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[color=red][size=1]Tre woke, and found Alicia nestled into his chest. He put his arm around her shoulders, and went back to sleep, trying not to disturb her. However, as he fell back into the world of dream, Alicia woke. She was trying to figure out where she was. She looked down, and saw Tre. [i]Why am I on top of...[/i] She knew Tre wouldn't make her be in this posision, so she must of done it her self in her sleep. She rolled off of him lightly, caressing his arm with her slender, soft fingers. Tre was awake, however, and he felt her touch on his arm. He rolled so he was on top of her, the blankets making a drape around his body and her's. "...Alicia..." He began, then he started to kiss her, hand brushing across her shoulder, pushing away the fabric of her pajamas. "I love you."[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]"No need, I have survellance of my own in there." Sol spoke, then ate the last piece of pizza. He had used the mirror and his telepathy to make it a video camera of sorts. He could access it at any time. Last time he checked was about ten minutes ago. "I'll check in on them." He accessed the mirror again, and saw Leslie and Velvet kissing, with passion. He felt his eyes get hot, and the warmth, unwelcome warmth, spread down his face. [i]...Shaun, Look at this.[/i] He gave access to it to Shaun, who looked pale and ghostlike after he saw. "Dude...." Shaun began, then faltered. "Man...I feel bad for ya..." Is what he managed to say. Sol felt his sadness seep into rage. He lept out the window, and landed on his feet. He was pissed. He began throwing things into a whirlwind, cars, lamp posts, anything besides people. [i][b]Why?[/i][/b] Sol thought simply as he landed on the window seal, Shaun behind him. The whirlwind subdued, Sol tried to calm down.[/color][/size]
[color=red][size=1]Tre slipped in, and held his hands in his head. [i]Fucking good job, dumbass. [/i] He grunted to himself. He felt sorry and stupid. He didn't blame her. He only blamed himself. He reached out and touched her arm softly, caressing her skin lightly. "...Alicia, I'm sorry. I'm stupid for doing that. I'll be asleep, okay? I'm sorry." He left his hand there, as he fell into troubled sleep. He couldn't get her out of his mind. Tre had left his earphones in, the Green Day CD spinning. [i]The regrets are useless in my mind She's in my head I must confess, the regrets are useless She's in my head from so long ago and in the darkest night If my memory serves me right I'll never turn back time...[/i] The CD wouldn't go farther.[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] Tag, Mouse.
[color=red][size=1]Tre had attached a minicam to her neck, so he slaw what she was doing in the bathroom. His face flushed, he realized he'd have to watch in order to obey the Master's Cards. The camera was pointed at the mirror, so he saw her undress from her robe, and put on her pajamas. She came out, hair dryed a bit more. She looked amazing to Tre. He set the palm pilot to a DoodlePad and began drawing things as she came out. He looked up at her again, and smiled. "You look....beautitful." Tre remakred. "Thanks." She smiled back. Alicia sat down beside him, and once again, his hand went across her shoulders. "So where should I sleep?"[/size][/color]
[color=red][size=1]Tre had no interest in his food after Alicia left. He got up, and thanked the Master for what little he had eaten. He followed Alicia, remebering what the card said. He saw her dissapear into her room, followed by a click. [i]Damn![/i] Tre thought about picking the lock, but after he tried, he couldn't get it. He slumped down in front of her door. After a while, he finally decided to knock. His knuckles rasped the door, penetrating inside. He didn't know if she could hear it, though. After she didn't come, he thought about what the master said. He watched the door, and pulled out his cell phone. Tre had it wired into the servant's cell phones, able to call them at any time. "I would like a key to Alicia's door. I would also like a palm pilot, and twenty Attachable Minicams." He hung up. The servant would be there soon, as Tre thought. he kept his eyes on the door. Someone grasped his shoulder, and put a metallic object in his hand, followed by what seemed to be eletronics. "Thank you." Tre said, without turning around. He put the key in the lock, turning it softly. It clicked, and he stepped in. Alicia was watching TV, her hair wet and hanging down over her robe. "Hey, Alicia." "Hey! Tre....how'd you get in?" "The door was unlocked. I just wanted to see how you were doing." Tre walked over to the couch, and sat down beside her.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Sol was worried now. She had seemed like she was hiding someting. He didn't know what, but it worried him. He started back towards Shaun's house, hands in pockets. He glanced reproachfully at Velvet's house. He didn't know if she still had him blocked. [i]Vel....I'm sorry. I'm just worried. Sandman might come back for you. If he did...[/i] Sol cut off. "Shaun, what do ya got at your house to eat? I asked ya before." Sol grunted, without much enthusiam. He thought about Shaun. He was a nice enough guy, but Sol couldn't break his demenor he had for so long for some reason. He was just...walled in. "We got some shit in the freezer. Other than that, we can, like, try to order a pizza or something. Dunno if they deliver to my house."[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1] "So what are we going to do about David? Going against Sandman is almost certain suicide. He's got enough power to scramble us with ease, so, we're fucked to say the least." Sol asked Sean. It was honest. "I dunno. I though you trusted your Velvet." Sean asked, the taunt there. Sol felt his anger flare, but pushed it back down. He sent Sean a mental image of a water tower with The Finger painted on it. "Shut up, Sean." He growled. "Ok ok....sorry!" Sean laughed. "What do ya got to eat here? I'm starving." Sol said simply. He hadn't eaten since....about three days ago. He was growing weak. Not that he'd ever let anyone know that. He passed it off as a normal hunger, not the gnawing, biting, killing feeling inside. "Hey, are you close to Velvet's house?" Sol asked. "What, wanna spy on her to see if she's doing anything [i]without[/i] you?" "Anwser the damn question."[/color][/size]
[color=slategray][size=1][align=right][b]Name:[/b] Callisto Farren [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.capcom.co.jp/devil3/download/devil3_vergil_2.jpg]Callisto Farren[/URL] [b]Weapons:[/b] Callisto has an Arm blade attached to his wrist, which he often dips in posion. He carries a pistol with a laser point, which he has special exploding bullets inside of. [b]Side:[/b] Clan [b]Personality:[/b] Some people wonder why Callisto is an assassin. But they're only alive for, oh, say twenty more seconds before the poison in their veins reaches their heart, and completely shuts down their system. With every kill, Callisto seemes to grow more distant execpt to Sadie, who he cares for ever since he saved her that fateful day. He's kind on the outsdie, greets with a hello, and leaves with a goodbye. To some. [b]Notes:[/b] Callisto Farren has taken martial arts, and learned several displines including Jujistu. He's also a master shot, able to run and hit a moving target right where he wants. He's trained in gymnastics to be more limber, and have a bit of an advantage when it comes to getting the hell out of the way of something. His only concern for his mission is how much he gets paied and how soon he can go back home to Sadie.[/color][/size][/align]
[color=red][size=1]Tre cussed, almost aloud. He'd been separated from Alicia, and was now sitting by two strangers. He looked around, and saw her almost across from him. He smiled inside. At least he could see her. Tre looked at the master, who had a peculiar look, with multicolored hair, the predominate color silver. He had eyes that were unsettling, but when he looked again, it was nothing but kindness. The servants were bustling around, platters set down every so often with a small clank. Tre tried to catch a glimpse of what was in them, but the tops remained on. The smell of food wafted into his nose, tickling the senses. [i] Her hand....the blush...I think it was shared.[/i] Tre smiled on the inside. "I wonder what's for dinner." Tre said to the girl sitting besides him He realized his manners, and quickly piped up. "I'm Tre." He smiled.[/color][/size]
[color=red][size=1]Tre sat down in a chair, the marble floor underneath making the wheels on it slide. It was covered in Italian Leather, and was a very luxurious chair. He pushed off the wall, and grabbed another one for Alicia. He pushed it over to her, laughing. "I've not seen you in what...well....its been a long time." He got out of his chair, and sat down on the bed, relaxing. Tre took the red band off of his head, letting his hair fall down, which covered his eyes. He pushed it back, but left the red band off. By his bed, there was a refrigerator, which hand different drinks and several food items. "You hungry?" He asked, as Alicia nodded. "I haven't eaten anything since I left." She told him. Tre stuck his head in the freezer, and found a box of Chicken Cordon Bleu Pockets. He stuck them in a microwave across the room, and set the time and power in. "They're sorta like Hot Pockets made outta breaded chicken and filled with Bleu cheese and ham. They're good." He finished, as the piercing, somewhat annoying tone of the microwave buzzed through the air. Tre grabbed them gingerly, along with two plates. Setting them down on the plates, he sat down by Alicia. As he handed Alicia her place, his hand touched hers, gently. His hand cupped around her's slightly, without him realizing it.[/color][/size]
[color=red]Tre laughed and invited her to come to his room. Looking around Several things were scatterd around the living room, but they were small descrepenties compared to his private spaces. He motioned for Alicia to come in. The walls were a cold marble, the blue and green sea of tiles refracting a small light from an ornate lamp. A King sized bed with black sheets and pillow cases lay in the back, hidden from plain sight. "I've looked at two things;the walls and the bed, and its already better than my whole house." Tre smiled. "Lets look at everything else." He began walking around the room, Alicia next to him. A 61'' Plasma Flat Screen with Hi Definition was played on the wall, with several hook ups to different things, including a PS2 and an Xbox. "Alicia...I missed you. How are you?' He asked, touring the rest of his room. A computer with a huge stack of games was set up in one corner, the screen flickered on. Tre ignored it. He wanted to spend all his time with Alicia.[/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Sol walked to Velvet's side, and looked reproachfully at Sammy. He wouldn't ever hurt Velvet. [i]...Let's try not to have any more outbursts, Sammy.[/i] [i]You should leave Velvet alone, your nothing but trouble sometimes.[/i] Sammy retorted. Sol heard what Velvet had said, though. He thought about his abilites, then decided to speak up. He made to stop the rain by lifting the rain with his Telekinekis, and then taking a sheet of metal, thin, but with no holes, and placing it over their heads, supported by a frame of beams. "Well, I am a bit of a telepath, but my telekinekis is where my powers lie. I've trained with them for a long time, but I need to know more in order to be better."[/color][/size]
[color=red][size=1]Tre looked at the other 'tenants' with careful disposition. He wondered what he should do, go rest, or meet some of the other folks. He went around, looking at the people, until his heart skipped several beats. [i]Ameila...?![/i] Tre wondered. She looked reminisent of her...but how in the world could it be? [i] Only one way to find out.[/i] Tre pulled off his earphones, and put them away. He walked over to her, slipping in and out of the other 'tenant's' ways. He felt his face turn a red shade. He tapped her on the shoulder. [b]"Umm...hey...my name's Tre..."[/b] He managed to mutter, looking down. Oh, how he hoped it would be her...[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1] Sol came up behind her, looking at her with concern. She looked ready to faint. He looked as she looked back at him. He put his hand on her shoulder. "Are you ok? What happened? You seemed..." Sol stopped. He looked at the other girl, who looked just llike Velvet. "You never told me you had a twin." To the girl, Sol stared in disbelief. [i]Who the hell are you? You look just like Velvet...[/i] Sol moved his hand around her whole shoulder width. She felt sort of cold to touch, but he didn't mind. "Vel, are you ok?"[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Sol wiped away a tear on her face. He showed his small, but capable compassion that he had only for her. He pulled her head into his shoulder softly. "Hey, you know I'll protect you, right?" His hair drifed across hers as he leaned his head down slightly. "Can you track who's looking for you? I can go stop them, unless its Sandman....I'd get my ass whipped." Sol smiled softly. To comfort her, he sent Velvet a mental image of a garden full of roses with a small spring in the center, cold blue water pulling into the roots of the roses. He had seen it in a book once. Sol looked around, and saw no one. He was glad. He didn't want anyone but Velvet to know his compassionate side. Not that he cared what others thought.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Sol looked up and down the alley for Velvet. He sighed, and set off back home, seeing no sign of her. He softly reached out for her with his telepathy, but couldn't find her. She seemed...scrambled like she was in fourty places in once. He stopped trying, and put his hands in his pockets, hair hanging over his face softly over the crimson red band. Soft rain began to cover his body, along with the alley. The drops tapped the trashcan like a percussion drummer. Sol smiled, and looked up, the drops freezing over his eyes, stopped like an invisible wall had covered him. He began to manipulate the rain, and pushed it back up, then ran. The ran cascaded down again, like hellfire missiles on an enemy base. Sol laughed in his mind. He never said or spoke when he didn't have to. And now, he didn't have to. Sol headed for home yet again.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Zack Sacraments [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://tnt.dynodns.net/~trunks/guilty/Sol/kami.jpg]Zack[/URL] [b]Strengths:[/b] Zack is a rather fit guy, and can swing pretty hard. He knows how to play a guitar, but that might not come in useful. He took a chemical makeups class (He can identify different chemcial properties of different things.) in college. [b]Bio:[/b] Zack grew up in a small hometown. He never heard of strange things, but he always had a peculiar last name. Sacraments. His father knew someone called Walter Sullivan, who always talked about Sacraments. It use to scare Zack. He grew up with his friend Marcus, and they eventually started their own band, Breaking the Day. However, when he was about to leave for the first time, he couldn't find it in his heart to leave without the only other thing important in his life. His girlfriend. Ever since Zack took the gig, he's felt edgy, and strange. [/color][/size]
[color=red][size=1] Tre flicked a piece of his hair back over the red band on his forehead. He looked at his computer, and pulged in his Wireless Router, and began clicking away. Opening up his E-Mail, he groaned. [i] 467 messages...damn spam blocker must be down.[/i] He began pressing the delete button on his Notebook, until he came to a peculiar message.... Hello, I?m writing to you, my friend, to congratulate you on winning an all expense paid trip to the coast of Scotland to live in my mansion for as long as you wish. Beware, this is no ordinary mansion mind you. Within the walls of my home, everything you ever wished for will be granted to you. And I mean....everything. All the deepest, darkest desires of your heart will be yours. Whatever pleasure you seek for yourself...will be granted to you. If you desire love, sex, money, drugs, food...all of life?s commodities will be yours. If you wish to accept this honor, please...simply reply back with a smile yes or no; and immediate transportation plans will be set in place for you to arrive. Upon arriving, there are three rules which you must obey while in my home. 1) You must obey your cards... 2) You must stay in the light... 3) You must never go into the Angelic Wing... That is all..,everything will be explained when you arrive...any questions that you have will not be with held from you prior to entering the mansion. You may be asking yourself...??why would I bother coming to a place such as this??? I?ll tell you why...if you play my little game...if you last living in the house, you will earn half of my family fortune, which comes to around thirteen billion dollars. I?m not joking, I?ve come to realize the worthlessness of money...so I?ve decided to give most of it away to the ones who I find to be worthy. And I will wait as long as it takes to find the right ones. So; whomever can stay within the house for six months, will be declared the winner...and the thirteen billion will be split between those who are left. But hear me...once you enter the mansion, you may not leave the grounds of the estate. So there you have it; come to my mansion...where all your dreams come true...and have the opportunity to win thirteen billion dollars. No strings attached...and believe me...it will be worth your while. Oh, one more thing...do not tell anyone of this, for we want to make this as smooth and without interruptions from the outside world. Don?t worry...we?ll know if you tell...which will automatically revoke your chances of coming to my mansion. As clarity for your honesty and silence...I have taken the liberty of electronically sending ten thousand dollars to your personal back account, as a token of my friendship too you. That is all I will tell you...once you reply back to this email...you will have an escort waiting outside your house within two days to bring you to the mansion. I have chosen you because I feel you to be worthy of such a reward; for your dedication to society, your love and compassion, your leadership, your strength through turmoil, and last but not least...for just who you are. Catch ya later... Sincerely, The Master of Games... ~~~ Tre looked at it with interest. He typed up a short response. [i] Mister Master of Games: Thank you for this invatation. I will accept this, and await the escort. I expect it to be puctual. Tre[/i] Tre closed his Notebook, and put it on the charger. He went and started to pack up his things, then went to train. ~~~ The escort was there, waiting for him as soon as he woke up. He opened the car door, and fell asleep, brown hair falling over his eyes gently. "It'll be two hours to the airport, then another 5 on the plane." "Very good." Tre's headphones were wrapped around his ears, and the sound at 10, which was full.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Sol Armstrong [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://tnt.dynodns.net/~trunks/guilty/Sol/kami.jpg]Sol[/URL] So is about 5'9, and weights a light, but fit 120. He works out a lot, but prefers to keep that only subtley hinted, wearing slightly tight but slightly large clothes. The red band around his head was given to him by his father shortly before going out Desert Storm. He said that he'd be back, but if he wouldn't, that Sol would know when to use it. His skin is a fairly medium complexion, and tans easily. A smile is sometimes on his face, but it is almost always set in a straight line, showing neither fear, happiness, but simply determination. [b]Personality:[/b] Sol is quiet and reserved since his father's death in Desert Storm. He speaks only when called on, but always has the right answer. He isn't very social, and has lost all of his friends upon entering middle school, as they all had to attend elsewhere. His loneliness has led him to draw upon the fears of others, and help them over come those fears. He has been offered a posision as a peer councillor, but refused. [b]Empathy:[/b] No [b]Telepathy:[/b] Yes, weak [b]Telekinekis:[/b] Yes, strong [b]Short Bio:[/b] Sol had a fine life, until his father, a marine, went to fight in Desert Storm and never returned. Since then, his life has gone mostly into the quiet recesses of his mind, and to this day, he still doesn't know exactly what happened to his father. Part of his want to join the marines is to hack into the database and find out his record, as it never reached home. Sol is an ok student, but he just doesn't like it. He'll use any excuse to get out of homework, or simply talking in front of people. Sol hates people who pick on the weaker, more subtle people, and he has gotten a suspension for breaking another's nose. Most people see him as an outcast, and a loner. He doesn't really have a close knit group of friends. He never discloses his private information to anyone, not even his friends, like Velvet, even though he harbors a deep affection towards her. He'll never forget his father, and hopes to follow in his footsteps. His cold demeanor is merely preparation for the oncoming hardships of his life. Sol, in the darkest recesses of his mind, truely believes his father is still alive.[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]"I'm sorry, but you cannot speak to Kuroichi unless you have an appointment." "Fine." Senji growled, and clicked off his cell. However, he flipped it back up, and went through his call memory and found Sumiyaka's number. Pressing ok, Senji pressed the phone lightly against his ear. It rang. [i]At least she doesn't screen her calls...[/i] It rang again. And again. [i]Pick up pick up...[/i] A click on the other side, and he heard Sumiyaka's voice. "Hello?" "Its Senji." "Who? Oh....right. Senji. From the alleyway." "Yes. I have worked with you on several other occasions, though you may not remember it." "Hmm...so what is it?" "I need to talk to you, because Kuroichi isn't taking anyone without an appointment, I guess." "Where?" "...Meet me at Club Sinjai."[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1][b]Name:[/b]Jian [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/so3/art-016.jpg]Jian[/URL] [b]Type:[/b] Twin Blade (He uses a Katana in his right hand and his left hand is an Iron Claw.) [b]Personality:[/b] Jian is very fond of putting people down if he doesn't respect them. Some people call him a dark philosipher, as he looks at the dark and true sides of things very often. He doesn't care for the safety of others unless he cares for them. However, he is known for killing players for abandoning their comerades and taking their items.[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]Senji watched with mild interest. Kuroichi was powerful, much more than himself. [i]I am glad I am a friend, not a foe.[/i] He thought as he saw Kuroichi gut the Knubrap like a fish. "We return home. There all shall stay but I and you, my Dragon Kings. It's time we took back our city. But first...I need a shower. This blood is filth," Kuroichi spat, and left. Senji looked at the pile of corpses, and then began to clean up the bodies. After the pieces of shit formerly known as Knubrap were in a pile, Senji approached the bar, where he found several cases of Imported Drinks. [i]Highly Flammable....[/i] Senji laughed. He began to spread the liquour around. Within 10 minutes, the club was drenched in heavy murk from the drinks. Grabbing a cigarette and a pack of matches from his pockets, he lit one, then threw the match backward as he walked out of the club. Senji realized that he had not had contact with his Clan for a while now. He was freelance for now, until they contacted him. Senji pulled another item out of his pocket. A cell phone. "I need to speak with Kuroichi."[/color][/size]
[color=green]I'd chose the Hydrokinekis (Ability to create and control water), Cyrokinekis (The abilty to form and control Ice.), and the ability to teleport. Think about it......... Ya make a small puddle in front of someone you don't like. he steps in it, then ya freeze it. You teleport and grab a security guard, then teleport back, then teleport away. Security Guard=Instant Blame.[/color]
[color=red][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Tre Shine [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Location:[/b] New York, United States [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://tnt.dynodns.net/~trunks/guilty/Sol/kami.jpg]Tre[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Tre is a cool guy, ok with many things. However, Tre usually chooses to express his deepest emotions to someone he really loves (Which has been no one for a while.) Or through his music. After learning martial arts, he's managed to keep his temper down. [b]Bio:[/b] Tre grew up around music. Rock, to be more exact. Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Guns and Roses, all influenced his life. He was born to a fairly normal couple and lead, like many young men his age, a fairly normal life. However, when he was taking a trip to Aberdeen, Scotland, his mother and father got in a car wreck with two girls, and he was thrown out of the car, to lay on the road, broken and battered, the banter of traffic never slowing. He was found the next day by two forest loggers, as he had been thrown over the overpass and into the river that lead into the Sesh Forest that was secduled for deforestization that day. They used to call him the miracle child, as he had survived the brutal fall and the rushing river. And, underneath him, they found a new strand of penicillin, one which might help greatly to defeat the common cold. Tre felt guilty, as he had been the only survivor, his mother and father dead along with two girls. He was taken to the moruge to identify the bodies. Tre met the sister of the girls, and he talked with her before leaving back for New York. Tre began to learn martial arts in order to quell the feelings of guilt and anger that rose in him. He has tried to contact Alicia, but he couldn't find her. [b]Greatest Desire:[/b] To see Alicia again [b]Greastest Fear:[/b] That he would never find anyone to share life with.[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]Senji knew that he was too late to get to the airport, but he didn't mind. He knew they could take care of themselves. Hands in his pockets, he began walking, eyes peering at the ground, littered with small wrappers and other random trash. Trash. Just like the Knubrap. He remebered the one who had jumped him earlier. Senji looked down the alleyways as he walked by them, and saw Sumiyaka, alone. He then saw Jerrah, and so Senji though to leave, but he noticed the shadows seeming to stretch. Focusing, he stepped into the shadows, invisible to the naked eye and otherwise. Approaching the shadows cauciously, he saw several Knubrap, about 10 of them, in a huddle. They seemed to be out to either kill or capture Sumiyaka. Senji stepped out of the shadows, and using his Ki, teleported behind Sumiyaka and Kuroichi. Senji sank to one knee, head held down. "My lord, a group of ten Knubrap are in the East Central Alleyway, and more are on the way, I believe."[/color][/size]