fall, and he quickly put one over her top half. He heard her question too. [b]"Don't worry, you're fine."[/b] He told her, looking her in the eyes, trying to figure out what she was thinking. [b]"But...where am I?"[/b] She asked, disorented. [b]"You're in my friend Cassie's house."[/b] Johnny thought about that, then decided that yeah, she was his friend. He took a bowl of the chicken with cheese and vegtables to her, with a fork. [b]"Those blankets aren't going to stay on when you want to walk around."[/b] Johnny laughed, part nervous. [b]"Cassie, can you get some clothes for our guest?"[/b] Cassie nodded and went into her room, coming out with some of her clothes. Johnny smiled at both of them, then turned on the TV. After a few minutes, his eyes were frozen open, and his body limp. [b]"They've labeled me dead. Remember when you found me with this in my chest?"[/b] Johnny held up the kinfe. [b]"Well, someone thought I was dead, and reported it to the police. I guess...i'm a nobody now. I can't go see my family, because it'll spark questions. But I know, I know that something's been changed in all of us. And we have to figure it out."[/b][/color]
[color=darkslategray]Zhou followed, flying up the trees using Rebel Phoenix to propel himself up the tree faster than she. His katana was sheathed, as it would be until he was ready to strike. He saw her on a branch, kinfe in hand. [b]"So, you know my name. But let me ask you a quesiton....?"[/b] On "what" Zhou cut branch down suddenly with his Kirkin Blade, and caught it. Within seconds, he had sliced it in half, and had two long, whippy branches. He spotted several throwing knives on her person. [b]"What's that?"[/b] She smiled deviously, waiting for Zhou's attack. [b]"Why does a girl as pretty as you fight?"[/b] On "pretty" he lunged forward, throwing one half of the branch, the one in his right hand. He swiped it out of the air with the other, sending it at her, throwing the other one like a spear. Zhou rushed forward, Iron Claws ready.[/color]
[color=darkslategray]Kenneth pulled her head to his shoulder gently, stroking the side of her head. All he knew to do right then was console her, comfort her, be there. [b]"Jen...Just be glad you're alive. Some didn't make it...and we will mourn them, but in this...courrupt world,"[/b] Kenneth seemed to spit the last words out, like a sour drink. [b]"We know death. I'm just glad....that you're here with us, still."[/b] Ken held her to him lightly. Jennifer looked at him, eyes shining silver with tears at the corner. [b]"Kenneth.... "[/b] Ken looked down at her. [b]"Jen...you know you can always call me Ken."[/b] He tried to smile, tried to comfort her, but it came out wrong and lopsided. Like...someone wanted him with malcontent to the one he cared about. [b]"I know, but when I say your full name, it makes me feel...safe."[/b] Kenneth kissed the top of her head lightly again. [b]"I know I'm not that helpful, and I saw...I saw them. I saw them die. I was holding the door open, and...I saw them."[/b] Kenneth bit his lower lip, holding her more tightly. All he wanted was to comfort her, while comforting himself by knowing she was fine.[/color]
[color=darkslategray]Zhuge Wei laughed as he got his map, and went back to the room that was his for the time. He ruffled his spiked hair, one eye closed. He didn't want to go just yet. He fell back against his bed and the wall, arms sprawled out in a content manner. Zhuge had told everyone to just call him Wei, as his name was too long for someone as unpatitent seeming young man. Zhuge Wei sighed from the bed, and got up on his feet. [i]Guess I better go get a horse like everyone else has.[/i] Zhuge Wei laughed again. Within seconds, people could see Zhuge Wei leaping out the open window, rolling on his shoulder, and getting up, sprinting for the stables. His shirtless body cut a swath through the wind as he slowed to a stop. Zhuge Wei flung open the stable doors, just barely making a noise, however. He shut them quietly. Zhuge Wei looked around at the horses, until he came upon one that really caught his eyes. It seemed a deep, crimson red. One eye looked at him warily, as if it was judging him. Zhuge Wei smiled, and unlocked the stable door. A saddle was already on it. [b]"You guys musta been expecting me to pick this guy. Heh. We have to see how he rides..."[/b] Zhuge Wei kicked the horse in the side, sending it galloping out the stable door. The world seemed to rush by as the namless horse carried his body on its back, as if he were a small burden, instead of a rider. Zhuge Wei marveled at how fast it went. After about a half hour, Zhuge Wei went back to the stables, and locked it back in. [b]"Could you tell them this is reserved for Zhuge Wei, or just Wei?"[/b] The man nodded. [b]"Thanks, guy."[/b] Zhuge Wei said simply. As he went back to where the rooms were, he thought of something. [i]A name...how about Red Hare?[/i] Zhuge Wei laughed, then thought about it. It fit.... Zhuge Wei nodded to himself. He walked by everyone's room, putting a note on their doors. It red as the following: [b]To the Reader, Hey, its Wei. I was wondering...up for a little training? If so, meet me at the pasture by the horse stables. Your fellow compainon, Zhuge Wei[/b][/color]
[color=green]Johnny smiled until his face grew hot, as he realized she was naked. He blushed and put his outer shirt over her body. "We should take her back to your house. She did save us." Johnny told Cassie, and she nodded. He picked up Kiefra into his arms, carrying her unconcious body in his hands lightly. His cheeks were furiously red, until he forced them to lose that tint. It was a long walk, but she weighed next to nothing. So small, but yet...Johnny looked at the sky. It was clouded over. He made his way to the house, she was still unconcious. They had left him behind, but he didn't take more than five minutes after to get there. Johnny kicked the screen door's handle lightly, the button snapping inwards, the creak of the door following. He set foot inside. "Where should I put her?" "On the couch." Johnny nodded, and set her down. He covered her upt with a couple of blankets, and made something for everyone to eat.[/color]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]OOC:[/b] Not too late, I trust? [b]Name:[/b] Kenneth Wahreit [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Apperance:[/b] The best place to start would be his head, going top to bottom. His hair is red, and he spikes it up, with a red band with a black dragon on it around his forehead. Kenneth's eyes are a calm blue, that seem to twinlke with a light when he smiles. Kenneth's body is clothed with simple black pants on his legs, not too loose, not too tight. He wears a black, long sleeved shirt with a sort of symbol, like a circle with a cross made of spear blades, with a snake entwining down the blade. On his hand, he has a ring with an obsidian stone inside of it that shines in spite of its darkness. He wears open fingered gloves most of the time. [b]Role:[/b] In The House [b]Character Excerpt:[/b] Kenneth crouched down, as several shots whizzed over his head, splitting the air. He'd have to fight them hand to hand, not having a gun of his own. Not even time to sigh. He dashed out from behind the table he had crouched to for cover, right fist in the air, left one down. He collided with a thud on the police officer, sending his fist into the man's jaw, pushing him back a few feet. The others stared, before grabbing whatever blunt object they could find. One had a pipe, the other a chunk of wood. One swung his pallet of wood, and Kenneth jumped into the air, and landed on it, the oversized weapon of bludgen acting as a walkway. He ran onto the officer's head, smashing his foot down. His gloved hand grabbed the man's shirt, flinging him into the wall right near Kenneth. The last guy fired three shots, one hit Kenneth's leg. He would tend to it later. Kenneth grabbed the man's Glock .327 and slammed it into the cop's nose, breaking the bridge of it. "Looks like I got away." Kenneth hoslitered the gun into his belt loop.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Arthas Varathimas [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Malroy [b]Occupation:[/b] None [b]Position:[/b] General Mage [b]Apperance:[/b] [URL=http://www.rpgslave.com/descargas/artworks/Chaos/images/Chaos%20Legion%20-%20ArtWork09_jpg.jpg]Arthas[/URL] [b]Weapon: [/b] [u][i]Frostwyrm:[/i][/u] His blade is a keen black, etched with gold runes and symbols. The symbols are said to make it a Runeblade, very powerful. This one is well known to spout ice from its strikes, freezing the water in the air to create long shards of ice that impale its victims. Arthas keeps this blade by his side at all times when in combat, otherwise, its in his personal study, locked in his closet. [b]Spells:[/b] [u]Chains Of Frost:[/u] Chains of jagged ice wrap around the victim, squeezing and ripping, holding them down. They are said to be unbreakable, and their touch is deadly. This gives Arthas time to tear them to shreds with other spells, or his blade. [u]Frost Shield:[/u] This spell covers Arthas in an unbreakable shield that damages anyone who tries to strike him. This only lasts for a limited time. [u]Sword of The Silver Shard:[/u] When Arthas invokes this, his most powerful spell, time stops. He dashes once, twice, three, four, five, six times. As he does this, he makes a pentagram, and from that pentagram, shards of ice leap from the earth into the foe. [b]Personality:[/b] Arthas is a well liked man, who blends in with his soldiers. He communicates with them in a calm and orderly fashion, his young 28 respected by even those that are veterans, like his most trusted officer, Tharen. However, when someone refuses to listen, and ignores him, Arthas can be ruthless. He'll demand their attention if its important, and if they still ignore him...well, Arthas puts them on a month's leave without pay. In short, Arthas can be the nicest guy in the building, or your worst nightmare. All ya have to do is pay attention. [b]Excerpt of Character:[/b] Arthas looked at the sky bathed in the dark through a small window in the huge tower like buliding. The slits in the sandstone were so small, it was hard to get your pinkie finger through. He lay awake, tormented by the recurring dream, and of the absurdly high heat, way up in the lofty peak of the Zuriah Tower. The dream...Arthas pondered this as he put his feet down on the cool stone, refreshing to touch. He was underwater...even though the parched, sandpaper textured desert outside wouldn't allow it. Every time he struggeled to get up, he kept going down. A hand... Arthas sighed, and got up. Ever since the battle a year ago, he had been tormented by this dream and countless others. A way of the ruthless Meram getting back at him even from beyond the grave. The other dreams he didn't want to dwell on, lest they keep coming back at him. He was supposed to be a battle hardened warrior, the General Mage. He was supposed to be the leader for everyone, tell them what to do, give them guidance, never showing any hint of weakness. Arthas grew angry as these thoughs ran through this mind. He picked up his blade, and threw it to the celing. Ice gushed out of the blade, into the celing. "At least it got cooler in here." Arthas spoke through the darkness to himself, jumping and grabbing the sword out of the celing. He hung his head, reveling the coolness that spread from the nearby sandstone. His silver hair hung down, glistening with cold sweat. Arthas whipped it backward, laying down as he began to think of that day, one year ago. He had seen people he knew ripped apart with brute force, and cruel weapons. He had done his own part in the fight, killing countless Meram, but it wasn't enough. Finally, when it seemed like it was only him left, he summoned all of his strength into one final spell. [i][b]?Archi Unlea Finalti.?[/i][/b] As he said thsoe words of power, he felt a tingle in his fingers that spread throughout the foe, ripping them apart. Arthas couldn't remember the spell now. It could only be described as ultimate. He sighed, like had so many times in the minute before. His whole life he had been training to wipe out their entire army. Now he couldn't even remember the spell he used. Getting a drink of cool water from the Refectory below his room helped as the horrid humidity rose back, carrying the scents of old food and body odor, choking his lungs like invisible hands. There was a larger window down in the refectory, and Arthas could see the twin moons, one red, the other the pearly white. [i]Hunter's moon...[/i] It was fitting, the very night before the one year anniversary.[/color][/size]
[color=green]Johnny and Senji's voices were like a warped record. They sounded strange together, yet fitting. "'I'm more than ready. I'll rip 'em apart for laughing..." Senji said most of that, taking over. Johnny nodded, agreeing with it. But he didn't know the panda wasn't kidding. "I don't think you shitheads understand what you're looking at." Senji told them, keeping a rational head. For now. "Yeah, some weird ass werewolf and a giant sword swingin' panda." The group laughed. Senji lost it. He rushed forward, and sheathed one katana, grabbing oine by the head, and slicing off his arms with his katana. The boy screamed in horror, feeling the stumps were all that was left. "You wanna laugh now?" Johnny asked, and threw the guy aside, a dull thud telling him he hit something. "Wha....t the hell?" The guy who Cassie and Ryu attacked earlier asked. "ANSWER ME!" Johnny and Senji roared.[/color] [b]OOC:[/b] I will PM those that need to post, like Opal.
[color=green]"Cassie..." Johnny started. He looked at her, so fragile looking, but so powerful. "Cassie, its not your fault...when it takes over...you can't control it. Something big's happening. I dont' know what, but I want to, and will, figure out." Johnny told Cassie, trying to comfort her. He knew what it felt like to be lost in a feral rage. "But...what if I snap again..?" She asked, still curled up. Johnny felt so...sorry for her. He was slipping. What was up with him? Before, he'd tell her to buck up and take the bullshit, his pride getting in his way. But now... "Cass, if you snap, I'll stop you." "What if-" "What, what if you maul my face off? Then I have no face." Johnny smiled. " 'Sides, I think I could hold ya off as a huge panda." Johnny laughed at the vision that came to his mind. He remembered her quoting Macbeth just a few minutes ago, before curling up like she was now. "Cassie, just don't worry about it. I'll make something to eat for you." Johnny got up, but not before putting a blanket around her wet, cold, shivering form. He went to the stove and began making some ramen noodles. He pulled out some leftover teryaki beef he found in the fridge. "There you go, Cass." Johnny returned a few minutes later, holding a bowl of food. "Don't worry, I know how to cook."[/color]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Zhuge Wei [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Personality:[/b] Zhuge Wei seems brash, rude, and idiotic at first sight. However, once you get past the first apperance, you'll see his rational mind shine through, and a sense of duty and respect profound. In battle, he's calm, but if one of his comrades is killed, he'll go from his crystal clear self to a battle hardened warrior in a matter of seconds. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url]http://www.yueying.net/dw/_imgs/Official/Dynasty%20Warriors%205%20Artbook/Gan%20Ning.jpg[/url] (Copy and paste the link, or it won't work.) [b]Dragon's Apperance:[/b] [URL=http://www.airbrushpaintingbyryan.com/images/RED_DRAGON_copy.jpg]Senji[/URL] [b]Weapon:[/b] Zhuge Wei uses his sword like a scalpel. He, in his own words, is a "Frickin' surgeon with his blade". His blade was crafted with special care, and acts as his voice when he's too angry for words. [b]Ambitions For Fighting Chaos:[/b] Zhuge Wei's life was torn down by Chaos, his family killed, his sister taken away, made a slave. He fights to free her. [b]Crests:[/b] [i][b]Crest of Awakening[/i][/b] [i][b]Crest of Change[/i][/b] [i][b]Crest of Dragon:[/b][/i] [b]Your Encounter With Juren:[/b] Zhuge Wei walked out of the broken house, ash covering his shoulders gently with a blanket of soot. He shrugged it off, the bells on his pants jingling softly. The bells. They were a warning. Whoever had fought against him and escaped learned to fear those bells, the soft tone somehow distorting in the destruction it beckoned. Zhuge Wei looked at the destroyed village softly. He'd been pursing a band of Chaos' followers for three nights. He had caught up with them, taking them out with his blade, which now lay in his right hand, the steel on the blade cool and silver, not like the night before, dripping with the hot blood of those scoudrels. He sighed as he sat down on a blood crusted rock. They called it Cloven Crest, the mayor of the town had been executed on that rock under false pretenses. Zhuge Wei was flipping off of the reddish grey rock, pulling out his sword within seconds. "Who are you?" "I am Juren. Come with me." Zhuge Wei felt compelled to go with. His lessons were just about to begin.[/color][/size]
[color=green]Johnny had left the park, leaving Enyo behind. He sighed, and walked back to her house, visiting things along the way. She had left the door unlocked. What a dangerous habit. He walked inside. Johnny made his way through the house, checking out family photos, bedrooms, everywhere. He sat down in the front room, and watched a bit of televison, bored. He didn't know how to tap into his powers again, but he figured that he'd have to see someone in danger, or be in danger himself. Johnny kept looking outside for Cassie, some anxiety gripping him. His eyes wandered about. Something hadn't seemed right since he saw Enyo. What a strange child... Johnny heard a sound he had experienced before. He rushed to the door, and flung it open. Cassie lay down in the doorway, unable to move. Johnny picked her up gently, and set her down on the couch. "Cassie, are you okay?" He asked, looking down on her. She had blood on her hands, and he wondered if she had let the animal get in control. [b][i]Hmph, kid, she'll be fine.[/i][/b] Something spoke in his mind. [i]What the hell?[/i] [b][i]Its me, your kick ass panda side.[/i][/b] The voice laughed. At least it had a since of humor. [i]Got a name?[/i] [b][i]Senji.[/i][/b] Johnny still looked at Cassie anxiously.[/color]
[size=1][b]Name:[/b] Zhou Dun [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Appearance:[/b] Zhou Dun is young for fighting, many say. However, his fit phsyique denies that fact. He's not a macho man, able to rip trees out of the ground, but he can swing a weapon pretty hard. His hair is pure black, like someone made a void that swallowed all the light. Zhou Dun spikes it upwards, and has a green band with a golden dragon embroidered around his head. His clothes are consisting of a simple white shirt followed by a much more stunning dark green robe of sorts, with a golden brown at the bottom of the robe. It reaches down to about his knees, where his black pants meet his black shoes. Zhou Dun has a white sash tied arond his waist with the word "Free" on it in gash like handwriting. [b]Purpose:[/b] Zhou Dun is always looking for a good fight, so when he heard about a new warrior's challenge, he took it up, as a way to test his ability in combat, and his stratigic mind. [b]Weapon:[/b] Zhou uses the Quick Draw Ijiatsu style, along with Manji Ninjistu and Tempo Ko Rai, as well as the Chinese Jun Yi. The first three simply require his katana, the Quick Draw he uses to lead itno the Tempo Ko Rai, then into Manji Ninjistu. Jun Yi is the art of using Iron Claws, or as some people prefer, Cat Claws. Zhou Dun's katana is a highly refined blade, able to cut through other swords. He calls it simply, the "Kirkin Blade", as he found the maker of the mentioned blade by the ocean. His Cat Claws he wears all the time when going to a battle. They never leave his side. Not many make the special Jun Yi weapons, but Zhou managed to find the last great blacksmith, and he forged for Zhou Dun the Rebel Phoenix, with six three feet long, slender but sharp blades on each.[/size]
[color=green] Johnny had been telling Cassie about his own life, as she revealed more about her's. He seemed to bond with her fast, not minding her questions, and telling his answers to the T in truth. After sitting on the swings for a while, and getting to know her more, he and Cassie heard a sweet, melodical, but child like voice. Johnny turned to find a girl in front of his eyes, with a red coat on. He was confused. It was too warm to be wearing a coat. "Are you lost?" Johnny asked her, eyes wavering. Something told him that this little girl wasn't just a little girl. "Enyo is not lost." She responded. Johnny looked at Cassie strange. "That's a...nice name." "Enyo has a nice name?" The girl seemed perplexed, but curious. "I'm Johnny, and this is Cassie." Johnny motioned to Cassie with his hand. Enyo's hands could only be seen for a spilt second as she moved slightly, and a single thought ran through Johnny's mind. [i]The girl's....got claws...[/i] "Uhh, what are you looking for then, Enyo? Where are your parents?" Johnny asked, a little more than peeved. Even with the stuff that had been happening to him. "Parents Enyo does not have." She replied simply. Johnny just stared until Cassie slightly-so called, slightly, that is- nuged him in the ribs. "I'm sorry about that." Johnny told her. He didn't know how to take this conversation.[/color]
[size=1]Johnny was taken aback. He was used to being alone, unrespected, and made fun of. Now one of the cutest girls in school [i]actually[/i] liked him, not some stupid prank. Or maybe it was? "How...how do I know you're...not messing with me?" Johnny asked tenatively. "I've been all alone for my school life. Which, really, is my life. People've screwed with me." He looked at her, trying to figure her out. "Why would you like me? No one else does, I figured when you hugged me it was for being polite...."[/size]
[size=1]Johnny nodded at the car, which was only a few feet away from where she was looking. She seemed distracted. "Is everything ok?" "Yeah...I'm just happy." Johnny nodded, though he figured that wasn't it. "Do you wanna drive, or should I?" Johnny asked. "You can, since you seem to be feeling better." Johnny smiled, and opened the door for her, then got in his own side. Taking the keys from her, he started the car, and backed out of the hospital parking lot. Johnny drove in silence, to the nearest K-Mart, and got out. "Got the list?" "Yeah."[/size]
[size=1]Johnny smiled. "It was nothing, Mrs. Doraldo. I was released early from school, so I let her take my car to come see you. She insisted that I come along." Johnny looked at the child. It was so beautiful. He smiled, as this was the first time he saw a newborn child, as he had no siblings. "She's beautiful. I should introduce myself, actually. I'm Johnny, from Catherine's school." Johnny smiled again. He wasn't used to being talked to by fellow students, much less their mothers. It made him smile for some reason. "I can go back out in the hall if you two want to spend your time with Anna-Marie."
[size=1]Johnny smiled, then slumped down, and sat against the wall. He heard Catherine and her mother talking in spanish, so he stayed quiet. Jack left, walking to his nearby house about two blocks away. Johnny had no choice, so he stayed against the wall, his stomach quelling down a bit. He waited and waited, looking at his watch. It seemed like an eternity. [i]I just met her...now I'm waiting for her outside her mother's hospital bed..[/i] Johnny told himself. He could just get up and leave, but where would his loyalty be in that? It wouldn't exist, he decided, so he stayed there, writing things in the dust that collected near the wall. He waited for any signs.[/size]