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Everything posted by Engel

  1. [color=royalblue][size=1][b]"And yet you're standing here, ready to loll my head on the floor. Tell me this, so called [i]sane[/i] one; have you seen blood, felt it across your fingers, the warmness? Have you ever felt the power to give life and take it away? We, simply, are acting as pawns of death I'm afraid. They say nature is cold. They say nature is indifferent. They say nature doesn't care. Most don't realize that death is always a natural cause. In the fact that nature made us, and nature takes us again. Death is as natural as life. Its the Yin and Yang."[/b] Ren spoke like a prophet. He knew it was that way. Death wasn't cold, it was nature. Life is merely a blink of an eye compared to eternity. [b]"Rave...Raven, I have no way of knowing what she's feeling. She might just be my friend, or she might feel more. I don't know. I just know its hard to stop..."[/b] Ren fell of the couch, slumping into a ball and shivering with sobs. He never broke down.[/color][/size]
  2. [color=royalblue][size=1]Ren looked at her, and slowly backed towards the house, but keeping the broom handle in his hand. As the couch drew nearer, he sat down, and cast the pole aside. In a quiet voice, he asked angered, [b]"Why didn't you want me to stay up? I only....don't you believe in me?"[/b] Ren finished the last of it with a hurt tone. [b]"Gary, why are you so mad at me and Rave? I'll go in peace if she wishes, but if you try to harm us for some insane reason..."[/b][/color][/size]
  3. [color=royalblue][size=1]Ren sighed as the switchblade was almost at his neck. He didn't want to hurt Gary, but he would. He hadn't been taking Lu Sueng Style Rod and gymnatics for nothing. [b]"Put the damn blade down, Gary. I can put your ass on the floor and you know it."[/b] Ren cought Gary by suprise, doing a backflip, knocking the blade out of hands, then grabbing a broom, twisting the handle off. The end was capped with metal, and was thick and hard. Ren dashed in front of Raven, and called out, [b]"Just give up and I won't hurt you. Don't threaten me or Rave and just talk."[/b][/color][/size]
  4. [color=royalblue][size=1][b]OOC:[/b] 1) Skills can be to the Thundara, Fira, Blizzara level. That's really the only way I can gauge it. I'll just tell you if you should change it. 2) You could be an Assassin for all I care. I just said to choose one starting class. It can be anything besides Judge or Judgmaster unless I deem it good enough. [b]IC:[/b] [b]Name:[/b]Prince Mewt Randell [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.ffextreme.com/ffta/artwork/19.jpg]The Prince in all his glory[/URL] [b]Starting Class:[/b] Runeseeker/Fighter [b]Weapon:[/b] Avyur Red: The right handed blade weilded by the hero Gaol. Sequence: The legendary sword has slept for centuries...now it lives. [b]Starting Abilities:[/b] A-1: Air Render: Releases agression. Can damage targets at distances. A-2: Ultima Charge: A sword attack born from Ultima Magic. S: Double Sword R-Reflex: Allows prediction and evasion of simple attacks [b]Bio:[/b] I'll get this up later. [b]NOTE:[/b] Mewt is stronger because I'm going to use him to make sure you don't get out of hand. But he will be my character.[/color][/size]
  5. [color=royalblue][size=1]Ren got up, and helped up Raven with a warm hand. He kissed her lightly, then visibly blushed. He didn't know why he did. [b]"I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that."[/b] He led her out of the theatre, and to the car. [b]"What should we do now, Rave?"[/b] He looked at her, with an affectionate look. He really did like...or was it love? He didn't know. He just continued to wonder. He turned on the radio, hearing the music and sighing. It always relaxed him. Maybe....maybe they didn't need to kill tonight. No stealing, no death, just a good time. He needed to put up the gloves, at least for today.[/color][/size]
  6. [color=royalblue][size=1]Ren sighed as he felt his arm around her. He never had been a soothsayer to anyone, but this was different. He...cared for her. More than anyone. He remembered the faint taste of the fowl air on his tounge from when he got home and woke up the next morning. He knew they needed to stop...but blood was like cigarettes. It hooked you, and could kill you. He pulled her closer to him. She seemed so cold. Surely she wouldn't mind? He watched the movie, but since he didn't know what the plotline was because he was too worried for Rave, he wasn't paying much attention. [b]"Rave....you know, you're the only one to see me this careing. You...I...maybe I should just stop talking. But you bring out the good in me."[/b][/color][/size]
  7. [color=royalblue][size=1][b]Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Eternal Dreams[/b] [i] An Ancient Book... Long before Noah built his ark, the tales tell of an ancient land called Kiltia... a world where swords and sorcery reigned. Its learning and power were swept away in the great flood, but one clue to its secrets remained: an ancient book known as the Gran Grimoire, hidden in darkness by the powers that once were. It is not certain how many copies of the book still exist, but it is said that whoever should hold one holds the power to change the world. Many lived out their days searching the world for surviving copies, but none were ever found. It was an illusion, they said. A myth - but one worth dying for. "I want this world to change for good. I want to see Final Fantasy, the world of swords and magic" Once crowded with merchants, the small country town of Ivalice has since become rustic. Amongst a row of dilapidated buildings is a second hand bookseller. Within it, lost in time, a book rests. Untouched by hands for many years, in the book firmly shut are strange unreadable characters which record some unknown history. One day, accidentally, a lonely boy found that book. And with his thoughts turned the normal countryside town of St. Ivalice into the world of "Ivalice", a world of law and chaos....[/i] Though vigilance and perserverance, Marche sucessfully broke the Five World Crystals, and defeated the Li-Grim, turning the world back to its original self. The Gran Grimoire lays ladden in dust on Mewt's shelf as Marche, Ritz, Donald, and Mewt played Final Fantasy on the Playstation. [b]"Hey, Mewt, your turn!"[/b] Ritz handed Mewt the controller, and turned to where teh Gran Grimoire lay. She sighed. She no longer dyed her hair, but she didn't need to. It had stayed red. She was joyous. But she so wanted the magical world to come back. When everyone was going down for lunch, she swiped the Gran Grimoire off the shelf, and stuffed it into her bag. [i]Later that night...[/i] Ritz lay on her bed, leafing thought the pages quietly. She transfixed her mind on wanting to make the world go back to Ivalice the country, not the town. Ritz's head slowly drooped, and she fell asleep... The world changed in the blanket of night, and once again was the world of Swords and Sorcery. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Alright, the task is to find the World Threads and destroy them once again...only there's something different. They are hidden in five young children, the Li-Grim in a sixth. The question is, can you kill six innocent children in order to go home? [b]SIGN UP SHEET:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Can be old, can be new [b]Age:[/b] 13+ [b]Gender:[/b] Nuff said. [b]Race:[/b] Viera, Human, Bangaa, Moogle, Nu Mou. [b]Appearance:[/b] Oldish clothes, please. [b]Starting Class:[/b] Choose a starting class. It can be any class from FFTA besides Judge or Jugdemaster, unless I deem it good enough. [b]Weapon:[/b] Choose one weapon. You have to make it match to your class. Also, not too strong. [b]Starting Abilies:[/b] Choose two A-Abilites, one support, and one R-Ability. Explanation of Abilites: A-Abilites: Each class specializes in something different. Paladins learn holy techniques, while Black Mages learn Fire, Thunder, Ice, etc. These are attack or support. S-Abilites: Stuff like Weapon Def/Atk+ and Learning. Its basically just a support ability which helps in combat. Reaction Ability: Things like Reflex, which lets you dodge common attacks like a sword slash or Return Fire, which lets you catch arrows and toss them back. [b]Bio:[/b] What you have done (if anything) in Ivilace and about your home life. G'day, mates. Yunsung[/color][/size]
  8. [color=royalblue][size=1]Ren hugged her close, then opened the door for her. He did care for her. She was one of the few to see his affectionate side. With a pang of guilt as he realized he [i]had[/i] deserted her. [b]"I'm sorry, Rave. I was an ass. I shouldn't be thinking of only myself...and I'm sorry because you don't have anyone but me and the gang...heh...I'm turning soft..."[/b] He let her climb inside, and then went to the other side, sitting on the seat and turning the key. [b]"What movie should we go see? Or do you just wanna chill at my place for a while, then go? My M&D won't be home for two-three days, a big sellout thingy I guess."[/b][/color][/size]
  9. [color=royalblue][size=1]Ren heard the slam of the phone, and was immediatley on his feet. He needed to apologize, and he needed her, and she probably needed him. He knew he needed to quit..and so many had found out. He hauled ass to the living room, grabbed the keys, and was in the Benz and on the way to her house. Ren pounded on the door, yelling, [b]"RAVE! OPEN UP! I'm here..."[/b][/color][/size]
  10. [color=darkred][size=1][b]OOC:[/b] *Smiles* I can bend the rules for you. [b]IC:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Zachariah Ethen (goes by Zach) [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b][URL=http://www.bloody-roar.com/en/img/chara/yugo/profile_yugo.jpg]Ignore text....[/URL] [b]Weapon:[/b] A red and gold handled Won-Dao, a bladed staff. [b]Magic:[/b] [i]Roc Blast:[/i] Sends a pillar of flaming earth at the enemy. [b]Angel Appearance:[/b] Add two red and golden wings, and loose the gloves.[/color][/size]
  11. [color=royalblue][size=1]Ren walked out of school, chewing a piece of Big Red and looking around. he sighed. The was never anything to do. He ambled to the bus, thinking about today. Pulling a manga out from his bookbag, he began to read it. It was D.N.Angel. He finished it, with an hour to go. The bus ride home sucked. His parents wouldn't buy him a car. Ren pulled out a gameboy advance SP, putting FFTA in and playing, looking at girls, his fierce stare somehow attractive. He turned off the machine, and quickly got of the bus as it arrived at his large house. Ren dropped of his stuff, grabbed a purple Sobe Synergy, and stepped out, ready to go and hook up with the gang.[/color][/size]
  12. [color=royalblue][size=1]Raskei cought the pole, and thought back to the woods...[b]"Alright, agreed."[/b] Then, without warning, he ran swiftly at Valxa, gripping the pole with his left hand at the top, reaching Valxa, and holding the body of it as he suddenly slammed his hand down on the top of the pole, making it come up in an uppercut fashion. Keramon watched with interest. His antenne slightly swung around as he shifted his head over to Labramon. [b]"Labramon, I see...I'm not an idiot, all digimon are fluent in several languages. We got this info from Devimon's Castle in the Tropical Forest."[/b][/color][/size]
  13. [color=darkred][size=1][b]Dark Sunset: Crimson Clarity[/b] [i]The wings are white, with crystals of ice, and frozen roses so red. Roses of blood from an innocent soul, on the plain lies an angel, dead.[/i] So is the fate of Tyrel the angel, as he lay frozen in time, forever hidden in shadows of the past, drifting into the oblivious forgencies of humanity. Andrognyous voices spoke of him in lores of fate, but now they are silenced. The gears of fate turn now, and dark forces are set into motion to take the body of Tyrel the Archangel and invade Earth and rule over the seas with crimson tides. [i]On earth in a large high school...[/i] Several students gathered in the Commons and begun to discuss daily life, and the boring tendencies of school. However, on that day they would be pulled from their original lifes, and into chaos. [b][u][i]Sign ups:[/b][/u][/i] Note: I'm only accepting five Angels, and four demons. Angel sign up: [b]Name:[/b] Modern names [b]Age:[/b] 14-17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male or Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Pic or good description [b]Weapon/s:[/b] One to two weapons, have to be a bow or a meele weapon, so really just no guns. [b]Magic:[/b] Choose one spell to start with [b]Angel Appearance:[/b] Pic or description. Nuff said. Demon Sign Up: [b]Name:[/b] Any kind of name [b]Age:[/b]14+ [b]Gender:[/b] Nuff Said. [b]Appearance:[/b] Pic or good description [b]Magic:[/b] Pick two starting spells [b]Weapons:[/b] One to start with. NOTE: Bios are optional, I feel no bios make it easier for character development. G'night, Yunsung. (Spencer) [/color][/size]
  14. [color=royalblue][size=1]Keramon saw Valxa and Labramon walk towards them, and woke Raskei up, getting ready to attack before he realized it was Valxa. He let the attack linger in his mind, for future use. Raskei stood up, and walked over to Valxa. [b]"What are you doing here...you're a digidestined."[/b] Raskei eyed her up and down, and called Keramon over. [b]"My purpose is to kill the digidestined..to kill you. I'm sorry, but that's the way it its"[/b] He looked at Valxa, waiting for a response.[/color][/size]
  15. [color=royalblue][size=1]Ren walked away, pissed off. She had completely blown him off. He heard what she had said, but he didn't care. How many people knew about it wasn't the question. It was how many they could take care of. He slammed his locker shut, and hauled ass to his next cllass, Language. He sat behind Justeen, a girl he really liked, and scribbled something down before his teacher went onto the next notes. [i]Hey, J. What you doing? I'm bored....bleh. Meet me at lunch, ok? [b]Lenny (call me Ren)[/b][/i] She smiled, blond hair whipping as she turned to chalk board to write down the new series of notes, finishing with a return on the letter.[/color][/size][font=fixeydys][color=magenta][size=1][i] ^_^ Ok Ren. I'm bored too...yeah, I'll see you at lunch. Justeen (you can call me June...my middle name.)[/font][/color][/size][/i][color=royalblue][size=1] Ren grinned and set back to work, then going on and reading his book. The bell rang, and he got up, stuffing his stuff in his locker and walking out to the Cafeteria.[/color][/size]
  16. [color=royalblue][size=1][i]The forest...it called out to Raseki like a mother to a child, ready to take him into her warm embrace.[/i] Raseki shook off the feeling, or at least tried to as he walked with Keramon, who's tendril legs were pulling him across the digital grass with suprising speed. Raseki changed the course, heading into the forest. [b]"Raskei?"[/b] Keramon asked, one thin, strong hand pulling on his sleeve. The hand, to most, would feel like the touch of death, clammy and cold. But to Raskei, it felt warm and joyful. [b]"Yeah, Keramon?"[/b] Raskei was only nice around Keramon, not around anything else. Keramon pointed with a lithe bluish grey arm to a good spot to rest. [b]"Raskei, I think we should rest. None of the other digidestined should make it here, but I'll be on guard to make sure."[/b] Raskei nodded, taking of his leather jacket and falling against the tree. [i]Child of Fate...Keepers....destroy.[/i] Those were his dosing thoughts as he drifted off into unrestful sleep. [b]OOC:[/b] Get ready...go![/color][/size]
  17. [color=royalblue][size=1]XD, this brings back some memories... Once when I was in fifth grade, I wore a shirt that said, "I'm Bart Simpson, who the hell are you?" because this one teacher was making me mad because when I didn't have my binder because I left it in my locker he made me have saturday school. Needless to say, me=troubleĀ². Four Sat schools and a before school detention. I'm not sure I wanna share anymore...[/color][/size]
  18. [color=royalblue][size=1][b]"Last night...I feel like something happened. I can't recall anything though. Don't you feel the same way? Or is your head cold stuffing all of your thoughts into a giant nonsense ball?"[/b] Ren snapped at the end, reverting back to his originall self for a moment, even though she was his friend. He sighed, and leaned against a pillar of cold stone, eyes unrestful. He never got much sleep even before he hanged around with Raven and the others. [/color][/size]
  19. [color=royalblue][size=1][b]OOC:[/b] Erm...you and I are in History, Delirium, Phoenix, and MerhLich are in art along with Crucifix, and Demios is in science. If I got anything wrong, sue me. (kidding, tell me if I did) [b]IC:[/b] Ren returned the wave, and quickly slided into an empty seat next to Raven. His fingers ran the pencil over the paper, marking down answers here and there as he thought about Raven. He knew he needed to tell her something, but would it have to wait until third period, or later, like lunch? He looked at her, and sighed. He didn't know when to...sooner or later, he'd have to. He better get it off his mind now. [b]"Erm, Raven, can I talk to you?"[/b][/color][/size]
  20. [color=royalblue][size=1]Ren sighed, and ran off to class after getting his his locker, 308, and picking up his stuff for History. He sat in his seat right as the bell tinged its little jaunt, and the teacher, Mr.Lochmuler, came in. Ren looked around for Raven, but Mr. L started talking, his voice no longer androgynous form his sinus allergies. [b]"If you'd like to take out your text book and turn to 257, we can get started."[/b] Ren sighed, reaching down. He craved solitude with only his friends to keep him company. That couldn't always happen in school. Mr. Lochmuler wasn't the worst teacher, but he wasn't the best. He cracked bad jokes most of the time, and was a bit of a worrywort, along with his major leitient streak on schoolwork. [i]You fool...we're doing nothing and you're passing us. Like Fredrick The Great said, you must make your soliders fear you more than your enemies' bullets.[/i] Ren said nothing of this aloud, though. [i]Where are you, Raven? I wanna talk to you...[/i] He sighed, and set to work on reading the pages.[/color][/size]
  21. [color=royalblue][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Lenny Satatsi, Ren to his friends (mainly the Chaotic Club) [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Role:[/b] Member of Chaotic Club [b]Codename:[/b] Upsilion [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://img3.exs.cx/img3/3606/Ren.jpg]Ren[/URL]. His eyes are a deep blue, though. Those are his night clothes. Day Clothes: A white T-shirt with a blue button up shirt over it, baggy white cargo jeans are what his favorite is. Sometimes he wears blue jeans with several zip up pockets, and a black shirt with long sleeves, with flame designs on the sleeves that are a cool blue, with a white T-shirt. Ren wears white Nike shoes with red strips on the side. [b]Bio:[/b] Lenny was raised in a ramshakle house where food was never enough and his clothes were ripped and torn. That led for Ren to be resentful, but he managed to keep it in check. As he was coming home from school one day, backpack falling apart, he got a shock. His parents had died, and he was sent to an orphange. He doesn't know why they died, but it was most likely the heroin they used, which explained the lack of money. After being in the orphange for a year, he was adopted by a rich couple with no other children. They spoiled him with different things like clothes, computers, and various other things. For once, he knew what living was like. He grew friendlier, but he grew colder in a sense. He never knew why...but he always pushed that out of his mind... [b]Personality:[/b] Ren is cold mostly now, but he's friendly enough. His cool demeanor is offsetting to most, and his snappy comebacks and lashful comments have earned him the title of cold, but smart. His voice, cold, but convincing, is a surprise, as he now always uses it to draw in the females that they killed. [b]Talents:[/b] Living coldly, he found free classes at his school for Ling Sung Shu style rod, which he flourshed with. He's mounted a blade on the top, and is his weapon for when the Chaotic Club strikes. He'a also a master at math, and can hack many databases. Ren's good grades have him in a high place in school. He's almost an outsider for the opposite reason from before. Before, he would be the stupidest. Now, he's almost the smartest. OOC: Tell me if you need any changes![/color][/size]
  22. [b]OOC:[/b] >_< I forgot age...thanks Okhami. [color=royalblue][size=1] [b]Name:[/b]Raskei (no last name known) [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Partner Digimon:[/b] Keramon [b]Real World Home:[/b] An inconspicous orphanige in America, near New York. [b]Starting Point:[/b] Forest in Northern Contenient, he calls it Virus Network. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Raskei was found in a Natural Wildlife Forest near New York where he was brought to the No Child Left Behind shelter where he grew up. His life was tormented by teasing, an inability to go to school because of shortages of money, and his talk of a "digital world" made others resent him. He's actually very smart, but he hasn't had much time to devlop his skills. [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://img3.exs.cx/img3/3606/Ren.jpg]Raskei[/URL] [b]Digivolve Chart:[/b] [u][i]Fresh:[/u][/i] [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Kuramon.html]Kuramon[/URL]: Glare Eye [u][i]In Training:[/u][/i] [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Tsumemon.html]Tsumemon[/URL] : Nail Scratch [u][i]Rookie:[/u][/i] [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Keramon.html]Keramon[/URL]: Nework Flapping, Crazy Giggle [u][i]Champion:[/u][/i] [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Chrysalimon.html]Chrysalimon[/URL]: Data Crusher, Unconnect Buster [u][i]Ultimate:[/u][/i] [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Infermon.html]Infermon[/URL]: Spider Shooter, Network Grenade [u][i]Mega:[/u][/i] [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Diaboromon.html]Diaboromon[/URL]: Cable Crusher, Web Wrecker, Inferno Missile.[/color][/size]
  23. [color=royalblue][size=1]The Spirits of the ten Legendary Warriors sealed themselves away for good, having defeated the despot Lucimon once again. It had been a magnificent battle, in which EmperorGreymon and MagnaGarurumon nearly perished before becoming Susanomon and finally laying waste to the beastly tyrant. One hundred years have passed, and Lucimon has not yet resurfaced. However, another seal had been pierced during the battle. Over the past century, the rift keeping four Digimon known as the Keepers of the Apocalypse has degenerated, allowing them to once again cross over and wreak havoc on the Digital World. Vemmon, the apparent weakest of the four Keepers, was the first to cross over. Despite her rank in the destructive quartet, she had proved herself a ruthless fighter, and has transformed many Digimon into Oinkmon already. She was last seen on the newly-formed File Island, a few months ago, and has since disappeared. Some say she's regenerating after getting off to a bad start with the other three. Some say she's scared. The rest know better; she's just reorganizing her powers. Armageddemon was the next to appear, in the northern sector of the continent of Server. His appearance was three months ago, at the time Vemmon disappeared after one month. He has since lain waste to the northern sector and is moving on to the wetern sector, a slow process for him, as he doesn't have the benefit of a transport. Milleniummon appeared two months ago, on the Southern Continent 400 miles south of Server. He is in the process of destroying it, as the Digimon defending the continent are quite powerful. Thanks to them, the brute'll most likely be held back until the new Digidestined can deal with him. The last of the four, Apokarimon, has yet to appear. The other three know he's out there, somewhere, and that's why Vemmon went to File Island: for information. She relayed the news to the other Keepers: "Master Apokarimon has yet to appear; the Legendary Warriors sealed him with another rift." Though many of the Digimon on the Server, Southern, and Northern Continents have been confident that the final Keeper would never appear to wreak his vengeance, this turns out to be the greatest falsehood since the Digital World's creation. A Digidestined child, partner to a Keramon, has appeared on the Northern Continent, allowing his partner to have his own way with the native Digimon. This tamer, who calls himself "Raskei, the Avatar of the Apocalypse" seems to be telling the truth. Though nowhere near as potent as Apokarimon, he has lain waste to a quarter of the Northern Continent faster than any of the other Keepers could have, given the powerful natives. Raskei is merely the first of the Digidestined, and he has thrown the gauntlet to the rest: "Let them come. It matters not that they have greater numbers. Keramon will destroy them all and gain even more power." Raskei has a month's experience in the Digital World at his side, as well as a very powerful Keramon. How will the other Digidestined react to his challenge? And will the end be wrought by an avatar of Apokarimon? Or will the true beast appear? Let them come. Even Pomfret has no idea what challenges await for himself and Keramon. The fate of the Digital World is in your hands, my fellow Digidestined.[/color][/size] [b]~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~[/b] [color=darkred][size=1] Sign-up Sheet: [b]Name:[/b] (duh) [b]Partner Digimon:[/b] (only one, unless you have Terriermon and Lopmon) [b]Real World Home:[/b] (pick a city; you can use your Digivice to pass between it and the Digi-World) [b]Starting Point in Digi-World:[/b] (pick one of the four continents, but all the Digidestined must be together to go after the Keepers) [b]Short Bio:[/b] (your character's life in the real world) [b]Appearance:[/b] (what your character is wearing in the Digi-World) [b]Digivolve Chart(s):[/b] (obviously, your partner's Champion, Ultimate/Matrix, and Mega/Biomerged forms)[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] That's it...This might be my last one for a while. If anyone has a good site for digimon partners/evos, feel free to PM it to me or post it. Thank you, Yunsung
  24. Engel


    [color=darkred][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Jacob Bunker [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Items:[/b] A butane lighter One case of beer, Budwieser if you must know. [b]Bio:[/b] Your normal guy, born in a fairly small town. His father was a kind and loyal buisness man, his mother a home decorator. His life was pretty...cliche I guess you could say. He got usually A's and A-'s, and was on honor roll. That was then. This is now. It was on August 30th, 1998. He was in the car with his father, going to his Waren County baseball team. The car's brakes had been cut, and his father plowed the car into a heavy wall, debris flailing in the air like metal arms and concrete bodies. His father had a streetlamp in his head, which had been knocked over in the crash. Jacob was fairly untouched, and managed to climb out and find a way back home. [i]8 years later on a back county road...[/i] The CD spun dully, clicking out the lyrics and notes as normal as it could on the rocky abyss of road. It was nighttime, and Jacob was driving home to an now abanonded house where his life had been intact so long ago. He sighed, setting his sights on the road infront of him. A dull throbbing in the back of his head was only a warning as he approached in his car what seemed to be a stranded passerby. However, it sucked him into "The Town", leaving only a butane lighter and a pack of beer. [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.bloody-roar.com/en/img/chara/yugo/profile_yugo.jpg]Must...ignore...text[/URL] [/color][/size]
  25. Engel

    Damien [M-VLS]

    Err, Sean, I might need you to special OK this character... [color=royalblue][size=1] [b]Name:[/b] Tai Ihizisaki [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.nintendo.no/gamecube/spill/Bilder/bhoushin/06.jpg]This is one of the things I might need to talk to you about[/URL] (That is the link though) [b]Personality:[/b] Ever since his beloved Kaia was striken down, he's been quiet and lonesome. Tai is reclusive, but when he speaks, conviction fills his voice and the hearts of others. His quietness leads the other townsfolk to believe he's insane and just stay away. Only few people know him, and he's only opened up to them, no one esle ... [b]Bio:[/b] [i]"Hello, love."[/i] [i]"Thank you, Tai."[/i] [i]"What for, Kaia?"[/i] [i]"For loving me and keeping me close...[/i] [i]"You know I'd go to any lenghts for you."[/i] [b]"KAIA! NO!"[/b] But it was too late, the beast had taken her away...Tai fell to the ground, beating at it with sullen, hard fists as tears streamed down his face. The Chimera had taken her across the winds to a far away land. He had to get her back. The next day, he found a ship, and left from his port town of Yufatoma as the cries of his baby sister and the soft sobs of his mother filled the airs, a hallowing melody. [i][b]Five months later in the town of Carcius...[/b][/i] [b]"The demon his here...[/b] He felt his scar across his right vein, and felt a Chimera head burn onto his skin. He nodded, and decied to buy a house here. He would combat the Chimera. Feeling the smooth, hard, polished wood of his weapon he called [i]Roc's Heart[/i] and thinking of home, he stepped in the house, and began to think of the demon. [b]Weapon:[/b] [i]Roc's Soul[/i]: Made out of deep red wood from his homeland, it is a wooden rod attached to a handle with a leather grip. It is fairly blunt, but he wields it with surprising maliace and skill. [b]Snippet of Character writing:[/b] "Agh...why did you chose my Kaia, you goddamn bastard?!" Tai smashed Roc's Soul into a tree, sending splinters flying. He was angry this morning, and he began to beat the trees in his fury. He glanced over at Laila's house, but looked away quickly. [i]I can't betray my love to Kaia.[/i] He smashed a few more trees, and left to go inside, the forest animals quivering in fear of Roc's Soul. He would kill the Beast. He'd get his Kaia back. [b]Overpowering Emotion:[/b] Grief- Tai's love Kaia was taken to this land, and he mourns for her every day.[/color][/size]
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