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[color=black][size=1]Johnny felt even more sick, but he smiled at her. "You're welcome...." His friend was in the back, about ready to hurl. "Come on, man, get out of the car if you're gunna do that." Johnny told him, not wanting to ruin his car's interior. Jack got out of the car, emptying his stomach of breakfast. Johnny groaned, but managed to keep it down. He watited for Cat to get out, then he followed her. "Are you sure we should be here? She said not to..." Johnny asked her. "Its like you said, i want to seee my sibling born." "Ah..." Johnny walked in silence, holding his stomach slightly. It had felt better, but his head felt like someone just shoved it in an oven for an hour, then sowed it on with barbed wire. "Lead the way, Catherine."[/size][/color]
[color=green][b]Name:[/b] Kassaen Jartuck [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Kassaen always seemed a little...dark. As if, his personality was malnourished from anything that was 'good'. This has led him to focus soley on his training for the first twenty years of his life. However, he realized that if he didn't get more...socially active, he would never resume his training, for the Masters might fear of some dark intentions. [b]Appearance:[/b] Kassaen is about 5'8, with a strong stature from his concentration on his training. Kassaen manages to hide this under his robe, a deciving white, in stark contrast to his black hair that he spikes up, which takes, most often, a lot of time. Kassaen has colbat blue eyes, with a gold ring around his corona from a disease he contracted as a child. [b]Bio:[/b] Kassaen grew up on the planet of Coursant, the City Planet. His father was on the Senate, so Kassaen was spoiled from early on. However, the old courruption of the Senate leaked into his father and mother, and down to him. In order to purge this...chaos, his parents brought him before the Jedi Council. He was accepted, his Midi-Chlorian count high, even for one who can understand the force and use it. He trained from early on, by seven he was using the tranee lightsabers ment for people twice his age. Kassaen, by the age of fourteen, could take on up to four people his age at once, and defeat them all within two minutes, lightsaber wise. For the force, it took him a little longer, up to a minute, but he still could defeat them. Kassaen, to the current day, has become quite strong, but the Council refuses to see it. He has become more social, and apologized for the people he beat at any time. Now, he's out to become even stronger.... [b]Lightsaber color and type:[/b] Two single edge lightsabers, one green, the other blue. [b]Most Likely To Turn To:[/b] Dark Side[/color]
[color=green] "About that..." Johnny started. "Well, ya see...its kind of hard to explain. I'll start from the beggining. Today I woke up in my own bed. Which is strange, according to my mother. She said I've been gone for two months or so. I was confused, so I decided to take a walk to calm my nerves and try to remember. I couldn't think of anywhere to go, so I grabbed a few bucks and went down to the zoo. I paied, got in, and began looking at the stuff. Well, after a while, there were these frat guys who were messing around with people and the animal, throwing things, from paper cups to bricks, so I kinda...well...went to stop them. I went to lock them in the storage closet, but someone locked it before I could get out. So I was getting beat on in the dark until my eyes ajusted. When they still persisted...something happened. See, I've kinda got something like you going on. See...I can become a giant panda who has twin War Katanas." Johnny hung his head, cheeks scarlet with embarrassement. [i] I must sound retarded...[/i] "So they kept punching me and throwing stuff, and I kinda....lost control. Each one of them is an arm shorter. I don't know...I just...couldn't control it. Like it was an arena, and I was a spectator watching in horror. One of them threw this hunting knife, and it hit me in the chest. They all ran off, leaving their arms behind, and I was left, back to human form, to stagger and find somewhere." Johnny put his head in his hands.[/color]
[color=green]It was some time before Johnny returned to conciousness, his sight blurred with his concious fuzzy. He sat up, a thin blanket all that was over him. [i]Wha....t? Where in the hell am I?[/i] Johnny asked himself, looking around as his eyes began to focus. He wasn't home.... Johnny's hand went to his chest,and felt a gause bandage taped on with medical tape. The recent events leaked back into his mind slowly, bits and pieces. As he remembered what had happened, he realized something. He was naked. Johnny almost laughed, but then he turned scarlet. Where was he? Johnny got up, tying the sheet around his waist, so anyone who saw him wouldn't freak out. As much. Johnny groaned as he began to walk, the blade wound stretching and pulling back open. Johnny explored the house, looking around at everything, from the fireplace, to the bathroom, to the bedrooms. In the last bedroom, Johnny looked at the sleeping form for a while. [i]She...'s beautiful.[/i] Johnny thought, then wanted to punch himself in the jaw, hard enough to break it. That wasn't any way to talk about the one who saved your life. Johnny looked at her for a time more, then sat down on the couch where he woke up, finally laying down. What a confusing day.[/color]
[color=green]Johnny looked around his room, as his eyes seemed to focus on nothing. Something was wrong. Why was he gone for two months, and could only recall frazzeled snaps of something that he assumed went on? He sighed, and the thunderstorm, which had cut down the trees in his backyard, and burned his lawn, quelled. As he was about to get out of bed, he realized he was naked. He stumbled to his dresser, grabbing a black, longsleeve shirt, and a red short sleeve shirt. He put the longsleeve on, then the short, his fingers gaining steadiness with every movement. He grabbed a pair of white cargo pants and a pair of boxers, and finished dressing. "I'll be out for a bit, mom. Don't worry." Johnny told her before walking out the door. He sighed as the grass in the backyard was charred and burnt, now just a blanket of ash on the ground. Johnny walked for nearly two hours, trying to make sense of what had happened. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see through the fog that whoever or whatever had done with him put in his mind. He finally gave up, and sat down on an random porch, head in his hands. He decided to take a walk to the Zoo, and check out some of the stuff there. He hadn't been there in a while, and it would be nice to revist childhood memories. Picking himself up, he slowly made his way to the Fort Kenniworth Zoo. The administrator took his money and let him in, with and odd look at him. Johnny was so tempted to give the guy a piece of him (Just his middle finger), but he restrained hiimself. He always had a problem with temper. As Johnny checked out the new stuff, he saw a college guys throwing stuff at the animals, and people. Johnny couldn't take it. There were people he knew there that were being humilated by these....people, if you could call 'em that. Johnny walked up to them, slowly. He had a plan. "Hey, guys. Nice shot at that stupid faggot over there by the consession stand. I guess he doesn't need to buy any food from them, he got some free stuff from you. I found an even better place. Follow me." Being the jocks they were, the followed him. Johnny led them into the storage room, and slammed the door. He didn't know how he was going to take them all, but he'd figure it out. "Hey! What the fuck, kid?" One of them asked. "This will teach ya not to pick on people. Dumbass." Johnny went to leave, the door locking from the outside only, but someone had turned it. They all went for Johnny, very pissed off. "Oh shit..." Johnny groaned. That's when it happened. He began to change, bones breaking and molding into something new, blood and organs sloshing around to fit, and in his place, stood a panda with a sort of sashed robe on. The ground trembled, as two Warblades lept from the sold pavement into his hands, leaving holes in the ground. "What in Christ's name?!" They all yelled. They charged him, recovering from the shock. Johnny lost control of himself, and he put his paw out, and latched the two War Katanas together, to create a sort of bladed staff. One of the jocks rand into it, trying to punch him from afar like that, as the other two came at Johnny. Johnny whirled his massive legs into their stomachs, but one threw a hunting knife into his chest. He managed to shrug it off for then, but now he was totally enraged, He grabbed his War Katanas, and sliced through the thrower, and the other two kids. Their arms fell off. Johnny busted down the door. "You are free to go. However, leave the limbs you lost. They are mine now." The were too shocked to aruge. They up and left, trying to get away from him as fast as they could. Johnny slowly went back to his human, state, the knife sticking out of his upper chest. He had to get somewhere. Johnny staggered through town before collasping on a doorstep. The last thing he remembered seeing was. "Welcome to the Masako Family"...[/color]
[size=1]Evolution is a macabe of pain, tourture and change. We, humans, have been the latest change for fourty hundred thousand years. We pushed out the predators like the lion, the bear, the tiger, the wolf, anything big and strong. Its because we had more... brainpower, I guess you could say. We could comprehend and build, we could create art and literature, and we figured out the universal language of the world, math. Today we can talk to someone halfway across the world in split seconds over computers or phones. We can kill people with our high powered guns and explosives. We....are evolution in its current finest. Well, move over humanity, cause evolution has taken a new step. ~~~ "What's the status of the tank?" "Ten precent breach, sir." "Fix it, if that thing breaks..." "Sir, its dangerous...." "Do you wanna die?" "No." "Then fix the ******." "Sir-" "Now, goddamn it!" The technitian opened the containment field with a welder and a patch of metal. However, he wouldn't ever get that patch on the tank. With an explosion of glass and liquid, the containment tank burst, and something broke the tech's neck. It walked out as hot lead snapped the air, into its body. To it, the bullets felt like a soft massage on the chest and back. It walked out of the NASA research center, and lay in hiding. ~~~ In the same plot of land, experiments were just finished on teenagers. They had been released with a tracker placed under their skin and no knowledge of what had been done to them. NASA hadn't felt remorse for what they had possibly and most likely done to the teenager's lives. Once they found out about what had been done to them, they would try hard to keep it under control, until they were found out. However, little did anyone know, their hatred at NASA would be turned into what would possibly save earth or destroy it forever. ~#~#~ Johnny woke up in his bed. He felt sick and disorented. He groaned and sat up in his bed, hand on his stomach, blond hair matted to his forehead. Johnny looked around, walls in his room placid with the new paint his father had put up days earlier. His mother was crying, as she walked into his room. "Johnny...." She was depressed, she had thought that Johnny ran away, because of her and his father's worstening relationship. When she looked at the bed, she gasped in shock. "Johnny!" She ran to his side, and hugged him. "Where were you, Johnny?" HIs mother, Colleen asked him. "I don't really know...I don't remember anything. How long has it been?" He asked, flashes of needles, beakers, and bunsen burners in his mind. He shuddered. "Over two months, Johnny...." She was clearly worried about him. Johnny grew angry at his inability to remember, and as he did this, thunder began crackling outside. "What? It was clear just five minutes ago..." Johnny's mother left the room, leaving him to ponder what had went on.[/size]
[color=black][size=1] They heard his Skyline rev up from behind. One of his friends had saw him leave, and followed Johnny and Cat. "Catherine, we should take the Skyline. Its much faster. And...its got NOS." Johnny finished, looking at her. "Please, don't tell anyone about it. I could get arrested, but this is an emergency. Even though she said not to come...don't you want to see your sibling born?" Johnny didn't wait. He gave her the keys, as he was too sick to drive himself. "Second key opens the door." He smiled softly. He felt his cheeks go hot as he remembered the bike ride. "We....better get going..."[/color][/size]
[color=black][size=1]Johnny felt, frankly, like shit. His hands were in his pockets, but his cheeks held a greenish tint. He smiled a bit as he walked out the door, seeing Catherine. "Sorry it took so long. Thought I better take it slow...So are you taking me to your house, or mine?" "Mine, if that's ok." "Sure is." Johnny smiled weakly. He felt much better when talking to her, even though he was still least popular guy in school, even after the guy who wears adult dipers. "Do you want to drive my car or your bike?" Johnny motioned with his keys to a black Skyline with silver checkered flag vynal along the back, and an Alpha spoiler. It was the one thing in his life he loved.[/color][/size]
[color=black][size=1]Johnny smiled as she said it in good ol' plain English. He nodded. "Yeah, next period. However...I'm going home..." His smile fell into a drepressed frown. "Going home sick, I guess. Uh...I can tell you where it is, if you need to know." He groaned in his head. Damn his fucking fevor! Johnny felt like throwing up then. "Ugh..." Johnny groaned, then went into the bathroom. A few minutes later he came out, pale, eyes irritated. He sat down in one of the cots, away from the others. They probably wouldn't want to sit next to him now. "What happened?" "Threw up." Johnny told them shortly. He felt like someone smashed in his stomach, then made him swallow something that tasted like superworms. [i]Just like an episode of Fear Factor.[/i] Johnny layed down, eyes watering. He wiped them, and put his hands on his stomach, as if to try to quell the upsettedness in his stomach. "I think I may haveta wait a bit before driving home..."[/color][/size]
[color=Navy][size=1]Shin was called to introduce himself, and he got up with a sigh, and a grimace. "I'm Shin, nice to be here." He said simply. Due to his former schools teaching in mostly English, he didn't use Japanese too often, unless the person he was talking to didn't know how to speak English. He walked back to his seat, and sat down in it. "Feh....I hate introductions. If people wanna know my name, they should come out and ask me for it, I shouldn't have to tell it to them if I don't want." Shin spoke quietly, just enough for a few people around him to pick it up. "What you guys staring at?" Shin asked, then calmed down. [i]Gotta control your temper, man. Can't afford to lose your cool.[/i][/color][/size]
[color=dimgray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Johnny Miller [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://babu.com/~ya-yak/sanji42top.JPG]Suave Johnny[/URL] [b]Power:[/b] NASA took their dear time with Johnny. The gave him the ability to spawn and control earth and lighting, the elemental powers of the world. And another thing. He can transform into a giant panda. People might laugh at this, but when his twin katanas cut you down, the bearish strength coupled with the destructive powers of the earth, you'll be wishing you kept your mouth shut. Panda Pic: [URL=http://www.battle.net/war3/images/pandaren/shodopan02.jpg]Lose the Little Panda[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Johnny's so sure of himself, he'll kick anyone's *** who tries to prove him wrong. Only, they have to REALLY try to prove him wrong. Other than that, he's a good guy, who keeps his fists at his side unless he's angered, or like above. He can talk people down and convince people he's right. He's got the charsima of a great leader, he's also got a brash head on his shoulders at times. All in all, Johnny is....Johnny. [b]Biography:[/b] Johnny is a purebred American. Born and raised in New York, he was a tough street kid. He wouldn't let people mess with him, and if they did...oh hoh ho. By the age of 10, he had joined a dojo, one that had been free of cost for him. He took classes every day, training when not at the Sun Jian Dojo. He dedicated his life to his martial arts. Johnny had no family he remembered, so when he left at the age of twelve for Japan in order to further his training, he had no remorse. Only a few of his street friends missed him. Johnny didn't really go to school, but he learned from an old man who had once been a professor at Harvard. Coming back from Japan, he was more carefree than ever. However, he was battle hardened. He didn't care for anyone, cause no one had been attached to him when he left Japan or New York. However, his rugged good looks inspired many girls to fall for him at the high school he attended, near the NASA Military Base. NASA caught wind of him, and decided to take him in for some "remote testing" along with a few other indiviuals...[/color][/size]
[size=1]As Johnny left the room he slammed his head against the wall. He had lost track of that new girl and got her confused with Skye. [i]Damn it. I can go back in when Skye leaves, because then I won't be embarassed out the yang in front of the new girl.[/i] He waited outside until Skye had been treated. She wasn't new, she had been there for a while he just hadn't noticed her. He went back in, matting his hair over a gash the wall put on his head. "Damn wall..." He walked over and sat in the cot next to the new girl, but the hospital issue curtain was drawn. Johnny sighed. The nurse walked back in, with a surpise at the sight of his forehead. He told her that it had been there before, but he knew she didn't buy it. She gave him a cotton swab and some hydrogen peroxide, and he began to swab off his forehead while telling her what his symptoms were. "Stomach ache, a migrane-" The nurse snorted before letting him continue. "That was there before, and a sore throat." She looked at him, and suddenly stook a thermomter in his mouth. After a few moments, she pulled it out with a sigh and a look. "Son, you didn't tell me you had a fevor of 102.34." Johnny wasn't surpised. "Well, I felt hot, but not that hot." He lied through his teeth. "Well, what do you want to do, go home, stay, what?" "I dunno....I think I'll go. Just got tests today anyway." The nurse nodded aprovingly and gave him a pass to get his stuff. "Just come back here when you're done. I have to be in a meeting that will last about an hour." She waved and left. Johnny left to gather his things from his locker and current class. He came back, and the girl was still in there, curtain closed.[/size]
[size=1]Evolution is a macabe of pain, tourture and change. We, humans, have been the latest change for fourty hundred thousand years. We pushed out the predators like the lion, the bear, the tiger, the wolf, anything big and strong. Its because we had more... brainpower, I guess you could say. We could comprehend and build, we could create art and literature, and we figured out the universal language of the world, math. Today we can talk to someone halfway across the world in split seconds over computers or phones. We can kill people with our high powered guns and explosives. We....are evolution in its current finest. Well, move over humanity, cause evolution has taken a new step. ~~~ "What's the status of the tank?" "Ten precent breach, sir." "Fix it, if that thing breaks..." "Sir, its dangerous...." "Do you wanna die?" "No." "Then fix the ******." "Sir-" "Now, goddamn it!" The technitian opened the containment field with a welder and a patch of metal. However, he wouldn't ever get that patch on the tank. With an explosion of glass and liquid, the containment tank burst, and something broke the tech's neck. It walked out as hot lead snapped the air, into its body. To it, the bullets felt like a soft massage on the chest and back. It walked out of the NASA research center, and lay in hiding. ~~~ In the same plot of land, experiments were just finished on teenagers. They had been released with a tracker placed under their skin and no knowledge of what had been done to them. NASA hadn't felt remorse for what they had possibly and most likely done to the teenager's lives. Once they found out about what had been done to them, they would try hard to keep it under control, until they were found out. However, little did anyone know, their hatred at NASA would be turned into what would possibly save earth or destroy it forever. ~~~ Sign ups: (This is for the Teenagers only. If you wish to be the Creature, then PM me, the same for anything else like a technitian or marine.) [b]Name:[/b] Keep it modern. [b]Age:[/b] 14-18 [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] A picture or good description. [b]Power:[/b] NASA ****** up your life, and currently ya don't know about it. But when you realize it, what powers do you realize you got? This is a wide area, so feel free to go wild. Just don't go to the point where you could kill god in one hit, ya know? If you have questions, PM me. If I have a problem, I'll PM you. [b]Personality:[/b] What's your character like? Tell us how they respond to certain situations. [b]Bio:[/b] Tell your story up till you were released. You probably won't remember the experiences with NASA, if you want to call them that. Just fill us in, please. ~~~ Sign ups are open....now.[/size]
[size=1]When you lose someone, are they really gone? Or do they just stay, a stain on the world, a wound in the side? Some people think so, some don't. Some people could care less. But, whatever you believe, you never will completely lose them. For every hurt, that's another memory you'll keep. For every kiss, that's another memory you'll keep. Until you've got your entire time with them stored in your head. I'm here to tell of such a tale of living, loving, hurting, and dying.... ~~~ Fourth period, Language. Such a damn bore. Writing reports, taking notes on material, it was loathsome. I just wish something would happen. I'd meet someone, something would come up, like an appointment, or fire drill. But god seems to hate me today, as he's making it hard just to concentrate, a migraine infected in my head, stomache gripping...I could go to the nurse. But then the teach would be suspicious....gotta tough it out, I guess. Ugh, why do I need this stuff, I know how to write and read well..... Maybe I'll start to doodle on my paper.... distract myself... wait it out. Only twenty more minutes, then history. I can wait. Heh....at least I've got my imagination. ---- The bell rang, pulling everyone's heads up from their desks, notes written on papers to other people. People dispersed to their lockers, grabbing whatever they needed for the next peroid. As the bell beeped its eletronic tones, everyone was in their seats, as the teachers outside slid in, handing out tardy slips to everyone out of their seat. Just another day in the dandy life. --- At least WWII is interesting. And we've got a new student....she's....cute, to say the least Maybe I'll talk to her in a minute. Then again, probably not. School loser I am, and that's my god given gift. Well, how could things go bad? Things are better if I stay, I guess, but I think I better go down. Hey, she's going too.... --- The office, a place where the nurse was located behind the swinging oak door. People went in and out every day. A young woman followed by a young man stepped in. Signed in, one sat down in the cot closest to the wall, the other on the one right next to them. "Hey, my name's Johnny. What you in for?" ~~~ All around the school, life buzzed on. People slammed lockers, entered classes, learned pointless things, and repeated the same, idiotic, pointless day. Looks like Johnny was away from it all for a while. A short while.[/size]
[color=black][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Johnny Stifler [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. His brown hair is layed across his head naturally messy. He likes to leave it that way or spike it up and let the tips fall back, something that takes a lot of time. His tanned skin is hard at his fingers from playing his Samwick strat and his base. Johnny's cererulean blue eyes sparkle with a hint of green, leaving girls in a daze when he smiles. His body is moderately fit, as he works out and is on the track team, and does cross country. He likes the colors of black and white, usually a black tee and white cargo shorts or pants, or the invert. Sometimes he deviates to blue, or red, but not too often. He's a black and white guy who likes his colors simple, as his life is way too complicated. [b]Personality:[/b] Johnny's a nice guy. Easy way to put it. He'll give a hand and smile, but many people don't like him. He don't know why, maybe he's too nice. But how you could be too nice? He can get angry, and even violent. That only happens when you hurt him, or one of his friends. People call him and his friends losers, lowlifes, and nerds. Now, that's one athlete who ISN'T popluar. Strange, eh? [b]Biography:[/b] Johnny is a loser. He wasn't born that way, but who is? He grew up normally in his small town, and had loved rock music from an early age. Through out elementry and middle school he was one of the guys, the popular people. Then he just seemed to fall out. Johnny does well in school, and knows all sorts of things. High School changes everyone. But Johnny, that is. He likes one girl, and maybe he can get her. That's because she's new.[/color][/size]
[color=red][size=1] Earlier, in Febuary, I re-released my good old, HUGE, Guilty Gear: Rebirth of Outrage project. However, no one looked at it. I need input. Has the Gear Project really been put out of commission, or could I bring it back?[/color][/size]
[color=black][size=1]Good sign ups so far, everyone. But I sincerely hope we get more male sign ups, heh. A few things to know about the setting of this RPG: It is set in the current year, in a small suburban setting in Florida. The town is called Flint, and the school's name is Maple Creek. Anyway, keep those sign ups coming![/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1] Dawn cracked though the eyes of the evening, revealing a new day, and a new school, one that Shin hadn't even heard of till a few days ago. The sunlight struck floor, revealing the dust in the air, as the evening tends to bring as a young man got up from an uneasy sleep. Shin's internal alarm had gone off, the clock reading 6:34. He groaned. His first day to Ginsato High, and he was cutting it thin. Very thin. Shin went though his morning scedule at double speed, but it still wasn't enough. Luckily, it was only a short run, but he'd have to run hard. "I hate it when i do this sort of bullshit...." Shin groaned, his angsty side taking over for a minute, before he grabbed a bowl of something from last night from the fridge and setting out the door. He lived by himself, but recived money from his mother and father every week. Shin had been emancipated, considered a legal adult at the age of 16. Shin ran as fast as his legs could carry him, as he had maybe two minutes to get to Ginsato High. He ate as he ran, being used to being late, and skilled at running. [i]I wonder if they have track....[/i] Shin thought, finishing the contents of the bowl, and holding onto it as he increased his pace. Ginsato High loomed ahead, and Shin stopped his frantic dash, breathing hard. He had made it in a minute. He rushed to the doors, flung them open, and went inside.[/color][/size] OOC: Sorry for the short post, I couldn't think of anything.
[color=black][size=1][center][i]Long ago Just like a hearse you die to get in again We are so far from you Burning on just like a match you slide to incinerate The lives of everyone you knew And what?s the worst to take, (Worst you take) From every heart you break (Heart you break) And like the blade you stain (Blade you stain) Well I've been holding on tonight What?s the worst thing I can say? Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long not goodnight Came a time When every star fall brought you to tears again We are the very hurt you sold And what?s the worst to take, (Worst you take) From every heart you break (Heart you break) And like the blade you stain (Blade you stain) Well I've been holding on tonight What?s the worst that I can say? Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long not goodnight And if you carry on this way Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long not goodnight Can you hear me? Are you near me? Can we pretend To leave and then We'll meet again When both our cars collide What?s the worst thing I can say? Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long not goodnight Well if you carry on this way Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long not goodnight[/center][/i] When you lose someone, are they really gone? Or do they just stay, a stain on the world, a wound in the side? Some people think so, some don't. Some people could care less. But, whatever you believe, you never will completely lose them. For every hurt, that's another memory you'll keep. For every kiss, that's another memory you'll keep. Until you've got your entire time with them stored in your head. I'm here to tell of such a tale of living, loving, hurting, and dying.... ~~~ Fourth period, Language. Such a damn bore. Writing reports, taking notes on material, it was loathsome. I just wish something would happen. I'd meet someone, something would come up, like an appointment, or fire drill. But god seems to hate me today, as he's making it hard just to concentrate, a migraine infected in my head, stomache gripping...I could go to the nurse. But then the teach would be suspicious....gotta tough it out, I guess. Ugh, why do I need this stuff, I know how to write and read well..... Maybe I'll start to doodle on my paper.... distract myself... wait it out. Only twenty more minutes, then history. I can wait. Heh....at least I've got my imagination. ---- The bell rang, pulling everyone's heads up from their desks, notes written on papers to other people. People dispersed to their lockers, grabbing whatever they needed for the next peroid. As the bell beeped its eletronic tones, everyone was in their seats, as the teachers outside slid in, handing out tardy slips to everyone out of their seat. Just another day in the dandy life. --- At least WWII is interesting. And we've got a new student....she's....cute, to say the least Maybe I'll talk to her in a minute. Then again, probably not. School loser I am, and that's my god given gift. Well, how could things go bad? Things are better if I stay, I guess, but I think I better go down. Hey, she's going too.... --- The office, a place where the nurse was located behind the swinging oak door. People went in and out every day. A young woman followed by a young man stepped in. Signed in, one sat down in the cot closest to the wall, the other on the one right next to them. "Hey, my name's Johnny. What your in for?"[/color][/size] ~~~ [color=blue][size=1] Welcome to I'm Not Ok. If the story's confusing, then you can PM me with your questions. Now, onto the sign ups.[/color][/size]. ~~~ [color=red][size=1] [b]Name:[/b] The year's 2005, so keep it modern. [b]Age:[/b] 14-18 [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] You may use a picture, but if not, please give me a detailed description. [b]Personality:[/b] Keep it to a paragraph or so. Just tell me what they're like. [b]Bio:[/b] The fun part, heh. Don't give me a novel and a sequel, just tell me what has happened in your character's life.[/color][/size] ~~~ [color=darkslategray][size=1] Have fun, and remember, you never really lose someone.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]"Hop in." Callisto told her, as the door swung open, allowing Sadie to slide in. She seemed angry....Callisto would have to cool her down somehow. He turned to her, looking into her eyes softly, as the car drove on guided by his hands. "Sadie...I think we need to talk." "I don't want your bullshit, Calli." Sadie told him, eyes wavering. Callisto looked at her for a peroid longer, then turned away. "Sadie,I love you. I'd never go with another, cause what we had....no one does. I just....I have a fucking polygraph in the bag next to you if you don't believe. I'll hook the fucker up, and I'll take the damn test." Sadie was shocked. Callisto didn't use cusses unless he was serious about something, or pissed off. She could tell he wasn't that mad. "I'm taking you to a race, so you can watch and blow off some steam. Afterwards, if I win, you have to promise to talk to me." Callisto didn't wait for an answer as he flipped the car around a tight bend, and into the cove where racers met. --- The engines revved, four cars including Callisto's on the red spray painted starting line. He ajusted his mirror, fiddiled with a few of the NOS knobs, and was ready. The girl waved her hand three times, then dropped it, siginaling the start of the race. Adreniline flowed, NOS and rubber burned, and money was on the high stakes. Callisto took the early lead, as one spun into a telephone poll, his car catching on fire, then exploding before he had a chance to get out. Callisto grimaced. Sadie would be angry with him.... The final stretch was blocked by cops, who had caught wind of the race. Callisto scanned around, eyes looking desperately. He had almost a full tank of NOS, so he took a small board big enough for a car ramp, and jammed in the button for the NOS that sat on the steering wheel. Blue flames colored the air as Callisto flew over the police, the rest unable to pass, and caught by the police. Callisto was paied as everyone was scramming from the scene. Sadie was in the car. "Now we talk, Sadie."[/color][/size]
[color=red][size=1]Tre and Ameila were in her room when they heard the annoucment. Tre felt his that his eyes were growing heavyer every second, but he knew he had to make it an hour. Alicia was sitting next to him on the couch, as they had started watching Kill Bill Vol 1. "I guess we get out of the torture of these cards, eh? Only to be thrown into another death trap." Tre smiled weakly, trying to stay awake by making conversation. He wasn't doing so well, but he had to keep trying. "Guess so. I wonder......will we get in trouble if we tell our cards to another now?" Ameila wondered aloud. "Better not." Tre said simply, remembering last night. "Let's finish Kill Bill, then it'll probably be time to go eat." The movie continued, people losing limbs, blood so much to the point it's almost hilarious. Tre watched the movie finish, the credits roll, and waiting for Vol 2. Tre pressed the off button on the remote, the DVD Player turning off. It was still a couple of minutes till breakfast. "Guess we should go now, eh?" Amelia nodded, and Tre waited for her at the door patiently as she finished doing her hair, and changing clothes.[/color][/size]
[color=red][size=1]"Wynn!" Dante yelled, as her imaged faded. "Shit." Just for the hell of it, and to join Wynn in being temporarly being banned from school, Dante hooked himself upto the PA system, and began to sing. [center][b][i]I dig my toes into the sand The Ocean looks like A thousand diamonds stretched across a blue plain I lean against the wind Pretend that I am weightless And in this moment, I am happy Happy I Wish you were here I wish I wish you were here I wish you were here I Wish you were Here... I lay my head into the sand The sky resembles a backlight canopy with holes punched in it I'm counting UFO's I signal them with my lighter And in this moment, I am Happy Happy...[/center][/b][/i] Dante, too, began to fade. With a smirk, he yelled to Mr. Dugas "You were destined to love a cow, but you traded in in order to teach this bullshit." Dante's lips were upward in a giant smirk before fading. Dante logged into MasterNet. He checked Channel Dark Moon, and saw Wynnter Bell's post. Dante got into her profile, and then sent her a Private Message. "I'm just a Rebellion without a cause, but I've traversed the Stairway to Hell, so the one to heaven shouldn't be so hard to find."[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Callisto had followed the car in his own Skyline, complete with racing modifications. To many, he'd just look like a high class driver from the URL, Or Underground Racing Leauge. He had competed in Street Racing in America, before Sadie made him stop for fear that he'd get caught, or killed in a race. His white bodied, blue checker striped car slipped behind them, always a car or two away. Callisto flipped up the panel on his dashboard, revealing a satalite radio, a Intel Notebook, an iPod, and a cell phone. "Sadie." The voice activated phone confirmed, and the microspeakers wired within his car began to ring with her ringtone for her cellphone. "Sadie, I'm following you. Don't let your father or Achim know, but I suspect they've even found a way to tap your cell. Be careful. And.....I love you. Please, let's talk later." He clicked the phone off. The black car rolled to a stop, and Callisto turned a corner, his Skyline fading into the alleyway. Callisto took his Intel Notebook out, and accessed the web. To his whisical self, he began to play a few games before going onto more serious things, such as the purchase of his new, 17,000$ (in american) Investment. It was a hand flame forged katana he had ordered not too long ago. It would be a second sword, one he would use most often, in the Manji Ninjistu+Tempo Ko Rai style he studied. What seemed like hours passed, until he saw Sadie, dressed in a rather...seducing outfit, appear from the doorway. Callisto peeled the iPod's heaphones away, and pulled his Skyline out, rolling to her. "Need a ride?"[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b][color=blue][size=1] Callisto's[URL=http://blackweb.wz.cz/galerie/original/FAST%20AND%20FURIOUS%20-%20R34%20SKYLINE%20(1).jpg] Skyline[/URL][/color][/size]
[color=darkgreen][size=1]Hmm...addiction....well, I'm addicted to playing Devil May Cry 3. :P. Other than that..... Well, as Kane said, I, too, share an addiction to Otakuboards. I'll reload the front page fives times in a minute just to look at the screen XD. I'm also addicted to talking, singing, and playing my guitar. Food wise......chicken and fish. Good stuff, full of good stuff. Sweets....Butterfingers. I think I'm addicted to Coca-Cola too. So many things...[/color][/size]
[size=1][spoiler]Sol pushed his crotch against her's, Velvet emitting a moan of pleasure and need. He pushed against her, as he bit on her neck softly. He slowed to a stop, meaning to tease. His lips met the skin on her chest with a spark, as he kissed up the chest cavity. His hand was massaging her bottom, the other running softly though her hair, down her neck and to her other breasts. "I love you, Velvet. I hope I don't seem..." She tilted his head up, and silenced him with a kiss, as her tounge danced across his lips, and into his mouth. He was surprised, but Sol took it in, running his hand up her nude body, to the back of her neck, massaging gently. he began to push against her again, not for just simple teasing. Sol felt her breasts on his chest, and he pushed her down onto the floor, no bed being handy. His crotch pushed against her's again and again, as his fluids began to mingle into her body, with every push came new emotions, new feelings, new moans. His sweat mixed with her's, Sol kept pushing, as his limits were pushed. More and more fluids. He felt her own fluids mingle with his inside of her crotch, and he felt a ripple similar to her's up his own body.[/size][/spoiler]