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Everything posted by Engel

  1. Engel


    I've beaten Story Mode, and I can tell you a few things. 1)The only minigame type thing is the really cool battle tower. 2) No rental pokes, you catch them with these "Snatch Balls". You can do one to four players if you have some GBA's and NGC+GBA link cables. you can also import the ones you can't catch in Ruby/Sapphire on to R/S.
  2. [COLOR=SeaGreen] As it dawned on Steven, he thought aloud, "Still stag... she's in love with Katie." And grabbed his friend's hand, saying, "I'll let you and your girlfriend be alone. I've known it since you were in the shower together. I nearly jumped into Satan's cavern from the bridge. If you want a ride to the party and still want me to go, then I will. Also, may I suggest something?" Imi looked at Steven with shock of how long he knew. She nodded, and Steven contiued. "Imi, don't take me to the prom, go with Katie. I'll understand. Y-you two are in love with each other, so go. I'll just do what I do every year, grab some punch, sit in the corner and think of stupid and insipid things like someone loving me." And he went to sit in the waiting room where brought his Gamecube in from his car and hooked it up, asking the little and same age kids if they wanted to play. Eric, one of Steven's friends from school, sat beside him and while grabbing a controller, told Steven, "Hey, don't feel bad. Imi is happy, so is Katie. Let's just kick each other's ass on Soul Calibur II." Steven nodded and turned on the power, going into versus mode.[/COLOR]
  3. Engel

    Wish (M)

    [COLOR=SeaGreen] Stepping out of his black Seedan, Steven pulled a pair of latex gloves out and put them on before entering the Library. He motioned to his team, saying to Chase, "Dust the door for fingerprints. Also, do the desk and books." And then walked over to the pool of blood. [i]Sweet jesus, what did this? Some sadiasitc goth freak? Maybe...[/i] His red hair wasn't close to the shade of his face, a deep red. He hated when these things happened. Walking over to a girl of the age of18, he put a hand on her sholder and asked as she stood in apperant horror, "Hey, its OK. But, I'm going to have to ask you a few questions. Did you see what happened?" "Y-y-yeah, she started to turn around, looking for something that wasn't there. Then, she just turned into a pool of blood. She's my sister." Steven looked at the blood, then gave the lady 30 dollars and said, "I want you to get a pedicure and Manicure, just try not to think of this. I know how you feel, my parents were ripped away. Go on." She thanked him, and she said back, "Do you want me to come back to the police station tommrow?" "Yes, we still have to ask some more questions." Chase turned back to him and told him with a semi happy voice, "I've got twenty partal's, and 10 whole. only 5 people have been in today, so there's a good chance it might be the killer."[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=SeaGreen]Steven climbed in his car that was in the forest and followed the ambulance. Katie was in the back with Imi, and Steven looked at them in a helpless manner, as if to say, [i]I don't hate you guys. I love you two to death. Let's hope it don't come to that.[/i] The hospital loomed in the starry night, light covering the grounds. It was St. Charles trauma hospital, where Imi would be taken care of. A song came on, another Collective Soul song. Why drink the water from my hand? Contagious as you think I am Just tilt my sun towards your domain. Your cup runneth over again. Don’t scream about Don’t think aloud Turn your head now baby Just spit me out Don’t worry about Don’t speak of doubt Tourn your head now baby Just spit me out Why follow me to higher ground? Lost as you swear I am. Don’t throw away your basic needs, Ambiance and vanity. December promice you have unto me December whispers of treachery December clouds are now covering me December songs no longer I sing Singing to the music, he forgot his worries, the stains on his life, everything. Steven stepped out of the Stingray and headed into the trauma center. The nurse that sat at the desk asked him what he was here for, and he replied in an agitated tone, "I'm here to see Imi Kagome. She's just been admitted." "Ok, Mr...?" "Steven Yugo." "What is your relation to the victim?" "I'm her boyfriend." "Ok, right this way. Katie says that she knows you, so go on." The nurse said, showing Steven Imi's room. She lay on the bed, unconcicus. Katie was right by her, stroking her hand softly. Steven stepped to Katie's side and put his hand on her sholder, his other on Imi's hand. "It's Ok, Katie. Imi will pull through, she's the strongest girl I know. We have to be strong too, and not let her down."[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=SeaGreen] Steven stood by Imi, shocked. [i]No, this can't happen.. I love her.[/i] He pulled the knife out slowly, and tore his shirt off, and put it against Imi's wound. Tears fell onto her chest, mingling with the blood. He looked Shaun, who was doing nothing. The rage built up in Steven, and he shouted, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, DUMBASS?! GRAB THE GODDAMN PHONE AND CALL 911!" Then, in a much softer voice while clutching Imi's hand, he whispered, "I live for you Imi, I love you... you were my first... don't go. You can't leave. I won't let it happen! I won't! Just grasp my hand and everthing will be fine." Steven said while wiping her forehead and pushing the hair out of her face. In a small voice, Imi said, "I don't wanna go either... stay with me, Steven..." Still clutching her hand, he looked at Katie with a helpless face, and asked her, "What am I going to do if Imi-if Imi dies? I can't take it. I love you too..."[/COLOR]
  6. OOC:[COLOR=Red] Warning: There will be some mature content in this post. I've put spoiler tags around them.[/COLOR][COLOR=SeaGreen] Steven climbed into the front seat of his car while Imi and Katie were dressing. He cussed himself out, and then started the car, getting out he saw no signs of Imi or Katie. Sighing, he lay on the hood of the car, gazing at the sky. It was beautiful, a mixture of passion and fierocity. Looking about, Steven saw Imi and Katie walking out from a patch of bushes covering the car. They were naked, cool breeze caressing their nude bodies. He looked at them, and asked, "Uh, what are you doing?" "We wanted to apologize." Katie said, advancing towards Steven. Steven's thoughts became a blur as they walked to the car. Steven, not knowing what to do, kissed Katie and Imi. [spoiler] Imi took his shirt off as they kissed, revealing his chest. Imi then undid his belt buckle, taking his pants and boxers off. She contiued to kiss him, putting her hand on his crotch. He put his hand on her hips, rocking her body. His crotch rubbed her lower body and then they stopped. He opened his eyes and looked at her. She was still on top of him, and she thrusted against him, finally laying on his chest. They lay there, listening to the radio.[/spoiler] Speaking in a soft voice, he said, "I don't know about going back to the party. Everyone thinks I'm dead, listen to the news bulletin." And the radio revealed that Steven was supposedly dead. Katie approached him, and put a hand on his lips.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=SeaGreen] His life flashed before him, both good and bad times. He closed his eyes and thought, [i]I'm coming Stacie, Emily... what?[/i] Steven heard the cries of Katie and Imi, and then, reached out into the air, and his hand found a bar jutting out of the side. Grasping it, he pulled himself up. [i]I can't leave now, but I do need to know some things.[/i] He pulled himself up to as high as he coulld, then screamed for Imi and Katie. "Oh God, don't let me die... I'm a stubborn jackass. I'm a fool. Forgive me... forgive me please god."[/COLOR] OOC:Ok, I think S.A. and Imi need to post, then we need to stear clear so some other people can post.
  8. [COLOR=SeaGreen] Steven clutched the necklace and climbed in his car. The music was still playing, the same song as before. It was a much requested one, so he wasn't suprised. He waved to Ryan and Rob before driving off. He was still weak from his breakdown, but he had to confront them. As he drove by the forest where the makeout spot was, he noticed Katie's Civic parked there. He seized his chance and drove into the forest. The windows were fogged, and a hand pressed against the back window. He crept forward, and looked in the windows. [i]Oh god, why... why do they hate me...[/i] Imi's head saw only a flash of Steven's face as he ran to his Stingray. Climbing in the car, he turned the music as far up as it would go. He drove to the cliff near the spot. Eyes shining, he stepped out, and walked to the edge of the cliff. Looking down, he jumped...[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][i]People are always coming up with new ways to kill each other. Grenades, flamethrowers, shotguns, tanks, are just a few of them. But whenever a new weapon emerges, it is soon used to kill its owner, or it is replaced by a better and stronger one. This is a story about the weapons man makes to protect, or take away, one of the things he cares about the most in life. His mortality. Sergei, an unusual man that always wears a mask that covers three-fourths of his face, found two very special weapons, or "Guardian Angels" after he joined the Black Seraphim gang. He gave one of these weapons to Irena, another gang member that he had met and fallen in love with. They both used these weapons to establish themselves as the new leaders of the gang, and to kill anyone who tried to stop them. But now that their job was done, the Guardians were rarely used. Until Irena and Sergei heard the story about there being a third Guardian Angel, and a piece to unite all three weapons. Now they are searching for the uniting piece, and the owner of the third weapon...[/i][/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] The cool air drifted through the open window on the second floor of Sergei's apartment. The cruel machines of factories polluted the once crisp breeze, making it a horrifying smog. Wafting into Sergei's home, the air was heavy. Sergei stepped out of the room into the kitchen. His girlfriend, Irena was still in the shower. He checked the weapons of his choice, for you never know when some people will strike. The phone rang once, Sergei didn't move. Twice, Sergei pressed the tracing button. Third time, he picked it up and said into the reciver, "Make it quick, This line could be tapped." "Ok boss, go to the old warehouse at the end of barkervine all-." And the phone when dead. Sergei's mask glinted in the dimming light, and he called out, "Irena, we gotta go. Hurry up." Then waited for her to step out.[/COLOR] OOC: Ok, everyone. S.A. told me to start this, so I did. You either do an independant goal not conserned with the old warehouse, besides you, ColourDeaf. You need to be there too.
  10. [COLOR=SeaGreen] He shuffled forward two steps, then stopped. A single tear formed and fell out of his eye. It hit the road with a silent splash. He spoke in a quaking voice, "You can't understand how I feel. You can take as much classes as you want, but you can never know how a person feels, unless you've had it happen to you. Do you know what I saw, Ryan?" Steven said, looking at the hot pavement. "No, what did you see, Steve?" She said, looking at him. He raised his head, face full of tears. "I-I saw... I saw Imi and Katie in the showers when you first found me. They-they kissed, and I can't go on withsaying what else they did. Knowing that everyone I like is dead or liking another girl. I like you, Ryan, just not in that way. It hurts so much." Steven repied. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out the pendant his mother gave him before she died. Clutching it, he quietly sobbed.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=SeaGreen] Steven was the first to arrive at the club. He ordered two beers, and drank them within 3 minutes. The scene played in his mind. He saw something that he couldn't forgive for. Imi and...Katie. He smacked his head against the steel bar and then drank two more before grabbing his keys and heading out, without waiting for the group.[i] Why, Imi? I-I can't understand. I can't talk to you now. I'm not even going to prom. Within a day, the two girls I've had a crush on for god knows how damn long, they like each other... Why, goddamnit, WHY?![/i] Crusing to god knows where, he pulled a cigarette out and lit it. He usually never smoked, but today was different. The tunes played loud, a Collective Soul song. The Sky now divides to bring you back into the fold Welcome home Still might need to recognize any comfort you might show only grows. [Chorus] Maybe god I found Maybe is all that I know now Maybe is all that you can offer now That was one of his favorite songs, or at least part of it. A news bulletin came on, so he listened carefully. "A young 16 year old girl has been killed in a car crash. Her name is Katie, no last name right now. All we know is that her friends call her Maddie. Stay tuned for more info." Steven pulled over, and looked over the railing of the road into a pit of spikes. [i]Why not? My life has no meaning...[/i][/COLOR]
  12. Engel

    Wish (M)

    [COLOR=SeaGreen] [b]OOC:[/b]Good idea for a RPG, Imi [b]Name:[/b] Steven Yugo [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://perso.wanadoo.fr/csi-miami/CSI%20MIAMI%20PHOTOS/horatio%20caine%202.jpg]Click it... NOW![/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Steven has become wise on in his years as a CSI detective, learning nothing is hardly how it seems. A good knowledge of self, he holds his head high, ready to take the next case on. He isn't a sunburnt, old forgetful guy, capable of solving any puzzle you put in front of him, wether it be a jigsaw, or murder. His extrodinary sight and mind are the reason he is such a good detective. [b]Bio:[/b] Steven was born to your average middle class family, his mother a Science teacher, his father a cop. From early on, he took an intrest in forensics and the such, learning great things from his mother and father about the process. However, this happiness wouldn't live for long, as his family was doing a neat experament with Dry Ice, when his mother and father were shot in a drive-by shooting. He couldn't understand what happened at that time, so he shook his mother's head and said, "Mommy, get up. You can't sleep no, we're doing an expereament!" When he got no response, he said in a quaking tone, "Mom...my?" And then, he knew she was dead. 25 years later, Steven was checking the scene of a murder. He had joined the city's CSI unit, and was on a new case. Checking the wound, he said, writing it down on a note pad, "Single impalement wound to the juggular, no signs of forced entry into the house. He pro- wait, what's this?" He flipped the body over, seeing a set of keys jammed into his spine. His latex gloves bloodly, he pulled out the keys and read the seral number. "F40KE39KF. Chase, run this through the local keysmith's records. He's bound to of been at one sooner or later, because you need keys to get away from the murder..." A voice rang through the hall, "Steven, there's a new case. Get started on it." And he left. Steven climbed in his black Seedan and soon arrived at the crime scene. [b]Wish:[/b] Steven wishes that no crime of his goes unsolved. [b]Gift:[/b] Foresight OOC: Hope it's good enough, Imi[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Ok, everyone, good sign ups. Right now, I'm handing over the last guardian to ColourDeaf, but if a newcomer shows a better sign up, then I'll hand the gun over. ColourDeaf, we will let you know what the third gun does. Thanks for joining! ~SephirothX[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=SeaGreen] Steven grabbed his clothes, threw them on, and decided to head to the local pool. Shaun would swing around there, so he'd go visit Imi and meet with Shaun. Unlocking the door to his Stingray, he picked up a load of sand and put it in Beck's pool. His face was sandy, but it was worth it. He crused over to where the pool was and got ready to shower. He took his clothes off, stuffing them in his bag. [i]Damn cold showers, why do I always get the cold one..[/i] He thought as he finished on his head. Throwing his clothes back on, he went to see if the girls were at the pool. No luck. He remembered leaving something near the Girl's Showers, his keys. Darting to the bench, he scooped them up, and thought, [i]Now, why did I leave them here? Oh well.[/i] But, little did he know, his already brittle heart was going to break. A flash of skin, and a hand told Steven something was up that he wasn't going to like. The water turned red, blood. it splashed on him from over the stalls, and he ripped the door open, only to see the worst thing he could...[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=SeaGreen] Steven got out of the room to let Katie keep some dignty. He thought better, and found Beck. He shoved her against the wall, kissed her, the shoved her to the floor. She was bleeding, but he just grabbed a fire poker and said in a voice wracked with anger and hate, "You damn bitch. She doesn't wanna make out in front of anyone. I can't wait to see you burn in hell. I like her damn it, and Imi. You can go to hell before I let you go any farther. This is a friendly warning." Then pitched the poker aside. He ran into Katie and stopped her, showing her that she didn't have to worry about Beck any time soon. "Ok, I'm going to get Imi. Thanks for leaving." And she headed out the door. Steven looked at Beck, then said, "She's got friends, not suckups." And headed out the door to get his keys.[/COLOR]
  16. Engel

    Loves Program

    [COLOR=SeaGreen]Once Kiyo was able to walk again, Steven kickfliped onto his Birdhouse Skateboard and 50-50 grinded the silver rail. He leaped off that rail, Tailgrabbed to the next one, do a very dangerous Rail Manual in which he swerved back and forth in the Manual style on the Rail. His hands behind his head, he let the warm air flow over him. Shaun looked dumbfounded as he watched Steven pull this off with ease. Kiyo grinned and hopped on the rail with her Roller blades. Steven, seeing Shaun's face, jumped of the rail, and said while backwards Manualing so he was facing Shaun and Kiyo, "Think that was good? I'm gunna do two Kickflip McTwists to pawn whatever you can do." And with a grin, hopped back on the rail, heading over to an empty pool right next to Julia and Naino's usual spot. He rolled back and forth to get some speed going, finally launching off the right edge and doing not two, but THREE Kickflip Mctwists. Leaping off his board in mid air, he then shoved it back under and did a Japan Air to finish it off. "I wonder where Julia and Naino are..." OOC:That was what the group did while heading to the pool just to give some more detail to it.[/COLOR]
  17. If I could make an animation, I'd show what REALLY happened in that scene with You and I...
  18. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] [b]Name:[/b] Sergei Rahul [b]Age:[/b]24 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Weapons:[/b] One of the Guardians, A SS38 Sniper Rifle, and an Uzi carbine pistol. [b]Des.:[/b] Standing 5'11, Sergei is very imposing. His cerulan blue hair that reaches back to his sholders is natural, never dyed. He wears crimson red pants with a red buissnes suit over a bulletproof vest. He wears a Neo style white trench coat that stiffens out at the bottom, with red claw like colors at his hips, along the sholders, and lining the bottom of the coat. His face is 3/4 the way covered in a strange organic-metal mask that has been with him from birth. Only his left eye can be seen, which is blue. He has only taken the mask off on two occastions. the mask is silver, with red claw marks under the right eye and on the left cheek. [b]Bio:[/b] Sergei was born with a disfigurment. The mask that covers his face, all but his piercing blue eye. The doctor almost dropped him in shock when he saw the blue hair and mask. Made fun of, Sergei was vengful from childhood. He eventually calmed down, learning to belive in his Karma, or what he is here to do. He was handsome besides that, and once he learned not to beat the **** out of anyone who messes with him, he was rather cheerful and had many friends. The two reasons he joined the Black Seraphim were, 1) His family had been hit by a rival gang, leaving all but his sister Maria dead. 2) Irena. He fell in love with her and couldn't leave her side. He is searching for the last Guardian and the missing piece to put an end to the Crimson Phoenixes, the gang that killed his family.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=SeaGreen] Steven sat down with a plate of white rice with soy sauce, Ramen noodles, and two barbacue chicken legs. Picking up the fork, he slowly at the meal while thinking, [i]Imi's very cute, I wonder if I should ask her to the prom. But if she says no, I'l look like a fool. Maybe I just need to stop thinking about it, and just damn ask.[/i] And then, getting up and setting his food down, he dove into the pool, and swam over to Imi. Working up the courage, he took a breath, and said, "Hey Imi, wanna gowiththepromwithme?" He felt the blood heating up into his cheeks, he had got it all mixed up. "I couldn't understand you, could ya say it again?" Imi replied, running her fingers through her short hair. Taking a deep breath again, Steven dove to the bottom, touched the floor, and came back up before saying, "Imi, do you want to go to the prom with me? I think I like you, but I've never felt like this too many times. Only when- when Emily was here and one time with Katie." He said, waiting for a response...[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=SeaGreen] I'd have to say... 1) Spammers: The ones who are like "Hey, wanna check out my webcam over at (insert link)? Its just me and some friends" They annoy me to hell. *mutters about the crap that AOL never gives out e-mail addresses* and the ones you see on Gamefaqs or even here about some crap on another webpage that doesn't even belong. GET A BRAIN! 2) People who can't spell on the net: I mean, the people who are too lazy and go, "hey pplz, can u check mi spellin? I dunno how to spell pplz so i jst sey pplz." or the ones who like to use 1337 speak too much, that they go in everyday messages, "H3y wh4t u d01n? 1m ju5t t41k1n9 t0 u." Don't you agree that's hard to read and annoying?[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=SeaGreen] [b]Name:[/b] Steven Yugo [b]Nickname:[/b]Dragoon [b]Age:[/b]13 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Species:[/b]Kimoto Dragon [b]Human:[/b] Abnormal tall at 5'9 for his age, he is of a medium build. His light brown hair is akin to his face, which is also rather tan. He has a large scar running from his left eye to his cheek. Steven wears a black longsleeved shirt with flames on the arms and a white T-shirt over it. Normally wearing white Cargo shorts, he sometimes trades them in for slightly baggy black cargo pants. Steven's shoes are plain white with a strip of black on the sides. [b]Animal:[/b] Unlike most Kimoto dragons, his scales are a medium blue, slowly changing to red as his scales go down his body. His eyes are deep purple, shifting to the normal greenish yellow when it turns night. Steven is 6'2 in Animal form. [b]War Form:[/b] When Steven is in War form, his dark skin turns to diamond hard scales, with the same pattern seen in his animal form. His fingernails become deadly claws, and his teeth are aprox. 2.3 inches with purple venom dripping from them at times. His eyes turn a crimson red, and his strength is greatly increased by threefold. The venom is a side effect of the two species meeting and the chemecal imbalance. [b]Personality:[/b] He is kind and always ready to help people. His demenor is cool at most times, but can sometimes be cold and ruthless. He isn't always the nicest man when angry or sad, you could say. When in beast form, his darker side is balanced with the knowledge that he is kind at times, so he is calm and steady. [b]Bio:[/b] Will finish later...[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=SeaGreen] As Steven was pulling up to the curb to park, he noticed Beck and Katie and her friends were talking heatedly. As he locked the doors, he noticed Katie blush and Beck with a triuphant look on her face. [i]Damn Beck, she's an ***. Always trying to put people down because she's so stupid and fake. I think she said something about Katie not having the ability to get a boyfriend, so I'll teach Beck something.[/i] He striped himself of all but his swimtrunks, and walked over to Beck. "Hey Beck." "What is it, no date? Come to beg for someone to go to the Prom?" "Hell no. I just wanted you know, Katie could get any guy she wanted. I'd go to the prom with her in a second, if she didn't have a date. Just because my first girlfriend died of West Nile doesn't give you the right to boss me around." And he left, tan body gleaming in the blazing sun of the midday. She scolwed at him, but he just waved and headed to the pool. He'd taken a shower before he left, so he didn't have to here. He loved the water, and was a proficent swimmer. He dove off into the 14 ft end, at the back of the property. It was huge, the inground pool. He touched bottom, then headed back up and broke the surface of the cool liquid. He waved to Katie and then pointed to the digruntled Beck before diving back down.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1] Steven was finishing his last period when he remembered the swim party. As everone grabbed their books and left, he thought to himself, [i]I'll go, but I'm not goin' to the prom with that snobby husk of a person. I and everone else knows why she throws these parties.[/i] Leaving the school, grabbed his keys from his pocket and unlocked the doors to his midnight blue Stingray. Climbing in the car, he looked over the memo his mother left and cursed. He needed to pick up food, as it was his turn. Making a U-turn when no one was looking, he headed to Meijer's. [i]Why do they need to make this place so big? I just need milk, eggs, cheese, gause pads and band-aids. Its not like I'm here to buy a gerbil or fish.[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 minutes later he walked out of the crowded store and into the hot air. It made his lungs work harder because of the humdity, but he had found the perfect spot. Steven dropped the stuff of at home, and headed over to Beck's swim party.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [COLOR=SeaGreen] Azurel couldn't sleep. His arm was aching and so was his head. Seeing Harukichi sleeping peacefully in an armchair, he took of his blanket and walked slowly over to her. Pushing a golden hair out of her face, he bent down and lightly kissed her on the cheek. She didn't stir, and Azurel headed back to his chair. He threw his blanket over her and went outside the cottage to get some air. [i]This is strange, this world. I've felt feelings I never have before, some good, some bad. I can't have any regrets, though, because if I regret something I've done, then I doubt myself. And If I doubt myself, who can I lean on? No one.[/i] And Azurel headed back in. He didn't retrive his blanket, as he was warm enough. It was hard to admit it, but he couldn't help it. He was blushing as he realized how much he liked her.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1][i] As you all know, Nintendo and Sony have been at each other's economical throats for as long as possible. Always close in technology, they are great rivals. Always competing to be the best, Sony first devloped Playstation with better graphics then the gameboy and SNES. That was soon followed by the N64, passing par on the graphics and games. Then, what could of been the turning point for Sony, the PS2. Nintendo was hard pressed to catch up, but released the GBA and Gamecube.[/i] Now, a program has been created to bring these characters to life. This was the first time Nintendo and Sony worked together, but it was for one purpose. To destroy the other's company and reign supreme. You are one of the characters destined to bring down the enemy. Will Nintendo's Mario rule with a gloved fist, or will Sony's PS mark spin a web of victory? [U]Sign Ups[/U] NOTE: You can't make up characters for systems. Not at all. Another thing, like if there is a mulit platform game, you may choose the character from there, but no one else can be that one for the other side. Name: Age: (if you don't know, just guess or I can google it for you) Game: What game you come from Side: Sony or Nintendo (If someone comes from Sony, they can't on Nintendo's side unless you PM me and have a good reason for them to) Appearance:A picture will do fine. If not, then good description. Weapons/Items: This is your arsenal. You can start with 4 different weapons, two handed still count as one. I'm kind, ain't I? As it goes on, you can find ways to get more things. Bio: What your character did in his/her games. ~~~ My Sign up: Name: Ghost Age: 32 Game: Enter The Matrix Side: Nintendo Apperance:[URL=http://www.devir.com.br/matrix/imgs/elenco_anthony.jpg]Click[/URL] Weapons: 2 Uzi Carbine pistols, one sword. Bio: Ghost was an essental part to the freedom of Zion. He inflitraed a post office with heavy security and retrived an important disk, then had to rescue one of his own from an Airport, taking on SWAT and an Agent. At the meeting place of Soren, Niobe, and Morpheus' Ships, they were found by SWAT and had to escape from them into th sewers. Being found by the Keymaker, they were transported to the Chateu where he battled Vampires and other things. He eventually found his way back to the Logos where they had to outrun setenials and a bomb. Thats all! I hope you all enjoy this and join! ~SephirothX[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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