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Everything posted by Engel

  1. "A group of Traniers that have seen or been attacked by Pokemon are having a meeting at Lavender Town." Xion's radio squaked. He motioned for Rayquaza to come and he jumped on his back. His father had been behind it, he was sure.He grabbed his pokeballs and Pokegear and started to fly when he noticed he had forgot his money. Cursing at his luck, he had no choice but to go back. As he retrived it, he felt a strange aura in the air. "Go, Arcanine! Rayquaza!" Xion yelled. A member of Rocket was following him. He got one look at Xion's pokemon, and nearly wet himself. Running off in terror, Xion scoffed and climbed back on Rayquaza. He made it to the Pokecenter in Lavender town and then found the building where the meeting was. He slid the door back open and gazed at the crowd. Half of them jumped back in fear, the other half getting their pokemon ready to fight. "Calm down, listen. I AM Giovanni's son, but I revolted and stole my friends, Arcanine and Rayquaza back. I ain't here to hurt anyone." he said, backing away from the door. The mounted tension faded and he sat down.
  2. Name: Xion Age:16 Appearance:[img]http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~cs7t-ftm/www2/www3/www4/ff7-sephiroth.jpg[/img] Personality: He always has to be leader. He is smart, loves legendaries, a bit arrogant. Bio: Xion is the son of Giovanni. He was involved in Team Rockets' affars from an early age. When the Shadow Pokemon technology came about, he was promoted to Admin at 14. His pokemon were shadowized and he became resentful of his father for doing what he did. In an open act of revolt, he joined the guys trying to free the shadow pokemon.He snuck in and stole his pokemon back and opened the door to their heart again. He also stole the Legendary Rayquaza that was being abused by his uncle. Rayquaza and him have become unseprable. Pokemon You Start With: Arcanine, Rayquaza Pokemon You Catch: Ninetales, Salamence,Flygon,Blazkein Side: Good guys.
  3. OB Character Name/Codename: SephirothX/Distroyer of Dreams Age: 20 Gender:Male Appearance:Avatar Personality:Arrogant, doesn't really give a care what he has to do to get his goal done. Won't listen to anybody,will fix his errors. History: Just arriving not long ago, SephirothX only walked a few of the wonderus boards at Otakuboards. As he looked around in wonder at all of the RPs going on, and at the skill of the writers, he tried to think of the way to present himself. Deciding to just look at some of the RPs, he was instantly drawn to this certan one. Amazed at the brilllant thought, he decied to join up. Movie Morph: Sephiroth Movie Morph Character Name: Sephiroth Movies: FFVII:Advent Childern Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://www.ffgurus.net/ff7/characters/sephiroth.jpg[/img] Powers: Can use magic and is great at fightning Annoying Quirk:Sometimes he tries to kill squirrls Stereotype: Hero Turned Villan Turned Hero Personality: Just like my personality.
  4. Name:Sephiroth Age: 24 Element:Thunder and Lightning Gender:Male Nationality: Japan Powers: Horran-Nou-Daun: Imbues the weapon with the power to cut through anything and heals user through holy lighning. Can start Thunderstorms and teleport to anywhere he has been before. Foraging skills have also been highened. Weapons: Masumune: A great blade forged by the god of Thunder and Lightning. Honed to lethal sharpness, and as long as the longes tree branch, it is perfect for Sephiroth. After he met Sethos, he found this blade at his dwelling. A small note was by it, reading only, [I]Use the Thunder well, or be consumed by it.[/I] [i] Dokuni:[/I]A blade made by Sephiroth in his early mersanary days. Not much is known about how he made it, but everyone in Hell knows enough about it to fear it. Discripsion:[img]http://www.ffgurus.net/ff7/characters/sephiroth.jpg[/img] Biography: Sephiroth was an orphan from the start. He was put in a foster home and later moved to an abusive home of achoholics. In anger at the beating he took, he lashed out at his "family" and put them in the hospital. A wandering Sensi found him and took him in out of the rain. He quelled the young man's anger and tought him the way of the Samuri, or "Warrior". He still harbored his raging anger for his fake family, though. One day soon after he had started out on his own, Sethos found him in a tounament that he had just won. He showed the error of his ways, and then revaled his fake family, the whole family, had been recuited into En-Sabur-Nu's army. He trusted this entity and allgned with Sethos and the other gods to end the evil powers' grip on the dead.
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange] Sephiroth is my personal favorite.The Masumune is the ultimate blade in his hands. Plus, just look at him. He is the defintion of coolness in my opinon.][/COLOR]
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