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[color=deepskyblue][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Alex Sapphire [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Alex has blue-white hair and a soft, smooth face. His deep sapphire eyes illimunate all of his world. Alex's lithe, but strong arms and legs are beautifully corresponded by a slightly tan complextion. His overall handsome face is torn by a large scar on his stomach. Alex stands about 5'10, and weights a smallish 134lbs. Gentle features are his forte, as he knows how to comfort. Alex wears a white t-shirt with a dark blue button up shirt that lays open on his chest. Alex's white cargo pants and white and red shoes correspond perfectly. Somtimes Alex will wear a normal blue shirt, with black cargo pants, a red button up shirt, and blue and white adias shoes. [b]Occupation:[/b] Du Do do...erm...how about: Heavy Labour for Accutemp Inc.? (They make steamers and griddles, go to Applebees and into the kitchen and you'll see) [b]Personality:[/b] Alex seems cold and indifferent to almost all of the people he's ever seen. However, owhen he's around good people, the cold exterior is torn away, you get to see the affectionate and passonate side of him, where his gentle side takes over and he helps you through your toughest time with a concerned face, but a warming smile also. Alex is a caretaker by nature, and he'll help out and save any animals that come his way, although he has no objection to fur coats, leather jackets or the like, or at least it seems. Alex has dealt with death, his own family deceased, and sickness, from his sister having been born with a severe lung cancer. Alex hardly stutters, even when afraid. His intelligence is more of that of his knowledge of the street, but he has a good head on his shoulders. [b]Bio:[/b] Blank, for now.[/color][/size] OOC: I Hope that's good enough.... ,
Well Jamie, I bet you could play Fujin and Rajin, Seifer's friends for a bit, until Irvine gets into the story.
Also, I talked to Reise on AIM, and he allowed me special access, to an extent, of GFs that Seifer will get. First of all, these are the GF's that I have decided he will have so far. -Gilgamesh- -Odin- -Phoenix- -Tonberry King- MADE UP GFs: -Nazearel: The Dark Entity, he is the brother of Diablos. He is Darkness/Fire element, a mix unlike most GFs. His Molten Soul does major D/F damage. -Azuerel: The Holy Entity, this is what Alexander (Third disc I think) was based off. He is Holy, and his Justice Spear does moderate H damage, but his abilites more than make up for that. That's all so far. Also, Sean said I am, if they are reasonible, to make up GFs for Seifer. I mean, I an't be the only one without a good GF team, can I? Note, all but TK are the "Special GFs" but for Seifer, they will work like normal GFs.
[color=royalblue][size=1]Alex shut his locker, blue white natural hair flowing. His ring with an Aquamarine shone as the sunlight hit it and bounced off in a wave of color. Jamie was walking to her Chemistry class, which was also his next class. It seemed that all dancers followed the same scedule. (We are all dances, right? If not, then I'll make use of the edit button). But he wasn't too sure on that. [b]"Hey, Jamie. Good job last night, huh? You got your homework?"[/b] He pulled out his Table of Elements they were told to make, all finished. He didn't have to use the book once. He smiled a warm smile and held the door open for her as Mr. Hogin's voice boomed across the classroom. [b]"DOES EVERYONE HAVE THEIR TABLE OF ELEMENTS?"[/b] His voice was tremendous. Alex sighed, handsome features going into a fake look of dispair. Jamie smiled, and he did too as he took his seat.[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]Seifer held his Gunblade in his right hand, stepping into the stony training pit. Looking around, he finally called out, holding up his hands, [b]"Come out, chicken ass!"[/b] Seifer began to grow impatient when Squall stepped out. His gunblade was also in his hands, and he looked severe as always. A slow grin crossed Seifer's face. [b]"Why so glum? Is it because you know I'm going to beat you? Then you're right."[/b] He held his left hand out, and put the Gunblade hand behind his back, and gave Squall the Bring it flick. Seifer flew forward, slashing for Squall's torso, and firing off the small explosive cartrige in the barrel. Feeling Squall's Gunblade meet his, he flew backwards and spoke, [b]"FIRE!"[/b] and a fireball sped from his hand at Squall.Not looking to see if it hit, he jumped to the side, and grinned a maddeningly superiour grin. [b]"Fight back, chicken boy!"[/b[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1][b]OOC:[/b] Every sign up looks good so far...we need five more people to start. (I'll be playing an Angel). I'll edit this when I get done with my sign up.[/color][/size] [color=slategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Alex Sapphire [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Alex is a mysterious young man, his silver hair feathered outwards, showing off his beautiful young face. Silver-blue eyes catch the eyes of many girls, but he pretends not to notice most of them. Most. Alex stands 5'10, and a good, thin but strong 134. Alex's complexion is about medium, a nice tan on him. For clothes, Alex wears usually the colors of blue, silver, green, or black. One of his favorite combonations are black and blue, reflecting the usual color of his soul. He also likes the silver green look, and the black and green. Blue and silver is his least used, but he likes it still. Alex's usual black and blue outfit is a simple black t-shirt, with the words in gangster esque font "Chicago" on it, another simple, but effective medium blue button up collar shirt that lays open. Black cargo pants that can zip off into shorts complete this outfit. For green silver, its pretty much the same, green the undershirt with the writing in scribbled like handwriting "I kidnapped myself and held ransom for one million dollars. And all I got was one million kicks in the *** and this T-shirt". And a silver button up shirt. However, the shorts/pants are white in this one. Black and green is the same as the above two, the writing on the green shirt "As a matter of fact, the world DOES revolve around me." Black overshirt, and black pants that zip off into shorts yet again take this. Blue and black...he wears a blue long sleeved shirt with no writing on it, and a black dress shirt, but not button up, over it, with a bit of a fancy collar. Alex wears a diamond post earing in one of his ears, and wears a black band around his right wrist. [b]Angel Appearance:[/b] Alex's wings unfold, three pairs of them, each a crimson visage. He looks rather like a Seraph, as his eyes turn a soft blue, and his silver hair becomes longer, but still feathers out. His black band turns into a black onyx stone, and seven more appear all around his arm. Alex's clothes change drasitcally. His usually white exculded clothes are purely that exact color. His undershirt is covered with angelic script which is in black, along with his overshirt. His pant-changing shorts are stiffer, but allow him to do more complex moves that can reqiure both flexiblilty and strength. [b]Weapon:[/b] [u]Seventh Heaven:[/u] A opal luster colored barbed longsword, the power of Tyrel flows though it. Its barbs are ment for ripping a wound open deeper, slicing though the thickest armor with ease. [b]Magic:[/b] Earth-[i]Magic born of Gaia, has control over Earth.[/i][/color][/size]
I got pain on my left I feel pleasure on my right I must step to the left To get to that very right Bitter lemon hurts me Bitter lemon refreshes And as far as I see People have sweet fetishes Monkeys swing for freedom Piranahs bite for life Monkey loses his life But gets some freedom's wife I loathe pain on my left I need pleasure on my right I must not step to the left I musst get to that very right I miss the comfort in being sad Rate, please.
[color=white][size=1]Leon raised his hand and said sarcasitcally, [b]"I am!"[/b] while looking around to see if anyone else was. Leon didn't look that carefully, but he didn't see anyone in the short time he looked. Leon didn't laugh at Emily, he found himself wishing no one else had. He didn't know why, in the past he would of just smiled and laughed inside, but that wasn't even there. He...no, he just knew it was a logical question. [b]"Well, at least we pretty much have the same taste in music. And...I'm glad you're my roomate, you seem pretty nice."[/b] Leon finished. His MP3 player was shut off, his full attention to her. He really was glad. The food seemed to come alive now, and he could taste it. Leon didn't really care for it though. [b]"I wonder if we have another roomie, who it'll be and if they aren't totall snobs..."[/b][/color][/size]
[color=white][size=1]Leon saw her attention shift to Jon, but he didn't mind. It was always like this. When her attention turned back to him, he decided to see what kind of music and things she liked. And if he and she might be roommates. [b]" Well, I probably seem pretty boring right now, but I'd like to know what kind of music you like. Maybe I have some songs I can let you listen to. If you ever wanna borrow something, I'll be happy to let you. Hey, Emily, what's your room number? Mine is...12G. Also, I don't mind if you go sit with Jon, I'm not that neat anyway, at least at the start of things."[/b][/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1][b]OOC:[/b] Thanks for holding Seifer for me, Sean [b]IC:[/b] [b]Name [/b]- Seifer Almasy [b]Age -[/b] 18 [b]Height[/b] - 168 cm [b]Weapon -[/b] Gunblade [b]Birthday -[/b] December 22 [b]Blood -[/b] B [b]Special Attack -[/b] Fire Cross Though Seifer is a talented and worthy fighter, his short fuse and lack of responsibility lost him the right to join SeeD. His jealousy for Squall's talent has made him extremely bitter and rambunctious. His rivalry against Squall feeds his endless ego and his need to be the best. Strangely enough, he bears the same scar Squall has on his face and is equipped with a gunblade as well. Seifer is a law enforcer at the Balamb Garden, assisted by Raijin and Fuujin. who are more servants than friends. When he and Squall fought, Seifer gave Squall his scar.[/color][/size] [IMG]http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members/memberpics/Seifer.jpg[/IMG]
[color=slategray][size=1]As Ryan lay on the white table, he looked up at Sammi and smiled, red rimming his mouth. [b]"Thanks, Sammi...I'm glad...I could stick...up for you."[/b] He was having trouble breathing, that's why his speach was spread out. She looked down at him, [b]"I'm just surpised you'd get your nose all smashed up for some stupid joke about my chest size."[/b] The nurse walked in, and clicked her tounge. [b]"Another case of school violence...Ryan, who hit you?"[/b] Ryan's nose started bleeding freely again, all over his white shirt. He clutched his nose, and said, abiet a bit muffled, [b]"Nathan Greener...."[/b] Sammi looked at him again, with...concern? Maybe warmness? He didn't know. He clutched for her hand, whispering, [b]"Please stay, you take away the pain."[/b][/color][/size]
[color=royalblue][size=1][b]Name:[/b]Alex Sapphire [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Alex has blue-white hair like [URL=http://goldensun.intellos.net/Alex2.gif]this guy's hair[/URL] and a soft, smooth face. His deep sapphire eyes illimunate all of his world. Alex's lithe, but strong arms and legs are beautifully corresponded by a slightly tan complextion. His overall handsome face is torn by a large scar on his stomach. Alex wears a white t-shirt with a dark blue button up shirt that lays open on his chest. Alex's white cargo pants and white and red shoes correspond perfectly. [b]Personality:[/b] Alex seems cold and indifferent to almost all of the people he's ever seen. However, owhen he's around girls, the cold exterior is torn away, you get to see the affectionate and passonate side of him, where his gentle side takes over and he helps you through your toughest time with a concerned face, but a warming smile also. When Alex is dealing with bullies or stuck up punks, his cool side takes over. He lets them know he's sticking up for people, and he lets them know he's better. The last side of his is his most fearsome, when you anger him, which takes a lot, he looses control and beats the crap out of you, bloodying his fists if nessicary. That's the warning. There is no second offense. [b]Clubs:[/b] Latin, Needs to look at underground,[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]”Be you an angel?” Epsitus asked, stunned. “Nay,” Tetsuo called out to the distant lights, its twisted faced almost terrified of the majin that stood before it. “I am but a man.” Tetsuo declared and unsheathed his great blade, holding it under his chin, his right holding to the hilt while the edge rested peacefully on his palm. Never before and nevermore would the shimmer of steel look so beautiful in Tetsuo’s eyes. Their reflection seemed to smile an endless symphony of cheers to him, and in the front row stood a fair-haired angel. “It has been a long, lonesome road, Epsitus, and it has come to the end.” Tetsuo smiled back to them all, looked back up to the shapeless deity, and nodded. “Give my regards to them all, you’ll met them soon enough.” “No!” The demon echoed through the empty space. Its red glow flared with some incomprehensible will and its voice boomed across the plain. “I’ll eat your soul!” Tetsuo untied the sheath from his sash, tossing it into the parched wasteland, a cloud of dust rising up in weightless distortion. “Let you be learned, we mortals were not your marionettes. Now,” Tetsuo glared at the inferno as his armor fell from his body. The red plates’ straps torn their fibers and became undone, collapsing into the desert. Tetsuo rested his sword at his right side and reached up with his left hand, reached up to his hair tie, and gently pulled the threads. With a wave, his white hair flowed out down his back. Tetsuo let the ribbon fall from his hand, floating softly onto the land. “So then, let you arduous existence be done with.” Tetsuo said, feeling through his hair down his shoulders. The cloth of his robe felt soft for the first time in a long time on his body. He lifted the katana, its edge humming with gentle white noise, the applause settled. Tetsuo whispered with an individual intensity. “Okay.” Tetsuo let his feet go ahead of him, one slow step at a time. His pace began to pick up, his pace through the sand growing ever fainter until he no longer even seemed to touch the ground. Like dark streak across the ruins he moved, sword held over his left. His eyes locked onto the shade in the sky, and with blanket of flames, he leapt. Space passed by him in moments, stars racing by in blurs of light. “It will not be so easy, demon man!” Epsitus shouted and a wave of red pulsed from it. Like a brick wall, Tetsuo smashed into it, blowing him back, tumbling through the void. The crimson tide came over Tetsuo, and images flooded his mind. Tetsuo looked to his hands, as fleshed rotted, the skin peeling layers. “You cannot possibly comprehend the true form of this attack!” Epsitus mocked him in his diabolical tone, raping away at Tetsuo’s mind. The bodies of children cooking in the farms as the barbarians raided the lands. Christian knights hacked through fathers guarding their homes with pitchforks, spilling their blood onto thirsty soil. Black men and women hung from trees like some rotten fruit, crowds of jubilous people standing under. Women lay beaten and violated on cold cement floors, soldiers standing as silhouettes in doors. A young boy sits in an alley rocking back and forth, as he felt his bare bones through his paper like skin. A man stood blindfolded before a row of soldiers, guns raised, a cloud of smoke erupted from the barrels at the fall of a sword, and the man dropped. Tetsuo trembled only slightly as he regained his wits. What is done, is done. “It is tragic.” Epsitus responded with a weakening resolve. Tetsuo’s spirit to his hollow eyes seemed to burn greater then before, as the ray of fire came flying to him. With a flash of light, his vision split, and his life scattered to the ends of the universe.[/color][size=1] [color=royalblue][size=1]And from Tetsuo's sacifrice, along with Epsitus' demise, Angels and Demons were once again multiplying. From these new lives, new wars were stared, the most noteworthy and the final, the Thousand Year War. It was started over controverices of Trade Routes between Angels, Demons, and Humans. The three sides grew mad, but in the end, Humanity was the most sane. They joined with the Angels, and succeded in driving back the demons. However, when the demons died, their souls that they had consumed turned into one. This One split into five, and vowed to retake the world from Humans and Angels 2000 years from them.Or more accurately, the year 2005. They would possess five different humans, and take over the capital strongpoints. Little The Angels, seeing this threat, did the same, but to help Humanity. The Five Archangels would do the same as the Demons, but instead of infesting humans, they would be reborn as them. Now, its 2005, and Hell has worked its evil seeds into the Five Children. The angels have been reborn already, and are in "High School". @@~~@@~~@@~~ Alright, you'll be playing as either an Angel or a Demon. Five for each. We all go to Caroll High. [b]SIGN UPS!:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] keep it modern. [b]Age:[/b] 14-18 [b]Gender:[/b]...nuff said [b]Appearance:[/b] Picture or good description. [b]Angel Appearance/Demon Appearance:[/b] Doesn't have to have wings, but one rule. Angels can't look very demonic, and Demons can't look very angelic. [b]Weapon:[/b] PIck a weapon, but it must be a hand to hand item, or a bow/crossbow. It can have an element. [b]Element:[/b] Earth: Magic born of Gaia, has control over earth. Fire: Magic born of Tiamat, has control over fire Water/Ice: Magic born of Shiva, has control over Ice and Water Wind: Magic born of Jupiter, has control of Thunder and Wind. Light: (Angel only) Magic born of Tyrel, the Highest archangel. Has control of holy powers Darkness: (Demon only) Magic born of Baal, the highest Demon Prince. Has control of hellish powers. That's all, folks. No bio, better for character development. About Elements, you'll learn youir spells for it later.[/color][/size]
[color=white][size=1]Leon's first lesson had gone quietly as he watched people introduce himself. No one greeted him. He looked at the posh boy, Imric, and Emily, and Jon, everyone who said their name. He decided to get in with their group. They seemed to level each other out. Leon's food wasn't bad, but it seemed like it had no flavor. As he sampled it, he walked over to where Emily was, and sat down. [b]I'm Leon. You might've noticed me in the back of the room last time. I just...people look at my forehead like I'm some sort of freak. So, sorry if I seemed a little rude when everyone was socializing last time."[/b] The small computer was playing his music, The Who's "Dust in the Wind", then Three Day's Grace "I hate everything about you." He turned if off, incase Emily wanted to talk. [i]I can't believe this news today...I can't close my eyes and make it go away...how long must we sing this song, how long, how long-ong-ong-ong?[/i] Leon quietly recited in his head.[/color][/size]
[color=slategray][size=1]Ryan stumbled into the classroom, a torrent of blood on his shirt. One of the bigger kids in the earlier class jumped on top of him, and punched him in the nose again. Ryan's blood was coving his shrit and pants, but he got up, slowly at first, but fueled by rage. Ryan lashed out at Nathan's chest, his hand stinging the air as his knuckles met Nathan's chest, which was enough to make him flee as he fell backwards. Ryan, fell to the ground, and the whole Englsih class turned around. Sammi looked at everyone's faces and said, [b]"WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE?! HELP HIM! FINE, I'LL GET HIM!"[/b] She left her seat, and knelt next ot him. [b]"Are you ok, Ryan?"[/b] Ryan looked at her with pained eyes and slowly shook his head. [b]"Class...you...Nathan...I shut...him up. For you.[/b]" Ryan tried to get up, and leaned on Sammi for support as she helped him to the nurses office.[/color][/size]
[color=royalblue][size=1] [b]Posision:[/b] Best Friend [b]Name:[/b] Nazurel [b]Name:[/b]Alex Sapphire [b]Nickname:[/b] Neptune [b]Appearance:[/b] Alex has blue-white hair like [URL=http://goldensun.intellos.net/Alex2.gif]this guy's hair[/URL] and a soft, smooth face. His deep sapphire eyes illimunate all of his world. Alex's lithe, but strong arms and legs are beautifully corresponded by a slightly tan complextion. His overall handsome face is torn by a large scar on his stomach. Alex wears a white t-shirt with a dark blue button up shirt that lays open on his chest. Alex's white cargo pants and white and red shoes correspond perfectly. [b]Personality:[/b] Alex seems cold and indifferent to almost all of the people he's ever seen. However, once the cold exterior is torn away, you get to see the affectionate and passonate side of him, where his gentle side takes over and he helps you through your toughest time with a concerned face, but a warming smile also. When Alex is dealing with bullies or stuck up punks, his cool side takes over. He lets them know he's sticking up for people, and he lets them know he's better. The last side of his is his most fearsome, when you anger him, which takes a lot, he looses control and beats the crap out of you, bloodying his fists if nessicary. That's the warning. There is no second offense. [b]Bio:[/b] One thousand years ago...Alex was born a Child of the Covanent. A demonic angel, bore by an angel and a demon who loved each other enough. His 'cursed' and 'blessed' aura led many people away from him. Alex was torn between sides. Join the Angels, or join the Demons? He chose Angels. Alex fought for them, and was gifted with Neptune, a sword matching his personality after proving his worth. In the end, however, Alex could not complete one of his missions. He was sent to kill the Dark Angel, the Ex Archangel. When he cought up to her, he dropped his blade, and a tear fell from his eye as he spilled his rage and fear. He left the Dark Angel to be, having confided in her. When Alex returned to Heaven, he learned of their fowl ways and misgoings. They raped him of his wings, and he fled, taking the bloodied wings with him, along with Neptune. ~~~~~~~~~````~~~~~~~```` Alex was the child of an abusive couple. However, the scar on his stomach was not of their beatings. He was born with it. It grew as he grew. His 'parents' beat him regularly, but when he lashed out and broke his 'father's' spine, he fled. As Alex was in the alleys, he saw a small glint of a piece of metal. He pulled on the piece of metal, wrapping his hands in his shirt and pulling out...Neptune. It felt familiar to him for some reason...he self trained himself with it before getting lessons. Alex paied for his own education, and is great in school.[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] The fruit of an hour's work!
[color=darkred][size=1]Seifer Seifer Sefier...my hero. I was kind of hoping (Since none of the avatars in my last topic worked) that someone could make me a Seifer (From Final Fantasy VIII (8)) avatar and banner. On the avatar, I'd like the words "Heaven Or Hell?" and on the banner, "Dark Night...Darker Knight." I could, if needed, supply some pics, but they probably won't be the best. Thanks in advance.[/color][/size]
[color=white][size=1]Leon's black and silver Diablo Lambougini pulled into the parking lot, the silver text "Lionheart" and a pic of a lionhead in silver on the ther other side. Students mostly ignored it, but a few looked at it. His head peaked out from the gaping wound of the open door, and all the heads turned as his scar became visible. [b]"Shove off, people. You don't need to gape at my head."[/b] They turned around, and went to their normal activites. Stepping out, Leon walked to the front of the school to see where he was assigned. They told him vauge directions, and so he had another student help him. The girl led him up to where his room was, and said goodbye with a sweet smile. He smiled back, and swung the door open. It was a nice room, very nice. He saw no signs that anyone had been there before, so he set his stuff down as he watched a figure walk in the door next to his. Soon after, another boy entered, and the door shut. The same girl from before came up, and told him something. [b]"I don't really know, but you might have a roommate. Stupid teachers...making me a little messenger girl. By the way, my name's Marrisa. Ask for me if you need any help."[/b] Leon listened to this, and then told her, [b]"Alright then...my name's Leon. Leon Lionheart. See you later, I guess."[/b] She left with a little grin, as though the prospect of meeing this handsome figure pleased her.[/color][/size]
[color=white][size=1][b]"Oh yeah, ok whatever..."[/b] Jacob sighed. No one gave a shit about him. As he looked around the palled walls, he saw Cindy and Sheldon. Her back was bleeding, and his head had stopped. Jacob walked over to her, and tore of a strip of his shirt that had already been torn, started to tear another off when he asked, [b]"Are you OK?"[/b] He tied the strips together, looked at his shirt. It didn't matter, because he knew-from experiance-that even the smallest cuts can get really nasty and infected. Looking at Sheldon, he realized that he hadn't noticed him with a pang of guilt. As the dirty cell was lit in the light of the moon, he saw bodies of small rodents and other things laied in a star shape, the blood forming the outside. Jacob shivered, and told Sheldon, [b]"Did you know you were that near [i]that[/i]?"[/b] Jacob realized it was some sort of Satanic Ritual. A small figure lay in the middle, bite marks visible on the neck, arms, and legs. It was a small boy.[/color][/size]
[color=slategray][size=1]Ryan sighed to get rid of the laughter that was rising in his throat. He looked over at Sammi, and smiled. He sat right next to her, and often talked to her. His wife beater showed off his features underneah a light blue opened button up shirt. He doodled a small sketch of a guy with shocked features and a another with a giant sweat drop and threw it to Sammi. He did like her, but was afriad to admit it. He'd had some bad experiences with love before. Ryan remembered when it was almost him last time. He wouldn't draw the picture, unless Sean was going to take up his offer on burning all the pictures. He set to work.[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]How about...a darkish green? BTW, thanks Jamie for making one for me. I can't seem to think of any other color...[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]Oy, I'm gonna sound like a pest, but could you make one for me too? I don't know how or I would.[/color][/size]
[color=slategray][size=1]Conner opened the door to the car, and got in while turning the key. They had a large workshop at their house, and used it for many different things. Conner thought it was a good idea, so he increased his speed slightly to get there faster. When the workshop door opened, and Conner parked the car, it was time to get started. Spencer turned on all the lights and etc, while Conner got out all the blades and stuff they had collected over the years. They were both avid sword freaks, you could say. Laying out the swords, Conner opened the Gun Safe and pulled out two Sig Sauer handguns. [b]"Hey Spence, hand me the welding mask and the drill."[/b] Reciving these tools, Conner set to work on a blade that was in a scalene triangle shape, long across the top and bottom, but different lenghts and shorter where-where-the handle was supposed to be. It had three holes in it, and it looked rather neat. He put the drill bit in that was the same size as the barrel of a Sig Sauer, and managed to drill a perfect hole though the bottom of the blade so that the bullet could travel though.[/color][/size][color=darkred][size=1] [i]At 7:00[/i] Spencer loaded the newly made Gunblade into the Gun Safe and locked it in. Checking his watch, he saw that it was Seven, and he motioned for Conner to come on and get going. He was proud of their work. When they wanted to do something, they did it. [i]7:22[/i] Spencer got out of the car, and saw shapes moving in the house. A flash of Alexis' face told him he was at the right place. He went to the door, and knocked on it.[/color][/size]
[b]OOC:[/b] Conner will be in [color=slategray]silver[/color] and Spencer in [color=darkred]Dark Red.[/color][color=slategray][size=1] Conner watched Alexis, Jacob, and Imric talk, and downing another drink. It always bugged him, they didn't recognize him, one of the guys who had saved their ass that one time and many before with Spencer. [b]"Is 7:30 ok with you?"[/b] Conner overheard that, and tapped Spencer on the shoulder, telling him the time. Spencer nodded and went back to his lyrics for a new song.[/color][/size] [color=darkred][size=1]Spencer looked over at the group, and smiled inwardly. [i]So, little bro, I guess you'll be seeing me again very soon. I'm happy to see you've still got your friends.[/i] Spencer got tired of writing lyrics, and turned to a drawing of a Gunblade he was doing. [i]Hmm...maybe Conner and I should try to build one of these. It certainly is possible. See, if we take a gun, preferibly a Sig Sauer, and take a metal blade, and tunnel a hole though the metal, and attach it to the gun barrel...[/i] He decided to tell Conner what they were going to do until 7:30. The band had been under attack by local bands who knew that CS were taking all the buisness, and they had been forced to carry handguns. [b]"Hey, Conner, let's go. Look at this."[/b] Conner looked at it, and nodded with a grin. Spencer scribbled something down on a piece of paper, and dropped it into Alexis' lap as he left. [i]Tell Sean that S.G will be swinging 'round your place...I know the address.[/i][/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] >_< I forgot you were telling who to post. Should I leave this or delete it?
[color=white][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Leon Lionheart [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://img9.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img9&image=squall6.jpg] Leon wears non baggy black pants. He has a necklace with a lion head on it in pure silver.[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Leon is the cool, but cold guy. In other words, when Leon is sticking up for people, his cool and uncaring demeanor agaitates the people who were messing with him. His cold side, that what is displayed most often. He's not the really social type, and seems to be lost in thought most of the time. He's a great listener, though. Many girls come to him with their problems, and this is when his third side shows. He'll hug them, comfort them, and try to help them as best as he can. [b]Bio:[/b] Leon came from a well repsected family, they were honorable and kind. However, this didn't really rub off onto Leon, because his family kept him isolated from everyone else. His sister, Valentine, was his only company. That was how his soft side for girls fostered. The way he got his scar was when his parents shut him in thier own little asylum, he resisted, and his father grabbed a knife and slashed his face. This led Leon to break out, and esapce with his beloved Valentine. They found a house for rent, as Leon was old enough to work then. His education hasn't suffered, and he has paied for himself. [b]Lessons:[/b] English Lit Calc. Math Biology Latin [b]Extra:[/b] OCC: You left off football team... Manga Club Basketball Team.[/color][/size]