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Everything posted by Engel

  1. [color=darkred][size=1]Soft footfalls filled an empty street. One of these was getting hard to find, due to the population of the city around him. A simple sash with a black body and two blood dripped ends lay tightly around his waist, and swayed as he walked. His neck tensed. Senji rammed his elbow backward in a perfect upper arc, slicing through a Knubrap. He dropped his arm down, and the patheic, parasite ridden worm that should kill himself for ever calling him self a vampire, slid off his arm, choking. He was choking because he had no windpipe. Senji took Ju-On up to his eyes, and pulled off the fragile piece of flesh and bone, the bile and blood dripping off of it, looking like nectar and fine wine, but smelling so much worse. Senji picked up the almost dead Knubrap, and jammed it back in. This only damaged him more, breaking several neck bones. "While your windpipe is still in, tell me what you were doing before I take your soul for mine." The Knubrap knew what he was talking about, as he eyed the silver plade, still gleaming faintly with his blood. He decided to tell. "I was sent to kill you. Stop you from reaching the airport." He laughed, blood covering Senji's handsome-when-not-angry face. Senji smiled and wiped it off, fingers flinging the worthless substance to the ground. "Very well...and I know you're not going to tell me [b]why[/b] you were here." "Who told you tha-aghhh..." He groaned as Senji snapped the final bones in his neck, one cutting his spinal cord, and the now dead vampire fell limp in his hands. [i]He would of died too soon anyway.[/i] Senji tossed the unknown Knubrap against the side of a building, and walked away, a silent laugh ringing in the throat of both his and his assailant's throat. His laugh.[/color][/size]
  2. [color=darkred][size=1] Kevin sat almost dead on his horse. The wound in his leg kept getting bigger, and was infected with Lotus Quicksand, a new disease just found out. It caused open wounds to worsen, and at an alarming pace. there was a fist sized chunk of skin missing from his leg, and several gashes in his stomach. "Shit.......I'm not going to make it. I can barely hold on to the horse....." He pulled up his pant leg to show them, along with his shirt. The wounds were lined with sands. Kevin groaned, and finally fell of his horse. "I think....assassins are comeing.......back to cilization...." He fainted.[/color][/size]
  3. [color=darkred][size=1]Kevin smiled. Finally, someone came to help him. He had gotten shot in the leg, and was bleeding profusely. He used his sword to cut a bit of cloth from his pants, and wrapped it tightly around his leg. Using the rest of the length, he made a bandana to keep the hair out of his eyes. "Ready, man?" Kevin asked. Michael nodded, so Kevin grabbed his blade, flipping it around as a Tracker Bullet whizzed for him from the other side. The poisonous liquid flowed down the blade, and Kevin lept for the assailant. The blade, coated in a reddish poison, was sharp and honed. It cut through the standard Battle Issue Chainmail, cutting into the man's side only enough to leave a small cut, but the poison would soon take effect, drying his blood, and shriveling and freezing his organs. Kevin grabbed the soldier's Tracker Gun and took the clip out of it. He found two other clips, plus a spare Tracker Pistol. "Rifle or Pistol?"[/color][/size]
  4. [color=darkred][size=1]Kevin, not knowing what to do, kissed Phoena on the cheek softly, and told them as he chased after her, "I'm sorry, but I'm not one to let someone get in trouble, or get shot. If I get killed, you guys find out if its real, and take my Jirax, along with my weapons." He continued. Several soldiers with strange rifles ran after him. [i]Shiiiiit.....my father's soldiers! With Disintigration Rifles. Shit......[/i] Kevin spun around, and sliced a bullet laced with a special Virus grown in the Latium plains. He got a running start at the wall, and started to run across it. Pulling out his twin pistols, he fired, bullets striking through their Khaki Battledresses. "JESSICA! WATCH OUT!" Several more soldiers came out around the bend, and some from above, and in front. He was surrounded. He looked over at Phoena, and his eyes pleaded. [i]Help me.[/i][/size][/color]
  5. [color=darkred][size=1]Kevin sat back down, softly but firmly. "Why do we have to go so soon? I mean, come on. I had to travel my ass all the way from england without any form of motorized technology. I'm not so eager to leave now. Besides, I've had maybe one night here, if you count the piss soaked camel ride on the way to the hotel." Kevin looked over at Phoena, and blushed, hanging his head, as his white silver hair fell over his eyes. [b]Smooth move, smart one![/b] Came the voice of his departed brother. [i]...Shut up. I don't want people to think I'm weird.[/i] He pulled out the Obsidian he had gotten from his brother, which also seemed to be his Jirax. He was still ashamed that he had spoken that way in front of Phoena, who he really liked, and strangers.[/size][/color]
  6. [color=darkred][size=1]Kevin looked at the clock inside of the room. He picked up his stuff, including his weapons, and headed down the stairs, and out the wooden door. It stood slightly ajar, then closed with a slow and soft snap. Seeing no other way to get there, as he despised public transports nowadays, he walked. It was maybe a mile, but he got some exercise. Besides, he had the time. He caught a relfection of the 'Midnight' sign in the air, and broke into a run. Kevin saw her through the black, placid windows. [i]She's.....beautiful. Glad I said yes.[/i] Kevin scowled at himself. [i]Now's not the time for sterotypes...[/i] He opened the doors, and walked in. "Hey, Phoena."[/color][/size]
  7. [color=darkred][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Senji [b]Age:[/b] 150 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Vampire [b]Clan:[/b] Gyshram [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://tnt.dynodns.net/~trunks/guilty/Chipp/2000HIT.jpg&imgrefurl=http://tnt.dynodns.net/~trunks/guilty/Chipp/&h=579&w=467&sz=49&tbnid=weXa1oh2twEJ:&tbnh=131&tbnw=106&start=24&prev=/images%3Fq%3DChipp%2BZanuff%26start%3D20%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN]This, only with black hair stained with forest green[/URL] Its the third one over. [b]Weapon:[/b] The Ju-on: Formed reminisent after a film he watched while still human, Senji's armblade enslaves the souls of those he kills to harness his stealth powers better. [b]Powers:[/b] Steath Ki (Allows Senji to become invisible for a short amount, and preform amazing acrobatic feats.), Cryokinekis (Ability to form and control ice) Hydrokinekis (ability to control and create water.) [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet, reserved and cold, Senji is a purebred assassin. When he does speak, its not very long, but full of meaning. Senji says anything esle with Ju-on. [b]Bio:[/b] Senji was raised in a quiet house hold of only him and his father, who had a chronic brain problem. Senji took care of him, and worked from the age of ten to pay for medicne. Life was as good as it would get, so it seemed to him. Having free reign on what he could do, he chose to study the martial arts. Senji grew in power each and every day. However, his father had once been head of a bioweapon project, the reason he got his problems. Several trained assassins were hired to kill him. Senji faught, killing one, but was bit by something he figured to be a psycho maniac. He faught the rest of them off, but his dad was already dead. Soon, he fainted. When he woke, something told him to seek out the assassins. Not for vengance, but to join them. Senji has been seen nowhere at his home...[/color][/size]
  8. [color=darkred][size=1]Kevin was surprised. His normally pale cheeks went red as he realized his mouth was open. He shut it. "Uh....sure. Why not? You seem nice enough. Just don't let me wind up in a ditch." Kevin smiled. "Let me clean up this. A guest should have to earn his stay, no matter the period of time it may be." Kevin scooped up the plates, and took them over to the sink. Turning the water on, he ran the scrubbing brush over the surface several times, red leather jacket sprayed every so often with water. "Uh, so where are we going tonight, then? With your friends, I mean."[/color][/size]
  9. [color=darkred][size=1][b]OOC:[/b] It is your character. And I don't think I spelled her name last post (or the one before) but sorry then. [b]IC:[/b] Kevin smiled. Walking into the room, he began to unlace his sword and his holster from around his hip when he stopped. "Uh, Phoena, you don't mind if I keep my weapons on, right? I feel like....like something's on the edge." "No, not at all." Kevin nodded and began to walk around the apartment. It was sort of small, but like a luxury suite compared to his hotel room. He looked at a photograph of her, but she seemed to be alone. Kevin knew what it was like...he snapped back to reality. "Hope you didn't mind about the hand kiss. What's for lunch?" He smiled. [/color][/size]
  10. [color=darkred][size=1] [b]Name:[/b] Tre Armstrong [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://tnt.dynodns.net/~trunks/guilty/Chipp/chipp5.jpg]Tre[/URL] [b]Element:[/b] Wind, Fire, Chi (Using spiritual Energy, Tre can preform amazing physical feats.) [b]Personality:[/b] Tre is laughing, warm and funny, or he can be cold, cruel, and malicious. It all depends on what you do to Tre, and then it'll be good look that will let you walk away laughing. This split sort of personality can conflict him at times, but he'll watch out for the ones he cares for. [b]Short Biography:[/b] Tre grew up without parents. He was placed in an orphanage until he was 14. He was a man of music, but he was never accepted because of his powers. This has led him to become even more of a musical person, delving into the Metal and Punk genres from so long ago. He's never met another person like himself.[/size][/color]
  11. [color=darkred][size=1] Kevin looked through the window into the apartment next to his. He saw a beautiful young woman, about his age, all alone. [i]I saw her last night....she got turned down. I'll talk to her. She seems...nice.[/i] Kevin put his guns in their holstiers, and laced his sword on his back, underneath his red leather jacket. Walking down the stairs, several people looked at him strange, but then, it wasn't uncommon to see someone with weapons. Kevin shrugged it off, and exited the building. His teeth dug into his bottom lip as he realized what he was doing. [i]I'm asking out a really hot girl, who I don't even know....[/i] He dredged up his courage from the bottom of his soul and went up to the apartment where he saw her go last night. Knocking on the door, he waited.[/color][/size]
  12. Foreword: I have decided to re-release my prize child, Rebirth of Outrage. The first failed simply because I had not the time to start it. With my time less spread out, I can launch it again. [COLOR=Darkred][size=1][i]'When science goes to far, and the wolrd teeters on the edge of distruction, who do we blame? We can only blame ourselves.'[/i] [b] [Center]Guilty Gear: Rebirth of Outrage[/center][/b] [b][u]Magical Science[/b][/u] In the early part of the 21st century, scientists discovered a new source of power, which promised unlimited, pollution-free energy for all. It was labeled ?magic.? There were four types of this magic, based off of the primal elements of nature: Fire, Lightning, Wind, and Water. These were the elements officially recognized as being part of Magical Science. However, there was a fifth element, the element ?Ki.? Very few people had the ability to use it, most of who were of Asian descent. The abilities and powers of Ki cannot be duplicated or harnessed by machine; so while Ki is one of the types of magic, it is technically not part of Magical Science. In the years after its discovery, Magical Science quickly proliferated, becoming the ultimate technology. The old technology?the crude machines that raped the earth and threatened to turn humans into nothing more than fleshy cogs in a giant machine?was banned by most of the world, labeled as ?Blacktech.? However, Magical Science would end up unleashing a horror upon the world that eclipsed anything ?Blacktech? had done. [b][u] Gear Project[/b][/u] The original purpose of the Gear Project is unknown, lost in the fog of war and the shadows of time. These Gears were supposed to be a means to further evolution?in that they are not themselves a separate species, but an altered one. An existing being can be transformed into a Gear by binding Magic to its DNA, or those Gears can be created from scratch. Gears can be created from any animals, be they lions, whales, dogs... or humans. In 2016, the first true Gear was created. A scientist by the name of Dr. Frederick Angheiz, an American, was turned into the prototype Gear. Afterwards, the Gear Project mysteriously shut down, its researchers and facilities vanishing overnight. The now-Gear Frederick disappeared, and his exact fate is unknown (at least as far as official records go). The Gear modifications imbued Frederick with enormous, seemingly infinite power, as well as stopping his aging process. However, shortly after Frederick?s disappearance, stories began to circulate about an extremely powerful and skilled bounty hunter who seemed to appear from nowhere, as suddenly as Frederick had vanished. And all thoughts of Gears were dispersed in the silence following the Project. [b][u] Outrage[/b][/u] Among the head scientists on the Gear Project was a man known only by the name ?That Man.? In 2073, Frederick received word that the United States of America was restarting the Gear Project, in secret, headed by ?That Man.? When Frederick learned of the reborn Gear Project, he began work on a massive Anti-Gear weapon: the Outrage. The only person who knows what the Outrage is truly capable of, however, is Frederick himself; its creator has been the one person to see it in its true form. The Outrage was created in eight separate parts, the Jinki. Each of these Jinki, or tools, was designed to amplify the magical powers the user possessed. The eight Jinki are: Fuuraiken (Thunderseal Sword?Thunder Element) [Sword] Fuuenken (Fireseal Sword?Fire Element) [Sword] Zessen (Stopping Fans?Wind Element) [Fans] Senga (Flashing Tooth?Water Element) [Sword] Ekitoku (Increasing Fervor?Fire Element) [Battleaxe] Kojouhaku (White on the Lake?Water Element) [Trident] Senhoshiken (Thousand-Star Sword?Wind Element) [Sword] Getsu no Kuroi (Black of Moon?Thunder Element) [Whip] However, the Outrage?s true potential is unknown, as it has never been used in its ultimate form, save once... [b][u] Justice[/b][/u] The purpose of the new Gear Project was different than that of the original. This time, the purpose of Gears was not to provide a means of furthering evolution?but to act as bioweapons. In order to ensure that the Gears would follow orders, they were designed to have no free will, to run on instinct, to be completely obedient. The production model Gears?those that were mass-produced under the program?were successes in this regard. They would obey without question, not caring about themselves or about any aspect of life other than fighting. However, they were just production models, all the same, all inferior to the Perfect Gear that had come before them. This Gear was named Justice. As the first True Gear, Justice possessed more power than practically all the rest of the mass-produced models combined. The power of Type 01, as she was code-named, was absolute. Yet Justice was different from the mindless puppets that came after in more ways than sheer power. Whether this was intentional on the part of ?That Man? who created her, or whether it evolved within her naturally is unknown, but it is a fact that Justice came to possess free will. She was the first Commander Gear, the most powerful. The Command-Type Gears would be able to give the lesser Gears around them some semblance of free will, to direct their power towards certain ends. Through her power, Justice transformed some of the more powerful non-production models into Sub-commanders. They too had a form of free will and could control the many lesser models, yet they were but relays in a chain. Justice had the power to create them all, and she had the power to control and override them all. Without the Sub-commander Gears, normal Gears would relapse into their obedient state; without Justice, the entire chain would collapse. Whether Frederick knew of Justice?more specifically what she was capable of?or not is also unknown. It is clear that Frederick, wielding the Outrage, attacked the research facility in an attempt to kill ?That Man.? The Outrage?s one and only use was here, where it delivered a powerful, near-fatal wound to the newly born Justice. The attack failed, and the Outrage was split into the eight Jinki once more, which came under the custody of the United Nations. Yet Justice did not escape unscathed. The immensely powerful attack weakened her so badly that she only survived through the aid of a powerful, mechanical battle-suit, which she wore from that point on. That battle-suit would become a feared and hated image in the mind of humanity from then on. Justice rallied all the Gears that had been created, and led them in rebellion against humanity. And thus began one of the darkest periods in human history?the Crusades. [b][u]Crusade[/b][/u] In the year 2074, Justice?s forces struck quickly and powerfully, unleashing their might upon an unsuspecting world. Their first act of war was to attack the island nation of Japan. Those few who witnessed the carnage and survived to tell the tale were forever scarred, unable to put those horrible images into words. Japan was all but obliterated. The cities fell to the might of the Gear onslaught, crumbling into burning rubble. The few Japanese survivors were placed in camps, to prevent the extinction of their race?which had been all but wiped out already. That initial, crushing attack will always be remembered as the most vicious of the Crusades. Humanity was unprepared for the tide of war, and they were overwhelmed. Yet the humans refused to succumb without a fight. Resistance sprang up, eventually forming cohesive groups that warred against the Gears. By far, the most famous of these groups is the Sacred Order of Holy Knights. It was founded in 2113 by the legendary blademaster Kliff Undersn, who is the only non-Asian to fully master the use of Ki. At a young age, he had been saved from a Gear attack by an amazingly skilled anti-Gear bounty hunter. Kliff resolved that he would one day save people in need like the mysterious bounty hunter had done for him. So he created the Sacred Order to fight the Gears. And the Crusade continued, a cycle of destruction. No one was left untouched by the sorrow of the great war. Kliff Undersn?s stepson, the Holy Knight Tesu Undersn, was captured during a raid... he was never heard from again. Yet the now-aged swordsman refused to let the despair overwhelm him. The war raged on... It was the year 2174. If there was good news for the human side, it was the presence of two new powerful warriors in the Sacred Order. One was the young yet brilliant swordsman Ky Kiske, the Frenchman who even at the young age of 14 was appointed as Kliff?s second-in-command. The other was the enigmatic, taciturn former bounty hunter who went by the name Sol Badguy. [b][u]Ky and Sol[/b][/u] If there was one thing that the young Frenchman despised about Sol Badguy, it was his nonchalance. Ky himself trained and studied the use of magic for hours upon end each day; it was through these rigorous exercises and his own considerable talent that he managed to attain his impressive power in battle. The blond teenager was highly charismatic and intelligent, a master strategist?those qualities, along with his loyalty and morality, were what caused Kliff to select him as his successor. While Sol was no less intelligent than Ky, he simply didn?t seem to give a damn. The bounty hunter frequently bordered on insubordination, rarely following orders. He never trained, never sought to increase his power. But what infuriated Ky Kiske more than anything else?even though Sol never studied nor trained, even though Ky worked daily to become a better fighter... Sol was always more powerful. Whenever the two fought, Sol would inevitably end up walking away, leaving a defeated Ky on the ground. Sol never took him seriously, which caused Ky?s rage to build. Since it was the most official faction representing humanity in the Crusades, the United Nations gave the Sacred Order two of the treasured Jinki?the Fuuenken and the Fuuraiken. Kliff Undersn wielded the Thunderseal until his retirement as the head of the Holy Knights. The ancient swordsman received the massive Dragonslayer blade, and passed the Fuuraiken as well as the leadership of the Sacred Order to the then-16-year-old Ky Kiske. Shortly after the leadership passed to Ky, a fight between Sol and the Frenchman escalated past what was considered normal for a training duel. That night, Sol Badguy left the Sacred Order, taking the treasured Fuuenken with him. Sol Badguy The theft was not a theft per se, however. Sol Badguy was merely stealing back what was rightfully his property in the first place. Shortly after his initial transformation into a Gear, the scientist Frederick took to wearing a band on his head. This band contained a device known as a Gear Cell, which suppressed Frederick?s Gear form, allowing him to remain in a human state. It also sealed away the vast majority of his power, yet he was still far beyond any other, even in his sealed state. Sometime after the beginning of the Crusades, Frederick took on the name Sol Badguy, and devoted his life to the hunting down and killing of all Gears. It was he who had saved the young Kliff Undersn, and it was he who had been recruited by the same Kliff Undersn into the Sacred Order. With the Fireseal Blade, which he himself had created in the first place, Sol Badguy left the Holy Knights. [b][u] The Fall of Cliff: Testament[/b][/u] One of the problems with the Gear forces, as Justice saw, was that they lacked true free will. The Gears took orders from the Sub-Commanders, who in turn took their orders from Justice herself. If any major change were to take place in a battle plan, it would have to come directly from Type 01. While the Gears had the advantage in terms of sheer battle power, this lack of versatility was one of their biggest weaknesses?one that led to several defeats. To remedy this, Justice decided to create a new class of Sub-Commander Gear. These Gears were either created from humans who had been captured, or were created using genetic data gathered from corpses of fallen warriors. These Gear/human hybrids had power far greater than that of the normal Sub-Commanders, as well as possessing greater free will than any other Gear save Justice herself. If there were a flaw in this plan, it became readily evident. Several of the new hybrids rebelled, breaking off from Justice?s forces and forming their own faction. The ultimate goal of these rogue Gears was the destruction of Justice, yet they were not averse to attacking humans?and humanity rarely held back, even against the Gears not allied with Justice. While the presence of this new faction troubled Justice slightly, the Queen of Gears still had many of this new breed of Sub-Commander Gear on her side. One of which, her right-hand man, had been created from the captured Holy Knight Tesu Undersn?Kliff?s son. This new Gear, who went by the name of Testament, became almost as feared as Justice herself. When rumors of Testament reached the ear of the ancient blademaster, Kliff knew that he had to stop what had become of his beloved adopted son. Ky Kiske found out about what Kliff was planning to do, and set off to assist his former master in any way possible. Although he was utterly unconcerned with either Ky, Kliff, or Testament, Sol Badguy realized that this was the best time to strike at Type 01. And so, the five warriors?Ky Kiske, Kliff Undersn, Testament, Sol Badguy, and Justice?converged on an ancient battlefield. [b][u] The Fall of Cliff: Grave [/b][/u] What purpose the monument served in the days when Japan was a living country is now unknown. After Justice?s forces swept through the city of Kyoto in that initial onslaught, however, its purpose changed. It became a tomb. The endless stairs that climbed up to the scorched sky were still stained with blood, were still scarred from the battles that had taken place there. Nothing lived in that godforsaken path to hell, which made it a fitting place to die. It was there that Kliff Undersn, the strongest warrior humanity has ever known, met his adopted son in combat. Testament was Justice?s second-in-command, and had every ounce of the power that would be expected as such. The battle was fierce, forcing both parties to call upon every ounce of their courage and strength. Forces that cannot be explained with mere words shook the sepulcher. The battle raged for the better part of a day, with neither of the two gaining the upper hand. However, in the end, even the might of Testament succumbed to the power that Kliff held within. The powerful Gear fell before the man who had been his father... and yet, Kliff spared his life. The aged warrior had not seen the desire for humanity?s destruction on Testament?s face. A burning pain lurked within the young Gear, the power of Justice?s command. Rather than kill his adopted son, Kliff turned his sights on Type 01 herself, who had been watching the entire battle from the top of those battle-scarred stairs. Kliff and Justice had fought sixteen times over the course of the Crusades. They were equally matched in power. However, the master swordsman was weakened from his fight against Testament... There, upon the tomb that led to the scorched skies of heaven, among the ruins that were once a city of hundreds of thousands... Kliff Undersn fell. [b][u]Meet Again[/b][/u] Maddened with grief over the loss of his mentor, the young Ky Kiske charged Justice, yet even the brilliantly skilled swordsman was no match for the Queen of Gears. Ky?s final, desperate, Ride the Lightning was interrupted by a powerful energy blast from Type 01, and the young knight was downed. Yet the current that young Kiske had channeled had shorted out the battle suit that Justice had worn?and the control along with it. Before Justice could kill the unconscious human, though, she was stopped by a figure from the past: Sol Badguy. Then, she shed the armor in which she had been trapped in for a century, and the Angel of Death spread her wings. The full-power Justice was easily able to defeat the Corrupted Flame, however, as the bounty hunter knelt at her feet, Type 01 realized that his power, too, was sealed. With a swift blast of electricity, Justice broke the Gear Cell on Sol Badguy?s forehead, releasing the Perfect Flame once more? Type 01 met her prototype on the battlefield. After an eternity of combat, the Angel of Death was victorious over her demonic counterpart. Yet before she could finish the job and kill Sol, she was interrupted by a stranger, an elegantly dressed man smoking a pipe. The man, calling himself ?nightwalker,? halted all of Justice?s attempts to wound him, yet did not retaliate. He informed Justice that this was not the final battlefield, and it was not the final confrontation between Alpha and Omega yet. Justice retreated from the Grave. Likewise, Sol staggered to his feet, intending to kill the ?nightwalker.? However, the old man retreated, leaving Sol with a simple haiku. The next to awake was the knight Ky Kiske, who had watched the entire fight from a semi-conscious haze? realizing that Sol was a Gear, he climbed to his feet, lurching at the wounded Sol, intending to kill him. Even in his weak state, Sol was able to defend himself from the wounded Ky. Sol left the young boy with the message that he alone was the hope of humanity. He alone was the hope of the world? and then Sol left, and Ky promptly passed out. [b][u]Aftermath: Dizzy[/b][/u] When Ky Kiske awoke, there was no one around him. There was nothing living around him, and there was nothing dead around him. Even the body of Kliff Undersn had mysteriously vanished. Despairing, Ky managed to stagger back to the world of the living... Justice, under the cover of the fog of war, had retrieved the unconscious body of Testament, as well as the corpse of humanity?s greatest warrior. She returned to her hidden sanctuary, where she proceeded to nurse her own wounds as well as those of her second-in-command. Justice constructed a new armor based upon the one she had previously shedded, except without incorporating the Gear Cell into the design. She harvested genetic material from the body of Kliff Undersn, and used that material?combined with some of her own DNA?to create another Sub-Commander Gear. This one, unlike all the others, contained some of Justice herself. So as one might expect, the new Gear was impossibly more powerful than any other?save Justice herself. This, Justice?s ?daughter,? also had true free will. She was not merely a Sub-Commander, she was, like Justice, a true Command-Type Gear. Justice named this new creation Dizzy. Dizzy?s first act was an attack on the most heavily defended structure in the world?the United Nations. The sight of the winged Gear shrugging off attacks that would have killed practically anything alive will forever be burned into the minds of those who survived. In that attack, the six Jinki still in the possession of the United Nations were lost. They were scattered across the globe. Thankfully, none of them fell into the hands of the Gear forces... Ky Kiske returned with the Fuuraiken and the Fuuenken that Sol Badguy had left behind. They are absolutely necessary to ensure the survival of mankind [/COLOR][/size][color=royalblue][size=1] Jeez, still here? This is why I haven't been posting much lately, so sorry. But, now for the sign ups. Name: Age: Gender: Nationality: Human or Gear: Faction: Personality: Physical Description: pic or good discription Weapon of Choice: Any weapon but projectiles Innate Magical Element (Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning): Preferred Jinki (Human only): One of the ones listed Bio: Explan in detal what happened to your character. Ok, PM me if you wish to be a premade character. I hope many people join! I'll post my sign up somtime later. EDIT: O_O I forgot to list the Factions... Zepp There are some who believed that Blacktech was not innately harmful. With the outlawing of that technology, those people founded the floating continent of Zepp, the one place in the world where Blacktech is still used. They maintain a mostly friendly relationship with the planet below, yet are not averse to looking out for their own interests. The leaders of Zepp are President Gabriel and his student, the massive warrior Potemkin. Formerly a slave soldier, Potemkin?s incredible strength was instrumental in allowing the group led by Gabriel to overthrow the previous dictatorship of Zepp. Standing with Justice: Potemkin has left, so they need not worry about joining Justice. Currently sided with Jusice. The Jellyfish Pirates When his father was killed by a Gear when Johnny was a young boy, the child swore that he would take care of any orphans, he would ease the pain of those who suffered. As an adult, Johnny founded the Jellyfish Air Pirates, a rather infamous criminal organization. Yet the label of ?criminal? is far too harsh?as Johnny and his crew have rarely been known to kill, and even then only when necessary. Johnny takes care of any female orphans the war has produced... The leader of the Jellyfish is a man who simply goes by the name Johnny. One of the last few masters of Iaijitsu swordfighting, Johnny sees himself as a chivalrous pirate. It has been said that he is a womanizer, yet his loyalty to his crew is unsurpassed. Standing with Justice: Currently trying to kill Justice The Assassins' Syndicate As the name indicates, it is a syndicate of assassins. It was founded by Slayer centuries ago, and continues to this day. Its current leaders are Zato-1, and Venom. Zato-1 is a man who traded his sight for the power to control shadows?one of the Forbidden Magics. However, the shadowbeast?named Eddie?threatens to overwhelm his body and to take it for its own. Zato?s right-hand-man is a British assassin by the name of Venom. After Zato disappeared, Venom took over, intending to hold the Syndicate together in Zato?s name no matter what. Standing with Justice: They are supporting and helping Justice The Sacred Order of Holy Knights The most famous of all the factions, they have been the ones on the front line against the Gears since the beginning of the Crusades. The warriors of the Sacred Order have few equals among the ranks of humanity. They are currently led by the French swordsman Ky Kiske. After the fight against Justice, Ky?s injuries should prevent him from fighting himself? but he fights anyway. He is a brilliant commander, charismatic and well-liked. He normally wields the Fuuraiken, but in his current state, he is looking to relinquish it to anyone who he feels is skilled enough to wield it. Standing with Justice: Currently trying to kill Justice Renegade Gears Composed of the Sub-Commanders who went rogue and betrayed Justice (as well as any other Gears that joined them) this group has no affiliation either with humanity or with the forces of Justice. They approached Sol Badguy after the fight with Justice, offering him a chance to join them. Sol reluctantly joined, realizing that they would be able to get him closer to Justice than any of the human factions would. He is their current leader... Standing with Justice: Currently trying to kill Justice [/color][/size]
  13. [color=darkred]Kevin was walking though the shopper-malnourished streets of Keryloleth, when someone tapped him on the sholder. Kevin's hands were on his guns before they finished the second tap. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?" Kevin asked, the cold touch moved up his neck. "Just one from your father's army." "No wonder your touch is so cold. He's dead like you should be." "Wrong choice of words, My Prince." His stalker-turned-assailant spun Kevin around, as Kevin held the triggers down on his guns, unleashing a hailstorm of bullets into his feet leading up to his chest. "Heheheh....remember....your father is always watching, Prince..." Danted held his silver gun, Freedom, to his assailant's head, and pulled the trigger. His assailant fell to the ground, a grin on his now dead face. Kevin searched his pockets. Pulling out his wallet, he smiled. "Thank you, I like to share too." However, He noticed something else in his khaki battledress, barely visible. Pulling it out, it was a message. "Come to Winnea, Prince. We have much to talk about. -The Wise Man" Kevin grunted, getting up. Keryloleth was on top of a mounain, and Winnea was right below. He grabbed his father's soldier, Jumped on his back, and flew down the mountain. ----- Kevin was met by a haggard looking old man. "Hello. I am the Wise man." he spoke simply. "Got a name?" "The Wise Man." Leading him into the tent, he began to tell him the whole chronicle. --- "You mean....the Obsidian I wear on my neck is some sort of artifact thingy?" "Guess you could call it that." "And I have to meet these other people?" "Yep. In Egypt. I'll provide the fares for you to get there." "Thank you, Wise Man." Kevin got up, shaking the Wise Man's hand. "Do not tarry....you must stay out of her grasp." --- Kevin was already halfway out the door when a smile spread on his face. Egypt was only a short ways ahead of him, his life many miles behind. --- Kevin left his transport and headed for the local hotel, checking into a room where the Wise Man designated. From there, he waited. OOC: If that's not good, PM me, ok?[/color]
  14. [color=darkred][size=1]That, my friends, is simply appaling. How do you sue someone for giving you a basket of cookies? These people should be given citizenship awards, not a subpoena. People overreact nowadays. My cousin had her DVD player, PS2, TV, Jewlery, and various other items stolen from her house. So she got her dad's 9mm. Police Issue pistol and shot him in the leg. He sued her and won. The checks and balances in place for the US judicial system need to be revised, at least I think so. [/color][/size]
  15. [color=darkred]Its been a long time since I've requested a banner and an avatar. But, this smashing game's got my attention. For the avatar, I'd like a picture of The Prince (Sorry, that's all they ever call him) holding his two swords in front of himself, and for the banner...Impress me. Thank you.[/color]
  16. [color=darkred][][b]Name:[/b] Kevin Vinderhall [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.chaoticmind.com/images/other/dante.jpg]Click here.[/URL] [b]Bio:[/b] Kevin grew up in a well mannered house, a king's son, so naturally, he didn't fit in. Giving trouble from day one, he became known as "The Bastard Prince" to his subjects, and even friends called him it jokeingly. Kevin never had any siblings, so his twin pistols, Freedom and Justice, his sword (Truth), and medicine were his playmates. Kevin entered his father's army at the age of 14, with his father's permission. There, he grew to like combat even more, but hating innocent slaughetering. This led to not his, but his father's downfall. A mission to the plains of Latium to the capital of Winnea was the last line. His father had called for anything that moved to be killed, including women and children, animals, even the elderly. That was Kevin's last line. His father was riding along in the battle, as an "ambassador of peace" as he called himself. Kevin, watching his father murder countless children, moved into action, his batallion following him. With a final swing, Kevin ended his father's bloodlust. Kevin was king. However, Kevin had no time, patience, or want to bear his father's crown. The army of Winnea beared down on him, but he simply scooped up his father's head, and showed it to the Leutenant of the opposing forces. That was all taht needed to be said. He left the land in the hands of his steward, and set out to become what he always wanted. A common man. [b]Personality:[/b] Kevin is a rowdy, loud, and obnoxious young man, his mouth getting him into more trouble than needed. His loud nature is offset by people in need, where his face becomes hard and his focus grim. A gentlemen to ladies, he's not one to start a fight in a public place, a disvowment to his rowdy nature. [b]Weapons:[/b] His twin Automatic Pistols[URL=http://dantesgames.freeservers.com/images/DMC_PISTOLS.gif] (Freedom and Justice)[/URL] and his Sword. ([URL=http://dantesgames.freeservers.com/images/DMC_alastor.jpg]Truth[/URL].)[/color]
  17. Were you talking about [spoiler]Albel Nox[/spoiler], Semjaza?
  18. [size=1]Carrol High: Where Decisions Shape Your Life In the normal day of any highschooler at Carrol, nothing bad happened. Ya got up, ate a pop-tart, either caught the bus or drove to school, and ya went thoughtout the day, learing facts like two+two=4 and other stuff you'll probably never use. But there are some days when things seem a little out of the norm. Like one day, when a student's temper finally snapped, he pulled out a gun in the cafeteria, and shot at random people. One was a kid named Jacob Bunker. Five rounds to the head. Real tragic. But ya gotta realize, these are just normal things of a teenager's life. Drugs, beer, sex, it shapes who they are. However, ya gotta realize that the stress can be too much for some students. Some become rather pissed off-like the kid that shot at people- or they get depressed and end up killing themselves. Let me tell ya, its not easy being a kid at Carrol High. I know. I'm one of them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is an RPG with really no direction, besides try not to get killed and get though High School. There's gonna be a few wack jobs and gothics to worry about-ok....more than a few- but that's past the point. They're like bees. Don't mess with them, they'll still get all pissed off and mess with you. Well, that probably didn't help much... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sign ups: Name: Easy, just not no Ulric the Oddball or sumthin. Age: Easy. 14-18 Gender: ANOTHER easy one. We gotta stop being so easy on ya. Boy or Girl, Man or Woman, Male or Female...get the picture? Appearance: Ya can use a picture, or a description. It doesn't have to be an anime picture. Relationships: This is one of the chief things in this story. Love. Or the lack of it, for that matter. Ya can be with someone else in the RPG, all alone, or with an NPC. Bio*: The asterisk is because this is optional. Ya can tell us anythink ya like in this section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's all, folks.[/size]
  19. [color=darkred][size=1]Disciplined Breakdown: Cruelness In a Forgotten Soul [b]OOC:[/b] This will have heavy dark/gothic/satanic themes to it, so if you're squeamish about that, then don't bother to sign up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No one ever really cares about someone who they don't know. The same is also true for the people they do know, for while they may greave for a while, but soon continue with their daily lives. You should never forget those who have died... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ross looked up at the cracked and worn sky, streaked with blood red clots of the setting sun. Pale light still shone across the water, filling it with the same red despair as the heavens. Ross pushed back a medium long white hair, back behind his ear. Oh how he hoped the heavens would cry tonight. Ross was a...strange child. He was born with the hair whiter than the snow on the cold day of his birth on December 25th, and from an early age, he was obsessed with ghosts and the supernatural as the "adults" liked to call it. Ross didn't care that the other children teased him, pulling his hair to see if it was real, ectera. Just a few days ago, Ross saw something that marked the beginning of the end, even though he didn't know it. See, Ross knew spirits exsisted, and he had met many of them before, and befriended some of them. However...five [i]paticularly[/i] malevolent spirits had been causing chaos, possessing people and making them take human sacrifices. 10 were taken, two by every one of the spirits. With these gross acts on humankind, they formed the Satanic Circle, and attempted to summon demons from the first levels of Hell. However, as they were unsucessful, Ross left them be until their spirits faded back into sleep. For a time. But they had sparked something...the invasion of chaos. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Overview: Ross, and five other people will have to find the Spirits that Ross let go, and ask them how to stop this...invasion. However, they'll need powers for the new monstrosities that have awoken in the wake of the Spark, such as Zombies, Wraiths, and other, more dark things.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sign ups: Name: Nothing like Ulric the Orcslayer. Just things like Ross, Jean, Tom, etc. Age: 15-27 (If you would like to be older/younger, you can ask me.) Gender: No Comment. Appearance: A picture or a good description, please. Weapon: You can have 2 weapons to start, one melee and one ranged. We'll get more on the way. Bio: (Optional) Tell us about yourself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let the invasion commense...[/color][/size]
  20. [size=1][color=darkred][b]S[/b][i]oul Calibur III: A Hero?s Heart[/i] EDIT: This is rated M-VLS [i]Chosen by his people, a man becomes a warrior. Chosen by his Fate, a warrior becomes a Hero.[/i] ?Unknown Soul Edge. Its past is unknown, and for right now, irrelevant. However, we know one thing about it. Its raw, undiluted, power. Many men over the eons have sought to wield this sword, and though it, have been turned into something?else. Soul Edge is the source of chaos in the world, all of it hailing from the Evil Seed. A mysterious light, it drives people into insane states wherever it is seen, like a beacon for a darker age. There was a man, once, who craved power above all else. He wasn?t rich, but poor. When a merchant came into town with several strange metal fragments, the man used his whole life savings to purchase every piece of them. Several bandits in the area heard of his purchase, and they killed him, dumping him into the edge of the brook, the metal fragments still clutched in his cold hands. Weeks later, there was no body, just evidence that something had crawled around? Charade had come this far. He wasn?t going to die here, in the fires of Inferno. The two clashed in brilliant conflict. One came out, his giant red eye pulsating, body pulling its self back together. Charade had finally obtained Soul Edge. Grasping the hilt, it melded with Soul Edge, and slept within a long forgotten labyrinth of Merope Monastery? Present Time: January 14th, 2005 6:58pm As Raphael looked at the skies, a mysterious twilight fell on the world, sending chaos to rampage. A surge of energy flowed in his body, and he soon set his eyes on the pistol sitting in the cabinet by his bed. Picking it out, he clicked the hammer, and set out on what would be the bloodiest night of history. Raphael woke the next day underneath a bridge. His blue eyes looked at the bodies littering the streets above him. Using his remaining strength, he pulled himself up, and found the pistol?all out of bullets. With a shocking realization, he knew he killed these people. [i][b]Raphael?Merope Monastery?Soul Edge?[/i][/b] Those words filled his head. Soul Edge. His family owned a large library that had once belonged to someone else named Raphael, one of his ancestors from not long ago. Soul Edge. He would find anything out about Soul Edge. Others around the world heard the same call. Overview: This is a continuation of Soul Calibur, going with Charade?s ending. Several characters have survived all this time, including Siegfried, Cervantes, Necrid, and Astaroth. I will be playing Raphael, the descendant of?.Raphael. You must play as a descendant of one of the characters of the game. I will allow two per character, no more no less. Now?are you ready to start on your tale of swords and souls? Only fate can decide. Sign ups: Name: This one?s easy. Just what name ya got. If you have any of the surviving characters, you can make an alias for them. Gender: Another easy one. Age: Astaroth will be about 304, Cervantes 348, Siegfried 324, Necrid?somewhere within the 300?s. Otherwise, please keep it from 16-50. Blood Type: ANOTHER easy one. We gotta stop taking it so easy on you. Nationality: What country do you hail from? Family: Your kin, and close people like your sensei. List in this style: Family/ (insert random thing like deceased. List all family here.) Important People/ (See above.) Weapon: What weapon do you use? No, you can?t attack with sticks and harsh language. No guns, please. Fighting Style: How do you fight? If no real discipline, just put Self Taught. Appearance: You can use a picture?but if not, a very good description. Bio: Tell me about yourself. That?s all, my friends.[/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=darkred][b]OOC:[/b] I'm really sorry that It took me so long to do this. I've had some medical problems, and was in a really nasty condition. Now to kill people for the hell of it! [b]IC:[/b] [i]The faint whispering of the wind streaked though the clear night, pulling on Disagea's soul, urging him. Disagea looked out at the night, looking though the murky darkness though yellow eyes. The remaining skyline was streaked with the imperial violet and crimson waves, crashing in beautiful colision.[/i] Disagea looked down. A shapely woman was entering the nightclub below his feet. His lips spread in a cunning smile, and he dropped down soon after she entered. Trudging though the drunks, killing one just to satisfy a little of his bloodthirst, he found the woman. "You don't seem familiar to these parts. I'll...show you around, if you like." "Um...er...sure. I'm Jessica." Disagea looked at her, his eyes now a soft blue, instead of the beastly yellow. He took her outstretched hand, bending down and kissing it lightly. "Just call me Brock." [b]OOC:[/b] Brock is his name for "casual" uses.[/size][/color]
  22. [color=darkred][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Disaega Volesceu [b]Age:[/b] Appears 24 to 30, real age lost. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.rpgslave.com/descargas/artworks/Chaos/images/Chaos%20Legion%20-%20ArtWork08_jpg.jpg]Disaega 1[/URL] And another...[URL=http://www.rpgslave.com/descargas/artworks/Chaos/images/Chaos%20Legion%20-%20ArtWork09_jpg.jpg] Disaega 2[/URL] [b]Alignment:[/b] Monster; Vampire-X. [b]Weapons:[/b] Sorrow's Darkness: The sword seen in the pictures. Bathed in the blood of one hundred of his prey, all virgins, its aura is befitting, casting sorrow and hatred into the minds of others. Nothing Else Matters: So aptly called, they are, in fact, his rather sharp fingernails. He can extend them at will, and hone them to lethal capibilities. [b]Personality:[/b] Disagea is, basically, a ruthless bastard. His will is his weapon, and he forged it into something of Hell, cold, dark and unforgiving. Disagea's dark attitude is overun by either his hunger for the flesh of the strong and weak alike, or the chance to suduce young women. Disagea has no remorse for anyone but a special woman, who was taken from him. His mercy is gone, replaced with the thrill of the hunt. Disagea doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself, and smiles on the fact that the virus freed him from his weak flesh. [b]Bio:[/b] Disagea walked down a street when his name was not a curse, and was still Simon. The soft glow of the moon bathed the street in an unforgiving silver light, the radiance dimmed now by clouds. A gun was held in his hand, and he looked around, his skin crawling. Something had been waiting for him. It lept from the darkness, and with a fatal sound, transmitted the virus. Simon woke without recollection of that night, only a feeling of darkness coming from his own body. He found a strange sword, something he had never seen before, and it called to him. He picked it up, hid it in his strange new clothes, and walked into a nightclub. He was full for the next few days. Disagea now is freelance, in a way. He takes jobs from whoever he meets at nightclubs, does the work, then kills them for their money. In according to this, he lives a life of secret splendor. [b]OOC:[/b] This good enough?[/color][/size]
  23. Starcraft: Xel'Naga's Legacy OOC: YOU NEED NO KNOWLEDGE OF STARCRAFT TO JOIN THIS! If you have any questions, just come and ask me. IC: [i]The universe...so vast, so big, so...endless. Endless worlds, endless possiblites. However, once race has risen above the others. They call themselves the Xel'Naga. Their great, powerful warships were more than any others could take. They, however, were peaceful to a degree, devoting their entire race to the study of biology. But all science is a double edged sword. It can be used to help or hurt. The Xel'Naga's science, they claimed, was purely for the sake of the knowledge. However, they, in secert, started to create things...[/i] A Xel'Naga stood over a blast cage, the inhabitant peaceful. A Xel'Naga can be described as either beautiful, or horrendous. Xel'Naga have black, red, or green scales that look like gemstones, clear and shining. Spikes line their faces, jutting out of the jaws and skull. They have long, thick hair that is usually in a ponytail, and they have huge, energy charged claws. They wear different things, ranging from lavish, thick garments of the Generals to the simple cloth wardrobe of the commoners. The inhabitant was the first of its kind. It had a face similar to rocks, usually grey in colour, and had a long braid of hair. Its clothes were black eletronic armour, with parts painted yellow. He had blue, pupiless eyes, and what looked like claws. His brainwaves were incredible, almost matching the Xel'Naga's that was looking upon him. The cage opened, and a human stepped in. Its white lab coat was covered in blood, and his hair was tassled. He had been found dying, and they had taken him in. The Xel'Naga admired the human will to survive. "Hello, I am Jahaen....you're not a Xel'Naga. You're...new." The human called Jahaen stated, taking a step back. The creature stepped forward, raising its hands in a gesture of peace. {Fear not, for I am their child. I am Jenseits. I am a Protoss.} ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Years after that encouter, the Protoss civilization took off. Their technology was advanced, along with their ways of reaching out. However, disturbance shook the Protoss homeworld of Aiur, and conflict over who should rule Aiur and all the tribes. Can one group stop the rage of a whole world? ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Sign up sheet: Name: Easy. Humans can have names like Jim Raynor (That's an actual SC charater, so no taking that name), but protoss and others have more names like Jenseits. Age: Humans: 13-56 Protoss: 100-1000 Others: Follow either the Protoss or Human scale. (Note: Protoss are VERY LONG LIVING. One hundred is like equivilant of 10 in our years.) Gender: This needs no explanation...I hope. Race: Human, Protoss, or others. (Note: For others, you MUST ok it with me over PM or AIM.) Appearance: Picture or good description. For Protoss, you HAVE to have the basic features of one. I'll find a picture of a Protoss and put it in. Class/Job: You can be a Marine to a Ghost for humans. A Zealot to a Archeron for Protoss. If you want a full job list, contact me. Psionic Powers: If your a Ghost, then you have certain Psionic Powers like being able to turn invisible for a short time. List them here. ALL Protoss, even Dragoons, may have ONE Psionic Powers. But if your a, say, Templar, iyou can have three. Starting Weapons: Can be anything you can think of, but try to keep it futuristic. Max: 2 Bio*: No novels, no one liners. (*: You don't have to do a bio.) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Can you restore order to the Protoss? It all depends on what you use your weapons for...
  24. [size=1][color=darkred]Spencer looked around at the chaos. Sighing, the guitarist pulled out his Gibson and struck a note of n00b damaging calibur. All the n00bs within twenty feet fell to the ground screaming, "T3h 9099135 d0 n0f1ng!" Spencer took the sword of a fallen Otaku and proceeded to slay them all. He backed away from the gory mess, surveying his work like an artist. Strapping his Gibson to his back, he went to find Muse. He had been wounded by a Demon Smilie, and now had a nasty burning gash from his waistline all the way up to his right shoulder. Holding his stomach weakly, Spencer's eyes were fogging over with clouds of black as he looked around. He found her and then he blacked out at her feet. That gash, however, wasn't the only one. His stomach was a rictus of decay, smashed up and with a few broken bones, like a ghostly juggernaut had smashed him with it's gigantic fists.[/color][/size]
  25. [color=darkred][size=1]Spencer turned away from the n00b's body and out the window, skateboard underneath feet. The glass shattered, and the alarm went off, screaming "Ohez mi gawed brakeen!" Spencer looked at the alarm with a bizzare stare. As he touched the ground, he plucked a radio out of his pocket, and listened to Captain Legacy. He smiled. It was getting boring here anyway. Spencer landed, and contiuned skating, avoiding the traps such as the n00b pie of d00m, and other things. He reached the Index, shooting down a few n00bs who took katanas to him. Looking ahead, Spencer saw the line that would lead him to The Arena. He entered, with a grim smile on his face. He popped out right into the chaos, as he whipped his guitar, slamming it into the n00b heads below. A clear note rang out from the sound of guitar to flesh and bone. "Am I welcome, or should I leave you all to die?" Spencer asked sarcasitcally, pulling out his Sig Sauer and firing a few rounds at n00bs headed , and on top of Methuseleah. [/color][/size]
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