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[COLOR=RoyalBlue] [b]Name:[/b] Spence Lehari [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Apperance:[/b] Growing up in a foster home wasn't much better than the streets, as Spence is only 5'5 and 102 lbs. His dirty blonde hair is streaked to one side in spikes, to his left. A large scar runs across his right eyebrow. He is actually pretty stong under his white T-shirt with a dark red button up shirt that lays open on his chest. His black Jinco cargo jeans keep him warm, but on sunny days he swapps them for white cargo shorts. He has brilliant sapphire eyes that mask a inner sadness deep in his heart. His strong, dextile fingers are slender. He has a medium complexion. [b]Personality:[/b] Spence is warm and kind, shrugging off the horrid life he's endured. He talks to many people, and is wise beyond his years, most of it street knowledge, but he is intellegent also. But, it you tick him off, or bring his past up, the small sadness inside him sparks and he goes mad, thowing stuff at you with his mind. [u]Empathy:[/u] No [u]Telepathy:[/u] No [u]Telekinekis:[/u] Yes/Strong [b]Short Bio:[/b] Spence grew up with a narcotic mother and a crippled father. Kimberly often stole from John, his father. When John started to resist, Kimberly got in a fight with him, and Spence threw her across the room with Telekinekis. John wanted to keep him, but Kim wouldn't have a 'freak' in her house, so to speak. She chucked him out the door, and he met Brittney once or twice. She was nice, and she listened. He was found by a couple who took him to a orpanige at the end of town. He was made fun of there, but he just ignored it. Spence was evetually adopted by a heavy drinking couple. They beat him regualry, and forced him to drink beer and the such at times. He was malnourished, but he soon recovered from that, although it still lingers in some places.[/COLOR]
This is what I have so far. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OOC: It wouldn't fit in the title, but language is in this also. [i] [CENTER]I have walked the paths; the shadowed roads that led to terror's breast, I have plumbed the depths of Hatred's womb and sealed Destruction's crest. For every secert left unvelled, for every power learned, I'd sell the the remnants of my soul, regardless how it burned And still I sought a higher wisdom few could of attained. Though I found it, it would leave me-broken, damned and drained For now I find this power gained is more unto a curse My spirit burns with every spell and each irreverent verse. Despite this strength and knowledge earned, I have paid a heavy toll, Never should've traded power for my own immortal soul[/CENTER]-Taken from the Nameless Hero's last journal entry before leaving Tristram.[/i] [i]The Story:[/i] This takes place before Diablo I or Diablo II, it is the story of the very first Binding of The Brothers, by the Horadrim. We start out in a small passage to Lut Golhein, the Desert City. We've been following Baal, the second oldest, and lord of Destruction. Famished, we take rest in a large network of cold caves. It was the Maggot Hole, and they marched, the line of twisted soldiers, Undead, and Sand Maggots. Fighting them off, we lost Baal, and must continue the search. Finding him, he takes refuge in Lut Golhein. We must wait before confronting him... [u]The Classes:[/u] [CENTER][u]Amazon[/CENTER][/u] The Amazon plays like a slightly more battle-capable Rogue from Diablo I. She can hold her own in one-on-one combat but truly excels at ranged weaponry. Her two options are the Bow and the Javelin. You need to make a decision which one you will specialise in. The javelin is best if you prefer to keep you melee skills particularly sharp. Don’t try to keep both weapons at maximum, as this will mean that you won’t reach full potential in either. The Amazon is the thinking fighter. You can’t just take her hip-deep into demons and start slashing. She’s best as a guerrilla terrorist. Hit and run, attack and fade. Ambushes are a speciality of the Amazon. (Much like the Vietcong guerrilla tactics of the Vietnam War) Obviously, Dexterity is you prime statistic, but Strength can’t be ignored either. At every level advance, think about placing two points into Strength, two into Dexterity, and one into Vitality if you want a well rounded character. Otherwise keep Dexterity as your dominant stat with for points added at each level and one to the other stats every consecutive round. You may want to think about keeping Vitality up as well as you’ll be running a lot. Once you have a decent set of combat stats, think about diverting some skill into energy. While you won’t be using high-cost powers constantly, there will be a constant drain on your Mana. You’ll need to have enough magic power to ensure you won’t be just getting off a few shots then having to run away continually. The bow-using Amazon has a few important skills that she needs to be particularly efficient with. Magic Arrow is the most important and is an essential early level skill. It creates a surprise magic arrow. Interestingly, the higher skill point you have in it the more damage it does and the cheaper it is until by level 12, it’s free. It is a handy default attack for this character. Cold Arrow is also a vital skill. Freezing attacks are one of the most useful attack types in the game, and piking off a rampaging horde can certainly dictate the tempo of battle to your advantage [CENTER][u]Barbarian[/CENTER][/u] The Barbarian is a member of any of several tribes on the fringes of civilization, and he refuses the influence of those he sees as soft and weak. Ceaseless clan warfare and the constant struggle to survive in the hostile wilderness are reflected in the Barbarian's sturdy and powerful frame. Though perhaps lacking the sophistication of city folk, the Barbarian has an acute awareness of his surroundings. Because of his shamanistic belief in the animal powers with whom he identifies, the Barbarian is sometimes associated with stories of lycanthropy. In fact, he believes he can call upon the totemic animal spirits to infuse him with supernormal strengths and abilities, but these only work to improve his already superb battle-tactics. Being a hand-to-hand specialist he's going to need to watch his health and keep a plentiful stock of health potions. Luckily he possesses 'Find Health Potion' {level one skill} and this will aid him in successfully harvesting a superior health potion from the body of a slain monster. And at higher levels, if he does go charging into a situation he's not ready to handle he has a leap skill that will enable him to jump over the pack and into safety. From there he's more than capable of putting some distance between himself and his opponents as he has the highest amount of stamina and can run for a good old distance before needing to rest to replenish. To enhance his Combat Skills he has near-on an entire tree dedicated to Combat Masteries. All are Clvl six and below and is the only section of any tree that does not have prerequisites. So basically the first skill point you get you can allot it to any of the six masteries to improve whichever weapon he is using at that time. All masteries are passive so do not need activating, as soon as a single point has been added he will begin to enjoy increased proficiency in that area as they become intrinsic to his character. The more points, the more of a master he becomes in that particular weapon. So a bit of a 'Daniel my son' element there. [CENTER][u]Necromancer[/CENTER][/u] From the steamy recesses of the southern swamps comes a figure cloaked in mystery. The Necromancer, as his name implies, is an unseemly form of sorcerer whose spells deal with the raising of the dead and the summoning and control of various creatures for his purposes. Though his goals are often aligned with those of the forces of Light, some do not think that these ends can justify his foul means. Long hours of study in dank mausolea have made his skin pale and corpselike, his figure, skeletal. Most people shun him for his peculiar looks and ways, but none doubt the power of the Necromancer, for it is the stuff of nightmares. As with the Sorcerer before him he's physically weak and will find it difficult to don heavy duty armor, so must rely on the likes of 'Bone Armour', 'Amplify Damage', 'Weaken' and 'Poison Dagger' to aid him in the initial stages should he find himself in melee combat. The preference though is to eliminate the threat before it comes to a close-ranged battle. But projectiles and protection aside, he dominates in his ability to raise and command the dead and call forth assistants. "A necromancer looks upon a bloody battlefield strewn with the dead as a potential army waiting to be trained." Said someone once, someplace. Although he can not directly control his minions, {they automatically stay in close proximity though} he does have some influence on their life span. [CENTER][u]Paladin[/CENTER][/u] The Knights of Westmarch who felled the armies of mighty Leoric are pure at heart and follow closely the teachings of Zakarum, the Religion of the Light. A battle-ready warrior for whom faith is a shield, he fights for what he believes to be right. Furthermore, his steadfastness gives him powers to bring blessings to his friends, and wreak cruel justice upon his foes. There are those who call the Paladin an overwrought zealot, but others recognize in him the strength and goodness of the Light. Although a fighter at heart his forte lies in the ability to create auras to enhance his equipped items and armour, increase effectiveness of his attacks and offer increased protection for himself and his friendly party. Auras are intangible halos of magical effects which emanate from the Paladin affecting all those they come into contact with, either positively or negatively, depending on the aura and in the case of other players, the Player Setting. Adding points to auras will increase the duration, radius and strength of the aura's effect. [CENTER][u]Sorceress[/CENTER][/u] One of the rebellious women who have wrested the secrets of magic use from the male dominated Mage-Clans of the East, the Sorceress is an expert in mystical creation ex nihilo. Though somewhat lacking in the skills of hand-to-hand combat, she compensates for this with fierce combative magics for both offense and defense. Solitary and reclusive, the Sorceress acts based on motives and ethics inscrutable to most, sometimes seeming capricious and even spiteful. In reality, she understands the struggle between Order and Chaos all too clearly, as well as her role as a warrior in this battle. Her stature may be small but that's certainly no reflection of her capabilities or capacity of being an offensive character. Her speciality lies in 3 areas of magic; cold, fire and lightning, each of which contain its own mastery. Much of the three trees are taken up with projectile attacks, either direct streams, missiles of one form or the other and 'from above' skills such as the 'Thunder Storm', 'Blizzard' and 'Meteor'. The latter set are particularly useful when you first get sight of an approaching mob, targeting just in front of them so they have to walk through the storm before reaching you. Although strategy can't be discussed at this time, her trees are strictly focused on magic so she'll have to be aware at all times of her opponents resistances/immunities. This will be more difficult in Diablo II as monsters' resistances and immunities are not displayed, only their health status. Its very tiring, so I need to know if people would even think of joining it before I finsh Skills and sign ups.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Steven pondered over all of the things his friends said. [i]You're not getting on that plane, even if I have to get Emily to kill you.[/i] [i]NOTHING FOR YOU HERE, WHAT AM I, WHAT IS CLOVER, IMI, RYAN, ROB, KATIE, ALL OF US, WE'RE NOTHING ARE WE?![/i] Steven looked out the window, gazing at the midnight stars glittering in the twilight of the world. [i]Its just not enough, I'm going to go. I'm sorry.[/i] Steven and Micha climbed into his car, and headed out to the prom. She'd bought him a ticket over the internet, for tommrow. Arriving at the prom again, he heard the DJ being a jerk, playing songs no one wanted to hear because he was bored. Steven hopped onto the raised platform, and asked the DJ, "Now, what are we doing here, jackass mask?" The DJ had a donkey mask on, and Steven head the groans of the other students from a really bad Brittney Spears song. The DJ cocked his head and shouted in a stupid voice from behind his mask, "Dude, just having some fun! You here to screw it up or somethin'?" Jonah asked while pulling out a butcher knife. Steven clenched his fists, grabbing a large steel rod he found in the car. It was black with silver ringlets, one of his treasures from his father. Jonah lept forward, swinging the knife at Steven's head. Steven brought the rod up, blocking it, then turned the rod until it was on top of the knife, and in one swift motion, made the blade fly out of his hand. Both hands on the rod, Steven smashed it into Jonah's right side. He fell with a groan, and coughed up some blood. The students cheered, and Steven grabbed the microphone. "Everyone, its been a grand life here, but I regret to inform I'm leaving. A spot on The OC has been offered to me, so I decided to take it. I'm sorry to all the broken hearts that don't want me to leave, but I've got only friends here, and I'm the only single guy in the whole of Eastport Bay, so I bid you all adieu. I'd like to play one final song, one close to my heart." Mama told me when I was young Come sit beside me, my only son And listen closely to what I say. And if you do this It will help you some sunny day. Take your time... don’t live too fast, Troubles will come and they will pass. Go find a woman and you’ll find love, And don’t forget son, There is someone up above. (chorus) And be a simple kind of man. Be something you love and understand. Be a simple kind of man. Won’t you do this for me son, If you can? Forget your lust for the rich man’s gold All that you need is in your soul, And you can do this if you try. All that I want for you my son, Is to be satisfied. (chorus) Boy, don’t you worry... you’ll find yourself. Follow you heart and nothing else. And you can do this if you try. All I want for you my son, Is to be satisfied. (chorus) "I just wanted to be a Simple Man. Looks like I got more than I barganed for. I-I-I'll miss you all." And he jumped into the crowd, they carried him to the front door, then he climbed into his car.[/COLOR] OOC :Don't worry, I've got plans.
[COLOR=DarkRed]Steven had his arm draped around Micha, asleep. The seemingly distant rumble of a car awakened him, and he sat upright. Micha woke up too, and she asked what he was doing. Steven simply responded, "I think someone's here, gonna go check." Micha nodded and changed into some clothes, saying, "Have you decided if you are coming with me?" Steven nodded and while getting his black Cargo shorts on, replied, "I'm coming with you." Micha kissed him, and softly told him, "You won't regret it. I'll come with you to answer the door." Steven and Micha left his bedroom, walking to the living room. The door was being knocked on, and Steven ran over and unlocked it, telling whoever it was to come on in. Katie stepped in, and Steven greeted her with, "Hey Katie, what you doing here, I thought you were at the prom." Katie shook her head and looked at Micha with an open mouth. Steven looked at her and asked her why she wasn't at the prom. "You know those pics of me naked? They were shown in the slideshow. What's Micha Barton doing here?" Katie told him, while still looking at Micha. "She came down from LA to say she was sorry because my dad died. He was the exeutive producer." Micha greeted Katie and told her to sit down if she wanted. Katit asked why his bags were half packed, which he had done while Micha was taking a shower. "I-I-I'm going to LA with Micha to be in the OC with her. I guess this is goodbye." Katie started to cry and hugged him while saying, "You can't go! Please!" Steven hugged her back, and told her, "There's nothing here for me, so why do I stay when I can be a star?" Steven just looked at Katie, waiting for an answer...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Micha looked at Steven and then looked into his eyes, small tears shining. She said in a small voice, "Steven, will you come with me to LA? You've got a spot in the OC that we want to give you, and not some short time thing. Bryan Mckenzie had to quit playing Ryan so you would get the part of Ryan." Steven looked at her, and grasped her hand, telling her, "I don't know, my whole life is here, Katie, Imi, Shaun, Clover, Rob, Ryan, everyone. I like you, and the offer really sounds good, but I dunno if I can." She kissed him on the lips, and then, after breaking it, she asked, "Is there anything I can do to convince you?" Steven just looked at her, and slowly nodded, "You'd have to bring all my friends." Micha replied in a soft voice, "I don't know if I could do that, they'd have to get jobs to get money, and I don't know if I have the money." Steven told her while he put his right hand on the side of her face, "I like you a lot, may even love you, but I can't just up and leave my life." Micha nodded, then Steven continued, "Will you stay with me?" Micha didn't do or say anything, but then spoke up, "This is too much, lets just drop it until tommrow. Lets go now, to your house." Steven nodded and then headed for his car, getting in with Micha. They arrived at his house ten minutes later, and she stepped in the house, putting her bags down. She took her jacket off, then told Steven, "I'm going to take a shower, ok?" Steven nodded, then began to brood over her offer. [i]Maybe she can have the show here, its sunny, got a nice beach like where they film it, then again, I may just go. I'll leave, I think, no one's here for me. I'll tell them all tommrow.[/i] Micha stepped out of the shower, and said, "Can you show me your room?" Steven nodded, taking her to his room. She stepped in, and then told Steven "Come on, I'm not gonna kick you out of your own room. come lay down with me." Micha took her nightshirt off, throwing it into his clothes basket. Steven took his clothes off, and climbed into bed with her. Micha told him, "I'm sorry for your losses, let me make it up to you." [spoiler]Steven started to kiss Micha, getting on top of her. She kissed back, and then put her hand on his crotch. Steven played with her breasts, then pushed against her, slow at first, then harder and faster, until they climaxed. Steven kissed her neck, then her chest, then Micha's lips again. She ran her hands down his body, then got on top of him and pushed against him, until they were done.[/spoiler] She lay on his chest, falling asleep. Steven grabbed the covers and threw them over both of them.[/COLOR] OOC:You're all gonna have to stop him...
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Steven and Micha locked eyes, and he leaned in and kissed her on the lips. She returned the kiss and told him in a soft voice, "I think I really like you, Steven. Let's go somewhere else, away from all this commotion." She grabbed his hand and with a pearly white smile, grinned at him, dragging him into the Women's locker room. He sat besides her, and took her hand. He'd only known her for a day, but there was a connection. She began to talk, of things of LA and her life, and Steven listened to every word. When she was done, he started on his life, ending at his mother's death. He left out the makeout parts, and she just looked at him with an understanding look. She put her hand on his, and just looked at him. He smilied and said, "I miss mum and dad, but I can't be sad when I've got you to talk to." She kissed him for longer than a minute, then he broke the kiss. He whispered, "Let's go to my house after this. You can stay there until you wanna go back to LA." She nodded and said, "Ok, let's go now." Steven nodded, and told her while getting up, "I've got to say goodbye to everyone." She linked arms with him and they walked out and followed Katie to say goodbye.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [b]Name:[/b] Yunsung Ichiajori [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Side:[/b] Angel Knights [b]Apperarance:[/b] [URL=http://www.hongyunsung.com/gallery/Yunsung02.jpg]Here, only with a small gold earing in both of his ears.[/URL] They aren't the special earrings, just normal ones. [b]Bio:[/b] Yunsung was born into a large family, him being the youngest. He was shunned by his parents until his grades were the best out of the whole family, then he was the star kid all of a sudden. He enjoyed it for a while, but he soon grew tired of it, and decided to take up some sport. He settled on Jujistu and swordfighting, which was useful for the many people who try to attack him because of jelousy of his attention he gets. He's recently been hanging out with more girls than usual, because of the play he was in with them.[/COLOR][/SIZE] OOC:Tell me if you want me to change anything.
[COLOR=DarkRed]Steven wrapped his right arm around Micha's lower back, and his left in her right. Her skin was glowing in the soft light, her blue eyes looking into his. He smilied as the danced. She rested her head against his chest and they danced, unaware of all the staring eyes. The music changed, and he thought of Katie, Imi, and him as the new music played, I waltzed around you seven times Only to become A melody you never sang I’m not the one Oooh, oooh I’m not the one Oooh, oooh I’m not the one Clouds of thought you filter through Never to reason While patiently, your world still bleeds Who shall be your one? Oooh, oooh I’m not the one Oooh, oooh I’m not the one Oh Oh oh oh Oh oh oh Oh Oh Oh oh oh Oh oh oh Oh Oh (I waltzed around you) Oh oh oh (seven times) Oh oh oh (only to become) Oh Oh (a melody) Oh oh oh (you never sang) Oh oh oh (I’m not the one) Oh Oooh, oooh I’m not the one Oooh, oooh I’m not the one Oooh, oooh I’m not the one Oooh, oooh I’m not the one Not the one Not the one Steven closed his eyes and whispered, "Thank you, Micha." Her pearl white silk dress glinted in the soft light. He massaged her back and lost himself to the music.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I've beaten the new Gamecube game and had an idea. I've got an idea conserning the [spoiler]Hero's Father and Rahu III. You know how the Hero's dad is head of Z? I was thinking that I could make it so that he still lives, but in a different way. Basically, Rahu assimlated the Hero's Father, and gains the ablities of his father in robo battling, and can now take robo's and people's forms that he has killed.[/spoiler] You would start off with like a Ray 01, Splendor, Glory, Sol, basically any non illegal body. You can start with a three way gun, or a regular, a normal bomb, a normal pod and Stablizer legs. You start with 1000 Robo Credits, and there are different part shops. So, can you all give me your opinions?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Steven walked over to the guy's section in clothing while they were picking up their things. He was going to get some new pants, new shirts, and what better place to start then the Jingo shop. he walked in the door, and soon set his eyes on a nice black pair of baggy black cargo shorts with the Jingo crown on the back pocket. Grabbing it, a note fell out of the pocket. It read, [i]Dear Steven, This is Micha Barton from the OC. We've heard about what's been hapening in your life and we wanted to make you feel better, so we're going to come down and give you all a free meeting with us. I can be your Prom date too, ;)[/i] Steven almost dropped his letter in shock, he bought the shorts, and then some some blue cargo pants, and left the store. Heading over to the shirts, he grabbed two white t-shirts and two black long sleeved shirts with flame designs on the arms. Next stop, the tuxedo store. He walked out later with a stunning black suit and a smile. He asked if Katie and Imi needed a ride, but they said that they were fine. Steven walked into his house, and set the note down by his bed, and changed into some fresh clothes to go pick up Micha. He arrived at the airport ten minutes later, and the prom still had two hours until it started. She smilied at him as she got off the plane, and he told her while taking her hand, "You're beautiful, and thanks. I never even dreamed that I would meet you, much less go to the prom with you." She replied, "I'm really sorry about your parents. Do you know what you dad did?" Steven shook his head, and she talked to him while getting into his car, "He was the exutive producer of the show. He told us all these wonderful things about you, and it seems its true." They were even the same age. It was going to be wonderful. They arrived at prom, but Steven forgot his mask. They walked to the center of the stage and looked at everyone.[/COLOR]
But, I need to post it somewhere so I can get a link, and what bettere place than here so I can get some pointers. Most don't reply to my threads, though.
[COLOR=DarkRed]Steven and Katie walked along the busy mall, spying all the shops. Katie looked to her right, and saw a Mask Shop. Gripping Steven's hand, she told him whilst dragging him over there, "The theme this year is masks. Lets get one, C'mon." he stopped her and whispered, "Hey, shouldn't you get some more, err... womanly clothes? Tell ya what, we go buy them, and then I let you change in my car and then we come back to get the masks. She nodded and turned to the clothing store. Inside, lavish dresses and skirts lined the store. Steven felt his face, and then pulled a cap out of his pocket and put it on his head, past his cheeks. She looked at him, and told him while looking for some good things to wear, 'You don't have to be embarrased. Just walk and tell me what you are gonna do at the prom." Steven started, "Well, not anything but watch my friends. It sucks being single. Everyone, even Beck, is paried up. Oh well. I can't bring my toaster, can I?" He grinned and looked at her. She was stunning even in his clothes. She walked over to a Camo mini skirt and asked Steven, "Don't you think this would look good on me? I like it. What do you think?" Steven looked at the mini skirt, then her, and told her, "You'd look go in anything, but radiant in that. I think this purple tank top goes good with it." Steven told her while pointing to a purple tanktop. She looked at him in an awed face, and said in a soft voice, "Tell me, where did you get such a good fashion sense? I really like the Lava Lamp in your room, its neat. You should go with me more often. Could you grab it for me?" Steven nodded, reaching for it. They walked out ten minutes later, Katie ready to go. They traveled back to the Mask Shop, and entered the bizzare place. Steven looked around for one he liked, and settled on the Lion's Mane. He'd dye it so it was dark brown like his hair, and then returned to Katie's side. She was looking at different masks, and then pulled a cat one out. Steven just grinned and held his up.[/COLOR] OOC: Taryn couldn't post for reasons, so she told me to post this. Also, the prom will start tommrow.
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [b]Name:[/b] Steven Cargen [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]In Your Own Words:[/b] Well, my name's Steven Cargen, at the ripe age of Sixteen. I was admitted to this school for my physcal prowess and my lightning quick thinking. Its strangely comforatble here, even there is only one other boy that I know of. I'm the head of the Jujistu and Karate team, and the Swordfighting team. ([URL=http://www.hongyunsung.com/gallery/Yunsung02.jpg]Here is the right pic of me.[/URL] I'm roundhouse kicking and swinging my sword) I pratice fighting for three hours a day. I have a crush on Nicole, and keep people that want to hurt her, for whatever reason, away. Under my leadership, we've won the champion title every year since I joined the school three years ago. I've been here the longest, I don't know why some guys would wanna leave. [b]Student File #1589:[/b] Steven exibits a promise for being the best male subject we've had. His physcal ablities are throught he roof, and his mental are 1.5 higher than any boy we've had. He's still not close to the girls, though he may even surpass them. His power has shown one side effect, the prowess with the blade codenamed White Storm. His power is Necromancy, able to rase things from the dead. He has tapped into this only once to protect a fellow student, Nicole. We hope to see him rise to great things in his life.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Steven and Katie were in his car, driving up highway 666 (had to do that, lol) when a faint whisper caught his ears. [i]Tratior, you did it again... you betrayed my love to her... you'll go down with her.[/i] he shook his head, looked at Katie, then said, "How 'bout some music? I'll put some Red Hot Chili Peppers in." She nodded, then he grabbed his CD, Californiacation, and put it in the deck. Turning to track six, the title song came on. Psychic spies from China try to steal your minds elation Little girls from Sweden Dream of Silver Screen quotations And if you want these kinds of dreams Its Californiacation Its the edge of the world And all of western civilization The sun may rise in the east At least it settles in the final location Its understood that Hollyword Sells Californiacation Pay your surgeon very well To break the spell of aging Celebrity skin is this your chin or is that war your waging [i]Chorus:[/i] First born unicorn Hard core soft mourn Dream of Californiacation Dream of Californiacation Marry me girl be my fairy to the world be my very own consetllation A teenage bride with a baby inside getting high on information And buy me a star on the boulevard It's Califoriacation Space may be the final frontier but its made in a Hollywood basement Coban can you hear the spheres singing songs off station to station And Alderon's not far away It's Californiacation Born and raised by those who praise Control of population everyone's been there and I don't mean on vacation [i]Chorus[/i] Destruction leads to a very rough road but it also breeds creation And earthquakes are to a Girl's guitar They're just another good viabration And tidal waves couldn't save the world From Californiacation Pay your surgeon very well to breakt the spell of aging Sicker than the rest there is no test but this is wha your craving [i]Chorus[/i] Steven sang along with it, his voice matching perfectly with the vocalist's. He looked at Katie and said, "You don't feel mad at me, do ya?" She shook her head and replied, "Like you said, its a human emotion. I'm going to call the gang and have them meet us at the mall." Steven nodded and turned the music low. He needed some clothes too. He remebered the reason he was so unhappy, and told Katie with a tear in his face, "I've got no place to go. All my relatives are dead, and I don't wanna go to a foster home in some other town, much less state." She nodded and began to think of where he could go. Steven pulled into the mall, gave Katie two hundred dollars that he had been meaning to give to someone as a gift, and since his mum and dad weren't here, he placed it in her hands and said, "I think you should have this. I was going to give it to my mum and dad, but under the cirumstances, I'll let you have it. I'll go with you to the dress shop if needed. Anything for a friend." She smilied at him and they headed inside the mall.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1][i]A disk with a fine layer of dust is swept from an antique table, wood rotting and dimming from the passge of time. A gloved finger sweeps the disk of the dust and lays it in the DVD player. A screen says in bold letters,[/COLOR][/SIZE][/i][SIZE=3][CENTER][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] Nintendo Vs Sony: The Game To End All Games[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR] [i][COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1]A figure of small statue jumps out, overalls clean and shining, mustache full and black. His red cap with a big M on it. His round nose over his great mustache. His accented voice rings out,[/COLOR][/SIZE][/i][COLOR=Red] "Its-a me, Mario! Welcome to-a the Nentendo Vs Sony: The Game to-a End All games. Me and a Sony person will-a host this-a tourny. Ah, here he comes now. Eep, big sword..."[/COLOR][COLOR=Slategray][i][SIZE=1] A young man with spiky blonde hair appears from behind the red velvet curtain with a giant sword in his right hand slung across his sholders. His dark blue suit wrapped around his strong figure. His cold eyes survey the crowd, striking fear in some people's hearts. Walking till he was next to the Pumber, he stabbed his sword, Finrir into the polished wood, spraying chunks of wood everywhere. He spoke in a commanding voice.[/COLOR][/i][/SIZE][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] "Yes, welcome to Nintendo Vs Sony. The competors will be here after their first challenge, which we will see via satlite. Let the winners come forth, and try to keep their company in buissness."[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOr=DarkRed]Meanwhile, in a tropical forest, a jeep drove through the lush canopy with 13 competors in the hold. A man known as Mr. Game And Watch was driving, then he suddenly stopped, and threw them out. He gave two flags to two people, one to a man with short black hair and a black suit, the other to one with silver hair and a big sword. GAW stepped up and said to the group, "Alright, this will be your camp for the next twenty days. Nintendo characters are Tribe Itiawa, Sony is Tribe Keomko. Set up camp and then meet up at the moutain base tommrow. You must first collect food and shelter. This is a time when you must work together." And left in a hurry. The Nintendo characters and Sony spilt up and went their seperate ways. [/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=SeaGreen] Back at the stadium, Mario annouced that they would be staying in the forest for all of the tourny, and many things were thrown at him.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Alright, your first order of buissness is to elect a leader and set up camp. I hope this makes the game much funner, so we'll see. ~SephirothX[/COLOR]
This is one of the banners I have made, and its pretty good if I do say so myself. I'dm much apprecate some critiqte on it too.
[COLOR=DarkRed] Steven staley returned the hug and said, "You heard me at the hospital, right? I even recommended that you take Imi, so go ahead. I'm not gunna go to prom this year, I-I'll just stay home, cause there's no one there for me. I feel sorry that Emily wants you dead, and I'll do all in my power to not let it happen." A lump formed in his throat, and he pushed it down so Katie didn't notice. She looked at him with a sad kind of look and replied in a soft tone, "Please come, please. I like you and really want you to come. I just really like Imi now. " And gave him a short kiss on the cheek. The phone rang, and Steven picked it up. "Yugo residence, my dad or mum's not home, can I help you?" Steven said into the reciver. A gruff voice came across, with a hint of greif it in it's voice. "Steven, your mum and dad's dead. They were killed by some drug addict their money, then your mother was raped while she was still alive. I'm so-" but that was all Steven heard as he dropped the phone, and cried. Katie put the phone on the dialer box and asked Steven what the matter was. "My mum and dad were killed... why...I HATE MY GODDAMN LIFE! EVERYTHING BAD HAPPENS TO ME, DAMNIT! GOD, WHY CAN'T YOU EVEN LET MY PARENTS LIVE?! I HATE IT ALL! I HAVE FOUR THINGS I LOVE, NOW ONLY TWO ARE ALIVE, FOR SHITS SAKE! JUST GIVE ME A GODDAMN BREAK! MY FRIEND ALMOST DIED, THEN YOU KILL MY FLESH AND BLOOD?!" And he slumped down and sobbed, Katie put her arm around him and tried to comfort him. He pushed Katie away and grabbed the microwave, tossing it out the window. Steven slammed his fists against the counter, and picked a rolling block up and start smashing things. He was in such a rage, he didn't even notice the deep gashes from various kitchen utensils. Katie stopped him and said to him, "You should go take a shower, look at your cuts. I'll stay the night tonight to give you someone to talk too." He sniffed, nodded and headed to the bathroom. He tooks his shirt off and looked at himself.He was full of tan and scars alike. The blood seeped into the fabric of his clothes, staining them. Taking the rest of his clothes, he wondered why god had to do all these things to him and his friends. Turning on the hot water, he stepped in and didn't noitce the quiet entering of Katie. (OOC:S.A. said this is OK) [spoiler]She took her top off, placing it in his clothes, along with her pants. She entered the shower and Steven looked backwards only to see her stunning figure draw closer to him. Her wet lips met Steven's as he put his hands around her waist and kissed back, his tounge in her mouth. They broke the kiss and then started again, his hand drifting to her right breast. The blood from his forhead drifted away as he put his right hand on her head, his left on Katie's breast. She pushed against him, knocking him into the side of the shower whey he hugged her, and her arms lay wrapped around him. They lay on the side of the shower, for a while before he said, "I'm so sorry, Katie." As he stroked her hair, she said , "Don't be, I chose to come in here." They seprated and replaced their clothes.[/spoiler] He looked at Katie and with a soft voice, said, "Do you want my room? I can sleep in my parent's room." He waited for her to answer him.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Steven and Katie were still on the ground, and he gave her a kiss, and said in a caring tone, "I'm glad you're safe, Katie." Then got to his feet and helped Katie up. He hauled her to his car and got the Hydrogen Peroxide. He tended to her gashes that she got from the sticks and sharp rocks. His eyes watered over, thinking, [i]Jesus, I almost lost one of my best friends today. I hope she forgives for the kiss, I couldn't help it.[/i] Standing up, he got out some drinks he kept in a cooler and handed everyone a drink. Steven stood besides Katie and asked Beck, "How did you lift that log? I mean, you're not the strongest person, and I'm about twice as stong as you, and I couldn't even lift it." Beck looked at him with a slight smile and said, "In times of emegency, people can gain extra strength. What the hell was that thing?" Steven tossed eveyone a candy bar and said, "I dunno why I keep this stuff around, but I'm glad I did. As for that, I erm, think, it erm. was Emily's ghost..." And he took a long drink so he didn't have to say anymore. He looked at Katie and asked her through his facial expression, [i]Are you mad at me? And, what in the hell was the ghost doing here?[/i][/COLOR]
Art The Piro Revolution: DW Takes OB- Part 1
Engel replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkRed]*pulls Nightmare's Soul Edge Complete out and chops fish in half, then bows to Dragon Warrior* I had you fooled. I am truly for Dragon Warrior! HAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Give me a few and I'll change my banner... *is utterly brainwashed*[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Steven flashed awake, and ran after Imi, his keys jingling on his belt. He took a knife from his survival mutli tool, and as he ran down the hall, thought [i]I dunno if it will hurt Emily, but it's better than my fists alone...[/i] He swerved in the hall heading to the entrance of the hospital where a mist took the shape of a girl, her skin black, and her eyes molten red with hatred and the fires of the Eight Gate of Death. Beyond the Eight lay the ninth, the final gate of Deah, where all was calm and your fate decided. Steven remembered the conditions of the Gates and ran over them to see what powers she might of aquired. Gate One: The rush of the cold river of death yanks at your legs, pulling the flesh to the end of its bone with the earthreal chill. Lighted by a dim grey light, it is hard to see. In order to pass to the Second Gate without passing every gate and going to the Ninth, one must speak a Free Magic Verse which burns your soul. Gate Two: The waters chill farther, freezing your marrow. Light is so dim it seems nonexistant. Shall you spend to much time there, your soul will twist into a hidous form, devoid of all old persona. Gate Three: The light is extinguished, the river with the power of a gale with each pull. A whirlpool lays hidden the dephs, the Third Gate. Stay too long, you will become like that of the second gate, a monster devoid of all old persona. Gate Four: The River is calm, but as they say, calm before the storm. Within 15 seconds, a massive wave of fire and water somehow combined races for you. ready to tear your soul asunder. One stays too long, they become a Zombie, and return to the earthen plane to rip and eat the flesh of the many Living. Gate Five: All is calm in the Void, not any movement. Yet, shadows of forgotten souls peek from the darkness, ready to maul your spirit with their great claws and Magick Spells. Stay to long, you will become one of them... Gate Six: The roar of the river is increasted threefold of that in the Third. Water Monsters lay hidden, dull firey eyes gleaming softly in the grey water. One shall return to the plane of the living as a Demon, taking pleasure in drawing blood. Gate Seven: The Water is rushing around your ankles, tugging with unntaural force. Small fireballs are suspended above the Waters, and greater things than the ones from the Fifth lurk in the shadowing light. The Greater Dead, ones of Power And Necromancy. Gate Eight: The river becomes a flood, eating at your eyes with poisoned water and acids. Greater Dead reside here, the molten glow lighting your way, as if their eyes were candles in the dark... too late, you will never reach heaven, if mauled by any creature in any Gate. Steven shuddered as he clearly remebered all of the Lore he read on death. He ran to Imi's side, and tossed the Knife to the floor, saying to Imi and Emliy, "What are you doing? Emily, how did you survive the Eight Gate Of Death? You shouldn't be here. Lets go, Imi." Imi did not budge, so he persisted again and again, and he would do it until she came with him.[/COLOR] OOC:If anyone doesn't like the Gates of Death I described, I'll change it if I get enough complanits.
Alright, two things, 1) A few people need to exend their bios, Sephy07, Rei_Man, Junyi, and Alastor. Nate, cut one spell off of Sora and it'll be fine. 2)Once this is fixed, I'll start this tommrow. Thanks for joining, ~SephirothX
[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1] [b]Name:[/b] Yunsung Hwang [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Apperance:[/b][URL=http://www.viciojuegos.com/imagenes/juegos/402/sc2_yunsung_01_p.jpg]Yunsung, without the sword.[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Yunsung is sarcastic, with an arrogant but funny personality. When he beats someone at something, he looks at them, and says, "I'm much better looking than you." He's kind though, and laid back most of the time. He always seeks to surpass new goals. [b]Bio:[/b] Yunsung was a prodigy from the time he was six, showing much promise in both intelligence and physical prowess. He was admitted to a dojo at seven, which he was the best fighter by the time he was eleven. It didn't matter much in this technology fueled world. He had a computer that was farely up to speed, but he only used it to talk to people that he knew. After a fighting tournment, he laid his sword, White Storm, down at the door and checked his E-Mail. An E-mail sprang up, showing a message. After reading it, He decided to create Baal, his Virus Buster.[/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=Red][SIZE=1] [u]Virus Buster:[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Baal [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Apperance:[/b] [URL=http://www.blizzard.com/images/diablo2exp/monster-baalminion-concept.jpg]The sinster Baal[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Baal is just like Yunsung, except he is more serious. And, the thing he says when he wins a battle is, "Never fight me, because you've already lost, foo!" [b]Weapons:[/b] Dante's Inferno: A spurt of fire sprays the enemy for as long as Baal wants. Baal's Quicksilver: His strange armored skin produces a weapon that Baal wields with frightening prowess. Slicing Slashers: Baal's claws become blades and cut the enemy into shreds. [b]Abilites:[/b] Baal can make a Mini Virus Buster in the shape of a arm bladed sharp tooted mummy.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1] Azurel flew as fast as he could along with Sydney and Harukichi, and everything seemed to blur by. But as they sped onward to try and catch the demon that killed Daisetsu so long ago, Azurel caught sight of something far below on the ground. On the path, were three male demons that had just slit a young woman's throat, and one was raping her while she was gasping for air. The other two were laughing as her blood poured onto the dirt path she was lying on. Seeing this, Azurel was infuriated, and soared down and over to them. He heard Harukichi call out behind him. "Azurel, wait!" "No, go on without me, I'll meet up with you guys in a few!" he shouted out, and dropped downward to the three demons and the dead woman. Soul Calibur shone in the dimming darkness, casting all shadows away. The single dragon wing on the blade wrapped around his arm, making it so Azurel didn't have to hold it. It turned a firey red, like it was made of blood. It became a Gladius, or Roman sword. It was linked by a steel whip in the core of the blade, and with a swish of the blade, it became a bladed steel whip. another flick, it went back to the sword. The one raping the young woman saw the glowing whip-blade and charged a blast of thunder. With a quick flick of the blade, the now whip wrapped around the demon's neck. With a thought, the blade reverted to sword form, cutting the demon's fowl head off. The two others shot a blast of fire and a spire of earth, which resulted in a entrely new spell. They twisted in the air, then drilled a hole in the earth and made a motlen bolder rain down on Azurel's head. He dodged it and made the whip again, slashing across their throat, wrapping around. It cut their heads off, and went to Sword form. He made the dying demon's body cast a fireball spell on the young woman, cremating her. Azurel flew off, and met with Sydney and Harukichi.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
You use an internet provider which lets you set like how far you can go on the net? (like AOL's Parent Guardian) Just set the thing for strict restrictions, then you can't go to Otakuboards or something else. ( I think) then, you have no choice but to get back to work.
Well, I erm, well, this will seem weird, but I smash my moniter when I wanna do something online when I should be doing something else. j/k For real? I just pull the plug to the net, or whatever I'm doing, go to the fuse box, turn that circut off, put a padlock on the little door thing, then give the key to my bro or sis. Then I either read a book, or do what I'm supposed to do.