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Everything posted by Engel

  1. Engel


    [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Name: Pious Agustius Age: 1,209 (The power of his dark god has turned him into a rather gross abberaton, and gave him eternal life.) Gender:Male Apperance: Pious is a rather gross guy. He has two bodies and one backside, and no heads. His skin is a dark green at the arms and legs, but brighter at the back and bodies. Another impossible thing, he has no organs. A gape in his left body shows a hole in his tough skin, showing nothing but bone. Now, after extensive traning, he can turn into a human form, and another form. Human: His skin is dark brown, his face has the pocketmarks of battle such as scars and burns. He wears silver centurion armor without the strange head dusting thing on the top. He stands 5'11 and 138 lbs. 2nd Demonform: His arms become wings of torn flesh, and hard as steel. His neck pops a head of nothing but rotten skull and wreched flesh. His body is easily punctured, so he folds his long wings around him. And his eyes glow green when he is angry or casting a spell. Personality: He is the kind of guy thats like, "O, gods, grant me power and I will serve you eternally. (then whispers:Suckers, I'm going to ditch these losers." So, he's a cold sadiastic bastard. His master's intensions differ from his.... Weapon: When in 2nd demonform, a sythe shoots out from his back and becomes his tail. When in human form, he has a gladius, or roman sword. In his true form, his magick and minions kill the enemy. Magick: He can summon Zombies that come in 3 fruty flavors:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Red: If any limbs are severed, they grow back, even his head. you must inflict a lot of damage to keep a limb off and take him down. Also takes more damage.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Blue: When killed, they explode in a fatal gas.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Lime] Green: When limbs are cut off, phantom enties take their place, inflicting severe insantiy.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed] Pious' second summon is a bonetheif, A praying mantis like creature with long sythes that dig into your neck and take you over... His last is a Horror, A three headed demon that shoots lightning and swatts at the opponents with massive claws. Occupation: Following his master's orders then doing them so they serve his purpose sometimes. Bio: Pious was once a Centurion in the Cezar's army, until he was beckoned by a low woman's voice in the desert wind, [i] "come to us... Pious.... come to us."[/i] And he found 5 pillars, then was struck by a magick spell, taking him to a strange room with 3 artifacts. He grabbed all of them, and then was stuck by lightning and became a Lich in their service. He narrowed his god down to one, Xel'lotah, the keeper of insanity. He works in her unholy name to rid the world of humans and bring hell to this land. But Pious has other plans....[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] Name: Micheal Edwards Alias: Gatekeeper Gender: Male Age: 23 Height: 5'11 Weight: 139 lb. Phys. Discription: Micheal wears casual clothes of white pants, A normal black shirt, and rubber shoes. His long golden hair doesn't cover his dim green eyes. Micheal 's muscles are thicky formed, buldging slightly from under his red tunic that covers his black shirt. Personality: Micheal is sly and cunning, able to make foes go mad with a single suggestion, often making them slip up. His somtimes cold nature leads his rather sadiastic power to new limits. Sligh of foot and hand, he is stealthy, but can beat the crap out of anyone who messes with him, if they get past what he sends. Pseudonatural Abilities: Micheal has a rare gift indeed. He can manupulate life and insanity its self, creating horrid creatures of the netherworld to do his bidding. He can make Zombies, which come in 3 fruty flavors: Red: Can regrow severed limbs and deal a lot of damage Blue: After rekilled, it explodes in a violent gas that kills anything but him near. Green: After the limbs have been severed, they grow back as phaom enities, causing severe insanity. His second summon is a Bonetheif, a praying mantis type creature that jumps down the throat of the one to possess, keeping the body and memories of the possessed. His other Summon is a Horror, a three headed mosntonisy, capable of shooting lightining and fierce claw swipes. C.O.O: America History: Micheal was raised in Boston, in a semi-normal envroment. He was made fun of because of his long blonde hair, but he didn't mind. One day, as he was walking home from the small schoolhouse in the far eastern corner of Boston, a corpse was sticking out of a small aclove in an ally. Prodding it with his finger, red energy lept out of his finger, and brought the dead man to life, his clothes shrinking off and his skin turning reddish. A head popped out from the neck, and spoke in a guttreal voice, "What is thy bidding, Gatekeeper?" After the red zombie said this, Micheal thought about it for a minute, then said, "Go scare the hell out of a girl named Amie Jewitt. Then come back." And the corpse shambled off. 10 minutes later, Amie was running down the ally, then stabbed into his arm with a stick she was carrying. She stabbed and stabbed, a gape in his arm. Enraged, the zombie sucked her face off, then flew into Micheal's wound, healing it halfway. 15 years later, he decided to join the Academy of Pseudonatural Sciences as an assassin and espionage.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] Zero was in the mech training room, honing his skills. A Falstaff Omega charged him, but he dashed to the side, firing his cannon and holding out his saber, cutting it in half, and blowing up the cockpit. That was the end, except that a new enemy Mech, one that he had never seen before appeared, 10 Falstaff Omega behind it. [i]This must be a glitch...[/i] But he dashed to the side to avoid any fire then shot at the midsections, where it was the weakest. Only two blew up, but it was better than nothing. The new one rushed him as he was pulling to a stop, and almost cut him in half with the saber on his arm, but Zero countered and blocked with one, hacking at his head with the other. It fell, blood spattered in the cockpit. [i]Sometimes its hard to remember this is a simulator.[/i] 8 were left, so Zero jumped into the air, holding his Mech's sabers out on his sides, cutting down four. The shot at his arm, blowing one off. With only one saber, he would have to use his cannon. He scored a critcal hit, blowing one up in one hit, but three still remained. He held his saber in his right arm, then threw it at one cockpit, killing the pilot. The last two were easy, he just spun as they shot, firing his gun at them until they were down. The simulation turned off, and he climbed out. One of his superiors greeted him with a complement, "Nice job, Zero. You're getting better every day. How many REAL mechs have you destroyed?" "Lets see, about 100-200 since last year." Zero replied, grinning as he walked alongside the other Mech pilot. It wasn't every day, or every month you got a complement from Scrios. "Good, you're becoming quite the soldier, Zero." And then, after that was said, Zero stepped in his rather large quarters. Another perk of being the last one to get recrutied on that day, and besides, it wasn't as big at Zeos' or Imi's quarters. Stepping into the shower, his long golden hair was gleaming from the last light of day coming in through the clear windows. Zero finished his shower, eating a small meal he prepared. It was a long day...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] Steven, seeing Shaun ask Courtney to dance, and Caresse being left alone, Steven started to advance, but a man in a green suit stopped him. "Hey kid, you wanna get messed up real bad? Ya know, get off that little drug called Mary Jane." "Sure, but what's in it for me? I know this ain't for free." "Oh, its better than free, You get paid for it. Wanna try?" "Sure, Sounds good. I need some more money than this gig life anyway." And with that, the man handed Steven an envolope, and said before walking off, "Just follow the directions and mail in the anwser." After the man was gone, Steven approached Caresse, asking the bartender for a Bud and then asking Caresse, "Wanna dance?"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1] Name: Zero Age: 25 Gender: Male Faction: Zeon Appearance: Zero has long golden hair, with bright green eyes. His bone struture is hard, but the buldge is most noticable in his sholders. His suit in the military is black and purple, which most others have taunted him for. Guess where they are. The black is on the the slacks, and the shirt. The purple is dark, and on the jacket, with a small outline of red. His normal clothes are a plain red shirt, white cargo pants, white shoes with a simple line design. Mech: Red Wolf. However, Zero has changed it's appearance so it looks like Zero from Megaman X without the hair. The color is still the same, though. And instead of on the arms of the Mech, the blades are two twin sabers that the mech uses like swords. Other Weapons: A medium sized enegry saber, and an arm mounted cannon. Position: Close Range Infantry Personality: Zero is warm and joking, but if you make fun of his suit, you may be pushing up dasies. His kind nature kind of goes against being in the mech corps, but he fights because the planet will be eraticated. He doesn't even try to talk to the supreme pilot, Zeos, because he doesn't want to get on his bad side. Bio: Zero is called Zero simply because he doesn't know anything about his past. Having no name, they called him Zero. Well, he knows one thing of his past, that there was so much blood... so much blood... Taken in at the age of 9 to the Mech corps, he quickly made enemies, and few friends. The reason he had so many enemies is because so many people had come in that day, they only had a black and purple suit, but he didn't complain. They made fun of him, but when the challanged them to a fight, 2 of them went to the hospial and 3 in the ground. He learned to adapt his street fighting ways and channel them into Jujitsu. Mostly trained at controlling the Red Wolf, and close range fighting, he was gifted with a Red Wolf that he could modify in any way but the color and engines. He made it look like one of the people from a human video game he had found in a wrecked frigate, Zero. It suited him perfectly, and he is one of the most deadly pilots in the entire world of Zeon.[/COLOR][/SIZE] EDIT: For anyone who doesn't know what Zero from MegamanX looks like, click [URL=http://megaman.retrofaction.com/art/pics/616.jpg]Here.[/URL]
  6. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] "Ok, fine. Go on, get up there." Steven said with a shrug, grabbing his mike. He ruffled his hair and climbed on the stage, ran over the lyrics in his head, then began. I've been waiting all day for ya babe So won't cha come and sit and talk to me And tell me how we're gonna be together always Hope you know that when it's late at night I Hold on to my pillow tight And think of how you promised me forever (I never thought that anyone) Could make me feel this way (Now that you're here boy all I want) Is just a chance to say [Chorus] Get Out, (leave) right now, It's the end of you and me It's too late (now) and I can't wait for you to be gone 'Cause I know about her (who) and I wonder (why) how I bought all the lies You said that you would treat me right but you was just a waste of time (waste of time) Tell me why you're looking so confused When I'm the one who didn't know the truth How could you ever be so cold To go behind my back and call my friend Boy you must have gone and bumped your head Because you left her number on your phone (So now after all is said and done) Maybe I'm the one to blame but (To think that you could be the one) Well it didn't work out that way [Chorus] I wanted you right here with me but I have no choice you've gotta leave Because my heart is breakin' With every word I'm sayin' I gave up everything I had On something that just wouldn't last But I refuse to cry No tears will fall from these Eyeee-eeee-eeees Ooooh, ooooh Get out [Chorus X3] Only focusing on his part, he finished, and just stood there, incase Courtney and Caresse wanted him to do more songs.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] Steven was wrapping up a gig at the Gateway, the last song coming up. No one knew it in his family, but he had started taking drugs. It happened about last week, his first joint. He got hooked. It was in between the songs, so Steven said he was going to get a drink. As he headed for his gig bag, he pulled a MJ out of his pocket, and grabbed his lighter. Lighting it, he just stood by the gig bag, for about 5 minutes until the joint was gone. [I] Damn, the high don't last long. Oh well. I might get some better $*** next time[/I] And he headed for the stage. Grabbing the mike, he went over the lyrics in his head. He started, I'm tired of being what you want me to be Feeling so faithless lost under the surface Don't know what you're expecting of me Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes (Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow) Every step that I take is another mistake to you (Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow) [Chorus] I've become so numb I can't feel you there I've become so tired so much more aware I'm becoming this all I want to do Is be more like me and be less like you Can't you see that you're smothering me Holding too tightly afraid to lose control Cause everything that you thought I would be Has fallen apart right in front of you (Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow) Every step that I take is another mistake to you (Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow) And every second I waste is more than I can take [Chorus] I've become so numb I can't feel you there I've become so tired so much more aware I'm becoming this all I want to do Is be more like me and be less like you And I know I may end up failing too But I know You were just like me with someone disappointed in you [Chorus] I've become so numb I can't feel you there I've become so tired so much more aware I'm becoming this all I want to do Is be more like me and be less like you [Chorus] I've become so numb I can't feel you there I'm tired of being what you want me to be I've become so numb I can't feel you there I'm tired of being what you want me to be As the crowd cheered, he went back and stuffed his things into the gig bag, the rest of the band following. They had earned a rather big amount, each got 200$, except Steven, who took 250. They all split up, and Steven went to go get some 'coke' and a pizza.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] Azurel lept into the air after Harukichi, grabbing the massive sword and heaving it into a holder he had found for a flamberge. He was still wondering if it was a good idea to say what he said, but he pushed that thought out and cought up to Harukichi. Azurel looked at the peaceful sky above before saying to Harukichi, "I'm sorry. That was stupid back there, I was being a dweeb. No one would ever love this shell of a soul, this unhuman blue tint to my skin, the pure white of my hair. You just gotta understand, I need some support, but you need some too. You seemed to take Diasetsu's death the hardest, and for saying that right after the fight, that was just me being an ass." He looked at Harukichi with a false smille, when his insides writhed. She seemed to notice, as she said back, "You don't look so good. Are you OK?" Harukichi said with a conserned look on her face. Azurel simply replied, "I know I don't look good, didn't I just say that? Anyway, 1, I'm squemish around girls, and 2, the stench is getting worse." And it was true, a massive pile of bodies were heaped in the center of the town square. A baby lay across the top, its milky white skin never to become a dark tan. As he watched this horrific sight, a crow flew down and started to pick at the baby's eyes. Filled with the anger of Diasetsu's death, his foolishness, and the unholy thought of a crow eating a baby, Azurel dove down and sliced the fowl bird in two, then four, then 8, 16, 32,.... After the bird was dead, Azurel found a torch and motioned for the other angels to come. He was going to cremate them, so they wouldn't be eaten by the fowl thing that prowl around still. After that was done, they took off to rid the kingdom of Vidia.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] This is my most hard worked on RPG, so I hope someone likes it... The world, once again, has been saved by the duo of Lan Hikari and his navi, Megaman.EXE... Peace at last? Let us hope so... For some time, the world was experiencing a sort of blind peace... But the officials, not to mention a select few antagonists believed otherwise. They saw the truth. WWW? Gospel? No. A nameless organization who had began to conquer smaller portions of the net, in the attempt to keep eyes off them. Unfortunately, their plans came to an abrupt halt when a heroic red navi cut down their plans. But was it over? Not by a long shot. Do villains ever give up? Instead of ceasing their plans, they began to think bigger. What were they to do? If Protoman could destroy entire populations of theirs once, surely he could do it again. So, instead of merely rebuilding, they invented a special sort of program. One that harnesses the data of previously defeated Navis, and uses said power to enhance the capabilities of their own Navis. An army of Fortes. If Protoman would attack again, they would be ready... "Sir... Scouts across the net have informed us that Protoman is sweeping back this way. Every virus that we send to stop him he destroys... What can we do?" A flash of red sliced through the darkness on a screen. Several viruses were destroyed at every swing of the blade. "Release our first experiment." "But sir-" "Do it." "... Yes sir..." Suddenly, Protoman stopped moving and just stood there in an apparent horror. A red wave travelled through the air and sliced through him. "Protoman deleted." The shadowy figure rose from his seat and began to walk away. "See to it that we get a copy of Protoman's data in order to enhance our first experiment further." The sound of a door sliding aside occured, and the man disappeared into the light. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, class dismissed! Don't forget to do your homework over the summer!" Lan walked out of the school with his hands cupped behind his head. The summer didn't seem as exciting as it did before. He knew what would happen. Unknown terror would come to try and take over the world. Hopefully something could brighten up his day... "Lan... We've got a new e-mail from Chaud. Open it?" "Sure. Always good to get mail." A video message began on the screen of Lan's PET. Chaud appeared, and he looked distressed. "Lan... Hopefully you get this message before you decide to go exploring the net... Protoman and I went exploring deeper into the net to investigate the strange happenings. When we got through to close to the Undernet, I found a virus navi... It took the image of a dark version of Protoman." A picture of the evil Protoman appeared, then disappeared into static on the screen. The message ended with that. "Megaman, let's hit the net! We'll collect the remnants of Protoman's data for rebooting." "Where's the rest of his data?" Megaman searched the area, finding only shattered pieces of data... Not enough, however. "They'll have to reconstruct the rest of his body... That's alright though. Mr. Perfect should have no trouble." Megaman collected the pieces and logged out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The blue navi collected the rest of the data." A grim smile spread across the shadowy face of the apparent leader. "I see... Well... Our plan is falling together. How are the upgrades coming?" "25% complete." "After installing the Get Ability program we extracted from Forte's data, it will be able to progress automatically... Possibly passed his limit." The smile broadened on the man's face. "Perfect." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Operator Name: Age: Appearance: Either a picture or a good discription Biograpy: Just a short telling of how they go to where they are and how they got their Net Navi. Navi Name: Appearance: See above Main Weapon: Like Megaman's buster, or Protoman's saber. No uber things please. Starting Chips: You can choose five chips, just don't get Z-Cannon off the bat. That's all! I hope you all like this... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Sign Up: Operator Name: Leon Stephon Age: 15 Gender:Male Appearance:[URL=http://www.ffinfinite.com/ff10/tidus.jpg]I know its Tidus, just go with it...[/URL] Bio: Leon grew up admiring the amazing technology of the world. He often used his father's PET to explore the net with his Navi, Quickman. He loved to bust viruses and soon got a programming device, called a Game Navi maker. Basically, it allows the user to make a Navi out of any video game character. As Leon often played the Megaman and Zero games, and Megaman was already with Lan, he decided to make Zero his Navi. They have a strong unbreakble bond with each other. Net Navi: Zero EXE. Appearance:[URL=http://megaman.retrofaction.com/art/pics/617.jpg]The Legendary Zero[/URL] Main Weapon: Z-saber Default Chips: Cannon, Bomb, 2xWreckers, V-gun. One more thing, If you want to control any characters already in Megaman NT, just PM me. Protoman will be fixed really soon after the beginning.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] Thanks for all of your advice. This has really helped me out. Thanks again![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. Oh ho ho! YES! This is spawing over 3 different games, Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness, and Ogre Battle 64 Metroid Prime: I had just beaten the game up to Omega Pirate on Hard Mode, and was going to fight Meta Ridley. I kicked his butt into the ground, only losing one energy tank. I get to MP, though, and I just pawned it. I didn't get hit ONCE, even on last form. I also got 100%, and was overjoyed... ED: I was on the Xel'lotah path, my third. I just got done with the Gatekeeper, and was going on to Pious. I ran up and smacked him with the Enchanted Gladius and then used the ghosts to hit the Artifact. Pious didn't hit me once either! I watched the secret ending, and laughed so hard when I realized I had beaten the game 3 times in one week. OB64: Not much to say, but I was the GOD of Ogre Battle. By the mission 30, My levels were 50-60, WITHOUT THE ITEM DUPE CHEAT. I beat Danika's butt back into the tree and got the High Chaos frame ending with Destin and Gilbert.
  12. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] Hello fellow OBers. Well, to get down to the point, there is this girl that I am good friends with, and we IM talk and sometimes even go to the movies or something. She and I don't really consider ourselfs boyfriend and girlfriend, but I really like her. We share intrests, like playing video games and watching anime, but, if she doesn't want to go out with me, will it spoil our friendship? So, what I am really saying, is that, should I ask her out, and if she says no, will we still be able to be friends?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] Name: Roy Menan Age: 17 Gender: Male Occupation: Dragoon Weapons: [URL=http://www.gungfu.com/pics_general/pics_swords/swords_fantasy_sword_of_darkness.jpg]Sword of Tiamat[/URL] : An exoitc Longsword made from the fang of the demonic dragon, Tiamat. [URL=http://www.templarhistory.com/ktsword.gif]Chaladholg[/URL] : A holy longsword, also know as the dragon slayer, as it has beheaded countless evil dragons. Personality: Roy is a quick minded young man. His fast tounge has slipped up several theifs, and a few assassins. Roy is sarcasitc and smug at most times. His cool voice puts those around him in a state of belief of any of his words. Appearance: [URL=http://img2.imagetown.net/21358399.jpg]Roy [/URL] History: Roy grew up in a small town on a contryside of a mountain. Several dragons terrorized the village from time to time, and so the Elders elected Roy to be the Dragoon. This area was in fact, famous for Dragoons and Dragoon armor. Learning the ways of the sword for 3 years, he soon slew the fowl beasts and left town. His ears cought word of a Divine Dragon, and as a token to his good deeds, he thought he would pay the Divine Dragon a visit. He was unable to get in, though. He was hired to keep any people with evil pupose out of the city and has stayed ever since.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] As the fleeing bastards ran, Azurel slowly drifted to the rainy rooftop of a nearby house. He was exausted, and very angry. Diasetsu was dead, and he couldn't even kill the murderer. He mentally beat himself up, for all of the things he couldn't fix anyway. Hate surged through his sword, and it transformed, Becoming a very heavy blade, one that requied two hands. The color stayed the same, as well as the runes, but instead of the middle being spilt, it was at the halfway point, coming midway, then making a crude arrow shape, but very jagged. A large silver and blue wing erupted from the hilt, just one. It was the new Soul Caliber, changing with the user's will. Getting up, he put the blade in his hands and flew over Harukichi. She was still, quiet. Silent tears came down her soft face like a stream of saddened diamonds. He put a hand on her sholder, and said with a gentle voice, "Its OK, Harukichi. I'm here. I won't leave, I swear. I-I-I love you to damn much." "What? You love... me?.... I don't get it, no one loves me...." "That's not true, Harukichi. I do. When I first layed eyes on you at the park, I couldn't get you out of my mind, and now, after all this time, I-I.... I can't stand to see you unhappy. Come on, we better get going."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] Well, I was born in a small town in Indiana, near Fort Wayne. Got good grades and stuff, before moving to FT.Wayne... but it was OK because all of my friends were there anyway. I don't have much of a story, but I like all rock besides Metal, my favorite is Linkin Park, my favorite food is Ramen Noodles or rice (With cheeze and soy sauce!) I love video games and reading. I make money by mowing lawns and shoveling sidewalks in the winter. I also babysit. I just feel a job at Mcdonalds or Burger King would be embarrasing.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] Cronos lifted his head off the now speeding away ambulance and gazed at the sky, the stars burning in a calm and beautiful inferno. His gloves slided onto his fingers once again, ready to fight. He spoke up, getting some money out of his car and then looking at Xion. "Xion, we shouldn't stay here, the Z-Murderer might of picked up Gado's scent or something. And we can't think on an empty stomach. I have,.... let me see... 60$ in american to spend on food, I might have to exchange it for Yen, though. 55$ is enough for 3 people at the Four Seasons right down the road from my house. If I need to, I can grab some more. We can't fight on an empty stomach either. There was something about those wounds, though." Cronos said with a sigh. "What was it? We need everything we can get from Gado's wounds. And, I think we can take our car." Xion spoke as he declined Cronos' offer to ride in his silver and yellow Diablo Lambirgini. "They stunk, the smell was atrocious. Maybe it was because I was up to his wounds the closest, but it didn't smell like just blood." Cronos responded, climbing into this car.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] Cronos lept into the air, feet spinning like a drill. The wood shattered, splintering into the ground. Brushing off his hands, he got to his feet, when a call came on his cellphone. Flipping it open, he saw the words, "Jenny&Xion" pressing the Talk button, he said into the reciver, Cronos: Hello? Xion? What is the matter? Xion: Cronos, The Z-murder got to Gado and Jeanne, Jeanne is with the Z-murderer, and Gado is almost dead, in my bathroom. Come down here, quick. Cronos: Jeanne is with the Z-Murderer? Shit! We have to save her! Cronos hung the phone up, grabbing his keys and heading to his car. The trip took 10 minutes, but it seemed like forever. Gado was in the bathroom, towels were bloodied, hell, everything was. Xion was waiting for the ambulance, and was in nothing but a bathrobe. Cronos pulled his gloves off, and checked for any helpful information from the wounds.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] As Yumil made no signs of putting up his weapon, as he was furious and scared at the Headmaster. H. Van stepped forward, and all of the other boys formed a circle around him. He spoke in an angry voice, trembling with every syllable. "ARE YOU INSANE?! YOU BROUGT GIRLS TO THIS SCHOOL! YOU SHOULDN'T DO THAT, INCASE YOU DIDN"T KNOW!" Headmaster Van roared. "SHUT UP, YOU GULTTONUS PIG! YOU CAN'T SEE THAT YOUR STUDENTS ARE DYING? Just listen to me, damn it!" Yumil roared back. With an awed face, the headmaster grabbed for his sword, then gave it to Yumil, and gave assorted weapons to the rest of the posse, I guess you could call it. "I know, but a Three headed purple and green lightning shooting monster is terrorizing the Labyritnth, and half of the school is dead. You may be able to stop it, so take these weapons to aid you." Van said with a sigh. "Thank you, Headmaster Van. Do you have any snake bite medicine? Wynne got bitten by a snake." Yumil then specifed the snake, still wary of the other guys. Van gulped and handed him a vial with a foul blue liquid, the top fissing in violent eruptions. Yumil thanked him yet again, put the fowl medicne on her leg, and proceeded through the damp opening shown by Van.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. OOC: You are great at making RPGs, S.A.[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Steven Redclif [B]Age:[/B]15 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.bloody-roar.com/img/chara/yugo/profile_yugo.jpg]Just ignore the text[/URL] [B]Talent:[/B] Steven is the lead singer of the band, 'Breaking the Habit' [B]Bio:[/B] Steven grew up as the normal kid, good grades, musical talent, honor roll. Ok, maybe not your typical kid, but still. He formed a band with a few of his friends, and they named it 'Breaking the Habit'. They were becoming local attractions at the Gateway Club, and had met Caresse, or as she was called, DJ Fixx. When a man offered Steven to make money by testing out drugs, he decided to take it, as he often wondered what being High was like.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] Yumil saw the boys rush at the girls, weapons drawn. Alerted, he pulled out his short sword, and the Marrionetts their 2 guns and knives. Yumil stepped forward, holding the blade out, and a boy with a flintlock pistol tried to shoot at Wynne. Yumil lept forward, and sunk the blade into his stomach, stopping him. Pulling out the blade, the others looked at him with an awed face, but an awful kind of awe... Yumil grabbed the pistol and gave it to Wynne, as she didn't have a weapon, then turned around to keep the boys away from her, along with the others.[/COLOR][/SIZE] OOC: I don't know if you want it to be you girls with the bad awed look, your choice.
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Oh, pityful humantiy. With our nieve 'superior' view of this universe. We view ourselfs as rulers, but we are merely caretakers, as when they return, we will be swept away like driftwood on the tide of destruction. We are coming to a possible end, the Darkness covering the world. 7 souls must save the world from Xel'lotath, Ulyaoth, and Chattur'gha. These souls are not prepared for heroic deeds, but they must be done by them anyway.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER]THE THREE ANCIENTS[/CENTER][SIZE=1] [COLOR=Red] Chattur'gha: The red Ancient, he represents the physical plane, brute strength and nothing else are his straigies.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green] Xel'lotath: The green Ancient, this one is unique. It is two minds, one sinister, other sequestering. She represents the plane of Sanity, which we all must draw from at times. She is tricky, and takes more Sanity than the other 2.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue] Ulyaoth: The blue Ancient, this represents the plain of Mind. A master straigist, he is smarter than the other 2. He takes more Magick than the others.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple] Mantorok: The purple Ancient, he represents Time. Time staunches all wounds, or opens them wider. Time is the master of life and death, the balance. A truly frighening Ancient, but then, which aren't?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Silver] Eghn'Xaen: The silver Ancient. She resides over all of the elements of the world, Fire, Ice, Earth, Wind, even Void. This new Ancient, she seeks to kill everthing.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER]THE STORY OF THIS ETERNAL DARKNESS[/CENTER][SIZE=1] This ED takes place shortly after ED1. If you want more story, go google Eternal Darkness, or go to Gamefaqs.com. Mantorok is plotting to kill the other Ancients, and then humantiy. A new Ancient is in the fray, Silver, Eghn'Xaen. The 7 Chosen must stop all 5 of the Ancients, and keep their sanity, if possible.[/SIZE] [CENTER]SIGN UPS[/CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] Name: No 'Eghan, Bringer of hell'. period. Age: as long as you aren't 1-11, you are fine. Gender:Easy, Male, or Female... Starting Weapon: Please don't give yourself an Enchanted Gladius or a shotgun. Just like a flintlock pistol, or a sword. Short Bio: No screenplays, please. Just tell how your character got into this mess. Appearance: A pic will do fine, if not, a good description. Ancient's Magick: The Ancient you draw from. You can have any Ancient. Thats all. If you want to play Alex, or any of the Ancients, PM me.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1] Trent walked over to his house to get Torchic and the last of his stuff. He was leaving for the Pokemon league, or the Aqua League. It was about a day's walk from Cottonwall City to Seaport, but he had a small motorbike that would get him there pretty soon. Trent walked into the building to say a few words and get going. As he headed for his room, his dad stopped him. "What is it, dad?" Trent inquired. "I figure that, well, you kinda don't have any money, so take this 3,000P with you. It may seem like a lot, but it isn't too much." Replied dad, handing Trent 3,000P. "Thanks, father." And with that, Trent grabbed his stuff and left. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trent let out a woop as the motorbike flew into the air, right off a small cliff. It hit with a thud, Torchic grolwing. The City should only be a mile or two ahead. A small foilage of trees were ahead, and Torchic burned them to a crisp. The city lay ahead, tall buildings gleaming in the harsh rays of sunlight. They headed for the Pokemon Center, decideding to rest up before they set out again.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [COLOR=Slategray][SIZE=1] Azurel helplessly watched Diasetsu die, his words choked out in bloodied gasps. Azurel gripped his sword, and flew straight for Imric, not caring how much he got hurt, as long as he had revenge. One of his friends had just been killed by this monster. Fueled with righous anger, he was anew. Azurel sped like a bullet, replaying the last words of Diasetsu in his mind.[I]"You all stay strong. You know I'm...not going to make it."[/I] With silent tears, Azurel sped to his friend's late rescue, or his own demise. Stabbing rapidly, he lunged at the fowl demon. Azurel's force was incredible, each hit as strong as a speeding car. It is amazing what anger can do. Throwing his blade at the demon's head. He jumped into the air, and kicked and punched at the demon, all with the presision of a master.[/COLOR][/SIZE] OOC: Goodby, Diasetsu.
  24. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1] Name: Cronos Orma Beast Form: 1: Penguin Hyper-Beast: Phoenix Gender: Male Age:19 Appearance:[URL=http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ngc/software/gbrj/chara01.jpg]Cronos[/URL] Fighting Style: Using masterful kicks and and a few punches, Cronos gets the job done with style. His nasty Dive-Kick combo is fatal. Special Move: Phoenix Flames- Cronos picks the enemy up, and slamms them into the wall/railing and jumps on their backs, riding them like a skate or surf board. Personality: Cronos is fancy and graceful, just like his fighting style. He is fierce when fighting, fine when not. The tests preformed on Cronos has left him with a dislike of any testing machine. Bio:People's cheer arises in a distance... Cronos' attention is drawn to the uproar, and he pauses to wear his gloves. When he raises his face, he sees himself in the standing mirror. Looking back the days, he thinks he has used to this uniform....though he did not like wearing it at all a few years ago. It is a foreign-made cloth that he had not seen, which is equipped with sensors in parts of arms and legs for the measurement. When he wears this, he feels as if he becomes a certain laboratory animal....His father says this is for a research that will be beneficial for Cronos and other Zoanthropes, but he doesn't know more than that. ......No, I haven't been aware of anything.... "I don't even know the true reason why my mother and friend, Jane died when I was a child. I heard that there was a war....for what? Why was my mother killed? Maybe, a catastrophe? Probably a calamity they do not want to tell me about happened...." This country has been founded for the sake of "peaceful life of Zoanthropes," but I think something has been changing. I feel something has been taking place. When I know all about it....Cronos considers... does it conclude the incident.... or does it start an incident? Honestly, it is fearful to find out the truth....but I must know it....for sure. So, I stake myself so that the whole thing will be disclosed to me, if I win this tournament. "Prince Cronos! It is time..." "Yes, I know. I am coming...." Finally, time has come for the tournament...... After being defeated by Yugo, and the experaments have come to the end, he has taken up residence in a large and wonderful mansion in Tokyo. His recent hearing of the killings of Zoanthropes has alerted him, and his once peaceful envroment may be quite the oppisite.[/COLOR][/SIZE] OOC: Good enough, ULX?
  25. [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1] Name: Trent Getz Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance:[URL=http://www.pojo.com/videogames/rubysapphire/characters/trainer.jpg]Click![/URL] Pokemon: Torchic. (I thought you ment no Hoenn pokes!) Personality: Trent is talkitve and friendly. A bit of a hardhead, he gets over that when someone asks for his help. Doesn't mind random battles and loves to fight. He judges rarely, and even when he does, he doesn't listen to his judgement. Bio: Trent grew up in Cottonwall city. He had a love for fire Pokemon, the polar oppsite of Water. Most people said that he would never get his first badge, so he is on a mission to prove them wrong. He only catches Fire, Rock, and Steel pokemon. Will sometimes try for a Psychic. The sudden appearance of the Pokemon league, or the Aqua League, has reared his sprits up for winning his first badge again after the first league was won by Seth. Trent is a great trainer, but by the time he got Torchic, the league was over.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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