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Everything posted by Engel
[COLOR="crimson"][SIZE="1"][b]Name:[/b] Aleksander Erswicht. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/9290/colonelsheppardef0.jpg]Click here.[/url] Aleksander wears relatively simple clothes, usually keeping himself to a light pair of leather or cloth shorts, with a lightweight tunic of a dark grey or blue color. A necklace is often draped around his neck, a simple chain design forged from sterling silver. On the end of the necklace hangs a garnet, his birthstone. On his right middle finger is a black obsidian band with silver words etched across the band. While compared to his other Hunters Aleksander is normal by all basic appearances, on his stomach is a large scar that replicates itself on the same position on his back. He says that it was simply an accident while training with a fellow hunter, but others suspect something more. His somewhat regular skin tone is a healthy peach, and Aleksander neither tans nor burns. [b]Society:[/b] Mage Knight. [b]Armor:[/b] Aleksander's robes are a mixture between comfort and combat. Lightweight, they allow the greatest ease of movement on the field of combat. However, small crystals inside of the robes can be used to help him focus his magical powers. They are predominately viridian and white, with the viridian being the main color and white making up the cuffs and the sash around his waist. [b]Weapon:[/b] [url=http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/7687/1182975691734kg1.gif]Alek's weapon.[/url] Aleksander has a strange weapon; one side his bladed, and the other side, while different from the shaft, is simply a piece of curved wood. Aleksander uses the bladed end for physical fighting, and the curved side as both a way to change up attacks, and to channel magic. [b]Ability:[/b] Aleksander specializes in offensive magic, preferring to use the power of lighting fire together to create things such as plasma storms and heat lightning. While he does know how to use several other elements, he doesn't much care for them. As an elemental focus, Aleksander can also call down torrential rains and winds.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [b]OOC:[/b] I'll understand if I don't get accepted. =3
[color=#40826D][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Quadraxis Charl Sychon-Iviel [b]Human Name:[/b] Stephen Frusciante [b]Real Age:[/b] Approx. 3000 years, relatively young compared to the rest of his race, and was therefore regarded as "little to nothing" by his fellow Immortals before the exodus. [b]Apparent Age:[/b] Looks around 29-34. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Marital Status:[/b] Stephen has been single ever since his time on earth, involving himself in war as a means to keep women distant to him. He could never bear to feel the loss of someone he cared about again, not after Arcadia. [b]Occupation:[/b] Stephen is a retired Major of the United States Armed Forces, given an honorable discharge after suffering a gunshot wound to the stomach that put him out of commission for around a year. Since, Stephen has decided to take up a musical career, realizing that it would not be in his best interest, nor the world's best, to get himself killed. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/2347/stargatejohnsheppardpd3.jpg]Stephen.[/url] Stephen prefers to keep a nice five o'clock shadow around his face, feeling it adds personality to his features. He regards his crystal blue eyes with a certain affection, as he used to have a light maroon eye pigment. He has a deep scar on his lower stomach, as a result of the gunshot. A part of him hopes that the scar stays after his next regeneration. His lips are often in a slight smirk, tempting someone to ask what he's thinking. [b]Personality:[/b] Possessing a dry wit and a sarcastic tendency to himself, Stephen is rather laid back and relaxed. He often jabs fun at people who make stupid mistakes, being somewhat analytical. He gets along fine with people who he respects, and dislikes those he perceives as stupid or apathetic. He believes in moving on from conflict, and yet cannot bring himself to move on from the genocide of Arcadia, leading to him preventing himself from falling in love. While hiding his darker side with jokes, he can get extremely agitated if his temper is pressed. [b]Location:[/b] Salt Lake City, Utah. (United States.) [b]Immortal Artifacts:[/b] [i]Laser Screwdriver:[/i] A golden fountain pen device in appearance, it has a variety of functions from opening doors to scrambling signals. Several other functions are currently genetically locked, for the safety of others as Stephen would use it as a weapon if he got agitated. [i]Wristwatch:[/i] A wristwatch with the appearance of an expensive 21st century watch, made out of a resilient metal. This watch keeps track of time, temperature, direction, and other parameters of daily life. It can be used to measure a person's vitals, to keep rhythm, function as a stopwatch, and regulate body temperature. [i]Superphone:[/i] Using the laser screwdriver and several other materials, Stephen has modified a Razr v3t to his own preference. It can send out radio signals on several hundred frequencies, project an image, tap into government files, and use the built-in camera as an infrared and night vision camera. As a result of his modification, the usage of his phone has become untraceable by even the cellular provider, leading to free phone calls to anywhere he would like. [i]Obsidian Band:[/i] An entirely dark ring wraps around his right middle finger. It appears to be made out of obsidian, but whatever mineral it's actually made of is far unknown to humankind. It's used in conjunction with his Laser Screwdriver to unlock a sealed feature.[/color][/size]
[b]OOC:[/b] [i]Retribution[/i] granted me control of his character for a post. Forgive the lack of detail in some parts. --- [color=#40826D][size=1]The sun was already high over the lands of Silla, shining down in it's red-golden brilliance to highlight every blade of grass, sparkle over every body of water, and shine on the tops of every snow-capped mountain. Looking out with frozen blue eyes upon the warm landscape, the Winter Leaf drew in a deep breath, closing his eyes. In many ways, he was like an evergreen, persevering in both winter and in summer, able to survive in any climate, tough and resilient. His fingers drifted down to tap the hilt of his blade, drumming a four half-note beat. Tick-tick-tick-tick. Letting a small smirk play across his thin lips, he whispered to himself in that serpent's tongue of this. [b]"The drums of war are calling to me...the prince must require something from me. Or, I'm very, very thirsty for some blood to be shed upon the land. Either are fine with me."[/b] Closing his right hand around the hilt, he continued to play the four note beat on the metallic cap at the very top of the hilt. Turning on his heel, the Winter Leaf began his descent into the darkness that shrouded over the dark walls of the mountain-fortress. Everything was always dark inside, always permeated with the very feel of death and decay. As the Second Commander of the Hwarang approached the battle-map that documented the current miniature war taking place, he fixed the messenger with his eyes, asking the question, "What is it?" without saying a word or lifting a finger. Fumbling around out of surprise, and a slight bit of fear, the messenger nodded and withdrew the roll of parchment from his leather carrying case. With a single glance, Zhejiang saw two other scrolls -presumably blank - a quill, several bottles of ink, and a stamp of the official palace. [b]"Sir Hwang Zhejiang, Second Commander of the Hwarang, you are hereby summoned to the palace by Prince Taejong Muyeol for a briefing on your next assignment. You are to leave the fortress in exactly 25 minutes from the moment this message is read."[/b] Digging his hands into his messenger bag, he withdrew a coin - to be used to gain access to the palace beyond the front gates. Handing it to Zhejiang, he gave a sharp bow. Zhejiang had to stifle his laughter before it began. This man was still so nervous. Placing his hand on the messenger's back, he patted it twice and spoke in his lilting voice. [b]"Thank you, messenger...ah...what is your name?"[/b] [b]"Mhejul, sir."[/b] [b]"Messenger Mhejul. That has a certain quality ring to it. Thank you, Mhejul. I'm assuming there's transportation outside?"[/b] The messenger replied with a sharp nod, and then hesitated. [b]"Does that mean you're already ready to go?"[/b] In return, I gave the same type of short nod, and motioned for him to lead me there. Quickly, and with a nervous purpose, he led me out the front gates. I nodded to my two guards that were stationed outside, and we quickly made our way outside, and left for the palace. --- The captial city of Silla was always a beautiful sight to behold. It was inside a basin, that lay within a mountain. Providing an easy choke point to bottleneck another's forces, the city was both beautiful and well-defended. The Winter Leaf allowed a chuckle at his expense as he surveyed the city. [i]Even now, I still think about the best ways to route an enemy's attack force, when I'm supposed to be enjoying the aura of the city and it's inhabitants.[/i] His fingertips returned to their former place, drumming the beat with a curious intensity. With a long stride, Zhejiang made his way to the palace, and from there, into the front gates and beyond. An escort followed behind him, to ensure that he wasn't an assassin or a spy, or the like. It was such custom, even though they knew each other by face. Instead of the throne room, Zhejiang was brought to the Prince's personal quarters and sent in, with the escort standing watch outside of the door. Slowly, Zhejiang shut the door and looked at Taejong Muyeol, who was finalizing a city bill. Looking up, the prince regarded Zhejiang, and asked him to sit. With a short bow, he did as asked. [b]"Zhejiang, you know why I have summoned you here, correct?"[/b] [b]"I cannot know the specifics of it, but I'm assuming it has to do with the envoy sent to Matsya."[/b] [b]"That is correct. They have ignored our envoy, saying nothing. He returned two days previous."[/b] [b]"Such arrogance. To ignore another country's offer of help and a possible ally."[/b] [b]"I could not agree more. Instead, I have an assignment for you."[/b] Zhejiang couldn't help but smile at Taejong's words. [b]"I like the sound of this. What do you mean?"[/b] [b]"We must teach the price of such arrogance. Perhaps this will lull them into our way of thinking."[/b] While he spoke, the Prince withdrew a handful of documents, handing them to Zhejiang. Looking over them with his cloudy eyes, he glanced at Taejong. [b]"We cannot let them know it was us. That would be very unwise."[/b] [b]"I see what you're saying. Do you have a suggestion, Zhejiang?"[/b] [b]"Quite, sir. Simply put, I sneak in, alone. I do this very quickly, very softly, and make it look like Enshian incited this as a result of our envoy."[/b] [b]"Alone...? I suppose so."[/b] [b]"Have you lost your faith in my skills?"[/b] [b]"Not at all. When can you leave?"[/b] [b]"Give me ten minutes, and I shall be ready to depart."[/b] [b]"Very well."[/b] After a few more words, the two left each other to their own devices. In exactly eight minutes after his leave from the room, Zhejiang was at the palace gates, and on his way into the south, guided only by the unnatural swiftness of his feet and the keen sense of danger that seemed to shove him out of harm's way when necessary. Having been aided by several distracted shopkeepers, Zhejiang was faced with Enshian territory faster than he would of thought. It did help that he was deployed from the very southern tip of Silla, where the heart of all the land in the known world was. It had been maybe three days since he'd left. He'd expected it to take five. His lips parted and rose up, revealing teeth that were a subtle, but clean white. The canine teeth had been literally filed to a point. Zhejiang was ready to use them as weapons if someone had the upper hand, such as choking him, or pining him down. Inhailing the air, Zhejiang nearly winced at the smell and taste. It seemed so much more fowl down here, than up in Silla. Wrinkling his nose, he put two fingers out and closed his eyes, whispering and drawing symbols in the air. Looking around, the Winter Leaf tried to think of the best way to make it past the gates. It was nighttime, so a claim of being a trader wouldn't work as he lacked actual goods to trade, and no traders usually made their way in at night. A horse stable lay to the right of the gate, with most of the horses asleep. These horses were routinely rented out to traders or travelers, and could find their own way home. For all their training, they were still roused easily. Slipping into the shadows, Zhejiang prowled his way through the sands, up to the stalls. Three of the horses were asleep, and the other two stalls were empty. One horse would of been enough to cause a suitable distraction, but three just seemed like a good number. Scaling the wall of the horse's stables, he withdrew his blade and turned it so the blade's flat edge would strike instead of the actual bladed edge. Looking at the horses, he wondered the best way to do this. Not wanting to hurt or maim them in any way, Zhejiang decided that a quick strike to the hindquarters would be best, as they were less sensitive there than on other parts of their bodies. With three firm slaps of the flat side of the blade, the horses were braying out in pain, easily breaking out of their stalls and neighing loudly, attracting the attention of the guards. With a swift, and yet powerful leap, he cleared the horses and managed to stay in the shadow of the wall, skriting his way along the wall and slipping into the gate. Inside the city was were the spells would take effect. They were not complex by any means - no, actually, they were quite simple - but they were surprisingly effective. It effectively placed the Winter Leaf out of perception, almost like he was part of the landscape. It made his presence known, but not known at the same time; like he was always there, and blended into the landscape. The minds of the simple were easily bent by such incantations. Unfortunately, for Zhejiang, the guards were a bit more difficult. They squinted at Zhejiang as he moved in closer, trying to look at him but finding their eyes drawn away. They finally rose their eyebrows and asked the Winter Leaf their question - although they were looking in the opposite direction from his face. [b]"What is your business with the Palace at such a late hour...traveller?"[/b] Zhejiang's lips split into a curiously friendly smile as he spoke. [b]"I simply bring gifts to donate. Is that such a problem?"[/b] [b]"You should know that there are no offerings until the sun rises, traveler."[/b] The one on the left spat, looking at him with a sort of disgust. [b]"Ah, very well, I see. Thank you for your time, gentlemen."[/b] Turning about-face and walking away, he began to use his powers of sense-control, implanting the sound of a crash in the nearby bazaar to both of the guards. They looked at each other and nodded, dashing off to the left towards a perfectly safe and sound bazaar. Smiling to himself, Zhejiang ran his fingers through his moss-green hair, striding through the front gates and looking at the walls. Using the stone as a foothold, he began to climb up the side of the castle. The Winter Leaf's robe and hair both looked as black as the midnight sky, allowing him to blend in quite easily when combined with his perception-shift. Reaching the top of the wall, Zhejiang swallowed dryly, realizing how narrow it seemed. Standing up on top, he placed one foot in front of the other, slowly at first. And then his training began to take over, allowing him to run along the top of the outer wall, despite how narrow it appeared and felt. He did not know what he saught, only an open window. Any high-up would do if it was anything like Silla's castle. A single candle still burned in an open window, and Zhejiang took the chance. Beginning to run across the wall, he pivoted right and leapt, flinging himself through the open window silently. The man at the desk was too absorbed in whatever he was reading, looking on only to himself. Taking advantage of the situation, Zhejiang slid up behind the man and withdrew his sword - his own carefully handcrafted blade, oh, how he loved it - and placed it on the man's throat. [b]"You have ten seconds to turn around and tell me why you should not die. Sir."[/b] Zhejiang said, his voice almost ringing with laughter. He may of been calm and collected around others, but when doing what he loved, it was almost sort of a manic glee. The man in the chair turned around, slowly, even as startled as he was. [b]"How did you get in?!"[/b] [b]"One more remark as loud or as stupid as that, and you'll be lacking a head, good sir. Now, please, answer my previous question?"[/b] [b]"I...I am a General underneath Lord Hathi Jainar Parasuramana...Praja Haelvolsgir Ramuh..."[/b] [b]"I see. Then this was worth my time after all. Give my regards, sir. You're free to go."[/b] Taking his blade off of the man's throat, Zhejiang was almost bursting with gleeful laughter. The General's eyes widened, looking up at Zhejiang. [b]"You...you mean this?"[/b] [b]"No, good sir! I am simply messing with your mind,"[/b] Zhejiang let out a chuckle as his eyes darkened considerably. [b]"Goodbye, Praja."[/b] Flipping the blade around, he drove the same handcrafted blade into the general's throat, leaving him to gasp in a quiet, and futile manner. Picking up the quill that he had been writing with, Zhejiang dipped it in the ink, looking down at the quickly fading General as he tried to grasp Zhejiang's robes. Annoyed and preoccupied, Zhejiang's foot snapped out, catching the General in the chin and breaking his neck. He then began to write in choppy manuscript, so they wouldn't be able to track his handwriting. [i]For meeting with Silla, you have incited our wrath. This is what happens when you try and form alliances behind another's back.[/i] The meaning was simple and straight to the point. The Enshianese would suffer, and so would the inhabitants of Matsya. Perhaps the death of a general - though he seemed fairly incompetent at battle, or he would of seen it coming. Perhaps he was a strategist - would cause them to rethink their easy ignorant dismissal of Silla's envoy. Leaving the palace in a just as secret manner as he'd come in, he began to make his way out of the palace and the city, soon in the country itself, headed with all haste back towards Silla, towards the land of the rising sun. With a tap of his fingers on the hilt of his blade, he sounded the drums of war, a small little [i]tick-tick-tick-tick[/i] that would rise and grow, in intensity and in speed, as the battles drew ever closer.[/color][/size]
[color=#40826D][size=1]Most people take pain as being evil, as a bad thing, a thing that should be avoided. Pain of any kind, physical, emotional, mental, environmental, any form. What most people don't realize, is that pain fosters growth. I am sitting at my laptop, at 4:56 AM on a Sunday morning, on June 24th, and I am in pain. It's pain of an emotional kind. It' the pain of loss, of insecurity, of a wound that I will bear for the rest of my days. I do not regret this pain, for as I've come to think upon it, pain is as much of a blessing as love. Without pain, there can be no growth. Sometimes, when we experience exceptionally bad pain, it stays with us. Old war scars, some might say, that still ache upon a cold, rainy day. Be it rain and clouds of the heart, or rain and clouds of the sky. This pain I have felt is of the former, and it is allowing me to grow, to think in new ways. When we are attached to something so long, be it a possession, a way of thinking, a person, and it is taken away, that creates a void. From that void, comes pain. It makes us want to break down and cry, and we tend to take things at face value. I, myself, tend to ask the world, "Why?" Why separate me from what I love, what I hold dear, what I have become attached to? Everything has it's time. Love is the most beautiful thing when it's alive, and when it dies, it's the most ugly thing on Earth - or anywhere else. I don't know about other worlds, other life, other cultures, but nothing is impossible. In fact such questions are what I come to ask myself when I experience pain. I am in no sense, a masochist. I do not take enjoyment out of my pain. I simply use it to try and understand my surroundings, myself, and other people better. When I remember all the days when I wasn't in pain, it makes them so much sweeter, and when I remember the days that I was in pain, it gives me time to think. If you survive the pain, you should learn from it, become a better person for it. Physical pain may foster the time for emotional growth, and emotional pain may find time for mental growth. I realize, right now, as I sit here at 5:04 AM, that I am being rather vague. I am being vague on purpose. I do not know how people besides myself experience pain and loss, I only know myself. And I still don't know myself as half as well as I should like. But I will try to be more concise with the way I am talking. When you lose someone, it's like part of you has gone missing. You want so desperately to find that part, to sew yourself back together. However, in that search, you may find another "part", another person, who fits and understands and communicates better with you. You share past experiences, and you reminisce about the windy days of the heart, and you grow closer. Pain brings everyone a little closer, allowing them to share their hearts where they might otherwise be closed. All pain may seem to end, and a lot of it does. But, as I had said earlier, some pain says locked away, to come back and ache on a rainy day. And I realize, again, at 5:07 AM, that that line is pretentiously corny, and also rhymed. I guess, what I've been trying to say is, when you lose something, take your time to grieve, take your time to mourn, and please, please move on. You cannot hold onto the past forever, but you can let your past bring your future to fruition, let those old war scars allow you to swap tales with people and become closer, become better people. I hope I haven't rambled on too long. I was inspired to write this after a few long hours of thinking, and I wanted to share it with others. Just to see their point of view, and offer advice, and frankly, get advice. So please, comment if you wish, but just think about what I've said.[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1]Looking at the new recruits after Webster's speech, I bit my lip and sighed softly. Rubbing my eyes with my left hand wearily, I nodded at the group. [b]"Looks like Agent Webster won't be here to complete the tour for you. In any case, follow me and I'll show you the rest of the OBCTU building."[/b] Walking down the opposite hallway from where Webster had gone, I pointed out a door. [b]"Agent...Starbucks. This is your room. And before you ask; I think we regularly stock Starbucks coffee every Tuesday. The stock usually lasts until about Saturday. Though, I don't know how long it'll last with all the new recruits we're getting. In any case, this is your dormitory room. Feel free to move all personal effects into this room."[/b] Reaching into my faded blue jeans, I found the ring of dormitory keys next to a pack of bubblegum and my ballpoint pen. I unhooked the one that said "A. Starbucks" and handed it to it's new owner. I hesitated, and turned to the group. My mouth seemed as parched as sandpaper. Biting my tongue, I found the words. [b]"Now, since we've got a flood of new agents, you'll be doubling up. Agent Wanderlust, you'll be sharing a room with Starbucks here. Got it?"[/b] I unhooked a second key, handing it to Agent Wanderlust. I looked at the group and managed a grin. [b]"Now, if you don't like who you're with, work it out amongst yourselves and then tell me. I'll get the paperwork done. I'm just going off the list of new recruits and putting two people together. To be fair, I don't care what room anyone has. So if you have a problem, tell me. Sometime in the near future, like when I finish handing out the keys."[/b] Looking at the list, I saw four names left. Crystia, Gavin, El Kabong, and Sour Candy. [b]"Now, I guess I'll put El Kabong - Nice name - and Sour Candy together. You two seem like you'll get along fine."[/b] I unhooked two more keys, leaving only my key - I was fortunate, I didn't have anyone doubled up with me. Yet. - and two others. [b]"I guess Crystia and Gavin will be sharin' a room. I'll just take these keys to Gavin when we finish the tour. Does anyone want to switch rooms? Speak now, if you do."[/b][/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1]I nodded at Mother and turned around, taking the left hallway out of the room at a steady run. Narrowing my eyes, I sighed and thought to myself, shaking my head as I ran, jumping over a fallen trash bin that had been knocked down by someone running ahead of me. [i]They're in such a hurry...[/i] I thought to myself, and quickly amended it. [i]Though, Platypus needs to be stopped.[/i] [i]I shouldn't of said that about Japan. My allegiances were once to the Terrorists, even if I didn't totally believe in their ideals. I should of realized that a terrorist wouldn't shed a tear over being accused. They'd most likely flaunt it. I should apologize.[/i] These thoughts floated through my confused brain as I leaped over the fallen obstacles in my way. Suddenly, I realized that it wasn't someone in front of me that had put them there, but Platypus himself. On the way, I found Peacock on the floor, unconscious. I had the urge to help, but reminded myself what had to be done. Rounding the corner, I reached into my pants pocket, I pulled out the only thing that could be qualified as a weapon. An ultrafine point pen, red in ink color. Pulling it out carefully, I removed the cap - which happened to be from another pen, as I'd lost the original cap, which wasn't really the point - and held it in a loose but firm grip as I caught up with my target. [b]"Stop, now! We've got you surrounded!"[/b] Yelling out, I looked at him and grit my teeth. I didn't know for sure if he actually was surrounded, or even if someone had followed me in this direction. In any case, I was going to prove my worth to the CTU by capturing the mole.[/color][/size]
Art The Desktop Screenshots/Wallpapers Thread [image heavy]
Engel replied to DeadSeraphim's topic in Creative Works
[color=crimson][size=1]This is my laptop's desktop. My actual desktop computer is a severely outdated thing, so I've bought a Notebook computer and switched to it. Here's the desktop screenshot at any rate. [url=http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/6105/mydesktopbr5.jpg] Clicketh.[/url][/color][/size] -
[color=crimson][size=1] I listened to the speech of Shades'. It was rather convincing, but I spoke slowly, trying to figure out how to best say what I had to say. Leaning back against the wall, I decided to abandon the carefully structured words I'd picked out and said it outloud. [b]"Regardless of what you say, and I do believe you, no one in the Terrorist Unit ever spoke of Japan. Not in insult, nor in terms of comrades. I find it hard to believe that the feeble minded terrorists, like those that were executed, wouldn't of let something slip to me."[/b] Gently standing up straight, I looked at the group. [b]"What I'm tryin' to say is, we can't be too sure. It could be any one of those three. Hell, I don't have an idea on who it is, but I'm just saying - to settle on one person would be to forget others. What other time would be best than when our back is turned for one to stick a dagger in it?"[/b][/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1]Alright, I haven't been here in a real long while. Heh. But now I've returned to ask for something that I can't make myself, because of my messed up copy of Photoshop failing on me. But, that isn't the point, now is it? Anyway, I'd like a banner 300x100 in size. On it, I'd like to have Darth Sion. I would like the text on the banner to read, "Pain is Absolution." The avatar 150x80 and just have Darth Sion on it, no text. Thanks to whoever completes this. I'll take multiple submissions and voice my opinions on them.
[color=#40826D][size=1][i]Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. - Lao-Tzu.[/i] ----- The sun rose slowly, crawling it's way over the sky. It took it's time, like every day. For millenia to come, the sun would repeat the rise and fall of it's heartbeat, until it burned out and it's heart beat no longer. Today, however, would not be that day. And that ment that Zhejiang's skills and knowledge were still needed in Silla's fight to unite the known world. That day may not come today, or tommorow, or next week, but Zhejiang's fight was one that was without haste, and yet without rest. [b]"Patience is the allowment of time to ripen both mind and spirit. However, apathy is death. When you take no action, you become stagnant, the fruit of your efforts begins to rot."[/b] Zhejiang told himself as he carefully dressed, slipping the robes over his shoulders softly. A a long, but almost invisible scar made it's way across his right shoulder, terminating at the upwards curve of his neck. Subconsciously, he traced it with a long, dextile finger before fully pulling the moss green warrior-robe all the way up and tying it off at the sash to keep it in place. While long, careful fingers tied his blade into the second sash underneath the first, he looked down at the sword with a sense of timeless wonder. He spoke slowly, his tongue working the words out slowly. After all, they'd been on his mind ever since the weapon's creation. [b]"My friend, you've been in my posession for a long while now, and still I have no name for you. I wish I had a proper name for you, as I rather dislike calling you "my blade" or, "my weapon". You deserve a name, and I shall come up with one for you. Perhaps...perhaps battle will inspire me."[/b] The weapon said nothing. Which was expected, as inanimate objects aren't the biggest talkers. Making his way through the lonely hallways of a palace long forgotten by common folk stashed up in the mountains of Northern Silla, Zhejiang knew he had a purpose this morning, unlike any other. This was only confirmed when a soldier stationed at the front gate informed him of the arrival of a carrier hawk. Raising his eyebrow, Zhejiang nodded and crossed his arms beind his back, moving to the War Room to recieve the parcel of the carrier hawk. The sleek bird fixed the newcomer with a single black eye, before casting it's gaze elsewhere as it fed on the food provided by the local chefs. Such a bird of burden deserved such, as the letter it carried was simple, short, and still full of valuable information. [center][i][b]The Matsya move quickly and rashly. An Enshian border town has fallen to their front forces. We have a feeling that they may either amass troops along the border while capturing more towns, as to establish a defensive wall before their invasion, or they may simply make a line for the captial while capturing cities and towns along the way. Do with this information what you will. Signed, Hwarang Officer Sau-Zhi.[/i][/center][/b] Folding up the delicate paper, Zhejiang's eyes closed slowly as he began to think what to do. There were at least two possible courses of action. One, wait for Enshian to divert their attention and forces towards the growing Southern Matsya threat at their doorstep and strike from behind, or wait until the Matsya had devoted their war efforts to Enshian and attack without warning. However, either way led for an attack by Tsuchi, which might be dangerous. However, the rewards were greater than the risks. Opening his cold, sky blue eyes, Zhejiang took a quill and a piece of parchment. [center][i][b]Lord Taejong Muyeol, The Matsya have captured an Enshian border town. They may be amassing their soldiers and waiting to attack, or might stay on the move. Either way, we could wait for Enshian to divert their efforts towards fending off the Matsya and lead an attack from behind, or attack the weakened lands of Matsya. I feel either will be as effective, although we would be open to Tsuchi attack if we commit a full scale attack on either, though a feint may be possible in luring the Tsuchi into the open and testing the water. Signed, Nobleman and Second Commander of the Hwarang, Hwang Zhejiang.[/i][/center][/b] As the ink dried on the paper, he gingerly attached it to the carrier hawk and sent it to the captial of Silla, where the Prince surely was. Zhejiang breathed in deeply as the hawk took flight into the morning, with purpose and elegance. He could see that war, much like the sun, was already dawning.[/color][/size]
[color=#40826D][size=1]God I love wikipedia- so useful for quickly finding hex formats of colours. I wish I could just type in viridian instead of #40826D. Oh well. Anyway. I went to sleep and hoped that it'd be up in the morning. It's not, so I'll impatiently wait like Sandy. *Curls up in chair to wait.* I hate these lazy summer days when it's so hot that it gives me a heat headache if I'm outside too long. Also; I think this kind of RP attracts males more because of the whole, "Everyone is at war, jump in and kill people" type of thing. Though, I'm equally fond of war and drama in my writing. =D I got carried away writing my legend. I omitted about 3 paragraphs.[/color][/size]
[color=#40826D][size=1][b]Name.:[/b] Hwang Zhejiang. (Surname first, given second.) [b]Nickname.:[/b] The Winter Leaf. [b]Age:[/b] 29. [b]Gender.:[/b] Male. [b]Country of Origin:[/b] Kingdom of Tsuchi. [b]Country of Residence:[/b] Silla. [b]Profession:[/b] Swordsmith, Nobleman. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/6769/greenishrj0.jpg] Please, see here.[/url] [b]Weapons / Style.:[/b] Handcrafted blade used in the Zhejiang-Lei style. However, Zhejiang is also adept at using the otherworldly powers to sew deceit and illusion, or be used in more direct style. The deceitful use of his power he calls "Zaijian", and the more direct style, "Tsun-Leung". The style of Zhejiang-Lei style was named after Zhejiang himself, and is a mixture of quick draw-thrusts for quicker fights-and in the even of a drawn out battle, parrying and cleaving skills. Zaijian is used to distort the senses of enemies, either attacking sight to make it appear as if there are multiple of an item or person, or the sense of smell to lure an unwitting opponent into a trap. A favored method of Zhejiang's is to tamper with the sense of feel, often making it feel as if scarab beetles were crawling upon the flesh of the enemy, and inside of their bodies. Quite a few enemies have entirely destroyed themselves from the pure agitation and fear, either casting themselves into rivers, into burning buildings, or in extreme cases, hacking, biting, or tearing their own flesh apart. Tsun-Leung is used in a more traditional, elemental way. Air can be superheated and combust into a ball of controllable fire with in the blink of an eye, or slow dramatically and freeze into a spire of frozen water molecules just as quickly. Zhejiang often uses the otherworldly power of Tsun-Leung to stimulate plant growth and freeze the water molecules inside, creating weapons out of vines and branches that are equal to the sturdiest spears and finest arrows. Tsun-Leung is also incorporated into the Zhejiang-Lei style of swordplay, imbuing Zhejiang's blade with elemental power. [b][i]The Legend of the Winter Leaf.[/i][/b] A single crow sat upon the desiccated corpse of a soldier, scavenging a meal from the remnants of flesh that clung to his bones. It was obvious that the man had been dead for several days, maybe even a week or two. Fires still burned on the outskirts of the trees, lighting a way for the spirits of the dead to find eternal rest- if there was such a thing. The crow let out an unearthly shriek, spreading wings of midnight to rise into the cloudless night sky and avoid what was coming. What was indistinguishable from the forest, that moved as a part of it, like a leaf fluttering in the wind of a forgotten war. However, the animal knew better. This visitor was human. Or at least, resembled a human. The crow had been afraid. It had no reason to be. The crow was a servant of the dead, cleaning up what war and famine had left behind. The creature of the forest was as it's servitor, claiming more lives for the crow to pick clean after he'd finished with them, finished his interrogation. Zhejiang saught only answers, and when he was given none, he took the most precious thing to anyone. Life. Zhejiang was not a cruel person by nature, no, he loved and cherished life. It was their fault for raising sword and bow, shield and spear, magik and despair against him. They would not lay down their arms and surrender answers to him, so he simply put them out of ther pitiful existance, taking lives and moving on. The forest eventually came to an end, giving birth to Zhejiang, into the night. His eyes were as cold as ice, and they sought the unobtainable again, the answers that eluded him, that would not come to him no matter how he asked, no matter who he asked, no matter what life he took. A small raiding party lay on the outskirts of the forest. Two men emerged from the wooded area, carrying the hewn limbs of trees as they talked merrily, swapping old war stories. They were the Winter Leaf's target tonight, and the rest of their party. Slipping his viridian robes over the hilt of his blade, Zhejiang adopted a grim smile and approached the pair. [b]"Greetings, fellow travelers."[/b] [b]"Greetings, young one."[/b] The first spoke, his voice low and deep. Underneath his helm, gray hairs could be seen. Either this man was extremely skilled in combat, or he had joined underneath a draft. The former seemed much more likely, as there was a cut off age in most regions. [b]"If I may request, could you give me directions of the Tomb of the Unknown Fates?"[/b] Zhejiang spoke, his own voice chilly and sharp, laced with sweetness that would get him what he needed-usually. This was no such time. At the mention of the tomb, the man stiffened and looked at him grimly. [b]"What is your name, traveler? And what business do you have with that accursed place?"[/b] [b]"My surname is Hwang, and my business is my own."[/b] Zhejiang was quickly tiring of this conversation. He'd had it thousands of times before. It went down like this most often, with blood being spilled on sand, grass, stone, bare earth, streets, and various other places. With a thoughtful glance, and then widened eyes of terror, the man flung the wood at Zhejiang, reaching for his blade while crying out. [b]"Sir, a nobleman of the north approac-"[/b] His rallying call was cut off, along with his hands. The severed digits rose in the midsummer night, a spray of blood following as the old man's heart pumped blood. Zhejiang was no longer smiling. His eyes were steeled the color of determination-cold, cold determination, the kind that came from years of searching and finding no answers- as he shoved the man to the grassy plains. His booted foot came down upon the man's neck, silencing his voice forever as he tried to scream. A caress of steel ended his life. The old man didn't move. Sad, his first informant has expired quickly. The recruit that was along with the old man seemed frozen from the turn of events. He was young, not a day past seventeen. Calmly, Zhejiang pulled his blade out and wiped it on the grass. Procuring a cloth from his clothes along with a small bottle of spring water, he washed the blood off the blade. Returning both items to his robes, he turned to the soldier with what could be called a taunting smirk. [b]"Would you perchance tell me the location of the Tomb?"[/b] Like a fish out of water, the recruit gaped. The firewood that he'd finished cutting down only moments ago lay on the ground, strewn out. His eyes were almost blank, but he recovered enough to save his own skin. [b]"South...go south, until a river appears. Follow the river southwest, and follow the third tributary from the right..."[/b] His voice was strained, and his eyes glistened wetly with the beginnings of tears. With an icy smile, Zhejiang fished three gold coins from his other pocket. He spoke in his chilling voice, which would be comparable to the sweet tongue of a serpent entwined with the voice of an angel. [b]"Place one coin in the hand of the old man so he may be rewarded in the afterlife. You are free to keep the other two. You were smart in not screaming for help. Though, if this information turns out to be false, I will find you. And if you call for help, I will not be so merciful,"[/b] Zhejiang paused and turned his eyes to the dead man, who's warmth had already abandoned his body. From the dead man, Zhejiang returned his eyes to the young soldier, who clutched the coins numbly. Smirking again, Zhejiang continued. [b]"Don't worry. It's only life, we all get through it."[/b][/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1]The first thing I noticed upon waking up in a rather violent spasm of my body was the fact that my headt hurt like [i]hell.[/i] I settled down and streched out slowly on my bed, still in the clothes that I wore yesterday.[i]What a nightmare...not to mention I winged my head on the wall.[/i] I rummaged through the cabinents in my room, muttering to myself as I found a change of clothes that would do until I bought or found some more clothes of my own. Quietly, I pulled on the acid washed jeans that were slightly ripped at the bottom, leaving on my own boxers. I didn't feel right wearing someone else's. I cracked a grin as I read the logo on the T-shirt. Lately, it seemed like I'd been smiling a lot more. The logo on the shirt read "Spring!" with several people jumping off of a skycraper in the middle of a concrete jungle. Hanging from the small hook on the back of the door was his leather jacket. I slipped on the shirt as I began to wondering exactly how my jacket had made it from the floor beside my bed to the rack, and how the clothes that weren't there the night before made it into a cabinent. it must of been someone who'd poked into the room to talk to me or something. I shrugged, as it didn't really matter. Absentmindedly, I folded my dirty clothes, setting them on top of the small cabinent where I'd found the clothes. I stopped myself and laughed. I'd always been one to clean up after myself, even if my once fellow Terrorists had never been that way. Smiling to mseylf, I fixed the bedsheets and turned to the bathroom that was tucked away in the corner. Roughly 20 minutes later, I came out with the rest of the filth I'd acquired as a "freedom fighter." Such a stupid term. I combed my hair carefully and pulled on my jacket, yawning as I swished some of the flouride mouthwash and spat it out, cleaning out the sink. Coffee sounded really good right now. Leaving my room, I scratched my head and walked down the hallway, headed towards the kitchen area of the mess hall. Shades, and another man, stood by a sink. I walked up next to them, my still wet sandy-blonde hair shaking slightly as I rummaged around for some coffee beans, finding them and adding them to the coffee machine. Waiting for the coffee to be made, I turned to the new guy. Though, he probably has a day's seniority over me, I thought with a slight laugh. [b]"What's up? I'm Sanguinius. And you are?"[/b] [b]"Not much. I'm Throne. Nice to meet ya."[/b] He said in response, as I finally found the place where the mugs were stored, taking one down for myself and asking Throne if he wanted one. Nodding, he took it from my hands. [b]"Let me guess. You've got some doubts about my alliegances to the OBCTU? Understandable."[/b] Smirking at him, I carefully emptied half of the pot of coffee into my mug, and then the other half into Throne's. Carefully, as I sipped on the black coffee, I bore into him with my cloudy blue eyes.[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1] Small white earbuds inside of my ear canal sang sweet whispers to me, talking about some far off place known as the 'Rivers of Avalon.' While in fact, this place did not exist, the Red Hot Chili Peppers inspired the feeling that some place just like it could, and that it would give all life greater meaning if found. Of course, this was just a song, and but an expression in a world that is fractured and is holding itself together by will and what could be described as otherworldy duct-tape. I yawned, picking a more upbeat track from my selection of songs. What rang into my ear was in fact, "Tell Me Baby." As I nodded my head along with the song, Webster approached me. I didn't pause the song, but let it continue, asking me where I came from and what my story was. Instead, I slid my gaze to meet his, prompting a hello with a simple wave of my right hand. He looked at me and crossed his arms over his chest in a professional sort of manner. Either he was waiting for me to question his presense, or waiting for me to turn off the music. Not knowing which it was, I did both. [b]"So, Mr. Webster, what brings you to Grape Ape's office?"[/b] I asked, figuring a number of possibilites, from the ever possible scenario where he was simply here to puncture my skull with an icepick and call it as I had tried to attack him first, to the scene where he consults Grape Ape about the exact number of chocolate chips that should be present in a batch of a dozen chocolate chip cookies. It was neither of these. [b]"Not here to see the Commander. Rather, I'm here to give you the tour."[/b] He didn't sound displeased, but instead preoccupied. I rose my eyebrow, but said nothing regarding his intonation. I supposed I would find out if it was my buisiness. Removing myself from the leaning position against the wall, I tucked the earbuds of the iPod into my jeans pocket and the novel in the large inside pocket of my black leather coat that could hold any size of items from a pack of Orbit gum to a Desert Eagle and several clips of ammunition. At this moment, it held only loose lint fibers, and now a novel. [b]"Lead the way, Agent Webster."[/b] I said, in the most formal tone I could muster. This whole day had been dizzying and I only wanted a place to find sweet solitude. I plucked a piece of gum from the case still held in my left hand. It was slightly smashed. I ate it anyway. [b]"Got an extra piece?"[/b] Webster replied with a tone of subtle familiarity, though it might of been my hopeful imagination. I nodded and held out the package that now contained 12 pieces of Orbit gum. He took two. I said nothing, but almost smiled to myself as Webster beckoned me with a flick of his wrist, and we set off at a moderate pace. [b]"So, Sanguinius. Seen the light, have we?"[/b] Although the tone held no mockery, I suspected a level of it. I was wrong in my paranoia, and I realized that fact as I gazed into his eyes once more. They seemed to smolder with interest. [b]"I suppose you might say that, I never really belonged there. I conflicted with their ideals, though I was brought up with such thoughts. It became a pattern of life I hadn't broken until now. My faith in the terrorist cell was never too strong."[/b] I told Webster as he showed me around the facility. [b]"Perhaps you'll elaborate on that? -There's Mother,"[/b] He interrupted his own train of thought, pointing into the mess hall at the cheery figure that was Mother, reaching in with an oven mitt to pull out a tray of cookies. Upon seeing us, she turned and flashed a cheery smile at the two of us, waving us on. [b]"That's the mess hall, by the way."[/b] Webster added as an afterthought. He spoke again. [b]"Well, the cooking area of it. After THAT is the true dining area. It might take you a bit of time to get used to this place."[/b] [b]"I certainly like it a lot more than the Terrorist Cell. Rai is a fanatic. She always buggered me a bit, going on and on about the Great Mother and returning everyone to the Lifestream. About that whole, "Never really had a lot of faith"? Yeah, it seemed a little weak in logic. At the very top level of the world, there is order. Underneath that, is a layer of chaos. Underneath that chaos, order. On and on and on, until you reach nothing. To me, it's a fine infrastructure that should not be troubled with by blanketing the world with an extra sheet of chaos. From order comes chaos, and chaos order. If we did not have chaos at one point or another, how would we know how to define order?"[/b] I asked, looking at Webster. We'd both stopped moving. He pointed to the door, which flashed from blank to read, [b]"Sanguinius' Room."[/b][/color][/size] [[Tag, Wondershot. I didn't want to extend it further, as I wanted to see your ideas on my/Sanguinius' view on the order of the world. And for you to break it to him yourself about Premonition. =p]]
[color=crimson][size=1]I nodded at Grape Ape, adopting my new name, [b]Sanguinius.[/b] I looked down to my hands and flexed them. After forcing myself to abandon my terrorist ways and write that post about how I felt on just one of many issues, I felt like I recognized my own hands against. They were warm and slightly weathered, but felt comfortable. Looking up, I spoke to my new Commander. [b]"Sir, may I ask something?"[/b] Wanting to sound more refined than I must of looked, I had adopted a different manner of speaking when speaking to Grape Ape. More...intelligent. [b]"Certainly."[/b] He said in reply, simple and effective. I nodded and wet my lips by licking them with my tongue. [b]"As a new member of the OBCTU, I would like to know a couple of things. Do I have a living space here, and where's the mess hall or other dining place?"[/b] Dropping the formal aspect, I looked at Grape Ape in slight distress. [b]"I can't exactly remember the last time I had anything that wasn't cold and already been sitting out for a few days to eat."[/b] Knowing what I meant, he nodded in a sagely fashion. [b]"Perhaps Mother, or someone else, could show you to the mess hall. When whoever feels like showing you around arrives, I'll assign you a quarter where you may put your thi-"[/b] He stopped short, and then looked at me while reaching into his desk. He pulled out several things. Among them were a Warhammer 40k Novel, a cell phone subscribed to the T-mobile service provider, and a 30 GB black iPod. The other items, which were less noteworthy, were a bundle of 20 dollar bills, exactly 37 cents in change, and a 15 piece pack of gum with only 13 pieces left. Locking eyes with me in an almost dangerous way, he continued, as if sizing me up the entire time. [b]"A quarter where you may put your things. Take your stuff from my desk and wait out in the hallway. Someone will be here shortly. Our new mission has high priority, however, and I don't expect you to slow us down in the least, Sanguinius. Don't make me regret this, alright?'[/b] Grape Ape looked at me with a sense of tiredness about him. [b]"Thank you, Mr. Grape. Ape. Mr. Grape Ape. Err...sir."[/b] I stuttered, not exactly sure what to say as I picked my possessions up from his desk, and moved out into the hallway, sighing with relief. Quietly, I waited until the person who would introduce me into my new life would come along, like the Grape Ape said they would. [[Tag, anyone who feels up to the task.]][/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1]My face abandoned all color as I stared at the laptop. It was a Vaio, and probably quite expensive. I immersed myself in these details as I gulped loudly, trying to block out the possibilies rushing to my mind. Trying to kill me? I bit my tounge, feeling not the rush of saliva, but the rush of blood. I swallowed carefully and placed my fingers on the keyboard of the Vaio as the single line pulsed in one steady beat, unaffected by the thundering of my heart inside of my ribcage. I swalloed and grit my teeth, gnashing them so and I set to work, remembering only a few things my teacher had once told me. I sat back in the folding chair, my eyes tired and dull. My fingers were worked, and my mind stressed. Maybe this CTU was right. Maybe I was on the wrong side of this fight. If my former comrades were going to kill me, they weren't ever my comrades. He yelled loud enough for Mr. Ploppy the Spaceship to hear him. [b]"Oy, I'm done with my post. I didn't know what to write as "publically announcing", since this entire operation on both sides is ment to be kept secret from the general populace of Otakuboards, so I slipped it in at the end, and supported your ideals. Which, ironically, I agree with."[/b] In the darkness of the cell, illuminated by the bright light of the screen, I had two things on my mind. Whether I'd be killed, and what they were going to do to me if I wrote it wrong. Another thought entered my head. [i]I hope the battery on this thing doesn't die before the guys get here to verify it.[/i] However, at that precise moment, Ploppy came in and claimed the Notebook PC from me, reading over it and taking it for verification. [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=777351#post777351]Hentai and Bigger Stuff![/url] was the title of the document, and it seemed somewhat extensive on my views. He nodded and looked at me for a minute. [b]"Stand up."[/b] I nodded and slowly stood up, and he took me out of the cell, to the restroom. He stood outside, and waited for me to do my thing. Coming out smelling decent, my face shaved and my teeth a few shades lighter, I looked at Ploppy. He handed me the notebook and began to lead me in a direction that was somewhat North. [b]"We're going to submit this to Grape Ape."[/b][/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1]The view on Hentai taken differs from person to person and topic to topic. It may declare human beauty, and it may be related to Anime, but such images have no place on Otakuboards. Otakuboards is a site oriented for viewers of all ages, not 18+, or 21+, or whatever the legal age might be. (Or, what age you choose to portray yourself as, though that shouldn't be brought up.) While you're free to look at hentai, pornography, and other such depictions of graphical nudity and human (And tentacle, etc.) form on your own basis, I see no need for hentai or otherwise on Otakuboards. If you want hentai, do a google search. It'll take you the effort of typing "google.com" and clicking on the text entry field, and writing "Hentai", and then clicking "Search". Or, you could go to 4chan. Just because gamefaqs has an Anime messageboard and is centered around games doesn't mean they have a hentai board. In fact, such posts result in heavy penalties. Before you make cries of innovation, remember. What's new isn't always the best. (George Bush, anyone?) Why have hentai here? For convinence? While it might be convinient, it would turn away an audience who had previously viewed OB, and not for hentai or pornography, and who would be dissapointed in the sight for taking on such material. Addressing bigger banners; While I have had a few grievances over the size of banners, it's caused me no great pain or discomfort. I learn to deal with it. We should indeed count ourselves lucky at being able to have banners after all, as some message board sites don't have this functionality. Avatars? The same deal. Up until a year ago, I was on a dial-up connection and I was thankful that banners weren't that large. In personal view, I think that large banners look quite silly, and quite pointless. But that is personal view, and I'm trying to keep this writing objective. :3 In short, hentai is not needed, and for the most part, not wanted. I have a feeling that most people are arguing here just to be right, and not actually thinking of the OB community. You want a link for hentai and porn? Go to 4chan, google, hell, even torrents and otherwise. Not Otakuboards. Otakuboards is a place of viewing for all ages, and while you could lock down the board to posters only 18+, what would be the point? You could get a gmail account, create a new OB profile, and get in. Age verification? Too much hastle to try and prove, and that's probably easily falsified as well. You want bigger banners? Buy everyone a DSL connection or up and you can have your bigger banners. We've got members from all over the world, and DSL may not be provided (DSL or higher) where they live. As a matter of fact, the only reason I was on dial up was because I wasn't able to get anything else. I moved down the road and Comcast offered me a cable connection. Other people aren't as fortunate, and some may be more fortunate. This whole argument is detracting from the actual subjects at hand, and becoming an argument that I fear will reduce itself to petty name calling and grief. If you want that, may I suggest your local playground and or Chuck E. Cheese's.[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1]I began to mull over what exactly he meant. Shuddering, I sighed and then I heard something that snapped my head out of the clouds. Warn [b]Charles[/b]? Why would they need to warn [b]Charles[/b]- [b]"Awh crap."[/b] I said out loud, shoving a hand over my mouth and looking up at them. [b]Shades[/b] looked at me, almost laughing with his eyes. I bit my tongue for a moment, tasting the rush of saliva that came from the bite, and looked up at them. [b]"What, did you think I was going to run away? I may not be the sharpest lightbulb in the shed, but I'm not stupid either. It just seemed kind of...uncivil that you wouldn't provide simple bathroom facilities to prisoners."[/b] I stopped for a moment. The lightbulb bit had been a tension reliever, mostly for myself. I started again slowly. [b]"Unless you think that I'm trying to wash away my "Terrorist Smell" or whatever ya wanna call it. I don't know exactly what you're thinking,"[/b] I brought my eyes up to meet with [b]Shades'[/b], [b]"But an Amulet of Pain doesn't sound too fun for me. Maybe for you two, but not me. Explain."[/b][/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1]As [b]Mother[/b] rounded the corner, off to some place of this facility where of which I had no idea, I spoke up. [b]"Mo...erm...excuse me."[/b] I stopped short as she turned around and looked at me, eyebrow cocked. She looked rather irritated about something, but I pressed on anyway. It might put a shock on her face, but I said it anyway. [b]"Is there some place I can take a shower around here? I probably smell horrible. And look horrible at that."[/b] I looked at her with my serious eyes that looked as if someone had taken the sky and wrought a pair of eyes out of them, a cloudy blue that hid secrets only on the dark and windy days of the heart.[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1]I actually had a similar idea, along Charles' idea, except my point of view would be a character that had been thrown in jail and given aspirin, and negotiated though. However, he leaked information and is currently in danger of losing his life, and the things that go with life, such as breathing, and seeing, and...being alive. I wonder, would he ever get out of jail, or would something else possibly maybe happen? Maybe we should make this a group project.[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1]I sat in my cell, head in my hands. I found myself in turmoil, wondering how I cracked so easily. I had been taught to resist enemy interrogation tactics, and I cracked. I looked at my hands, and then out of the cell. I had tuned out [b]Premonition[/b] and [b]Gurt.[/b] I was too wrapped up in myself. I looked at my hands, and sighed. I didn't recognize these hands anymore. [b]"Premonition, lower the damn gun. Just go. Before Gurt grabs you and throws you in here, just go. It's not worth it. It's meant to be this way, alright? Just run away and go help Rai and everyone else. You can't do crap for me, because even if you shoot Gurt, there's an entire base here. Just. Go."[/b] My voice had dropped to a deadly low, as if I could do something behind these bars. [b]"But, but...Engel...I can't just leave-"[/b] [b]Premonition[/b] stopped short as I rose to my feet. [b]"Just go, alright?!"[/b] My voice was like acid, and it seemed to corrode right through the bars. [b]Premonition[/b] nodded, and put the gun back in the fanny pack, before turning on heel and running. I turned my head to [b]Gurt.[/b] [b]"By the way, call me [b]Sachiel.[/b] [b]Engel[/b] is my status."[/b] I said rather stiffly, sitting back down and staring back into the calloused hands that weren't mine, but were mine anyway.[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1]I was at just the vantage point to see the confrontation of [b]Ezekiel[/b] and [b]Premonition.[/b] I sighed and leaned against the bars, calling out to [b]Ezekiel[/b] tauntingly. [b]"C'mon, Zeke. Don't you remember when we used to be pretty good friends? Before all this? And then you're not willing to let them take me? You don't even understand our cause. We're trying to make the world a more fun place, and not so...army-like, not so strict. Let me go, and I'll not harm anyone. You know I could kick your arseif I wanted to, even if you have that Mod-Rod in your hands,"[/b] I paused for a moment, and grinned wolfishly. [b]"But the bars are stopping me from doing that for now. It's not like I want to hurt a former friend anyway."[/b] Hooking my hands around the bars, I began to lean back, and just when I'd start to fall over, pull myself back. I'd always had an urge to keep moving at all times. Being locked up in a cell with a fellow Freedom Fighter and a scallywag "Counter-Terrorist" outside didn't change that fact.[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1][i]I wonder how I can take aspirin without water or something. I guess just swallow it.[/i] Putting the pill in my mouth, I swallowed quickly and glanced up at the giver of the headache reliever. [b]"Thanks, Mother."[/b] I said with a half smirk to myself, though I was thankful. After a moment, I spoke again, even though she'd left. I turned my head up to the camera that surveyed my room. [b]"Tell me, what kind of choices do you think I've made? Haven't you ever wondered what it's like to stir up a little chaos, to press a button and watch people squirm in unpleasant nervousness and writhe uncomfortably? I mean, yeah, I can be a nice, sweet kind of person. But who doesn't want to strike back at the world when it hands you lemons and tells you to make...I dunno...Coke-cola?"[/b] The aspirin would take a while to kick in. As long as I was a prisoner, I'd have time, though. No need to worry. Maybe someone would be coming to negotiate my release, and I could go back home and get some sleep. Obviously, they didn't plan on keeping me long, or just didn't care about their prisoners, as there was only hard concrete and metal bars around me.[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1][i]Dirty rotten bastards...bloody can't take me prisoner, then expect me to work for 'em. Neva' heard of the term, "cruel and unusual punishment", I guess.[/i] I closed my eyes and sighed, my head pounding like a gavel on a wood block. [b]"Can I get an asprin, or is that against prisoner rights in here?"[/b] I yelled, more than annoyed. When were my comrades going to arrive? Or did they leave me here to rot while they pushed forwards in their attacks? Snorting, I spat on the wall and stood up, leaning against the opposite wall. [b]"So I guess that's a no on the asprin?"[/b] Rambling on to no one but myself, I rubbed my head and sighed.[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1]So, it looks like I'm your unwilling prisoner. ... ... *Curls up in corner.* No more kicksies, please! But, hmm. Callsigns. Humorous. I don't know if I can be humorous. Any idea for a general theme?[/color][/size]