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[color=darkred][size=1] [i]Archeron's Grip: Cronicles of the Dead part I[/i] [i]He ran from them. He just ran from them. They seemed friendly, but they couldn't be. They seemed...dead. Their unwavering tones falling from chapped and seared lips of pale faces and gaunt eyes. They told him he was dead. He couldn't be. Surely not? He was able to touch the soft and silky leaves brushing his darkened skin. His feet pounded the ground, his heart beating like the drumming of his soles, hard and fast. He saw them. He didn't know what to call them. So it was simply "them". They fired shots at him, then stopped as their eyes clouded over with darkness that pooled from their pupils. They burst into flames, and dissapeared.[/i] It was next day, Eric lay in a small clearing, stripped naked. He shook himself, but no calm came. It was real. He was in the center of a large iris of an island that sprawled to...nowhere. A small freigher passed by, and a young woman about 13 looked out on Eric. She called out, "What the hell is up with you? You're lying naked on Iris Island. Here..." She snagged some clothes on a fishing line, tossing it out onto the island. Eric ripped them off, hiding in the bushes to put on the jeans and black T-shirt with the label "Chicago" in white lettering. He appeared back on the shore of the island, where she was swimming in the water to him. "Don't suppose you can swim out to the ship, neh?" She looked at him as he nodded, indicating he could. "Don't you talk? Come on, I know you're not stupid." "I just...chose not too. My name's Eric, what's your's?" She stared at him, then grinned as she pulled herself onto the shore with his help. "My name is..." And they got on the boat together, sailing back to Chicago where she lived. [i]Three years later in Oridis High...[/i] "Hey, babe. What you doing...holy ****." She clung to him, "What's wrong, Eric?" Then she saw, and ran with him to Mr. Lochmuler's class which was the safest, a huge science room. Those two men from that fateful three years ago were back. They spoke in metalic tones, "He is here." "Archeon's target." "Yes. And the girl...she is one of Archeon's targets too." "Yes. Let us get them." They jogged through the corridors towards Mr. Garman's room, where they broke the door down. The school seemed to be oblivious to this, all but six students besides. Eric and her. They soon left that room, and approached the second entrance to Mr. Lochmuler's room.... [i][b]~~*~~[/i][/b] Alright, there it is. Should be interesting... Anyway, Eric is Archeron's Target, which Archeron will go to no end to kill or capture. His friend, who's name I left blank, is someone who is also one of his targets, to a lesser degree. Sign ups, you ask? OH! You see, after the inital part of the story, the crew will gain magic/weapons, but if I tell now, it would ruin the start of the story. Sign Ups: [b]Name:[/b] Easy, but make it modern names [b]Age:[/b] 14-18, these are high schoolers [b]Gender:[/b] Male or Female, Boy or girl, guy or gal... you get the picture [b]Appearance:[/b] Pic or good description. [b]Weapon:[/b] One weapon, can be anything from a table leg to an M-16. No bombs. However, I'd like it to be mideval, but I will allow guns. [b]Starting Magic:[/b] Choose three spells/make up them and tell what they do. [b]Bio:[/b] Short telling of what has happened to them. That should be it...oh, if someone wants to play the main character's (me) girlfriend, PM me. Yunsung [/color][/size]
[url]http://www3.telus.net/jefmil/stairwaybackwards.htm[/url] Its supposed to be a "Satanic message". I found this while listening to some Led Zepplin on my computer. I found it funny, I mean, Led Zepplin isn't "Satanic" or something of the like. They just rock. Tell me what you think of it.
[Color=dimgray][size=1]Destiny looked at the silently, and pulled the Deadline out of a small sack he had brought in. He pulled a star out of the way, and used that to leap to the top of the Battleroom, where he hooked one end of the Deadline, then the other end, where he hooked the other at the bottom of the Battleroom. It was time for one of his special formations, Dragon Divide. His toon hooked onto the Deadline, and launched forward at impossible speeds, then jacknifing, while still firing...the deadline split in five, launching the toon five directions while each of them lobbed one bomb on each toon. [b]Crazy Tom:[/b] Let's go for that dumbasses' toon over there. Dragon Destroyer fomation act one. The toon split, attaching a non active bomb to their feet, and sneaking behind them, using the skills Destiny had tought them, diving at their backs with their bomb-equipped feet, which would stick the bombs to the enemies' backs.[/color][/size]
[color=dimgray][size=1]Destiny stepped forward, and so did Jamie. He held out his hand, grasped hers, and shook it. Major Anderson stepped forward, and let the battle commence after they entered the fighting part of the arena. Dragon was assembled at their gate, Phoenix at their own. Destiny had Tom's Toon get ready to sneak around and see what was. They'd take the biggest Dragons and freeze their legs, pushing them into a screen, where the littler soldiers would push them forward, arms still able to move and fire. Crazy Tom was a part of the pushers, slowly inching the soldiers through the Null-G room in the dim light. Their legs stopped most of the lights from their flash suits too, providing more cover. Hot Soup started around another star, laying a bomb on every star. Beams/Enegry Swords/Bombs didn't hurt friendlies, so he didn't have to worry about that. Vlad had half of his toon swing around the central star, looking for any enemies. They weren't gonna lose to Phoenix.[/color][/size]
[color=dimgray][size=1]Destiny saw his final solider walk though the showers, he looked at the clocks, and then ushered his army to get a move on. It was almost time, and those damn birdies were gonna go down. He may be the smallest and youngest commander, but he was damn smart. People in Dragon trusted him, and they didn't care about his size. They cared about how good he was at tactics, and at leadership skills. He displayed them always. Crazy Tom ran to his side, hair slick with water. [b]"Destiny, Achilles is in Battleschool! We've got to take care of him! Maybe Tiger or Griffin will help us. He's a fart eating smart loser. What an interesting combo, eh?"[/b] Destiny nodded, and spoke softly, [b]"Alright...but let's finish with the Phoenix Army. I'm not going to speak ill of Phoenix. I just wish Petra was here, commanding Phoenix. Not that punky red haired freak. Dragon's record isn't gonna be tarnished."[/b] And they walked into the Battleroom. The lights went dim, and the flash suits turned on. The weapons turned on. It was war.[/color][/size][color=orange][size=1] [b][center]~~*~~[/center][/b] [b]OOC:[/b] Map...its small so I'll say what's in the captions. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v440/KyKiskeTheII/DVP.bmp[/IMG] First one with the Gate: Defeat all soldiers then cross the enemy gate to offically win the battle. Second one: Cover points. They're called "stars". They can be used in a grid or other things when used correctly by an intellegent commander.[/color][/size]
[color=dimgray][size=1][b]OOC:[/b] In case you all didn't know, the RPG is up. Also, I'm leaving sign ups open for...a week. I'll list the commanders, which I already have, in the Underground Topic I'm going to make. Thank you all for joining, Yunsung.[/color][/size]
[color=dimgray][size=1][i]In space high above the sweeping clouds and Acheron's grip, lies Battle School. The three wheels turn like the cogs of fate...for they are in a sense. On the leftmost wheel is the oxygen storages, the right are the teacher's rooms...and the middle is your life. Battle School is part of the I.F, the International Fleet. They take the most brilliant minds from earth to train them to become commanders in the war against the Buggers, or Formics. Only...these brilliant people are children. They learn science, math, reading, language...and war. They are trained for the future fights against the Buggers. The only problem for them: The future is now.[/i] Armies: Rabbit Army: The colors of Blue and White, they are often the most honorable army. Carn Carnby used to lead this army. The command spot has yet to be taken. Phoenix Army: Red and gold are the natural choice for Phoenix army soldiers, they are often the most cunning army. Petra Arkanian was the last commander. The command spot is open. Salamander: Scarlet and black are their brutal color choices, much like their armies. Fast and strong is their way. Led by the late Bonzo Madrid. Command spot is open. Rat Army: Brown and grey are the colors for Rat, the quickest and most stealthy army. Command is held by Pel Felleaken. Tiger Army: Orange and while are the lightning fast colors that are Tiger. They are the strongest physically. Command is held by Mendrain Quelin. Griffin Army: White and brown, they are the lightest and most ferious army. Command is held by Nikolai Delphiki. Dragon Army: Grey and Orange are the colors of the legendary Dragon Army. The most well rounded, command is held by me, Spencer Destin. Flash Suits and Weapons: Flash Suits: Flash Suits are for the Battleroom, where armies wage war. It is one of the colors on your Team Roster, the main part, atleast. However, tiny lights dot the suit, giving it mobility. Like a second skin. If the enemy hits you with a Beam long enough, whichever part was hit becomes frozen, unmovable. Kills are head or chest. Subdivison: Weapons Beam: Basic point and shoot beam gun. Must keep on target for a peroid of time before it turns off the part of the Flash Suit. Enegry Sword: For close up combat. One hit will turn off the part hit. Good for those of good physiqe. Bombs: EACH PERSON CARRIES FIVE BOMBS. Bombs can be used in a varitey of ways. Bombs will freeze every part of a person. Hit in chest for a kill. Info about the battleroom: The battleroom is in Null gravity. You are weightless. I'll provide, before every battle, a small pic of the battleroom you will play in. They will vary indefintaly. [/color][/size][color=orange][size=1] [b]"Hey, Destiny. What's up?"[/b] Asked Shovel, or Duchevel. Crazy Tom looke at Shovel, and just shook his head. You didn't call Destiny by that name when he was in the command spot. He'd been friends with Spencer since his launchy days. He was the leader of B Toon. There were five toons, A,B,C,D,E. Every toon had a Toon Leader and a Second. His toon leaders were Fly Molo, Hot Soup, Crazy Tom, Vlad and Dumper. Destiny held up the piece of paper, [b]"We've got a fight at 0715, and we're going to do it without breakfast. And here, Shovel, its [i]sir,[/i] not Destiny. I'd like the Toon Leaders in my command quarters."[/b] Crazy Tom grinned, remembering the way that Ender and Destiny handle their army. It was time to fight again. [b]"Now, Crazy Tom. I want your Toon to lead the sneak attacks along with Fly. Hot Soup, you'll be in charge of traps. Vlad, Dumper, lead the main attack. Crazy Tom, stay here, others, your dissmissed."[/b] They saluted. And left for the showers. Crazy Tom sat down at the end of his bunk. [b]"What is it, Sir?"[/b] Destiny smiled, [b]"No formality here, Tom. Anyway...I've got something I need you to do. I need you to make sure that Achilles isn't in Battleschool. You know he's insane."[/b] Crazy Tom nodded. [b]"Alright, Spence. I don't trust him...we've gotta win against Phoenix."[/b] He smiled, saluted, and left for the showers. "Make sure to clean up, Rat said they lost because the smell nearly killed them." He said as he stood handing their flash suits to them as they laughed. ~*~[/color][/size][color=green][size=1] OOC: Command Rosters: [b]Phoenix:[/b] Commander: Jamie Nesbit [b]Rat:[/b] Commander: Pel A Toon leader: Seth (WHEN YOU FIX YOUR SIGN UP) [b]Salamander:[/b]Command: Cage Zander [b]Rabbit:[/b]Command: Andrea OOC2: Feel free to make up your Toon Leaders and fellow soldiers. I'll orgainize the fights. The first one is Dragon Vs Phoenix. I'll post an Underground Topic and put the fights there, along with maps.[/color][/size]
[color=dimgray]O_O I'm surprised so many signed up in so fast! I have problems with only two sign ups. 1) G-unit soldier: Broaden on description. You need to map out a character design. And your bio. First of all, this isn't my idea compeletly. It is the creator of Ender's Shadow and Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card. Bean, or Julian, is a successful gentic enhancment. And could you try to go more indepth? 2) Skillgannon: Only one thing. Put in your desired army. I'll have my sign up up in one to two hours.[/color] [color=orange]Yunsung, leader of Dragon Army[/color] [color=dimgray][size=1] Name: Spencer 'Destiny's Ender' Destin (most call him Destiny or Ender) Age: 11 Gender: Male Description: He's bigger to him then his actual stature, 4'1. Deep blue hazel eyes pierce his soldier's eyes, judging them contently. Destiny's small, but very strong arms are lithe and slightly tanned. His toned chest is somehow concealed by the special Commander's Uniform, that is grey and orange. His small size leads many people to believe that he's disadvantaged in and out of the Battleroom. However, he's beaten in people like Bonzo Madrid in and out of the Null-G battleroom. His face is hardened like a soldier's, but soft and light. It just makes you want to feel good inside, laugh with him, and it also makes you want to follow him. Destiny's blond hair is matted on his head, but he makes it look professional. He's been compared to Ender Wiggin in many ways... Army: Dragon; Commander. Nationality: American Bio: [i]Just go...run away Spencer...leave before they come...[/i] Those were his only childhood memories as he fled from his household at an early age with high intellegence. His life was truely in god's hands, and god deemed he should live. After living in the local sewers, a loving american family found him and took him in. They raised him as the intellegent child he was, reading by the time he could walk and even before. It was soon found out that Anton's Key was turned in his body. He's been on the run ever since, the Strategos and Hedgemon wanting to preform experements on him. He was taken into Battle School where he soon rose to the top. [b]"Hey, Destiny. What's up?"[/b] Destiny just nodded, replying. [b]"Fight today, 0715. And here its Sir, not Destiny."[/b] He pulled his flash suit on, standing at the door of the showers, handing everybody their Flash Suits. He'd taken one earlier. [b]"Make sure to clean up, Rat said they lost because the smell nearly killed them."[/b] Laughter echoed though the stalls, ringing in his ears...[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] The fight is where all Dragon Soldiers will start, along with...Phoenix.
[color=green][size=1]I know what you're thinking..."OH ME GEE! ITS ANOTHER REALLY LONG YUNSUNG RPG!" If that's true...then you're wrong! Let's get started now. [i]In space high above the sweeping clouds and Acheron's grip, lies Battle School. The three wheels turn like the cogs of fate...for they are in a sense. On the leftmost wheel is the oxygen storages, the right are the teacher's rooms...and the middle is your life. Battle School is part of the I.F, the International Fleet. They take the most brilliant minds from earth to train them to become commanders in the war against the Buggers, or Formics. Only...these brilliant people are children. They learn science, math, reading, language...and war. They are trained for the future fights against the Buggers. The only problem for them: The future is now[/i] Alright, whaddya say about a long RPG intro? You are one of these super intellegent children. I'll list the armies and other importaint stuff. [b]Armies:[/b] Rabbit Army: The colors of Blue and White, they are often the most honorable army. Carn Carnby used to lead this army. The command spot has yet to be taken. Phoenix Army: Red and gold are the natural choice for Phoenix army soldiers, they are often the most cunning army. Petra Arkanian was the last commander. The command spot is open. Salamander: Scarlet and black are their brutal color choices, much like their armies. Fast and strong is their way. Led by the late Bonzo Madrid. Command spot is open. Rat Army: Brown and grey are the colors for Rat, the quickest and most stealthy army. Command is held by Pel Felleaken. Tiger Army: Orange and while are the lightning fast colors that are Tiger. They are the strongest physically. Command is held by Mendrain Quelin. Griffin Army: White and brown, they are the lightest and most ferious army. Command is held by Nikolai Delphiki. Dragon Army: Grey and Orange are the colors of the legendary Dragon Army. The most well rounded, command is held by me, Spencer Destin. [B]Flash Suits and Weapons:[/b] Flash Suits: Flash Suits are for the Battleroom, where armies wage war. It is one of the colors on your Team Roster, the main part, atleast. However, tiny lights dot the suit, giving it mobility. Like a second skin. If the enemy hits you with a Beam long enough, whichever part was hit becomes frozen, unmovable. Kills are head or chest. [u]Subdivison: Weapons[/u] Beam: Basic point and shoot beam gun. Must keep on target for a peroid of time before it turns off the part of the Flash Suit. Enegry Sword: For close up combat. One hit will turn off the part hit. Good for those of good physiqe. Bombs: EACH PERSON CARRIES FIVE BOMBS. Bombs can be used in a varitey of ways. Bombs will freeze every part of a person. Hit in chest for a kill. [b]Info about the battleroom and armies:[/b] The battleroom is in Null gravity. You are weightless. I'll provide, before every battle, a small pic of the battleroom you will play in. They will vary indefintaly. Armies: Battle School is, like I said, a place where they learn war. After a certain period of time, after showing Battleroom intitave, and based on their personalites, teh kids are each put into the corresponding army. SIGN UPS: [B]Name:[/b] Just somthing normal... [b]Age:[/b] 6-16 [b]Gender:[/b] >_> male or female [b]Description:[/b] Pic or good description. [b]Prefirred Army:[/b] One of the ones listed above. [b]Nationality:[/b] What contry from earth are you from? [b]Bio:[/b] List how the IF found you and how far you are in BS. Thank you... Yunsung[/color][/size]
[color=darkred]Below the Kligstiev Castle in a small village… 8 months have passed since Ligiea the Slayer embarked unto his journey to map out the land they breed upon, searching high and low looking for other civilizations that may co-exist. Other kingdoms that he could plead an alliance between. He was enlisted as a land surveyor by the Kligstiev Kingdom in hopes to discover allies to help battle the Quintessent kingdom, a neighboring kingdom whom they’ve warred against for decades. Much to his own disappointment, he found nothing but barren wastelands with the occasional fruit orchard, snow-topped mountains in heavy clusters, and infinite plains that appeared to stretch deep into the sun whose purpose seemed to be to plague his once fresh mentality with tedium. The burden lay heavily atop his shoulders; he feared the reaction he’d receive after showing that his 8 months were futile. His bronze armor reflected in a glorious light, big heavy shoulder pads hung across his broad shoulders. The shadow he cast was a formidable one. Auburn hair fell playfully over his crystalline blue eyes, set deep beneath his high set cheekbones. A firm grip upon the hilt of his sword as the tip rested upon the cobblestone ground, dragging behind him. Cautioning himself with a slow pace, he gazed upon his surroundings. He stood before the quaint little village that had sheltered him for all of his 24 years, however the scenery appeared differently than what he was accustomed to. Instead of the usual bustling activity that spilled out into the streets, there laid an empty village, doors locked, children absent from the meadows. Something trouble had most certainly stirred in these last 8 months, something had passed The Slayer by as he walked through the archway of his residence. Ligiea’s father laid motionless on a nearby bed, his mother busily pacing back and forth between the bedroom and the kitchen, water splashing over a boiling pot. “What? What in heaven’s name are you talking about?” Ligiea’s mother grabbed him by the hand leading him to a welcoming seat at the kitchen, a discerning look never leaving. “Honey, listen. It’s a long story. A few weeks after you left there was a murder. It happened while the town slept, no one ever saw what was happening. It was Johan.” “You mean the slob that’s always wasting away his days at the pub?” “They found his entrails spread in a path leading from his house into the woods. His body somewhere miles away from town, when they finally got to his body they find the word ‘gluttony’ carved deep into his back. In this path was a fine black dust and that was when the plague hit us. It was only those that participated in the investigation, those that helped clean up the mess left behind. They soon fell ill, they would wither away and by the 30th day they were mere shells of their former selves, passing soon after. It wasn’t soon after till the second murder came about, seemed much of the same. The carcass was left behind, mutilated. Limbs torn, disfigured face, it was horrible. Engron the blacksmith. In his back left the word ‘envy’. It was then when a small boy… I believe his name is Dahlia came preaching about the 7 sins and the apocalypse. He screamed of visions he saw in his dream and how the murders were his fault, it all left us awfully scared. Preaching that there will be 5 more. Sloth, greed, pride, lust, and wrath.” “This is the most nonsense I’ve ever heard in my life.” “Dahlia kept yelling, it is all the violence, all the hatred that fuels him. Unless we can learn to co-exist and to not take advantage of our privelages then we are doomed to a fate much worse than any of us can imagine.” She paused. “…and?” “As he said five more came soon after. Pride was carved into Lolithia’s back, so beautiful that woman. The local bum that would hang out by the palace walls begging for money, he was murdered. Sloth. Than lust, we all expected that one. Any woman selling her body the way that woman used to does not deserve to live anyhow. The prince of Quintessent was slaughtered, he was greed. Surely you remember when he attempted to kill his father to inherit the throne correct?” Ligiea nodded. “His was by far the most gruesome, his cranium smashed in. Bits of skull laid along the floor of his room the next morning when they found him. Then the biggest blow was dealt to the Kligstiev kingdom, our general was next. The infamous Henry, known as the best general Kligstiev had ever seen was found ripped from head to abdomen. In his back carved the word wrath.” --- The sound of the door closing resonates through the hollowed house, his mother turning her head over her shoulder with speed to meet her son’s eyes for the first time in 240 some odd days. Quickly dropping everything she had been occupied with, she runs to greet Ligiea in a formidable bear hug. Ligiea could feel her fingernails digging deep into the meat of his back. “Oh Ligiea, my god I was certain that you had perished. These last few months have been terrible.” “Father, what’s wrong with him? Why has he not moved?” A look of concern crawled upon Ligiea’s curious face. Lifting his right hand to meet his chin, rubbing it in a questioning manner. “I’m afraid he caught a bit of the plague.” His eyebrows now raised. “The WHAT? What plague? I’ve been gone less than a year and already a plague has paralyzed this kingdom?” “It’s far worse than just a plague.” No longer interested in much else, Ligiea marched towards his father, pale as death, wrapped tightly amongst his blankets. “Father, tell me you still speak.” The figure in bed slowly turned his neck towards his valiant son. “Yes.” He managed to choke out. “ As long as draw breathe, I may speak words to my kin.” Their eyes meet and for the first time Ligiea notices the blank stare in his empty eyes. His once bold eyes now a dismal gray, faded, nearly white. Soon after his apparent weight loss becomes apparent, the man he once held as his hero was withering away before his eyes. “Great demons are amongst us, the apocalypse draws near.” “What? What in heaven’s name are you talking about?” Ligiea’s mother grabbed him by the hand leading him to a welcoming seat at the kitchen, a discerning look never leaving. “Honey, listen. It’s a long story. A few weeks after you left there was a murder. It happened while the town slept, no one ever saw what was happening. It was Johan.” “You mean the slob that’s always wasting away his days at the pub?” “They found his entrails spread in a path leading from his house into the woods. His body somewhere miles away from town, when they finally got to his body they find the word ‘gluttony’ carved deep into his back. In this path was a fine black dust and that was when the plague hit us. It was only those that participated in the investigation, those that helped clean up the mess left behind. They soon fell ill, they would wither away and by the 30th day they were mere shells of their former selves, passing soon after. It wasn’t soon after till the second murder came about, seemed much of the same. The carcass was left behind, mutilated. Limbs torn, disfigured face, it was horrible. Engron the blacksmith. In his back left the word ‘envy’. It was then when a small boy… I believe his name is Dahlia came preaching about the 7 sins and the apocalypse. He screamed of visions he saw in his dream and how the murders were his fault, it all left us awfully scared. Preaching that there will be 5 more. Sloth, greed, pride, lust, and wrath.” “This is the most nonsense I’ve ever heard in my life.” “Dahlia kept yelling, it is all the violence, all the hatred that fuels him. Unless we can learn to co-exist and to not take advantage of our privelages then we are doomed to a fate much worse than any of us can imagine.” She paused. “…and?” “As he said five more came soon after. Pride was carved into Lolithia’s back, so beautiful that woman. The local bum that would hang out by the palace walls begging for money, he was murdered. Sloth. Than lust, we all expected that one. Any woman selling her body the way that woman used to does not deserve to live anyhow. The prince of Quintessent was slaughtered, he was greed. Surely you remember when he attempted to kill his father to inherit the throne correct?” Ligiea nodded. “His was by far the most gruesome, his cranium smashed in. Bits of skull laid along the floor of his room the next morning when they found him. Then the biggest blow was dealt to the Kligstiev kingdom, our general was next. The infamous Henry, known as the best general Kligstiev had ever seen was found ripped from head to abdomen. In his back carved the word wrath.” “Dahlia! My god how did he know?” “We were all foolish for not listening to the boy. As this creature took it’s victims it left it’s plague, victim after victim it claimed more of us till we finally had the smarts to put two and two together and began to practice extreme caution.” “So now what? The 7 have been taken, each representing their own sin. What now?” “The apocalypse.” “Nonsense.” “You know the 7 that had been sacrificed? They came back, but not the same.” “In what manner?” “They came as shepherds of Satan. They come slaughtering those guilty of the sin they once committed.” “Simple solution then! Commit none of the sins!” “I’m afraid we are all guilty to some degree. Even I admit to envy from time to time, I as you am only human. I fall prey to them. Those who they do not slaughter with their weapons, they kill with their plague. They too leave the dust behind, we’ve come to refer to it as ‘brimstone’. Brimstone everywhere now, with 7 of them leaving it, it spread like an epidemic never seen before. That is how it got to your father.” “What are these demons like?” “They are strong like nothing you’ve ever seen before. All the color in the body seems to have left them, they care only for blood. With each murder they seem to grow stronger. It doesn’t end there, they seem to have an arm of their own.” “What mean you?” “Serpents, like nothing we’ve ever seen before. Directly out of the pits from hell, these half man half snake creatures do much of the demons bidding. They come in wild packs, claiming whatever life they feel necessary. Leaving their disgusting brimstone behind making us all perish.” “We must rally! The Quintessent and Kligstiev must come together!” “Both countries are far too stubborn to make the first movie… pride. It will be our downfall. Even if we did, we can’t seem to find them. They move in the shadows. Invisible to the eye, they fester and hide in the shadows. Some even believe that they can travel through shadows, I know it sounds silly but so are Serpents and demons.” “There must be some way to defeat them…” “Well Dahlia told us of one way to defeat them, he said in order to send them back to where they came from we must use the brimstone against them. When heated it hardens and in the right hands can forge a deadly weapon. That is how your father died, forging an axe.” Her pace steady as she opened the closet door to reveal an axe the size of most men, the hilt 4 feet and beautifully carved oak wood. The blade different than any other Ligiea had ever seen, black as night. “Is it poisonous to the touch still?” “No, no longer. Once heated it appears to no longer be poisonous.” Grabbing the axe form his mothers hands, he gave her a warm embrace, kiss on the cheek, and began to depart towards the door. “Is there any other information I might find helpful?” “Find allies, you will suffer otherwise.” ~~~~~~~~~~ The Aphelion Plauge Symptoms: - Blood becomes tainted, turns black - Chronic vomiting, vomit also is black. - Excessive weight loss. - Dilution of the pupils, become a gray hue. - Hair begins to fall out. - Is only contracted when brimstone is inhaled, not contracted from the touch. Notes for the 7 demons: - Gluttony: A disgustingly fat oaf who drinks himself at the pub every night. - Greed: The prince of Quintessent, determined to dethrone his father through treachery. - Sloth: A scraggly bum who made a living conning people. - Lust: Local harlot. - Envy: Average middle class blacksmith envious of his brother, who is also “Wrath”. - Wrath: Brother of “Envy”, known for his bloodlust. Commander of the Kligstiev forces. - Pride: A beautiful woman, known for breaking the hearts of men. - Masters of the dark arts, black magic and the sort. - Have the ability to become invisible in shadows. - Also have the ability to teleport through shadows. Notes on the two warring countries: - The Quintessent believe in no god, instead that we are all equal beings floating amongst each other side by side. - Kligstiev believe that God had created man to indulge in the fancies of life and will love them in any case. - Out of fear that god will punish those who deny him, the Kligstiev brought upon a war. Rules and Regulations: - Can be in the Kligstiev nation or the Quitessence nation, kings and the sort are open. - No magic for humans. -No cheezing. No goddmodding. Sign Up: Name: Age: Gender: Description: (pic or good description) Weapon: (I prefer that you have weapons made of Brimstone, and a brief description of it would help. A history behind it wouldn’t hurt either.) Magic: NOTE: I have decided to let you have magic. BUT, they will come later. For now, just list what spells that he/she will have. Bio: Doesn't have to be long. Just make it good. Seven Sins Sign Up: Name: You may change the names of those I designated, but make it evil or midevail. Age: Just put the age of death Gender: Description: Pic or good description. May make it human looking, but can also make it demonic. Weapon: It is made of Brimstone, but with magic properties. Picture or small description. Magick: List what magic you have and what the spells do. Bio: This is going to be a bit longer than the first, because I want you to tell what it was like before and after. Doesn't have to be terribly long. [/color]
Alright, I have a friend who just joined OB, and I want to give him a little welcoming present. (He's Angel Omega) He's a big Shadow the Hedgehog fan, so I've made this for him... I'd also like some ratings. Thanks.
I've just finished [i]Ender's Shadow[/i] again, and I mean that I just turned the final page not five seconds ago.I've realized, Battle School, Tactical School, Pre-Command School, and Command School would be the [i][b]BEST. DAMN. RPG.[/i][/b] Think about it. Your life would center around the Battleroom and social interaction, along with the tests and daily work, and finding out the secrets of people like Graff and Dimak. I could make one, or co produce one, but I'd want some relay on this first.
I just have one question about my RPG...do you think I butchered the good 'ol Metroid Series? If so, then I want to end it before anyone signs up so I don't ruin the series. NOTE: This is after Metroid: Fusion, so its the latest in the series. And, please to whoever signs up, don't let it flop. Its like my kid. Thanks.
[color=darkred][size=1][i]Background: Three years after the BSL incident, Samus Aran is once again an active bounty hunter. The federation has prospered and, through new technological advances, had managed to reverse-enginner and recreate many of samus’ weapons and abilities, including the mysterious “morphball” and “screw attack”, although her chozo blood and heritage still remain a mystery. The pirates, desparate to survive, have begun experiments on New-Age Specimens, ones with surprising abilities that will help them survive and fight back against the sudden surge of “hunters”...[/color][/size][/i] [color=dimgrey][size=1]The trooper sighed as he deactivated the console. A space pirate's life was monotonous. He had been deep in thought, trying to find meaning in his life, and had failed. [i]Perhaps I..[/i]. The pirate fell over, as a sizzling hole opened in his midriff. The hexagonal door slowly slid closed as the intruder accessed the console. Sensing something behind her, she span around, aiming her arm cannon at the door. In her sights was a pirate she had never seen before... The creature spoke in a hissing sound...[b][i]"Samus Aran, Intergalactic Bounty Hunter..."[/i][/b] It seemed to be almost...laughing. In a quick movement, it's hand shot up. The hunter saw a flash and, in instinct, fired her cannon. The pirate's laughter rang in her ears as the pirate burned up. Smiling, Samus focused back on the console. Unexpectedly, her head started pounding. The space pirate’s laughter returned to her. Grabbing her head, Samus bit in a scream. The room spun. Samus collapsed on the floor as her vision blurred. The room went dark... *** “It appears the Ghost/Pirate Hybrid was a success, sir” “Excellent. His mind-crushing abilities far exceed expectations. It is a pity that the only specimen has been destroyed. No matter, we have the hunter. Administer the serum.” *** [i]Where am I?[/i] [b][i]It does not matter[/b][/i] [i]Who am I?[/i] [b][i]You ask too many questions[/b][/i] [i]What is my purpose?[/i] [b][i]You...exterminate...[/i][/b] *** A scientist stood over the chamber, watching the organism inside. She was stirring... Releasing the locks, he smiled as she stepped out. "Welcome, you are now..." He never finished the sentence. With a blast, she destroyed him and continued on, wreaking havoc on the labs. Securing a space pirate ship, she set the coordinates and disappeared... *** 3 months later... Signup: (choose the appropriate side and signup form) Welcome Bounty Hunter. This is Galactic Federation HQ. The Bounty Hunter known as Samus Aran has been missing for 3 months now. No communications have been received in this time. She is a valuable asset to us and is of top priority. You are to investigate her last known coordinates, a planet known as Destion. Your pay for this mission will be 5,000,000 Credits. Good luck, and be careful. There is more at work here than meets the eye... Bounty Hunter: Alignment: Name: Appearance: (include any armor and weapon locations) Weapons: (up to 2) Tech: (Any one of Samus’ reverse engineered techs) Bio: (Detailed please. No one liners, but no Novels either.) Mission History/Log: (include at least 2) Ship: (include weapons, propulsion system, appearance) You are the successful batch of new age pirates. Your first mission is as follows: High command received a distress call from Base 742, “Destion”. Communication was knocked out until 2 days ago, when an incident involving “The Hunter”. Experiment “Rebirth” had been announced a premature success when the hunter ravaged the base. You are to return to her last known coordinates, Base 742, and investigate. Pay increase and promotion for troop who brings in the Hunter. Exercise extreme caution... Space Pirate: Alignment: (Federation Bounty Hunter or New-Age Pirate Specimen) Specimen Number, “CodeName”: Appearance: (What you look like [ie: height, weight, armor/body structure, appendages]) Weapons: (Up to two) Special Ability: (One. Something only you or a select few can do. ie: fly, absorb energy) Reason for Creation: (Why were you created? What purpose are you to achieve? If for fighting purposes, what specialties?) Experiment Log: (history of your creation. What you originally were. What was added when. What was tested when.) (All Pirates use standard Space Pirate Gunships.) *** Locations: Destion- Located on the Edge of the known Universe, Destion is an obscure, unknown planet. Weighing 3.6 trillion Teratons, Destion is a lighter planet. Its landscapes consist of only mountains. Volcanic eruptions are common as Destion has an unstable core. Space Pirate activities have been noted. Mainly mining activities. Extent of Mining Operations unknown. Tallon IV- A once lush paradise, Tallon IV has been ravaged by the rare mutagen known as “Phazon”. Weight is 5.1 trillion Teratons. It’s landscapes range from desert to lava lakes to frozen wastelands. Extensive pirate labs and mines. Main activites include phazon mining and experimentation. SR-391- A rocky, cave-like planet that housed a previously unknown metroid “civilization”. Weight is 2.2 trillion Teratons. Rocky landscapes, extensive caves. No known space pirate activity. Metroids are rampant however. New planets are welcome as long as you explain their landscapes and pirate activity. And there you have it. Remember, only one Hunter/Specimen will get the reward. Therefore, you are all enemies. That isn’t saying that alliances and such aren’t allowed...team up to your hearts content. However, only one can claim the reward... *** Now, upgrades are allowed like in Metroid games. I would like basic knowldge of metroid, but it is not nesssicary. I will provide links to information on the backgrounds, the Chozo, Samus Aran, The Space Pirates, and the Torizo, as well as a creature log book if anyone desires this information. I hope this doesn't flop like my others. Yunsung[/color][/size]
Its really awesome...I love it. But it says its too big...I really like it too. Could you make it smaller, by any chance? Because I really like it. Thanks if you do.
Alright, I've been playing Skies of Arcadia again, and Ramirez is one of the most uber cool characters I've ever seen. I really want an avatar of his face, and I've got pics included. 1. [IMG]http://bunnypie.ngphouse.com/oekaki/ramirez.jpg[/IMG] 2. [IMG]http://www.rpggenesis.co.uk/soa/images/ramirez1.gif[/IMG] And on it, I'd like the text: "Where there is light, there is darkness" if it'll fit. if not, just "Yunsung" in any color you think fits. I like them in that order, so if you could, try the first one first. Thanks for anyone who takes this challange.
[color=red][size=1][center] "Once upon a time there existed a giant tree that was the source of all mana. A war, however, caused this tree to wither away, and a hero's life was sacrificed in order to take its place. Grieving over the loss, the goddess disappeared unto the heavens. The goddess left the angels with the edict: "You must wake me, for if I should sleep, the world shall be destroyed." The angels bore the Chosen One, who headed towards the tower that reached up unto the heavens. And that marked the beginning of the regeneration of the world."[/center] So was the legend of the Chosen of Mana throughout time, until Colette, one of the most recent chosen, broke this tradition and fought to unite the worlds with her friends. She suceeded, and now the Elves of Hemdall have forgotten the past hate for Half Elves, and have worked together for many years. The elven magic that stops your metabolism is found to be able to reverse it aswell, and speed it, allowing for elves to time travel temporarily (they can't go too far without dying or not being born when they arrive). The half elves discover some disturbing history, about the hatred that used to go to them, and learn of this new magic, and decide to go back and find out the truth. The only problem is, two things are required to go back far in time. One being a few people to lend you mana, so that you go back further, and another being an exsphere, which were, of course, said to have been destroyed by Lloyd and Sheena, and the technologies forgotten in the new split world. A supplemnt for the exsphere was also a huge amount of mana, but using such amounts for the half elf history would not be convienent, because of its length of time, and its dangerousity of destroying the worlds. After deciding that going back in time is a must for the half elves, to discover their long forgotten orgin, they decide to create a device that scan the entire universe for exsoheres. The device finds an exsphere left, but something is very strange about it. It appears outside the radar, outside both Tethe'alla and Sylvarant. It appears on a third, small world... Dherris Kharlan! To get to Dherris Kharlan however, it would take a ton of mana, and only three people would be allowed to go. Due to space and time travel, so that they would get back at the same timeframe, the machine sent them 75 years into the past so that theyy would arrive back on Sylvarant without passing a huge amount of time. Anyways, the mana it would require to run this machine would need to be huge. The only place to take the mana from would be Dherris Kharlan itself. So the machine begins to draw the mana and prepare. A group of humans begin to form a rebellion against this, because of their shame for what the half elves would figure out, but also because if anything were to go wrong, there may wind up being a huge overflow or lack of mana in the new world, which would be disastrous! This group sets off on their journey now, to reach Dherris Kharlan [center]I~~*~~I[/center][/size][/color][color=darkslateblue][size=1] Lloyd walked through Luin, the city of Rebirth. It had been destroyed a long time ago, and he had given them the money and help to rebuild it. A statue of him stood in the center of the town, twin swords held in his hands. He was rather proud of it. Sighing, he sat down on the park bench and looked at the night sky, remembering Kratos' words [i]When you can't sleep, try to count the stars. Although a human life is too small to count them all...[/i] slowly closing his eyes, he rested in scilence...or not. Rushed, synchonized footsteps headed towards him. Lloyd stood up, grabbing the Materal Blades out and looking for them. Desians. They were half elves and creatures that wished for the distruction of Symphonia, and would do anything to accomplish it. A young man with white hair combed straight back and with eyes that were narrow slits that curved upwards stood before him, a battalion of troops behind him. It was Kvaren, Kvar's son and one of the new Grand Five Cardinals. In a slightly bemused boice, Kvaren spoke, "The scum that killed my father...I really must thank you. You saved me the trouble of it. Now, on orders of Pronyma, I will kill you." Lloyd looked at him. Surely Pronyma couldn't be alive? No matter, he had to take the situation at hand first. The twelve Desians lept forward, six withs whips, three with swords, and three with crossbows. Jumping into the air, he threw his Vaporal Blade at one of them. It caught him in the head, and he staggered back. Lloyd then charged up his Fireball spell, letting it go with a, "Fire of Efreet, consume my enemies! Fireball!" Three fireballs lept from his hand, hitting three different targets. They were thrown backwards, but jumped forward and the two bowpeople shot at him, which one cought his arm and he blocked the other one. The one with the whip lashed it at him, but he swung at it, knocking the hard leather away. The other Desians had fled to protect Kvaren. Letting another fireball spell go, it cought the whip on fire, which the Desian began to lash around, catching things on fire before whipping himself in the face. He writhed in agony until Lloyd stabbed his throat. Putting out the fires with Aqua Edge, he sat down, and remembered the journey that he was going on tommorow. He sent out messengers to all of the people who had agreed to come along. It was best they left Luin before anymore misfourtune befell it. [center]I~~*~~I[/center][/size][/color][color=teal][size=1] Alright, I want you all to tell what you did that night, and how the messenger came (also in the night) and end it in the town center with Lloyd. Any questions, PM me or if there's enough, I'll make a Thread in the Underground. Have a good time with this, Yunsung.[/color][/size]
[COLOR=red][size=1]Alright, time for my two cents. (or however many I wanna put in) I may not of been here for the longest of hardly ANY RPGer, but I have a few things to say... I have seen the occasional rushed RPG with a short, disjointed story, and I have seen it fail. However, if Terra or Arcadia comes along and tells them what they did wrong, like if the plot wasn't detailed enough to get the story across, the creator often fixes it, and it becomes of better quality. (Thanks, BTW. You guys do your job well.) Though sometimes not enough to get many people interested, but the creator learns a new thing, and will (hopefully) build on his/her's new knowledge and create better RPGs. Some RPGs have a WAY too detailed story, see Guilty Gear: Rebirth of Outrage for an example. (I WILL get it started soon, my ToS RPG and my new upcoming Metroid RPG have been taking time) Hardly anyone wants to read a novel like that, and are ulimately intimitated by the sheer size of it. And, I may not be the greatest, or anywhere near it, RPG creator, I like to see plot twists, well thought out stories, and all around good grammar and writing. My RPGs aren't the best, but however many faliures, I dust my self off and get back on the horse, and have come out with two great RPGs. Thanks for reading this, if you did. That's just what I think.[/size][/color]
Heh, I've recently had the "Metroid" bug, and decided to create a banner... so here it is: [IMG]http://img65.exs.cx/img65/4315/RidleySamusKraid.bmp[/IMG] I hope someone gets a kick out of it...and rate it. Poor Ridley...:( at least Samus gets a break.
[COLOR=Red][size=1][b]OOC:[/b] Good sign ups, everyone. I'll allow one to two more people to sign up, then I'll start this. Here's mine: [b]Name:[/b] Lloyd Irving [b]Age:[/b] looks 17, real age unknown [b]Apperance:[/b] [URL=http://www.rpgamer.com/games/tales/tos/art/tos035.jpg]Lloyd Irving[/URL] [b]Weapons:[/b] [URL=http://www.rpgamer.com/games/tales/tos/art/tos014.jpg]The Twin Swords[/URL]. Only, time has changed them into the Flameberge and the Vaporal sword, each with three gems, one three rubies, the other three sapphires set into them, the Flameberge looks like a raging flame, and the Vaporal Sword looks like serene water, but both are deadly. Also called the Materal Blades. Has Ice and Fire element. [b]Spellcasting ability:[/b] NOTE: My spellcasting ability will be higher, because of his elven blood and many years of useage in it. Lloyd Irving was once thought to just be a human, but no, he was more than that. It turns out his father was a half elf, and his mother a full elf, not like the story his foster father told him. It also came to his attention that Aieons, the Meteor Stone, was in his stomach from birth, which increased his magical ability. He has trained in it for years, mastering many spells. [b]Spells:[/b] [u]Fireball (adv):[/u] Three fireballs shoot from the Flameberge at the enemy. [u]Aqua Edge (adv):[/u] Three blades of water slice the enemy. [u]Wind Blade (adv):[/u] A small sphere of blades of wind shoot for the enemy. [u]Stone Blast (adv):[/u] A barrage of large rocks are summoned and thrown at the enemy. [u]Lightning (adv):[/u] Two bolts of llightning come from the Vaporal Blade at the enemy. [u]Indignation (lightning, adv):[/u] A large dome of light encircles the enemies, raining lighting of the Heavens down on them from the dome. Like I said, I'm going to be more powerful than you, but it has to do with the plot, so I hope you don't mind.[/color][/size]
I like horror movies for the pure scare factor, the things that make your hair stand on end. I just watched a preview of the prequel, and I muted the TV to listen to a CD, but suddenly, it unmuted and I heard that damn creepy voice say "God is not here today...". I've decided to try to check the first (the first film-wise, not plot wise) one out, and if I like the scare factor, the second one. I just want to know: Is it scary? If its only as scary as Ghost Ship, I might rent it for a rainy day, but I want a movie that, like I said before, chills and thrills you pretty good. Is this a good movie for that?
[COLOR=Red][size=1][b]OOC: This is rated R for Violence, Language, and possible sexual themes.[/b][CENTER] "Once upon a time there existed a giant tree that was the source of all mana. A war, however, caused this tree to wither away, and a hero's life was sacrificed in order to take its place. Grieving over the loss, the goddess disappeared unto the heavens. The goddess left the angels with the edict: "You must wake me, for if I should sleep, the world shall be destroyed." The angels bore the Chosen One, who headed towards the tower that reached up unto the heavens. And that marked the beginning of the regeneration of the world."[/CENTER] So was the legend of the Chosen of Mana throughout time, until Colette, one of the most recent chosen, broke this tradition and fought to unite the worlds with her friends. She suceeded, and now the Elves of Hemdall have forgotten the past hate for Half Elves, and have worked together for many years. The elven magic that stops your metabolism is found to be able to reverse it aswell, and speed it, allowing for elves to time travel temporarily (they can't go too far without dying or not being born when they arrive). The half elves discover some disturbing history, about the hatred that used to go to them, and learn of this new magic, and decide to go back and find out the truth. The only problem is, two things are required to go back far in time. One being a few people to lend you mana, so that you go back further, and another being an exsphere, which were, of course, said to have been destroyed by Lloyd and Sheena, and the technologies forgotten in the new split world. A supplemnt for the exsphere was also a huge amount of mana, but using such amounts for the half elf history would not be convienent, because of its length of time, and its dangerousity of destroying the worlds. After deciding that going back in time is a must for the half elves, to discover their long forgotten orgin, they decide to create a device that scan the entire universe for exsoheres. The device finds an exsphere left, but something is very strange about it. It appears outside the radar, outside both Tethe'alla and Sylvarant. It appears on a third, small world... Dherris Kharlan! To get to Dherris Kharlan however, it would take a ton of mana, and only three people would be allowed to go. Due to space and time travel, so that they would get back at the same timeframe, the machine sent them 75 years into the past so that theyy would arrive back on Sylvarant without passing a huge amount of time. Anyways, the mana it would require to run this machine would need to be huge. The only place to take the mana from would be Dherris Kharlan itself. So the machine begins to draw the mana and prepare. A group of humans begin to form a rebellion against this, because of their shame for what the half elves would figure out, but also because if anything were to go wrong, there may wind up being a huge overflow or lack of mana in the new world, which would be disastrous! This group sets off on their journey now, to reach Dherris Kharlan. Sign ups: [u]Name:[/u] I'm not going to be strict on the types of names, besides no DragonKiller688 or the like. [u]Age:[/u] NOTE: One half-elf is in the group. The range is from 16-40 for the humans. NO ONE can sign up as the half elf, I'm taking that part. [u]Gender:[/u]...I hope I don't have to explain... [u]Apperance:[/u] Pic or good discription, please. [u]Weapon:[/u] You start with one weapon, provide what it looks like, what Element, and the name [u]Spellcasting Abliliy:[/u] Tell if you can use spells here, and explain why. [u]Spells:[/u] For starting spells, use just stuff like Lightning, Air Blade, Fireball. You may have ONE big spell, tell what it does if its not in the game. Alright, that's all. I'll post my sign up soon. Yunsung[/color][/size]
Just thought Id share this with everyone. [spoiler]I beath Mithos at level 55, then his second form, and I still had all characters alive, and didn't use a single life bottle Oh, then when I uploaded another game file, I went and did Devil's Arm's sidquest, and when I beat Abyssion, I was only level 63 all, and I got out alive with all Life bottles in tact.[/spoiler] I don't think anyone can top that...
[color=red][size=1]"Not true, I've got you." And with a weak grin, started to fall unconisus again. In the white room they were, no one around. Resting, they would go back when he woke up, if they were lucky. If they wern't, it'd be a day to three. She had cleared them so quick...it was amazing. [i]I never ment to hurt anyone, especially you, Velvet. Don't you understand by now? I love you. I was just trying to do what was best for you. And I caused you physical and mental pain.[/i] Those were his thoughts as he drifted away, besides one song, [i]Hold me now Oh hold me now Till this hour has gone around And I'm gone Ont the rising tide For to face Van Diamen's land Its a bitter pill I swolllow here To be rend from one so dear We fought for justice and not for gain but the Magistrate sent me away Hold me now Oh hold me now till this hour has gone around And I'm gone on The Rising Tide For to face Van Diamen's land...[/i] OOC:Short, I know.[/color][/size]