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Everything posted by Engel

  1. [COLOR=royalblue][size=1]Well, the least embarassing one I'm listing is.... the time I accidently said the F-word out loud when I was in second grade. We had to find things that rhymed with luck, and I ment to say muck, but it came out, ya know... Another, you say? The time that I fell off the top of my house (only two broken bones, YAY!) and almost fell onto the neighbor. Ah, and the time that I flushed my brother's gameboy down the toliet, then it clogged because of the games I put in it. I was like, 4 years old, though. And, I had to use the restroom, but it just wouldn't flush... Alright, laugh it up, foos. BUT, I know some thing that has happened to you, so I can laugh too.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][i]The worlds shift...next to each other, but never together. The two worlds, Sylvarant and Telle'alla, are at war. The Mana flowing from the Great Tree Yggdrasil, has stopped, because of all the violence the mana has faded from the once thought infinte supply. War is here, and only the Chosen's group can stop it. The Telle'alla are winning due to the Magitechnology and better metals, but the elves have sided with Sylvarant, and gave them Magitechnology. They war for the Mana that is left. Mithos, Martel, Kratos, and Yuan must go to the ground of Karlan and germinate the seed of the Great Tree. But monsters and ill wishing half elves vey to stop them on their journey of World Regeneration.[/color][/size][/i][color=DeepSkyBlue][size=1] Mithos sat in a wooden chair, his blonde hair leafing his face like strands of golden light. His blue eyes were shut, the warm, crisp light lightly touching his smooth face. His clothes were clean and proper. He was asleep, but a rasp at his door had awoken him. He threw the comfortable cotton blanket off him and murmered in a sleepy voice, "Come on in." The wooden door's smooth oak handle shifted, then turned to the left and a purple gloved hand was able to be seen in the now dusty and hazy light of the road. Kratos stepped in, and asked,[/COLOR][/size][color=purple][size=1] "Did I disturb you?" Mithos shook his head, and motioned for Kratos to sit down. Bending down, Kratos' blade shifted out of the scabbard and it shone in the dim light. It wasn't normal steel, but Mythril. "Don't mind my sword. It was given to me by the Elves. We should wait for Yuan and Martel." Mithos nodded, and they began to wait...[/COLOR][/size][COLOR=green] ~~~ This is a ToS RPG idea. Its the story of how Mithos and co. "saved" the two worlds, and how Mithos became so twisted. Opinions and ideas are apperceated, and I can save spots. I'll probably play as either Mithos or Kratos. PM me for saving spots.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Mithos Yggdrasil [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Kalmorian [b]Age:[/b] 200 [b]Alternate Form:[/b] Human [b] Human Apperance:[/b] Mithos has dark brown hair, usually spiked. His neck is adorned by a pulsing black necklace, which he never removes. A strange orb is fitted on the back of his dark purple gloved hand, it glows a radiant blue. His appearance is of a strongly built man, standing 5'9. His piece of hard purple cloth that fits around his neck in a perfect cylinder, goes over his arms, and is laced with gold and black inlaying. His shirt is violet, and tight fitting, showing his muslcular body off. It has a cross in light purple across it, with two rubies at the left and right side. A light violet double belt is across Mithos' waist, holding his purple, stiff battle pants in one area. His eyes are cold and melevolent, but he does care if someone gets hurt. [IMG]http://www.rpgamer.com/games/tales/tos/screens/tos096.jpg[/IMG] (I can't hyperlink it for some reason. Meh.) [b]Element:[/b] Thunder [b]Ablities:[/b] Mithos can manipulate the lightning of the heavens, making it twist and form in ways you can only imagine. Capable of imbuing his Flamberge with thunder, he can also summon a Magical Spell called Integral Judgement, which summons a whirlwind of lightning that explodes outwards. Mithos can also make bridges of powerful eletricity, alowing him access to many places that normal people can't reach alone. Mithos has more powers, but they will be discovered later on. The powers he hasn't discovered yet are the ablitiy to use the orb on his hand called the Angelus Project with his lightning powers to summon wings of lightning and fury, sweeping him into the skies to rain destruction on his foes. Another is that of his Vow, his vow to never let one innocent go unharmed. It unleashes his fury in an explosion of eletricty, badly scarring and maming everyone of his oppoents. His last and most powerful, the summon of the power eletricity into a globe of lightning with a mind of it own. He has a weakness to his Mana brother, Earth, but is relistant to Water and wind, which he is quite strong against. He has no grugdes or friendships with any other elements, so they have normal effects on him, as his powers do they.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [b]OCC: Man, Tales of Symphonia is a great game. Gave me a few ideas.[/b]
  4. [COLOR=Royalblue][size=1]Judgement looked at the blade, then shook his head, and rephrased the question, "Isn't this place not able to make contact with the physical world? And, Crucifix, right? I'm aptly named Judgement, so I know this is endangering my possiblites of getting in, but I don't think you wanna wave that Crucifix Blade around. Not while Justice is my hand." He turned his wrist a little to the left, and the hilt glinted in the light. it crackled with thunder, and started to glow blue. "Do you want to know why my blade is called Justice? It's because I killed one of the strongerst monsters in here, Justice. It's a one of a kind monster, a Gear. A Superhuman if you will. He fell in battle, and his body became this blade, and perhaps it was fate, but the poor monster thanked me, and said he would serve me." Crucifix looked shocked. [i]Surely he didn't kill the Gear? I didn't even...[/i] Judgement looked at Justice, then at Crucifix. "Although, the real name is Thunderseal."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [COLOR=Royalblue][size=1]The first soft rays of a golden stream of light hit Spencer's face like the touch of a soft hand, warming and calming. Still, he woke, and changed into his what some thought neat, and some thought weird, clothes. Grabbing his Birdhouse skateboard, he leaped down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Pulling out the cereal, he sleeply watched his mother walk down the stairs, her hair ruffled. "Hey mum." Spencer waved. She smilied and pushed a strand out of her hair, waving back. "You always make me feel good in the morning, Spence. Want some waffles?" Spencer shook his head, and told her, "Ya just woke up, mum. Besides, I don't have any time, I've got to go to school now. Bye." He hugged her, then threw open the door. He seemed to be one with the board, starting out with a Manual, then a kickflip, going back into a swerving manual. Putting his hands behind his head, he closed his eyes, and just went with the flow. When he opened them, he jumped onto a rail, and did a 50-50 grind to the rails that went to the school. Taking the board, he got off it and went into the school.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [COLOR=Darkred][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Lloyd Irving [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Small Bio:[/b] Lloyd's mother was killed by an orgainzation known as Diasins for a strange crystal orb imbedded on her left hand. A scraggly old man found him, and took him in as his own. The strange sphere, is the almighty Exsphere, which brings out one's true strength. His Navi and him share their appearance, and the Exsphere. [b]Apperance:[/b] [URL=http://www.nintendomaine.com/ngc/previews/talesofsymphonia/art-lloyd.jpg]Lose the twin katanas at his side[/URL] [b]Three chips:[/b] Tempest, Demon Fang, Sonic Stab. [b]Personality:[/b] Lloyd is withdrawn, and cold. He takes pride in his Navi Battling, and his unique Exsphere, the only momento of his mother. [u]Net Navi:[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Sol [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Short Bio:[/b] One day, as Lloyd was surfing the net with an old and obsolete Navi, the Exsphere began to glow, and Sol was born. No one knows how this happened, but Sol is Lloyd's only friend/ [b]Apperance:[/b] [URL=http://www.nintendomaine.com/ngc/previews/talesofsymphonia/art-lloyd.jpg]Sol keeps the Katanas but where its red, its now black[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Sol is essentally like Lloyd, but he's a bit more open and understanding. He sticks by Lloyd forever. Some say it's his mother, acting through the Exsphere...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. The only thing that I find uncool about the Light Cannon and Dark cannon, is the said ammo. I heard somewhere that Samus only has those two cannons for an undetermined period in the game. I mean, I think the ammo should instead be an overheat, where it takes like ten seconds to rechage after firing fifteen shots. And, that creature with the red eye, is that supposed to be [spoiler]Dark Samus? I know that Metroid Prime took Samus' Phazon Suit and made itself Dark Samus. I've seen screeshots of the blob that Dark Samus becomes, so I'll see if I can get them up.[/spoiler] I like the Dark and Light side thing of Aether, it seems cool. I've also got th disc, so I'll find out some of this stuff soon enough.
  8. [COLOR=royalblue][size=1]I'm a....[/color][/size][color=purple]Mewtwo user. I like to just charge up Psi balls, then shift to the other side when they go to hit. It's funny, I've done it for an hour straight. Although, I also like 'is hypnotic stare, because another hypnotic stare, and then they go flying. My favorite 1-1 is...[/COLOR][Color=green][size=1]Luigi! His headbutt attack is awesome, and the one in nine chance of misfire (which was a glitch, I think. it quadriples Luigi's Green Missile attack in both strength and range.) is an added bonus. His fireballs are good for players that like to jump and he's just cool.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=Royalblue][SIZE=1]Yunsung started to play with Indigo, such a beautful color. He made a wall of indigo, which shimmered as he walked with it held out. He proceeded to make a bouqeut of indigo flowers, made of light. He tossed them up, then shot them down with a few Red Rays. The sparkiling petals gleamed in the dusty light as he stepped on Velvet's doorstep. He knocked at the door, and Britney stood in the doorway, watching the petals fall from the sky. He asked if he could come in, and she motioned for him to step in. He began to lose himself in Violet, nothing was there but violet. His eyes shone a purple light, and his knuckles were gleaming with violet. He walked in the door, and told her to calm down.[/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1] [b]"It's me, Brit. I've learned to control light, my telekinetics far more powerful than I was. I am the Most Violet in my eyes, emperor of my telekinetics. Wait, something is strange, but I can't place it... something bad.... something Shinyo don't like. May I ask what?"[/b] OOC: Tag! Taryn![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][size=1][b]Name:Ky Sushini [b]Codename:[/b]Judgement [b]Apperance:[/b] [URL=http://alterarchives.nm.ru/GI-Ky.jpg]Click[/URL] Judgement has pure white hair, with hints of violet in it. His once blue eyes are a deep violet too. His garb is changed too, where blue used to be, is a crimson red. On his white sash, instead of hope, it says "Avidtiy" in violet. His sword has a purple hilt, and the blade is deep violet, like nearly everything else. [b]Abilities:[/b] [u]Control of light:[/u] Judgement uses eigth colors of light to fuel different attacks and helpful things. These are the colors he uses: Red. He fires a Red Ray of Destruction when he attacks with it, but if he charges it, it becomes a Red River of Desolance. The Red Ray is a finger wide beam of superheated light and air, and the Red River is a torso sized blast of heat. Its powers are keeping him warm and gives a small light. Orange. Its attacks are, Orange Overthrow of Power, which hurls a giant boulder made of orange light that can crush things. His charge is Orange Overload of Fury, which boosts his strength and swordmanship. Yellow. Its attacks are, Yellow Yell of Strength, which produces a small barrier of power which expands five feet out. His charge attack only makes it go 10 feet out. Green. Its attacks are, Green Gale of Wind, which launches a small twister that shoots forward. His charge attack is Green Gate of Heaven, which charges at the enemy to impale them on the spikes of it. Its power is to be able to make a globe of air that works like a firefighers' oxygen tank, but lighter. Blue. Blue Blast of Hatred is an attack that unleashes some of his hatred in a cryogenic blast to hurt and freeze the enemy. His charge is just like the Blue Blast of Hatred, but the beam is wider, and can push right though the enemy, freezing them from the inside. Indigo. Indigo Impalement of Justice makes a thin beam of light that expands into a wall of Light, and then when it smacks the enemy, it conforms into a spear and stabbs them. Charge is Indigo Insealment, which puts a seal of light on their head, which stops movement and then makes a spear of light to kill them And the most powerful, Violet. Visious Violet Wave is an attack that launches an avalanche of light upon the enemy. The worst thing he can summon up is The Violet Unvraveling, which dissolves ANYTHING it touches. [u]Swordsmanship:[/u] Judgement is skillled with the blade seen in his hand for close combat. [b]Personality:[/b] Judgement, dispite his apperance is rather kind and caring. But, if you anger him, you will fall to his light attacks faster than you can take your next breath. He's got a lot of spunk and angnst, so he's enthusiastic in battle. [b]Bio:[/b] Ky grew up on the streets, eating rats to survive. His poor apperance and sutblety led many people to devlop compassion and hope for him, and fed him regular meals, and one family took them into their home. He repaid them befor setting out to discover his identity, but as soon as he left home, they were killed. Ky took this as treason, and vowed to find who he really was, then find whoever did that to his family. His true past wasn't pretty, and he found out that the person that killed his old family was his own brother. He cornered his brother in a musty ally, and tore his gizzard up, stringing it on a lamp post. Masamune saw the ruthlessness displayed when he was angered to the right point, and decied to make him into Judgement. As Judgement, he killed scores of the assassins that his family had belonged to, until he killed them also. His deed done, he sought out Masamune to change him back, but they refused...[/COLOR][/SIZE] OOC:I hope I don't have to change that, my arm is going numb.
  11. [COLOR=Royalblue][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Spencer Charles [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Value/s:[/b] Justice and Hope [b]Earth Apperance:[/b] [URL=http://alterarchives.nm.ru/GI-Ky.jpg]Click here, and if you can't tell, it says hope on his waist where the white thingy is[/URL] [b]Angelic Apperance:[/b] Same as above, just add two blue glowing wings. [b]Weapon:[/b] The sword in his hands, its got the Angelic Script along the blade, and it glows a soft blue.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [COLOR=Royalblue][size=1]Tal shot straight up from in his bed. He'd had a nightmare of when Ebbit died. He cursed as he smacked his head on the headboard and then got up to check the clock. It was still early, so he would just get on, since he wouldn't be able to go to sleep anyway. Cracking his neck, he started his PC up. He appeared in the World a few moments later. His white, blue trimmed coat ruffled in a slight wind, blond hair rustling to the right. He'd wonder the capital city for a while, to see if any monsters were lurking at the edges. As he completed a circumnavigation, he soon realised that none were going to be for a while, because even though the Dark Crusaders were out there, that doesn't mean they are going to hit the capital for a while. He headed of at a jog to find something else to do. [i]Maybe I'll go to the shop...[/i] He pushed everyone out of they way, as they were like a herd of ravenous animals. It wasn't a hard push, just enough to move them. He saw a giant wave of angry shoppers heading for him, so he hightailed it to the nearest desk when he saw Team Hikari's leader. [i]I can get away from them, and talk to her about Team Hikari![/i] He put his feet to a stop and told Imogen in an urgent voice, "I'm here about Team Hikari."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. Thanks for the awesome avatar, but I think it's a tad too big, because it isn't showing ujp. If I put it on paint, and give you the current dimetons, can you make it smaller? Also, I didn't say that this was the end of this thread, you can still post your avatar.
  14. [COLOR=Royalblue]Hello! Anyway, to get to the buissness, I would like an ava of the pic below. You are probably thinking, "WHAT?! YOU'VE GOT IT ON PAINT!" but its a bmp, and anyway, I would like a cool font that says "Holy Orders", whatever font you like, and thanks. Cookie to whoever gives me an ava![/COLOR] EDIT: I'm having trouble attaching it, so I'd like a pic of Ky's face, with Holy Orders somewhere in it. Thanks.
  15. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]This my first submission here, so bear with me, ok? I've titled this short poem, "Love is a wound"[/COLOR][COLOR=Darkred][i] My love for you is burning like a fire Only you and I can I aspire to be together forever and till the end of never Now the flame's gone I don't mean to be wrong But I thought it was immortal But is it just a mortal wound? Constricting my lungs You speak in dark tounges they condem me to hell where a soul will never be well I break the surface and sunlight streams on my face Somehow cold and malevolent Why is love such a wound of violence?[/COLOR][/i][COLOR=royalblue] Probably bad, but you have to tell me 'fore I know.[/COLOR]
  16. Engel

    Deserted Isles

    [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][b]OOC:[/b] Nice first RPG, Kittychanann [b]Name:[/b] Spencer Charles [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Apperance:[/b] [URL=http://www.bloody-roar.com/en/img/chara/yugo/profile_yugo.jpg]Ignore the text...[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Spencer is kind and trustful, often ignoring the little faults in people and seeing them for who they are. He's warm and the kind of guy you'd just want to talk to on a day's end. His demeanor is cool when he's angry, to mask whatever is eating at him. He's fast at comprehending people's problems, which in turn help him to help them. [b]Biography:[/b] Spencer has two brothers, and a job. He works at Bunches-of-crap, one of the rival stores to Lots-O-Crap. He was raised by rather strange parents that grew strange plants in the garden... O_o His friends came over to play Tales of Symphonia with him, but he only had one controller... Spencer came to the store to buy three controllers for his gamecube so his friends could play Tales of Symphonia with him. He browsed the isles for a long time, wondering what else he could get. He really wanted a go kart... why not put it on layaway, and still get controllers? Because he only had enough money for either one. Saddened, he chose the controllers and then just sat there, looking at the go kart and wondering why frizzbes got bigger, then it hit him. He picked it up, and chucked it at the kid that threw it. He sat on a colorful bench to rub his head. [b]One thing you have with you:[/b] Spencer has a Swiss army knife. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR=Royalblue][SIzE=1]*Claps hard, not golf clap either* You did good, Skye. I liked the parts where you put Leareth having comments. It gave the story the sense of sorrow and personality that is good. Scores: 10.0/9.6/10.0[/COLOR][/sIzE]
  18. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Here's what happened: My brother left the window in the front room open, and the house is infested with flies. I'm the only one home, so It's up to me to rid the house of the flies. I've got a fourth of a can of Rid-a-bug, a full can of Glade, and two latex gloves. I need some pointers. Anyone going to help? (this isn't a joke either)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]If I may suggest a good series and author, Garth Nix. His series [i]The Seventh Tower[/i] which is a six book long one is a good read. (I'm even thinking of starting a TST RPG...) and, another good Garth Nix, [i]Sabrel[/i] the first of the Abhorsen series. Another series, [i]The Keys to the Kingdom[/i]. Just a few suggestions...[/color][/size]
  20. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Tal Rerem [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Class:[/b] Light Mage/Shadowmaster (uses the seven colors of light to fuel different magicks, like red would do a Red Ray of Destruction, if this is OK. Shadowmaster makes his shadow become a varying assortment of beasts to help him) [b]Weapons:[/b] A [URL=http://www.semi-precious-stone.com/gifs/sunstone-stone.jpg]Sunstone, the one in front on the right[/URL] on a ring on his right hand. It is also used to warm him, and give his Shadow light, so it becomes stronger. It launches a thin beam of light when no spells are cast, but the beam is realtively weak. [b]Alliance:[/b] Outcasts [b]Partner:[/b] [URL=http://vcl.ctrl-c.liu.se/vcl/Artists/JKarrah-EbonDragon/Hydra.jpg]Sharrakor The Mighty[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Tal is a proper mannered young man, taking care of others before thinking of himself. He's self-aware, knowing his faults and strenghts. Other thean that, he's quiet, and when he does talk, its only a few words, but they get the point across well enough. [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.hongyunsung.com/gallery/Yunsung02.jpg]Tal, minus the sword.[/URL] [b]History:[/b] Tal was raised as a rather rich kid, but not a spoiled brat, as most people thought. His father was an experenced mage, and passed his secrets down to Tal, with a mystic stone that held the power of the sun.He ran away from home when he learned the horrble things being done to dragons and those who lived with them. However, when he clutched the stone for the first time in battle, his memories of all his old magic was gone, along with his past. He knew a new form of magic, Light Magic. Something told him to consentrate on fire and light, and the sunstone started to glow red. It launched a red beam at one enemy's head, punching a finger sized hole in his head. The others ran off in fear. He tought him self more of this magic, and can use up to Green light magic, the 4th highest in his disapline. He began to regain his memory with every foe felled, until he had collected every piece of his past. His body felt strange one night, and when he got out to see what it was, he realised his shadow was moving freely, but would listen to Tal. He decided to delve into his power, and he learned much of this arcane art. By chance, or maybe fate, he ran across a dragon that had gone mad. After quelling the dragon's spirit, it was attached to him, and from that day was his best friend.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][size=1]Spence was walking in the ally when he had an idea. Why not try to bend light with telekinekis to make it do different things? He should be able to use all seven colors, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and the highest spectrum, Violet. He decided to try something with red. Just make a red beam of light. He felt in the air, arranging it so the air around his knuckle on his forth finger appeared red. It worked! He called it a Red Ray of Dissatisfation, because every time red had always been a color that he thought ment that, to an extent. [i]Let's try something else with red...[/i] He began to heat up the air, and made it swirl around his knuckle, and the light mixed in, making a whirlpool of superheated red light. Strange thing, it moved with his knuckle, and when he let control slip for a mintue, it stayed. He clenched his fist, and then thought, [i]Destroy![/i] And a finger red beam of red light fired forward, blowing a hole in a brick wall. A Red Ray of Destruction, that was an approate name. He decided to go to Velvet's house, because he could pick up a hint in the air of their powers, they were that powerful. His was too. He had the power of Light on his hands. He would be the most powerful of the Telekinetics.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed][size=1] I like the first one better, and it suits the Sexy Six part much better with the dark pink and purple... but I'm just the Single Guy of the Sexy Six, (fer a reason, I guess, no money v_v so no girl gives me a second look. That was off topic) Just go with what you want.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [color=purple][size=1]OOC:Don't ask why I'm using purple font, I've just re-read the Seventh Tower series, so just look there for answers. Steven climbed out the car, arriving first at the club. Hell, he may be the only single guy in the whole group, but meh, he's too good to be attached to anyone but Imi. That was his look on life right now, the loner in the group, but always there, in the shadows of the darkened reality that now stared him in the eyes, threating to make him loose control of his thoughts, his love, his mind. This was a chance to clear it all, and from the ashes, a new Eden shall arise, one where he was Emperor of his life. He looked at Imi with a deep sorrow hidden in his crystal blue eyes. The fires of love that once burned a crimson fury, now a small spark in the void of loneliness. He walked into the club, and just sat down to watch everyone dance. It was their time, time to heal broken relationships, time to forget everything bad and just dance...[/COLOR][/size] OOC: I might of gone to far on the dramatics.
  24. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]This is an idea for a The Seventh Tower RPG. [u]The Story:[/u][i] It's twenty years after the death of Sharrakor, and Tal's appointment to Chosen Emperor. The Spiritshadows have been freed, and returned to Aenir. The Chosen and Icecarls have been at peace, and the Underfolk have all become at least Chosen of the Red Order. Tal and Milla are bewed, and they have one son, and one daughter. Crow, was the young boy's name, named after the hero of both worlds who gave his life to defeat Sharrakor. Ethar was the girl's name, after the Chosen guard that stood in the way of Sushin and gave her life. Spiritshadows are rarely seen, but all of them are renegade. The Veil has survived still, and shall until the end of the Dark World. A new presense is stirring, though. It's been said to take a dragon's shape, like Sharrakor. Some have seen a young girl, with deep black hair and glowing red eyes. And, some have seen an Icecarl, resembling Arla, the deceased Shield Mother. An army of renegade shadows are gathering, and the time to use Spiritshadows again is coming at an alarming pace....[/i] You would either be a renegade Chosen or Icecarl , already with a Spiritshadow and in service of the new enemy. Or, you can be a good guy, Icecarl or Chosen, not yet with a Spiritshadow and in Tal's service. So, what do you all think?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]*takes out lemon marker and sniffs* That's some good lemon marker... I've got one banner(s) done. Oh well, that's not a record.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20484[/IMG]
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